Avatar of vietmyke


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12 mos ago
It is certainly not 'optimal', but it *is* doable, depending on what you want to do with it. You could go swords or valor bard and play them more like a warrior with some magical ability
1 yr ago
One might say your villain arc has begun. Embrace it.
1 yr ago
Man do I love watching the circus


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@Mercenary Lord Oh hallo, good to see you too.

@Lovejoy, for your perusing, my own submission. Seemed like no one went the classic mage archetype, so I went and made one.
Interesting.. will need to do some extensive reading, but I may submit a character for this, if its not closed off to new characters that is
Back from my trip. Will be putting up a cs later
Collab with @Alias

Kast's Freighter

"So Mr. Bounty Hunter, how are you going to find our Jedi?"

"Feet off the console." replied Kast absentmindedly as he peered over his holopad. The girl reluctantly complied, though offered him a tongue as a response.

While Kast sat in his cockpit, when he was sure of a relatively simple and safe flight, he often left control of the freighter in the hands of his droid pilot OOM. In times like these, where he was sent off to find and if necessary capture a Jedi with little to no preparation, it was useful to have someone to fly for him, so he could concentrate on more important things, like coming up with a plan. Jedi, while a rare breed, often operated similarly to one another, they each had some code of honor, and adhered to a sense of good and morality. That made them easy to find, and similarly easy to exploit- at least in the short term. Jedi could be crafty, and their skill in combat was something to be careful of. The Jedi temple- the primary learning place of the Jedi in Coruscant had been sacked and converted into the old Emperor's personal palace for the better part of a few decades by this point, which meant the Jedi he encountered nowadays always had differing levels of experience and skill with the lightsaber and the force. That gray area of skill made predicting just how powerful a Jedi was difficult. Kast responded to that simply- he'd overprepare if necessary and be ready to shut down the Jedi with as much force as he could.

Unfortunately, having to capture the Jedi rather than straight up killing him made shutting him down a much more daunting task, and Kast would have to prepare properly. His right arm gauntlet sported a rocket launcher with Type-12B stun rockets and blaster, while the left sported a dart launcher and whipcord launcher. Sonic grenades would come in handy, and the Magnaguards a potentially useful asset as well.

"Hellooo? Are you going to answer me?" Loretta prodded him again, annoyed with his silence. Kast offered her a passing glance, the polarized T-visor scanning over her for a moment before returning to his weapons.

"Finding the Jedi is simple. Bringing him back with us is the challenge." Kast replied curtly.

"That doesn't answer my question." Loretta pointed out, scowling.

"So? You're a tag-along, and I'm not your mentor. I'm getting paid to find the Jedi and bring him to paradise, not to teach you how to do my job."

Ilos City Slums

The sudden slamming of a door alerted Tez's attention in the back alleys of Ilos. Seemed the Jedi managed to stay relatively close during the blind hunt, somehow. Striding through the winding streets, Tez spied an isolated building which seemed to fit the bill of some sort of safehouse. If he was a betting man, this was where Sola'nuga had holed himself up in. Seemed the Gunjack supplier didn't have time to rally any kind of security detail. Probably hadn't had to use this safehouse in a while. The Jedi approached the door, trying to find some way of opening it without making much of an entrance. Seemed to be sealed pretty tight and would require his lightsaber to cut through. As the lightsaber emitted and hummed, he pushed it through the security door, slowly but surely creating his own entrance.

While he knew this gave the Twi'Lek time to hide, it certainly wouldn't be enough when Tez could finally make his way inside. So much for not making an entrance... Eventually, Tez had cut a big enough circle to be pushed into. As the newly made disc of metal slammed into the floor, the Jedi winced at the noise he created. "Poodoo..." He thought as his plan went right out of the window. As the blue glow of his saber dimly lit up the room, Tez began his search of the safehouse. Focusing his mind, he listened out for any kind of signal. Breathing, footsteps... any kind of clue.

Stepping into the safehouse, Tez found himself face to face with the Gunjack dealer, Sola'nuga, blaster in hand, body tensed, and sprawled on the floor. His face was slack and eyes glazed over, and Tez didn't need an expert opinion to know that the blaster hole in his back, subtle wisps of smoke still rising, meant that he was dead.

To either side of the dead Gunjack dealer was a set of stairs, culminating at a balcony that overlooked the rest of the foyer. Standing at the balcony, illuminated by the blue glow of Tez's lightsaber, along with spotty beams of sun creaking through shoddily boarded up windows stood Kast, fully armored and arms crossed.

"A dozen dead black market traffickers, disrupted slave auction, and a Gunjack dealer. You certainly know how to make your presence known, Jedi." the bounty hunter spoke, his low voice slightly digitized by the speakers in his helmet.

Tez looked up at the newcomer. It was clearly obvious just by looking at the man's armor and what visible equipment he could make out that this was a bounty hunter. Tez just couldn't get a break today. He kept his lightsaber on but idle by his waist.

"My reputation clearly precedes me." The Jedi replied. "I appreciate your handiwork here..." He complimented, gesturing to the deceased Twi'lek. "But I have a funny feeling he isn't your target. Is that correct?" He asked calmly.

"Surprisingly astute observation." Kast said dryly, shifting his weight slightly, changing his posture, though keeping his arms crossed. "You are correct, Novacore. I'm not here for drug dealer. I'm here for you."

As if on cue, the corners of the room to Tez's left and right light up with a purple glow, followed by a low hum and the crackling of electricity. A Magnaguard stood on each corner, weapons lit, but not leveled at the Jedi. Likewise, the droids didn't move, they merely stood there, almost as unmoving as statues, their staves held vertically in one hand.

"My employer would like to speak with you." the mandalorian stated plainly. "He calls it an olive branch."

Tez looked over his shoulders, acknowledging and making a note of the location of the revealed Magnaguards. It was clear that this bounty hunter did his research. Not that bounty hunters were an entirely new concept to the Jedi, but it seemed that he wouldn't be a shoe-in if it came to a fight either. However, what was intriguing was that this did not seem to be a contract to kill.

"If it doesn't break your skewed sense of honor..." Tez began, making it clear his disdain for scoundrels, criminals and bounty hunters alike. "May I ask who offers this invitation?"

"The Golden Exchange." Kast replied plainly. Whether he noticed nor cared about the Jedi's tone seemed not to effect his low, practically flat voice. "My bosses deal in information and things of value; and it appears that you are someone of value to them."

The Jedi grunted at the mention of the Exchange. A fabled "neutral" zone for Criminals and Imperials alike. He sometimes wondered just how long such a place could exist. Although, it seemed to be acheiving it's purpose so far and Tez was no fool as to mess with it's operations or those who run it either.

Tez didn't want to risk it. He could not be so dim-witted as to trust a Bounty Hunter's word. On the other hand, the odds were not exactly in his favor. Magnaguards were tricky opponents, not to mention the difficulty added with a trained assassin in the mix. He sighed and shut off his Lightsaber as a sign of good faith.

"I do not believe I'm in a position to decline this invitation." He admitted with a sigh. "If you'd like to show me to your ship?"

Kast relaxed, only slightly, though his caution was kept high. Jedi were always tricky to deal with, and their lightsabers were fast and deadly. Not impossible to beat, but not a surefire victory in any situation. He turned his head slightly, the corner of his visor still visible to the Jedi's eyes, and beckoned to a figure hidden in the shadows behind him. Out from the shadows came a cloaked figure- shorter than most, and beneath the hood was a young face, blonde, and less than two decades old. As she appeared, the Magnaguards straightened even more, and took a small step forward.

The two walked down the steps, though Kast made sure to keep a large berth from the Jedi. If trickery came to play, distance was Kast's greatest ally. He beckoned to the Jedi to follow him. Generally, Jedi were an honest folk, almost painfully so, and typicall kept their word.

"Watch your step." Kast commented, gesturing towards a pair of sonic detonators sitting next to the threshold of the door, a third attached to the dead twi'lek's boot.

The YV-929 Freighter- only occasionally called a scrap heap by Kast, was essentially an armored brick that flew through space, sporting enough enough weaponry to ward off smaller pirates, but not big enough to hold enough cargo to entice larger, more enterprising groups. The ship was rather mundane, most people be they Imperial Remnant, New Republic, freelancer or otherwise rarely paid it more attention than a mere passing glance.

Kast had 'obtainted' the ship several years back, and had since converted it into a rudimentary mobile base of operations. The ship originally had a 'salon parlor' underneath the cockpit, designed to house diplomats and non-crew passengers, though Kast had converted into a basic medical center, fit with a small surgery suite, and a bacta tank.

Of the ship's two large cargo areas, one had been converted into a multipurpose living area, a long table sat against one wall for all work/hard surface related needs, though instead of seats small crates of about sitting level were positioned around it. A second table and some shelving units were strewn with all maner of mechanical parts, spare blaster pistols, rifles, weapon parts, tools, and various canisters of different fluids populated its surface along with the remains of a half-eaten meal.

Memorabilia populated the living area: various helmets, a few republic, a few imperial, and a mandalorian helmet, some with shattered visors, scorch marks or blaster holes in them. A loop with half a dozen imperial dogtags sat on a crate, and in a sealed ray-shielded wall display sat a pair of lightsaber hilts, as well as a double-bladed hilt.

"Try not to touch anything." Kast commented as he took a seat on one of the crates. "OOM, take us to Paradise."

Tez looked around his surroundings, analysing every detail of the ship and section he could. As the blonde woman and the guards also boarded the ship. The internals of the freighter had clearly been repurposed. As Tez heeded the Manadlorian's warning, his attention was drawn away from his search to find a place to meditate as he saw the helmets, tags and... no way...

The Jedi walked over to the ray-shielded wall, looking at the hilts on display. He closed his eyes and exhaled, feeling the remnants of their original owners linger through the Force. Seemed this hunter wasn't your average gunslinger. Not angry, but rather somber at the fact, he decided to at least mention it to his new host.

"Trophies?" He asked, jabbing his thumb at the wall.

"Memories." Kast responded, though the difference between the two was slim. "Two of the toughest fights of my life. Three of the most lucrative."

"The third one wasn't a Jedi, or was a piss poor one. Never seen a Jedi with slaves before." Kast remained on his crate, though he wouldn't turn his back to the Jedi, he didn't get up to shoo the Jedi away from the case either. Kast shot a look at Loretta, who stood quietly in the corner, sneaking glances at the Jedi whenever she felt he wasn't looking,

Tez nodded at the Bounty Hunter's explanation. At the end of the day, it was no reason to start a confrontation about. This was the Outer Rim, and Tez realized that if the Mandalorian REALLY wanted to, Tez's own lightsaber could be part of that wall. As the ship fired up and began it's journey to Paradise, the Jedi waited until the ship levelled out.

"Please excuse my rudeness. I would like to take this moment for meditation." The Jedi said, trying not to upset his host. Even though the woman kept trying to discretely look at Tez like some sort of exhibit, he ignored this and found a space on the floor where he sat down, crossed his legs and close his eyes. The Jedi felt serene and calm in this state as he controlled his breathing and focused his mind.
Throwing my hat into the Imperial camp. A stormtrooper commander for @Enalais's remnants

Mid-Level: Traders Hub

"Feke Kast, you arming yourself or a small army?" the rodian arms dealer swore as he scanned a holopad with a list of Kast's necessary materials.

"Funny." Kast replied, unamused. Opening up the briefcase, he handed off not an insubstantial chunk of money to the rodian. The arms dealer examined a few of the credit chips- even going so far as to bit on one, wincing as his teeth clattered against the hard metal. Seemingly content with the quality of the credits he had just acquired, he began casually stacking them on his desk as he made a call with his comm link.

"Alright Kast, your supplies are being delivered to your ship now, try not do die- better for business."
Mid Level

Kast strode through the corridors of Paradise with practiced ease- he had spent enough time on this ship between bounties that he was used to the different corridors. As he walked, he heard a few other groups of people idly gossiping about a Star destroyer that had warped in and fired on the station. Strange enough, as Kast had heard not felt any disturbances. Though he did notice a larger than normal concentration of Imperial remnants walking through the ship corridors- presumably on leave.

Kast always found it interesting how many Imperials and New Republic personnel visited the Paradise. While Republic presence wasn't particularly strong in this sector, it wasn't unheard of to see them walking around on the Paradise. Interactions between the two groups varied wildly. Most of the time it was tense, their animosity leading to different groups staying far away from one another. But Kast had also seen groups of soldiers mingling and laughing at one of the Paradise's bars. It would appear that for some, being a grunt was being a grunt, no matter which side you were on. Kast didn't particularly care enough to find out why the two groups occasionally mingled, but it was interesting observation nonetheless.

Kast was brought back to the present by the sight of a young blonde girl approaching him, a pair of IG-100 Magnaguards in tow. On a ship like Paradise, such security was unheard for outsiders, meaning that this must've been someone who belonged to the Golden Exchange. However, even Golden Exchange personnel rarely warranted the security of two dangerous, expensive Magnaguards. The girl looked nothing like the Paradise's security chief, Ballick. Logic reasoned that this was probably someone close to Koren.

"Zaheed Kast? I've been looking for you." the girl said, her voice barely managing to contain some measure of excitement. "Loretta Graeff, I have a job for you."

"Graeff." Kast said plainly. He was right, the girl was someone of importance, though he wasn't expecting the young Graeff herself. Kast had never seen the girl, nor had he heard much about her. Just as well, Koren wasn't the type to let out that much information about one of his own- that would just be inviting exploitation, something someone in the information business probably wasn't too keen on. "What's the job, and how's the pay?"

Loretta giggled, "Details of the job are confidential, Mr. Kast, information is power, no matter how small it is. You're finding someone for me. Pay is 40,000 now, and another 60,000 when you bring him here."

Kast drew himself straighter and crossed his arms, his eyes narrowing behind the polarized faceplate of his helmet. He didn't like working without all the details of a job, and 120,000 was a big number for just a simple job. Taking his stance as a sign of hostility, one of the Magnaguards took a protective step forward, stepping in front of its charge. Kast glowered at the droid, though with little effect- droids, at least Magnaguards weren't to be intimidated.

"I don't work without details." Kast said finally, "I'm not some trigger you pay to pull when you want someone dead. I need more to go on. Otherwise, you're better off hiring some brainless grunt downstairs."

Loretta sighed exasperatedly, "You're not killing anyone, Mr. Kast. You're finding someone that my father is interested in, and bringing him back to the Paradise."


"A Jedi." Loretta finally admitted, though she seemed more eager to admit it than Kast expected. The answer wasn't one Kast had entirely expected. He had heard rumors of a Jedi making his rounds through Hutt Space, killing a couple nameless drug dealers or other lowlife scumbags. He didn't actually believe the rumors though, it was easy for people to blame the deaths of their competition on Jedi- few people in Hutt Space liked Jedi, but even fewer had the guts to actually go after one. Jedi, with their force powers were notoriously difficult to fight against, to top it off, they were fast, deadly, and seemed to deflect blaster bolts with ease. Kast had faced down a Jedi or two before, but it wasn't a particularly glorious experience. Fights were sporadic and messy at best, and required careful planning ahead of time. Taking a Jedi into custody alive was an even bigger challenge, as they could overcome simple restraints with ease. That explained why she was offering 100,000 credits.

"Why does Koren Graeff need me to capture him a Jedi? I thought he remained neutral in all activities." Kast questioned, still too suspicious of the current circumstances to accept right away.

"You're not capturing him," Loretta explained, "You're... Extending an olive branch with him, a chance for him to learn and experience something... more."

"And?" Kast prodded, "What if he doesn't want this olive branch?"

"Then you capture him."

Kast was silent for a moment. Weighing his options. On the one hand, he wasn't exactly short of credits- having just finished a bounty mission of his own. At the same time, he was a regular here on Paradise. Being in Koren Graeff's good books could lead to better opportunities, and being liked by your host was never a bad thing. If the encounter with the Jedi came down to capturing him, Kast would be the first individual since Jabba the Hutt's very brief imprisonment of Luke Skywalker himself to have a Jedi in captivity. Kast also remembered how badly that went for the Hutt. He'd heard the rumors, ship shot down by the Sarlaac pit.

"Fine. I'll do it." Kast finally relented. A Jedi was a challenge he hadn't faced in a while, and the credits were hard to turn down, no matter how flush he was.

"Excellent!" Loretta said excitedly, pushing a button and wiring 40,000 credits to Kast's personal account on the Paradise. "Which way to your ship?"

"What?" Kast replied, dumbfounded. "Why would you need to know?"

"Because I'm coming with you obviously," Loretta replied, as though this had been thoroughly explained.

"Absolutely not." Kast said resolutely, turning on his heel and walking away. Much to his chagrin, Loretta followed him, her Magnaguards in tow. From the Mid-Level, to the turbo-lifts, to the security check, waiting for Kast to re-equip his not insubstantial supply of weapons, all the way to Kast's freighter in the hangar. All the while insisting that Kast bring her along and ignoring his increasingly irate pleas for her to go back.

Standing outside the entrance to his freighter, Kast finally stopped and turned around. "What ever gave you the indication that I would allow a tourist to follow me around on a bounty?" the now fully armed bounty hunter asked, arns crossed, fists balled.

"Because if you do, I'll put in a good word with my father..." Loretta started, Kast cocked his head, unconvinced. "and... I'll wire an extra 15,000 credits."

Kast looked at her for a moment before turning away and opening the door to his freighter. "15,000 credits isn't worth getting in deep shit with Graeff for getting his precious little daughter hurt."

"If you dont!" Loretta snapped, her voice raising slightly, "I'll tell my father you pulled a blaster on me in the hangar. You'll never be welcome back here again."

Kast paused. While normally, such a threat would be insubstantial, it was a threat that Loretta Graeff of all people could feasibly pull off. Observation in the hangar was spotty at best, and in the end, there were several bounty hunters like Kast, the Paradise wouldn't be missing any real business from him. Whether or not Koren Graeff believed his daughter, Kast had the most to lose in any situation. If Koren didn't believe the younger Graeff, the worse she'd get is a slap on the wrist. If he did believe her, Kast's days would conceivably be numbered unless he took his leave of Hutt Space. While there was definitely business other places in the Galaxy, Hutt Space had the most conflicting parties- making it so much easier to remain neutral in most affairs, which Kast valued.

He slowly turned to face the smug young girl, arms crossed, Magnaguards at the ready. "20,000." he said finally. The girl rolled her eyes but nodded. "20,000." She agreed, pushing a button on her holopad. Kast's own holopad dinged, another 20,000 into his personal account on the Paradise.

"Fine. You can come."

"Great!" Loretta said happily, her voice returning to its youthful eagerness. "Come on Ix, Ion." She said to her Magnaguards, and quickly traipsed her way onto Kast's ship, her magnaguards slowly marching along behind her. Kast stood outside his ship, still dumbfounded.

"Uh. Boss! There are intruders on the ship!" came the whiny robotic voice of OOM, echoing out of the ship.

"They're coming with us OOM." Kast replied with a sharp bark. "Clear some space."

"Roger, roger."

"What am I getting myself into?" Kast said aloud, as he turned and slowly trudged onto his ship.

Present! Working on a gunner or an EXO soldier. Haven't decided yet

Looking up from his seat at the booth, Kast noticed the pretty torguta looking at him. He gave her a slight nod and lifted his own glass to match hers. He held eye contact for a moment before he returned to his drink. An interesting pair, the torguta and her companion. Was the large one a bodyguard, or just a friend? He logged the pair in his mind, the large one would be a dangerous foe, or an interesting ally, would've been useful on his last bounty, but then again, that would've involved splitting the profit. They probably weren't there to talk shop though, as another mandalorian- at least, Kast assumed by his armor, took a seat by the pair, blocking his vision of the torguta. He wasn't too surprised.

Mandalorians, as few and far between as they were, were drawn to places of conflict- or at least the warrior types among their kind were. So it wasn't surprising to find a second one in Hutt Space. It was when the third Mandalorian strode through the bar did Kast's eyebrows finally raise. They scaled and studded armor, a Neo Crusader of clan Fist. Last Kast had heard, they were all dead, so either this one was particularly tenacious, or it was someone wearing stolen and looted armor. The previous mandalorian's armor was clean and shiny, new, at least relative to his. Kast noticed no tell-tale markings indicating a clan, nor were the colors recognizable.

Three Mandalorians in a bar sounded like the start to a bad joke, so Kast downed his drink and placed the glass down on the table. One hand grabbed the breifcase under his feet, and the other grabbed the lip of his helmet. Knowing Volk, Kast might find work sooner than he thought. Pulling on his helmet with a single hand, and sealing it to his suit, Kast made his way out of the bar, breifcase in hand.

Mid-Level: Trader's Hub

While Paradise was for the most part, a resort, a large number of traders often stopped at Paradise. Paradise, due to its neutrality and safety was a popular stopping spot for traders and cargo runners, and while they did most of their trade at their final destination, it wasn't uncommon for from some of them to offload some of their goods here as well. Most traders of repute liked stopping off at the mid levels, so that was where Kast was headed. In particular Kast was stopping off at one of Volk's contacts: Renn, an arms dealer.

In Kast's field of working, weapons, extra weapons, and spare weapons were never a poor purchase. Some of Kast's more exotic weapons were expensive to buy ammunition for. Luckily for him, working with Volk landed Kast a rather secure connections to people who just so happened to provide for enterprising mercenaries. Renn didn't carry any of his materials with him- there was no way Paradise security would let traders offload their goods onto the ship unless it was for the ship itself, too many people and too much material would be going through those security scanners, making it a risk. So purchasing weapons was little more than visiting the room of a trader and striking a deal. There was a risk of being swindled, but dealers with bad reputations never lived long in the industry.

"Ah, Kast, I'd heard from Volk. Thought you show up to my neck of the woods eventually." hissed the wiry rodian arms dealer. "Come in, I don't doubt that we have much to discuss."

The room itself was one of the cheaper mid-level rooms. A desk, a nice bed, a door to a bath, and some other basic amenities. Nice quality, but not lavish. The rodian arms dealer took a seat at the desk's chair and clasped his hands together, waiting for Kast to get right to it.

"A crate of spin-sealed Tibanna cartridges for small arms, another for ship weapons, two crates of charge packs. Type-12A and B rockets, semi-guided, two dozen each." Kast began, listing off his regular supplies by memory.

"Is that all?"

I'm very sorry guys. There's no more point in beating around the bush, so I'm just going to call this closed. My time is not as open as I'd like it to be, and admittedly, I've lost a bit of my own interest regarding this RP's plot and direction. I thank everyone for their incredible patience and I apologize again.
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