Avatar of Tearstone


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Driving a sandworm through a pre-school...
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7 mos ago
Remember, punishable by fine means legal for a price.
2 yrs ago
♪♫♪ Don't climb up the rope. Dont haul up the mast. And if ya see a sailin' ship it might'n be yer last...♪♫♪
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2 yrs ago
Does yo' chain hang low? Does it hang down to tha flo'?
1 like
6 yrs ago
I'm still alive, I promise
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Name: Tearstone
Aliases: Tearstone
Age: 33
Birthday: March 13th
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Location: Resides in western Oklahoma
Major/Minor: Associates degree in Occupational Studies - Massage Therapy
Occupation: Unemployed/Under-employed Cert. Massage Therapist, freelance writer
Languages: Fluent in English, Bad English/Profanity. Knowledgeable of Japanese, Spanish, and Latin.
Current Bio Theme: None
Years Rping: 20 years
Preferred Rp Section: Typically casual or advanced.
Rp Level: High casual to advanced.
Dedication Level: I don't know what yardstick to measure this with. It all depends on my interest, if I'm enjoying the writing and my partners.
Biggest Rp Pet Peeve: If you one-line me and use chatspeak where it doesn't belong, I will CUT you. Pay attention to lore and genre conventions. DO NOT fall silent on me. IF you're bored, say so. If something happens, freaking tell me. I want to get to know my partners out of character too.
Teach New Rpers Or Coach New GM's: Yes. Very much so. I love teaching and doing what I can to improve people's skills, and challenge their ability. I love fostering growth.


Height: 5' 7"
Weight: Overweight
Build: Ectomorphic, athletic. Built like a tank... or a tall dwarf
Eyes: Hazel-gray, but color shift with light and mood.
Hair: Chocolate brown, collar length currently. May grow out again.
Skin Tone: Light, tan decently in summer, but I live like basement cat.
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: No tats or piercings. Scar, right wrist (1 cun (3 finger widths), medial from hand crease.) Sits across radial bone on anterior, 45° angle, looks self inflicted, but is actually from fending off an attacker in middle school. Burn scar left knee, the size of a quarter. Stuck knee against hot muffler of lawn mower on accident around 2004. Burn scar torso lower right quadrant inferior to navel and one inch lateral, spilled hot-ass ramen on self last winter. Some of the liquid got lodged in waist band of shorts and caused burn.
Personal Style:


Intelligent * Procrastinator * Intuitive * Apathetic * Flexible/Adaptable * Cynical

Sexuality: Kinsey 2
Relationship Status: Semi-open longterm relationship/domestic partnership
Personality: INTJ/P, Turbulent quality. Swings to INFJ/P at times. Born a Pisces, much of Tearston's personality has been altered by their experiences, bu thtey still posses a deep emotional reservoir. Highly creative, great with abstract reasoning and special reasoning, Tear spends much time considering many problems. The overall personality has lead to a life of creative and intellectual pursuits.
Hobbies: Reading, writing/RPing, PC gaming especially MMORPG's, graphic design work. Trained in martial arts from the age of 7. Is a firearms and explosives enthusiast. Is enthusiastic about all things militaria, and has a keep interest in law enforcement as well. Music - listening, spinning records and live mixing, writing music and producing in digital audio workspaces such as FL Studio (Fruity Loops). Tear has been a musician since the sixth grade, and is self-taught on a few instruments not learned in school. Singing is another hobby band while somewhat skilled, they are terribly self-conscious about singing for others. Hiking, bushcraft and survival skills. Cooking is a joy and passion, and is considered to be an art form.
Fears: Tearstone has arachnaphobia to a moderate degree. Blame watching the movie by the same name when they were little. Fears physical trauma especially surgery. This gives them the heebie-jeebies. They don't care for needles but will endure some poking and prodding. Tearstone fears leaving behind a negative legacy for their loved ones.

Cards On The Table

Rp's Currently Gming: None on RPG
Rp's Currently Enjoying: None on RPG. Play by post Tabletop game on FB for Storm King's Thunder though.
Past RP's Enjoyed:
Other Places Of Interest:
Favorite Posts: Stay tuned.
Upcoming Works: The Raptor Company (a fantasy novel), Crucible, (a sci-fi novel)


What Brings You To Role Player Guild: Roleplay
Life Before You Came To Role Player Guild: Tearstone was a member of several play by post, forum RP's and chat RP's as well as in-game RP groups in various MMO's including World of Warcraft, Eve Online, Neverwinter Nights, Champions Online, and so on.
Life Since You Came To Role Player Guild: See above, not much has changed. Tearstone has made it through two major site crashes, but is still confident in Mahz.


Quotes or Sayings:
Theme Song: Really?
Advice To The World: Stop. Think about what you're doing. Think about the consequences and repercussions. Love each other.
Anything Else: - Nothing right now.

Most Recent Posts

Kaci Hill - Tempest

She's a Superhero/|\Broken (Sad theme)/|\River Flows In You - Original (One of her love themes)
Overall Playlist
~"I'm tougher than I look."~

Arran Rassar - Alias

Theme I/|\Theme II/|\Theme III
~"A quote from the character."~


Question: If you're playing on R20, are you using voice & video or text-only?

I'm a Pro/Mentor grade member on Roll20. I could also introduce you to a good group there.

Also, this sounds a bit like Game of Thrones meets a little bit of Skyrim but less heroic on the latter. Would that be a semi-accurate assessment?
Except when it sucks the life out of you and your creative efforts.
@VATROU *shrug* Either way is fine.

*wanders back off again*
Sudden realization that the heroes are wee teens. Certainly capabale but they're so young. Poor Icon, dealing with the apparent difference in maturity levels is bound to be hella frustrating.

<Snipped quote by DearTrickster>

Let's not state it's because of age, because I'm technically an adult if we're going by that but I sure don't act like one. XD

<Snipped quote by VATROU>

You can be above 30, hold a respectable position or long held job, and/or be successful yet still not be an adult because you fail to act like it. :P

I divide being adult up into three areas:

Physically. Emotionally. Mentally. I'm pretty no one is an 'adult' in all three of these, lol. *looks at some of the behavior of the heroes currently and chuckles*

Justine is 24, college graduate. Successful reporter, even as a freelancer, making significant cash. Physically, mentally, and emotionally she is a relatively well-adjusted young adult in her prime. I think she qualifies.

<Snipped quote by NeutralNexus>

Alright, I wanted to be sure. I look forward to it.

@nitemare shape: I'll put Ben in the Char tab after I get another approval, namely as they might have questions or noted something. Too, I like involving the other Co-GMs. :P Makes us feel important (is a co-gm in another rp).

This is why I also asked. That and I want to make sure everybody is ok with what I put out. Thought it seems most people really liked the work that went into DeathDealer.
<Snipped quote by Tearstone>

I'll leave it to @Nitemare Shape to give more detailed information, but we have always made a comparison that it is our game's version of a "Metropolis", "Gotham City", or "New York City". So it might be as large as NYC, but it is a major city. Furthermore, there are districts called "Chinatown", "Little Sicily", "Little Ulster", and the "French Quarter", so there is definitively a Chinese, Italian, and Irish population, or at least a remnant of it.

Yeah, I know that much.

I'll have to think of another way to frame the information I'm looking for so I don't get obvious responses.
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