Avatar of The Irish Tree


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
7 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts

A soft cadence rapt against the stony road as the Caster pair of the Black Faction carried their luggage. Caster, having used a small amount of magecraft to disguise her ears as normal, walked with an almost gleeful stride in her step as she approached the church. It had been so dreadfully dull being ferried about in planes and cars...she had hoped that perhaps she would gain some additional power due to her proximity to the lands of Scandinavian legend, but only the familiar chilled breeze met her waiting hand. Said hand extended outwards as she stood before the church, the lilac and white fabrics of her dress blowing with the wind. "...A shame. Just a bit further North, and the war would already be within our grasp." she said, looking back upon the city of Danzig behind them, somewhat dissapointed by the fact that it wasn't a sprawling metropolis. She'd hoped to taste all the modern world had to offer, but...she supposed that could come in time. If she got her wish, she'd have every vista to herself. She scarcely paid mind to the priest's instructions, nor his insult to her and other's "pagan" beliefs. Nowadays she understood that the nature of what "Divine" meant had changed, and it wasn't like she was pious. She had no need of church documents either.

Joachim meanwhile was carrying himself with a casual air about him, having looked around with curiosity at the area they would be staying in, his attention focused on everything BUT the church. Caster had neatly packed all of her necessities within a wheeled suitcase bound by brown fabric, while Joachim carried his change of clothes and minor medical supplies within a grey duffel bag slung over his shoulder. He was glad that she wasn't making him carry a ton of bags, if nothing else. "Caster, c'mon. Its freezing out here." he would say, drawing his servant to his side and into the building as he carried their luggage.

Once inside, Caster remained by Joachim's side, both the master and the servant visually out of place with the others as they were finally all gathered together. At least, height-wise that is. Caster had to hide a giggle at the outburst the man with the turban had before storming off; Archer it seemed was a hero of Islamic origin, or at least one from a country that worshiped Islam as its religion. Joachim nodded as he finally heard Aksha's name, glad to have avoided any awkwardness due of asking for it after everyone was supposed to be already acquainted. Leon basically gave the go-ahead for everyone to re-introduce themselves, and as such Joachim put a hand to his chest.

"I'm Joachim Heikkinen, but...Kim works fine for short. This is my servant, Caster. Hope we can win this war as fast as possible," He said, bowing his head to his elders and turning to Caster. "Caster, we should start with a barrier. Can you do that?"

"I can indeed, Master. That is, if I have the good Father's permission. I wouldn't want to defile your church grounds with any of my magic, after all. Eventually I'll need space for a Workshop, but I humbly request permission to establish an alarm barrier, Father Howard." Caster would ask, giving a gracious bow to Howard. It would do no good to step on toes with the Church, especially when sharing space with them. Still, her manners were genuine, and her request was sensible.
No posts? Anyone going to get something out soon? If its lack of action I just want to establish our base of operations before first encountering red faction.

Also I think its fair to say Ryo is gone? She hasn't posted in awhile, nor given notice.

I'll try and get a post up sometime today. Been sick all weekend and also had to help move furniture from friday to sunday.
My apologies for the shortish post. Feeling terrible today, and can't really manage more.


Magnus quickly realized that his tongue had slipped in his questioning of the holstaur, panicking just a bit as he thought very carefully about what would be best to say in the moment. His mind quickly fell on it being better to be honest here, since if the woman did have information, them just going off to fight some random salamander would mean potentially never getting that info. Clearing his throat, Magnus said: "S-Sorry. What I meant to say was...we're looking for Jeb's lover. The job he sent to our guild said that she had been kidnapped, and we figured that if he came here, someone was bound to know his wife...girlfriend...lady friend. We didn't want to waste time in case she was in danger is all."

He then, whispered: "Also please go easy on my partner...she's new to this." he said, before standing back up straight, trying to at least act professional after his blundering while waiting to see if the holstaur knew anything about Jeb's lover. Right now, a good idea of what she looked like would help immensely, as well as information on whether she'd been seen in town at all recently.

[Who Are You To Judge?]


Nephele's muscles tensed as she readied herself to lunge and spill blood, the slightest shifting of her right foot being made just before the laughter echoed. Staring blankly at the lot of them, Nephele was caught completely off guard by how...goofy this nonsense was. Was she fated to just...always come to hate men in armor when she was on a quest? A sharp exhale escaped her mouth before she relaxed her shoulders. She had no reason not to follow, yet also made sure to check her peripheral constantly, looking on edge as they entered the seedy bar.

Taking her seat across from this man, Felipe, she nodded her head once. "I am indeed from the guild...though, shouldn't you keep your voice down? I haven't personally had much experience with Emilio, but members of our guild have spoken of him." Nephele replied, bearing a serious expression on her face. Gingerly, her long index-claw tapped on the wood before her as she looked at Felipe, unsure of whether the resistance had complete control of the bar, if this was all a strange elaborate trap, or just a case of the resistance members being way to mouthy, but she did want to skip straight to the point of all this. Her ebony tail was at rest below her feet, curled around the stool she sat upon as her eyes looked about the bar. "So, what exactly do you need doing, Mr. Felipe? I was under the impression that you had..."work", for me, but if it is so easy to walk about, it feels strange you should need my help. For now, in public, Yes, I am indeed from a "caravan" sent to deliver supplies."

Felipe could tell immediately that she was all business, while all Nephele saw was Ian 2.0, but with more of a beard...well, she assumed Ian didn't have one, at least. She would make it a point not to order anything nor accept any food or drink offered. She couldn't trust a thing Felipe said just yet, until the details of the contract were laid out. Or a trap was sprung. Whichever, really.

[Liberation, at Any Price]
Will be posting today. Week has been a shitshow.
This week is shaping up to be hectic for me, between me needing to move stuff from my grandma's house down here as well as a midterm this Wednesday, so probably expect a post either this weekend or next week. Sorry for the inconvenience guys.
Sorry it took so long. Weekend has been a nightmare for rp time for me.


Magnus froze as his companion spoke, nervously sweating at the very obvious threat made by Annalise, as well as her incredibly hostile attitude towards the holstaur before them. Their information gathering for the past hour or so had been fruitless, and if they lost this lead before them, it would make clearing this quest almost impossible. As such, Magnus gently pushed Annalise back by her chestplate, shaking his head. "What are you saying!? I-I'm sorry Miss." he said, now occupying the space Annalise had once taken up. Bashfully scratching the back of his fluffy white locks of hair, Magnus was beyond embarrassed to have to bail someone out of conversational suicide with a cousin of his own race. He hadn't personally talked to a holstaur since he left home, and so figured that he'd try a far...friendlier approach than Annalise had.

From that simple shove, Annalise could feel for certain that Magnus was strong, even for a normal monster. If his physique didn't already betray that. Also evident was how much he was holding back, given that it was just a light shove that got her to move. The Minotaur before her smiled at the woman, saying: "S-So, basically, we've been hired by Jeb Blanck to find someone. We were hoping to find him, or someone that knew his farm south of Ambran, but so far nobody has had any information. Do you happen to know where we can find him, Ma'am? We'd really appreciate any help you could give." the burly minotaur said, bowing his head to try and appeal to the woman, despite him still towering over her while bowing.

[Who Are You To Judge?]


Nephele tensed up when she realized that she had been seen. She'd hoped that the foliage would provide sufficient coverage for her to not be noticed right away, but it seemed their scouts had keen eyes. The man with the ridiculous helmet was the first to speak, directly mentioning her race and questioning her intentions. It seemed that he certainly knew how to recognize a monster, but had little to no fear of them. While she probably could simply emit her poisonous fog and kill them while helpless, the town was just within sight and no doubt someone was watching. As such, Nephele hatched a plan to get out of this via conversation; Naturally, an excuse such as someone just talking a walk through this wartorn area would not suffice. However, judging from the haggard look of the town, she knew one thing any starving populace needed. Saying she was from Boreal would rouse suspicion, since she was approaching from the east and all.

"I am here from Artenni's Emporium's Mahigan branch. We'd gotten a request some time ago for a caravan to be dispatched here, and I was to find the path to Sonarra for them. Best to have a monster cut through brush after all." she said, trying to play into both their obvious need of supplies, as well as the potential that these soldiers may very well try to rob her. "If you'd grant us passage, we can stop and provide our goods to your people in about an hours' time. If that is agreeable, that is."

[Liberation, at Any Price]
Just as a heads up, I'm gonna be busy for most of this week. So, I'll try and see if I can get a post up, but don't wait up on me if you need to progress.

Not too fancy yet, but it should get the basic concept across.

Sorry for the late response, this weekend has been busy for me.

There isn't much that I find wrong with the sheet itself, though a specific typo under gimmicks bugs me, that being: "However, she's relatively at terrain advantage, ranged combat, underhanded tactics, and multi-person fights, all things her rigid training didn't prepare her for". I'm assuming that should have "relatively poor" in front of that.

Other than that though, a good character to add to the crew since our last spunky fiery swords-draph dropped. Go ahead and pop her into the character tab after fixing that quote, and I'll get her introduced in the next post.
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