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4 yrs ago
Current Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics.
4 yrs ago
The highest, most decisive experience is to be alone with one's own self. You must be alone to find out what supports you, when you find that you can not support yourself.
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5 yrs ago
One cannot live from anything except what one is.
5 yrs ago
The slave to virtue finds the way as little as the slave to vices.
5 yrs ago
The core of an individual is the mystery of life, which dies when it is 'grasped'. That is also why symbols want to keep their secrets.


The Harbinger of Ferocity

Agent of the Wild, Aspect of the Ferine
Nature, red in tooth and claw.

"There is, indeed, no single quality of the cat that man could not emulate to his advantage."
- Carl Van Vechten

I am, at my core, a personification and manifestation of those things whose blood and hearts run red with the ferocity of the animal world. It is this which convicts and controls my works, my writing, my being; the force and guidance in which I gain wisdom from. It is what inspires me as a creator and weaver of words, the very thing I admire as an author.

My leanings, savage as they are, are of the feline sort as there exists no greater lineage of beasts whom can be drawn from. No others captivate and motivate my talent and skill as the greatest of cats do.

Most Recent Posts

This was getting to be pretty tedious and Theron didn't like it, not one bit. The part about his newfound counterpart just blurting out a name made him pause for a moment, not so much shock as it was the soft motion of stabilizing himself for what felt like an impending attack. Just who was this weirdo? Why in the ever loving pits of this trash heap city did everyone on the street want some part of this Davison guy? This little punk, not even a punk really, the guy hadn't even the slightest show of cyber, was doing all he could to gall him out into this deal. It all felt like a trap, just everywhere his mind could run to, but the problem was... now this was his job.

That's what made him not like an ounce of it. This wasn't really about Golemeth, worthless robo-freak he was in this slummed out side of the city rolling hot with the big guns to slam it on with some nobody boosters, it was all about the missing Davison. Unfortunately that compelled him to play nice with his new "friend" who seemed to be somewhere between totally sane and reasonable and more a loose cannon than any of the nightlife the hunter crossed tonight.

The "please" bit didn't help cement the decision in the slightest but at least he could now talk his way out of this one with the corp if things went south; the unconscious solo wasn't worth nearly as much intel potentially as someone who could name drop the target itself. Rolling his eyes behind his glasses, every hair on his body wanting to stand on end, Theron finally uttered his concession, "About time, that was what I was looking for."

But the blacked out street predator wasn't about to make it that easy.

"I make my call, then we meet." It was clear that being potentially dead from the trap wasn't a good option and the man knew it. So, better to take down the potential threat with him if he went down. At least then they would both be dead then as it would put a bigger flame under the ass of the corp to weed out the competition.

"You explain yourself, tinker around with our mutual acquaintance, and then we go our ways, just like you said. We both win and we can quit chatting in this alley. Done deal."

As far as he was concerned, slowly turning the barrel down, that was as sweet as he could make it without getting tagged. The man just smelled, at this point tasted like a cocktail of unstable emotions. At least he didn't seem to be a junkie, that was the upside and bought him a bit more credibility, but no matter how hard Tracy tried to hide it, the more animal parts of his company were all over the fact that he was shadier than he looked on the outside. The little motions of the hand, the flushing of the blood from deathgrip tier fingers, the shift of his weight from soles of the feet to the balls, on and on the list went.

Theron didn't add the obvious either that they would know just where the line tapped in at. Whoever this guy was, he knew it already. Not that the Intellitron prowler would admit it either, but he would send the "All Clear". The last thing he needed was his own to swoop in on his scoop. If this panned out how he was hoping it would, those fleeting images of a quick detour and done, this would be an even bigger payout for whoever was in the know that wanted this guy so badly.

I often debate posting new topics and interest checks yet it always becomes a matter of my genres and desires are often much too narrow to gain much ground for the audiences of the forum. This, in conjunction with the fact I am stuck as a "forever storyteller" and that my schedule varies wildly, often poses to me that it would be safest not to engage in the endeavor. Instead I attempt to find topics to join that I could potentially work myself into although that track record of them surviving beyond infancy is rare but more measurable.
This evening I should have writing time available, @Terminal.
Since we are on the topic, none of the ball sports ever made any sense to me while all of the combative sports did. I suppose to each's own in the end.
You are not the only one, @HaleyTheRandom. The time for the celebration of Christmas does not come until the end of Thanksgiving, at which I find it acceptable to begin decorating and putting out the varied merchandise. That it starts now in October and the two bleed into one another directly, stores in some cases having those mingling isles, is irritating. Let each holiday have its time, especially when Thanksgiving has almost always been overshadowed at this rate.
Unless anyone opposes, that would be my vote given we seem to be at yet another standstill in activity, @Hekazu. Granted my lone vote accounts for very little and I am unsure what anyone else would wish to do, if anything at all. All I can be certain of is that we need deal with the dragons and if Leosin can divulge nothing else, our task is fairly clear. I presume the module does that on purpose, but I am not one to know. Perhaps some of the party with other, more scholarly knowledge might have an idea?
"You see, you don't make a convincing argument how this benefits me. That's why I am a bit skeptical. That simple - nothing personal either, just business, and the offer you are making right now?"

The methodical slow steps each boot took when the associated foot fell kept on with their pace, despite the flurry and frenzy of talking the other man did. If anything it just convinced the hunter a lot further that this was not only a bad idea, it was a terrible idea to even keep listening much longer. Golemeth was his quarry, he had him alive and secured, and that was the best he had to offer at the moment for himself. The stranger, who only seemed to become more riled and rowdy with ever new word uttered? There wasn't anything to be offered and not an ounce of trust.

Frankly, Theron trusted him as much as he did the Spider or the boosters or reasonably less as he thought about it, spurring him to note as much as he returned the other man's stare with a narrowed one behind the dust powdered glasses from all the concrete that had been pulverized, "Not too sweet, so I am thinking it would be best for you, us both, is that you start walking back the other way and don't stop."

The situation erred closer and closer to one of the roads that led on down to where Theron needed to be, but there was no opportunity to break and run. Mobility was key, as was not exposing one's self to being just casually shot in the back, and both of those options were effectively up in smoke. All there was, was the grungy alleyway, one unconscious, beaten former cyber junkie, and these two vultures pecking at him. Theron sighed a bit, his posture easing some and the false leather of his coat giving a bit more slack.

"And lets not try to be crafty either. No shadiness with the hands or bag, just nice easy steps and we can both go to sleep tonight somewhere not six feet under or getting picked at by geeked out rats or dregs."

Odds were if he flatlined someone would come looking for him or Golemeth, given this was the last place they so happened to be. Problem was, that was hours away when the day came. Either Theron sent something back, a report of what went down, or he came back with a body, living or dead. A missing hunter, especially in this case? Nothing but added fuel to the fire to try and get it resolved. The more conspiracy it all was shrouded in made employers increasingly more desperate and whoever the corp-cop was that blew their little tech dealing venture up had way more attention than imagined. Theron hadn't even had the chance of trying to figure out what the metal eight-leg freak really wanted or what gang was hunting his quarry. It had all been nonstop since his heels hit the pavement from the transport into the Combat Zone.

That wasn't entirely true, the stalk and chase, that was all a bit time consuming, but it blurred together and getting this far to even catch a breath was short lived. Whoever this guy was, he stood somewhere right on the line between being perfectly rational and absolutely unhinged, which with this case was always on a loop.

@Sewer Rat

I strongly, strongly urge you to follow this link to speak with someone who can and will actively help you. It is free and they are experts about finding people other, better, safer solutions to their trouble. As @Heat said, things will get better and an ultimate solution is not the answer; suicide does not resolve anything. People do care about you, even those of us here who you do not know and have likely never spoken with at large.
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