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12 mos ago
It is certainly not 'optimal', but it *is* doable, depending on what you want to do with it. You could go swords or valor bard and play them more like a warrior with some magical ability
1 yr ago
One might say your villain arc has begun. Embrace it.
1 yr ago
Man do I love watching the circus


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@vietmyke Hoi, Frost! We love to see the Trogs represented.

You built what I like to call 'the indestructible troll'. Dodging is more of a suggestion for someone whose bones are titanium laced and whose skin is hardened and, frankly, is a troll. That full suit of body armor will make you feel like a god until something just as nasty as you shows up on the opposition, in which case we all hope and pray that Frosty is the one in the immediate area when things that nasty show up otherwise it will become quite gross quite fast for potential 'squishies' (read: everyone who isn't you).

Side note, there is no license on this sixth world that will legally permit you to carry an Ares Alpha, the Panther XXL, or the AM-47 Rifle. This is just so you know in case you decide to carry the Panther to a business meeting in an office building or something. On a purely joking-observation level due to the sheer size of it, the AM-47 is almost functionally an assault cannon itself and I love that for you. On a gentle nitpicking note, I'm pretty sure the current Ares Predator in 2075 is the Ares Predator V [which makes literally no difference on anything; the Ares Predator of whatever variant is always the standard go-to firearm for those with enough money to have one because Ares makes fraggin' good guns].

On a nostalgic level, I adore seeing Datajacks on non-deckers in the modern wireless world. You can now plug directly into things!...Namely your guns! For if you can't use the wireless smartgun functions! It's honestly a niche thing on tabletop, but for roleplay and narrative purposes I just love to see it. Nobody can hack or brick your eyes/guns if you're taking a few seconds to directly plug into them rather than turn their wireless connections on.

Indestructible angry troll was the name of the game 😎 Though generally smart/tactically minded enough to use concepts like cover-as her size allows, and not standing around and taking unnecessary fire.

I was pretty certain weapon licenses wouldn't cover the bigger boys- didn't know the Alpha was also off the table but that's fine too. The licenses were more for the smaller guns anyway. I figure if we're walking into a situation where Frost needs to bring the Alpha or the bigger guns, we're not necessarily caring about legality. Not that its particularly relevant for the rp, but I noticed on the wiki that the damage numbers for the AM-47 were pretty close to the Panther XXL, but I felt obligated to keep the Panther because I made a comment to @Abstract Proxy that Frost was almost certainly a cat person, and there is a joke in there somewhere about a troll and her pet cat/cannon.

I'm a bit unlearned about how matrix stuff works in shadowrun, but having spent enough time with some cybersecurity friends have made me fear basically any and all wireless networks. Closed systems all the way, forever from now until the end of time for me!
Wildfire's totally sister, here! Still working on finishing it up.

@Abstract Proxy will also be dropping a street sam 😎
In SPIRITUM 3 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Gerard Biserus

"It wasn't me this time." Galahad insisted as Morden hopped out of the back of the truck, Val not far behind him. The truck itself lifted considerably, now that Morden's weight was no longer dragging it down to earth. The two took stock of the current situation, finding it better to hurl comments from a slight distance away rather than be right up next to Justice as she handed the old Marshall her papers. "I don't think they like us much." Gerard commented idly, leaning towards the larger man with a faux conspiratorial glance. "And here I thought people had respect for the military."

Gerard watched with an amused glance as Val more or less returned to the proverbial scene of the crime, apparently unaware of what had just happened. Not that any of them made any moves to explain that to her- At least for Gerard's part, he was rather curious if things would spiral even more out of control. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately depending on the person, no more shenanigans were to happen, at least for the moment. The cashier, already sheet white and didn't offer much in the terms of words "F-four Gil."

"Tourism... Uh huh..." the old timer grunted as he flipped through the folder of papers Justice provided to him. He didn't necessarily seem convinced, but at the very least, his hand left its proximity to his pistol when his eyes confirmed that he had not just run up on a squad of AWOL WARDENs. He glanced up briefly when Kalina cut in with a bit of a snort. "Oh they've certainly been through- up and passed on by without much a care. Don't think Rupert and his fellas were too keen on chasing after them. 'Sides, any more people leave, and we won't be much of a town anymore."

"Well, looks like everything checks out. Sorry for the hold up, not a lot of us 'round these parts, so we gotta be bit cautious when folk start throwing magic around."
the old marshall finally concluded after a few minutes of pouring over documents, handing them back to Justice as he waved off the backup on the water tower. "Safe to assume ya'll be passing us by come the morn? Careful on your way up north, bullet sharks been tearin' up the ground by the 'forest."

Initial troubles aside, eventually the WARDENs were left to their own business, now free of encroaching Marshalls.

The Cloudgazer, witnessing its first bit of business in weeks- if not months probably, opened up most of the floor for them- a quartet of two bed flats, all next door to each other, though the Barghest squad had set up most of their kit in the empty parking lot, with a small portable etherium-powered fire pit, a gas grill and a collection of collapsible stools, beer cases of varying fullness, and procured cushions for seating areas. The truck sat nearby, corralling the flickering light, doors open and engine idling as music spilled out of the radio inside and over their makeshift camp. The faint smell of charcoal and lighter fluid mixed with the savory smells of meat as food roasted on the grill, and the golden afternoon sun had given way to the blue and purple of the evening sky and a cool, early autumn breeze that wasn't quite biting but just enough to warrant a jacket or sweater.

"I'm telling you- they were so fucking mad!" Gerard laughed, firelight reflecting off his glasses as he sat around the pit, in the midst of retelling a story from one of their training days. He took another swig of his beer before continuing. "Not because Morden busted through the bunker wall, but because he busted through the walls of both the team locker rooms and the instructor's observation post on his way there. Shoulda seen the look on their faces- Its miracle we weren't disqualified."

Pushing himself up to his feet, Gerard crunched the can in his hands and launched the resulting disk across the parking lot, the bit of tin clattering against the side of a trash bin, along with another some half-dozen crushed cans from earlier that night. He blinked in surprise for a moment- not entirely sure why as he felt something akin to a chill run over him. A split second later the truck and etherium fire pit shut off before flickering back to life a moment later. Lights in the motel and around in the town flickered off and on again in a strange wave before stabilizing.

Gerard was about to make a snarky remark about how broken down the town was before he saw it- before they all saw it. Nearly impossible for anyone to miss, as out of a thick layer of cloud above them fell a massive fireball. The members of Barghast squad could clearly see that it was not a magical fireball or meteor, but rather an airship falling out of the sky. The airship was huge- bigger than any Rassvet warship. The colors of the ship were hard to make out- its flag scorched and unrecognizable as everything around it was painted orange and grey by trailing fire and smoke, but it certainly seemed like a civilian liner rather than a warship, if its smooth shapes and angles, and large, probably formerly white balloon was any indication. That being said, it was rather hard to see the entire silhouette of the ship, its back half was all but missing and its sides appeared to have been peppered with holes- likely of the cannon variety- and its belly belched fire and smoke.

Passing overhead, Gerard craned his neck as he watched the massive airship continue its fiery arc across the sky, pieces of wreckage, debris, and even a few parachutes and what appeared to be escape pods broke away from it. In the relative silence of the still night, even from a far distance they could hear the echoing screams of people as they burned alive or fell off the ship- or both. The airship was rapidly losing altitude and continued to shed large chunks of itself before it smashed into the petrified badlands some dozen miles from them.

They could still see the glow of the fire and smoke from behind the craggy rocks and stone features- which glowed brighter for a moment before the ground rumbled and a explosion erupted from the location of the wreckage, the ground beneath Sapple Springs rumbling as the ship’s Mist Reactor went critical and failed.

“That didn't look like one of ours.” Gerard murmured as he pulled out his phone, his brow furrowing as he noticed that there was no signal- not even emergency lines. The radiating mist from the explosion was probably fucking with their signal- that, or something particularly sinister was afoot. "Think I saw a pod or two deploy parachutes before they got too low."
I'm gonna make a big orc or troll with a bad attitude and a big gun.

Acknowledged. Warform falling back. crackled Echo's hollow voice as the Warform began to pull away from the battlefield, it's cargo of wounded crew safely aboard despite the harsh impacts to the hull. In front of them was the battle mech, and behind them were the ZRF, so the Warform began shifting perpendicular, at least relative to their position. Alert. Main cannon damaged. Charging efficacy reduced. Alert. Warform ocular sensor damaged. Targeting efficacy reduced. Recommend. Laser targeting designation.

Had the squad been fresh, the new threat might not have been too difficult for the them to handle, but with the power armor and gunship having worn down their resources and the squad sustaining damage, they weren't in the best position. Still, they outnumbered the mech, and were already far enough away from the ZRF that they might have enough time to focus fire the target down and pull away. Or, at the very least they could disable the machine to a point that they could commit to a breakthrough. Still, with half the squad onboard the Warform, and the other in a compromised position, they still had quite a bit to do.

Acknowledged. Deploying Endoform. The scavenged weaponry from the power armor trooper was unceremoniously dumped into Echo's main hold with Kleo and Alice as the Endoform once again separated from it's main body, Taking one of the autocannons as it's primary armament for the deployment. It was tempting to send out some of the microform as well, as a distraction, but with injured onboard Echo decided keeping as many defensive weapons available to the main body was the appropriate course of action.

Leaping out of the "skull" of the Warform, the Endoform bounded back towards the fight, moving in an opposite arc as Rasch drew its fire. Without waiting for further command, the Endoform planted its feet for a moment before firing a prolonged burst from it's rotary autocannon, showering the mechanized threat with a hail of guided bio-shells at it. Without missing a beat, the Endoform picked up and scooted a few more yards before planting itself down and firing again. While it was possible that enough conctrated fire could bring the mech down, the Envenomed didn't have time for another battle of attrition. Instead of the main body, Echo primarily targeted the enemy weapon systems, seeking to render them useless.

Alert. Extended engagement inadvisable. Recommend. Tactical Retreat.
Galahad Caradoc

Galahad barely had the time to catch his footing before he felt the house beneath him start to crumple. He attempted to jump and cursed as he found himself falling rather than rising as the brute crashed through the building. There was a brief bit of chaos as Galahad found himself tumbling through the ceiling, diving to the side to dodge both oncoming body and a massive swinging mace whizzing past where his head was. Galahad grunted as he felt an armored arm impact onto his chestplate at some point during the chaotic struggle, as an arm grabbed his form and quite literally threw him out of the house.

He barely had time to collect himself and bring his halberd up as a heavy mace came crashing down on him, the haft of his halberd catching the rod of the juggernaut's weapon before the flanged mace head could cave his skull in. He felt his feet push an inch or two into the dirt from the impact as he shifted his weapon and redirected the mace to come crashing down beside him instead, getting headbutted in the face for his trouble. Luckily they were both wearing helmets as Galahad to a quick hop backwards to gain some space. Finding himself in a duel with the armored juggernaut wasn't an ideal situation, but his hefty halberd was capable of dealing with heavy armor- at least moreso than the relatively lighter weapons of his comrades. The others would have to deal with the rangers on their own then, as Galahad faced off with the larger armored man, his grip on his weapon shifting as the Juggernaut took another few hulking steps forward.

Galahad couldn't hope to overpower this man- the size and weight of his weapon were just too great, but Galahad was considerably faster as he sidestepped another downward swing of the mace, stepping within the weapon's reach as he shifted his reversed his foregrip on his halberd, choking up near the axe's head as he drove the heavy blade down against the inside of the juggernaut's elbow, feeling the steel sink into the lighter armor and catch flesh. Wrenching the weapon upwards, he tried to drive the spike on the backside of his halberd into the armored skull of the juggernaut but only managed to puncture the skin of the helmet before the Juggernaut threw him off.

Jumping back a quick few steps, Galahad gave the juggernaut little time to recover, taking the small opening to finally get himself back into the air. Leaping into the sky, Galahad waited until he reached the crest of his jump before he threw his halberd down at the juggernaut, air whipping around in a micro-sonic boom as the halberd fell from the sky and towards the Juggernaut, Galahad following its wake behind the weapon.
Awesome, take your time both of you. Lookin forward to seeing what pans out!
In SPIRITUM 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

I've been reading things and I vibe with this

y'all got a working discord link?

Here ya go
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