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Matthew Madigan

Location: Merlins Tower

Matthew looked at Colby, concern filling his eyes as he said he was alright physically. He didn't know what exactly was going through his mind, and in all honesty he was afraid to ask. When he was finally asked about the potential to create illusions, Maddie tilted his head, changing his sitting position so that he was now criss-cross with Merlin's book splayed across his lap. He eyed the pages, quickly flicking through at first, in the event something jumped out at him. But he didn't seem to find anything.

He poured through it slower this time, reading what he could and skimming the passages until he finally found something promising. Maddie looked up at Colby with a nod, smiling at him as he pointed towards a page in the book. "It's certainly possible. Whether or not I'm any good at it will be a different matter entirely." He looked back at the page, re-reading the words again, this time more carefully to try and make sense of them before finally turning his attention to Gretel. His smile dropped and became more deadpan. He had no reason to dislike her, but she didn't know the full story.

"They've d-disliked us since we met for no r-real apparent reason. Hated Colby even more just because he made a m-mmistake, and they seem rather content with blaming him and by proxy me for all of their m-misgivings. She attacked him first, then d-did so again, and was psychotic enough to try and cut off her own hand. What's more Taylor just physically attacked him. We are past the after school special bullshit Gretel. They chose us as their enemies and now they can d-deal with what that means."

Maddie stood up, holding the book in one hand and snapping it closed with a loud THUD before making his way towards the front door. He opened it up and looked at the lawn before him before turning back to see Colby. "I'm gonna see what I c-can do.". Maddie stepped outside the door and walked a few feet away, trying to remember what the book had said. His hands moved, fingers curling and dancing to what he believed the book had said. Before him he saw a cute white rabbit, but as it looked up at him he could see the piercing red eyes and blood on its mouth. Illusion or not it got Maddie scared. He turned around and ran towards the front door, bunny pursuing behind him, as soon as he went in he slammed it shut, his back against the wooden planks and breathing rather hard.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Bunker 9

Demetri looked towards the area that Lauryn was pointing at, searching for the barrel as he began to make his way over. He wasnt sure what he was expecting from having agreed to help on the Argo III and in all honesty he should've realised it was going to be a lot of small grunt work. All in all he didn't mind it though, it was for a good cause and on top of it he got to help Camp Half-blood out in the process. Demi stopped short of the barrel and looked back towards the door they entered through, wondering how Andy and Arthur's snowman was going. They were so sweet together, the closest of friends and even better family. He looked back at the barrel before him, squatting down and gripping it from both sides before lifting it up with his legs and turning around. "You much for reading comics Lauryn? Maybe I could get my mum to send me my handbook copies of Kami Garcia and Piccolo's versions of Raven and Beast Boy. Let you borrow them for a good read."

Demetri made his way back towards Lauryn, careful not to trip over any tools, or materials laying around. The last thing they needed was for him to spill a barrel of fuel. Especially when he didn't even understand how the fuel even worked given it was a wooden boat. He placed the barrel down next to Lauryn, watching as she opened up a compartment that seemed to be for where the fuel would go. Demi leaned against the barrel for a moment, thinking. 'Well...it's an acoustic guitar so most likely just wood. I figured if anything it could have some cool designs painted onto it or Woodburn or something." He instantly thought towards the Iris kids. If anyone had paint it would be them. He hoped his skills were good enough to do some depictions on the outside and where the fretting goes. Something similar to old Greecian vases. He just started and already there were several stops he needed to make. Between here, the Hecate cabin, and now potentially Iris. "Need me to fill it up? Or how's this work?"

Maximillian Gray

Location: Genosha?
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max rolled his eyes at Sunshine, glad she was feeling herself, and happy to have some familiarity after everything else in life had changed so much in a matter of seconds. Max made a wave with his hand, almost instinctually, and a flash of his cosmic magic flowed from the palm of his hand and began to encircle around him creating a light breeze. Once it had finished its loop, Max smelled of fresh linen, and felt cleaner. As if months of grime that had been stuck upon him simply was whisked away. He looked at his hand with shock and confusion. It felt as if his powers were more responsive than usual, granted the last time he used them he had been capable of creating great feats. His mood immediately soured when he recalled the brand new training room he had just created and the medical room he was beginning to make, all the cleaning he did and the work he had begun to place towards the Underground Mansion. It felt meaningless now, as if it was wasted efforts.

Max was brought back out of his thoughts, realizing he was still staring at his hand. He flexed his fingers slowly, before trying his powers once more. The magic surged forth once again and wrapped around his body in odd patterns, covering over his spandex suit. He didn't know if it held any medical reason to be on, so he decided not to mess with it. Instead long strips of magic fell like cloth, and formed a silhouette of his previous robes, now galaxy colored and speckled with stars. They began to solidfy and finally turned into the same yellow robes he had been wearing when he got frozen. Again there felt a new ease to it all. He flexed his fingers slowly once more before finally his mind got snapped back to what was happening in the room. Sapphire had died, Casper was glowing blue, and Waverly had just gone up and punched the doctor that helped save them. He involuntarily winced as her fist made contact with Nemesis, worried about if the quiet council would say anything about this. He had half a mind to say something, to get in between the pair, but then he heard her words, and he understood. This wasn't a place for him to speak. He would say Sapphire wouldn't want this, but given how he'd seen Sapphire a few times, at most he thought should would compliment the good right hook.


Location: Genosha?
Skills: .

Harry could feel the tension in the room. He didn't have to look to know there were eyes on him and Veil. Everyone would be watching to see how she took the news, and if he was being honest it almost made him sick. He knew they were worried for her, concerned, but she didn't need them to see her like this. She wouldn't want to be seen like this. As soon as Harry thought that, his sister vanished. Her hand still in his, though it appeared as if he was clasping air. "Je suis là pour toi petite soeur" He whispered towards her. He didn't need his powers to know where she was, so he stepped to where he would be in front of her, pulling her close into an embrace. His left arm ran up her back, the handle cradling her head as he held her close and allowed her to rest her head onto his shoulder if she needed to cry. His right hand had dropped her hand, wrapping around her waist as he held her close and kissed the top of her head.

"Je peux faire taire ton son si tu veux pleurer" Harry spoke quietly into her ear. He began to hum, only loud enough for them to hear, unless the room was deadly quiet. His hand stroking her hair as their mother once did. The song was an old tune she would hum to them all the time, whenever they were scared, or hurt, or upset. She would cradle them and hum to them this meoldy to help sooth their nerves. Back then Harry didn't have his powers, they hadn't manifested yet, but he was certain that if he did, this song would be the melody to his mother's heart. Harry only stopped once to speak, his voice calm and collected as if he needed to be strong for his sister while making sure not to break the soothing he was attempting to do. It was a tone a mother would use on a child when gently scolding them. "Waves, I understand you're frustrated, but we are better than that. Please." He gave her a pleading look, his eyes dropping down to Veil, as if to beg her, for Veils sake don't fight.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Merlins Tower

Matthew placed one hand on his knee, attempting to stand up when suddenly a Grey blur whizzed past him and bit Colby in the head. He immediately turned towards where the rock was thrown, only to see the portal closing behind Taylor and leaving the rest behind. He'd finished getting up, stomping a foot on the ground in annoyance before turning to look at Colby. "You're right, all the annoying people did leave." He said, annoyance lacing his words as the latter half of his sentence was said loud enough that he hoped Taylor and the rest who left could somehow hear him. His frustration shifting into concern and he looked towards the rock and then Colbys forehead. Kneeling down to inspect the wound, Maddie moved a stray hair behind Colbys ear, concern in his eyes.

"Are you OK? Luckily You're not bleeding." Matthew's voice was soft, caring, and tender as he looked over Colby. He offered him a smile. "I don't understand these people. I thought having a common thread would help to bring us together but...I'm starting to think the stories are too different, too separate for there to be any real cohesion. None of them seem able to see further than their own nose, and others feel like they've got no real sense for...well...anything really." He stayed kneeling, shifting his weight a little in order to adjust himself to a more comfortable sitting position.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Dining Pavillion > Bunker 9

Demetri chuckled at Lauren's comment. "Ooooh you're quite cheeky today. Didn't know you knew about anime, I'll have to keep that in mind" He debated on changing his voice to sound like Maximillian Pegasus, but thought better of it for now. He hadn't considered asking the Hecate kids for an enchantment. His mind began to wander off towards Rebecca, wondering how that cool witch was doing. She had promised to show him some magic, but no sooner did she agree to it that a door to some island opened up and she simply vanished. Demetri looked up towards the ceiling, offering a silent prayer to the gods hoping that she would be alright. That they watch over her and guide her. Demetri was brought back from his thoughts as Lauryn asked him to grab a toolbox.

Demi made his way over towards the container and grabbed it, brining it to where Lauryn knelt. He could see the leak coming from the pipe and began rummaging through the toolbox looking for a monkey wrench and clamping it around the pipe. He tightened the wrench and slowly began to apply pressure down as the bolt began to twist and close up. "Can't say who it's for Lauryn. I made an oath, and I've been told they're something that should bebheld with your life. Especially with the daughter of the Styx around. She could probably smell a broken oath from a mile away." He said matter of factly as he continued to apply pressure. "As for what it is, I want to make an acoustic guitar. Should be simpler than some mechanation or whatever. At least I hope it should be. I'd hate to make a bad guitar ya know?" Finally the bolt stopped moving and Demi waited a few moments, noticing it had finally stopped leaking and giving a sigh. "Task one done, what's next boss?"
Maximillian Gray

Location: Genosha?
Skills: ConjurationNew Outfit

Max could hear someone coming closer to him. He heard Sunshines voice, this time it was louder than before now that she was next to him. He raised one arm up to sniff himself and he began to feel the new outfit stretch at his movements. He decided that was a worry for later. For now he simply got up, and turned towards the direction Sunshines voice had come from. Seeing a blurred silhouette he leaned forward and gave her a huge hug. "Yeah well you'd smell this bad too if you trudged around sewers just before being incased in ice for...how long did you say?" The words were pained as each felt like a knife slicing up his throat. But he was too happy to care. He let go of Sunshine and made his way to sit back down at the bed he had been laying in.

Max recognized the voice speaking, it sounded so much like the Queen from WandaWorld. The woman who freed his mind and helped him start the process of undoing the magics that were at work there. To an extent he felt at ease knowing she was there, but them came the worry that Magneto wasn't too far behind. After all, they were at one of his clubs newest developments. One that Max had once tried to help make reality. When James came by, explaining bit by bit what had happened with Sapphire, with them, it all seemed to make sense. "Can you believe that it all started because I asked Sunshine not to flaunt her powers?" Max joked before returning to the matter at hand. "We were branded as martyrs weren't we? That bomb, that isolated attack against an entire race of people. It helped create the perfect political storm needed to finish off Genosha didn't it?"


Location: Genosha?
Skills: .

Harry's throat felt as if he had just gargled sand. It felt too weak to send any real waves out, but he tried none the less. When his sister finally spoke out, he looked up towards the sound of her voice and tried to make his way towards her. He ran his hand alongside the medical beds, using them for stability as much as he could to make the trip easier. He was about to Crack a joke about cryotherapy when his sister began to ask about Sapphire. There were more blurry blobs than voices that spoke and he couldn't tell one from the other. But if Sapphire wasn't among them then where could she be? He was beginning to think that she may of unfrozen before the rest, given her powers. Maybe she wasn't one to say goodbyes or do hospital hellos.

All that could run through Harry's mind was his worry for his sister and if she was OK, and a huge part of that was making sure Sapphire was OK. He didn't know all the specifics or the whys, but he did know they were close. Losing her could break his twins heart, and that was something he never wanted to see happen. By the the time James had broken the news, Harry had finally gotten his vision back in full. He made it to Veil, holding onto her hand and patting it slightly to try and comfort her. He was too weak to pull her into a hug, too weak to even think he might be able to support both their weight if she leaned into him and started crying. So for now he just held her hand in silence, his eyes saying a thousand apologies as he looked into hers, knowing no words could possibly make this feel fine.

Kwassi Asokho

Location: Animal Shelter
Skills: Photographic Memory : 16

Kwassi had chosen not to answer the question about pets in front of T'Challa. Truth was, growing up he had a black cat as a pet. He would study its movements, the way it contorted its body to slink from room to room, and try to mimic its cat like reflexes. Not only did it serve to keep him limber, but he liked to imagine that he was the Black Panther as he was doing it. Skulking through the foliage of Wakanda, hunting down his prey of evildoers and poachers, and striking when the time was right. His thoughts were pulled back to the present as he heard the sounds of children speaking over one another as they attacked the clerk with questions.

Kwassi gave the woman an apologetic smile before turning the corner and following into the room where all the cats were being held. Already the others had taken to petting and scritching the cats. Kwassi himself unsure of how exactly they were meant to discern one cat from a flecked without Goose's aid. He stood back against a wall for a moment, eyeing all the cats from afar with a soft smile. He turned to talk to Oli only to notice he hadn't entered the room yet. So Kwassi pushed himself off the wall and made his way towards one of the cages when he saw Goose giving two cats a tentacley wave. He walked on over, squatting down in front of one of the cages with a big smile. "Well hello there Fluffy. What do you say we get you and Nuffin out of here and get you some treats?" Kwassi wasn't sure how different Flerkens were to cats, but he figured it was better to be safe. Staying near eye level and holding out a hand slowly for Fluffy to sniff and adjust to him.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Merlins Tower

Maddie gladly grabbed Colby's cards, that way they each had some way to find the other if they ever got lost. He looked towards his bag when Colby mentioned the book he'd grabbed from Merlin's tower. He hadn't really been expecting to learn magic while in this world, though the idea of it did seem rather nice. He began to wonder about whether or not there was certain types of magic within each story, or was it all the same? Did those in Wonderlnad have more fantastical magic? More chaotic magic? Or perhaps there was none at all? Though given the nature of the place it seemed fully likely there was bound to be some magic hidden in Wonderland.

"Right. Same story. Hopefully that does mean that we won't get split up. After all, we found each other even before we knew all this, and what are the odds of that?" Maddie said, almost as if to reassure himself moreso than Colby. He wanted to say something corny about how maybe in this realm true love would always find a way. How if they just trusted their hearts and love, that maybe it would lead one back to the other. But that was all fairytales, and not even the ones that they were from. So he couldn't hold out hope for that, he needed to find concrete ways to help them both. "Do you want to stay or go? I'll follow you wherever you want I don't mind. But perhaps we should leave the cat's here if we go, don't want Rumple getting his hands on them." Maddie asked Colby as he looked back towards the portal.

Salem cocked an eyebrow at Angelica, shrugging and pulling his hand back as he placed his forearms against the ridge if the table. He watched as she decidedly replanted the cutting into a new pot to allow it to grow and blossom as needed. "I'm not exactly sure who you think I am to be bossing people around outside of class. But I can assure you that's far from the truth." He spoke with a smile still on his face, though it was clear Angelica wasn't here to make friends, she was barely here to learn if he guessed it. In his mind she only seemed to care about one thing, being right and being on top. When she was done explaining to him what steps they should take in he nodded in agreement.

"Sounds like a simple enough plan to approach this. Though remember that we should be working together on this or it won't work. If you try to overpower me in magic, you'll simply end up placing more roadblocks for the both of us. I was thinking maybe before we start we could try and sync up our breathing, be on the same page so that when our magic comes out it won't have to fight to match, it'll be relatively close already." Salem offered her with a serious look, a ghost of a smile on his lips. He took in a deep breath, and exhaled slowly as if to ready himself.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Dining Pavillion > Bunker 9

Demetri was glad to see that Arthur and Andy didn't take it too harshly when he had to decline hanging out with them. He couldn't help but smile as the two began to protest on his little tease about Arthur causing trouble. He got up and made his way towards Bunker 9, following behind Lauryn's lead. "Oh I'm sure that's all it was." He said rolling his eyes. Demetri mimed the tip of an invisible hat towards Lauryn as she held the door for him. Making his way inside he looked around and marveled at the sights of it all. He'd seen the Argo III before, but something about seeing it suspended above him made it all the more fantastical. He walked past the submersible's, awe struck as he took it all in.

"Nice place you got here." Demi said, punctuating his statement with a whistle of amazement. He rubbed his hands together as he looked towards Lauryn. "Alright, so whatcha need me to do? Heavy lifting? Clean up? Whatcha got for me?" Lauryn looked at Demetri surprised before speaking. "It's been here for years, surprised you didnt even know about it." Lauryn said as she started to move a few things around. "Just a bit of cleaning, and heavy lifting a little bit of everything." She said as she dug into her pocket and pulled out a small little bag and tossed it to Demi. "Also been meaning to get this to you finished it a few weeks ago." Inside was a celestial bronze eye.

Demetri eye'd the bag warily, wondering what could be in it. He was surprised to see a celestial bronze eye in it. There was a warm smile on his face as he looked up back towards Lauryn. "Hey, thanks. I'll pop by the Infirmary later to see if they can help me put it in. Knowing me I'd mess it up somehow." Demetri pocketed the bagged eye before allowing his body to shift slightly. Growing a little more muscle mass. "Just point me where I'm needed and I'll do my best."
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