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Also known as : Ashevelendar/Ashevelen/AsheTheReborn

Best compliment so far from @Tortoise

On the brilliant roleplay : Through The Gateways

Playing as the Goddess of Trade in Divinus 7

Playing as the Goddess of Shadowy-Trades in Divinus 7

Thank you!

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“This should be enough.” Shadow whispered as Resin observed the contents of his sack. Most of it were artistic wood carvings from various elven villages. There were some Umbral Woods goods there as well. There was even some white stone from Earthwall. All of it was stolen of course. The pile was the product of about five weeks’ worth of theft. “This will get us in the Bazaar and out again.”

“If you say so.” Resin said. The elf felt like he should be jaded towards his incorporeal guide. Yet the thieving and the skulking felt oddly comforting. Like he had found a job actually worth doing. Still, normal people don’t think like that. So he tried to pretend to dislike the tasks. “We’re going then?”

“Yep! Grab the bag and stand in the tree’s shadow. Then just wish hard enough you were in the Shadow Bazaar.”

Resin did as he was told. He closed his eyes as he wanted nothing more than to be in this place that the one Umbra they met kept describing as a place of endless, bustling activity. It was hard to imagine as an elf of the woods. For him Sanctuary was the biggest, most busiest place he could imagine. Hell, Resin had never even been to Sanctuary.

Yet when he opened his eyes a wall of noise overtook him. Suddenly he found himself stepping around a corner into a main thoroughfare. “Gracious Celestine.” He said out loud. All kinds of creatures were passing him by. Some looked like him, yet had rounded ears and looked a bit less… healthy. Others were completely different. Most didn’t pay him much mind.

“You gotta blend in! Blend in!” Shadow urged in Resin’s mind. “Start walking. Start moving.”

Again Resin did as he was told. He started to walk aimlessly through the street passing all sorts of stalls selling all sorts of things. It didn’t take long for Resin’s curiosity to get the better of him as he strode closer and closer to the side and near the stalls.

“Something to your liking?” Shadow teased.

“The food… it smells so good.” Resin said out loud as his eyes and stomach wandered over the various small grills and open kitchens. “I’ve never seen anything like it.” It didn’t take long for his fingers to wander as well.

“Don’t do it, Resin.” Shadow quickly warned. “Not here.”

The elf just frowned. His guide had done nothing but encourage his thieving habits in the last few weeks, and now he had to stop? Screw that.

“Don’t do it. I’m serious.”

If something happened Resin could always melt through the shadows to get away. He had done it countless times. His hands moved over an open grill filled with skewered meat. It had two fewer when he passed.

Resin would continue to move away from where he stole the meat but before he could move too far, a person stepped from behind another stall. Seemingly lost in thought, she bumped into Resin, almost knocking him over.

The person, a female, was the most charming person which Resin would ever see in his life. Dressed in expensive clothing with a golden bow tying her black hair, she apologized for her clumsiness and turned to walk away but then turned once more towards Resin.

I am truly sorry. Looks like I need to look better at where I’m walking. Many apologies, I am Applepie of the Underground. ” said the elven woman with an extremely attractive smile and a flirtatious look in her eyes.

“I’m Resin.” The male elf said with a big smile. There was something so alluring about her. He wanted to get to know her better.

“Careful Resin.” Shadow warned. The ring’s consciousness was vastly more wary of the whole situation.

“I’m new here, to the Bazaar I mean.” Resin ignored his guide and kept talking with sweet Applepie. “Maybe you could show me around?”

Applepie looked at the ring Resin had and shook her head slightly before looking at Resin once more, straight into his eyes.

I can see that you are new to the Bazaar. If you accept my apology, I’d be more than happy to show you around. Come, follow me. ” replied Applepie while grabbing Resin’s hand as she started to guide him through the stall maze. Eventually she stopped in front of a fountain.

The fountain was decorated with jewels and made out of solid dark-gold but that wasn’t the most impressive feature of it. The water that would normally shoot out of it, wasn’t water. Liquid shadows, the same which the Dawnborn were made of, was shooting out of it. Making different forms, letters, in the air and they’d hang in there for a few seconds before hitting the pool and flying up into the air once more making different sentences everytime before repeating them again. Each letter was in polyglottis, the universal language which everyone inherently understood.

The messages were clear. All of them being Ashevelen’s commandments and the rules of the Shadow Bazaar. Curiously, there was a message that was being repeated more and more until it was the only one being formed. It read “No thieving.”

“It’s beautiful!” Resin exclaimed as he read the various rules. The no thieving rule passed his eyes every now and then but he didn’t really care. Every place had a no thieving rule. He had been chased enough to know people didn’t like it when you stole things from them. Then again, if you let it be stolen maybe you shouldn’t have it in the first place? The rule never stuck. His eyes had more attention for the beautiful elf beside him. Meanwhile, he was also starkly ignoring the bone-chilling sense coming from his ring. Shadow had gone silent again. That did make Resin worried, but not worried enough.

Then the other rules began to fade as they were replaced with the no thieving rule. The elf’s heart began to drop. When nearly half the fountains’ rules had become unified he realized something was deeply and horribly wrong. “I-I think I need to leave.” He stammered as he took a step backward, making sure he stood in the shadow of the fountain before calling on the ring to blink him out of danger.

Applepie just watched Resin as they read the rules and was expecting him to bolt the second he read them but instead he just sat that and admired the rules…that is, until Applepie slowly changed the way of the rules all writing the same thing “No Thieving” and sure enough, Resin figured out the danger he was in.

Applepie’s form suddenly changed to her usual divine one but remained the same size as Resin, for his benefit. Appl–Ashevelen now watched him with interest as he jumped into the shadows and then she realized what the ring actually was.

Silly mortal. ” were the only two words she uttered as she snapped her fingers, just as Resin was teleporting away. The moment he disappeared, he would appear next to Ashe, just within arm’s reach and then Ashe decided to have some fun.

If you like teleporting in my shadows so much…here, have a taste of it. ” continued Ashe as she tapped two fingers together and each time she’d do that, Resin would teleport to a different random location within the Bazaar. Of course, he wouldn’t have time to take a breath as he’d be teleported again and again. Thousands of times until, finally, Ashe chuckled and made him appear right in front of her. Healing his most obvious injuries from being teleported unnaturally so many times and so fast, Ashevelen immobilized him by making the floor “eat” his legs.

Taking the hand which had the ring on, she inspected the ring before giving it a gentle tap. Almost immediately, a tiny explosion of air happened next to them and an Umbra appeared. A blank stare in their eyes showed that it was an empty one, without any kind of sentience and then, a small sliver of power was transferred between the ring to the Umbra.

I am Ashevelen, spirit. The Goddess. Lady of the Swift Trade and Shadows. Is it you who possessed this mortal and made him break the rules? ” her voice was low, threatening as if she could snap at any moment and kill both of them.

“M-M-Me?” Shadow stammered. His Umbra shape was twitching and shaking. It was beyond unnatural for him. He was attached! Always! At all times. With little self-control over the act he dashed over towards a heaving, sickened Resin and attached himself over the elf like a cloak, utterly unable to release himself. “I-I just tried to warn him, Your Grace.” He tried to muster up a defense. “He shouldn’t have stolen. He shouldn’t have!”

Ashevelen shook her head once more and separated the two as two cages appeared from the ground around each of them.

" And yet you allowed him to be dumb enough? Unless, is he your master? Did he imprison you in that artefact? Stole you from your divine? If so, tell me your maker's name and I'll make sure you arrive safely. Kidnapping and thievery isn't something I look kindly upon. "

The Umbra form of Shadow was actively flinging itself against the cage in a futile attempt to reattach itself to the elf. “I… Can’t.” He answered. His voice was straining itself.

“I’m not his master.” A physically drained Resin managed to get out as the dry heaving abated. “He’s my guide. He told me not to do it.” The elf was gathering himself faster than most mortals would manage. Despite the shock, he bit through and tried to keep his head cool. Even when his legs were ‘eaten’. “I’m sorry.”

With a wave of her hand, Ashe dispersed the cage that surrounded them both and after snapping her finger they all got teleported to a different place.

Inside one of the towers that one could always in the distance, laid a prison of sorts. Same prison which Ashevelen used to house the elves that broke her rules before.

Only a table and a chair stood there, seemingly out of place considering the prison was empty. No cages, no prisoners…nothing. It was as if someone built the prison but then midway through the construction stopped.

" Take a seat. We need to discuss your punishment. " said Ashe while doing what she told them. Three glasses of Umbral alcohol appeared on the table.

Resin did as he was told. Though he was still very much leaning on the table to get to the chair. His legs felt weird now. Shadow felt significantly worse off. His Umbra form clutched around Resin for dear life. His own shadowy fingers laced those of the elf and its face hung over the elf’s shoulders with a void look. “Sure. Seems fair.” Resin said as he slowly sat down on the chair. The punishment process seemed to have started on a much better note than usually anyway. He didn’t touch any of the glasses though.

" What is your name spirit and do you want a different form? Looks like you are in pain. That's punishment enough, I'd say for you. And yours, mortal? After you answer that, you may start. I am waiting. Don't have a lot of time. "

“My name is Resin. And the shade on me.” “Don’t say my name!” Shadow sneered in Resin’s mind. The elf stopped for a second. Ignoring Shadow had never been a good idea so far. Still, it wasn’t like he really had a choice now: “Is called Shadow.”

For a second the elf remained silent. He was expecting some sort of explanation. When it didn’t came he decided to speak up: “What am I supposed to start?”

A serenade. Maybe some dance and of course to start answering all of my questions. ” quickly replied Ashe with a note of annoyance on her face. Realizing that the mortal might not be smart enough to realize, she added : “ Apologizing for what you’ve done, an explanation of why you’ve done it and…the bargaining. What do I get for allowing you to live after you’ve broken my rules?

“I’m sorry I stole.” Resin said as he tried to keep calm. Despite the threat on his life. “I just… I just saw the food and I wanted it.” It was the truth. It wasn’t a good one but at this point he was dealing with a goddess, so he figured telling the truth would be his only way out. “And…” Quite defeated, he then slumped in his chair. What in the name of Celestine could he even offer to a literal goddess? Servitude?

“You’re already claimed.” That familiar voice of Shadow whispered in his mind. “You made the deal remember. Power in exchange of servitude. Do not offer what you do not have.” Resin didn’t like that statement, but it was still a fact.

“Then get me out of here.” Resin thought. Shadow didn’t answer. So he sighed deeply. “I can’t offer you anything of worth. I can’t bargain.” So this was his end? Well, he lived a good couple of weeks at least.

" You wanted food and you took it. Maybe my siblings would allow that excuse to work on them, but I'm the wrong Goddess to try that on and I've got a question before I decide what to do with you, who do you serve, little mortal? I can see the strings attached to your soul. " replied Ashe, already losing patience with the mortal.

“I serve-“ He stopped his answer in its tracks. Who did he really serve? Something just offered him power. It had been nothing more than a voice. “Shadow?” He asked in his mind.

“It’s too early. Far too early.” The entity replied with hissing thoughts.

“Well she’s going to kill me if I don’t give her something!” Resin shot back with increasing frustration. Something he wasn’t good at hiding.

“Just… weasel your way out.” Shadow sounded rather unsure of that.

“Are you just going to let me die!?” Resin shouted out loud now. He was sick and done playing these games with his life in the balance.

“Ithril!” Hissed Shadow out loud now as well. “He and I. We serve Ithril.”

As soon as Ashevelen heard the name, a papyrus appeared next to her. Taking the papyrus in one hand she looked upon it with interest. Names of known divines, their domains and creations were written there but Ithril wasn’t there.

Ithril. That’s one divine brother I haven’t yet met. I think I need to have a word with him about his creations invading my realm and breaking my rules. Are you worth something to him, either of you? ” said Ashe as the papyrus disappeared.

“I just steal things.” Resin resigned to his fate really. “That’s what I… agreed to do for this Ithril.” Shadow went quiet again. Either to keep information hidden, or out of fear. Resin didn’t know. He just wanted to get out of here. “And I’m good at it. We were really just passing through your realm. I don’t think this Ithril wanted me to break your rules. In fact, considering Shadow telling me not to, I'd say that he didn’t want any of this happening.” Resin wasn’t entirely sure why he was talking so much suddenly. Maybe he just got tired of the tension and decided to get it all over with.

So you’re just a common thief. Is that what you’d want me to believe, mortal? That artifact you’ve got on your finger is more than enough to prove you’re full of bullshit, not gonna say anything about your guide . That’s not something a divine just gives to a mortal without any plan behind it. But maybe, just maybe, you just can’t see that. Your guide on the other hand could be a bit more truthful to you and tell us your real purpose. Have a chat with him later on. Either way, I don't know what to do with you. You're essentially useless to me but I've got to set an example 'lest others get any ideas. " replied Ashe, astonished at the mortal's apparent dumbness.

She stood up from the chair, conjured some mirrors forth and seemed to read things off them but for Resin it would look as if she just stared into nothingness.

" Ah. I know. Choose your punishment. Anything that fits a thief but you're not allowed to choose freedom as the punishment or anything of the sorts. " said Ashe as she turned towards Resin

For a second the elf was stunned. He thought he was going get blown apart by some divine smite. Instead, he gets to choose? “Just… have me beaten to a pulp? That’s what generally happened when I got caught in the past.”

That’s boring, lacks any kind of imagination and if I’d beat you, you’d be dead. ” replied Ashe with a bored look and then suddenly, she grinned.

I’ve got an idea that neither of you will like. ” said Ashe before laughing out loud. Her laughter shook the walls of the tower.

Ashevelen lifted Resin and Shadow from the table and as they floated in the air, approached them. She looked at the ring, then at Shadow’s Umbral form and then at Resin…grinning all the time. Making her hand similar to a sword, she cut through Resin’s arm like a knife through butter. No opposition at all. Afterwards, she grasped the ring in her hand and held it thigh, shadows started to pour out of her hand, blending with Shadow’s Umbral form.

Initially nothing happened with it but then it started to contort, making itself smaller and smaller until finally it formed the shape of an arm which attached itself to Resin. Fully replacing his lost arm that now disappeared in the floor. The arm had a small mouth in the middle of the hand through which Shadow could talk or eat if he wished to.

" There. One hates being a physical being and the other one is dumb enough to try to steal from a divine. May you keep each other company forever and stop each other from doing more dumb stuff. "

“What the-” Resin’s curse was quickly stifled by Shadow’s arm covering his face. The elf was furious at first as he clutched the shadow arm. Eventually, Shadow released his grip and turned towards Ashe. “We are most grateful for your enlightening lesson and punishment. With this I presume we are free to leave?” Shadow was being extremely cautious with his words. In truth the Ring’s entity wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of this horror show of a place.

Did I say that? I punished you and you should be grateful I didn’t remove the both of you from this plane of existence. But, you deserve a reward as well . You’ve exploited something that I didn’t expect, in a massive oversight, on my part. Just because it’s written that sealing isn’t allowed, it won’t stop mortals from doing it and I can’t just chat with all of you. ” said Ashe while looking at the two.

I know. I’ll give you something to wear to accommodate your new body. ” exclaimed Ashevelen as shadow-woven clothes appeared on the table. They were of good quality and the exact same size as Resin, minus the Shadow arm which seemed to always pinch in the wrong place when it moved.

Take them and leave. Next time you return to the Bazaar, make sure to check the fountain I’ve led you to initially. There will be a surprise for you.

The surprise was another punishment of sorts. Above the fountain there was now a painting of Resin and the writing “First Thief, may it be the last one…or else” just below it, for all who pass by it to see.

Bye-bye. ” said Ashe as they grabbed the clothes and snapped her fingers teleporting them both outside, on the other side of the bazaar.

Resin wasted no time at all as he rushed through the Bazaar, though he was careful not to bump impolitely against anyone. Who knew what more rules there were in this shadowy hellhole. Shadow was eerily quiet. When the elf reached the fountain where his sack of goods still was, he saw his picture. For a moment he felt a swell of pride bloom in his chest. Then he snapped out of that feeling again and grabbed his sack. Seconds later he opened his eyes while standing in the middle of a field. The sun stood high in the sky and he let out a sigh of relief.

“Ditch the clothes!” Shadow immediately said in Resin’s mind.

“What? But we got-“

“Are you seriously going to trust the gifts of a goddess who just took your arm for taking two skewers of meat!?” Shadow could barely believe his luck. Resin was a talented thief for sure but the kid had no gut feeling. He just took everything as it was. It had been a useful trait when his master came along but now it was getting beyond dangerous. “Ditch them. Leave them in the bright sun!”

“Wait I don't have any other-“

“Just do it!” Shadow snapped.

The elf did as he was told, as per usual, and took off all the shadow-woven clothes and left them in the bright sunlight, making sure that none of them had any shadow at all. Then he ran. There had to be a village nearby where he could klep some clothes.

“And so a force of this world revealed itself.” A voice whispered to itself from far away. “Now how should I go about trying to ruin your Bazaar, dear sister?”

Once more, time passes and the world changes. A new moon appeared in the sky, divines have been seen going around doing whatever divines do and of course, business in the Shadow Bazaar was blooming with more and more mortal species appearing everyday to engage in trade.

But, Ashevelen was nowhere to be found. Not on Galbar at least, nor in her realm. No, Ashevelen somewhere else. Somewhere up, very much up. Somewhere very close to the sun, meditating in a yoga-like pose on an asteroid, floating ever close towards the sun but never burning.

One might ask what was on the divine's mind? Why was she meditating so far away from her place of power? Why was she not travelling the world, meeting mortals and doing what she knows best? Who knew what she was thinking at the time? She didn’t understand it either. Ashevelen just knew she had to be away from everyone and everything. She needed time to understand the change that was happening to her. For’ it was a change that shook her to the core, something strange even for a divine being.

She was becoming even more aware than before of how atoms move, how light was travelling from whatever originated it until where it reached. It was as if she needed to wear glasses and suddenly she got them, she was able to see clearly. What didn’t make sense was the why or how, not at first. Not until she felt something inside her break and then open.

The break was somewhere in her core. It was as if the trade and shadow aspect broke down and one more was born out of the two bits. Concentrating on the new aspect, Ashevelen understood what it was. Transmission. The actions or process of transmitting something, information, objects, living beings…everything was in a constant transmission and now, Ashevelen finally understood it.

Focusing her new power, Ashevelen blinked out of existence and appeared in the ocean, south of the Umbral Forest. Quickly scanning the area, there were no mortals that her divine senses could hear or see. Looking down into the water, she drank a bit of it and smiled. Something could be done here. Something interesting.

Ashevelen put her hand into the water and caught a small fish which tried, unsuccessfully, to escape her clutch. She quickly gave the fish a kiss and threw it back into the water. Soon the water started to glow brightly and the fish grew. A lot. Bigger than most buildings, it would swim through the water and swallow whole anyone that it would catch but it wouldn’t kill them. Right down its throat, there was a massive portal which would use the existing teleportation system created for the Shadow Bazaar to teleport those that would be caught somewhere on Galbar. Anywhere, somewhere random.

I name you…Moby Dick and you’ve got one job, little fish. Catch as many people or creatures as possible. ” said Ashe, as Moby Dick swam away deep within the ocean.

Back to the think-tank once more. High up in the centre of her power, her throne room, Ashevelen sat on the floor in a meditation pose and looked upon thousands of shadow-mirrors. Each mirror showed a different creature, plant, stone and everything in between that she had in the Bazaar, their price, if they were being purchased, by whom and lots of different other statistics.

Moving her hand, the mirrors moved to the side and new ones replaced them. Smaller in number but more precious overall. These were mortal creatures that were in storage, a place where they were kept in stasis until the divine had time to gauge their worth. Different creatures appeared and she scrolled through them absentmindedly until her eye caught a number of creatures that she almost forgot she had. Mireborn. Creatures made out of blood, requiring blood to survive and only able to multiply by infection.

With a hand inside the mirror, she took out a Mireborn and turned it on all sides. It seemed to have been a female elf prior to transformation. Lifting her up in the air, Ashe played a bit with the blood and started doing small experiments with it. Putting the blood of anything other than an elf, seemed to harm the Mireborn but transferring blood from an elf into her, she would relish it and “consume” it.

What to do with you…what to do? ” said Ashe out loud to no one in particular and that’s when an idea struck her.

Ashevelen opened up a portal to the outside world, high up on a mountain where an adventurer from the guild once teleported from and took the Mireborn with her. Sunlight shined bright and made the Mireborn cover her eyes with their arms to not be blinded by the sudden change of environment but before she could do something else, Ashevelen conjured her power. The light dimmed and shadows swirled all around the mountain top, the Mireborn stunned into watching the godly show of power.

As the mountain top was fully covered in shadows, they all went straight into the Mireborn. Changing their blood into liquid shadows in constant motion, moving on and on. Never stopping and never resting. Soon, the light returned on the mountain top, only for a small area around the “Mireborn” which now ate the light and stored it inside itself. Ready for it to be expelled from their body. Batteries is what Ashevelen called it initially before looking at the new creature she created.

That’s better. I name your species…Shadowborr–no, that’s just lazy naming. You’ll be named Umbr–that’s worse. Dawnborn. Ah, that’s better. ” said Ashe with a frown at first before smiling, satisfied with her naming of the species.

The Dawnborn would also be able to multiply in the same manner as before infecting others, only this was targeted towards Mireborns. If a Mireborn would have their blood transfused with a Dawnborn’s, they would transform into one.

With a new creature created, Ashevelen sent it back into the storage to change the other Mireborns she got from Wyn but her plans were not over. She has heard of creatures that plagued Shadowton and attacked travellers at times, making trade harder than it should be. Something had to be done, either in a mortal way or in a divine one and divines were faster.

Teleporting via the Shadow Bazaar above the Umbral Woods, Ashevelen knew something had to be done. Something…massive and imposing. Something that would scare off those that wish to harm Shadowton and its inhabitants which now ranged from Umbra to Humans.

And as before, Ashevelen summoned up her power and once more, a massive tornado was created. Growing in power, it started to attract dark clouds as it spinned and spinned. Many mortals were said to have watched in fear, the sky that day.

Inside the tornado, a being was being formed. Starting initially as a small dot of energy, it gained more and more power as the tornado grew in the sky. Eventually, the tornado would start to change colour from within as the creature grew. 6 long black legs would soon hit the ground as the tornado lost its power. Each making a loud “thud” and a crater as they touched the ground and then a howl that could be heard all over the Dark Woods and Umbral Woods, scaring all animals was let out. Stories told that deaf people could hear it.

I name you, Shadow Guardian. You have only one job. Protect the Umbral Wood from any that would do harm to it. Know your powers and your limits, my pet. Know what you must do. ” said Ashe as it imparted the knowledge of the creature’s abilities, limits and whom to protect/harm.

The Shadow Guardian let out another howl and disappeared from view. No mortals would be able to see it without some sort of divine ability or without it wanting to be seen. No mortals would be able to harm it easily, its powers ranging from massive strength to the control of mortal minds for short periods of time and while mortals couldn’t see it, if they’d wish to harm the Umbral Wood, they’d would know they are watched and they’d know death is close.

But the work was not done. Thinking it was time to spice up the Umbral Woods more than she just did. Ashevelen gathered power from her two aspects and made two energy balls, one in each hand. One golden, reflecting trade and one dark reflecting her shadows.

Playing with the balls in her hands, she juggled with them a few times before purposely dropping them into the Umbral Woods. The trade ball landed somewhere deep within the Umbral Woods, away from civilization and out of it…coin fairies appeared. As small as a tennis ball and with wings, these creatures had only one purpose…trade. They’d fly around and offer objects to travellers in exchange for others.

The other ball, on the other hand, landed very close to Shadowton and out of it the Beholders were created. These creatures were about 10 cm big and could fly around, each being able to lay up to 50 eggs per month, ensuring fast reproduction but with no ways to defend themselves they would only rely on their flying ability to survive and with the last of her power, Ashevelen blessed the Umbra of Shadowton how to tap into the sight of the Beholders.

The Journey - Part 2.2 - Side Quest - Attack On The Mind Pod - Unknown - Light Woods

The Penumbral party was on the “road” once more. After saving the village they started to make their way towards the Mind Pod, guided by their newest companion, George. He told the group the story of the village, how their people came to be and how they almost went extinct.

The forest was calm, quiet before the divines played around with their lives and ended so many of them. Willingly or not. Before the village was overrun, they discovered what was the cause of the constant attacks and they formed a party of 20 villagers, meant to cut through the forest and destroy the cause of their problems, the Mind Pod. Thinking that if the Mind Pod would be killed, the attacks would slow down.

The party was beset by flying dino-plants which killed a part of them, 7 to be exact and then things got worse when they encountered a pack of Dino-Rex controlled by the Mind Pod. Normally not a pack plant, these Dino-Rexes were different. They were protecting an area which the party believed to be the resting place of the Mind Pod…they were wrong.

As they tried to avoid the Dino-Rexes, they didn’t realise that this was all a trap set by the Mind Pod. Unknowing that they were led into a trap, the Mind Pod herded them to a clearing where they got surrounded by the Dino-Rexes. A fight soon started but what the humans didn’t notice until too late was that the ones that fell, weren’t killed.

They were taken away, the purpose was unknown but before they could all be taken, two of the group managed to escape. George and one more person, a horse with the upper body part of a human, named Chiron.

Chiron soon left the village to look for help and has yet returned while George stayed behind to make sure that Chiron has a village to return to and that didn’t go so well. It seemed that the village was doomed until the Penumbral party arrived.

Now, George was leading yet another party to the Mind Pod. Hoping that this one, smaller in size, might pass unseen or at least deal with any attackers with ease.

This is where we lost the triplets Legsies, Armsies and Toesies. Something came from above, got Legsies before she knew what happened. Armsies was next, his face was half-bitten off and died soon after. Toesies had the worst death, something came from below as she tried to defend Legsies. Bit her in half. We couldn’t do anything about it, they just died…the others came after. One by one, the original party was killed. Until Chiron and I were left. We ran as fast as we could. I thanked the divines for allowing us to escape that day but Chiron kept saying it seemed suspicious and seeing that the attacks intensified after we came back…make me believe Chiron was right. We just led them back straight to the village…” told George to the group.

Don’t worry, we’ll kill it and take revenge for your people. Potentially saving this whole region from being under the control of that thing or at least, bring it into the Shadow Bazaar. I’m sure the Lady would find it useful for something.” replied Penumbra with a grin. Surely Ashevelen would find this creature valuable to someone if tamed.

As they walked, Penumbra started to lag behind the group as Dahm traded stories with George, who somehow understood every rhyme that Dahm would say. Custosa was leading the group forward, spear at the ready.

Penumbra was perturbed by questions. They recalled the conversation they had with Ashevelen and ran it through their mind again and again. What was their purpose? The Goddess wouldn’t do something on a whim, she always has a plan, so, what was it? To figure out a divine’s plan was something beyond mortal capabilities but that wouldn’t stop Penumbra.

This was a journey of discovery that was for sure, but discovery of what? Knowledge of themselves? Knowledge about the nature of Umbra? Nature of trading? The questions were run thousands of times in their mind but answers eluded them for now, maybe later on in the journey.

Eventually, George made a hand signal and everyone stopped in their tracks. He pointed a finger further into the forest towards a clearing “ That’s where we saw the Mind Pod and where the pack of Dino-Rexes surrounded us. Get ready, it’s about to get ugly. I’m sure we’ve been noticed by this point and yet, no one attacked us. The forest is quiet, too quiet.

Dahm let out a yelp, started singing while staring at a massive shape that seemed to approach them. A loud THUMP, THUMP soon followed. , “Danger is everywhere
Like deadly beast on stalk
Danger, here and there
Better watch where you walk’

Custosa readied herself, George went into a pugilist’s pose and Penumbra, sneaky as they were, hid inside the shadow. Quickly disappearing from view and going around the area where the monster was approaching from.

And there it was. A massive Dino-Rex, bigger than the one Jeon rode on, pushed the trees away and suddenly the quietness of the forest made sense. With a loud roar, the creature’s green eyes gave away the fact that it was under the control of the Mind Pod, charged towards the group.

Dahm used [Goddess’s Song] ability to enhance the shadows around to give Penumbra an edge, while Custosa stood right in front of the Dino-Rex’s path using the [Taunt] skill to attract its attention and getting ready the [Full Counter] ability the moment it would attack.

Penumbra appeared behind the creature and using the shadows which Dahm creatively made for them, quickly took Geogre who was in position to attack with them as they teleported using [Blink+] above the creature, in the canopy of trees above. As they fell from the air, ready to attack the yet-unaware of the above danger, Dino-Rex, it finally reached Custosa and opened its mouth wide to swallow her whole.

The moment the mouth made contact with her spear, the Full Counter ability activated and the Dino-Rex staggered back. Right into a [One Normal Punch] ability of George which pushed it to the ground and that’s when the onslaught started.

Penumbra charged forward and activated their [Ashevelen’s Chosen] skill and almost instantly they teleported. Each time they’d appear two shadow-blades would cut through the Dino-Rex which was still stunned, a few hundred strikes in mere seconds proved to be enough. By the end of it, the Dino-Rex was covered in blood that was pouring from everywhere on its body and soon its big head let out a blood curdling howl before slumping on the ground.

Level ups soon followed. Each hero getting 2 levels and George, 6 levels for taking out a creature way above the party’s level. The party stopped and went through their new abilities, telling each other their new ones and the upgrades of the existing ones in the hopes that it would bolster their already proven team-work skill.

That was easier than expected. ” said George with a smile.

Talk for yourself, you weren’t the one that had to stare down the Dino-Rex as it charged at full speed to you. ” quickly replied Custosa with a wink.

Penumbra and Dahm built a fire and threw the Dino-Rex’s body inside the shadow that it formed, making sure the creature would end up in the Shadow Bazaar. While they didn’t have the skills to harvest the important bits from it, Penumbra knew that someone at the Bazaar would have.

As much as I’d like to celebrate, we have to keep moving. That creature must’ve been controlled by the Mind Pod which means that it knows we’ve won. More are probably on their way to us right now. We got lucky with this one but now the Mind Pod knows some of our abilities, if it’s smart enough to lay traps it will be smart enough to plan against our abilities."

The party then went forward once more. Closing in on the clearing, shuffling humans and other mortal races started to be seen. The humans were dressed in the same manner as the other villages but the other mortals were very confusing for the party. There was one person that kept pacing around with the lower part of the body different than the upper part which looked similar to a human’s body.

With a prompt from George, who explained what those other mortals were and what they're called, the group got ready to fight once more and surely a fight would come to them, right as they were ready to go into the clearning.

We didn't want this to die either...buuuuttt

The Journey - Part 2.1 - Side Quest - Protect the Village! - Unknown - Light Woods Village

The Penumbral party, now armed with new weapons and clad in armour, were more than ready to protect the village or so they thought.

Or so they thought.

The situation in the village was worse than they thought it would be. Way worse. Most of the buildings were overrun by the vegetation that seemed to have grown as if by magic and while some effort to clear them out was initially made, it was obvious that the work was never finished.

The "guards'', if one could even call them like that, were a ragtag group of villagers armed with sharpened sticks and stones. Clearly over exhausted, little hope in their eyes. Some hasty barricades were built from the corpses of different creatures they've managed to kill and wood they've cut but that wouldn't help them against the flying plant monsters. Not for long…

As soon as the group approached, the guards were suspicious, never having seen an Umbra but after a few conversations back and forth, they let the group pass on.

The situation in the village was worse than it looked from a distance. Piles of dead bodies were thrown unceremoniously in a hole, most of them stripped to the skin. The villagers looked like corpses themselves. Exhausted, starving and they barely had any water left. Truly a scene which would haunt Penumbra’s dreams for the next few months.

The leader of the village was of an unknown mortal species for the group, same like the guards and everyone else in the village. Looking similar to the Satyrs, but with no excess hair, no hooves and especially, white skin. Custosa and Dahm stayed behind to help the villagers, as Penumbra went forward to speak with the leader.

" Greetings! We are…" started to say Penumbra as the human turned towards them and said
" No offence, stranger but if you're not here to help, then know I've got no time for you. We need to finish packing by sunrise and you're in the way. " before lifting up two bags that looked quite heavy.

Penumbra looked at the leader once more as they formulated their reply. He was tall, taller than most Umbra and his big muscles shined in the light of the touches and short white hair and face with quite a few wrinkles made them seem too old to be able to lift so much and with such ease.

" My name is Penumbra and we are here to help. What are you called and what are you? "

The leader turned towards Penumbra with a glint of hope in his eyes. " I'm George, leader of this poor rabble. I am a human or at least that's what we call ourselves. I'm assuming you're an Umbra, an elf and I don't know what your companion is. Help me here. " George said before taking a dead body by the legs as Penumbra took its arms and then guided it to the pit.

" A Satyr. I'm assuming they're something like you are but the Goddess Ashevelen modified them for her own uses, shortly after she made us. " explained Umbra.

" Whatever, I honestly don’t care. The plants have gone crazy and we’re about to be overrun, very soon. We’re hoping to gather everyone in a hole in the ground we’ve dug, some will stay to fill it up and lat–” started George before stopping mid-sentence as a howl could be heard. Putting everyone on edge.

Look, I’ve got a way to take everyone out of the village until it will be safe or something else happens but it’ll cost you.

George turned towards Penumbra and for the first time since they met, looked them into the eye.

Anything. Name it and if we can give it, we will.

There isn’t much you can offer, as I can see. Offer a year of service in my village, Shadowton. Whatever needs doing, you and your people will do. Swear to me and we’ll make it happen.

George shook his head and told Penumbra to wait, this was a decision which all should take. Quickly gathering the villagers, bar the guards, George explained to them the offer and after a few grumblings, shouts and howls from the forest, they all agreed.

Taking a torch and asking Custosa to climb on the building and hold it high. A massive shadow was formed. Uttering the words of the Goddess, Penumbra instructed each human on what they had to say and that was it. In a matter of minutes, the whole village, around 33 humans including children, appeared in the Shadow Bazaar. Penumbra soon followed them and made sure they’ve got somewhere to sleep in the Bazaar before going back.

Only to find George appearing next to them a few minutes later.

I cannot let you go alone. I've said I'll offer a year of service, let it be with you and if I die fighting the Mind Pod…then let it be. Don't worry about my age, I've still got a lot of strength in this old body. "

" If you're sure, then you're welcome and by the power invested in me by the Goddess Ashevelen, I name thee a [Strongman] Class. "

Sure enough, the notification rang in George's head.

And so, with a new companion in tow, the group went to fight the Mind Pod.

Turn 3 - The Holy Book of Trades

The Kathetikon and Ashevelen

Before even thinking of leaving once more to find special objects, mortals etc. to sell at her bazaar, Ashevelen decided it was time to pay a visit to a divine she considered a friend. Not only because their knowledge seemed to encompass everything there was but also because of their behaviour, friendly and well mannered. Luckly, this trip wasn’t something that would take too long as they chose to make their own realm very close to the Umbral Forest.

Taking flight, Ashevelen sped across the forest at an inhuman speed and reached the Grand Library in mere minutes. Letting out a blast of divine energy to announce her presence, she landed at the base of it. Looking at its magnificent doors, she shouted out loud.

Kathe’! You around? Ashevelen’s here.

The doors opened themselves for Ashevelen the moment she stepped before them, seamlessly gliding forth as they revealed an enormous complex of disparate buildings, each connected by bridges of fabricated material and gentle currents of wind. The gate she had landed at was merely an entryway, and the view that awaited her beyond it was spectacularly breathtaking: buildings of iridescent marble cluttered themselves around spiralling towers of glass and gemstone, dotted atop the many peaks of the mountains like the many jewels in a great coronet. The tower nearest to her, some distance away to the north-west, appeared to be a stained glass depiction of a stately woman presiding over an ornate scroll, dictating its contents to mortals below who exchanged goods at her command. As the rays of sunlight filtered through the glass it began to shift and warp, the individual panes shifting in size and colour, until Ashevelen’s face was clearly visible within it. The light began to refract and split, projecting the image contained within onto the very sky above, and the image of Ashe began to sweep its hand across the way towards the building atop the very highest peak. As it moved, a shadowy bridge was left from her trailing movements, and the shadow began to consume the brilliantly sparkling image in the sky until it was all that remained and it began to fade away into nothingness.

The path of shadow was real enough, and led directly up into the great vault where the Kathetikon resided–as Ashe began to make her way up towards it the sleek obsidian doors silently dissolved into nothingness to reveal the vault’s interior where the Kathetikon eagerly awaited her.

“Ah, Ashevelen, welcome to the Grand Library! Is this a visit for business or for pleasure?” the sentient tome asked, its words vibrating through the air as it swivelled to look down at Ashe as she ascended.

The Lady of the Trade watched with wonder the image of herself and the buildings. Amazing place, she thought and smiled. Her own realm would soon look like this or maybe even better when it would be filled with valuables.

She lifted herself up to Kathe’s height and gave them a friendly bow, throwing a coin towards them in respect. “ Greetings, Kathe’! I would say it’s a bit of both and to add to that, some curiosity. I’ve recently created my own realm and I’m curious how other divine’s realms look like. Maybe get some ideas of my own or trade some ideas that I’ve incorporated in mine. Have a look for yourself. ” replied Ashevelen and with a wave of her hand, a portal opened in a nearby shadow.

On the other side of the portal, clear as daylight, the Shadow Bazaar could be seen. Souls of Umbras were moving cargo around, setting up their respective stalls. Shadowy towers, taller than mountains littered the background and in the center…a tower taller than all. Ashevelen’s own seat of power.

”Oh, how curious! I would be more than happy to take a brief sojourn to your own demesne–and I have many collections of knowledge from other worlds to share with you should you desire inspiration. If you are curious, it is my calling to help you find the answers you seek!” the Kathetikon began, its pages making a pleasing sound almost like rumbling laughter as it happily manoeuvred its way through the portal of shadow that Ashe had created and observed the realm in all its glory.

My curiosity is curious, sibling? ” replied Ashe with a wink before adding “ Indeed, I do require some inspiration and something to sell. Mundane things, I’ve got but nothing truly special. That’s why I’ve sent my champion, Penumbra, to visit the world. Maybe their mortal eyes can see something that we, divines, cannot.

”Oh, how could I forget? Anagnostis!” the Kathetikon began, and the air began to shimmer and distort around them as globules of pitch-dark ink formed and coalesced together rapidly, taking the form of a humanoid silhouette and solidifying rapidly. A great quill emerged from it in the next moment, and then suddenly the God of Curiosity and Knowledge’s avatar was there with them. It eagerly took the Kathetikon in its hands and began to write rapidly, at a pace far outspeeding anything a mortal could even comprehend, and it looked up at Ashevelen with deferent and awestruck eyes.

“The Master has much to observe and learn about your realm, Lady Ashevelen, so they will be communicating through me for the rest of the journey–the Master hopes you understand, as communicating directly is quite a taxing endeavour for a book and the space you have crafted is so intriguing that the Master does not wish to divide its attention…” Anagnostis began, perusing the surroundings eagerly and snapping its eyes back to the goddess every few seconds to ensure it missed nothing she might say or do.

Ashevelen looked with interest as Anagnostis appeared next to them. She approached him and looked at him similar to how a jeweller checks a prized gem for quality. “ An avatar, Kathe’? Interesting way of bypassing the “limits” of your own form. I never considered making one to be honest. Is this one sentient or just an extension of your own will? ” asked Ashevelen, Kathe’, before listening to Anagnostis and replying to him in kind.

I understand their reasoning, avatar. I thank you, Anagnostis, for helping your creator out. Here, this is on me. They’ll allow you to purchase goods or services in my realm.” Ashevelen took out the self-printing coin and threw a few coins at Anagnostis.

”Ask her to show us around, Anagnostis! I sense that the shadows of this place have secrets, and we simply must record them!” “The Master wishes for you to lead us on a tour, if that is amenable to you?” Anagnostis began, barely suppressing a cheeky grin as it read the will of its Master through its pages and continued to scrawl eagerly across the Kathetikon.

Not sure if you can fly but it’ll be easier for both of you to see and for my servants to go along with their business without us blocking their ways. ” said Ashevelen before lifting Anagnostis in the air, giving him the power of flight while in her realm.

Umbras and Satyrs roamed the bazaar, going from stall to stall and purchasing whatever they found interesting. Sure enough, some elves could be seen milling around, looking for whatever they found most interesting.

It seems that some elves have found their way here as well. I wish that one day, all mortals will. ” said Ashe absent-mindedly as she pointed out different places in the bazaar. The Shadow Bazaar looked as one would imagine a bazaar to look like, market stalls in every direction. Some filled to the brim with mundane objects, others sporting cages for the different animals of the world that were showcased in a non-coin form.

The architecture was something of a wonder itself, as it was a mix and match of different architectures from every place Ashevelen travelled to. Some buildings were alive and in constant motion, some inert, while others would just appear and disappear from view if one didn’t look at them for longer than a few seconds.

“Ah, thank you, lady Ashevelen–though I am capable of flight myself–” Anagnostis began, before causing wings crafted from scrolls and books and manuscripts to emerge from its shoulder blades, “it is an honour to receive such a boon from you, and I shall embrace the umbral power you have given me eagerly.” Anagnostis smiled, quickly taking a peek down at the Kathetikon as it spoke. ”Ah, inform her that you are a being of variable knowledge created to be able to authentically experience all facets of reality with as much or as little of my information as is necessary to produce the desired results. Make sure that you survey the architecture of those stalls too, as I’m quite sure I’ve seen something like them before…”

“The Master wishes you to understand my nature as an avatar: I am a consciousness innately linked to the vast realms of knowledge contained within the Kathetikon’s pages, and by the Kathetikon’s will I am either imbued with or divested of knowledge as appropriate. I am a vessel meant to experience the world from various perspectives, so as to enable the Master to accurately record all living experiences within itself. One day the Master will give me the noetic profile of a mortal that might end up in your bazaar, so I may experience it as they do… but for now I am possessed of the entirety of the Master’s knowledge, so as to better facilitate conversation with such a worthy partner! As one of the Master’s siblings, you are entitled only to the very best they can offer, after all.” Anagnostis spoke, its attention split between talking to Ashevelen and surveying the various delights of the Bazaar. It took only seconds for it to become utterly focused on some particular configuration of stalls and begin subconsciously drifting towards it, rapidly transcribing notes as it did so.

" Intriguing. Very much so. I'm assuming he's not for sale, Kathetikon?" asked Ashe in a joking manner before turning her attention to Anagnostis.

”Oh, she knows that you aren’t for sale, Anagnostis. Laugh at her joke and check out the stalls over there nearest to Ashevelen’s tower–they remind me of something I’ve seen before, a… hm, check it out while I think!” the Kathetikon wrote upon itself, causing Anagnostis to flush a little red in the cheeks before politely laughing at Ashe’s little joke.

" These powers will last while you're in my realm. A boon for a friend. Now, what do you wish to see? The architecture of my realm is inspired from everywhere I've travelled but the most important parts are still inspired from this world. I don't wanna scare any of the mortals that will come here, pretty sure you understand how they would react if they'd see some of the more…weird places of the cosmos. " replied Ashe with a grin.

“Ah, the Master had some recollection of those stalls closest to your tower–what are they selling, to have earned such a position of prestige? What is the system one uses to decide who may sell their wares in this space most aligned with your will?” Anagnostis began, but quickly looked down at the Book to find that it had written another sentence to direct it. ”Ah, yes, that sector over there is very reminiscent of the Thymesian Price, a wondrous market contained within the eternal dream of a powerful psychic–it was commonplace there to trade one’s memories of rare and powerful events for other bits of equally esoteric and difficult to come by knowledge. Ashevelen has made it her own, though, and allowed them to imprint their memories upon her coins for ease of trading… but note the crystalline glint to its edge!”

“Oh, the Master thinks your designs are very inspired. They think they recognise some of the influences you might have adapted, and we would very much like to see what else you’ve come up with! Shall we, Lady Ashe?” Anagnostis smiled, its featureless face pointed down towards the buildings at the base of the Goddess’ tower. It could not help but tilt its face back up towards the tower, occasionally scanning it as it looked, and after only a moment of this the pair soared down towards their destination.

You’ve got a good eye , Kathe’. They are indeed from the Thymesian Price, albeit with a tiny modification from yours truly. With a knowledge as yours, I’m sure you’ll recognize more places…deeper as we go. ” replied Ashe before going down towards their destination. The stalls closest to the tower. Just a few of them, in comparison to everywhere else. Five stalls of the eight that surrounded Ashe’s tower were unfortunately empty at the moment.

Apologies for those five. They are currently empty but I’ll have them filled up in no time but to answer your question…” replied Ashe as they approached one of the stalls that was manned by an Umbra that trembled in fear and exaltation at the same time.

Be at ease, Galxus. You are not to be replaced. Now, show us your goods. ” and as if on cue, Galxus spread open their hands and coins appeared on the table. Each of the coins was made out of a black material but if touched, they would offer the one that touched them an image of what was being sold.

Ashevelen picked one at random and gently flipped it over to Anagnostis. “ Hold it in your hand and you’ll see what this one sells. ” said Ashe and true enough, as soon as Anagnostis would hold the coin, an image of a Tarsk would appear in his mind. The image would then change slightly, highlighting different body parts of the Tarsk, their usage, what they eat etc.

Anagnostis found itself enthralled by the mixture of familiarity and discovery presented to it: knowing just enough to have an idea of the outline of things only to discover that the details were new and unique was a joy beyond words. It happily perused the wares eagerly, even going so far as to smile sheepishly at the Umbra’s reaction to Ashe’s approach. It found it very interesting that one of Ashe’s own creations and subjects who had been called to serve in her very realm could possibly still be scared of the Goddess, but the Kathetikon quickly scrawled on its pages various theories and Anagnostis pondered them as it looked down at the coins and took one in its hand. The metal was cool to the touch and close to intangible, as if it were the shadow of a coin rather than something concrete and real; but that was simply to be expected of the Lady of Trade and Shadow, and Anagnostis thoroughly enjoyed mentally comparing it to the other coins it had received from her earlier–at least it did until the concepts of a Tarsk began to flood its mind from having touched the coin.

Anagnostis giggled in delight as it began to examine the strange and new lifeform in its mental landscape, quickly taking up its quill and beginning to draw an image in full colour within the Kathetikon’s pages. It opened its mouth as if to ask questions before suddenly stopping as the image shifted and morphed, each of its nascent inquiries answered before it could even vocalise them. A few moments of rapid scribbling passed before Anagnostis actually thought to speak up to Galxus.

“I don’t suppose you offer a ‘try before you buy’ scheme, Galxus? While I would love to engage in a trade with you, I am not sure that there is much place for a Tarsk in the Grand Library…” Anagnostis queried, its head tilted slightly to the side so as to suggest a certain whimsical curiosity to its words. It quickly looked down at the tome to divine the Kathetikon’s will, only to find the book in the middle of writing something new for it to look at: ”I could make a space for it, but then I’d have to create some beings to care for it and look after it… perhaps when the mortals I have revealed myself to come searching for my halls we will have the capacity to care for these creatures as they deserve. Check what else it sells, Anagnostis!”

Anagnostis eagerly picked up the second coin, awaiting the new and interesting wares that would be shown to it.

Galxus watched the divines with wonder and a bit of fear. They enjoyed trading in this spot, buyers missing as it was. They recently died and barely managed to convince the Goddess to buy their most prized-possession, a small rock that shined in brilliant colours if light was shined on it. A diamond, the Goddess called it, they remembered with pride. But, now, the Goddess is back with someone else? Maybe it was their time to be removed, maybe the Goddess changed her decision…but their feeling was replaced by the innate one that all Umbra had. Trading or greed, whatever one may call it. They didn’t know but it was what they knew since creation.

We don’t do that in the Shadow Bazaar of the Lady of the Trade, dear customer. You can pay only a bigger price now and take whatever you may wish and if you don’t find the goods up to your standards, you may bring it back and receive the difference. ” replied Galxus while throwing a look at Ashevelen. Their proposed scheme was not something that the Goddess taught them which means it was a creation of their own and for a split-second doubt was seen in their eyes but with a tiny nod from Ashevelen, it disappeared from their eyes as they finished talking.

”Hah, what was that saying… Caveat Emptor, dear Anagnostis! Though we can be quite certain Ashevelen and her subjects would never try to swindle us, the law of trade is quite clear: deals struck are final. It is generous indeed for her to offer any means by which one may be even partially refunded their investment–thank her, Anagnostis!” wrote itself upon the Kathetikon’s pages, and Anagnostis made certain to give Ashe a profoundly deep bow and offer up its thanks for the generosity of the system she’d created.

Offering another coin to Anagnostis, this one when touched would show an Umbra in their prime. It would do different actions like walking or changing their form then the image would shift showing the same Umbra but older and it gradually worked its way up until it hardened into a pool of goop. The image would start again from the same Umbra but as a young one and like before, each body part was analysed in detail with all the abilities a Umbra had or could develop naturally. The image shifted again and showed how Umbras multiplied, their speed of doing so and a projected number of current existing Umbras in the world.

Ashevelen interjected with her own words after Anagnostis was busy with the coin. “ Why make your own mortals? I’ve got loads to spare. Just wait for Anagnostis to check that coin he’s holding.

Anagnostis took the second coin just as eagerly as the first, feeling its textures in its ink-spun hands as it closed its eyes to focus on the images that would soon come to it. It observed the Umbra’s lifecycle with especially keen interest, fervently writing down its experiences in the Kathetikon even with its eyes closed. It would occasionally flick a couple of pages back to view its notes on the Umbra that had taken refuge within Logiopolis, and noted that the Umbra there were different from these purer ones with their gradients of extreme colouration. It quickly drew a shockingly realistic image of the two side-by-side and held the Tome of All Things up to Ashe (making absolutely sure that Galxus or any passers-by would not gaze upon the fabled tome’s pages) and showed her the difference between the two.

“Ah, were you aware that a separate species of your Umbra have been created? They seem to possess unique pigmentation not ordinarily possible within their physiology and are free to adapt to their environments at shockingly rapid paces–Pyonexos and I did a study to try and quantify some of these changes, but not enough time has passed yet for us to know precisely–” Anagnostis began, only to blush once more and quickly turn the tome back to itself as it felt its Master’s will being expressed through the pages once more.

”I believe it was the work of the god known as Myrtu, explained to us as the ‘God-Star’. None of the other names I was given matched its description from the writings I have been able to observe, so by process of elimination I have determined this must be the correct sibling. I am eager to meet them, though circumstance has not yet seen fit to bring them to our doors. Stop getting distracted, Anagnostis! You’re supposed to be reading me to Ashe!” the tome displayed, and Anagnostis yelped loudly as it almost dropped the Kathetikon and scrambled to keep it within its hands. “A-ah! Sorry, Master, I was just thinking of the time that Pyonexos and I had to adjudicate a trade between the Umbra and the–forgive me my clumsiness, Lady Ashe, this coin simply brought back some very happy memories for me…” Anagnostis began, stuttering slightly as it took a quick moment to regain its composure and place the coin back down on Galxus’ stall.

“How much would you like for it, Galxus?”

Ashevelen looked at the image of the other Umbra that Myrtu created with an expression of wonder. Their colours were very interesting and something that Ashe might adopt in the next upgrade of the Umbra which would be soon. Intriguing abilities as well, good to remember, they might be useful in the future.

Amazing and they don’t even have hooves. I do agree with you, Kathe’. These are for sure modifications done by our brother, Myrtu. I’ve met him once, I’ve bought some humans from him and then modified them into the ones you know as Satyrs. They will eventually end up here as all the Umbras and I’ll find out more, they just need to die first. ” replied Ashe, her eyes shining.

As soon as Anagnostis almost dropped his charge, a small shadow pillar rose from the ground to catch Kathe’ but as Anagnostis caught them back, it dissipated into nothingness.
Easy there Anagnostis, if Kathe’ touches the ground they’re mine and I haven’t yet sold a divine to anyone. ” said Ashe with a friendly chuckle.

”Oho, you should be so lucky Ashe! I am more than capable of arresting my own movement, but I did create an avatar precisely so I would not have to exert myself… Be more careful, Anagnostis! You have one job! I know that job is ‘help me discover and record everything’, but it’s only one job and you’re a shard of a divine!” the Kathetikon displayed, the writing on its pages starting off keenly focused and sharp-edged, but softening considerably at the end. Anagnostis permitted itself a slight chuckle at its Master’s jibe before returning Ashe’s smile.

Galxus looked at Ashevelen, then at Anagnostis and smiled.

Depends. What can you offer the Goddess? It will be five-hundred coins if you wish to buy the Umbra, adding to that you might not wish to have one and return later with them, it’ll be eight-hundred coins. ” said Galxus. The price was more than it should’ve been by a lot but that’s how a cunning Umbra acted.

“Ah, 500 coins you say? Let’s see…” Anagnostis began in response, rifling through the book’s pages. Ashe would catch occasional glimpses of the various chapters and appendices that the book contained, most notably amongst them a section amongst the trading of sapient beings. Anagnostis skimmed down the page, occasionally taking a second to look up at Galxus with its featureless face, before it made a small noise of pleasant surprise and its feather-like finger tapped the Kathetikon’s pages gently.

“I believe that is an incorrect estimate by approximately 400 of these coins. Surely such an esteemed trader as yourself to have earned a spot so close to Lady Ashevelen’s tower would not have appraised the value of an object so poorly, hmm?” Anagnostis began, the timbre of its voice light and buzzing with a sly sense of having caught someone in the act. Though it had no eyebrows to raise, it did focus its blank face more intensely upon the shopkeep than it had previously, still pressing its finger against the page pointedly. ”There’s no need to be so rough, even when you’re correcting a mortal! Have some respect, Anagnostis!” the Kathetikon printed, and Anagnostis quickly leaned down and whispered a hushed “Sorry!” to the book while attempting to keep its gaze as intensely focused on Galxus as possible.

Galxus smiled and winked at the Goddess then realised their mistake and looked right at Anagnostis.

Ah’ but see, you’ve got it wrong. I did ask for 500 coins but that’s because the Tarsk you’ve chosen is from a pure breed. Stronger than most other Tarsks, bigger too and at the same time, I did say you are allowed to bring back your Tarsk if they are not what you’re looking for but you’re receiving a Tarsk pup, what if you decide in a month you’re not happy? You’ll no longer bring me a Tarsk pup but a Tarsk teen. What if you didn’t feed it what you should? What if in their time with you, they got an yet-undetectable disease or injury? These are all risks that one has to take. You are theoretically correct, the price for one Tarsk is 125 coins but adding all the risks, it raises the price to 500. ” eloquently explained Galxus.

”I find it so very curious how mortals find the tenacity to attempt to correct the divine–sometimes it is that they simply lack the tools to evaluate their lack of perspective, sometimes it is hubris, sometimes it is solely for the point of contention. This one is at least uncommon in that it is both charming and forgivable–Anagnostis, please inform them of the issues in their logic… but be gentle.” ”Your points are not without merit, Galxus, with the sole exception that you are currently proposing a trade with a Divine. Those factors you’ve mentioned would, indeed, require a re-evaluation of the price you’ve set should any of them change the inherent properties of the goods that are being exchanged! I’m very impressed with your acumen, though you have chosen a rather poor individual to test this gambit on, given that I possess all knowledge in my hands. Perhaps there ought to be a more robust system by which one places a value on knowledge in relation to material goods? You’ve come so far, Galxus, what do you think could be done?” Anagnostis laughed, its voice pleasantly melodic without being condescending. It gave Ashe a demure grin as it spoke, making sure to not orient the Kathetikon towards Galxus, and awaited the Umbra’s response pensively.

Galxus looked at the beings and then at Ashe who winked at them, only to cause Galxus to shake their head.

The Goddess taught us it doesn’t matter whom we trade with. Always keep to the rules of the trade. Divine or not divine. In life, I used to trade with the Goddess every single time she was in Shadowton. I would wait for days in the queue. ” explained Galxus before Ashevelen took over.

There, there. Don’t be too hard on them, Anagnostis. They had no idea you’re a divine being, even though they might have suspected it. If it would’ve been a mortal this exchange would’ve lasted hours, if one would be as knowledgeable as you. As much as a mortal could I mean. Galxus did a good job but as you mentioned, there were mistakes in there. They’ll learn. ” said Ashevelen as she defended her creation.

”Your creator is very wise, and some of that wisdom has been passed on to you–you should be proud of yourself for its application! Tell me, Galxus… are you ever curious? Are there things you simply do not know that you just know would improve your existence, make you a better trader? If you wish to find the answers to those questions, all answers may be found in the Grand Library–in exchange for the Umbra you’ve got there, I will extend an indefinite invitation to my Master’s realm. We know how to anchor you to Lady Ashevelen’s realm while you travel to the demesne of another divine, so nothing unpleasant will happen to you or to your stall!” Anagnostis offered, not even bothering to look down at the Kathetikon as it spoke. It turned its head towards Ashe and tilted it gently to the side, appraising her with its blank face as its hands continued to write marginalia in the Kathetikon–Anagnostis had been created to be ever-curious, after all, and it wondered just how Ashe would react to such an offer. No deals had been discussed with her at this point, after all, but even in the short time they’d been together Anagnostis understood well enough that its Master and the Lady of the Trade had much to offer one another, and that any excuse for a deal to be struck between them was likely to at least pique Ashe’s interest.

Galxus looked between Anagnostis and the Lady of the Trade. They considered the proposal for about 2 seconds before starting to talk about their wares again.

That’s enough, Galxus. You won’t anger me if you speak what you wish to speak. I’m curious about your answer as well. ” replied Ashe calmly.

I was curious before I died. The first command we’ve received from the Lady of the Trade was to evolve, I remember it well. I’ve tried my best while alive to explore the immediate area around the Umbral Forest, looking for new objects to trade with. That’s how I found the diamond which the Lady found worthy enough for me to be selling here. ” said Galxus while Ashevelen watched with interest, until the end of sentence.

Shaking her head, Ashevelen interjected. “ And that’s where you’re wrong. I haven’t awarded you for what you’ve found but the passion you’ve tried to sell it with. Passion, the same sort of intelligence that you’ve displayed trying to sell the Tarsk to Anagnostis here. I care not for what Umbra bring me, anything can be sold. I care if you’ve learned something in your time spent alive. Tell them how you died, Galxus.

Galxus shrinked in size. Their fear was clear on their usually expressionless face but then it changed as Ashevelen started to praise them.

I died in the mountains, north of Shadowton. I found a cave and there were loads of shining rocks there but something attacked me and took me unaware. Grabbed one of the shiny rocks and that’s the last thing I knew while being alive. Next thing I was aware of was me being in the Long Queue , waiting my turn to trade with the Goddess.

This time it was the Kathetikon itself that spoke, choosing to project its words directly through the air that Galxus might feel them. ”I died alone in the cold and lonely mountains too, surrounded by the biggest library that I have ever seen. I had learned everything I thought there was to learn, but still it was not enough. Even death could not take me while the fire of curiosity burned in my mind, and that passion is what led me down the long path to divinity. I am sure that standing before your creator, by whose grace you still exist, is difficult. I am looking for those with the passion to carry on even past the threshold of life and death, for those whose stories are still unwritten through sheer force of will–perhaps you do not have what I seek.” the Kathetikon rumbled, its words soundless but filled with all of the curiosity and passion of one whose obsession ran so deep it had chased away the spectre of death.

“... the Master is sympathetic to your situation, Galxus. This is not an interrogation, but a question. Do you have the answer we seek?” Anagnostis asked, placing the coin down on the stall once more as it cocked its head slightly towards the Umbra. Though its face was featureless its voice was soft and kind, filled with eagerness and not a hint of disapproval.

Galxus bowed their head as the divine spoke to them. It was the first time in their life/unlife when they met a different divine and for them to speak directly to them, it was an honour.

If the Lady of the Trade permits it, I wouldn’t be opposed, your highness. If I could learn how to be a better trader of goods or maybe even a trader of knowledge, I would be grateful for the chance. Learning to be better is what the Lady wanted us from the beginning as I said before and if I could do it forever, maybe…just maybe, one day I will be able to out-trade the Lady ” said Galxus with a smile.

Ashevelen just smiled as she listened to them. This was, after all, what she intended from the beginning. The Umbra to evolve past her teachings, to surpass her and the others. Maybe one day become divine beings in their own right.

Out-trade me? More than happy to give you the chance, Galxus. Let’s say…in ten thousand years?

“‘Tis your prerogative to decide whether or not an open invitation to another Divine’s realm is commensurate with the value of these Umbra, Galxus–is that not your job as a trader? It would please the Master for you to decide not based on the permission of Lady Ashevelen but your own earnest desire. We cannot simply lead you to the destination, we merely reveal the path that you might travel it yourself–if you do not desire this knowledge without external influence, then it is not something we are willing to offer.” Anagnostis replied, before allowing itself a little chuckle at the prospect of the Umbra being able to out-trade its creator. It turned towards the goddess and offered her a brief nod of its head before it turned back to Galxus, expectantly awaiting their response.

”Now that I have created the Grand Library, we must ensure its influence can be felt across the entirety of Galbar. But perhaps it is better for us to travel to them than vice versa–the trek up the mountains is only for the most determined of pilgrims. Perhaps it would be in our interests to gather those mortals who wish to acquire their knowledge outside of a more… studious setting and let them loose upon the world with our blessings. Perhaps if an element of trade is incorporated, they might further Lady Ashevelen’s agenda in addition to our own. Propose it to her, Anagnostis, just as soon as I’ve worked out the finer details…”

Their answer is yes, Anagnostis. Haven’t you heard them? They are asking for my permission for the simple reason that I’m the only reason their soul is attached to this realm. If they’d said yes but I wouldn’t have agreed, I could’ve simply obliterated their soul. They’re curious and they are cautious. You cannot blame them for being so. Am I correct, Galxus? ” explained Ashe to which Galxus just nodded gently.

That is indeed true, my Goddess. To answer properly, divine brother of the Lady…Yes I do wish to join you up in the Grand Library. I am curious about what's going to happen there. I am curious about finding out more about our world and not only. I want to learn more and more until one day I will be able to out-trade the Goddess. That is a promise, I will do it. ” their voice was strong and full of passion. Eyes shining at the thought of new knowledge.

“Forgive me my caution, esteemed friends–’tis a matter of course for us to be certain when trades such as these are proposed, for a single misstep can lead a soul to ruin. On behalf of the Master, I formally extend to you an invitation to the Grand Library in perpetuity.” Anagnostis stated, taking the coin containing the Umbra from the table and gently rolling it around in its free hand as it focused its attention upon Galxus. It took a brief second to consider something before drawing an intricate series of lines and whorls upon the Umbra’s stall, creating a sigil that thrummed with divine energy. Anagnostis gestured towards Galxus and prompted the Umbra to place their hand upon it in order to transfer the sigil to themselves.

“The rune placed before you is covenant and permission both: it serves as a record of the trade between us, and it will afford you entry to the Grand Library.” Anagnostis began, but a little jolt of energy quickly caused it to look down. ”I have finished considering my proposition for Ashe, Anagnostis. I wish for us to create a nomadic monastic order that will travel the length and breadth of Galbar, spreading the knowledge of the Grand Library and the Shadow Bazaar–and their patrons, of course–to all. They will use our vast reserves of knowledge and Lady Ashevelen’s trading acumen to transport goods across the entirety of Galbar while recording everything, thus advancing our agendas simultaneously. They may also encounter the followers of other gods, and be able to provide them with whatever goods, services, or knowledge they require in exchange for the unique things only they may provide, and ere long we will possess a consortium that has gripped this world by the throat and will never let go! Perhaps don’t read that last part out loud.” the Kathetikon wrote, and Anagnostis faithfully relayed the pertinent information to Ashe, adding in an occasional glance towards Galxus and scribbling observations about the Umbra down.

With a bit of trepidation, Galxus looked at the divines and smiled before putting their hand on the rune. Divine energy flowed briefly into Galxus but then it stopped. Nothing truly changed physically to them but they knew in their heart that they are now allowed to enter the Grand Library without disappearing into nothingness.

Thank you. ” was all that Galxus could say, such was their wonder at what just happened.

Ashevelen on the other hand listened to what Kathe’ had to say and she was quite intrigued by their proposal.

That does sound interesting, Kathe’ and it’s something similar to what I had in mind too. In part, I came to you as I said for inspiration and a bit of curiosity. The whole truth was that I wished to provide you my Umbra, seeing as you don’t have any mortals of your own yet, in exchange for knowledge. But, a nomadic order sounds better. I gifted the Umbra with a great capacity to learn and evolve. I only have one condition to the whole affair, if I may. Whatever knowledge the Umbra gain, I will have access to it. Whatever secrets they learn, they will be available to me to share…for a price if I consider them worthy enough. ” said Ashevelen.

Then, with a clap of her hands, 50 coins that contained Umbras appeared in a shadowy-bag. Upon being taken out of the Shadow Bazaar, these coins would be transformed into Umbras. While the same as the other Umbras in most regards, these had a sigil on their chest with a book that was in Kathe’s design with swirling coins around it. To better separate the members of the order from non-members.

”What a thoughtful gift! I do not find within myself much in the way of desire to create life, so this is an elegant solution to a little problem I have found myself with–of course, you may partake of this knowledge freely. I would consider it an honest trade for the service your acumen has done us on this day–I believe it stands as the beginning of a long and fruitful partnership! With all the knowledge at my disposal and your ability to put it into practice, I dare say we will find ourselves both very prosperous indeed–which can only be good for Galbar as a whole, yes?” the Kathetikon rumbled, this time actually addressing the goddess directly. Such a proclamation was one best delivered personally, after all, a sign of honest respect for the gift of a friend. Anagnostis nodded eagerly, but quickly became distracted with the task of handling the coins, making sure to capture them in little globules of ink and draw them into the Kathetikon’s pages for safekeeping.

“The Master thinks perhaps we could leave a link between our two realms in here, Lady Ashevelen?” Anagnostis mentioned quickly, looking down at the book in a rather curious angle as it eagerly read the book’s text. ”What? Why would that be necessary? I’m quite sure they will be able to find a way here should they desire it. Oh… you’re trying to get back here quickly because you want to practice trading. You could have simply asked, Anagnostis, no need to…” the Kathetikon wrote to Anagnostis, who simply neglected to read it out loud and looked at Ashe expectantly.

" Good for Galbar, good for knowledge and very prosperous for me. Sounds like a very good deal. But, please, Kathe' don't call it a gift in front of anyone else, think about my reputation. It's an investment. " replied Ashe with a smile and a sly wink before laughing out loud.

Turning towards Anagnostis, Ashe shook her head in a friendly manner. " I dare to say, Anagnostis, you're a cute creature. We can link our realms, of course, but of course we'll link our realm if you want to learn how to trade. Just, leave something for the mortals too. " said Ashe with a chuckle before placing materialising a small shadow sword in the air and drawing upon Anagnostis's hand, which she took, a tiny coin with it which would fade in time but will stay there for as long as Anagnostis existed.
" There. Make sure you've got a shadowy place in the Great Library and place your hand upon it. You'll have access, for free, to the Shadow Bazaar at any time. It will also act as a gate for anyone here…if they pay for it. "

@Sol Grim You can use the online version. Works better imo

The Journey - Part 2 - Unknown location outside the Umbral Woods - 6:37 PM

Penumbra, Custosa and Dahm recovered from the fight with the bandits and were finally outside the Umbral Woods. Their first fight was a hard one as they weren’t prepared and they haven’t escaped unscrapped.

While neither Penumbra nor Dahm knew anything about treating wounds, they bandaged Custosa’s eye to the best of their ability but even they could say with certitude…her eye would be lost forever. Custosa was, of course, not the only one injured. Dahm and Penumbra were as well but those were paper cuts in comparison to the loss of an eye.

Deep lines drawn gently;
A subtle but growing pain
Red stones fall gently down
” said Dahm, the Bard in a sad voice before starting to humm a sad song.

Custosa, who was in great pain and in general disliked Dahm, ignored her feelings about him and joined in, humming under her breath as a way to focus on something else than pain. Penumbra just walked a bit further away from the group, head down and a frown on their face. It was them that asked these two to join, it was them that led them on that path and of course, it was their quest. Their responsibility to keep them safe, a responsibility they failed to uphold.

Looking back at the two, Penumbra went through the list of their supplies that they still had. Food for a week, water for a few days but that wouldn’t be an issue for now but a major issue presented itself, they didn’t know in which direction to go. North and up the mountains, hoping to find a pass or closer to the coast but with more chances of danger. They still had some time until they would reach the point of no return for either direction and as such, Penumbra’s mind switched subjects of focus.

Level ups. Themselves and Custosa each got 4 levels up for their fight with the bandits while Dahm, got five levels for his instrumental role in the fight. In Penumbra’s mind, they ran through each person’s current and new abilities.

All these abilities meant that they should be more than ready for any kind of encounter in the future with bandits or whatnot. If something else doesn’t happen, of course. As they kept walking, light appeared in the sky. Blinding light at dawn. A bad omen. The group stopped to catch their breath and made camp, better to walk in sunlight in these unknown lands.

" What was…" started to say Custosa before wincing in pain. Penumbra replied before she could try again to speak.

" I don't know but that much light at this hour? Either some kind of beast or divine magic. One of Ashevelen’s siblings, the Goddess, wouldn't do something like that. Not without at least talking with her champion. We'll have to tread carefully. Bandits won't be the only threat we'll face in this quest…"

Before Penumbra could say anything else, Dahm the Bard used his ability [ignore pain] and started to sing.

" And if eternity is the time
And forever we must wait
Then we will wait all eternity
For even as the earth crumbles away
We are indestructible.

And the party ignored their pain and fell asleep soundly as Damh took the first watch, still singing their pain away.

" Oh pain, my mistress
Oh pain, why you court us so
Oh pain…oh pain.

The Journey - Part 2 - The edge of the Lightwoods - 8 AM

The party of 3 walked and walked through the unknown forest, deciding to keep closer to the coast than venture through the mountains. One their way there, Penumbra went into the Shadow Bazaar looking for Ashevelen, hoping for some divine aid but quickly found out that she wasn’t there. Either way, not wanting to leave empty handed, they bought some healing herbs from a stall and some food from some elves.

Applying the herbs wasn’t as hard as they thought initially but it was painful or would’ve been if Dahm wouldn’t have sung as much as he could to make Custosa forget the pain and stop struggling while the herbs were applied on her eye.

Eventually they arrived at the location where the light came from and they were amazed. A whole forest that shined with light in many different colours and intensity. Penumbra, ever the obedient servant, grabbed some plants and quickly discovered that the plants had teeth which they tried to use to bite them. “Killing” the plants quickly, they threw them into a shadow and uttered the words of the Goddess sending the plants into the Shadow Bazaar.

What is this place? Plants that have teeth and are carnivorous? The Dark/Umbral forests do not have anything of the sorts and neither have I heard anyone telling stories about them. ” asked Custosa, a perplexed look on her face.

Never seen something like this either. I’ve sent some in the Shadow Bazaar, when the Goddess is back she will come and check for sure. ” answered Penumbra.

How far must the honey bee roam
To find an elusive flower,
And return to his honeycomb?

How long must a tumbling stone
Through a lonely landscape scour,
To realise its conclusive home?
” sang Dahm, as elusive as ever.

Custosa turned towards him with a frown upon her face. Anger was clear in her voice. “ Dahm! I beg you in the name of Jeon and all the over divines out there, please start making sense. I don’t understand a word and you’re talking in my language.

Penumbra came between the two as they stared at each other and shook their head.

Easy there. Easy. Calm down, Custosa. What Dahm means is that we are far from home and that we don’t know when we will be back. I think he said something about not knowing if the Goddess will find us alive when she’s back but not sure. Did I get that right, Dahm? ” explained Penumbra while looking at Dahm for confirmation. A tiny nod was all the answer he gave and all that was needed.

After some more bickering between the confused Custosa and Dahm, they started their journey through the forest and it wasn’t an easy one. Howls, grunts and movement kept everyone on their toes add to that the occasional burrowing dino that literally kept everyone on their toes as they would be biting at their feet before coming out in a shower of dust and gravel to swallow the party whole.

I don’t like this forest. People back home were afraid of the shadow monsters when your Goddess transformed the Umbral Woods but they don’t compare to this. Dahm, stay close to me. As much as I’d like you to stop singing every 2 minutes, I wouldn’t want to see you eaten by whatever lives in this forest. ” said Custosa as she saw Dahm lagging behind the group for a few steps.

There's a sad loneliness about my heart,—
A deep, deep solitude the spirit feels
Amid this multitude. The things of art
Pall on the senses—from its pageantry,
Loathing, my eye turns off; and my ear shrinks
From the harsh dissonance that fills the air.
” sang to the yet-again annoyed Custosa, Dahm, before nodding at her, pointing around them and then made a shhh sound.

Custosa shook their head and she realised something as well. It was too quiet. Too quiet for a normal forest and way too quiet for this forest. Penumbra, who led the group and was just further up from where they were using their pre-existing abilities to the full, came back running.

There’s something out there. The wildlife ran away which means that whatever it is…it’s the apex predator of this forest. No more scouting, we keep close…very close. I’ve seen something moving in the canopy above us, stalking us.

Custosa took a sharp breath and focused on her passive ability [Enhanced Hearing], closing her right eye. Sure enough, the sounds of the forest could still be heard but farther away…and then thum. thum. thum. thum. a rhythmic beat. It continued and continued until it stopped for a few seconds, only to start again faster and in their direction.

Get ready. Whatever made everything hide is closing in fast on our location. ” said Custosa while she got her spear ready in the direction of where the sound came from.

Penumbra hid behind a tree, activating their ability [One with the shadows] ready to jump from behind and attack the new foe while Custosa would keep it focused and Dahm would sing his songs at it. Alternating between support and attack abilities.

Just then, a towering monstrosity burst through a nearby thicket, its head an oversized version of the chompy plant that had tried to bite Penumbra,its body thicke as three tree trunks, its legs stomping the earth and its tail ending in yet another mouth.

It roared loudly upon somehow spotting them with its far too many eyes despite the party's stealth skills. It skid to a halt before it simply trampled over them and ducking its head low as if it were about to try and bite them. Instead of this however, this bow revealed upon its back a lounging figure: Jeon, the god of forests and adventure!

He gave them a casual wave and a “Sup”

As soon as the monster spotted Penumbra and approached its head to bite them, Penumbra vanished and appeared just above them in the trees. Their whole arm, a spear pointed at the head of whomever was riding the creature, ready to use their [Shadow Javelin] skill. Custosa let out a shout to them and dropped to one knee almost immediately while Dahm, for once in their lifetime, was quiet and watched the divine with caution.

My prince, it’s an honour to finally meet you in person. I am Custosa, the one above is Penumbra, the champion of the Lady of Trade and Shadows and this…Satyr is Dahm. A bard. ” said Custosa, reverence in her voice clear.

Penumbra jumped from the trees and offered a friendly bow to Jeon and threw a coin in their direction. A sign of respect between the Umbra.

Greetings! The Lady of the Trade and Shadows offers her regards and wants you to know that she’s saddened that you haven’t yet met but would be more than happy to host you in the Shadow Bazaar at any time.

The god snatched the coin from the air, gave it a raised eyebrow, before giving a little grin and joking “Well I’ll have to do so, now that I’ve got some spending money” before tucking the coin into his pocket.

I am unsure if you know how to reach the realm. Look at any shadow that may fit your size, think or say that you wish to barter with the Lady of the Trade and then throw your offering in the shadow. A portal will open and take you over there and when you wish to leave, just wish it and you’ll be transported back to where you entered. ” explained Penumbra.

“Good to know,” the god replied with an appreciative nod. He had know already, but didn’t seem to feel it necessary to put down their helpful instinct

“Now then, up up all of you, that’s enough respect showing for one day” the god baid them, slipping off the back of his monstrous steed so he could stand evenly with them… or, well, shorter than them, as two thirds of the party stood taller than the divine, not least of all the Custosa, who towered thanks to her elven physiology. It was the elf that he addressed next, saying, “and lovely to meet you at last too, Custosa, I’ve heard so much about you after all” with a wink.

I hope you’ve heard only good things, prince. ” replied Custosa sheepishly, trying to hide her missing eye with her long hair.

“So, I totally have not been stalking you, I just happened to see you in the area and thought I'd ask something of you” the god said to them all, before stopping himself and instead saying “oh but first, where are my manners? How is your journey going?”

Penumbra stepped forward as Jeon asked his question, ready to answer.

We’ve had a few ups and downs but we’re getting better. Not my first adventure, as you might’ve heard that the Goddess ordered me before to establish peaceful relationships with your subjects. Either way, we are good for now. What is it that you wish to ask?

“Well, you need to get better at storytelling if you want to impress anyone with tales of your adventures buuuuut that’s fine” Jeon derided their lack of rendition of their story before getting on with it “So, here’s the thing, there’s this settlement about, oh, a few days travel thataway” He pointed generally westwards “and it needs your help. I’ll mark it on your map”

There was a pause.

“I’ll also give you a map” he added, before pulling out a big leaf and rapid fire painting a picture of the landscape onto it using elven paints before handing it over. As the map consisted mostly of forest, it wasn't exactly the most informative, but it did give the lay of the coast line, and a few notable landmarks, notably a dot where this settlement was, sitting right on the western edge of the forest, where it met a vast yellow expanse they’d come to learn was a desert.

“See, there’s these things called Cortex Flowers, looks like a seed pod the size of a shed growing out of the ground, and they can control animals in order to get them to hunt for them. Now this settlement’s set up just, way too close to a big ol grove of those, so what I need you to do is head on over there, meet up with the locals, and then go deal with that big plant for or with them. Then after that they should be safe-ish, and I’ll just bet they’ll be helpful when it comes to the next leg of your journey. You do not want to go into a desert unprepared, trust me” the god explained, adding a little drawing of the cortex flower to their map next to the settlement as he talked.

Penumbra and the party listened closely to Jeon’s words and as soon as they finished talking, Custosa started to accept the quest but got interrupted by Penumbra almost straight away.

Apologies prince but this doesn’t seem like our problem and if you’re offering a quest, then what do we get in return? You wish to trade with an Umbra after all. ” swiftly said Penumbra, remembering their Goddesses teachings.

“And a quest needs a reward as well, so don’t you worry, I’ll make it worth your while” the god replied with a grin, before hopping up onto his monstrous steed, grabbing a big leaf based bundle that had been tied to its side but that had gone unnoticed up until now, and then said “promise to do this, and I’ll give you the gear to do it” as he laid the contents out on the ground before them

For Custosa: a bronze helmet, a full set of chain mail, a scale mail chest plate to go on top as well as a set of pauldrons and a reinforced tower shield and a battle axe

For Dahm, well, he got a lute. That, a foppish hat with a big father in it, a short sword, a short bow, and finally some light chain mail of his own.

“Now you, you’re tricky” Jeon said to Penumbra, “but I think this might just do the trick”, as he gestured to a gambeson made of shadow cloth. What might be considered the poor man’s armour by a layman, the fact that it was made from the Umbra’s own shadowy material meant that it wouldn’t interfere with the [champion]‘s own skills while also offering an impressive degree of protection given that it was, well, cloth. It also came with a nice sewing kit as well for repair proposes. Finally it also included a set of glass vials containing poisons that would not harm the shadow, but would harm their biological foes quite badly.

Before Penumbra could say anything, Custosa tapped them on their shoulder. A begging look on her face. “ I said I’m going to follow your lead until this divine quest is ended but I beseech you, please accept this side-quest. It…means a lot to me.

Dahm soon followed-up with a song of promise of aid and help of his own.

Lend a hand to one another
In the daily toil of life;
When we meet a weaker brother,
Let us help him in the strife.
There is none so rich but may,
In his turn, be forced to borrow;
And the poor man's lot to-day
May become our own to-morrow.

Caught between a good offer and the requests of their party, Penumbra nodded.

I accept your trade, Prince of Adventures. Just keep in mind that the Lady of the Trade will eventually hear of this and I hope that you’ll explain the need for delays in her quest.

“Then I’ll be sure to tell her that it’s not about the destination, but the journey and experience you earn along the rode” Jeon replied, before leaning in just a little and adding ominously “and trust me, the way you’re you’re going, you’ll want all the experience you can get”

Then he stood up, flashed them a grin “now then, I must go away. Godhood’s a busy life, and I’m sure I’m needed elsewhere” he said before hopping back atop his steed “I look forward to hearing of your tales of bravery, so don’t let me down now!” he told them, then gave them a two finger salute and a “toodles” before thundering away into the woods once more

Armed with new weapons and armour which fitted perfectly, the group started walking towards the village they were meant to protect. Penumbra kept the map close and would hide it within their form when creatures would appear.

…..To be continued

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