Avatar of SporkoBug


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3 days ago
Current If I invented a time machine, I wouldn't tell anyone. But you'd know because there'd be dinosaurs back on Earth.
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3 days ago
Oh fun, it's Covid. Fuck me.
4 days ago
I hate this, the day before I get dental work I get hit with either a horrible cold OR Covid, so I had to move it to next week. Auuugh
6 days ago
Getting dental work in 2 days, may be out of it for a little bit >>;;
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2 mos ago
Hubs figured out why I like Sassy Robotic Companions and It just happens to be because of Portal. GLaDos and Wheatley my beloveds.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Drake was still breathing, it was shallow, but it was there. Drake didn't seem to be responding soon.
A loud squawk echoed from the room behind them, before the sound of footsteps echoed from behind him.
"I got the bastard." A Males voice echoed from behind Alister, before a small 'Hmph" Echoed through the silence. "It's you again. Why is it when Drake get's injured it\s with you?"

It was Zyriff, and his left hand gripped the wings of a wriggling large Raven.
"Nevermind that question." He said, "I got the winged bastard."

Andrew barely had time to react, being slammed into the water. He slowly sunk, slowly remembering he couldn't swim. He struggled against the water, which seemed to be pulling him down faster than he could push against it.

Jay flinched when his two new friends slammed into the water, slowly popping his head out of the water, but kept low that he wouldn't be noticed straight away. He looked for where the bullets came from, pulling his energy into his body and the water around him.

Andrew noticed Jay while under water, blinking at his changes, his legs were slightly frilled and he suddenly had a tail.
A Siren! He thought, A Siren! Oh my god!
Jay's magic picked up the trace of someone else in the house, the Gem instinctively spinning. His fear settled as he recognized the signature. The candles had flickered violently while he was afraid, but they started to settle now.
Jay slowly opened his eyes, the crystal floating in the lightly lit room. He took everything in, he smiled slightly, moving to shift towards it, ruining the candle line up before the magic suddenly dropped.

The Candles all suddenly went out, the Crystal in the air dropping suddenly and clinking on the floor.
"Damn it." He started, moving to stand up properly before pocketing the crystal. He started to head out to the kitchen. He jumped at the sight of Rex, as Jay had shifted into his pj's, which were normal pajama bottoms and a worn tank top.

Vex moved along quickly, she felt her body ache. The Hunters' stopped her from feeding in hopes of weakening the Vampire Urges. She was incredibly lucky for her Fae blood for lengthening her ability to fast...
She had to find a drink... And quickly.

She knew of New Auburn City, the Safehaven for Vampires; The Hunters had been talking of storming it but nothing ever came from it. They left the city alone at least, which Vex was happy for.
She shook herself as she knew she'd have to travel a far way to get there; she feared for her sanity and hated the idea of becoming Feral... Or worse, coming across a Full-Blooded Vampire.
Kela bowed her head quietly as she left the Elf woman and her Dragon. She made her way through the halls, sending a mental message towards Ram before she headed down a secret hallway to a stairway, climbing down it.
Kela stepped into the room beneath everything else, she glanced around the darkness before she lifted her hands up, lighting the room with magical fire. "Are you okay?" She asked the large dragon in the shadows.

The large dragon lifted his head slightly, his scales worn but still shiny, glistening in the light. He let out a small mumble before he moved to settle down again.
"I'm fine. Damien is back, things are settling again..." The Old Dragon said quietly, "I know you worry for him, he's young... Dumb..."
"Brash, Hot-headed, Stubborn." Kela listed before she rolled her eyes, "Yeah, I know."

Orian stepped into Damien's room, moving to push his Rider off his saddle onto his bed before he turned to Ram, who watched from the hallway.
Damien let out a grunt as he was slammed into his bed.
"Okay... I deserved that." He started before he looked lazily over to Ram, "Can we look at this in the morning. Thanks." He said before he dropped his head back again.
Harriet watched the skies for a moment before she looked back down to Mike and Ethan.
"I mean.... Please don't just back down in terms of that." She started, a small frown on her lips. "Ben has had... An eventful day by the sounds of things, he's probably just a little over stimulated." She looked over to Harriet and Benjamin, "I'm sure everything will go well." She gave a gentle smile to Mike, "Just ask to talk to him later, I'm sure once everything has settled down you can have a good talk."

The agent looked at their phone and started to send the files through to Mr. Johnson's computer before they glanced back up to Gaia above them.
Right. I can test something... They thought before they moved to turn on another frequency.
Gaia's ears flicked up before suddenly dropping as she let out a low grumble, shaking her head as she slowly backed off the spot she stood at.
She moved and slammed herself into the nearest tree with a loud grumble.
"I did it." The figure said, sending that information towards Mr. Johnson again.

Mack looked to Steph with a small smile. "You're my niece." He said, "Your father is my brother."
"No no I got that." Steph said with a blink, "But... You know my father?" Mack gave a gentle nod before he glanced to the city, "Aye, He's harder to contact than I. I'm merely a watcher Angel, your father is a Commanding Soldier."
Steph looked even more confused, "My... Father..." She started, "Is.... an... Angel?"
What an asshole. I hate him.
He'll get what he deserves though uwu
Yes. He does seem like a good kid.
I mean everyone is a kid in the eyes of legendaries.
"Niccia mentioned that she was going, and by the sounds of things they think I'm inviting Michaels Uncle." Gavin started, "But... I hadn't actually said it yet, and it is a very important thing for Legendaries to extend a hand to the Humans for them to join StarFall..."
He shrugged softly, "I wasn't expecting to actually invite anyone but I was hoping it was by my own means..." He sighed, he looked to Mindy and gave a small smile. "How far are we from the pants store?"

Niccia looked to Michael with a small smile, "And if she does, we just get Missy in there and Anthony out." She said with a nod, looking to Sparky, "You ready darling?" She asked, Sparky let out a yip and bounced around slightly.
"Yeah! Yeah!" She started, moving to stand in front of Niccia.
Missy looked to Michael as she heard her name mentioned, she listened to his words and nodded, sitting beside his feet moving to groom herself quietly.

"Who are we?" The male laughed, laughing loudly before he looked to his sister. The female watched Harry and Saruya quietly.
"Answer her." Harry Snarled, the female grinned slightly.
"We're hunters, obviously," She started, "Hired by Darkrai himself to hunt down descendants and kill them. No one will stop him from winning this. He will get control of Mew and then not even Arceus ca-"
She was hit with a frozen shark of ice, Harry has shot it at her, and now he crouched with frozen smoke flickering from his mouth.

Varina followed Kim without speaking, her mind going back to what Mitch said to her.
She didn't speak as Kim watched Andy, she kept her eyes over the entire area of the library, at least the part that she could see.
Mitch looked over to Frosiien with a small frown.
"Do we trust this human?" He asked.
"His heart is warm." Frosiien said with a small smile, Mitch rolled his eyes. "He seems like a good kid. I'd love to take him out for a drink."
"Just don't go too far."
"I won't my darling." She knelt down and tapped her finger on Mitch's beak.
Rye let out a shocked squawk as Drakes runes grew brighter when the magic settled around them.
"L-L-L-look Drake, W..... We can work something out... W...We can w...work together!" He rambled quickly, trying to find the right words to turn the WereDragon away from the path of attacking him.
Drake had turned his entire body towards Rye, his left eye had changed to deep red, while his right eye had stayed the same colour. The runes down his body had sunk down into his skin, glowing bright before the sound of the door being kicked down caused them both to freeze.

Rye took the chance to quickly shift into his Raven form and flew out of the room, fluttering past Alister and out the door into the night.
Drake heard Alister's voice and his body suddenly perked and he stepped towards the door to the main room, suddenly dropping to his knees in pain.

As they neared the water, Jay wriggled out of Andrew's arms and ran awkwardly to the water. He dove into the water and suddenly disappeared from view.
Andrew laughed slightly, "The kid really likes water." He said with a glance towards Valeria with a soft smile.

Jay's head popped out of the water, his ears were replaced with frills which glistened like silver water. He shot a small jet of water at Andrew before diving down again.
The sound of flapping echoed from behind the door, the door slowly opening as Wyf's head poked through the gap, she gave a happy trill.
"Hi!" She spike into Rex's mind, "Whatcha doin'? Come inside!" Her head moved again, the door slowly opened as Wyf pulled the door open.
"Jay's in the room behind the kitchen. He's testing something so be careful!"

Jay sat in the darkness of the room, his eyes closed and he focused on the small crystal in front of him. He could feel it in the darkness, he wasn't touching it, but whatever reach his magic had could reach this crystal.
Jay felt the power through him spike up suddenly- The crystal suddenly floating up and the candles around him suddenly burst into flames.

"Half-blood." She hissed the word as she looked back at the Hunters Base. "How dare he; he's lucky to have someone like me on his team. He's lucky I didn't skin him alive." She grumbled before she let out a loud sigh.

The woman walked along, moving to tie up her hair before her phone beeped. She looked at it quietly, Where did you go? Are you going to find him?
She texted back to the Number quietly, How do I know you're not going to sell me out?
Never. Why would I? The reply came in quickly.
You figure it out. She responded before she continued to walk. She thought to herself before another text came through.
Vex, you can't. It's dangerous for a Half-Vampire to go out into the world.
Vex ignored it and continued, shaking herself with a small sigh.
Jay waved Rex off, smiling at his words.
He closed the door quietly and moved towards the Kitchen again, Wyf floating over to his shoulder again and settled properly.
"He's interesting to say the least." Jay said with a small smile, "A royal Vampire, in my midst, not wanting to kill me."
"Hmmm, It's definitely interesting!" Wyf said with a small whistle, taking off into the air again and fluttered around.

He pulled out his book again before starting to write something down; he wrote about his encounter with Rex, his travels to this city... But he wrote in a coded language; Jay didn't realize, but he wrote in the Fae language, rather than Human Common English.
He signed the book off and closed it, locking it with it's small cord and tucking it back into the hatch on his belt. He kept it hidden from everyone, none of the Hunters knew anything about it, and Jay didn't really have too many other friends...

"I'm sure the boy has his reasons..." A females voice echoed from behind the older man, who seemed to narrow his eyes and looked to the female.
"Don't start with that shit." He hissed, standing up a bit more, "Don't give me that shit talk again."
The female narrowed her eyes, "Don't use that tone with me." She said, her green eyes flickering with red for a moment, "You don't listen to that kid, you never have."
"Why would I listen to a fucking half-blood of all people." The male said, turning to the female.

The Female stepped forward, staring the male down, "What have you got against half-bloods? Does it not make it easier for Hunters?" She almost hissed, the Older male lifted his hand and slapped the female across the face, causing her to stumble back.
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