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Maximillian Gray

Location: The Morlock Tunnels
Perception New Outfit

Max nodded back to Erg, having some sort of idea as to how he wanted this to go down. He couldnt help but agree that in this scenario a fight wouldnt be the best idea. Sure he was wearing kevlar, but a bullet to the head is still as deadly and he wasnt about to test his luck for a scrap. Max ran through a fre ideas in his head, noting that using any powers would just paint the mutants as the villains and the purifiers as heros of the zoo and cold stone. So what's a kid to do? Kid, that's right, he and Leighton were both just kids, wouldn't do any harm to act as if he knew her some how. His critical eye began to appraise the situation, seeing a good angle to enter in and what the appropriate thing to say may be, did she look distraught? Damsel? No, she surprisingly had it under...oh god what did he just do to her neck. I think I may just vomit. Alright collect yourself Gray

Max straightened his jacket and signaled for Blink and Erg to stay put. He strode out from where he was and pretended to look around for a moment, placingbhis hand above his eyes and looking about. "Oh.My.Gawd. There you are honey! I have been looking everywhere for you. Oh my, and who's this strapping young man? Never mind! We dont have time for that, I'm out of iced coffee and our ride is here. Tick tock sweetie, a gay isnt happy unless he has his Venti Iced Soy Caramel Macchiato with Sugar free vanilla, extra drizzle, light ice and 6 shots. Let's mooove it people." It was at this moment that Max was the gayest he has ever been. His voice was so flamboyant that it put his fire magic to shame. Every word sounding like a pride parade.
Maximillian Gray

Location: The Palace: New York City, New York.

Max would be lying if he said he wasnt infatuated with the man. The curl of his lips, his eyes, that voice, and ofcourse his body. He watched as the servant took the gift away and started to mentally beat himself up for it. Stupid! Ofcourse it's too big, why didnt I think of that? he smiled warmly at the Adonis of a man before him, "Oh I'm so sorry, where are my manners? My name is Maximillian Gray. It's a pleasure to mee you." Max gave Flynn another bow, snapping his fingers for his servant to do the same. When he stood back up, he swirled his hand about attempting to create a glass of wine for Flynn. Instead, he made a sippy cup of grape juice. Laughing nervously as he set it to his side, Max brushed a piece of hair behind his ear before locking eyes with Flynn once more. "I seem to be finding myself apologizing quite a bit tonight. I'm not used to using my conjury around such...esteemed individuals. I meant no offense by the sippy cup full of juice."

Not a moment too soon, the doors flung wide open and revealed the King and Queen herself. Max quickly took a knee, pausing for a moment and then standing back up, looking at Flynn conflicted. "I. I don't know if I should approach their majesties. But I do come bearing gifts for them as well as their children, such as yourself. What do you believe is the best course for me to deliver them to their majesties?" Max held his hands together low, fidgeting with his fingers and thumbs, searching for an answer, and hoping that Flynn could provide one for him. He took another swig of his drink and began to regret not making it alcoholic. Surely some inebriation would make his nerves calm before such royalty. But I may also make him unable to control his powers.
Maximillian Gray

Location: The Morlock Tunnels
New Outfit

Max nodded at Erg and Blink, acknowledging what it is they had to do. "I'll go with Caduceus, I'm good in a fight if need be, and he could probably use some back up. But first" Max flung the flames at the dirt ground before him, extinguishing the flames he had just carefully crafted. "No sense starting a mutant panic uptop any more than it has already. I'm sure a kid with flaming hands wouldnt look to great to the public eye, even if I am just walking the streets.Now then." Max closed his eyes for a brief moment, visualizing an outfit, ready for combat, and began to weave and change the material of the fabric. A blue turtleneck that was made of kevlar, padding beneath it as well to stop any bullets that were shot at him. The pants a nice dark wash jeans with more kevlar padding beneath on his thighs and crafted around his calves. Finally brown leather boots, sunglasses, and a leather bomber jacket to finish the look.

When Max opened up his eyes, they were radiating the cosmic energy he usually does, this time more brilliant than before. His clothes began to disintegrate and turn into cosmic dust and energy, weaving about his body, covering his now nude form. It slowly began to shape and change, materializing the image that Max had within his mind and bringing it into reality. First the pants, then the shirt, turtleneck, and leather jacket. The boots followed soon after and with a final burst, his eyes created the sunglasses that nestled on his nose. Max slightly tilted his new sunglasses down, half exposing his eyes before saying "They just turned the dial up to Max-amillian" Max placed the sunglasses back up and stepped through the portal, following James. "What's the plan?"

Salem looked a Lilie, rage still in his eyes. Maybe he did need these ettiquite classes? Or at the very least, maybe he should start going to the Arena and take his anger out in a combative way. Regardless of how he channeled his new found anger, he needed a way to channel it. Maybe now with such an empty dorm, he can throw himself into his work and create new compounds and such to help advance science. "One sec." Salem quickly pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down a note, folding it into a triangle and then tucking it into his pocket before nodding at Lilie to go. "If we hurry we may be able to catch up to Aaron and uh...huh I never caught that mages name earlier. He seemed to be interested in yours and Aaron's fight, but we got interrupted by some school...guards? Well one was decked out in Knives just all down his body. Dont want to cross him."

As soon as the pair exited the classroom and went into the hall, Salem could spot the other two mages some ways away. "Leta try and catch up to them! Maybe get that mages name. Kinda feel bad that that dick of a vampire is his you know?" Salem didnt give Lilie much time to respond before just smiling and bolting off towards the other two. Although he never took classes for fighting, working with plantation type conditions gave him a toned body, endurance, and calves for days. Soon after his brisk jog, just five feet apart (cuz hes not gay) from behind Aaron, Salem pulled out the note and flicked it at the back of the light mages head. Yelling out Duck! Well after it had hit him.

Maximillian Gray

Location: The Morlock Tunnels

Max's eyes shifted towards James, having them widen the more he spoke. He began to feel a knot in his stomach, sitting there, weighing deeply on him and turning to tighten. James wasnt inherently wrong, but how could he possibly think that rescuing mutants from danger wasnt a priority? Max's eyes darted to Sunshine as her voice peaked up. Both of them didnt want to help? What is the point of having these powers if we cant even help our own kind? Finally Erg spoke, his words and look tightening the knot in Max's stomach past its point and finally Blink spoke up, notifying the tunnels of police and Purifiers activity up above, causing the knot to finally snap. He stood there, silently, staring wide eyed at all the mess he just created for Jack, Leighton, and all the Morlocks.

Max's eyes were down cast, staring at his feet as a ringing began to pierce his ears and then silence took over. Any sounds that were made for that moment were lost on him as his brain raced wildly. His lower lips began to shake and his eyes quivered as they moistened up, only for tears to begin to fall down his cheeks when he finally looked back up to Erg. "I-I-I'm sorry. I just- I mean-" Max fell silent once more, steeling himself for what was to come and knowing now wasnt the time to lose himself. A fight was coming, and he needed to be prepared to help all those around him. He wiped away the tears, looking at Erg with a new found determined look. He shook his head and said "Now isnt the time for me to fall apart. Your people need me to help fight against intruders as does Elsa and Jack. I'll be right back" Max ran towards the tent he slept in earlier and grabbed his cane in his left hand, running back towards Erg and standing beside him as his right palm faced up and Max attempted to create a flame. The spell fizzled and failed, but Max wasnt about to let that waver him, flicking his hand into a fist and then back open, a flame bursting into life and illuminating his face as he stood there ready for anything. "Let's do this."
Maximillian Gray

Location: The Palace: New York City, New York.

Max stood amongst the crowd, speaking to a few guests that followed his modeling gig, gaining over him slightly. His eyes however, danced about the room, watching the royal family that was present as well as their loved ones, searching for an opening where he could spark a conversation. For a moment Prince Flynn had stepped away from one of the guests he was speaking to, leaving a short window for Max to grab his attention. Quickly, he snapped his fingers at his attendant, motioning him to ready to move with the bounty of gifts Max was making him carry. Tugging on the edges of hiss suit jacket to straighten it up before adjusting his cuffs and pressing forward towards Prince Flynn casually. "Pardon me folks, I must go now to speak with the Prince, I'll be back."

He cleared his throat softly before taking a knee in front of Flynn. "Prince Flynn, it's a pleasure to be here at your family's behest for such a joyous holiday." He stood up, grabbing a large blue box that matched Max's suit color and was tied off with a shining silver ribbon and bow. "Happy Hannukah. I really wracked my brain on what to get you, sports were never truly my thing, but I finally landed on a set of gifts I hope you will enjoy. For tonight, it is a fireproof soccerball. Capable of being enveloped in flames without it being harmed, for a more...extreme form of the sport." He handed the gift over to the Prince before continuing. "Tonight truly has been a splendid evening so far." Max held his hand in front of him as if he was holding a champagne flute, ready to drink. As his hand moved towards his lips, dust that shimmered like a stars I'm the night sky, began to swirl and form into his hand, creating a champagne flute with what appeared to be champagne. Finally, taking a sip, Max tipped the glass in the air and smiled "What's your poison? I can have it realised in a matter of moments." Max took another sip, thinking to himself how much he wished it tasted less watered down.
Maximillian Gray

Location: The Morlock Tunnels

Max looked around for a moment, searching for the source of the voice. Upon noticing that no one was near, he came to the conclusion this was either a trap, or most likely Grimlock. "Oh thank you! Here I thought I was doomed to roam the tunnels for eternity, never to see the light of day. You're a saviour Grimlock. Wait? Should I be saying this outloud? 'Or should I be thinking this?!' Mere moments later, a mental blueprint of the sewers appeared into his minds eye, showing him how to get passed the wardings that protected the Morlocks from outsiders. With a new found spring in his step, Max began to lightly jog towards his destination. Following the images his mind portrayed, turning through sections that shouldnt be and eventually making his way back into the Morlock society.

"Phew. You guys do not make it easy on a kid huh?" he said to no one in particular. When it appeared that none had paid him any mind save a few odd glances, he quickly made his way towards James, who was currently surrounded by Sunshine and Erg. His light jog slowed to a brisk walk and then finally a halt with his hands on his hips. "Why do I get the feeling I'm interrupting something? Anyways, Sunshine, James, I'm here to potentially recruit you two for a mission if you so wish to join. Now I'm aware that we have the generators to deal with but I fear this may be a more pressing matter. No offense to you or your community Erg. It seems that two mutants have been captured and are being detained in, potentially, a mutant supermax. I was hoping we could all band together and help free them...Jack has a lot on his plate, and though it's not my story to tell, I feel like I cant quite let him do it all alone. He needs help."

As soon as the vampire turned back to face Lilie and whisper in her ear, Salem felt a rage brewing inside of him. Both from how he spoke of his family, as well as how he was treating the other mages. He placed his hand on the Astorios shoulder, gripping it tight and turning him so that he would face Salem. "We weren't done speaking here. Now, I don't know what sick game you're playing at, but I can tell you Declan and the others will not take too kindly to such tyrants as yourself. I expect you to leave here with your tail between your legs before you end up leaving here with my foot up your ass. I don't know who you think you are, but in here you are bound by the same rules as every other student." Salem turned to Lilie and smiled "Let's go. This clown doesnt deserve any of our time. Feel free to come with." he said looking towards Max with a warm smile. "You can sit with us at lunch if you feel fit to. I know how you like your silence."

Having been satisfied with Varis' answer, Salem didnt wait any longer to walk away from the situation. Clutching his bag as he turned, so as not to hit Aaron on the head, Salem looked towards the top where Lilie stayed speaking to the mage from before and a new face. He caught a glimpse of the stranger backing off from the mages face and turning towards Lilie and uttering something that made her step back, in what could only be described as discomfort. Salems brows furrowed at the scene as he projected his voice in a stern tone, his deep voice carrying to the group. "Is there a problem here?" He began to approach them, each step made with purpose, the heels of his boots clacking against the floor of the class.

Salems eyes darted from side to side, assessing the situation to try and gleam what had transpired in the mere moments his back was turned. What was said to Lilie? Why was he so close to the mage previously? Was that his mage and perhaps Lilie had offended them? That didnt matter, they weren't property to lord over and no one had the right to belittle another living being. Salems eyes briefly flashed to his sides, trying to see Aaron in his periphery, thinking of his much Aaron objectified himself and how sad he felt for the golden mage. He took a few more steps forward, not bothering to wait for a response. His arms now crossed and his glare burning straight at the vampires eyes.
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