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Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Lotus Casino
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demetri didn't have time to respond to Janelle's comment. He wasn't even sure if he was going to in the first place, but regardless of that fact, all words died upon his tongue at what happened next. Leandra was sat before them, and without so much as a word, Nancy ran over and slit her throat in cold blood. He watched as her body hit the floor, lifeless, blood pooling out. She just wanted to talk. They could've been civil. He felt shaken, his legs were like gelatin, his hands trembled slightly at the sight. It was one think to act against a monster, they respawned, and hell most of them attacked with the intent to kill. But one of their own? A demigod that had shown him nothing but kindness? Leandra mentioned that Nancy was a bitch and disliked her, but enough to kill her? His eyes were wide, horror numbing him at the events that had unfolded. He couldn't even react enough to draw a weapon.

Then, like something out of a horror movie, she rose again. There was a loud snapping sound before Demi screeched like a girl. A high pitched sound rang out as he pointed at Leandras bloody body that now stood. ”Zombie Demigod! Zombie Demigod!” Another monster moved, grabbing Cassian and tossing him like a ragdoll into the Doors of Death before they closed. They'd already lost a companion, Leandra was holding Nancy at knifepoint, and everyone else seemed too stunned to act. He didn't want to see anymore bloodshed. Any more deaths. ”We're supposed to be a team dammit! Demigods should stand alongside each other, not against!” He yelled as he charged forward, leaping mid-air and shifting into a large constrictor. His tail end wrapping around Leandra’s arm and wrist to stop blood flow and hopefully have her drop the Dagger, his torso ensnaring her other arm and pinning it to her side as he wrapped around her body and his faced hissed near her neck. How did things get so fucked up? They were friends…weren't they?
Dorian Gray

Location: Dance Maze
Skills: Halloween Costume

Dorian had turned his back on the pair for just a second. His ghostly form glided above the floor as if he was walking while on the phone. ”Danni it's Dori, Percy made it to the third floor with April, he's wiped and April is still non responsive. Can you help me get them up the rest of the way? It's only…” He was about to say three floors, when suddenly he'd heard a familiar sound with an all too familiar blue light shimmering behind him. He rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's stubbornness. So much for needing a moment. It was cute, but he needed to learn his limits sometimes. At this rate he'd be passed out again like that night. ”One sec, Percy teleported again. I'm going to see how many floors up this time.”

Dorian didn't hang up the call, he simply kept the line open as he floated on up one floor and turned around towards the sound of a thud. Percy was passed out, Mads had come down the stairs, and April was just sitting there. How could tonight get so bad? He floated closer to them, trying not to spook Mads too much as he appeared behind here. ”Danni we're on the fourth floor now. Percy’s out like a light, and Mads is here to help as well. You two can take April. I can handle Percy.” He said as he tried to go and possess him. He phased through his body, then the floor, and was once again floating above the third floor. Groaning in annoyance as he floated back up through. ”I'll just carry him, give me a sec”

[Hider=Held Roll] Roll to become corporeal again so that I may carry Percy up[/color]

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Max expected a fight back from Prudence. Hell, her whole existence seemed to be to spite men and go against the grain, or if ever she followed the flow of the river then she did so begrudgingly and with complaint. Yet here she was, speaking the rites while refusing their hand. What he hadn't expected was Runa's refusal. Somehow that hit him the hardest. Hot tears formed at the corner of his eyes as he looked at the woman he once knew. Was her heart so bitter in her old age that she couldn't be bothered to save humanity? Or was she just so tired of having to save it that she had decided it was time for it to end. ”Fine then Runa. Don't help. You never answered my calls for aid before, why should I think this time would be any different.”

Max looked away from her towards all the others, swallowing the lump in his throat. ”Jack is right. Madalyne, step down, recover, and see if you can deal with the Pentagram above us. It has to be disabled for this all to stop. Runa if you can help with that do so, if not…whatever. The Power of Three is important and Sacred in magic. With six we can do more than what would be possible with Eight. If we still had Ed…if I was faster to act…nevermind that. Recite the words, join hands, and we work as one.” He thought about the souls Jack mentioned, about how each one had a fragment of Stephen's inside of them. But then what happened to Ed's fragment? And how could hebrest Runa's and Madalyne's from them? Stranges voice echoed inside his thoughts Often Times a duel is required to Usurp the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme, and Often times to the death.

Max didn't want to kill either of them, he wondered if it was possible to duel and win without someone dying. Could it be decided by something as rudimentary as Rock, Paper, Scissors? Would that suffice? Would he even win? He recited the words once more, holding his hand out to Annika, the woman he'd swapped minds with for a moment, hoping she'd join him and Jack in the circuit. Even just adding her, a third, would help tremendously.

Maximillian Gray

Location: Space Station
Skills: Basic Spellcraft (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max looked up from the map displayed in Mira's hand. He blinked slowly towards Mary as she suddenly snapped at him about his ideas. Snapped towards him? It was hard to tell at first what it was that she was mad about, that is until there was a timer looking over their head. From there everything went in fast motion. People ran this way and that, Mary ordered them all to the hangar while doing something else entirely and of course not everyone cared to listen. That was the issue with a team of heroes, everyone had their own idea of how to save the day and in the end…everyone had a bit of martyrdom within them whether they knew it or not.

Mira spoke up, Max's attention once again drawn towards the map in her hands as she explained where the best junctions for others to meet would be from the opposite side. They didn't have the time to run down there and tell them all to stay still, what's more they'd lost their speedster. That's fine then, it was time for Plan C. Max stared at the map, using it as a focus for his magic as he tore a rift betwixt the Hangar and one of the furthest junctions. He could feel the mystical strain it put on him as he attempted the spell. Typically he would've done two portals from his location to two other locations to bridge the gap, but they hadn't the time for that right now. ”I need to get to the Hangar, it'll be easier to bridge space from there within the junctions. Hopefully I can get as many portals open to allow however many may walk through those junctions.”

So he ran. He bolted like he hadn't done in what felt like ages. Too long since the end of the world, yet also so very close at hand. How many times now did lives rest inside his hands? Decisions too difficult to make alone with a burden so heavy it made some situations difficult to talk about even over family dinner. His lungs burned, his throat ached, and his legs radiated heat. But he made it to the hangar tired, but determined. Time and again he'd held his hands up, attempting to open a portal between here and a junction, time and again he found himself breathing heavily as his body begged for him to take a breath before casting again. Though finally, in the end, he managed to open up another rift, a junction midway from his last one for those who'd already passed it before the first was open.


Of course, even in the bustling city of New York, even the cops had the chance to take their time as they pleased. He was probably doing it just to get a rise out of Hermes, or perhaps as a bit of irony, killing the time he would've saved had he not been speeding. Either way, time was ticking by and it was making him nervous. He was right however, he was lucky no one was hurt, well not physically anyway. He'd thought about the man and woman he'd accidentally sprayed with water, shoulders slumping as the officer asked him for his license. ”Yeah…” He said with a defeated tone.

” I'm reaching into my pocket to grab it, and honestly officer I'm normally a very safe driver, clean record and all. I'll just have to start leaving earlier for school now to ensure I have to make it before first bell.” Hermes reached into his pocket as he'd announced, pulling out his card for the officer to see. The officer sighed as he took the license and inspected him once over. “I'm writing you a written warning. Keep your record clean and make sure to stay off the sidewalks from here on out. I don't want to have to catch you again. Ok kid?”
”Yes officer, thank you!” With that the officer wrote him a slip and tore it off, handing it over to him before heading back to his car. Hermes put his helmet back on and began to pull away.

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo

Demetri halted in his steps as Janelle spoke. At this point in the quest her voice was grating to him. It wasn't a particularly bad voice, if anything he lived the accent, but her contact criticism of others was driving him up a wall. ”Maybe you could use your head to see that this isn't the time to pick fights with teammates. Besides, you can't help being charmspoken, we weren't prepared for it, and clearly that's eating away at Kristin so lay off.” He'd've shot off a remark to Nancy too, but she was still grieving, and being a bitch was clearly part of her process. He kept walking once more, sparing a glance at Zeke as he teased Cassian. ”Of Course he likes what he sees, you'd have to be an idiot not to.” He was about to say ‘blind’ but clearly even they fell for Zeke.

”Nonsense Z! This is the best time to talk about my exes. Let's see, I didn't date that guy. I meant he was the worst to date as in to this day not as in a romantic way. Although, that asshole did pretend to like me and lured me out into the woods for what was supposed to be a hot make-out session but as soon as we were alone he kicked me in the stomach and began his attempts to kill me. Not exactly how I thought third base was going to go. My first boyfriend…well he had a smoking body, lean, blonde hair and amazing blue eyes. His name was Zeke, well it still is Zeke technically. Funny enough he was also my first kiss, as well as…well you shouldn't really be thinking about the other stuff now, it's uncouth.” Demi shot a wink at Zeke and by then they'd reached the doors. Or at least the doors to the Doors. What he didn't expect to see was Leandra, his Roman escort back during the war.

To say things were both tense and awkward was a massive understatement. It was as if everyone had a proverbial dagger at each other's throats for one reason or another. Janelle at Demi and Zeke for the whole dating situation, as well as at Kristin now for the accidental attack via charmspeak. Nancy hated every Greek that wasn't Zeke and was on such a roller-coaster that he couldn't tell where her next stop was. Demetri seemed to share that tension back around Janelle, either for attempting to be the other woman or her general behavior he didn't know. It was rough, and this quest looked like it might break them.

For that reason alone he'd chosen to remain silent. He didn't need to quip back with Zeke or try to calm down Janelle. He didn't need to chastise Nancy or even Demi for the way they were speaking. No, he wanted to be invisible for the first time in his life. To blend in and move forward until the job was done. That is, until they reached their destination. He saw someone he felt he may have seen at camp, the name certainly rang a bell but so much happened when the Roman's arrived that he hardly kept track of it all, especially with how hostil Nancy was from the start. So he drew his bow, an arrow poised at the woman's throat incase she decided to fight them.
Dorian Gray

Location: Dance Maze
Skills: Halloween Costume

Danni and Dorian were walking April out slowly but surely. Closing distance that would hopefully make it easier for Percy to teleport her out. The less he traveled the easier it was right? Right? As if on cue, Percy had gone up to them and taken April off their hands for the time being. He'd hoped that he'd take them with him, but Dorian didn't want to push Percy too much. It was already a big ask to go up six stories. Dorian looked at Danni and nodded, as he watched Nimue approach the group in his periphery and Leah and Sabine began to make more of a scene.

”They're gonna be fine D. No worries. Perce can knows where to go, if anythin’ he may need a small break in between but it's all good.” Dorian replied, now concerned more than ever as to if Percy actually made the jump. He listened as Danni ranted on, but once they'd gotten to the stairs Dorian ghosted and began his flight up. He didn't need to be tired from walking up six flights, and besides…he needed to make sure Percy wasn't stranded in some hallway on the way up. Sure enough after the third floor there he was against a wall with April. Dorian flew over to them, looking at the pair. He pulled out his phone and tried calling Danni. ”You ok Perce? April? I'm callin Danni, gonna see if he can ‘elp me get you two up and attem.”

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Max saw from above how everyone scuttled into the safety of the Sanctum instead of searching for Wong. Had they figured something out after he'd left them? Gotten guidance from another sorcerer within the Sanctum? Carolina began to fly down and Max followed suit behind her. Watching as his magic was still tainted even after leaving Limbo. Red skin formed at the wounds site as Carolina grew demonic features. He decided it was from the bite itself instead, like an infection that corrupted the magic at the site and not the source. He had to believe that. Jack had apparently known the renewal spell, the very thing the note had asked of them from the very beginning.

Max wasn't sure of all the details, but he had to wonder why Jack didn't speak of it sooner? Could they have prevented this invasion had they tried the spell within Limbo? Or would Limbos influence have tainted the barrier allowing them to slip by? Just how many steps ahead (or behind) was Jack in all of this? It mattered not. Everyone was holding hands save for Prudence. Did she always have to be such a sore thumb? Max made his way towards the group, magic coalescing at the palms of his hands as he tried to bring back Ed's soul. But try as he might, his magic fizzled out twice. A groan of agitation escaped him as he wondered how Casper made it seem so easy. If he could do it why couldn't Max? Pink Glitter garnished the room and those in attendance as Max joined in.

"Through heart and soul of the Fifth Eternity, the world hears my call,
Invaders from horizons unbound, and hunters of the frail,
In the name of Agamotto, son of Oshtur, the Earth rejects your might,
May the Divide of the Cosmos stand tall, and never fall to ruin,
Lest we wither and lament the endless war of chaos everlasting.

May those who trespass these sacred bounds mourn their fate,
And the wicked from lands unseen be banished from whence they came,
The land, the sky, and the soul of Life defy the Great Beyond,
By decree of the Sorcerer Supreme, none shall trespass upon this Veil!"

Max spoke the words, continuing the chant of the others as he went to lace his hand into Jacks. Their fingers entwined as he felt the circuit begin to form. His free hand shifted to be placed along Prudences shoulder, but there was a feedback, backlash of magic as his hand was forcibly rejected off. ”Please don't fight this. We need to act as one. To strengthen ourselves and this is the best chance we have to do so. I've seen it work first hand. A circuit is needed.” He pleaded to the others.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space Station
Skills: Basic Spellcraft (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

”Right.” Max managed to get out as Ed and Antoinette gave other versions of his idea. The gears in his mind turned, wondering what it was that Guin was finding out. The PA system here was damaged and they'd be losing time if they went to find another close-by only to see it ruined like the rest. Something got into Ed, his demeanor changed slightly before decidingly leaving to go towards the Hanagar. Maybe he was going to reinforce their last stand? Or perhaps he was afraid that this was his final day, the day Max sees him die. It wasn't ofcourse, but Ed didn't know that, and now Max wondered how long Mads had been orphaned after that.

Antoinette spoke up, snapping Max out of his own thoughts, as she told him about her own telepathy. Perfect, now all they needed was Jacklyn to take on the power and they could begin their Station wide broadcast. ”Perfect. I could use your innate abilities to boost Jacklyns. Buuut in the event that those powers don't manifest or telepathy is much harder than we think -” Max swept his hand across the air, magic glittering it before it shaped itself into a dozen birds. Each one began to take flight down separate corridors to cover as much ground as possible.
sqwuak This is an Emergency Broadcast! Please head to the Hangar Bay immediately! This station is no longer safe.”
As the birds took flight, Max made his way towards Mira, who seemed to have a map pulled out that she'd used to help Ed find his way with. He wanted to set up portals in the farthest junctions but…he couldn't make heads or tails of the map save for the blinking red dot marking their own location.


Just as Hermes was about to hop back onto the street, having passed the blockage caused by two assholes who couldn't drive, he saw cars parting behind him. One by one the cars began to line to the shoulder of the road, he couldn't help but wonder what was coming by, perhaps some celebrity car or something? It wasn't until he saw the cop car coming up the lane that he let out a massive sigh. ”Shit.” Hopefully he wasn't here for him, there was crime at every corner of New York, surely he wasn't a high priority right now. Or so he thought. The closer the car got to him the more it was clear the cop was about to pull him over.

Red and Blue flashed in the mirrors of Hermes’ Vespa. He pulled off to the side of the road in the event the cop needed to get through, but when the car stopped behind him he tilted his head back with a groan. Ofcourse, why wouldn't the first day of school suck? He should've just stayed home today to look after his Nonna. Hermes took off his helmet, hanging it to the side of his vehicle. ”Officer I'm just trying to make it to my first day of school. I don't want to be late, it would ruin my chances at Valedictorian.” He pleaded, hoping to be let off with a quick warning rather than a full speech and ticket.
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