Avatar of SporkoBug


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1 mo ago
Current Hubs figured out why I like Sassy Robotic Companions and It just happens to be because of Portal. GLaDos and Wheatley my beloveds.
2 mos ago
Not the worst birthday but i just felt like every other day...
2 mos ago
Its birthmas
4 mos ago
Mental health has tanked, might be distant for a couple days. Sorry to my partners.
4 mos ago
I need to stop injuring my right leg. Thats the third time this YEAR.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Chance shook under Haki's grip when he spoke. He had his eyes closed again before he just nodded at his words about Diana. When the wolfman mentioned about the meteor shower he opened his eyes slowly. "O...Oh wow!" He started, his fear suddenly flooding away at the sight. "This looks amazing! I love it!" His ears pricked up slowly and his body seemed to relax.

Nessa listened to Adrian as he mentioned about the ring and enchantments. "That makes sense." She replied with a small nod, "That would be amazing if you could, I'd hate for you to run out of ring supply because of me. And I feel like re-enchanting things just gets tiring."
Nessa went to answer Adrians' questions about where she had come from before her eyes caught the sight of the meteor shower.
"Ah!" She exclaimed, "My stars! I haven't seen a meteor shower this clear since I landed here!"
Ra poked his head out of the bag and watched the stars.
Nessa relaxed a little, she closed her eyes as her freckles glistened softly.

"I don't mind you asking at all." She said softly, [color]"I trust you, so I feel like I can tell you."[/color]
"I came here on a small escape pod, crashing against a small forest. I was taken in by a small family, They were nice. They reclothed me and kept me safe while some wounds healed." SHe reopened her eyes and looked towards the stars again. "I wish I could return to the stars again one day, but for now... I am content with here."
Soul frowned to Lytse as he didn't seem to cheer up. He sat up properly to move and press his snout against the smaller pokemon. "If you get distanced from Michael. I will take care of you, no matter what." He said in a soft, but fully serious manner. "I am aware I am not Michael, but I will promise I will care for you as long as I need to."

Soul pulled away from Lytse for a second before he moved his muzzle into his neck fur. He rummaged around before he pulled out a small pink and blank ribbon. He moved to gently drape it over the Cyndaquils' neck before it suddenly flashed and disappeared.
"And now I am linked to you, as I am to Niccia."

Frosiien gave a small smile to Andy's words, nodding once. "That sounds absolutely interesting." She said with a laugh.
She watched Gavin as he pulled his head from the trash can to breathe in. "See, I'm fi-" He heaved again and dropped his head back into the can.
Frosiien laughed a bit more, moving to lean against Andy's shoulder as she chuckled silently. "I've never really been drunk, I've tried alcohol before but I don't think with my Ice typing, it doesn't really mix well." She said as she pulled away "That sounds incredibly interesting to see." She said with a tilt of her head as she looked towards Benny, "Does he remember?"

Niccia looked down at the dress as she smiled, "I think I have enough money." She said before she smiled a bit more, "Thank you though, I appreciate the offer~" She smiled before she nodded at the idea of surprising the boys. "Yes, that sounds perfect." A prank, a harmless prank that the boys would probably love.
She looked around the store to see if she could find any ribbons. "There may be a ribbon shop or something down here too." She said as she looked back to Mindy with a bigger smile. "You look gorgeous, Gavin will love it!"
Ray's spirit was just sitting on the bed, staring off at the wall as if she wasn't out her body. Everything just seemed off with her.
Ari shook her head, "No no. Don't get those fucks." She groaned, Dia shook her head.
"If we tell them you're having an allergic reaction, they can take Ray off them." She said, she looked at Benjamin before she moved to lift Ari up and move her to the bed, "Go get someone. I'll..." She looked around, there was no where to hide. "I'll hide under the bed."

Dia moved to push herself against the floor, sliding herself under the bed without worry. She looked around as she felt the weight of the mattress weigh down on her, the sheets covering the sides underneath.

Sara gave a small nod, "I've been there since I was 6." She started, "Thats when everything started happening. When the beast showed up." She sighed as she stared at the middle of the table, her hands still wrapped around her empty tea cup. "I attacked a class mate, Mum and Dad were terrified and didn't know what to do. They tried therapy but it didn't seem to work, She just kept taking control. Aunt Viv ended up talking to Mum, ask she asked Dad, her brother, if she could try to help... Ever since then I've been in her care..." Tears welled at her eyes.

"I haven't seen my parents since." She choked, "They... Used to write to me, and I thought I wrote back but... some of the letters stated they hadn't heard from me." She breathed in and moved to wipe her eyes.
"Nursing home sounds interesting." She said with a weak smile, tilting her head as she looked up to Marc, trying to completely ignore what she had just said.
Steph just looked away at the mention of Mike, she looked to the floor for a moment before he asked about her injuries. "I...I don't know." She started as he asked if she needed to be patched up or if she would heal. "I'...ve never healed like that before." She continued before she breathed in, but it came off more as a sob.
"I'm sorry." She said as tears ebbed down her face again, she looked away from Benjamin to the floor, over to the small statue as she sighed softly. "I'm sorry I'm a demon. I'm sorry you're attracted to a monster. You're probably going to get in arguments with Mike because of everything and I don't want want you two to stop being friends because of me." She breathed in slowly, more tears and sobs slowly ebbing off her body.
"I don't belong here. I don't belong with you. You deserve someone who.... isn't me."

Harriet shrugged and gave a small nod, "I bet they would, But just getting a stern talking to probably won't help." She started as the shadows twisted around her, "I was thinking more of scaring them into submission." She grinned, showing her sharp teeth before he mentioned about checking up on Steph. "I don't think I want to interrupt them for now. How about we find the assholes who did this and we'll get to the boss later, yeah?"

Carl gave a weak laugh before he winced in pain. "Laugh hurts." He started.
Jase looked to the Nurse as they entered the infirmary, "He's hurt. Head injury and presumably worse." He started, his voice strong- something that had definitely changed with the transformation. "Fallen Angels got him, almost got us too but we're okay. Please be careful with him."
"Penalopy is just being emotional." Soul said with a glance up to Michael, "She will... be fine. She did this when Niccia was turned human." He looked to Lytse as he craned his head to gently press his snout to the smaller Pokemon. "Everything will be fine little one. I promise."

Gavin moved to give a raised eyebrow towards Andy's complaint, moving to speak before he moved to cover his mouth. He moved to the nearest bin and stuck his head in just before he started to vomit.
Varina looked to Gavin as he ran to the bin before she suddenly frowned, she shrunk into her keystone slightly. "I didn't mean to make him sick." She started weakly, "I just wanted to talk properly to Andy..."
Frosiien looked to Varina and moved to pick her up gently, before looking Andy with a small smile and a laugh. "Of course he is." She said with a small laugh, moving to gently pet Varina's keystone as she hid inside. "I can stay here if you wish to take him elsewhere? I will look after the little ones for you."

Niccia got dressed slowly, making sure not to damage the dress of not put it on correctly.
She looked at herself in the mirror with a bit of widened eyes, before she darted out as Mindy called to her.
"Look!" She started happily, giving a small spin. "I think it fits! It looks amazing! It feels amazing!" She stopped and looked to Mindy and moved to pull her into a hug, "Oh you look gorgeous! You look brilliant!"
Chance, for once, didn't grumble about being picked up and placed on something. He shifted awkwardly on the back of Diana as she snarled at him before Haki got behind him. He was told not to panic, okay, that was going to be easy.
Chance breathed out as Diana started to fly, everything seemed nice and he was going to get an amazing view of the forest as-

He tensed as the Griffin suddenly dove down, he gripped onto whatever he could, which ended up being Haki's legs. Chance shut his eyes in fear, holding his breathe as he tried not to scream. His ears drooped down as he trembled under Haki's grip. Usually, the mans' grip would be annoying and make him angry, but now it was the only source of safety he could feel.
When they seemed to stabilize, he looked back to Haki as he asked if he was okay. He trembled slightly before he nodded once, moving his eyes away and back to his hands, which had moved from Haki's legs to his arms.

Nessa let out a small chuckle as she watched Haki and Chance while Diana seemed to throw them off. She gently gripped onto Atari as she set off as well, gently moving to rub her hand down the beasts side with a small smile.
"I think you're doing great Atari." She said before she turned to Adrian as he offered the ring. "Oh!" She said with a small smile as she gently took it and slipped the ring on. "Thank you, I appreciate the offer." Nessa tilted her head with a smile as she slipped the ring on, "Do you have to keep getting new rings, or can you recharm the same ones used before?" She asked off-handedly.
Heheheheh I love it.
Andy getting Gavin drunk would definitely be interesting. I'm all for that ahah.
Dia nodded and lead Benjamin along, grabbing his hand as she did so.
She stood behind him as he pushed the door open and narrowed her eyes at the sight of Rays body.

'Ray' was lying down, still on the floor. She seemed dazed and confused, but also in pain.
Her eyes were closed until the door opened, she looked over towards Dia and Benjamin with a puzzled look.
"Dia! Benjam...in!" Ari's voice came from the body, moving to slowly sit up before doubling over from the pain. "No, no, ow. Breathing... Hurts."

Sara listened to Marc as he spoke. When he mentioned work, her smile wavered.
"I guess." She said with a small shrug and gave a small smile, "I... wouldn't know. I never really had another job." She hesitated as she looked at the table, "It doesn't really feel like a job for me for the most part... It's just kind of... Home."
Nessa smiled to Adrian as he offered his hand to her.
"Thank you sir~" She said as she grabbed his hand to pull herself up with his help.
She moved to sit properly on Atari's back, moving her hand over the Griffins fur with a bigger smile. "She's beautiful..." She trailed off as she looked to Haki and Chance, a smirk spread across her face.

Chance watched Diana carefully. He looked to Haki as he spoke to him before he hesitantly gave a nod.
"...Yes please." Chance finally admitted to Haki, "Help would be very much appreciated."
He seemed to have bought Haki's lie about them being safe; he was just hoping not to get eaten.
Chance didn't even make a snarky reply when Haki mentioned about teasing him, his attention solely on the large beast in front of him.
As Benjamin pulled the curtains open, the rest of the graffiti was shown. It was mainly the same as the door, but bigger and more mean... More personal. One of them even stated 'Fake Guy'.
The small statue of an Angel that Steph had was shattered into several pieces on the floor.
Steph looked away from Benjamin as he spoke to her, "I don't know." She started, "I went to talk to mike. We had... a falling out." Tears welled at her eyes, "I came back to this and everything just..." She motioned with her hands; motioning an explosion.

Harriet gave a small smile, "I mean, if you go tell the boss. I can... grab the culprits?" She offered, "Or do you think they would prefer to talk to you and I can go to the boss?"
Her eyes glinted in colour slightly, black marks coiled down her back, invisible to most due to her closed.

Jase's eyes widened when Morrison- Alastair mentioned his first name. He moved quickly to pull Carl up on the other side as they lead him along.
Carl's legs gave out after a little bit, trying to keep himself up just was too much for his weakened body.
"I shoulda done somehing more." Carl mumbled to the boys.
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