Avatar of The Irish Tree


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8 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
8 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts

Crusader, crusader, please take me with you
The battle lies far to the east
Crusader, crusader, don't leave me alone
I want to ride out on your quest
I'm waiting, I'm waiting, to stand by your side
To fight with you over the sea
They're calling, they're calling, I have to be there
The holy land has to be free

Fight the good fight
Believe what is right
Crusader, the Lord of the Realm
Fight the good fight
With all your might
Crusader, the Lord of the Realm

We're marching, we're marching, to a land far from home
No one can say who'll return
For Christendom's sake, we'll take our revenge
On the pagans from out of the east
We Christians are coming, with swords held on high
United by faith and the cause
The Saracen heathen will soon taste our steel
Our standards will rise 'cross the land

Fight the good fight
Believe what is right
Crusader, the Lord of the Realm
Fight the good fight
With all your might
Crusader, the Lord of the Realm

To battle, to battle, the Saracen hordes
We follow the warrior king
Onward, ride onward, into the fight
We carry the sign of the cross
Warlords of England, Knights of the Realm
Spilling their blood in the sand
Crusader, crusader, the legend is born
The future will honour your deeds

Fight the good fight
Believe what is right
Crusader, the Lord of the Realm
Fight the good fight
With all your might
Crusader, the Lord of the Realm

(Come Crusader let battle commence)

Fight the good fight
Believe what is right
Crusader, the Lord of the Realm
Crusader, the Lord of the Realm

Fight the good fight
Believe what is right
Crusader, the Lord of the Realm
Crusader, the Lord of the Realm


Varjan war hounds? Magnus had heard stories of the Varjo Kingdom from his father; Namely, absolutely nothing good came of dealing with them. Their fighters were strong, but lacked any semblance of honor or respect for the fallen. He wondered if Emilio had done something wrong, though he had a feeling that the Varjans army didn't need much of a reason to justify their actions, if they mutate their hounds to such a horrifying degree. When talk of reward and pelts came up, Magnus was eager to skin them, though buying a new tunic was...well, not many places made tunics for his size, and even then, he didn't feel like he could just replace a gift so easily. Perhaps he could simply get it patched up in town.

"I'll skin them then...I'm just glad you're okay, Mr. Emilio." Magnus said, getting to work quickly. He'd be fine to carry the numerous pelts on his own, feeling he might as well put his brawn to some use.

Once they arrived, Magnus was excited to ditch the pelts for some gold once they got to the store. Though he couldn't really see past the stack of hide, he gave the cyclops woman a passing glance and a small smile, just in friendly passing. Looking to the side of his pile of hides, he'd give a small wave of greeting to the store clerk. "H-Hello ma'am. We're um...adventurers, looking for someone building a flying machine here. Do you happen to know who's building it? I-If not, that's okay, we have hides to sell too." he said, trying to hunch a bit to look less intimidating.

@Eviledd1984, @Rune_Alchemist(CHR)

Nephele simply followed Christine, not wanting the young lady of the manor to hurt herself, pondering over what she had been muttering about. Was she dissapointed that a man wasn't acting with her? Was it THAT sort of play? Nephele didn't know, and really didn't especially care; All that mattered was the job at hand, and making sure that Christine didn't fall flat on her face in her excitement. Her exuberance did draw out a smile from Nephele though, who kept pace with her to keep her from falling flat on her face, or needlessly mutilating her hands on her claws. "I know little of space squids or acting, but I'll do my best to meet your expectations." she said, simply keeping pace. "Please be careful with my hands, Christine. I wouldn't want yours to be hurt." she added thoughtfully, now more or less just walking hand in hand with her. Given her utter lack of knowledge on personal space as well, Nephele was a might bit close.
Apologies for the short post, wrist has been killing me. Hope everyone had Happy Holiday.


The glum Minotaur sighed, knowing that Arletta was right; It was his own fault for not just taking it off before charging in, or storing it at the guild for wearing around there. Dwelling on it wouldn't do much good, but the thought of how badly he just ruined a gift still hung in his mind as he looked at the man who had previously been fending for his life. Taking a deep breath, he at least felt good about saving the man's life...even if he had put a very axe-shaped hole in the side of his vehicle. Well, hopefully that could be fixed. Seemed like a waste to just abandon the thing to the wilderness.

"I'm glad you're alright, Mr. Emilio. I-I'm Magnus, and this is Arletta...a-and um...not a couple." Magnus said, tapping his index fingers at the last bit. His cheeks seemed a bit red too, clearly a bit flustered at the idea. While Arletta was certainly pretty, he'd be wrong to assume that her kindness was meant in any romantic sense...at least, that's what he thought. Female monsters tended to be more well received than he was. Female monsters were beautiful, but male ones...well, that was give or take to the eye of the Gazer, he supposed. He'd read enough of the old tales of monsters being slain for kidnapping women and the like, so he just...kind of assumed that nobody COULD want him in a romantic fashion. "We're on a job request for someone in Mahigan...b-but um, if you don't mind me asking, how did you wind up in such a tight spot? Was there anyone else with you that got hurt?" The Minotaur asked, before crouching down by the stagecoach to examine a bit of the damage. Maybe it was still usable, even without horses. Magnus could push it...he supposed. Not very fast, but it wouldn't be too big of an issue, so long as it wasn't a push needed all the way back to Sonorra. While he was down there, he pried his axe out, examining the edge and running a calloused finger along it, making sure that it wasn't blunted from the throw.

@Eviledd1984, @Rune_Alchemist

Nephele felt the slightest chill run up her spine as the birds cawed from overhead, her ears standing a bit on end as she walked through the graveyard. Honestly, she was prepared to unleash some fog if need be, but it seemed that Gerald's daughter was relatively alive and not some form of being bent on destruction. Well, that pretty much meant that her paranoia was unfounded, the act of the girl freaking out so much eliciting a small giggle from the dragoness. Addressing the noble daughter, she said: "A pleasure to make your acquaintance. While it would be profitable, I'm not the type of dragon that kidnaps, so rest assured that you won't be waiting on a knight." as a small attempt at lightening the mood. People liked jokes...if that could even be called a joke. Her delivery was far from comedic.

Regardless, Nephele offered the woman a slight bow, before continuing. "I am Nephele Megalos the Third, and it is a pleasure to meet you. Your father has contracted me and my friend to assist in preparing for your harvest festival. He asked me to bring you, so if you are ready, we can go meet with him." Nephele said, smiling slightly the whole time. This girl had a wonderful smile...assuming that by "spooking" people she meant pranks, then perhaps she was the humorous sort. She certainly seemed to succeed in making the stony faced dragon woman's expression crack a smidge.

Anyone wanna take a guess as to what's happening in the mansion?

Not that I'm going to tell you if you get it right because spoilers.



Because of Arletta's quick swordplay, three of the six now lied in pieces on the ground. Thankful for having such a skilled partner for such a fight, Magnus took a deep breath, trying to think of what to do next. Normally, wolves were cowardly once they were outnumbered, but he doubted that animals bold enough to attack a stagecoach would back off so easily. He didn't like it, but killing the remaining two was the only remaining option. If left to wander, they'd just form new packs and strike out against other innocent people. Hefting his axe up, Magnus really wished that they would have just ran away after his battle cry...even if they were animals, if it wasn't to survive, killing wasn't something he enjoyed in any capacity. However, a life was on the line, so it was reason enough. A swing of the cold axe in his hands would have slain yet another, but the beast, showing clear experience and killing instinct, sidestepped the blow only to lunge at Magnus' neck. A bite that would have been fatal, had he not managed to grab the beast by a horn to divert its bite to the air, freeing his other hand to grab its other horn. A snarling bark echoed from it as it stared him in the face, trying to snap at his face and claw through his tunic before a quick whimper filled the air, its neck snapped by the sharp twist Magnus subjected it to.

The body fell limp once let go, Magnus hurried to his feet and grabbed his axe, looking down for a moment to notice...he'd scarcely had this tunic a few hours and already there was dirt and grass staining it, a large gash now made in it from the beast's horns and claws, though Magnus himself was only barely scratched. His right eye twitched a smidge before he let out a loud bellow, THROWING his axe at one of the beasts and almost splitting it in two from the force as it collided with the stagecoach, pinning the beast's body to it.

"THIS WAS A GIFT!" he yelled furiously, before glowering at the remaining beast. Looking it dead in the eyes, Magnus seemed just as bloodthirsty as it was...a fact that seemed cemented by the furious heat of his breath, and the fury in his steps. While it backed away, Magnus slowly started to regain his composure bit by bit, before giving the ground one furious stomp, a final sign for the damn thing to back off; Outnumbered, the thing could only run to death head on or escape, as the Minotaur's gaze remained focused upon it, the previously present primal fury seeming to have faded just a smidge.

Regardless of the outcome, Magnus would dejectedly look down at the hole in his tunic, rubbing his right temple with that respective hand. "S-She is going to kill me..." he said in a hushed voice, not wanting to admit that he got careless and wound up ruining her gift for him. The Minotaur seemed...far more worried with the tunic than he was with the armored man atop the carriage.

@Eviledd1984, @Rune_Alchemist

"A play sounds delightful; I wouldn't mind performing a bit, if you would pardon my inexperience." Nephele said, keeping a reserved air about her as she walked. The hustle and bustle of the place seemed very lively, so her doubts about the job were starting to dissolve a bit. After all, what purpose would an illusion have to deceive not only the eyes and ears, but the nose as well? At the mention of the two available tasks, Nephele was made aware that she wasn't very well suited to rope work by just looking at her hands.

"Um...much as I would love to tie complicated knots, my hands don't exactly permit that..." Nephele said, a bit self conscious as she tapped her clawed digits together. Tying a rope, in just about any form, seemed like an impossible task for the knife-handed woman. She'd be lucky if the rope wasn't being shredded if she even held it. "Regrettably, I must insist on...not tying knots. My deepest apologies." she said, bowing her head in apology. "I can, however, retrieve your daughter for you. I'll be brief. Maria, make sure to ask for help if the chandelier is too heavy." she said, hurrying out to accomplish her task. It was a bit shameful, she had to admit, but she just...couldn't tie a knot. Regardless of rope or wire, she'd lived her whole life in a damn cave. Having managed to avoid an embarrassed red from coming over her cheeks, Nephele patted herself on the face after leaving to go to the graveyard. She would need to become capable...much more capable to become a dependable adventurer. For now, she simply resolved to making it up to Maria later, carrying herself on swift feet to the graveyard in search of the girl, expecting it to not be very crowded at this hour. Once she found the girl, she would approach, perhaps a bit too close, and a bit too fast. Practically dead behind her if she were facing the other way.

@Silver Carrot(REB), @Rune_Alchemist(ARL)

Mhm! Good, since I um...doubt I'll be smart enough to help on my own." the Minotaur spoke, clearly relieved to have a familiar face on a quest like this, with science he was not so familiar with. Neil's comments were rather interesting though...and lead to Magnus imagining himself flying on a massive bouquet of giant balloons. And the fact that'd he'd be looking at the ground the whole time. The mere thought made him a wee bit queasy, so instead he figured that flying on the back of a bird just made more sense.

Magnus was surprised when the priestess called out in greeting to him, turning around and looking somewhat confused as he was handed a package. Carefully opening it to peer at the contents, Magnus' eyes lit up bright enough that you'd think he's stolen them from a kid on christmas morning. Holding the large white tunic out proudly, Magnus carefully put it on, having to restrain himself from jumping with joy. He...had a shirt! Tunic to be specific, but a top nonetheless! The broad neckline did show off a good bit of his shoulders in a somewhat odd way, but that helped it remain a smidge loose, given that if it was too snug, Magnus just lifting his arm would tear the thing.

"Y-You made this? Thank you so much!" Magnus said, giving her a respectful bow, this time minding his horns to point at the ceiling as he craned his neck. "If there's ever anything I can do to pay you back for this, let me know. Good luck on your translation hunt!" he said excitedly, before bounding through the hall and out the door, just in time to see the person arrive. He didn't know if they were here for a job, but it was likely that it'd get done.

Eager to get going, Magnus felt like today would be an amazing day; He'd get to finish a quest with someone he'd thought long gone, see a flying machine, and now his shoulders would stay warm! Feeling snug as a bug, Magnus rushed back inside, having absentmindedly forgotten his axe, before rushing out once more, incredibly thankful for Rebecca's gift.

Magnus was looking forward to visiting a monster-friendly town, hoping to perhaps find more clothes tailored for people with horns. That optimism soon turned to worry as he saw the overturned stagecoach and the man stranded atop it. Thankfully it wasn't people, as Magnus took a deep breath, steeling his courage and readying his axe in hand before exhaling a bit of steam out his nose, eyes narrowed on the beasts. Charging headfirst into the fray, Magnus swept one of the beasts who had tried once more to leap at the stranded man along with the blade of his axe, dragging the thing for a second before its body would fall into two halves, Magnus' axe now caked in its blood. Now that the element of surprise was lost, he only hoped that he could distract them to let Arletta deliver a strike from behind the group.

Having charged past in his attack, the Minotaur man was stooped low to the ground, exhaling furiously, as if trying to exude a sort of primitive dominance over the beasts. Suddenly, his voice cracked the snarls and growls of the beasts as he let out a tremendous bellow from his vocal chords, both trying to intimidate, and distract these things. He needed to make sure that none were trying to attack the man, or noticing Arletta's follow-up...whatever it might be. It was likely a strange sight to see the shy, wallflower of a Minotaur suddenly charge, but it seemed that he had experience fighting animals, at the very least. Five remained, and any who got close would get a swing of Magnus' Jotun Baal.

@Eviledd1984, @Rune_Alchemist

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir. I'm curious as to what this show will be, but we're ready to help, if needed." Nephele said, maintaining a perfectly preserved air of professionalism and pose, seeing that, at least as far as appearances went, this place most certainly wasn't abandoned. Of course, she had experience in such tucked away towns being considered abandoned, so perhaps it was just her imagination in thinking this town was...sketchy. Beyond sketchy, even. There was something she couldn't put her finger on regarding the air here, but it put her on edge.

Regardless, she had confidence in her ability to defend herself if needed, but for now pleasantries would ease her nerves beneath the surface. Her hard, sharp claws were netted together in front of her, walking to follow the gentlemen once he would lead them...if he would, more like. "Out of curiosity, why send for help from an adventurer's guild for a task such as this? Naturally we talk on all sorts of work, but it strikes me as...a bit out of the way for your village." This was, to simply gauge a reaction, after which she would follow with: "But, I suppose it matters not. We'll ensure that your festival is as joyous as ever." Gazing toward the manor, Nephele pondered momentarily on whether this could all simply be an innocent festival...but doubts still lingered in her mind. Regardless, she'd make sure that the truth, and whether her suspicions were found to be justified or not, came to light. So long as she stuck together with Maria, this job would go smoothly, she felt.

@Silver Carrot(REB)
Magnus was kind of excited to be bunking with a fellow male monster, mostly because it meant a lot less questions being asked about his nature of existence. That and, Freyr was a nice guy.

Morning would come, and the light shining through would make the minotaur who, wanting five more minutes, rolled over, only to fall off his bed entirely. Having nearly impaled the floor with his head, he figured this was a sign from whatever powers might be that now was wakey wake times. Rising and giving a calamitous yawn, the large man almost ducked to leave the room, but was glad to see he could walk right on through the doorway with his head held high. The whole place felt so much roomier...still, not as roomy as his old Labyrinth, but eh, beggars can't be choosers. Giving the strange new black scaled dragon woman a brief greeting, the awkward minotaur hurried to try and see if there was a job that could catch his attention. And...lo and behold, someone was looking to figure out how to fly. That sounded amazing! The idea that someone could fly like a bird, harpy, or other associated winged flight-capable monstergirl was astounding to him, and as such he was excited to hear more details. Hearing Arletta ask for more as well, Magnus gave an excited nod. "I want to help! I-I mean...if even someone like me could fly too, then whatever this contraption is must be amazing! A-And heavy...so, I could help with lifting things." he said, voice trailing off a bit at the end as he realized how silly it sounds in general. "That and...I-I feel bad about not being able to pitch in from yesterday, so I wanna complete a job."

Having felt rather at home in the stonework of the guildhall, Nephele honestly had no qualms with sharing a room with the boy named Neil. In fact, having pretty much lived alone in a cave for much of her life, she relished the chance to become friends with her bunk mate, though...after staring at him in his sleep for roughly two hours, she kind of wondered how someone such as him would make it as an adventurer. Nothing seemed especially outstanding for him as far as humans went, but seemed much healthier than normal folk. Perhaps it was because he got a lot of sun? Regardless, Nephele soon settled into sleep herself, having to sleep nude since...well, it was either wrinkle the dress or go commando. Besides, not like she would let anybody see. Being able to breath thick fog was useful for immediate public nudity prevention.

The next day, the dragoness got out of bed rather late, having rather enjoyed the luxury of cotton and cloth compared to gold minted coins, and set about dressing herself in her own privately fogged room, seeing as Neil had already exited. Maria caught her attention quickly, and a smile formed on Nephele's face, giving Maria the most terrifying handshake given that her entire hand was pretty much able to slice flesh apart on a glance, but luckily her hand was none the worse for wear after. "I have intended to for days now, but I wanted to be sure of the guild's competence. You proved it, and as such I finally had reason to come out. That...and the dress makes me not feel awkward in public." she said, taking in the atmosphere as the guild hall filled with the various other monstrous and human companions. So many sizes, shapes, and colors...the world was far larger than she could ever have imagined.

When the jobs began to be examined, Nephele was quick to want to prove her worth, looking over the quests at hand and picking up the one titled "Opera Night" between too fingers. "...A ghost town, it seems. I'd rather not have someone more capable be lead on a snipe hunt such as this, but I've experience myself in making towns disappear. And, if the town has been rebuilt already, then no matter," she said as she turned to Bart. "I'm not sure if any others will care for such a request, but I won't stop any who want to see this manor."
I'll see if I can get something up this weekend, but until next Thursday that's about all I'll be able to do. Finals are poobutts.
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