Avatar of thejillybeen


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current read a little too many romance books, now i need a sweet romance rp , message me if interested!
10 mos ago
looking for some romance rp, maybe some explicit stuff or a/b/o just message me!!
1 like
12 mos ago
Pretty bored right now, looking for a simple A/B/O romance
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1 yr ago
It was freezing outside today! Such a good day to fix my goats fencing!
2 yrs ago
"BaaaAaHHHhh" -My goat



Currently back from my unexpected hiatus!

Go check my latest 1x1 interest check!


Most Recent Posts

[td]Harry [/td]
I'm so bored, so I'll do anything above, except the son x mother
Take as long as you need , you deal with the problems, and juhope ipethat it gets okay
She started to rush past Damon grabbed her, holding her against her will.

" Damon, let me go, " I groaned as I struggled to break free.

" You are not going to kill your brothers." Damon answered and his arms grew tighter against me.

Skarlett let out a huff of defeat and sighed. Damon unwrapped his arms and gently kissed her head.

( Sorry this was short, I don't have a lot of time)
I'll do the first generation rp, because I'm bored, and I need to do something that isn't stressful.
" Where are they"Skarlett murmured under her breath. She opened 'Messages' on her phone and scrolled down, calling every single Mikaelson, and when none of them answered she let out a string of curses. She regained compusre and checked the ' Find My IPhone, just to see that all of them were in NYC, she was sure she was gonna put a stake through Elijah and Klaus, they'll be fine afterwards anyway. She scrolled back up and called Damon Salvatore, her boyfriend.

" If he doesn't answer, I am literally gonna walk to the New York ." Skarlett muttered something one last time before putting the phone to her ear. After a few seconds of ringing, Damon picked.

" Come pick me up." Skarlett said quickly and then she hung up, a smile on her face, the first one of today. She stood up, putting her leather backpack on, which now slung over her left shoulder. Skarlett looked around and went back inside her house, trying not to freeze her toes off, she kind of needs them. She had sat down on the bench in the elaborate mudroom before the door swung open. Skarlett popped up , backed away from the door.

She smiled to the person in the doorway, " Hi." Skarlett said simply to him as shephone her phone away, walking up to Damon, a smirk on his face.

" Good morning to you little miss I'm-on-a-mission." Damon answered back, pulling my backpack off my shoulders to him.

" Good morning, but I am on a mission, I am gonna kill Elijah and Klaus."

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