Avatar of StitchedOwl


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3 yrs ago
Current I just need active rps... heh.
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3 yrs ago
Allergies suck. Damned weather needs to fix itself.
5 yrs ago
So bored right now..
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Alittle about myself... hmmm. I am me. Either you will like me or you wont.

Most Recent Posts

Princess Tavia Rose Haven
of Kingdom Provectus





Nineteen years ago, the King and Queen had welcomed their first child, Tavia Rose into the world, being the first heir to the throne should anything happen to her parents. Her parents were excited and over the moon in love with their daughter. Life was good for the family and everything seemed to be going perfectly for them. When the queen was expecting a second child, Tavia was only five years old and not completely understanding what was going on with her mommy.

During child birth with the second one, the queen had complications and didnt make it. Both the baby and the queen had died in the even of her trying to bring the second child into the world. THe kingdom was devastated with the loss of the queen and second but first son of the kingdom. Since that dreadful night, the king had changed and become more stern and distant with his daughter. She was a spitting image of her mother and it was a painful reminder that she was no longer here with them.

Though it wasnt Tavias fault, she suffered from losing her mother that night, she also lost her father. Tavis grew older and learned all she could about being the best queen she could be for her people. She never intended to marry or have children worried that the same thing would happen to her that happned to her mother. Her father was someone that she barely knew now as young adult, as the two seemed to just keep their distance from one another. Tavia never quite understanding why she had always seemed to make her father upset whenever she was around.

When the King grew older and it was time to pass the throne on to his daughter, he gave her two stipulations before he would do so. Tavia knew that she could prove herself to him that she could protect the kingdom, it was something she had trained and worked on all her life. But the second one, having to marry, was unacceptable. No matter how hard she fought him on it, he wouldnt budge. Tavia was alot like her father but looked like her mother in that sense but she had finally budged on her stance and agreed to his terms. Though she had a different way of doing it, she would find the right suitor for herself by holding a contest and seeing who was the best out there to rule at her side.

Tavia is a very strong willed and independent. Can be stubborn when it comes to things she strongly believes in. Hard working and takes her title very seriously. Doesnt let her feelings or emotions show to the public, has learned to keep them locked away.

If this is good and you accept it as a character then I will post it in the thread. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of this.
i am tempted to just start this. i am not getting my hopes up on anyone else joining.

I am down for it, we could always let someone join later, maybe they just arrived late or something. If any do. Just saying.
@StitchedOwl it will be the three of us till he returns and yes I am leaving it open for people to join, also sorry for the late response I was so tired I clocked out at like eight last night

Awesome. Yeah I get work and being tired. Lol. Happens to the best of us.I am trying to cut back on my daily soda and I did good today but now I feel completley drained.
So it will just be the three of us until Martian returns? And are you leaving it open for others to join in at a later time? Again just curious.
I'm finishing up.

Thats awesome and I just wanted to let you know I was only curious. Do you know if we will be waiting for anymore to join or are we starting with just what we?
I am just curious if you were just waiting on DarkCloud or for more people in general to show an interest?
Yee lets dew it

Yahoo, nice xD

It was..I miss yahoo chat days.
@StitchedOwl lol I understand that I'm dirty blond but I have some blonde moments a lot lol

Same. I have moments alot. I dye mine and still dont work.
i take two days off and everything starts happening


Looks great! Super excited to start!

Thank you. I am excited to start as well. I am new to trying groups this being one of two that I joined. So yeah. Lol. Last time I did a group rp was yahoo days.
Oh okay. Lol gotcha. I had a blonde moment. My apologies. I thought it was a link to a different thing for some stupid reason. My brain hates me.
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