Avatar of Tyler Night


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1 mo ago
Current Reubens are my favorite sandwich and I am heavy handed with the kraut lol But pastrami or roast beef on Irish soda bread would be amazing. When I made it, I used caraway seed and raisins for mine.
1 mo ago
Classic is always nice. Irish Soda bread uses baking soda as the levening agent instead of yeast. It comes out much denser and darker, it is not the usual bread for it but it makes amazing reubens.
1 like
1 mo ago
Way to go on joining us in the bread baking club, have fun learning more and more stuff. Should get an Irish soda bread recipe and try that out. Make sure you get a recipe with raisins and caraway.
1 like
5 mos ago
Not me, I use adblock
6 mos ago
it is always active, just the bulk of roleplayers are horny on main so they are in private :P


I am a big country boy with a love for all things country, cars and cooking. I am easy going so if you look me up feel free to drop a message, I don't bite.


Most Recent Posts

Updated the deck list to add Ben Kei OTK

Btw, you can add your CS to the character tab, Double
I will put them up on the conclave, go to shared decks.
Name: Kushida Giden
Age: 15
Occupation: High School Student
Deck: Max Bishbaalkin
Physical Appearance: Tall Lanky build with giant spiky red hair and brown eyes, usually in shorts and a t shirt
Biography: Playing Duel Monsters since he was 6, he had gotten quite fond of it. As he reaches his teenage years and gets serious with competitive duels, he finds the game he loved becoming a crime with more and more organized crime bosses using it as a way of making money and taking out rivals. Not being one to just give up on something he loved, he decided to continue playing despite it being illegal. Getting together with his friends he continued playing in private, word getting around about their friendly duels he finds himself becoming the host to a tournament on a regular basis.
Additional Info(Optional): Having become so good at it, he turned his love of playing to a small time business, building decks for people that wish to try their hand at playing but having no knowledge of how to build. His deck of choice is a chaos max Bishbaalkin deck with a base deck of Blue Eyes.
Name: Kushida Giden
Age: 15
Occupation: High School Student
Deck: Max Bishbaalkin
Physical Appearance: Tall Lanky build with giant spiky red hair and brown eyes, usually in shorts and a t shirt
Biography: Playing Duel Monsters since he was 6, he had gotten quite fond of it. As he reaches his teenage years and gets serious with competitive duels, he finds the game he loved becoming a crime with more and more organized crime bosses using it as a way of making money and taking out rivals. Not being one to just give up on something he loved, he decided to continue playing despite it being illegal. Getting together with his friends he continued playing in private, word getting around about their friendly duels he finds himself becoming the host to a tournament on a regular basis.
Additional Info(Optional): Having become so good at it, he turned his love of playing to a small time business, building decks for people that wish to try their hand at playing but having no knowledge of how to build. His deck of choice is a chaos max Bishbaalkin deck with a base deck of Blue Eyes.
Just tested it out, it will be perfect for the rp.
After getting the program, they have something called the conclave, you can post it on there.
Duel Monsters has been banned throughout the world after people have shown they cannot control themselves with the most powerful cards. As is the way with many people, ban something they love and enjoy they will go outlaw and move into the underground to continue what they wish to do.

Kushida Giden, a sophomore in high school, has been running an underground dueling league. As he gets a following it doesn't take long to find others like him. As the tournaments get bigger and bigger he finds more people wishing for structure to see who can call themselves champion of the tournaments week to week. The tournaments getting bigger and bigger as the weeks proceed, he finds that behind the scenes people are trying to muscle in on his space and he finds himself needing some back up. Getting involved in criminal activities brings real criminals into the mix and causes him to get wrapped up in shadow duels against his will.

This RP requires the use of The Dawn of a New Era version of YGO Pro. You may create your own deck if you wish but it will be reviewed first before it will be allowed. The decks I have setup can be downloaded as soon as you get the program downloaded. Decks go as follows.

Ben Kei OTK
Buster Surgery
Maha Vailo
Max Bishbaalkin
Thunder Dragon

Once your deck is chosen you must stick with it.

Rules for in RP duels will go as follows.
1 Normal summon up to 5 special summons per turn(Does not include Pendulum summons, those count as 1 summon)
Unless the duel calls for a dominating defeat, try to limit your OTK/FTK wins
When creating a deck if you choose to go that route, no banned cards allowed.
Tournament winners are allowed to change up to 5 cards in their deck after the win but the base deck must remain what you started with.

I will be adding more decks to this list so be on the lookout.

Was going to make this a large group RP but small can work, if we get a large group, great but we will have some storyline fights so we could see more decks being used.

Character Sheet

Physical Appearance:
Additional Info(Optional):
In Gif the User 3 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum

As long as it isn't top tier meta you can run it.
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