Avatar of Vampiretwilight


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4 days ago
Current sorry to all of my rp partners for the slow posts. been distracted irl. i will post soon.
8 days ago
8 days ago
15 days ago
I'm up for an arranged marriage rp if anyone is interested in one.
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I joined 5 years ago now.

I enjoy pm rps, if anyone is interested. but I will do thread rps too.

I am into otome games. I enjoy rock music. I like reading.

My time zone is: EST

My fav. colors are: red, blue, pink, white, and black.

I am open for any rps.
However, I am not into rps that are strictly nation, horror, apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic, superhero, military, or sci-fi.
But I MAY give them a shot if they are mixed with another genre, like romance for example.

Most Recent Posts

Alexander blinked. He froze when he watched the boy and the cat. He heard him call him sister. He didn't know what to think now and he almost started to blush when Isabella greeted him. He blinked again and looked at her.
"oh, um, hello."
He sniffed the air a bit.
"oh, you must be one of the vampires I smelled."

Peter and Marigold watched too.
Peter and marigold nodded.
"Take your time. We're not going anywhere."

Alexander was still with the cat. He was smiling. He had not felt peace like that in a long time.
Peter nodded. He managed to calm marigold down.
"vampires are naturally jealous and possessive of what is theirs. Please be careful."

Marigold looked at Peter. She rested her head against him.

Alexander kept petting the cat. Either way, he was a sucker for cats. 'If only I could meet a female of my kind this sweet'he thought.
Marigold narrowed her eyes.

Peter sighed.
"Um, I don't think she is intimidated like you think she is."

Alexander smiled at the cat. He could have sworn she was familiar to him.
Alexander continued to pet the cat. For some reason, he felt connected to the animal. maybe they met before? he wondered.

peter and marigold sighed.
Peter took a breath.
"I am peter. The overprotective female is marigold....my mate."

Marigold nodded.
"pleased....to meet...you?"
She bit her lip. She was trying to be nice.

Alexander blinked. He suddenly chuckled a bit.
"hey! That tickles."
He bent down to pet the cat.
Peter blinked. He raised an eyebrow.
Marigold was doing the same thing.

Alexander hesitantly held out his hand towards the cat.
Peter nodded. Marigold nodded as well but more slowly. She blinked when she finally noticed the cats. Peter took a deep breath.
"Marigold, calm down."
He took his hand back. Marigold frowned.

Alexander blinked. He looked at the cat that had approached him.
"oh, um, hello."
He didn't know what to do now.
Peter nodded. He sniffed the air again a bit.
"Vampire, I am right?"

Marigold sniffed the air a bit too, but kept a tight hold on his hand.

Alexander stepped closer, but kept to the shadows for a bit. He was close enough to be made out if one looked.
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