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migraines got me afk, better today, hopefully back soon
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𝐃𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭


Fist met tree, over and over, harder and faster, each punch taking Duncan further away from the funeral and all that had preceded it. Or that had been the plan, anyhow; by the time his fist punched through to the other side, entire arm sinking into the hole he'd made without a tinge of pain, he realized his usual method of stress relief had been rendered practically useless by his new body. So, shit.

Duncan stepped away from the abused tree, taking a long drag on his cigarette. He knew he was supposed to preserve the last few he had, but if having to bury your dead friend wasn't grounds for a relapse, he didn't know what the hell was. This was his second since the funeral, and at this rate, he'd need a third soon.

He blew out smoke and stared at the tree. Right. So, now what? Was he just going leave it like that? He hadn't exactly set out to make firewood, but since he'd sort of started beating this thing up, he might as well. Somehow. Would he be able to grab the tree by the hole and just... tear it in two? But then it'd be in two pieces instead of one, and that didn't really fucking help with anything. Holy shit, even with all his strength, he really was useless.

... Maybe he'd see if he could find a boulder and make an axe out of it or something. Truth be told, Duncan hadn't really thought about what he set out to do when he'd left camp earlier. The entire point of his violence against the local flora had kind of been to not have to think for a bit. To occupy himself with anything else than the shit that had happened or the shit he should've been doing. Like... thanking Asahi for trying, relentlessly, to save Yuki, despite being... Duncan shuddered, remembering what he'd seen in Asahi's head. He wasn't sure what to make of the guy, but snake or no, at least he'd been useful. Duncan? He couldn't even bring himself to go back and check up on Yukiko and Daisuke.

Or — and that was the one task he dreaded the most — talk with Haruko. He probably had to apologize, which sucked, because she probably wanted to comfort him, and he really didn't want to be comforted right now. But he couldn't exactly keep avoiding her, either. She very rarely asked him for anything, and the few things she'd asked of him yesterday, to talk things through with Shun and to save Sasuke and Yuki, he'd failed. Shun was nowhere to be found and probably wolfbear food at this point, he'd nearly killed Sasuke, and Yuki was like ten feet underground.

"You’re not the sorta guy to just avoid talking about this after, right?"

He was.

... Right. Time to see if he could tear a tree in two. Duncan bit down on the cig, cracked his neck, took a step forward and— was interrupted by a familiar voice, reminding him how useless what he was about to do was.

"You think I don't know that?" he snapped, turning to face Rin, but she was already continuing as if he'd said nothing at all. Apparently, she wanted to build a tower.

"What," the question came out so flat it was more a statement. When he continued, he eyed her almost wearily. "Why? For... scouting purposes, or something? To see what's out there, right? 'Cause we ain't gonna be building a place to stay. We can't stay here."

He doubted that was what she meant, but the thought alone made him nauseous. He refused to live near Yuki's grave. Refused to be reminded of him day in and out. He wanted home. Back to...

Come to think of it, he didn't exactly have a lot to return to, huh.

Another drag, this time longer, contemplative, and then he let his shoulders sag. "... I'll help. Getting bored of doing nothing, anyway."
In SPIRITUM 6 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In SPIRITUM 6 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Am fine with Discord too, yeah.

Probably easier to figure out relationships there, but I know I'd at least be hoping for someone to be a particularly close friend to Silje. Maybe the first one she made during training? Someone she can fuss over, listen to at the end of the way, bother endlessly, you know, the works.

Maybe someone she'd try to teach a thing or two about Mist, too? Whether because the other party asked her to, or because she dictated they need the help. She might not be entirely helpful.

Will mull over more stuff once we got our crew in.
In SPIRITUM 6 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Half asleep but done, edited the full sheet into the previous post!
In SPIRITUM 6 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Will have to finish tomorrow, sickness been stealing most of my time oop, but I do gots a wip. If something does seem off so far though, lmk.

Edit: done yooo

In SPIRITUM 6 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Realized I got a few questions re: magic!

So I'm going for a more destructive angle with my Battlemage, in a "point her at a direction and it goes boom" sort of way, but unsure what the powerscale for magic like that would be, or how specialized a typical Battlemage is. Like are they more focused on their own niches, or is it typical for a Battlemage to supplement their main focus with other spells (like, say, a d&d wizard)? And if someone's main focus was to cause destruction, what scale would we be talking?

I'm cool with anything, just don't wanna take her in a completely different direction than intended!
In SPIRITUM 6 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Probably gonna go for a Battlemage angle for a change, since I rarely do. Or make something up. Anyway, should be able to work on a sheet this weekend.
Hope I didn't do too much at the end there btw, can edit the last bit down if needed.
Late but finally done, will add colour to make it look all spiffy later, getting late. Lmk if anything needs fixin'!

𝐃𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭


This was exactly what Duncan had wanted to avoid. The reason he'd left well before anyone else awoke, why he'd dedicated himself to digging deeper and deeper with no regard for depth reached or time spent. Why, when he'd heard someone's footsteps come close enough to his grave-digging site to hear him were he to speak, he'd kept going and pretended he wasn't aware of their presence instead.

He'd wanted to avoid feeling... this.

Duncan's fist was clenched so tightly the dirt within threatened to turn to dust. He was shaking, tall form resembling a tree being whipped about by a storm. Ironic, because there really was a storm, only it raged inside him. Anger, sadness, fear, memories of Yuki, of his mother, of life and death and how there really was such a fucking thin line separating the two. He wanted to punch something - someone, his father, a monster, a wall, himself, Yuki for fucking dying on him, but he knew he could do none of that. Knew that even punching a wall meant shattering the shelter the others had painstakingly scraped together. He was envious of Daisuke for that; for getting to punch something and being able to feel himself bleed.

Daisuke was here now, and Duncan couldn't bear to look at him, much less at Maki or god forbid, Haruko — if she realized he was about to cry, it'd destroy her. She was too kind for her own good like that.

It was okay, though, because he wouldn't cry. He wasn't a goddamn kid.

Throughout the ceremony Duncan hadn't really known what to do, where to look, what to say, where to keep his hands. It wasn't the kind of funeral he was used to, and not just because they were - or, well, had been - in Japan. He doubted funerals were quite like this there, either. But by the end, once the chanting had ended and the last fingers of smoke started to fade, he finally knew what he was supposed to be doing. It was up to him to seal the ceremony off. To seal Yuki underground, forever.

All he had to do was shovel dirt and not cry. That was it. How simple was that?

Duncan took a step closer, feeling rows upon rows of eyes on his back. He might've imagined them; he doubted anyone was paying attention to him when their dead classmate was right there. Maybe Hiroshi would, it felt like he was always watching, but that fucking creep wasn't here. Man... why couldn't it be him in the hole?

If they didn't get back home, wouldn't they all eventually end up—

Duncan threw the fistful of dirt onto Yuki as gracefully as he could muster, which wasn't very. Then, before he could think too much, he dug his hands into the pile of dirt next to the grave and threw in two fistfuls more. Then another two, and another. The others would join him soon, probably, but if they didn't, that was fine too. He'd fill the grave with the same vigor he'd dug it, and leave no room for any other thought.
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