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Kwassi Asokho

Location: Quinjet > Boardwalk
Skills: Photographic Memory : 16

It appeared that they had somehow managed to find a way to prove whether someone was a skrull or not. Granted this seemed to hinge on the fact that they'd have to trust the system, whatever it was, and assume those giving results weren't skrulls themselves. Kwassi approached the group and stood back, watching what they were doing in am attempt to get a feel for the process. It seemed simple enough, Agent Bautista used her powers to peer into the past and look for events that a Skrull couldn't have fabricated in some way, while...some angsty mad man held a glowy ball as a lie detector of some kind? Really it was hard to make sense of it but that appeared to be what was happening before him. He crossed his arms and waiting for the fighting to die down before he spoke.

"My apologies if I'm interrupting but it was getting too crowded in that jet and The President was touching my last nerve. But if you've found a way to search into someone and deem them cleared of being a Skrull then I'm more than willing to participate." Kwassi pulled out his now fried mask and held it in his hands, watching the history he had with it flow by in his mind. "So how exactly does this work, because I'm tired of our gracious President accusing me of being a Skrull. Though I'm still very cautious of his sudden arrival and story." He knew how Niahs powers worked, he'd read her file, so if she asked for an item he would hand her his mask, the oldest item he's carried on him.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Sewer entrance outside
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demetri could hear the strumming of Waverlys guitar as she sang a sobering tune. He could relate to how she felt, wanting to get away from it all at times. After all he was only fifteen and he'd never asked to be the child of a god. But there were people out there who needed him. People who hadn't known of the dangers of the world and the monsters that lurked about threatening to end the reign of gods and bring about an age of Titans. There was also someone in here that needed him, needed his powers to help win a fight so that rescue may come. Her words and chords struck close to his heart, feeling the raw emotion behind them and reminding him of the bands he'd listen to back at home. All this thought and distraction stopped him from realizing he was growing too large, hitting the sewer ceiling and then causing someone to fall into the Labrynth. Demi immediately shrunk down in size back towards his usual form as his hands covered his mouth and he looked on in horror.

"I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention, that played out way better in my head." Demi looked to Marco and Emily and sheepishly backed up against the ladder to get out. "I'll just be waiting outside um..." He clambered up the ladder, exiting the sewers and taking in the scenery and the sounds of sirens. Attempting to steel his nerves as he took in a deep breath and exhaled slolwy. You got this he told himself as he transformed back into his draconic shape and took to the skies looking ahead to sight the battles. The fighting appeared to be out the city walls, so Marco would need a lift there. Landing back down at the exit of the sewers. He craned his neck down and sent his booming voice down towards Marco "I'll be here if you want to ride a dragon into battle Marco."
Maximillian Gray

Location: Mutant Underground
Skills: Teleportation ConjurationNew Outfit


Location: Car (Jacks group)
Skills: .

"Oh alright, see ya." Max was a bit blindsided by James sudden exhaustion. Though after hearing the days events he could see why. It must've taken a lot out of him to fix up a broken spine, to help heal a hulled wound, and to spend time searching for him and Sunshine. He looked at Harry with a embarrassed smile as he fiddled his thumbs. It was nice to know some people cared about him. "Are you doing alright now? Not just the injury but...I'm sorry for disappearing. I know James says that this power can be exciting when I learn to weild it but until then...I made so many of you worry for Sunshine." His smile faded a bit, thinking about all the trouble he put the Underground through the past few days. He wasnt even fully sure how long they had been gone, how far away they traveled.

Harry made his way to Max's side, taking the place James had previously occupied and placing his arm around Max's shoulders. "We were worried about you too kid. I know it didn't seem like it, and honestly that's not right, but having lost Sunshine twice just made it feel as though they only cared for her. But thats not true." He gave Max a tight squeeze before standing back up to stretch. "Alright, well I'm going to go join them if you want to come. There's a lot to discuss and plan before Veil gets back. We need options and fast. But if you feel like you're need to keep your distance a bit then that's fine." With that Harry made his way out of the room, seeing James talking to Casper and making his way towards Waverly.

Max followed shortly after. Leaving the room and taking a look around the Mutant Underground. A lot of places where still covered in rubble, rooms and pathways closed off from debris that hadnt been touched yet. James and the others had worked so hard to get this place to where it was now, and Max wanted to help in the ways that he could. He stood back, facing the rooms and he began to chant. His hands started to coalesce familiar strands of magic that mimicked a galaxy. Small stars swirling around them as his eyes started to glow like they had done before with Sunshine. For a moment everything seemed still, then a burst of energy flowed out and wrapped itself around the rubble and debris and clung to them as the slowly ate away and disappeared. The floors and rooms were spotless and shiny, Max having no idea that he had missed his mark and sent it off to S.H.E.I.L.D.

Harry approached Waverly, holding a finger up as a marker that he was about to step into the conversation. "Sorry to interrupt this reunion but I just wanted to steal Waverly for a moment. Wanted to...pick her brain if you will." He offered them a polite smile before turning to Waverly without so much as waiting for an answer. "I saw that blast you pulled back there, and I was actually wondering if-" His sentence stopped as he watched blasts of energy flowing from Max and all he could think was Oh no. He knew he told him to help his own way but...this seemed dangerous. There was no time to protest as as soon as he wanted to, the place was cleaned up. He blinked once, then twice, before deciding to continue on with Waverly. "My apologies, as I was saying. I was hoping you could attempt to emit a massive sonic blast into the earth or air, in an attempt to cover the whole DC area for me to try and locate the bomb. Granted I've no idea what I'm looking for but anything is worth a try no?"

The glow of his eyes began to fade, swirls of magic still emanating from his hands as he approached one of the newly emptied rooms. He waved his hand in a vertical motion, conjuring up a doorknob and staring at it both annoyed and puzzled. Deciding to scrap the door idea he took both hands and pressed forward on the wall, creating a long hallway with a door at the end. There was a satisfying smile on his face until he opened it to reveal a brick wall. Max sighed as he shut the door, allowing his magic to flow through the doorknob and around the frame as he attempted to recreate the Hellfire Clubs training room. When he felt his magic click, Max opened the door to an amused, yet angry, looking Doctor Strange. A slight chuckle of nervousness left him as his magic dropped. "Nice to see you Doctor Strange. Haven't set the world on fire though I think I made a wrong turn at Albuquerque."

Matthew Madigan

Location: Camelot

Matthew hadnt given the drink a second thought. The nausea whipping up inside of him thanks to the grotesque scene that had unfolded before him made him sure that nothing could make him feel any worse. He had heard that some adults used it in order to alleviate pain, get in a better mood, or become numb, and that was exactly what he wanted. Though how such an awful concoction could put anyone in better spirits was beyond him. He took the small cup and tossed back the transparent liquid, making sure it had never hit his tongue. A few drops landed in protest as he winced at the taste. It slid down like fire and landed with a satisfying warmth within his stomach. His cheeks feeling flush almost immediately as he tapped the glass and asked for another.

As he waited Maddy he grabbed a hold of Colbys biceps and pulled him in closer towards the bar, and further away from the others. Rosalia and her dog in particular. The alcohol had hit him now, having been only the second drink he'd ever had after the beer tasting yesterday, and it kept him holding on to his biceps for longer than needed. "Maybe we should keep our distance...and have you been working out? Your arms feels really nice." Matthew spike softly so that only Colby could hear him, looking at the boy with a warm smile and blushed cheeks aided by the alcohol he'd just recently drank.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Sewers

Demetri was tense as he awaited for the Sphinx to make its final call. Was his answer correct? Or had he just served Waverly onto a silver platter? His eyes closed, squinting hard as he began to whisper and mutter to himself. He hadn't known it, but he was praying for the first time in his life. Hoping that his words would reach the diety that resided over luck and bless them with it on this trying day. It was a surreal feeling at the time, but much easier to visualize after having seen Thanatos. There were beings born before his time, another race of people who were giants and weirded powers beyond their own physical capabilities. A race of beings forced into hiding after wars had torn them apart, secluded in a distant plane above their heads and ones that followed their own guidelines as to how the earth worked. Beings who could hear the whispers of a desperate man trying to save just a single person if he could.

The Sphinxs disappointment was music to Demis ears. A metaphorical choir singing around him as his legs gave out and he allowed himself to slink back towards the sewers ground. He heard Marcos words reach him, but the power they held fell on deaf ears. Demetri was torn between what he should do. Sirens began to blare outside, sounding the oncoming attack. He could jump in and help the purple haired demi-god, or he could go topside and hope to end the fight quickly. A massive dragon, the razor teeth of a Sphinx, hell he'd attempt to mimic the giants that would attack them if it meant ending the fight. The sooner these fights ended the sooner that Nancy could aid Waverly. He closed his eyes once more, settling on his decision. Standing up with conviction as he back faced the hole. "Hey Waverly, stay put right there. I'll end this damned fight so quick Nancy will have whiplash and then Madalyne can come help. Just stay strong, I believe you can." He faced Marco and Emily, smiling a bit as he ignored the maddening whispers. "Lets end thjs" Demetri spoke as smoke bellowed from his mouth and flamesocked his cheeks. Transforming into a Dragon to help fight this war and help free Wavey.

Kwassi Asokho

Location: Quinjet
Skills: Photographic Memory : 16

Kwassi scowled as The President had decided to place his two cents in. He could tell that both he and Evelyn were arguing against the idea that mutants could be a part of this. But it was his tone and words that caused the negative emotions to arrise. "Perhaps it is you who should watch what you're saying Mr. President. While you're at it you need to actually listen to what it is people are saying. This isn't your OMEN echo chamber anymore, you need to take your head out of you ass and begin to listen to what others have to say. Not once did I poimt fingers at the mutant race and say they were plotting an enslavement or genocide or anything. I said that the Skrulls could be using mutant telepaths. As in, captive slaves, prisoner's of war, and exploited against their will. I do not believe the mutant kind to be some intolerable race of beings as you used to make a living doing. But I do see how they can be bent against their will especially by a race of aliens we know nothing about."

Kwassis fist tightened. Anger broiled inside of him as he stood up from his seat finally undoing the buckles. "Perhaps you were only kept alive because of your status." He stood up, facing down the President. "But I will hold out hope that that is not true. For Flynn, for our fellow Agents that have been taken, for the Heroes that have fallen, and most importantly for those civilians who may have been taken from their families. Do not presume to know me, do not presume my stances. You're still just a man who came from a Skrull ship and could easily be one of them. So until then" Kwassi walked towards the Quinjet door on his way out "Keep your damn distance" With that he stepped out of the Quinjet onto the scene of the others standing about. "Its getting stuffy in there, how's everything going on out here?"

Matthew Madigan

Location: Camelot

Matthew had all the faith that Colby could escape the cuffs if he wanted to. After all he was both a magician and a cat. Two aloof creatures that are known for their nimbleness and ability to defy death. Unfortunately for Colby these cuffs were manifested by magic and it appeared a bit too difficult for him to break free, prompting Matthew to wonder if perhaps the cuffs would magically size up or down to disuade from such attempts. Ofcourse not much long after Colbys protest did Rosalia speak up offering yet another tired line to attempt to shift the blame. Maddie rolled his eyes at her, pausing when he noticed she had grabbed onto a knife. He half expected her to harm Colby, and before he could do anything to stop her, the crazed teen began to saw off her own hand! You'd think she was part wolf or something with such an asinine idea!

Matthew froze in shock, his mind yelling at him to move, to stop the insanity, as his body protested and locked in place with his mouth agape. She truly was unhinged. The sounds of squelching stopped as it became a harsher tone and he began to go pale at the depth of her carving. His legs fell weak and he began to feel faint as he held onto a barstool nearby to keep himself afloat. Luckily Merlin had intervened as Matthews head began to spin. His hands fidgeting to his side, feeling the spellbook, and pulling it out to frantically search for a spell to help her heal. Sadly there was no such spell, and Gretels handiwork would have to do. Matthew placed the book back, turning to the bartender and just saying "I need your strongest spirit please."

Kwassi Asokho

Location: Quinjet
Skills: Photographic Memory : 16

Hawkeye didn't have to tell him twice. Kwassi learned from the previous landing just how rough his are. He was fairly certain that even with a missing eye his fellow Agent would make a better pilot than him. Having already been strapped in, Kwassi held onto the sides of his seat for good measure, just incase Hawkeye had some sadistic streak that made his jostle the jet around before the land. Once they had well and landed his hands relaxed as he watched Agent Reed open the door to meet with those they were about to rendez-vous with. It seemed the best time to catch their newcomer up granted there wasn't a whole lot to say. Kwassi waited for Evelyn to finish up with the President before leaning back and addressing her.

He placed one hand carefully on his chin as he began to think about all they had learned so far. Finally leaning forward with his elbows resting against the top of his knees as he leaned on one hand. "Hmmm well to be quite honest there isn't a whole lot that we know about them. So far I have encountered over a dozen that I know of. They seem to mimic their targets on a moleculer level if I was to hazard a guess. When injured or hurt they look as any human would. Same blood, reactions, everything. However they also appear to be able to mimic the powers of those they copy. Becoming a true similacrum and impossible to detect. Only way we know so far is by killing them. Once they die they revert back to their natural state. A green bipedal humanoid organism. As far as I have been aware they can also replicate their 'hosts' behaviors. Making the con all the more believable, as to how they accomplish this I'm unaware. So far those we've noted have had their counterparts otherwise missing without us even knowing. Meaning they very well could have a stronghold that is keeping more Earthlings captive and perhaps using a telepathic mutant to extract memories or key thoughts to allow them to similar better into their role. Granted the latter half of this is all conjecture and there is no evidence to suggest it. Just my brain at work trying to figure out how they are doing what they're doing with what we know is possible."

As was par for the course, Max was extremely blunt with his answer. Giving no other reason besides he just truly didn't wish to be there. Salem tried to fight back a small, biting his cheek to keep it from happening as he almost chuckled at how the mage acted. Had he answered first it would no doubt have highlighted Salems answer a bit softer but in either fashion Max was still Max. He thought about inviting Max over for Moons Mirror, but in all honesty there wasn't much of anything for them to do. He didnt seem the type to just sit there and drink tea while enjoying others company, nor did he think he would care to play a game of chess or the like. Salem struggled to think of anything the metal mage would be enticed by besides knowledge and if possible he wished to pick his brain about what it was that was going on between him and Aaron. Or Varis and Eris, it all seemed rather messy yet extremely interesting which meant that Aaron wouldn't dare reveal anything to Salem unless it was a lie.

For a moment Salem wondered if Lilie knew anything about it, but given her reactions during the discussion she was most likely as clueless as he was. Something had happened in the practical that clearly affected everyone in the room, and after The Revel incident Salem truly wondered how in control Ryner was in this school. A small voice in the back of his mind kept yelling at him to stop, not get involved, and to recall the investigation that was created the last time he spoke out with the truth. Granted that voice was immediately silenced as tossed aside. Aaron's announcement had pulled Salem out of his own thoughts and it was then he noticed how weary Aaron looked. Perhaps now that the night was winding down and he was in a room full of acquaintances he was free to drop the act, but even so it didn't seem like him to do so. Salem however wouldn't press on the matter, especially if it meant he could leave. So he got up, allowed Aaron his final task as he awaited his partner to leave, catching Lilie before she left. "Hey mind if we walk back together? I know its not far but I feel like we hardly had the chance to speak back there."

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Sewers

Demetri watched as his pleading fell on deaf ears for Emily. The thousand yard stare of something traumatic bubbling up inside her and reflecting through her eyes. His own began to waver and fill with tears as his sights switched to Marco in hopes that he would do more than simply wait for Nancy to be free to help them. This was not how he expected his first impressions in New Rome to be. He wanted to take to the skies as a dragon, soaring as he breathed fire and brought awe to those around him. He wished to help in the coming battles and be something worthy of legends as he defended his friends and family and they all made it out alive. Yet here he was, in a sewer, crying and losing control of his powers as he shifted back to his normal self. He closed his eyes and cringed as he hear the Sphinx begin to speak, holding out that the Purple haired demi-god had gotten the riddle right.

Tears slowly stramed down his cheeks as he heard the Sphinx say she had gotten it correct. His shoulders began to relax, and his legs buckled beneath his arms and lay flat on the floor as a wave of relief hit him. All she had to do was get one more riddle right and she was in the clear. As he heard what it said, Demi began to repeat it over and over to himself, looking for the best answer. He thought perhaps it was a heart, but a heart can't be told, maybe a story? But those weren't cracked. He wracked his brain until finally he thought he got the answer. Demi sprung up on his legs and ran to the hole, his hands on wither side of it as he yelled into it for her to hear. "Its a joke! A joke, it has to be! You can crack a joke, tell a joke, make a joke, and play practical jokes!" Demi wasn't a praying kid, but if he was he'd be asking all the gods to watch over him and make his answer right. If he wasn't then he had another plan entirely.

[Hider=Roll Request]
If the answer is wrong and the Sphinx goes to attack, Demi will jump in and shift into a dragon to fight it."[/color]
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