Avatar of SporkoBug


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3 days ago
Current If I invented a time machine, I wouldn't tell anyone. But you'd know because there'd be dinosaurs back on Earth.
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3 days ago
Oh fun, it's Covid. Fuck me.
4 days ago
I hate this, the day before I get dental work I get hit with either a horrible cold OR Covid, so I had to move it to next week. Auuugh
6 days ago
Getting dental work in 2 days, may be out of it for a little bit >>;;
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2 mos ago
Hubs figured out why I like Sassy Robotic Companions and It just happens to be because of Portal. GLaDos and Wheatley my beloveds.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

I would think that she couldnt really get contacted through the lab phone unless it was someone from the government; so you'd have to be someone of importance/relevence in terms of the government.
And I'd feel like her room is confidential; if thats okay with you?
Hes the company director, checking in to see how the projects going so far. Depending on if lyre mentions about tyssa being out or not he'll try to make an appointment to see her.
Ray frowned at the sight of the staff, luckily for her no one went to speak to her. She never really knew her schedule anymore, no one had the guts to give it to her; too many employees had heard the bad stories.
She looked to Benjamin as he mentioned it went well. "Yeah." She said with a nod, "Surprised that they didn't even look at me." She commented before she glanced to the spirits behind her.
Dia and Ari weren't too far behind, both of them still talking to each other but she couldn't make it out what they were saying.

Sara looked to Marc as he spoke to her, her mind was focused on those two leaving before she was brought back to reality.
"Oh. Uh." She started before she gave a small nod, "Yeah that... That'd work." She said with a small smile, "Sorry, I've... Never been out like this before."
Charcoal nodded at Mabel's words, breathing in to ready a small flamethrower. The Hounchkrow caught a glimpse of them before he let out a loud caw, moving to dive down into the tree tops.
Charcoal's eyes only narrowed angrily, the flame he was holding grew stronger, his body also heated up and his scales started to glisten before a whine sheen flooded over his body. Charcoal was evolving, his need to protect Ixia was overpowering and he needed to get back at this Hounchkrow.
After the loud caw echoed around, several pairs of eyes looked out of the shadows as the Murkrow population suddenly hopped into the sunlight as they watched the two non-avians.

Gavin glanced back to Mindy as she walked over. He smiled happily, "yeah of course!" He said before he looked down to Fez. "What do you think buddy?"
"Come on! I'm getting bored!" Fez complained with a small smile. He wasn't really bored, he just wanted to see Gavin interact with Mindy more.

Niccia followed after Michael with a small smile, "So, what Typing is the gym?" She asked with a tilt of her head, realizing she hadn't mentioned it yet.
Sparky bounced around Bear and jumped up to pap her paws gently against the Primapes fists, laughing as she did so. "Hah! Yah! Hywaah!"
Soul watched the Absol quietly before he turned his attention to Niccia before looking back into the forest. His Brother was around here, why was he here...?

"If we come across something, I'll be sure to show you!" Varina said to Kim with a small smile, settling down a little bit more in Andy's grasp. She enjoyed this. She liked being safe like this, travelling for the same of travelling, not just travelling because Darkrai told her to.

"Are you sure the book is here ma'am?" The Delibird looked to the tall woman, she nodded once.
"Yes Mitch." She started smoothly, "I have word that the book we're looking for is here." She paced down the shelves of the Library quietly.
Vex looked at Mako's handcuffs and furrowed her brow. "I don't like it. But okay." She said, lifting her arms up slightly.
Her eyes drifted over to the two Hunters again, both of them still hadn't noticed them; one had a long coat that seemed to be freshly cindered from some sort of fire- The other had what looked to be like blood on his boots. Both of them seemed to be chattering to each other about something, not taking any precaution when it came to the surrounding people.
Steph pulled her attention away from the car window to face Benjamin. She listened to his words before glancing away again. She wanted to say no, something told her to say no, but she nodded in reply.
"Yeah." She started, "That sounds like a good idea. Only if you want to though. Don't just go out of your way for a demon like me." Her tone sounded defeated, she didn't look Benjamin in the eyes at this point.

Duncan's tone changed slightly as he continued what seemed like a one sided conversation for the moment, he seemed frustrated or annoyed.
Harriet moved her hand up against Duncan's with a small smile, mumbling something softly to him and watched as his frown turned into a bit of a smirk.
"Don't." Duncan said finally in English, "Don't do that."
Harriet giggled softly before she glanced back to Benjamin with a small smile. "You doin' okay?" She asked with a tilt of her head.
Drake froze up as Iris mentioned about breeding a Vampire and Werebeast together before he gave a chuckle, "Yeah, probably some sort of war between our kind. Get us to kill each other off and then the Hunters can take down the stragglers." He said with a small nod, furrowing his brow move before he looked back at her as she mentioned family.

He frowned a bit more before he realised they didn't really introduce themselves.
"Where are my manners..." He started before he stepped towards iris and offered his hand. "My name is Drake, I suppose we're stuck working together for a bit." He said with a small smile, "We'll be stronger if we work together."
"I'm sorry that you've potentially lost your brother." He said with a bow of his head.
Nessa gave a small grumble as Ra ran around her, she moved her hand out to try and pat him before Sev grabbed her arm. She blinked slowly before she realized what was happening. She sprang up to her feet and scrambled to get herself back to reality.
She felt the heat slowly fade from her body and her colours slowly returned back to normal before she looked to Sev. "Are you okay? Everything's okay right?" She almost babbled, moving to grab her bag as Ra followed after her quickly. "I'm okay Ra. Mamma's fine." Ra gave a whistle before he looked to Sev with a grin, he looked back to Nessa with a sway of his tail, "I helped Sev! I used a scout bot as a weapon!" Ra said as he bounced around, Nessa blinking and looking down at Ra for a moment before she looked to Sev.
Nessa's eyes locked onto the scoutbot on Sev's belt before she looked at the Ship, moving towards it with a bit of a limp. She knew the battle with Feya wasn't over anytime soon- she had a feeling she would be back, and that's not what she wanted anytime soon.

Feya slammed into the roof of a foodcart, denting it with the impact of her fall. She let out a grumble as she slowly came to and sat up with a whine. She glanced at the streetwalkers stopping to look at her, obviously they hadn't seen a creature like her before.
"What the fuck are you looking at." She hissed before she slipped off the foodcart and sneered at the human owner who moved to yell at her. The owner backed down before Feya looked to the sky and stood in the rain for a moment, feeling the water trickle over her body and over the bruised areas from Nessa's attacks.
[color=54C571 ]"Water... Good."[/color] She uttered out loud before she stepped forward and leaped up towards the top of the nearest building, thinking to head it back to the ship depo to find Six and see how everything went.
Drake let the Vampire and his friend go forward, he kept his pace so he wasn't too far behind at any point. His mind wandering towards Zyriff and his interference in everything.
He felt his blood bubble at the thought of the man before he settled himself, looking up towards the two ahead of him.

Calm yourself Drake. He thought to himself, The Elder's chose you for a reason. The Spirits pushed you forwards.. He shuddered slightly before he stopped short of the other two. His eyes slowly settled on Alister, looking away when Alister looked at him. He gave a small nod. "Yeah." He said coldly, "Let's go."
Andrew gave a small sigh.
"No I get it." he said with a frown, "I love Iye, but... She wouldn't let me have my freedom if she knew I was still hanging around with Drake. She likes Rebecca and her brother; but Drake is where she draws the line."

He sighed slightly and gripped the bridge of his nose before he breathed in slowly.
"She only let me away the first time because Rebecca contacted her specifically to allow me out." Andrew said before he made a small mumble. "I've been planning to tell her that Drake isn't.. actually bad, but every time I bring Drake up she gets all angry."
Oooh nice! Forward planning is always good uwu
I'm thinking of people from Nessa's past to bring up, good and bad ahah.

Feya will pop back up eventually, the councilwoman is pretty stubborn on getting revenge on her brother- Especially on the woman who stole him from her and caused his death(According to her)
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