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Current is sexualizing Pokemon a variation of bestiality?
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hearing rumors that rebornfan is storming the US capitol, looking for whoever's responsible for everyone ghosting his RPs
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you got a fat ass and a bright future ahead of you. keep it up champ
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Gonna work on the IC post today oboi

Location: Laughing Worg Tavern -- City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria

"Parasites?" Graves snorted, unsure if that should be insulting or hilarious. It'd been years since he last heard that word thrown around. There was almost an absurd nostalgia to it, like he was back around the dinner table. Dad only ever talked politics when he was sloshed, and the bottle had a habit of loosing his tongue. A dozen arguments a lot like this one played through his mind. Anna and dad would scream at each other until she couldn't take anymore and storm out in a huff. William would sit there chuckling to himself, his mind elsewhere. Mom did her best to 'moderate'- which meant taking dad's side on everything and just wording it a little kinder.

Graves just shook his head. He didn't want to fight Rael on this, but she had this special ability to get under his skin like nobody else could. Even Kazuki, for all his calculated cruelty, had only set him off a couples times.

"You think people want to be sittin' around twiddling their thumbs? I know you like it here, Rael, but not everybody's you. A lot of these folks are kids and teenagers, or they got families they gotta get back to. They didn't sign up to be soldiers so why the hell should we expect 'em to step up? Nobody's makin' an effort to integrate them into Thorinn's, I dunno, society. I'm sure most everybody would be willin' to do somethin' if they were given the opportunity. They just don't wanna die."

He leaned forward, placing his weight on his elbows. "Its up to us to find the ones willin' to fight. We gotta get organized. Let's start puttin' out feelers. Reach out to the guilds we got connections with, either ourselves or through Pris and Mystic Prophecy. Maybe we can arrange a moot and get the Wayfarers on the same page. Get those who wanna work in touch with people who need workers, n' those who wanna fight grouped up with people who can help. I mean, we got a ton of experience between us. We can tell 'em everythin' that's different 'bout the dungeons now."

Location: Laughing Worg Tavern -- City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria

"Nobody's talkin' about lettin' Thorinn burn 'cept you." Graves glared. Frustration stirred in his chest. They weren't listening to him. Somehow they'd gotten the idea that the only possibly choice they could make was to play by Thorinn's rules or they'd get crushed; to him, that wasn't a choice at all. The current situation was untenable, as far as he was concerned. There were only so many Wayfarers still willing to delve into the dungeons, and their numbers were thinning by the week. How long would it be before the denizens' mistrust turned to violence? It might've already started. That could've been exactly what all those 'disappearances' were about.

Something needed to change, and he couldn't understand how he was the only one that saw that.

"You're both talkin' about maintainin' the status quo, but I'm tellin' you it won't last. We've goin' out and fighting the good fight and the situation here at home keeps deterioratin' anyway. If doin' our job would earn their trust then it already would'a worked."

Graves sat back in his chair, trying to loosen the knot he felt in his lower back. "They need us. We know it, they know it, everybody does. And much as I don't like it, we need them. You're right. Denizens and wayfarers, we're stuck together. In a shared ecosystem there's gotta be give n' take, yeah? But they aren't givin' us shit. You wanna negotiate with the queen, Kazuki, right? You do it from a position of strength. Use our leverage as the only ones able to protect Thorinn to demand better conditions for our fellow wayfarers. She's gotta acquiesce, 'cause the alternative is..." He motioned in the direction of the Rat King's final resting place.

After a moment's pause, Graves sighed. "Maybe we can convince some others guilds to get back in the field. That oughtta earn us some good will. We've already cleared two dungeons post-Glitch. I don't think anybody else can make that claim. That's gotta count for something."

Location: Laughing Worg Tavern -- City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria

Once Artemis looked comfortable Graves took a heavy seat beside her. He glanced around at the faces 'round the table, his expression tight. Their conversation while he'd stepped away hadn't been lost on him. Both Seele and Alja thought his suggestion was heartless, the latter impugning him more explicitly than the former, but the idea was the same: they had a responsibility to Thorinn that they couldn't shirk, no matter the personal cost. It took a great deal of self-control not to lose his cool at such a foolish goddamn notion.

The denizens were different now, that was beyond question. But everyone was assuming that meant they mattered more- that their lives were somehow equal to the players trapped in Pariah. That was idiotic. Infuriating, even. Graves wasn't about to sacrifice flesh and blood humans for a collection of code, no matter how advanced their AI seemed to be. What did they think had happened? That all the NPCs had suddenly developed sentience overnight? It was absurd. There was obviously a logical explanation for everything- the denizens, the fact they could feel pain and hunger now, and everything else- he just didn't know what it was yet.

"I'm not trying to be a dick, here." He spoke in a subdued, controlled tone, eyes kept low so the group's reactions couldn't upset him. "But I gotta be honest: I think you guys've lost your minds if you think real people should be dying for these denizens. I can't explain why they're so...lifelike...now, but at the end of the day they're characters in a video game. They were designed by a bunch of sweaty ass nerds at MGC. Nothin' that happens in here's gonna change that."

He paused just long enough to gulp down the entirety of his flagon. "My only responsibility is to all of you. I go where you go. I'll fight whatever you point me at. But that's it. Everybody else can go fuck themselves."


Location: Laughing Worg Tavern -- City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria

'Ah, Jesus, she's a wreck.'

Graves struggled to keep his composure in the face of Artemis's grief. This was about as far out of his comfort zone as he could get. He briefly glanced over his shoulder, wishing he could delegate this to anybody else, but it proved fruitless. Everyone else was locked in heated argument about their next move. It wasn't exactly a flattering first impression for Artemis, even if it was accurate. They fought often and loudly, over things big and small alike. It irritated him to say the least.

"Look, I'm..." He hesitated a moment before lifting a hand to the woman's shoulder, giving it an awkward pat and squeeze. Smooth, Graves. Real smooth.

He turned to face her, eyes searching hers for a reaction as he spoke: "I'm gonna honest. It ain't easy to lose people, 'specially right in front of you. I've been there." Memories passed in the back of his mind, heavy as fog from the sea. Pressing on past it, he nodded his head back to the table. Alex had since joined them and Alja had stormed off in a huff to the bar. Maybe that signaled a break in the 'discussion.' He hoped so, for their new guest's sake. "Most'a them have, too. Nobody'll judge you for hurtin', n' if they do I'll punch 'em in the mouth. You got my word."

"I'm not gonna make ya stay if ya don't want to. 'Ppreciate the thanks but it ain't necessary. It was, uh, the least we could do." That was the best he could manage. He let loose a breath he didn't know he was holding in, taking a step away from her to give her space to think. He hoped he hadn't been too blunt; conveying sympathy was harder than Seele made it look. Silence hung for the moment as Artemis considered her next move.

It looked like she'd made up her mind as she set her now empty drink down and turned to leave, but something caused her to falter. Another freeze, like earlier. Indecision? A final word? No, a hook. Artemis tentatively put forward the idea that she could help with the current predicament. So she did want to stay; she just didn't want to feel like she was in the way. He understood that. Charity annoyed him too. "Yeah, sure. Could be we just need a fresh set of eyes on this thing to figure it out." Graves motioned for her to follow him as he turned, striding back toward the group.

"This is the, uh, girl, I told you all about." He cleared his throat. "She's Artemis, and these are..." He started around the table. "Kazuki, Benkei, Alex, Seele. You already met Rael, Alja's the mammoth at the bar, n' I'm Graves. Oh, and those two are Sif and Siegfried- they're from a different guild, but they're cool. We were all knee-deep in a dungeon together when the world got fucked. Take whichever seat ya like."

Location: Laughing Worg Tavern -- City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria

Graves passed Kazuki a fresh tankard of ale as he joined the table. The healer skipped any pleasantries and went straight to business, eager to emphasize just how dire their situation was. From the sound of things Kazuki thought things would only get worse- not just for their group, but all the players still stranded in Thorinn. Sif piped up for the first time in agreement. They didn't have the gear to adventure, and the market for professions was going to be wildly different now than how it was before the Glitch. To Graves, it sure looked like they were getting fucked from both ends.

"It ain't right," he snapped, banging his mug on the table. "How the hell can they expect us'ta keep throwing ourselves at these dungeons like nothin's changed? I'm not buryin' any of you just so we can afford Kazuki's shitty house- no offense." He gave an apologetic shrug of his shoulders. "Look, I'm sure we're not the only players who feel this way. Maybe we can reach out to the other guilds in town and have a sit down. Present a united front. Make it clear to the queen that If she wants the wayfarers to keep Thorinn safe then things've gotta change."

There were plenty of holes in that plan, but it was the best he had. The denizens needed to understand that this wasn't a game anymore. The wayfarers were frighteningly mortal: the graves he'd dug for Aaginim, Atlas and Enos were more than enough proof of that. If they were going to continue tackling dungeons then they'd need to get a hell of a lot more out of it. The denizens wouldn't have any choice but to listen- unless they were planning on taking up arms and fighting themselves for a change.

Before anyone could respond to Graves' rant, the sound of the tavern's doors swinging open drew his eyes. A hooded woman he didn't recognize was standing in the entrance, frozen in place with indecision. It wasn't until she flipped her hood down that recognition flashed in his mind. Artemis. That poor soul they'd dragged out of the tunnels. She'd been a husk of a person when they found her, soaked to the bone and broken. He couldn't blame her. He could only imagine what it'd be like to go through all she'd been through. Could he even keep going, like she had?

He quickly snatched back the tankard he'd slid Kazuki and stood from his seat to approach her. Graves moved slowly, trying to keep it casual; she might not recognize him without the layers of rat shit and armor, and he wasn't exactly built like a teddy bear.

"Shitty mornin', huh?" He offered her the drink and a small smile. "We get a lot of those around here. Glad you came. In my experience its best not to spend 'em alone."
Extremely rad claw you got there

Location: The Laughing Worg Tavern -- The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria

Graves grunted, shifting his gaze away from Seele. It was obvious something was wrong with her, even if she didn't want to admit it. Fine by him. He wasn't about to press the issue in front of everyone, or maybe at all for that matter- who'd want to have that kind of conversation with him? Just the idea of it was embarrassing enough. Seele was alright. If something was truly wrong she'd tell them about it. She probably just slept poorly.

"Pretty sure I still got fur stuck in my throat," He grinned, looking from Alja to Rael. "Thems the lengths I gotta go to 'ta keep your scrawny ass alive. She's like a lemming, I swear to God. Y'turn around for one second and she's jumping off the nearest cliff."

He had to admit it was nice to have the gang back together without the sword of Damocles hanging over their heads. That dungeon crawl would hopefully keep his hunger satisfied, at least for a time. Graves was looking forward to a week or two of sleeping in and day drinking without a care in the world.

Their fearless leader had other ideas. Benkei apparently hadn't wasted a moment's time while the rest of them were stuck underneath the city. He had a full spread of maps, ledgers and notices full of useless information in front of him that he was far too excited to talk about. It was all about Thorinn's leadership and how they were adapting to the Glitch. Seemed they weren't too happy about their once-immortal protectors deciding to hide within their walls. It made sense from Graves' perspective, obviously, but it was hard to put himself in the shoes of a bunch of NPCs. They seemed plenty smart, now, but did that mean they understood why the players were running scared? Could they even be made to understand?

Difficult questions Graves didn't much care to ponder. "I trust you, Benkei. You got a good head for stuff like this." He motioned to the stacks upon stacks of books. "I just hope somebody in that castle's willing to fork over some cash for all the shit we went through. Dunno how much longer I can stay in that shitty innhouse without losing my mind."
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