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Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

It made sense that Jasmine wouldn't be going with them. If this was indeed her world then everyone in Agrabah would know who she is. Their cover would be blown before they even began. Still, there was a certain tone of sadness when she spoke about the plan. Maddie figured it was a longing to want to be of some more use. To better help her land heal and move past these villainous plans. It seemed Colby picked up on it too, voicing a better thought for her concern. How many others were placed into a similar situation as Jasmine? He tried not to glance at Aurora, thinking about how this must all feel for her. If her kingdom was under a similar problem, how it must feel to be liberating others kingdoms before her own. To see others reunited with their peoples instead of herself. Perhaps it was a bit selfish of a thought for Maddie, but he was certain she'd have such a feeling deep beneath the surface.

As Jasmine showed them to another room where their disguises awaited, Maddie hung back a few steps, wrapping his finger around Colbys for a bit. "Nice speech back there. I'm sure she needed to hear it, especially from an outsider. Now how's about we go kick some evil…Wait what's the villain's shtick here again? No magic or something?" Maddie had wanted to say some evil genie booty, but he wasn't so sure the genie was evil. After all, it was locked in a Vault with other magical items. He really didn't like being so out of the loop. "Ok we have to watch this movie when it's all over. I need to know what all I'm missing." Maddie made his way into the room, looking through the disguises, grabbing a blue and gold one who's design he seemed to like.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Green Lagoon
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

For a moment Max was beginning to think his plan was only good for giving them all a headache. He'd always hated hearing Spirit Boxes on T.V., but hearing them in real life was somehow even more annoying. As the screeching began to die down to a lower pitch, Max leaned in closer waiting for it to work. But the warbler mess of static only continued afterwards, causing Max to droop his shoulders in disappointment. Just as he was about to give up and call it a day, a voice came in loud and clear. Max practically jumped out of his skin as the sound startled him just before entering back into a series of static sounds. "It worked. It worked! Casper you brilliant idiot" Whether or not Casper had chosen his hero name knowing that this device would actually function was unknown. But it did and that's all that mattered.

The second word came in as the tail end of a sentence ended. Nothing to go by but it did tell them that Ben was struggling to use the device. Veil and he had the same idea, find a way to make this easier on Ben. Immediately Max hopped off his bed, placing the Spirit Box onto the center of the floor and clearing up some of his mess. He threw his bundled shirt over a stack of books that lay on the ground, shoving them all under his bed before his hands began to conduct a small symphony of magic. Marigold petals and flowers began to sprinkle in a circle onto the ground surrounding the box. In an inner ring, scented candles began to appear, each one flickering to life as the smell of French vanilla peppered the air. Max shut off the light to his room allowing for it to only be candlelit before adding the final offering.

Max had it under very good advice that McDonalds was the go to way to contact ghosts. After all, it was the way of the ghost king and why would that be a lie? OK plenty of reasons why but that didn't stop Max from trying. He summoned Happy Meals, Double Cheeseburgers, Big Macs, and Quarter Pounders, Chicken Nuggets, and an array of sodas from McDonalds. All placed in the center surrounding the box that he needed Ben to speak through. "I give this offering of food to you Ben, so that you may contact us with ease. May it find you in your realm."


Location: Green Lagoon

Harry gave Sunshine a crooked half-smile. Chuckling a bit as he spoke about flatscan names. "I suppose most flatscan names are dumb." He didn't expect her to ever take back what she'd already said. She was a strong headed individual and a teen besides. If ever they were to admit their faults the world would freeze over…again. The chemistry between Sunshine and Marrow was a refreshing change of pace. The way they lovingly teased each other back and forth, how natural each one felt around the other, it was a familiar sentiment that Harry could understand. Of course to counteract their relationship, there was David.

He had no recollection of how he got to looking like such a mess, nor did he apparently recall the last time they'd seen each other. Harry let out a bit of a concerned sigh at the news, a little more than confused at David's last known day. "Well, let's see. I last saw you about three days ago, where you in fact didn't look like this. As for what day it is…" Harry couldn't tell if David was on the right day, or a week behind, trying to study his face as if they could give him some answers. "Today is Tuesday. More specifically August 3rd. Hopefully you haven't lost a week, but if you have I'm sure we could find it and figure out why you're so banged up."

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Dining Pavilion > Outside Infirmary
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demi's smile persisted as he saw the blush beginning to form on Zeke's cheeks. Of Course with every mealtime came its busy infirmary rates. It was almost as if these Demi-gods wanted to get hurt. Granted Demi had no real room to talk, having purposefully injured himself several times in the past just to be able to steal a glance at Zeke from either afar or up close if he was lucky. Though none of that was needed anymore. Demi simply came by when he pleased and would make an excuse up if needed. For a moment, it felt as if Zeke was going to move in closer, to boldly do more than he was comfortable with, but that moment was quickly cut off by his sibling and a stretcher being worked towards them.

Right on cue Demetri thought to himself as he watched the scene unfold. Perhaps it was a little selfish, but he'd wished the camper had gotten injured at another time or even not at all. "Yeah no problem. How hard can inventory be?" He replied trying to sound chipper about the situation, speaking the second half more to himself than anyone else there. He was a little irritated that Zeke didn't think he was helpful enough to at least gather the ingredients they needed for the camper. Granted he hadn't been studying long, but he still felt as if he was simply being sent off. Zeke took a couple steps away before giving him the bad news about Janelle. Instantly Demi's smile twitched, glad that Zeke had begun to move away already for fear that he'd see how it affected him.

Demetri took a deep breath in before racing up the infirmary stairs and going towards where they kept all the stored ingredients. He was already frustrated with the current situation, the disorganized stores were just the cherry on the top. Some kids liked to make it alphabetical, others by color, some by grain, and a few (like Demi) preferred to have them organized by property. He quickly got to rearranging the containers, setting aside a few herbs that he'd known were good for healing. It was a little tough at the beginning as he mumbled to himself angrily while pulling things out. Halfway through he realised he wasn't actually paying attention and became even more frustrated. Demi placed the canister in hand onto the counter and took a deep breath. "Calm yourself Howell, he didn't mean anything by it. Besides! He's right, she should hear it from him first before the rumor mill gets to work." There was a long exasperated sigh as he allowed himself to calm down.

Demi took several more breaths before going at it again. More focused now he began to organize and take stock of all the ingredients that they currently had in store. As he went about his work, he started setting aside certain containers. Ones that were good for making topical ointments, hopefully he could make something useful for Arthur and Andy before they left. He left the bottle of Witch hazel, dandelion, and lemon balm. Figuring it should cover enough basis. Hell, Witch hazel alone did most of the work. He recalled seeing its spindly yellow flowers in the book he had back at his cabin, amazed at how versatile the plant could be. Before he knew it his task was complete, and he'd just about forgotten about his sour mood.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Dionysus Table

Cassian smiled as Leda accepted his proposal. He wouldn't have minded if she'd told him no, figuring that perhaps getting injured before a quest would be a bad idea. Chiron showed up and tasked them both with finding her royal pain. He wanted to tell Chiron how much of a bad idea that seemed like, especially after she'd already stated how little she wanted to be around him, when suddenly Leda grabbed him and sped him away. "Oh hey Chir-aaaaaaah" was all he was able to get out before flashing in a blast of rainbow and appearing at the arena. Speed. Noted. Cassian had to be careful in this fight.

While Leda was getting back the wind in her sails, Cassian went over towards the archery gear and found a bow with the same weight he was used to, and a quiver of boffer arrows so that he didn't hurt one of the questers. "Ready as I'll ever be. I'd like to think I'm a pretty good marksman but, never been against a speedster before. Let's see how good my eyes really are." Cassian watched her movements, studying her as he tried to zero in on her body language and find tells for feints or directional movements. He knocked an arrow in the bow and quickly aimed and fired within a split second. His mother had taught him several archery techniques, each culture bore their own style of fighting and every one was just as interesting. He knocked another arrow and fired it towards her right, immediately launching a third so that she hardly had time to register the projectile as she was attempting to dodge the second. All three hits landed, making Cassian feel good about his abilities.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

A shiver went down Maddies spine as Colby whispered to him. The hairs on his arms standing up but luckily hidden by the sleeves of his new garb. Sure Colby was only relaying information about who this woman was and where she belonged. But the feeling of having him so close, the soft touch of his breath as he spoke to him in whispers, it made him tingle. His eyes went wide as he heard that she was the Princess of this region. Of course now he felt like a complete fool for having asked, but how was he supposed to know? He decided not to dwell on the idea and quietly cleared his throat.

"Same here. I think we may have even added a bit of flair to it, and with new faces it'll be harder for them to spot us. Can't be made if they don't even know who we are." There was an odd sort of grin on Maddie's face as he spoke. One that matched Colbys, especially when he was feeling particularly mischievous. He wasn't sure if he should mention the genie's lamp they'd found and how it would be worked into the plan, so he kept quiet on that for now. "Lucky for us, Colbs and I have some talent for sleight of hand. So we should be able to handle it." For a moment it felt very Oceans 11, as if they should break down the plan right then and there while simultaneously doing the act to succession.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Green Lagoon
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max listened intently on what Veil had to say. She had some good points, and more knowledge than he did on certain matters. Sinister was on the Quiet Council. That gave him a certain amount of power on this island that he could likely throw around. The question of why still hung in the air. It didn't make sense for him to have just done so without some scheme layered behind it. The idea it may have been to get under Renegade proved to have some merit. Perhaps they would need to speak to her, find out what her relationship with Sinister is. Max froze for a second, thinking. Her powers could potentially be used to suffuse a lifetime of memories into a host. She showed Max his true self back in Wandaworld. Could she have given Jack all his memories after having been cloned without his notice?

Max didn't want to throw around accusations. It'd get them nowhere and would only make him seem more paranoid than he is. This would be a thread he'd need to follow by himself. He tried to focus more on a plan, when Callie walked past and placed his ball back onto his nightstand. She asked him if he had a Ouija Board, and Max shook his head quietly. [Color=aba400]"No. Much good it would do anyway. I teased about the idea earlier but…Ben hasn't shown any ability to manipulate physical items within our world. So chances are he can't move the planchet. Not without possessing one of us, which again he's never shown to be able to do. [/i]However[/i]..."[/color] Max snapped his fingers, magic trailing off like a spark before forming a Spirit Box beside him. He turned on the instrument, sound emanating from it. Static constantly being cut off, the speed hardly allowing for words to be formed unless a spirit willed them so. "This noisy little thing is what Caspers named after. It's a Spirit Box. Supposedly ghosts can talk to us through it. It picks up what they say and uses the radio waves to transmit it or something. So…Ben, if you're here, can you try and use it? I'd love to hear your input."


Location: Green Lagoon

Harry smiled at Sunshine as she gave him the best compliment she could muster. Kids. He thought to himself. He figured one day she'd find a way to open up more, she'd already grown so much from when he first met her, having her actually tear up in front of someone…it was huge in comparison to where he'd seen her start. "That's what I've been told. I give excellent, just ok advice. Best ok advice there ever is to hear." He said teasingly. Their conversation was cut short as Legion joined them at the table, sitting next to Harry, covered in a thin layer of dirt, scratches, and a grin that made him mildly nervous. "Hey David. Uh, why do you look like you just lost a match with a mulberry bush?" Harry managed to chuckle out.

Marrow came back, sliding his drink towards him while comforting Sunshine. Harry had his concerns about her at first. She seemed like a rough and tumble kid that would only bring Sunshine trouble, but he could see that she really cared for her and offered her support no one else was capable of doing. He thanked Marrow for the drink, taking a sip from the cup before quirking an eyebrow at Sunshine. "I rather like Harry thank you very much. Makes me feel like I don't have to be a hero 24/7. Besides I'm only ever really Echo when I…well you know Echo myself."

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Dining Pavilion > Outside Infirmary
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demi's head sunk into his shoulders with a twinge of embarrassment at Kristin's comment. He quickly shook it off, focusing on the questions at hand. When Zeke finally began to speak, he made sure to try and listen intently. Back at school they had had morning announcements talking about PDA, what it was, and how it shouldn't be done. Turns out it didn't stand for the hunky Paul David Anderson, nor did it mean it was a Personal Digital Assistant. Demi never expected those silly owning announcements to actually come in handy someday. After all, he never expected that someone would be willing to get close enough to him to not only know him, but actually like him enough to be in a relationship. He was just the tall, lanky, pale kid with no friends. Worse off he had the ability to shift and had no idea why, though he knew it should stay hidden.

But here he was, side to side alongside a golden haired jock whose eyes shot bolts of lightning down his spine. Whose touch sent shivers crawling across his skin, and whose smile could melt even the coldest of hearts. But as Zeke finished talking, Demi couldn't help but falter in his step. Stopping dead in his tracks as he watched Zeke walk on, the words he'd just spoken dancing through his mind. No one has done what you have done for me without expecting anything in return. For a moment, it was as if he could see a glimpse into Zeke's past, he could feel the layers of emotion behind those words. He understood the weight of what he'd done for the time since giving him the gift. Demetri didn't know what to say, but before he knew it a moment of silence clung to the air and he realized that his mouth was slightly agape.

Demi took a half step forward, the ground sloshing beneath his foot as he froze again. He wanted to run up to Zeke, to hug him and hold him tightly, but he also wanted to respect his boundaries and didn't know how far was too far in terms of PDA. "Tch. You make it really hard not to want to show some affection when you talk like that Kel." He said wagging a finger towards the son of Apollo. "I'd love nothing more than to just run up there and hug the ever loving shite out of you, but I'll respect your boundaries." Demetri moved closer to Zeke, taking on the first step so as to match eyesight with him. "But as soon as we're out of sight, you're getting the biggest kiss you got that?" It was a playful threat, one accompanied by the biggest grin Demi had ever had the pleasure of displaying.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Dionysus Table

Cassian let out a slight groan as Dean had to leave for the meeting. On one hand he was glad to have that subject changed and dropped. On the other hand, he had no clue as to what he should be doing now. He looked around the Dining Pavilion, scanning faces and searching for a sign of something to do. Quite a few campers seemed to be heading towards the Big House for the big meeting and vote for the liaison between Roman and Greek camps. The idea alone caused his eyes to involuntarily roll. The Romans couldn't even bother to join them for breakfast, and their leader was so adamantly against his aid. None of it made sense, but he tried to shove the thoughts aside.

Finally Cassian's gaze landed on Leda. Her girlfriend would be attending the meeting, being the only child of Poseidon at camp, and from the looks of it she didn't seem raring to go shopping. Her necklace held four beads, which meant that she was most likely always prepared to go on a quest. Cassian himself tried to keep his own supplies on the off chance he was ever picked for one. He said his goodbyes to Dean, making his way over towards Leda with his best smile. "Hey, Leda right? Might having a bit of a friendly spar before you go off on your Quest? Could help loosen up your muscles while the rest of your team decides the liason?" He wasn't sure if she would take him up on his offer, or if he'd be any good at fighting someone who could move so far. But if anything this would help him train his eyes against faster opponents.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Maddie sat down when instructed. Waiting for their mysterious host to show up. Apparently she always had a flair for the dramatic. Either that, or she was overly cautious as to who and what was let into her chambers with her. Maddie absently tapped a tune along his leg, with two fingers. The quick rapid successions of A Very Merry Unbirthday caused his fingers to dance atop his thigh nervously. After a time, of what felt like eternity, a woman appeared wreathed in thin veils made up of a color that couldn't quite agree on if it was green or blue. The material was embroidered with golden designs and trimming. She was stunning, and there was an air about her.

Maddies fingers halted all sound. Frozen in place as he leaned forward a bit in his seat. Immediately she questioned the identity of the three newest additions, and it made Maddie wish he could simply forward all to the resistance so that they'd know they weren't spies or something. He looked down at what he was wearing and then back towards Jasmine, for the first time feeling a bit as if he was cheated in the costume design. Merlin could've given them clothes like this? "H-hi, I'm Maddie. Pleasure to meet you. What uh what land are you from?" He felt stupid asking but he hadn't heard of her name before. "Oh a-and n-nice clothes. Wish I h-had a pair"
Maximillian Gray

Location: Green Lagoon
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max leaned back slightly in his bed. Placing his hands to his sides and unknowingly placing one onto Ben's lap. His lips pursed as Jack's name was mentioned. Of course he didn't want to be involved with this. No one in their right mind would get close to this man with a ten foot pole. Yet here they were discussing the possibility of seeking his aid. None of this sat right with Max. His stack began to churn with unease as he shifted his position slightly. "I can't know for certain, but perhaps Sinister brought Jack back as a form of pawn. Maybe a way to get closer to Sunshine. We knows he messed with his mind before and done similar things…" He trailed off in thought, trying to piece together pieces he barely had. "Whatever he wants it can't be good. He can't be trusted. If I knew it was safe I'd ask Ben to snoop around his lab and see if he could find something. But if Sinister is capable of dealing with soul transference then I wouldn't want to risk Ben in that manner."

Max let out a heavy sigh as he looked towards the ground. Books sat at his feet, a thrown shirt, and some wads of paper from his work on this project. "I'm also afraid of what he might do if I owe him a favor. It's bad enough I feel Selene eyeing me up like a prime steak, I can't imagine what he would do if he had the use of my powers at his fingertips." Max took another deep breath in trying to think of other avenues before shaking his head slowly. "As for allies, I'm sure Strange would tell me I'm messing with the natural laws of this world and should halt my research, Wanda may be better help though I doubt I can reach her and convince her otherwise. There's Selene but I don't trust her, and Pixie may be capable of helping. She knows more than she let's on when it comes to souls but I don't know how to approach her on this."

Max wanted so badly to ask Strange for help. Even if he couldn't instruct him directly, knowing the name or history of another Sorcerer who had done the same would be of immense help. Maybe Casper could try to summon them for communication, see what knowledge they can gain, but chances were that any Sorcerer looking for such power may have been doing so down a darker path. "All I have are theories. Nothing can be certain or concrete until it's actually put to the test. But if this does work, if we can bring them back…with his permission I'd like to visit Ben's grave. If I can bring him back too…it seems only fair."


Location: Green Lagoon

Harry rolled his eyes and chuckled as Sunshine questioned the morality of the rules on drinking. Of course she would. She's young, rebellious, and does as she pleases. But that didn't make her a bad kid, just a kid. His chuckle turned into more of a grunt as he felt her punch him in the arm. Rubbing the spot she hit with a bit of a hiss of pain. "Ok OK you're not nice." Harry replied, still smiling at her. He looked upon all the pty seats, ghostly outlines of those who were gone shadowing the table as he knew all too well what Sunshine was feeling. He looked over towards Marrow, watching as she waited for Blob to make drinks, before he shifted his gaze back towards Sunshine. There was a heavy sigh, as if he was removing a great weight from his chest but couldn't get any of the air back.

"I miss them too kid." Harry's lip twitched, a falter in his smile as he looked back at the table. "I wish I could tell you that it gets easier. That as the days go by you feel it less and less. But it doesn't. I won't lie to you. I know how you feel because I've been here before. And it doesn't hurt any less now than it did the first time I lost someone. But we keep living. And we keep living our lives for them. Keep them in our hearts and minds and press on how we know they would want us to. The pain will always be there, but you'll learn to manage it. Somedays it may seem unbearable, others may not be so bad, but you're not alone in this. We are all here for you. Trust me, if I could do anything about it I would. In a heartbeat. But I don't have that kind of power. But what I do have is you guys, and…two arms that can lend a hug if you need it."

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: Shapeshifting

It was amazing how full of himself Zeke could be. I didn't think you would? Normally that sort of arrogance would push Demetri further away, but somehow Zeke managed to make it work for him and it just made him seem that much more attractive. At this point Demetri's face was fully blushed and the heat from all the embarrassment and hormones was making him hot. He wanted to lift his head up, let the cold air hit his skin and help cool him down. But then they'd both see just how bad he'd gotten in such a short amount of time thanks to Zeke and Kristin.
He sounded so confident while talking to Kris, something Demi could never do. He finally looked up, glancing over towards the Aphrodite table as he wished that their mother nor them would get involved. Growing up Demi had read many Greek tales, and he couldn't recall a single one that mentioned Aphrodite that didn't also put complications along the path of the relationship.

Chiron had begun speaking once again, having seen how long it took for the others to arrive and not wishing to hold the other campers hostage because of them. That did, of course, mean that someone had to play messenger with the Romans and hope that this time the messages would go through. Demetri had hardly been able to touch his food, most of it mostly eaten by others. That didn't concern him at the moment though, as Zeke untangled himself and began to head towards the infirmary. Demi quickly got his plate and mouthed an apology towards Kristin as he dashed towards the flames and tossed the entire meal into it before hurriedly following behind Zeke.

A part of him wanted to reach out and grab his hand, hold it like they did in the infirmary. It was only fitting that would be where they talked about all this, it was after all where it all began. Demetri caught up to Zeke, gently tapping his knuckles against his, hinting at what he wanted but leaving the choice ultimately to Zeke. "Alright, so walk and talk. Good, because I'm not gonna lie mate I'm a little bit confused and flustered." Much of the red had begun to fade, leaving only a band of pink that stretched from cheek to cheek. "If you want to date me then why did you nudge me off of you? And is this like a public thing or private or…" Demi had so many thoughts running through his mind that it almost felt blank. He felt as if he had a million questions only to come up empty when he tried to think of one.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Dionysus Table

Cassian pursed his lips at the new question. It was probably bad that the name had slipped out from his tongue, or had he ever even learned it in the first place? He'd decidedly set that question aside for later. Cass looked down at his plate of food, thinking of how best to answer his brother before letting out a reluctant sigh. "From what I've heard, one of the Roman has contracted a curse created by Zeus himself. The curse of lycanthropy. To my knowledge there is no known cure. But I personally don't see reason as to why that should deter anyone from attempting to find one."

Cassian looked back up at Dean, looking into his eyes and then past them as he began to think. "I can only assume there's a handful of ways to go about it. Either by imploring the gods to speak to Zeus and see if he is able to remove the curse, though given the state of things I find that hard to pull off, or perhaps see if the gods could offer us a quest. Something to lead us to a remedy to help rid her of her curse. It isn't hers to bear, so why should she? But then there's the issue of her being Roman. I'm not sure if that would complicate things, given that Zeus isn Jupiter and all that." Cassiam hadn't considered the duality of the gods too much. But now he was beginning to wonder if that could play a part into all this.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Maddie's mind was already beginning to race with ideas of what the Land of Oz might look like. Speculating how much from which stories were true and how much were fabricated for a good telling. A part of him wished the story of Wicked was true, though he wasn't one to pine after a bad guy, he thought the story of Elphaba was just too well told and tragic. That was enough to keep him busy on the walk there as Colby paid mind to the stray cats his father was seemingly plagued by. It was however useful in helping them get around, and just as if a track was switched so too was Maddies thoughts. He now began to wonder of the possibilities that hanging around his father would awaken some form of feline compass. Allowing Colby to follow the path of cats to their desired destination.

By the time they'd reached the door, Maddie had already imagined several fantasy scenarios in which Colby befriended one feline or another. Even the dreaded Displacer beasts of D&D made an appearance and were held by Colbys cat-like charms. Maddie hurried inside, holding his bag tight to himself while they shuffled into the room. When they asked for their belongings to be placed, he only gripped his bag tighter. His hand shook for a moment, before he had to remind himself this is a hideout. They were no friends to Jafar, and for that matter Maleficent. Or so he hoped, because if magic truly was illegal here, then Merlin's book certainly wouldn't do to be found within his bag. Maddie placed his bag into the bin, putting the playing cards inside his bag reluctantly. "W-w-we'll get them b-back right?" He asked the large man who'd opened the door.
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