Avatar of The Grey Dust


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Current The most powerful being in your roleplaying games is probably the Bartender, the Shopkeeper, or the Butler.
3 days ago
Would you like pineapple on your paychecks?
6 days ago
The best fruit is obviously the Sea Cucumber. 50% Sea, 50% Cucumber.
7 days ago
You've heard of the Infamous Sphere of Annihilation... Now get ready for the Dildo of Destruction...
12 days ago
Because dirty talk in appreciated in the bedroom, so no your vibes are not enough...


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Deeper into madness yet. The toxic arrows of eros, envenomed with such a smiting that one kiss leaves one smitten. To devour the lotus and think of Nought, how far the fairer daughter of Laertes went to fetch her crew, but found them in such macabre embrace. The veil of life and death, fluttering in those awakened eyes once more. The rebuke from Jill nothing more than a laughable scolding compared to the tongue lashing Koan had bestowed. The damage was done, it was fair that she chastised them both for being poison to each other, feeding off the insanity of the other in a mutilating mutual madness. Yet in his silence the umbramancer said nothing to Jill who had dejectedly turned and left the pair to their bad romance. What crimson trickles had anointed them? Surely the others in the group would be able to tell of the vicious acts inflicted upon each other. But as their last encounter had failed to entertain 'Sauron' or Koan and sate their sadistic bloodlusts, maybe they were made to be, someone crazy enough to withstand Koan's wanton urges.

This will never end, because I want more.
More, give me more, give me more...

In his smiling silence, he partook in the jester's embrace, clinging on to her as she did him. A sloth of lust and claws digging into his side and back, the thrill of future pains delighted his damaged body so. To indulge in such exquisite agony, perhaps that was there was left to tingle the lost spirit. The need to harm and be harmed, the twinge of pain a fierce reminder of how alive you are. For the dead feel nothing, and to feel anything was better than to feel nothing. And perhaps, in a way, the twisted mind worked out that the pain was his punishment, an absolution for abandoning his purpose. And why not enjoy the burning waltz through purgatory with your Beatrice? Or better yet, as her angelic blue arms suggested, with Koan. Oh how the single finger continued carving across her body, tracing a line down the midsagittal as if cutting the fool apart in his arms. His talon had sliced the beating black pitter-patter, rejuvenated by his touch once like a quick cardioverion. How insidiously sweet the ebonpyre of the Fallen's burning eyes gazing over, the finger turning into fingers which brushed across Koan's waist before with a grunt took his Lilith in stride. The droning beat of the bass to the rush of blood... Dropping... Dripping from the mouth and chin unto chin and neck.

If I had a heart I could love you,
If I had a voice I would sing...

With a cutting step, he parted the waters, falling footsteps guiding along his Pandora into the devil's labyrinth as story-crossed Virgil. A deliberate slow dance, as tantalizing as her touch was, there was a loyalty in restraint. The hand at her waist caressed Koan's hip catching her to follow, the calm of the storm's fury, the unseen movement of the crushing tides rolling away beneath the sea. How too did the dark Aasimar and the Drow roll forward, one foot at at time as he lead to her suggestion, eyes madly involved with her as the empty treasures of the vault were long since raided by greed. So what of it? Both were near death, listlessly their bodies cried out for rest to resolve their aching sores, yet more did their lusting minds desire, pushing the other into boldness and stupidity out of that tainted love. This was merely the beginning, a prelude to come certainly with 'Sauron's' slow but steady approach, enduring it all was half the battle and half the fun. She had given her insights, her wild nature fickle and unrestrained, but now... Now it was his turn to show her the cruelty of tempo. She had surrendered herself to him did she not? Thus march on, to the stage to entertain their captive audience, with the practiced stalking of a death bringer. Feel the wake in passing shiver as they enter, the chill in the watery air. Look what darkness do the waves bring...

after the night when I wake up...
I'll see what tomorrow brings...

The enveloping saline was peppered by a bruised black and blue bindi, dancing and relishing an oozing crimson mandala betwixt them as it swept further, ever near the ogled inquisition, borne on seductive pinions as the Beholder questioned the beheld blonde behind bars. Cleaving to the armor of obscurities, she lifted herself, still bound in his hoisted grip, sailing and eyeing above all as a sapphire queen, mimicking a foreign royalty, that of a sultry Sheeba enticing a Solomon of shadows. Safe words remained unspoken by the duet. With fastened vermillion borders, she slid back down into his squeeze, pushed and pulled into the comprising cover of his writhing tendrils. After some twirls and dips, the byzantine tango seemed to linger, as if their listless footsteps conversed with the listening darkness, farther ahead. The sound of paddling eavesdropped into an orgasmic beat, interrogating the presence of a marid, of which the glacial Bledig promised.

Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah.

The ruffled legs jaunted to and fro, shuffling like muffled roars of falling waters. The indigo buffoon provided no sign of seduction, not desiring the head of her baptizer as a reward. No, the capricious Salome welcomed the azure taint of Loki, the blue devil that riddled her smiling face. Her fishy cheeks darted up and down like a school of labyrinthine paraplesiops, failing to race away from Sauron’s smoldering members which had already kindled her glowing waist with embers of subdued enmity. She pranced not only as his Jezebel but a tragic Cleopatra to this ever expansive troupe, the nemesis of prophecies and a koan of courtesans. The jester hoped that his silent heart did not pity her, but rather pirouette and skip to an arrhythmia of his reunited Lucrezia. Compared to the courting of his cardiac contention, her deliberations concluded…

If I had a voice, I would sing.

As the pale moon makes her sacred circles around the patient power strides, perhaps one could pause and admire the zen between them. The dancing fool, heart happy leaping with bounds at arm's reach, twirling her dancer's dervish. The dark lord, brooding shadow cutting a path through with his plodding march. One fast in ecstasy, seducing, the other slow in meditation, admiring. To feel her presence, flitting and flirting around him, to feel his gravitas drawing her into him. Indeed like the moon the Drow mistress was locked, and with her final smiling spin, the sapphire succubus was taken once more by the shadows from whence she came. Captured with arms around her catching her, yet not holding her close to his heart as he once did when it all began, but letting her momentum tip the jester back into his tendrils. Lifting her was easy twice-fold for the lady was lithe and the waters were supportive, and despite the weary kiss the warlock managed to lift her up on the altar. Hands caressing through her shoulders and back before settling on her dancer's abdominals, unbeknownst filled with the source of her chaos. Muscles primed and flexed to lift the dark angel on high, ascended from the shadows of Hell, there she could strike a pose as she desired, as Koan's body became parallel to the invisible ground for a moment of rapture. There his eyes gazed up, chin tilted to worship her shadow and his hands felt the strange mass within her. But he thought not of it under her wings, for was it not a glorious sight to behold her and pay no mind to the interrogating beholder?

Dangling feet from window frame
Will I ever ever reach the floor?

And the moment passed, to which back into his embrace Koan would find herself lowered, slowly pulled down as hands climbed across her form and drew her in. The Fallen behind her, pressed into her back and tilted to her left ear, as she was to his right. A mouthless whisper, unspoken utterances shared perhaps by mewling. The dance coming to a close as the hands drifted down and away, releasing Koan to be free to spread his darkness into the world. Jill, Cynthia, Adrevz, Dyn... And a missing pesky lizard where did the mystic wander off to? Did they miss her scurrying off like a thief in the night as they waltzd in? And who was this prisoner who distracted the eye for but a moment to be accessed as a threat to their dance? Nevermind it seemed Jill and Dyn had things done, yet now the scales were tipped towards Jill's command, and a mutiny without the kobold would surely fail unless the shadows could corrupt the blonde again Jill. But for now, 'Sauron' was pleased with their dance, at last the madness completed. Sins forgiven, atoned by pain.

More, give me more, give me more

Was the merfolk envious of their huddled command, willing to exchange her whole world to glimpse into their cohesive soul? The wisped promenade punctured the poverty of the pallid proximity, devoid of gold, ransacked by the audience’s avarice.

Crushed and filled with all I found.

Anemic of loneliness, the mood of creation abstracted them from the sallow sea, poignantly painted as Noriam’s smoke tickled her lungs, driving further into the abyss of her carnalities, soothing their constitutions with the physical poetry each scribed on their own chamberless partitions, which splashed within their jetted humors. The waded funks prompted notes of inevitable certainty, vivid and momentous as the cobalt hurricane circumscribing the fallen Aasimar. The comic’s fleshly graffiti tiptoed as a revolving ballet. The immersive iconography span as lights beneath her sutured abdominal fascia suggested the jazzy mobile was afoot.

Underneath and inside
Just to come around
More, give me more, give more

Stitches renowned of a witch, constraining the birth of a deux ex machination, appeased by the sanguine sacrifices felt on its umbilical gates. Blame espoused the atoned anguish, as their feverish foxtrot, as do all bad things, came to an end. The blue sorceress bellowed in regrettable sorrow, as her frail head leaned heavily upon his lead’s clavicle, panting.

Ah ah, ah ah. Ah ah, ah ah. Ah ah, ah ah.

Weakly, her inky mob melted with igneous and congealed congeniality. The gaggle of gangsters, her hips and lap, finally arrested as her gaze razed the sheep in ferine garb.

“If I had a voice, I would sing.”

Another gasp.

“Only for you.”

Ah how the shadowy muses grin.
Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: Level 2, "I need healing Pants."
Interacting with: Satilla & Mysterious Figure

Thomas, come back here, right now!
Half clothed one?
Boy might ought put some pants on...

Wait, what?

The sudden realization came to bear as the musty tower air against his bare legs. With fear of finding out what the others were raving on about Thomas dreadfully looked down, his eyes rolling over with a slight tip of his head. The daft draft was chilling, though the young sorcerer found himself ablaze at the cheeks. And seeing what he saw, Thomas could have died there of embarrassment, as his flush turned the tanned farmerboy's cheeks into a rosy display of humility. A jolt of his body made himself to cover his crotch with his hands, trying his best for the scrap of dignity he had left after showing the rest of the group behind him his cheeky backside. Gulping his damaged pride down with a hard swallow, the blushing boy shrunk himself back, retreating away from the bear and Kyra. Looking over his shoulder at Satilla who had suggested rather aptly he ought to get back from whatever may be going on. Thomas wasn't quite sure, and to be fair, his mind really wasn't on decoding whatever dark ritual was being done right now to whoever it was under the covers by whatever this man was.

Oh the irony. He had asked Satilla to afford him some privacy to rerobe, but now she saw his undergarments anyways. And the wolf that tore his robe didn't seem to bring the torn part into the room for Thomas to quickly grab and cover up with either. To which what could the lad do but cover himself up with his hands? His satchel at least perhaps, as he swung it around from his hip over to cover his nethers. A nearly mortified Thomas step back, hands free to cast now if necessary with the hanging courier pouch obscuring his coinpurse, although nothing really covered his arse from being seen by anyone behind him. To which he had hoped by standing at least equal to Satilla and behind the rest of the company, that much could be avoided for now. How much did Satilla already see anyways? The linen wrappings covered some, but certainly not all, Thomas's heart palpating at the social mistep. "T-thanks Satilla, I-I uh-Um... Yeah... Uh..."

What was the scrawny mage to do? Take off the remaining top half of his robe flip it around and wear them as pants? Grab his last robe and don that while in a possible battle? No there was no time for vanity at this point, and this minor covering afforded by his handbag had to do. Especially now if they were suddenly going to find themselves in another pitched battle as the answer to their burning questions regarding who this person was and what exactly was going on here. His already induced autonomic responses from being literally caught with his pants down made it that much easier to expect a fight coming on. Magical blood pumping through his body, Thomas was a ready a moments notice to use his void spell to pull any attacks back as his widened eyes focused in on an empty spot between the frumpled figure and the inanimate inmate. At least this spell allows Thomas to pick and chose who gets to face the crushing force of a gravity well, sparing Nor, Kyra, Keystone, and the Large Bear.

Then finally the issue of pants kicked in the back of the boy's mind:
Was there a decent tailor in this town? Or at least a robe shop to purchase some new outfits?
I will plan creating a Mystic (nomad) that plays like a monk.

*interest intensifies*
Alas, the deepest cut was not of the blade nor axe hacking your limbs apart. Twas the lash of love which stung harder, and arrows of eros that bore the kissing bite. Woe befalls the man who hangs his head beneath the executioner's stump, but more pitiful still is the happy lover! For to the headsman should the condemned lose their head, but to lose his head and heart to another is the destiny of the fool in love. For the object of such wanton feelings could never be marred by death or destruction. The fatal attraction to become intimately involved, cherishing each moment fleeting through the fingers like the rustle of her satin hair. To mourn over the loss, that summer day which basked the soul in such wondrous light, shut in to the darkness of artificial night. Why, such is love's transgression: love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs; Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes; Being vexed, a sea nourished with lovers' tears. What is it else? A madness most discreet, a choking gall, and a preserving sweet. Ah to be out of love, rather than in it, the chaos greatest of all, full of contradictions that drive a man to the sweet embrace of another. Sometimes of another which catches the stray eye examining other beauties, sometimes to a mistress that is life within death. Oh, teach him how he should forget to think, and forget a broken heart! Oh happy dagger, this is thy sheath!

Her eyes were nothing like the sun. Her lips pale, her skin grey dun, her raven hair. The putrid wilting roses among the gardens of Eden, of all all creation she was the most foul. Her screams like grating iron, her scent twice as so a blood which poured and suffocated. Alas, to every Adam perhaps an Eve, no angel or goddess should he be granted, but an equally sinful mate. See how the goddess rejects, commands of heaven and provides no love in return. Was his purpose to be but to worship? High laud her and extol her, the praises sung of her name. Spurned so however by another, there would be no more given. For he had awaited for her next command, and yet still none came. Useless, unworthy, and unwanted. Echoing as the enthralled man left Koan, so too did Jill leave him behind. And perhaps such cruelty was the slap across the jaw which turned those infernal eyes at Koan.

He had seen a goddess go, swimming away from his side leaving him and his devil in her wake. The whispers of the serpent lamenting, crying out so bittersweet. They deserved one another, a pair of vile wretches they would make, delving the shadows of their downfall. Jill had pulled such shroud away, unmasking the bonds of shadows which clung around them. The flattery of the mind woven around the enchanted aasimar who once flocked to her side without another thought. Yet now as the dark fog rolled back with distance, that which made the heart grow fond, the epiphany returned like a bite into the forbidden fruit. He had forsaken Koan, there behind him nigh forgotten, forlorn in the whirlpool of her own drowning. Truly could it be said, that each tear drop wept into the seas made no difference. Yet more salty was the waters now than before by the weeping of the drow maiden and by heaven never was there a love as rare. As any she belied with false compare.

"Koan..." The regret dripped off the vowels. "I... I'm sorry, she... She used her talents against me. Her golden voice so clear and cutting, dominating... I... She bewitched me... Her beauty and grace, the way she commanded me... It was... Impossible for me to resist, I beg you forgive me Koan."

Pausing to make amends, a finger which attempted to wipe the merging tears from her cheek. What would she think of him? Would she accept him? Or would the dark angel too cast him into limbo for serving neither heaven nor hell?

The faintest salve finally breathed from her source of forlorn adoration. A bitter ambrosia puffed by the male shadowmancer as adjacent merfolk quarreled amongst themselves and an offensive portal, eventually revealing, behind its wet bones, a treasure trove worthy of a larcenous Midas. The oblivious buffoon ignored the rumpus and nibbled upon the audible morsels carried by the currents of Noriam’s solicited confession, a hopeful metanoia before the combusting inquisition of drab eyes.

The stammering stuttering. The sputtering sobbing.

The hesitating ziggurats of vernacular declared sincerity, seeming mostly earnest and honest, but the ancestral statues of disfigured regret pooled and cemented into broken simulacra of pity and angst, trickling from the lips of her aspired lover. All before a ravenous gaze of a fool, as his boisterous hemlock poisoned her authentic perception of Jill, their leader.

She used her talents…

Was the warlock’s will guillotined by the blade of their enthralling captain? Not a glamorous bard, but a spiteful enchantress of Llyr sand castles, moist with the encroaching tide’s evanescent retreat, but hardened by the gritty grains of spite, sprawled and compacted under the whipped palms of a Conchis. In return, an Achren restrained her mate with a mere sultry ogle, glowering and binding her to the dead man, resurrected by shadows, and followed by murky mongrels. A starvation of unrequited ardor fanned the famished flame of anger, purchasing a bribe of thirty blinks of silver. The clown accepted the puppet’s apology, but juggling the badgering implications spelled mutiny. Would insurgent sedition wash over the jester, gravitationally shifting the gorge within the amygdalin pit of her barren soul to relinquish affection in favor of a paradoxical loyalty? This recalcitrant ebb and flow from this Sauron, suggested a candid coaxing.

His insipid hair floating, dreaming thunder, quaking the feeble knees of the joker, as the others trotted further into the paragon of stolen fortune. His chin’s brink breached the valley of a sorrowing abyss, which beckoned her mercy and compassion. Twas a meager roar of an endless woe, the proverbial weeping and gnashing of teeth. The brows above his tearful orbs waxed a furrowed blindness, begging belief of his bewitchment as the wrinkles descended into anguished courage born by saints and demons.

“She…” Her scarlet wreathes darted like coins cast by a penitent Iscariot, toward the chief of their S.S. Lady Slipper. “Did this to me… And you?”

"To us." The correction bittersweet. How vile a serpent's tongue matched the the charms of the other Aasimar. Whispered words of Claudius into the ear of king Hamlet, admissions of guilt that wrestled the soul against the gods. And yet, alas, from what chalice they would share together, poison sipped in grace. He could not, no would not, sever the ties which still entrapped them, the betrayal had granted him the audience within Jill's court had it not? No, too blessed by heavens to be in her tidings did the enthralled one find himself, merry in drinking and feasting upon the honey that dripped from her enchanting lips. Such that his confession to the weeping fool burdened him greater with one foot on either side. And the Spanish donkey he rode as the devoted inquisition split him from side to side just as he did to the Cerberus not so long ago. Oh how weight of both women on his shoulders tore the wings and plucked the feathers, turning his mind from one temptation to another. And so too perhaps the predicament reflected in the watery eyes of the dark mistress as his fingers found the tears at her cheek. Alas how the Bard would turn at all the summons, the very work thickening the hidden plots. Collusion played in the shadows, and the whispers of Iago ruin the bonds of man by jealous and mistrust. What was the greatest sin of all but envy after pride?

"But blame not her enchanting voice and ravishing beauty, Koan, but my weakness for it." The soft redirection, a gentle nudge to turn the head and eyes of Koan back towards the shadowed one, the placing of a Romeo between a Tybalt and Mercutio in attempt to resolve such ire. For the daggers in the eyes were not betrayed by words almost hissed. Clawing through the fog of his mind, the strings which pierced his skin with iron needles to become Jill's marionette, kneeling at her behest and urge. What idle chatter the others had seemed a world away, barely registering as the party broke into a vault of a golden horde. Yet since for all the riches of a kingdom could be so easily traded for a horse, what good was such idle riches? Chests of gold could not absolve the soul, offerings of silver could not bring back the dead, and jewels nor pearls could not replace tears. There was only one worthy tribute to regain Koan's endearment, a price to be paid for such sins: A pound of flesh and all the blood drawn therein. "I beg you punish me for my weakness. Tear your claws into my body and let your talons remind it of your touch."

"Mark me yours so I remember, brand me to be faithful to you alone. Anoint me in my own tortured blood and let my cries of pain be praises of devotion to you." Ah to watch the clown's expressions change, from sadness into ire, yet in a bargain of his own, 'Sauron' was blind to the gathering storm. His body offered to shield his enchantress from the wrath gleaned in those mutinous eyes, a flash of insight alone would have perhaps teased away such thoughts. Yet for the condemn thrall, he saw only desperation in his meager ploy, an attempt to sate both masters. Something which he knew he could not do, and this attempt would be all in vain. Their fates left hanging in the balance for Koan to decide, dangling over the pit of darkness with snickering jowls awaiting for the return of their lured lover. Would she do as he suggested, and claw into the shadows of his armor? Harming him such that the pain remind him of to whom it was he should kneel before? Or would she enjoy watching him slowly strangle? Drowning slowly in a pool of his own words?

And now should all of Rome gaze upon Antony and Cleopatra?
For betrayal is all but a moment's heartbeat away.
Like the bite of asp to break a lover's heart.

Myasthenia flounced upon the shoulders of the jester, slouching in feeble whimsy as the Almeira beneath her boiling skin, scorned the furies within her sutured abdomen. Now, a Belinda, manic and ferocious over the loss of a proverbial mane of trust, the locked raptum, tempting the lord of Petres, to cut, for him and him alone a lock ironically with permission. The quittance of Hera seeking remuneration of a Zeus for his illicit pleasures wrought by havoc and by force. However, Noriam was not a god, but a shadow pirouetted by pulleys jerked and wrenched strings of the angel in question, as a Brunhilden devil gazed with bile, torrid tumors like stalactites barring and banning anything but the festered fetor of scalding cavern of madness past the skull of a Yorick.

Her sigh waxed and waned, as ears devoured the offer of altruism, to not harm Jill, but hammer the bouquet the whispered seraphs, emitted by her preposterous love. Sauron’s words clapt their remorseful wings, resounding the heavenly vault between Koan’s ears. The availing dirge heaved her pensive bosom, distracting by the confessing groan from the nobler strain of a man infected by the painful felicity of a more clever bard.

Or was this a mere farce, orchestrated for her suitor to fall on the sword of a broken hero?

The insightful buffoon eyed the polished stud upon the glossal muscle, now jutted out for all to glean, wilting below her bewitched nostrils, which recanted mimes and adorned the Demosthenes of the realms. The ferrous taste of iron constantly reminded the clown of the vampiric keepsake of a forsworn slavery, to which her mouth was no longer a thrall in that surpassed dream of abused thrones and rusting crowns.
With a frail finger, a flame erupted briefly upon the tongued jewel, only to be snuffed by the overwhelming water pervading and drowning them.

Mark me…

Her silvery arms abruptly hugged the warlock ever tightly as a blistering kiss soon embraced his dancing sinew originating from the oral depths of concessions.

“Please. Your wish is always my command. Now. Be quiet.”

The osculating Naxos hissed amidst the Ariadne and her Theseus.

Embraced with a kiss. How quaint that the prodigal son would be so welcome once more, despite his wavering loyalty. And of all things to anoint him as your devotee: a kiss. Alas, her arms around him, and his arms so willingly taking her. The tendrils of darkness binding in glee as shadows touched, consummating their ploys to use their peons. The rest of the party had been far too focused on the glimmer and glint of earthly treasures that they seemed to have forgotten the fallen and the fool. Tucked away in the background as they made their lover's quarrel, in the verdant stream where their silhouettes became one against the dark waters. The hissing of steam and bubbles the only sounds which muffled the moans of pleasure and pain between them. Flesh seared unto glowing metal, scraped across the brand as both tongues burned by that cheeky tongue stud heated ever hot. Lips locked and heads tilted all the slightest, ministrations across the sensitive flesh quivered in spasms of pain. Twas the act of suckling upon the teat of Hestia, her hearthfire searing the sizzling tongues. But so eager were hungry mouths, devouring all the thousands of chili peppers as each dulled taste registered only as pain carried across the trinity of the five, nine and ten. The infernal kiss to be shared, devilishly romantically as eyes winced closed in pushing through the burning agony. The jerking motions of the body tethered against each other, grappled in the arms such that neither could slip away. An experience neither would soon forget.

That is until the final spasm of Koan's body gave in throw, the final gaze into 'Sauron's' eyes the ecstatic pupils wide enough to see the reflection of herself within the darkness of those hellish irises. The pleasure of knowing she had branded him there in a most intimate of parts was hers, the silver tongue marked by her stud. Of all the words he could sweetly spin to pull wool over the eyes, his serpent's speech now addled by her signature. This was a trial by fire, as in the old days the accused were put to the test by a heated knife over their bare tongue. For if one was a righteous man, there was no reason to fear the wrath of a blade, and thus no autonomics to shrivel a lying tongue dry at the sight. Thus the heat would be cooled by the sizzle of saliva for the honest man, yet the lies which the umbramancer bore across his tongue scalded him so. He had been untruthful to them all, and now this was his retribution was it not? And yet, with the ecstasy of pain the spell the Bard had over him was broken. Purgatory had removed him of his sins, as he held the limp Koan aloft, bracing her unconscious body in his arms. The revelation as his senses returned bar taste and smell, that he held a dear mistress who had given him his wish at such a cost. The pain muted him still, the hundreds of pins penetrating his tongue that tickled his sadomasochism so. To feel the life slowly slipping away from her in his hands, a moment of bliss to know how she straddled life and death; To see the cyanosis of her grey skin, turning now as she gave her very breaths for him.

And now returned, the dark aasimar slid his hand to cradle the blue beauty's head from the current's bob. Their broken kiss rendering him silent as her final orders. To admire her anymore was to kill her, and thus with a single finger tracing a line down her brow to those lips and down her neck the warlock used his innate restorative powers to revive his dark lady back into the waking world where she may find herself still held in her smiling servant's arms with all the dysfunctional twisted gestures of affection between a fool and his fool.

And though neither were fit for battle sans rest, they had avoided a shipwreck all together. For had her ire not been resolved in such a way, what anger seething as her now cool stud once bore may have erupted into chaos. Yet was there not a rift that grew? One that a kiss could not alone mend? A spite of jealous in such spit, that swapped and swallowed in bitterness deep? So ends the drama of this tale for now. Yet perhaps the promise of another to be woven looms with the snickering shadows.

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: Level 2, probably Exorcism.
Interacting with: The Group, Ash, & Mysterious Figures!


The tearing sound of fabric giving way to sheer force. In all the haste of interrupting what dark ritual may be taking place, the young sorcerer failed to notice two things. The first being the direwolf who had been pawing away with great concern over the doors. The second being the newly torn robes as the wolf managed to step on the trailing edge of his lunar finery as Thomas rushed into break a possible rite from summoning forth evils beyond the ability of the party. As the concerned lad dashed into the room, the wolf's claws had caught on the hem of the youth's robe and split them down the middle as two opposing forces met. Alas were it not for the boy's under linens he'd be short of mooning the party. However the damage was done and for the most part, Thomas had managed to ruin yet another robe of the three he had packed along his travels. The first lost to vomit, and now the second being sundered at a crucial seam beneath the intricate layering.

"Stop your ritual necromancer!"

Thus there was the boy, standing in his underwear with an accusation fingers pointing out of his robe's billowy sleeves. It may perhaps be a bit more authoritative if it were not for the lad's age, or hairless tanned skinny legs sticking out underneath the preserved robe uppers. It seemed Thomas hadn't quite realized what had happened and thus with the folly of wanton youth, rushed into the ritual headfirst the moment his eyes focused in on the dimly lit room. A be-robed Figure kneeling over a bed which contained perhaps another body did not make for a welcome sight given the nature of their expected foe. And yet, was the sight of Thomas' outlined derriere quite a welcome sight?
Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: Level 2.
Interacting with: The Group, Doors, Floors, Walls, Magic?

Was it the wooziness experienced after the spell, or was it reality? Thomas swore he saw Keystone dancing? Couldn't possibly be, that the fisticuffs resembled some form of ballet? Spinning and twirling with pirouettes and plies? A vision of the shadow boxing chef in a frilly pink tutu came to mind, which was in a way more frightening than amusing in itself. It took a moment there for Thomas to get back into the game, a few blinks of uncertainty at having watch Keystone's interpretive danse. Staring dumbfounded as his attention struggled to refocus against the intensity light which dazed his own eyes. Visions of realities fractured apart, sundered into the many folds written in the cosmos, the universe laying over itself and perhaps in this one Thomas found himself in Keystone was such a ballerina. Or maybe it was the sorcerer who spun around the world until eventually all possibilities collapsed into one and then the fog of the mind cleared.

"Ugh. I... I don't... I can try..." Groping with a hand the floor and walls, with a caution to slow his excitement, the vile reaction of last still fresh in the mind. Sensing out with such restrain, looking out for the leylines of a entrapping spell, something was definitely present, but there was no sign of traps of a magical nature to the best of Thomas' ability, recalling back the use of wards and barriers which would have suddenly sprung. No chalk lines or etchings felt at his fingertips, nothing out of the ordinary, per say, no engraved runes or Sigils. There was nothing he could find, as he approached the first door before him nearest Kyra. "I don't sense any sort of ward on this door," backing off slowly before approaching Sana's door, minding the direwolf, "Don't think there's one here either."

All those guardians for two locked doors? Thomas could only ponder the use of such feeble security guards. "Can't rule out anything on the other side, there's magic about nearby, I just can't quite... Well there's no Wards on the doors so it should be breakable. But uh, I can't quite say what's behind them. I mean it don't think it's magically trapped at least, but there could be some undead army waiting behind that door for us... It's possible you know that the doors are enchanted to open with a passcode or some sort of identifier to bypass them or something. Seems rather silly to me to have guards guarding two locked doors." Thomas gave his input and best efforts. He did his part, and turned over to Keystone or Sana or Kyra for direction next.
Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: Level 2 (The Tower floor, not character level).
Interacting with: Scooby Doo Gang (It's the direwolf, not sure about the bear) & A2?

"You and me both Satilla."

Well despite beginning with utter failure, and a rather nauseating case of vomiting due to malingering malodorous malice, everything thus far had been quite fortunate. They hadn't taken as much as scratch on them from these clunky undead tin cans. Wandering up the stairwell was easy enough with their scouts having lead the vanguard, and Sana taking the sentry. A narrow pass would normally be ill-advised, but seeing how their fighters had covered both points, it was safe enough for the party casters to advance forward. Although Murphy's Law would suggest they were doomed for failure at any point along their trek. Yet it seems the necromancer had given them every suspicion required to believe they were on the right track in investigating this tower of armored undead. But then again a secret trapdoor switch or something could mean they would be have to keep climbing like the nautilus' spiralling chambers.

"I've got one!" Not to be caught disappointed, there were awaiting their ascent, two spooked armors ready to start attacking. And yet, given the results of the last round these enemies seemed rather... Lacking? At this point Thomas' excitement could have done more damage to his spellcasting concentration as the young sorcerer was overly eager to contribute to the destruction of the armors. His finger pointed at a spot just above the armor against the wall to his right, with the flair and gusto of rash youth just looking past Sana. Sure the cost of the spell may leave him a bit less than ready for combat, but there were only two armors, and a bunch of adventurers. That and Satilla had Thomas' back and could guide him by should he fail to readily steady himself. Such bravado and faith, foolish to some degree as an unfocused spell could readily backfire and instead rebound, frying the entire group instead or some other catastrophically embarrassing moment like the episode of regurgitation outside. It was never a wise move to go rush into magic, and yet here was Thomas, finger pointed dropping down the hammer on a would be attacker.

A searing radiance of the sun, dropped down from the ceiling in a pillar of pure light. Bathed in the light, the armored zombie must have roasted from the inside. Light disintegrating flesh into ashes, turning the armor into something shy of a oven with the roasting remains still sizzling and smoldering away at the last of the light fading into the sealing zone of sunlight that lingered as a ward. Fortunately for the armored zombie however, the secondary effect of the spells would be unnecessary as it readily slumped down and the metal helmet fell against the second floor (or the British first floor).

"Did I get'em?" Thomas managed to comment out before closing his eyes a bit from the rebounding stupor. This was always the worst part of the spell, being unable to react appropriately for a few seconds until the blood flow returned to normal and the magic energy step back down from overloading his mind with visions of bright light. Rather disorienting, but they have at least now seen both the light and dark of Thomas' spells. Maybe they'd get to see a few more, but Thomas really didn't count of using the three greater cyclic spells he had, they had awfully long recovery times to gain the level of cosmic energy required to cast them. Plus they shifted his phases, and next after sun would have been... Bashful Moon.
@Lady Amalthea

Well I have no qualms about moving up a level.
And there's a terrible DND joke waiting to be made there.
Returned from the shadows as the darkness, the final Cerberus lay lifeless. The bisection of the jaws and throat split open revealing the oropharyngeal cavity of the central head. The amount of trauma caused by the Hexblade's darksaber was brutal, and the blood loss the ultimate demise as the two panicked heads tried their best to keep alive. The last moments of terror burned into the retinas, the darkness everlasting as it was pulled unwillingly to the shadowgloam. And even as short of a time it had spent there, no creature remained in the shadows so long without being touched. Anger, Confusion, Fear, and Despair, the four emotions warped and wrapt into a series of bursts until at last death came like a sweet angel to kiss those trembling lips. And alas, the silence of the beast which signaled the conclusion of the battle. Much to the disappointment of the umbramancer who had wanted to feel the bite of those teeth against his ribs, all three whelps were vanquished by the combined forces of the party.

Though his sadomasochistic bloodlust was quelled, it appeared Jill had other plans. Dispelling away the Darkness from Koan's maw, the shining light of dark like dawn rising with fury. The splendor of the heavens radiating through her, her fingertips like the very touch of the divines! And there his eyes could not peel themselves away from such ethereal wonder, the glamour like a shimmering wool over his burning gaze that watched as a young goddess approached him with the sway of her feathery wings that sprouted behind her corona. Her sweet golden voice like the very choir angelic, befitting of a cherubic bard as the meaning of her command became a haze. Perhaps he heard her not? Or did he just naturally fall down from the glory of being in her presence? His knees gave in, falling from grace once more, the retreating shadows fading to the power of Jill's illumination. Upon his knees the fallen aasimar knelt before the other aasimar, stricken with an undeniable urge to serve her. Gone was the sight of Koan who lurked behind him, gone were the shadows that surrounded him. For now, Jill commanded the warlock's attention, her words unwittingly laced with fey guile. He had no choice but to obey, stricken and smitten by her dominating charms.

The next time you banish an enemy I have brought low, I swear upon the heavens...

Words that chilled him, almost branded across his chest as 'Sauron' helpless watched the queen rebuke him. And yet the promise of her action sworn up on the heavens, an oath the aasimar should take with gravity lest they fall, was left unsaid as those glowing eyes blinked back to normal and the cheery girl returned with congratulations all around. Though the radiant one turned away and left him to rise from his trance, slowly feeling the strength return to his lower limbs, the enthrallment still present as his eyes sharpen to gaze at Jill. Indeed the haze in his mind iresome, as the whispers of the dark called back, slowly turning his head towards the once forgotten Koan. Caught between two mistresses, it seems and how he savored the fact that they would tear him apart limb from captured limb. Humbled and his resolve shaken, the sight certainly a display for the rest of the combatants there, it was a cold bath which cleared his thoughts, though still compelled to follow after Jill. The warlock felt the partial tug away from his senses, the subtle nuances of magic that made him obey her command.

"No need for spells if you want me on my knees before you." Tailing after his commander, the object of his want and will, bewitched by the song of the bard. How would Koan take this strange betrayal? Or all his attention lost from her and now directed at the shining Jill? Or would she understand that the bard had played a trick on his foggy mind, by the allure of both women and battle. Either way Noriam stood by Jill, his comment directed only to her as a casual aside, thrown into the mix as the enchanted man reached for his rod. Felt heavy in hand as the pulsating shaft was grasped and pulled free. Long as a wand but far thicker, the potency of the warlock's rod hidden beneath the mantle. Cold tarnished silver metal bore the appearance of a dark wing, yet a polished part bore the spiraling threads which snaked around the rod towards the other end. Tool in hand, his shadow blade sheathed in the darkness of the cloak, waiting to be drawn as if by magic. He would prepare himself for another battle if needed, though his shadow required rest from having pulled those creatures into the dark. For Jill perhaps he would milk one last spell from his rod, and muster up the performance he had given Koan in the darkness. Would Koan pull him back from the light and entice the hexed hexblade into the blinding dark? Or was it Jill who bore the light as blinding as the shadows themselves?

Either way, it seemed there was a lover's quarrel between the more monstrous amongst them. Namely the beholder and kobold, something of a dispute that 'Sauron' had no stake in or any interest in resolving. Thus just as he and Jill became a show for the other, so too did Dyn and Askia. Untill of course a huge tiger threw itself into the whirlpool washing machine like a blue stripped sock, and found itself caught in the beholder's spin cycle. To which their threesome ended with some exchange of tentacle waving. So the lizard followed the fish, and the tiger followed the octopus. Now, who was it that 'Sauron' should follow? The Angel or the Succubus?
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