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It's fine~ As long as I get at least two paragraphs I'm good with whatever you post. :)

All I ask is that I have enough to reply to and expand upon.

I thought it was a good post~

I'm in the process of writing another post for another roleplay at the moment so I might end up just posting to ours tomorrow.

Minoru watched his students from inside the tea shop. A wide smile was plastered over his features and it fell to allow him to take another drink from his cup. He was glad that they seemed to be getting along. There was an underlying fear that the girls’ home life and the relationship between their clans would bleed into their team life. The waitress came back to bring more tea and he smiled softly at her.

Koharu was the first to enter the tea shop. She was uncomfortable with the warmth but it was a welcomed change to the bitter cold outside. Her hand flew up to rake her fingers through her long bangs, satisfied that the mark hidden under them was fully covered. Koharu motioned for her teammates to come inside as well, she decided to let them sit as close to the cold window as possible while she took the seat closest to the small walkway between their table and the next. "Glad to see that you all made it. I was getting worried." Minoru commented before gesturing to the three steaming cups of tea that the waitress placed in front of them. "Please take one."

The violet haired girl thanked him before reaching for her own cup. It rested in front of her as she directed her attention to the man sitting across from them.

"You must be wondering about your first mission. Relax Koharu you don't need to burn holes in my skull." Minoru joked as he placed his now empty tea cup back onto the table. The small girl was almost too much like her adoptive father, Minoru's senior and former mentor. Her cheeks flushed pink and she looked down. "Anyways," he changed the subject to more important matters, "You three will be finding two lost dogs for your first mission." Minoru slid a scroll to them from across the table, pointing out important things like where the dogs were last seen, what they looked like and who they belonged to.

"Any questions?" He asked as his cup was refilled once again.

Off to the side of the silver haired woman stood a fairly short man dressed in a simple white robe under a longer black and gold robe made of lighter material. Around his neck was a simple necklace of sorts made of a simple gold band with red string. His shaggy straw colored hair was held out of the way temporarily by a clip so he could write down a few notes. "It would be wise if you don't scare the elders, Aisukage-sama." His serious tone was punctuated with a wicked smirk that twisted his features.

He was called Souma Hisakawa, the right hand of the Aisukage, and according to some rumors he did some of her dirty work for her. Well those were just rumors started by those who felt that the current Aisukage wasn't the right choice for their village. Souma sighed and placed the files he had been working on, onto the desk in front of the woman. They were files on Minoru's team and once again they were going over them. "Perhaps it would be wise to also meet with the whole team rather than just the two girls. It is good for their teammate, Kasumi, to know about them and what they are capable of." Souma said as a suggestion.

Michael gave a sheepish grin to the older Slytherin. "I'm fine! I'm just going to go..." He said before turning around and hurrying to the last location that he had seen the Hufflepuff in. Michael had a few questions that he wanted answered. "Why'd you help two Slytherins?" The shaggy haired boy asked Silas, who looked up with an amused smirk.

"Houses don't matter to me." The older boy stated. He didn't see a point in segregating the houses and feeding the stereotypes that went with them. He tied his shoe and dusted his robes before standing up and ruffling Michael's hair in an affectionate manner. "You better get going. Your timetables are very important and you don't want to be late, trust me." Silas directed the boy to the general area where he could pick his timetable up. The young Slytherin was grinning widely as he said his goodbyes to Silas; the older boy reminded Michael of his older brother, even though they didn't have a very strong bond due to the eight year age gap between them.

Silas, having said his goodbyes to the first year, made his way to his usual meeting spot to wait for Adella and their other friends. His hands were shoved into the pockets of his robes as he walked through the semi-crowded corridors; students were hurrying to receive their timetables or trying to find their classes or friends. Adella's bright red hair came into view and Silas grinned widely. "Hello Adella."

The red head smiled warmly as she turned to face him, their group of friends momentarily forgotten. "We've been waiting for you. What took you so long?"

"I helped a first year," Silas said, leaving the part out about his rather pitiful attempt at helping the older Slytherin. "He needed help in finding something." Adella nodded and made room for him in the small circle of their friends. Soon Silas had fallen into a pleasant conversation with the group. He had always been a friendly boy, a little quiet but always willing to talk or listen to others. They received their timetables and he scanned over Adella's list. "We've got a few classes together again." He commented almost too quietly for Adella to hear. Sadly their first few classes were to be spent apart but for the rest of the day they'd be in the same class.

"I'll walk you to your class." Silas offered once their little friend group broke up so everyone could go to their class. Adella accepted his offer and they walked side by side quietly. Adella was shyer and quieter than Silas; she was content to listen to him talk.

"Who was the first year that you helped?" She questioned.

"A Slytherin named Michael." Adella's lips pursed into a thin line and she stopped in her tracks.

"Why are you associating with them?" She was only worried about her friend. He didn't need to get bullied for going outside of the houses. Her petite hands nervously worked at the edge of her timetable as she waited for her answer. Adella knew it would always be the same answer no matter how many times she asked - he didn't care for what others thought of the different houses.

"He wanted help in finding the Library. I see no issue in talking to a Slytherin....and besides, he reminded me of my younger brother." The topic was dropped as soon as they came to Adella's first class. She quickly entered the room to get a prime seat and Silas made his way to his first class.

On the way to the library he had been stopped by several passing students, some friends and others just younger housemates wanting answers to some of their questions. Silas was always willing to help the new students with their questions; he had been in their shoes at one point and it had been hell trying to learn things that most of his classmates had known for their entire lives, he didn't want other kids to go through the confusion that he did. It surprised Silas when a first year Slytherin student approached him. The boy was at that sort of awkward 'I'm too tall and haven't grown into it yet' stage and Silas couldn't help but think of his younger brother Ezra.

He normally associated only with his fellow Hufflepuffs, not out of house pride or anything but because most of the time the other houses kept to themselves. Hufflepuff was something of a joke it seemed - any witch or wizard 'unlucky' enough to get into Hufflepuff clearly wasn't worth the time of the other houses, since everyone was under the impression that Hufflepuff had no extraordinary qualities. Silas believed differently but he couldn't change the attitude of the entire school. "I'll show you where the library is. I was just on my way there actually." The Slytherin first year smiled and offered his name.

"My name is Michael, what is yours?"

"Silas Hayward. Nice to meet you."

Michael asked more questions about the school, well actually most were about Quidditch and when try outs were. "I honestly can't remember, I can always ask for you." Silas said as he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his robes. During his second and third years at Hogwarts he had been on the Quidditch team; a nasty injury had effectively retired him midway through his third year. Michael loved Quiddtich and once Silas mentioned that he had once played, the boy had hounded him with more questions. The pair stopped when the sounds of a scuffle, well actually it was more like a one sided conversation, caught their attention. Michael was the first to round the corner and he stopped in his tracks with wide eyes. "Michael?" Silas questioned, coming to stop next to the boy before glancing at the scene before them.

The blue eyed teen gave Michael orders to stay put around the corner. The first year nodded and scurried to safety while the seventh year fished around for his wand. In a bout of frustration he ditched finding his wand in favor of just resorting to physical ways to stop the group of students. It was easy tackling the farthest of the three students. Given that Silas was not a small boy; the two came crashing down rather harshly onto the stone floor. The commotion caused a momentary panic in the other two students and they reeled on Silas, intending to take care of the annoyance before going back to their original prey. One of the students stopped and gripped his stomach as he laughed. "What's a stupid Hufflepuff going to do to us?" Silas wouldn't be able to get to his wand fast enough if they decided to use magic but he felt that he had the upper hand. Most relied on magic to do their fighting, he only knew a handful of people who liked to ditch magic every once in a while and use more 'muggle methods' of dealing with their problems.

He fumbled with his robes, rolling out of the way to avoid a few spells, before ripping his shoe off and throwing it at the closest offender with decent accuracy - it bounced off of the boy's shoulder. Unfortunately Silas wasn't able to dodge the sudden kick that was sent his way by the student he had tackled. He was a bit wobbly but had recovered from the sudden shock of being taken to the floor by the bigger Hufflepuff. On the ground Silas clutched his stomach and curled in on himself in an attempt to relieve the pain. Hopefully their former prey could escape while he could. Silas wasn't a brave man by any means. He didn't want to be a hero, he just didn't want to see an innocent student get beat up and bullied.

Out of habit the girl went to rest her hand on the end of her sword, only to have her hand swoop a little lower and catch nothing but air. Maybe she could make a short stop home and retrieve her sword, would her teammates allow that? Probably not. They did have to find their sensei, who honestly seemed a little odd to her. Koharu was used to strict, all business and no play kinds of teachers. As the trio walked together in a quiet group, Koharu spoke up to break the silence. "What do you think our first mission would be?" If they were going to be a team then they needed to start getting used to hearing each other's opinions and ideas. Teams were never successful unless there was some common ground and often conflicting opinions were the worst thing to tear a team apart. Koharu didn't want that for the team, she wanted to be able to prove herself as a worthy part of the team and to prove to those in her clan that she was going to be a capable head of the clan when she got old enough.

The first tea shop in the middle of the village was closed and there were only two more to check after this. One was on the very end of the village while the other was closer to the gates of the village. Koharu sighed softly and turned to her teammates, "Should we split up or stay together?" They'd be able to cross more ground if they split up but the possibility of being tricked again was high. Who knew if the dark haired man had even went to a tea shop like he had claimed?

Passing them on the side walk was a tall man with long purple hair tied into a high ponytail. His clothes were simple traditional robes in a shade of purple that could pass for black and on the back of his white coat was the Wakahisa clan symbol. He stopped just short of the group, Koharu turned and gave a polite bow before standing to her unimpressive full height. Osamu Wakahisa was not a man who liked to make small talk; he stayed quiet for a few moments before speaking to his heir. "We will continue your training at home. I will be speaking with your squad leader soon." There were no congratulations, not that she expected any from him, and overall he seemed like a cold man. He was, there was no denying it and Koharu wouldn't defend him either. With a brief glance at the other two, his attention lingering on Akaya a little longer, well on her mark anyways, he turned and continued on his way without a good bye. Once Osamu was far enough away Koharu gave her teammates a small apology.

Minoru was getting impatient with his team, they still hadn't shown up and he wondered for a moment if something had happened. He still needed to talk to the heads of the Moriya and Wakahisa clans, and admittedly it was something that he was not looking forward to. He had taken a table close to the windows so his team could see him when they arrived, if they arrived anyways. Minoru didn't doubt that they would show - he knew the Wakahisa heir would - but he didn't know what was taking them so long. His thoughts drifted to every possibility from a fight amongst the three, to running into someone of importance, and to a confrontation with another team (as Minoru's rival was also leading a squad this year, he wouldn't put it past the woman to have her team rough his up a bit.)

A dark haired lady in the standard uniform for the tea shop set a small steaming cup of green tea in front of the man and offered a gentle smile. His cheeks heated slightly as he thanked her before grabbing the cup.

"Silas? You with us still?"

"Hm? Sorry." A light giggle pulled the tall teen fully away from his thoughts. Glancing over at the girl to his left, Silas Hayward couldn't imagine life without her. They were undoubtedly the best of friends, even though some frowned upon their friendship. Her dark red hair was pulled into a neat bun and her clothes were neat with not a wrinkle in sight. "Now what were you saying Adella?" Silas asked quietly.
Their table was quite loud and cheerful, and normally the two would have been just as loud, if not louder than their housemates, but at the moment they were content in being quiet.

"I was asking who you kept looking at." Her gaze wandered to where his had been and she shot him a curious glance. "Were you watching someone?"

Silas shook his head as he reached for another roll from the bread basket in the middle of the large table. "No. I was just thinking of writing a letter." Silas would often write to his mother and sister. Unfortunately his sister had never shown any magical abilities like he had. 'She's probably a late bloomer...' Their mother would say but as the years passed on and she showed no signs of magic it became apparent that she would never possess the same abilities as Silas and their father. The youngest in the family, Ezra was the same as their sister but he wasn't as bothered by it as she had been. Mary Margaret had badgered him to writer her letters about the world of magic, and the people and creatures in it. At first he had been reluctant because it was unfair but once she started going to a private school for girls in the muggle world he began to receive letters from his sister on the everyday life that she had.

Adella sighed softly, "Your sister is a squib, right?" She didn't know much about Silas's home life even though she held the status as his best friend.

The boy's jaw tightened at the word. Unlike most of the others, Silas had been raised as a muggle for the first eleven years of his life. His father never explained to his children just what he was nor did Silas have any clue until one day an owl had dropped a letter off in the yard when he had been playing on a particularly cold morning. "Please do not use that word..." Even though Silas had been thrust into this world with no understanding as to how it worked, he caught on to the derogatory words and slurs quick. Adella have a soft apology, her cheeks tinging pink before she turned to the girl on the other side of her. She knew that he would want to be left alone for a little while.

It wasn't long before Silas had finished up his breakfast and departed to the library.

@Arista I'll get a post to you on the 26th! :)

Nice post!

I'll try to get a reply to you in the next few days. I'm busy with making last minute Christmas gifts because I never knew how difficult finding crochet patterns was. *_*
"Starting today you are Shinobi, the future of our village." The tall lanky man in front of the room said. Beside him on the table were twenty-seven identical forehead protectors sewn onto black strips of cloth; nearly all of the class had made it past the exams, and those that didn't were noticeably absent. The tall man spoke again, "I will call you up according to name, and you may leave after you receive your headband and go to the meeting location of your new team."

One by one they were called up. One small girl near the end of the line sat quietly with her hands folded neatly in her lap. She watched her classmates, well former classmates, as they were called up to receive their headbands before they bolted out of the classroom door. Two of them were going to be her teammates until they all moved up in rank, and possibly even beyond that. Her parents, both Shinobi, often told her that they still met up with their surviving teammates whenever possible. They said that the bond shared by a team was hard to break and any team becomes friends for life. There was something about having her teammates be friend for life that made the girl nervous. They wouldn't understand her, no one in the village save for Akaya Moriya.

"Koharu Wakahisa."

At the sound of her last name, the small girl stood up and walked towards the tall man. He held out one of the headbands to her. "Good job." He gave her a smile, which she returned albeit it was smaller. Once she was outside of her former classroom she made her way towards the room where her team was going to meet. Koharu walked slowly through the quiet halls with one hand rested lazily at her side and the other holding onto her headband tightly. Her parents would be proud of her. They always were; it was her adoptive father that never seemed to be proud of anything to Koharu did. It wasn't the best relationship that they had but her adoptive father Osamu wasn't a very expressive man and by some extension she was not a very expressive girl, and both adored swords and practiced together more times than Koharu had ever practiced with her real parents.

It took the girl a while to actually find the room. None of her teammates appeared to be in the room when she slid the door open. There was a tall man with long dark hair sitting at the desk. Her teammates should have been here before her, unless they all were called after her or something was wrong. "Where are the others?"

The dark haired man looked up with a kind smile. "No clue."

Koharu's eyes narrowed a little as she observed him. He didn't seem like a clone, she could see his shadow. "Either they're still finding their way here or you've split us into different rooms."

The man stood to his full height and approached Koharu. He placed a gentle hand on her head and ruffled her hair slightly. "You're too much like Osamu. Lighten up. Your teammates should be finding their way here any minute now. I did give them different room numbers, each with a clone of myself there that would lead them on a chase. Think of this as the first test."

"Why didn't one of them get the real you then, it would have been easier than having you stay in this room." Koharu wasn't in the mood for his antics. She wanted to go home and show her parents and Osamu.

The man gave a hearty laugh, tossing his head back as one hand rested over his abdomen. "Your name was the last to get called on our team and I had prior arrangements at a tea it was pretty easy to send a close instead." The man observed his new student. She was definitely quiet and he was a little curious about her. Osamu Wakahisa was a cruel teacher and yet this girl was average in her classes; nothing stood out about her beyond the fact that she had the Aisumāku. "I was looking through your files, along with those of your teammates. You're an average student..."

"Kenjutsu is something that our previous sensei glossed over."

"Ah! So Osamu taught you his sword skills?"

Koharu nodded. She was trying to find a place for her headband. She didn't want to wear it around her forehead because she didn't know if it would mess her hair up; the decorative pin wasn't exactly the most forgiving thing on the planet. Soon she had settled on her left arm.
"And they wouldn't let your bring anything with you?"

Minoru was grinning widely. He enjoyed getting to know his student; hopefully the others would arrive soon so he could get to know them a little bit better as well. Just on the outside of the door were two poof sounds. "Your teammates are here." He said before sliding the door open quickly.

"Hello! I am Minoru Kawaguchi, your sensei from here on out!"

To say that he was excited to see the other two was an understatement. From behind him, Koharu poked her head out of the door. She didn't have the worst team in the world, they were both people that she could work well with, plus it helped that Akaya was on her team as well.

"Now let's head off to the tea shop since everyone is here now!" Minoru practically bellowed before sliding his way past his students. In no time at all the man was gone.

"He seems a bit excited." Koharu commented quietly as she looked at her two teammates, "And he never said which tea shop."

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