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Interacting with: @Obscene Symphony@AChronum

Before the mage could finish her question to Varis, Salem quickly threw in a statement that Varis would be unable to answer due to his need for quick thinking and reaction to his mother. "Its a good thing that the Nobles arent my target audience then." A slightly smug smile formed at the corner of his lips and quickly faded. Salem watched as the Queen tried out the food before it was given to her guests. Sure it helped with quality control, but she ran the risk of being poisoned by any if her chefs. Then again, who would be so bold? Salems eyes shifted slightly to the Sinnendels and then back to the Queen. That house may be full of power houses, but even they wouldnt be so bold as to assassinate the queen...right? The apertifs cane out in a timely manner, each gingerly placed before the guests while the Queen placed a heavy topic onto the table, the mage breeding rights Amendment.

Salem sat there and listened closely as Aaron spoke. While he understood the current laws on mage breeding he was unaware of the actual details on the revisions that they were discussing in the council. Salems stomach began to feel as though someone was trying a knot and twisting it tighter and tighter. Hearing Aaron talk so nonchalantly about his position on the matter was very unsettling, Either he was very good at lying to please who was necessary, or he truly believed the abysmal things he was saying. Salem was thankful that Aaron laid out all the new information, but was even more thankful when he stopped talking...that is, until he realized he was next.

"Thank you Mr. Starag, and thank you your Majesty for taking an interest in my opinion as well. To make things easier I shall talk the points in the same order as Mr. Starag did so as to keep things orderly. On the first point of mental stability, while Mr. Starag seems to believe this is a non issue and redundant, I will only agree to the fact that it seems redundant. I feel that the mental stability, or lack there of, of a mage should fall under the same clause as 'the current partner being a health risk to the other' Though not directly a health risk to their partner, the labors of pregnancy may prove too much for an unstable mind and cause physical injuries to both the mage and their partner. I dont however view this as a non issue because there are those who would use this vagueness to force upon a child to an unstable person on a technicality, one that should be addressed as has been done in this new Amendment.

"Now for the next issue, refusal to breed if the mage has a living spouse. While Mr. Starag has spent his time being bred and raised within these walls, I fear he knows little about the outside world and how it may function. That ofcourse includes marriages and life partners. If neither partner feel comfortable with bearing the child for another, than it should be fully in their right to deny breeding. I feel there should be respect shown towards the couple and have their joint voices heard when it comes to such matters, after all while he views this as. 'Strictly business' and having 'little emotional impact' I fear he is far out of his depths in what he believes happens during pregnancy. There is a great deal of emotion and even if it seems to be business as usual, it doesnt stop one from feeling emotions.

Now, while I agree that I dont know many who would refuse the treatments and drugs necessary for the pregnancy after agreeing to the fact, there are those who dont want, or believe, in such tools. Not every person reacts to them the same way, not does everyone condone the use of them. I feel that because of this, the option to refuse such treatments should be there. Whether it is used or not is up to the mage, but the option should be available for them if necessary."

Interacting with: @Obscene Symphony@AChronum

There was a slight smirk on Salems face as Varis spoke, good he was interested. If there was anything his father taught him, it was to ensure you make opportunities not take them. He said 'every moment in your life is one that you can bend to be prosperous. Look for openings where there are none and make your own.' Salem sat back and clasped his hands onto the table and looked Varis in the eyes. "While donations work well, as does my mothers business, you are correct in assuming that there must be more done for the sake of business. As you very well know, my father owns a large pharmaceutical company, and while I dont exactly approve of his methods...they do see results." Salem reached into his waistcoat pocket and pulled out a small, stout, cylindrical jar, no bigger than a compact. "I'm sure you've seen these around? Many people view it as a cure all for a large array of ailments. While it is my father's company and name on the product, it is my invention. As I dont particularly care to be associated with him I allow him to take the fame while i take the profit from this particular product." Salem flashed the product so that the light would catch the golden lettering against the green background, showing the name 'Salem's Vapor Rub' a common household item that can be purchased for relatively cheap and whose vapors are said to help with most anything.

He placed the product back into his waistcoat and scanned the room before looking back at Varis. "I do sell a few things on my own in order to help further, such as bath bombs, face scrubs, and things of that nature. Those are typically online orders that are made by me before being shipped out, ass it is my labor the only true cost is that of materials which are all organic and grown at the Spellman household making it relatively cheap to make. I have many more ideas for innovations, but first I must finish my learning at the academy that her royal highness so graciously invited to me to attend. There I can hone my affinity and thus further hone my craft to see more dreams become reality." Salem gave a polite nod at the princess as he mentioned her before looking back towards Varis. He may of seemed and sounded confident but in reality he wa unsure how his father dealt with this all the time, Salem wasnt sure how well his reply came off but hoped for the best as he gave Aaron a small smile out of habit as well as looking for reassurance.

Interacting with: @Obscene Symphony@AChronum

Salems eyes betrayed him as they slowly glanced back at Aaron when he wasnt looking, faintly catching a glimpse of, defeat? No, that's isnt possible. Aaron was too composed to be capable of such things, and sure enough what minuscule emotion Salem may have seen, vanished without a trace as it was replaced by Aaron's usual composed and stoic self. Salem watched for a moment as Aaron stared at portraits of other Noilas, he joined him for a moment and began to wonder what his home life was like. They had mentioned that the Academy was the first time he had been able to interact with other children of his age, what must that have been like? Has he never known love? Heartbreak? Ridicule? Has he never tasted the poison of a rival? Salem shook the ideas out of his head, his eyes now slightly sorrowful for the blonde haired boy.

Salem allowed him to speak first, if he was going to survive the night then it would be in his interest to take care to watch Aaron's movements and responses with a critical eye and mimic as best as he could. "Your family, and its ambition, is commendable for mages. We are curious as to the nature of your income for the clinic.” Why would this mage be taking such an interest in his life? What's more...how to answer the question without sounding rude or spoiled. Salem waited for Aaron to finish speaking and then cleared his throat slightly. "Your Excellency, thank you for your praise on mine and my families ambitions. The income for my clinic is funded in part by my parents for the work I help them with, those who work there and donate their time, as well as any who wish to donate to the cause. We are, as I'm sure you're well informed, a non profit organization."

Interacting with: @Obscene Symphony@AChronum

It appeared another familiar face to Aaron had approached them, a woman named Isodora. It quickly donned on Salem that almost anyone in this night would be a familiar face to both Aaron and Varis, he was very much out in deep waters and he hoped he could remember enough to swim. As they began to approach the entrance, Princess Ryner turned to them and gave the pair strict instructions. She had told them to stay near Varis, which Salem found to be particularly odd. What about him could possibly matter enough to warrant such urgent sounding directions. Not one to attempt to test out whyd Salem followed suit and kept in pace, behind Varis and matching Aaron's distance and pace.

As the group walked towards the dining room, Salem had decided to take advantage of the defeating silence to attempt to speak to Princess Ryner. He began to softly tap against the fabric of his pants, gentle enough to avoid Aaron's ears but loud enough for Ryners vampiric senses to pick up. There was a tap and two swipes followed by four taps then a swipe, tap, and two swipes. A brief pause before he continued with three taps and a swipe, a tap and swipe, then a tap swipe tap, two taps and finally three taps to wrap it all up. This felt almost like a second nature to him, being able to interact with the world while his muscles did the talking for him. Salem took in the sights as they moved through the corridor.

Once they reached the dining room, Salem could hear the sound of tapping on glass. Immediately he began to listen to its rhythm and pacing, trying to decipher the code. There, however, didnt seem to be one. He glanced around the room, watching how everyone reacted both to the Queen, the blinded mage, and the rockstar in the back. The mage struck him the most as he couldnt help but wonder what reason shed have for being blindfolded. That thought had to be pinned for later as Ryner began to curtsey to the Queen, then Varis bowed, and Salem didnt want to fall too far from his 'presence' Aaron followed suit and Salem was the last to give the Queen a deep bow. He walked over towards the location Ryner had previously told him to sit, and noticed Aaron smiling at him. Tsk, why bother? He couldnt even be bothered to tell him he had to go before...but was that his fault? Salems eyes glanced over at Varis and then back to Aaron and then down at the table as he looked for an escape from this hell.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Millenium Plaza Comic Store
Skills: Perception

Max's eyes widened at her display of power. His hand moved back to his side, glad that she hadn't used her powers on him. "Nifty ability, I'm sure that can come in handy a lot, though I cant help but feel the display on the clerk was a little unnecessary." he back off a bit realizing what hed said and stuttered out "N-n-not that I-I'd want the display on me." he sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. If this was how all mutants were, maybe meeting any heros may be more of a let down. No, they couldnt all be so standoffish. "So, can you only cause illnesses? Or can you also remove the ones you've caused? Be a shame if the clerk was stuck back there for her shift, employees get enough issues from guests and the last thing they need is this." Max smiled at her as he realised the clerk was now gone and the coast was clear for a small display of magic.

"Well, you showed me yours. I suppose I can show you mine, which by the way, no, it is not just creating these 'ugly masks' as you call them. Max shrugged his shoulders back, letting his coat fall of them and onto the floor. He tugged at one sleeve end, then the other. "Nothing up my sleeves. Alutsif Igam" He pressed both palms together, slowly pulling them apart. What could be described as cosmic dust and energy, shades of blues, purples, blacks, and pinks, flecked with white dots that looked like stars in the distance, began to appear in between the palms of his hands, extending into a rod-like shape as he slowly moved them apart. Once it was as long as his bodies width, he gave a cocky little eyebrow wiggle at Sunshine before turning his hands so that his right was atop his left, and the rod was now longitudinal. "As far as I can tell at the moment, my powers are that of conujuration and potentially evocation. If we go by the D&D schools of magic. I created the clothes I'm wearing now." Max let his bottom hand go, causing the energy to expand the length from his hip to the ground, and then finally materializing. A beautiful cane now stood where the energy once was, Deep black coloration with a silver metal tip at the bottom and an Ivory wolfs head on the top where his palm rested.

Max's amusement quickly vanished as he noticed the policemen responding to something. His gaze grew wide as he quickly crouched down to hide, motioning for Sunshine to do the same. Sure, not all cops were bad, but he wasnt about to risk another hunt for a minor display of his natural abilities. His crouch became more of a kneel as he placed his left knee onto the ground, holding the choke of the cane in his right hand. "Electra, theres policemen behind you. Hide." he whispered in a harsh voice, concerned for both their well beings.

Interacting with: @Obscene Symphony@AChronum

Salem eyed Varis up and down. His gaze burning deep into the worm before him. "As you know full well, we Spellmans no longer accept invitations to others parties, let alone someone who spends their time crawling on their belly. No, I'm quite content with being a guest for the Queen and the Princess, the have this thing called class, perhaps you can find a book on it in the library and educate yourself Count." With that Salem turned to face the Princess and Aaron, acting as if Varis was not even present any longer, a smile on his face. "My sincerest apologies Princess. I do hope to proceed tonight with much great hospitality."



That grin of excitement, thrill, and wonder at the immense power he held at his disposal, suddenly vanished. Eldritch beams crashed against his chest and river suddenly felt mortality again. The dangers from this game cane back to him and his smile vanished, this wasnt time for playing around. He needed to focus or everyone could die...he could die. “River, AoE heal and then focus heal Tower please.” Willows voice snapped him back into action, his casting changed somewhat. What could before be described as a conductor elegantly waving his baton, now seemed more like one who conducted with a serious and rigid mannerism. Rivers expression was more focused as he weaved spells together to gather his teammates to health. "Healing Beam, Restore Vitality, Greater Healing Beam, Healing Bean!"

The familiar green glow of his wand lit up, healing energy flying towards tower. River watched as his Healthbar went up 352 points. Needs More Next his wand was pointed at the sky as the energies radiated above his party, waves of it cascading upon them and getting them up 342 points. His wand quickly went from pointing skyward, to aiming at tower. A beam of greater intensity flew towards him getting his bar up another 975 points. River had a ghost of a smile beginning to appear. However his job wasnt done yet, another beam flew at Tower healing him 413 points...still not enough. [Color=82ca9d]"Alright, Healing Pots!"[/colors] On command Pepper flew up towards the party, raining down a shower of healing faerie dust, regaining the party another 525 points of health. It wasnt enough but it was better than how they stood before. River called Pepper, having her stand behind him so that she couldnt be targeted by the enemies. "Ubi get the second Brute!" Ubi slashed at the brute twice with his swords.

-Healing Beam, Restore Vitality, Greater Healing Beam, Healing Beam, Faes Blessing on Tower. + 2,607 HP ( -400MP)

-Restore Vitality, Faes. Blessing on Party + 1493 to all

- Ubi attacks brute 2 twice
Those gifted in shielding magicks immediately broke off from Tataru's group. Each waddled off, holding grimoire in hand, towards the edges of the village. A few smiled towards the Assimars who were already placing wards around the encampment, some just kept forwards with the mindset of the job at hand. Alka, the head scholar, pressed his finger against his ear "On my mark. 3...2...1...Now!" All the lalafells currently surrounding the village simultaneously swept their hands across their grimoire open page. Green light radiated from the book as it shimmered onto their palm. Alka spoke once more "Now cast!" The group slammed their hands down into the earth, green lines of energy shooting off from one mages palm towards the next, all interconnecting until the final lines merged. Each caster felt the final connection and threw their hands up towards the sky, a shimmering translucent green barrier emerged like a dome over the village, hexagonal pieces interlocking to form this new shell of protection. This sort of magick was typically done on a smaller scale, a personal sheild for a soldier or a small dome to house 7; it took the combined might of each one to even attempt erecting one for a village. Each Lalafell sat down exhausted by the event, the ley lines of this village seemed weaker than what they were used to employing and must now rest to regain their strength.

While the shields were being erected, another group headed off to explore the state of the people. Stopping by and mending wounds of those who may of been injured in battle, an accident, or any other way. The people needed to be in the best shape incase of an incoming attack. A few lay wounded, the healers weaving their magicks to stitch them shut before moving onto the next. Others were helping to stable the mounts, getting their rest area set up to ensure it was all ready for when River arrived back from his meeting, as well as the exhausted soldiers who laid down the barrier.

As one diviner was doing her rounds, helping heal those in need, she noticed something odd in the sky. Two stars flickered before her and then snuffed out. She could feel the light of the heavenly bodies fade away into nothingness as a void of darkness filled their spot. Instantly she was filled with worry and began to run after River, searching for where he could be. Her black dress, embroidered with star motifs, swayed as she ran towards him finally calling to him using their pearl earrings for communication. "I need to speak to you at once. Where are you?" Rivers face grew grim at the sound of her tone, something must be dreadfully wrong. He quickly conjured up a sparrow and had it fly overhead, finding her and guiding her to him. "What seems to be the issue?" "I fear our tardy comrades will not be making it tonight...if at all. The heavens spoke to me, two stars faded to darkness. I fear they gave been consumed by our new enemy, or have fallen to a horrible fate." River pondered what she had told him and dismissed her back to her duties. He really needed to see the commander now.

"Commander Cyterius Yranov, Honored Lady. My blades, my men, and our horses are at your disposal, Commander S'venia. Now then... what are we here to discuss though the rest of the Council's forces have not arrived yet?" River spoke soon after, entering the room with urgency. "Commander S'venia, as I'm sure you may be aware, and if you are not I apologize for the shock, but I fear the rest of the forces may not be arriving. Have we heard any word from them?"
Maximillian Gray

Location: Millenium Plaza Comic Store
Skills: Perception

Max looked up at Sunshine while still wearing the domino mask. "Well it's not finished yet. Figured I'd start with the mask, then I'd get either a suit, top and bottoms, you know, something to be proud of." He slowly took the mask off and began to fiddle with it in his hands as he spoke to her. "I may look really dumb but you seem really agitated. Especially if you're coming into here just to tell me how I look. So, what's got you twisted up? Was it the news story that was playing on T.V.?" Max seemed both genuinely interested in what she had to say, yet also distant. Beginning to flip through the comic for any more inspiration on a potential heroing outfit, almost speaking to the comic rather than her. He flipped a few more pages as the woman still loomed over him, not wanting to make a scene as the clerk stood at the counter, Max stood up to face Sunshine eye to eye.

"I'm Max, Max Gray." He said as he extended his gloved hand out for her to shake. His tone shifted as he spoke in almost a whisper so that no one around could hear the pair. "So, what's you're gene? What can you do?" Intrigued filled his eyes as they shifted towards her hands, recalling the green mist that surrounded them prior. Whatever she was capable of, he had hoped it wasnt able to permeate through his gloves. His eyes danced back up to hers as he gave her a polite smile, wondering why she was so willing to expose herself in the public eye when people like the purifiers existed out there

Interacting with: @Obscene Symphony@AChronum

Salems composure didnt shift at Varis' remark, as a matter of fact, it was to be expected from him. His next sentence was chosen very carefully, it was composed and very matter of factly, ever word was a carefully picked instrument against the vile creature. "I think the one who needs help is you. After all, the Astorios have outmanuvered you repeatedly. Maybe I should refer my father to them." Salem turned to face Aaron and extended a hand out to him "Its a pleasure to meet you Mr.Starag. I hope we can become good acquaintances throughout the course of tonight." Salems face beamed with a smile, one of both friendly warmth with a hint of falseness you'd give for the sake of being polite. Salem slowly moved one leg, gave a slight tap against the concrete, moved the other slowly and then adjusted his cuff with a long tug. He slowly dusted some invisible dust off his jacket front three times, tapped his fingers twice, adjusted the other cuff slowly, with another tap, long tug, then two taps to ensure it seemed fine. He slowly brushed his waistcoat five times, adjusting three buttons quickly and then slowly running his hands down them to ensure their place and a final satisfactory tap.
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