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Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: The Crossed Swords, Lair of Goody-Goodies.
Interacting with: "Kyra's Angels"

A silver coin? Satilla was manually filing down a silver coin with a knife. A process that was rather labor intensive given the nature of the tool used, the shavings would have to done carefully into the soft metal. What percentage of the silver currency was pure silver was also to be questioned. Yet Thomas had his training in the alchemical arts, and knew a few tricks to extract elemental compounds from raw materials. Traditionally it was easier for an alchemist to introduce a sample of metal to aqua fortis. Impure aurum, argent, or cupric in particular would be dissolved in the corrosive liquid, although pure gold usually required aqua regia. And then the extract taken to a flame to be boiled down until the water is driven out and what remains is a fine purified silver powder. Unfortunately aqua fortis is difficult to safely store for transport and relatively easier to make on the spot by mixing oil of vitriol with saltpeter, then continually distilling the reactive solution to obtain a concentrated amount of aqua fortis. However Thomas had no oil of vitriol, nor readily available saltpeter. As such reaching into his satchel, the sorcerer produced his spellbook, pestle and mortar, and the small alchemy knife he had.

Grinding away every few moments automatically and absently at the coin, scoring and scratching the surface with ridges to get the slivers of silver shavings unto the mortar while Kyra spilled the beans. Graves and Caves, Towers and Farms, the four or five places to be left to explore. Of course their orcs had mentioned exploring the graveyard the other day, and Cyneburg had mentioned finding nothing earlier, so that could be ruled out. And the other bit of information was hazy at best, something about an amulet that was probably enchanted or something by the sounds of it, something associating itself with stone and rocks and as Keystone suggested, not offering too much insight. Although visions were often important, maybe Thomas could sit in with Sana on some meditation to get a clearer view of the object, connecting to the greater universe was not an easy task. But the young boy was pretty much used to doing it everyday...

"I don't think we should split up. Even with daylight hours, its not like necromancers are exclusively active at night. The attacks are, but if we stumble into a lair... Plus the locations aren't all that close to each other, and we don't have a way to contact each other quickly do we in case of anything happening at one site? So there's always that danger that one group doesn't make it, and by the time we realize it..."
Thomas mused on considering the opinions of everyone. "I'm siding with Keystone on this one, we should try the tower first, who knows what old secrets are lying around there. And magey types have a thing for towers. Thomas remarked at the strange associations spellcasters had with phallic buildings. Probably had something to do with reaching a height of greater learning, able to lord over the rest of the common grounded folk from a place on high, or the staff or wand was merely the beginning of their overcompensation and the tower was the pinnacle of being the most glorious spellslinger. Either way having said his piece, his fingers running through the pages as Thomas scanned his book for that recipe. Notes on spellcrafting, various doodles of fantastic beasts and where they are located, descriptions of common alchemical plants and animal parts... And finally potion recipes:

1 x prepared crystal (see notes below ), finely ground.
1 x fire scarab carapace, powdered.
100g of purified white phosphorous (or 1kg of unrefined phosphorous)
50g of purified yellow sulfur (or 500g of unrefined sulfur)
50g of purified saltpeter (or 500g of unrefined saltpeter)

Crystal should be of decent quality, color of crystal determines color of light.
Attune crystal to source of non-magical light for 10 minutes before grinding.
Mix ground crystal, powdered beetle and phosphorus in thick glass bottle.
Add mixture of sulfur and saltpeter prepared in a separate bowl.
Keep ingredients dry. Keep away from open flame.
Shake and expose to gentle heating to activate.

Unfortunately Thomas had none of the items, on hand. Sulfur, phosphorus and saltpeter should be readily available at any alchemy story worth their... Salts... But a crystal would be more difficult, probably a quartz shard, and grinding it down was another issue. Then there was the fire scarab that was needed. Not a living one, although those usually roamed the desert sands, not temperate villages. Unless there was a collector of sorts, they'd be hard pressed to find such an ingredient. But making a potion from scratch was usually more cost-effective than buying one from some alchemist who would charge them an arm and a leg for something even Thomas could make with his basic kit, although his glassware may be too thin for the purposes the potion and may need to purchase something more sturdy. After all, saltpeter, sulfur, and a source of carbon like the powdered fire scarab was pretty much a recipe for... Black powder.

"Uh, Anyone know if there's an alchemy shop around, I've found the Recipe for sunshine-in-a-bottle, but I'm afraid I don't have all the ingredients. Plus I'd need a bit of powdered fire scarab... Somewhat defeated in his efforts, Thomas took to the pestle to crush up the silver to a finer grit, rotating and pressing along for Satilla's experimental potion. Hopefully he was being helpful enough. Although he'd really like to do that complex process of purifying silver powder, assuming there was an alchemist's shop, or even a place that sold rocks and minerals.

Posting is not an At-Will ability.

Ah DnD jokes...

"Arcane Locks can be suppressed by knowing the bypass words. But save your charms Ms. Imlotel. I fear the Mayor may need the touch of a beautiful lady, should he fail to listen to the reason of Gilean." So they were using names now? Too little too late, she had already named him before the crowd. But fortunately he was no one of great fame, only a temple librarian, one of many humble titles. A bookkeeper, a custodian of leather tomes, someone to mend and keep them in good order. Some librarian preferred to use the mystic arts to restore torn pages and shabby spines, but Kethan took each task with a personal touch. The text masterfully handwritten with his steady hand, matched to the same typeface used to demonstrate his training in calligraphy. One of the few who still worked with leaves of gold to gild the illuminated manuscripts, and prepare vellum to be inked. Indeed he was old, and perhaps being a bit of a relic to these younger folk who were more dexterous and stronger than he was, and probably more good looking without the touch of time across their brows and eyes. Tessa was far more brilliant too, a keener mind and memory. Yet he was wiser than all of them, advising his companion to charm the Mayor instead into release his captives, rather than expend such an enchantment spell on a mere manor hand to glean possible entrance to the manor. Of course as he suggested, Kethan too had ways to attempt to do the same. The Power of Gilean compels you."Worry not about your skill child, come, please do not make an old man chase after you." Dispelling concerns as his old head gave a nod of a job well done to the unnamed spellsword. His hand reaching out towards Ada to gently tap her forehead and transfer some knowledge to guide her hand

A peal of thunder.
Was it thunder in the rain?
No, just sound and fury.

And What was there to say? Kethan just shook his head with the Barbarian's crude methodology. This goliath will get them all killed. But with the arcane lock dissolved, it was much easier to bypass the doorway with brute strength, smashing down the portalway atop two unfortunate guards in a raging fury. Those poor souls ill-prepared as Kethan to deal with a mad dog, barking mad into an otherwise empty room. Did he expect a hoard of enemies waiting for him? Some grand battle inside a manor? This was no battlefield, but a domus, a place for civilized people to plot against one another with fake smiles and hidden agendas. With a sigh, Kethan retracted his offered digits, turning to see the damage done, the doors fell down with a crash, revealing the interior of the manor. Not the most elegant solution, and surely if there were any guards, they would come rushing for to defend the manor from intruders. Assuming they are being paid well enough to do so, given the state of things, maybe they were barely being paid to keep all by the Mayor in a deficit leading to servitude."Subtly is not that one's strength..."

"What are you doing?!" A hastily snapped exclamation, at the unnamed one amongst them and Tessa as they assault the unfortunate guards. guards floored by the door collapsing, as they had rushed to investigate their unexpected and uninvited guests. "These men could very well be coerced into service. And an unwilling servant is our best ally in finding this man's daughter. Why did you both assault them so quickly? They may be victims of the Mayor just as well." Chastised by an old man, truly getting cranky at the folly of fools. Always thinking quickly, but not deeply. The world needed more deep thinkers, or perhaps not, for they were a dangerous lot as not all thought benevolently. But the immediate possible threat was over, and it seemed no more guards marched themselves in to investigate, it was after all quite the downpour, and it was not uncommon for a storm to brew. What the heavens curse you with, the divines also bless you with.

A practiced hand checked the carotids, a finger checked for breath. They were still alive, though unconscious and sandwiched between the ground and the portcullis. In such a state it would be easy to finish them with, but it was a dishonorable act, and Kethan hoped to use the good nature of their warriors to stay death's hand from taking perhaps two innocent lives. "They will live, I suggest we refrain from alerting everyone of our arrival." Rising with his staff, supporting his weight as his knees visibly shook beneath the robe. How he made it this far on his knees was almost as impressive as breaking down a door. "We should split up and look for clues. We must find evidence of the Mayor's practices, as well as where your Daughter is." Walking over to the warlock and Ada, Kethan naturally divided six into two groups of three, with that rogue somewhere in the manor surely to be encountered later. Assuming he didn't loot the place dry. "I will accompany the elvens upstairs towards the Mayor's study, a man can be judged by his collection of books... And where on those shelves the grey dust settles thick."

"Ms. Imlotel, you know where I will be, a message should suffice if we are needed. And you will have the company of two strong men if needed. Do try to keep the Goliath from destroying a loadbearing wall as we shall be on the upper floors." A nod to Tessa as Kethan's suggested a plan to cover more ground in less time. After all time was indeed a factor here, splitting the group seemed to suffice given the skill the hexblade had with his weapon to act as a guard for the archer and Kethan. Plus the folks who cared to investigate the Mayor and test their wits may find searching the man's study to be more fruitful than investigating the light peeking through the bottom of the door in the far hallway. Should anything happen, Tessa could contact Kethan with a message. "Come, I will need your blade, and your lockpicks." Starting up the stairway to walk towards the Mayor's study, as the aging librarian requested Ada and Arius to accompany him according to his plans.

@Lady Amalthea

I've messed up the formatting by not adding a closing color thingy.
May I edit?

Also may I call for a check to see if Thomas remembers the Daylight Potion recipe and/or wrote it down in his spellbook?
Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: The Crossed Swords.
Interacting with: The Brunch Bunch

Evidently it was common source around here to learn how to stab people in the face and also do artisan work. Supposing then, Thomas would fight like a farmer. Which would necessitate his enemies to fight like cows. Keystone's comment take with a nod. He really ought to learn some basic techniques, just in case he found himself caught mispositioned. Or is it malpositioned? Dispositioned? One of those three ought to be the right word, though now was not the time to think about one's lexicon given the slightly concerning news Cyneburg gave regarding his friend. Ntaj it seems never returned from the graveyard of all places. A rather grim twist to think about, but hopefully Ntaj did fine and made his way out safely. Somehow. Don't dwell on these thoughts.


"Oh, uh I can uh, well assuming the ingredients are around, I can help with making potions. I've got an alchemist's kit and know a few simple recipes to brew up something that might help. There's a rather nasty way you can distil some tar into some alchemist's fire. That's sticky and the flame should produce light right?" Thomas piped up catching Sana's corundum regarding a potion to make light or at least the tailend of the conversation as he reported in. "Or if I can remember the recipe I think there's a way you can make Sunshine-in-a-Bottle. I might have written it down somewhere in my spellbook, I think. Might have glossed over it since it wasn't very useful at the time." Admittedly Thomas' alchemic knowledge was basic, but more than enough to prepare a few rudimentary alchemical spells using the techniques he learned to refine the compounds not just physically, but magically. There's a dash of the arcane arts involved, a hint of the mysticism that separated the pure herbalists and apothecaries from the alchemists.

Plus now Satilla was to be his eyes during his spellcasting. Although given they needed light, maybe he prepared the wrong spells again? But then again, maybe it was more useful to brew that Sunshine-in-a-Bottle and use that for light rather than spend the rest of the morning in meditation to prepare more spells for a fight that may or may not happen. Maybe two casts? To tally up to all his spells with a buffer. How many enemies would there be this time? "Thanks Satilla, I'll be sure to stick with you."

And the rest came up for the debrief. Hopefully everyone's pants stays on though.
@The Mighty Hero

Are the guards still conscious after the 3 attacks?
My post requires this information.
Since if they are not an visibly appear conscious, then Kethan will tap one of the guards on the head with his staff-cane for more nonlethal damage.

Hopefully enough to knock them unconscious as he passes by and heads to the area demarcated on the map given from earlier were the Mayor's study would be. Looking for records of his shady back deals as proof. Since being Lawful neutral, he'd make sure he has some ledger or something to prove to the courts this coupe was needed. Is such an area existent or must we do a search?

Also note passive investigation of 17 from 10 + 5 + 2 such information is needed to make sense of the map/room.

If both are unconscious (or appear to be to the characters), I'll have Kethan do a Medicine check to check for consciousness. Then unless we are still in a combat encounter freely move towards the corridor and use Thaumaturgy to open the door. Because he's so used to using that cantrip to enter closed doors. I'd imagine him carrying a pile of books and walking through automatic doors.
Since everyone else is rolling, we may turn this into a half-half engagement. That is someone might choose to proceed directly into combat, after others decide to attempt to resolve this without conflict. I'd assume an initiative roll is required to see the order of a potential combat scenario, plus our lovely little Rogue is in a similar half-half already.

Kethan's Initiative, or rather a lack of Initiative since he's old and can't be bothered to keep up with the younger crowd: 1d20 + 0 = 16
I think I'll wait for the DM's post to describe the scene change before posting Kethan's reaction to breaking down a front door >_<
Those dogs are doing quite a bit of damage for a bite. And since there are 4 of them...

A valid question raised here is are these dogs capable of autonomous actions?
Or are they being directed by someone to do their actions?

If the former, why are they intelligently splitting into two to attack 2 separate guards?
And why are they even attacking the guards in the first place rather than running past them?

If the latter, then what rules are we using here? Is it Animal Companion Rules with a Ranger? Or are they like hirelings?
Since Thanath has no proficiency in animal handling or nature, I'm wondering who trained these dogs to obey commands to attack.
I had originally assumed they were travelling companions, but now using them in combat seems a bit of a stretch given 1 animal friend is an feature of one entire class, let alone having 4...

Also I believe the equation you are using is wrong.

"Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage"

I think the 4 is actually the average damage, rather than a multiplier.
That is, 1d6 averages out to 3, add 1 for an average damage of 4 per successful attack.

It makes very little sense otherwise...
As taken as a multiplier, then a Skeleton with CR rating of 1/4 and has 13 (2d8 + 4) hit points...
and a sword slash from one does 5 (1d6 + 2)...

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: The Crossed Swords.
Interacting with: Keystone, Cyneburg, the Ladies (not that Cyneburg isn't a lady...)

Manna from the Sky. Like fish in a bowl, being fed flakes of former fish friends, Keystone produced a heavenly bounty of breakfast foodstuffs. Breads carved into bowls by the dagger of Kas, having been baked in the fires of Baator, fill with the eggs of ancient red dragons surely whipped into a golden fluffiness by the rod of seven parts and slowly cooked over the drawn dragon breath of its captured sire, and topped with the finest cheese: Gorgonzola, made from the acids and milk of a gorgon! What a fantastic feast! Or at least something far better than those runny eggs Thomas was glad he passed up on. Yes a few bites of the breadbowls was enough, not quite inhaling his food as quickly as possible, but rather enjoying the moment. A word of thanks before partaking in each burst of cheesy eggy carbs, in appreciating their talented cook. The last group Thomas was in survived on mediocre tavern food, as no one could cook a damn, so tasteless dry pack rations were a thing too. "Honestly Keystone, --- I've got to learn --- How to cook like this." A few broken bits between eating, not quite the most polite thing to do, but they were in a sense pressed for time.

"Oh just the usual, meditation for spellcasting, and made a fool of myself." A bit of self-deprecating humor peppered in to go with salinity of his meal, not that it needed more flavours. "Did you go off with Ntaj? I was wondering where he went off too. I sorta took a liking to him. I mean he's the only one that... A bit of a embarrassed red streaked across the boy's cheek. "Err, well anyway we should get up there with the rest of the ladies." Finishing his meal the young sorcerer wandered his way up into where Kyra was waiting, talking to Sana of things surely, and maybe Satilla too. And Thomas ought to remember to pick up his pack from its storage place before they left.

Knocking at the doorframe for politeness' sake, hopefully not to interrupt anything going on, Thomas entreated some entry into this realm of women. "I've uh, prepared some close-ranged fighter friendly spells today, but they'll leave me temporarily blinded for a about a minute or so, just uh thought I'd tell the people not in direct fray."
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