Avatar of Vampiretwilight


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4 days ago
Current sorry to all of my rp partners for the slow posts. been distracted irl. i will post soon.
7 days ago
7 days ago
14 days ago
I'm up for an arranged marriage rp if anyone is interested in one.
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I joined 5 years ago now.

I enjoy pm rps, if anyone is interested. but I will do thread rps too.

I am into otome games. I enjoy rock music. I like reading.

My time zone is: EST

My fav. colors are: red, blue, pink, white, and black.

I am open for any rps.
However, I am not into rps that are strictly nation, horror, apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic, superhero, military, or sci-fi.
But I MAY give them a shot if they are mixed with another genre, like romance for example.

Most Recent Posts

I like popcorn.
Elizabeth blinked. She sniffed the air a bit.

James chuckled.
"I know."

Eric tripped on the stairs.

Angel shrugged.
"I was invited and i didn't have the heart to say no."
Elizabeth blinked. She sniffed the air a bit.

James chuckled.
"I know."

Eric tripped on the stairs.

Angel shrugged.
"I was invited and i didn't have the heart to say no."
Elizabeth nodded.
"thank you. I understand."

eric went upstairs to rest.

angel followed him. she sipped the drink that was ordered for her.

james shook his head no.
Eric muttered his thanks, but then he sneezed again. He suddenly felt dizzy. He started to leave the ballroom, heading for the staircase. He didn't feel too good.

Angel shrugged.
"I suppose."
She looked to be a lonely young lady.

James shrugged.
"a surprise."
He got to work.

Elizabeth shrugged. Then, she shook her head no.
Angel shrugged
"I suppose so."

Elizabeth shrugged.
"whenever she is ready."

James led her into the kitchens and got out some food and such.

Eric blinked. He managed a nod. Then, he suddenly sneezed.
I watched totally spies years ago.
I have dark brown hair.
Eric nodded.
"That's good."

Angel took a breath.
"Far from here. The ocean region to the east."

James chuckled slightly and nodded. He took her to the kitchens.

Elizabeth smiled a bit and nodded. She leaned against him.
Elizabeth kissed him back.

Angel nodded.
"oh, um, thank you."

James nodded.
"of course."

"This one lasts about a month or so."
Eric told her.
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