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*Lies in a gravestone reading 0.21*
5 yrs ago
AND I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD, posts will be coming out by the end of the week
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5 yrs ago
Been a rough week, but will get my replies out by the end of the weekend
5 yrs ago
My body has been awake for 24+ hours and I'm probably going to be awake for another 24; let's get posting
5 yrs ago
Finals are almost halfway done but oh well - slower posting due to that, back on scheduel next week
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[ UTC -8 ]

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Heavenly Steel // Black Peace
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I've really got nothing to add, but if you put up a Minky post I'd be happy to respond to it!
Looking forward to it!
I think it might be a good time to timeskip us forward to the morning yeah? Unless you'd like to keep the conversation going or there's something else you've planned for them to do tonight.

Added a new prompt, really just wanted to use this song in something since it's been stuck in my mind for a while


Saito no Kareraisu

As the trio walked toward the restaurant, Hikari rolled her eyes at Sadako, headbutting her shoulder gently. "There's never a thing like a free meal silly, or did you already forget all about that one time Sensei 'accidentally' left behind his 'secret book of notes?' Or am I remembering why we had to spend a week having class outside wrong," the blue eyed sunbeam laughed, letting the joy, nostalgia, and the slight tinge of sadness of all their years together color the mood inside her. "But I promise you my payment will be much less life threatening than what Sensei did. You just have to promise me that you'll have fun," Hikari beamed at the older girl. "Ah! But I'll make sure that you have fun too Macchi," emphasizing her point with a tight elbow squeeze.

When Sadako made a joke about her orphan status and exploded into laughter however, a small guilty shadow dimmed Hikari's eyes as she wondered once more whether she was acting the right way for her friend. After all compared to Sadako, Hikari considered her family troubles rather trivial. While there was a time where she did feel abandoned by her parents (a fact that she hated to admit) and there was a time where she intensely feared losing either or both of her parents once she understood what their professions actually once were, the worst of those times were over now. It may have taken them some time, but now Hikari had the pleasure of getting to see her parents everyday, of being able to play with them, work with them, and learn from them, even having the simple pleasure of sitting down and eating a family dinner with them (even if most of the meals made by either of her parents often fell on the side of survival rations rather than what might be typically considered a home-cooked meal).

Whenever Hikari was with Sadako (or Kyosuke, for that matter), she was never quite sure how to adapt to her, what persona she should adopt to make the other girl feel more at ease around her. All that the girl with the lonely childhood knew was that she hated it whenever anyone had pointed out her "poor, unfortunate circumstances" when she was younger, and she figured that the girl with no parents probably felt the same way judging by how hard she was trying to create a fun atmosphere. It was obviously very uncomfortable for the older girl, or at least she wasn't quite used in doing so quite just yet, but Hikari loved her for trying to do so anyway and was one of the reasons why the small, bright eyed butterfly persistently tried to befriend and remain a friend to the awkward, diligent, interesting mess of a person that stood beside her, no matter how many times Sadako tried to pull away from her. It was, after all, Hikari's duty to remind all her friends and companions that no matter what rain may drown them, no matter what darkness may envelop them, the sun will always be shining afterwards, and it was her greatest and most selfish wish to be that gentle star to everyone in her life.

And so just as quickly as the guilty shade came across her face, Hikari banished it with an even brighter smile as the trio plunged headlong into the next stage of their lives: a graduation after-party.

The excited blue sunbeam gladly took center stage among the three as they strode into Saito as her two companions metaphorically pushed her forward. It was also then of course that her bright face was replaced with a toothless smile as she had a sudden, terrible, and utterly horrible realization as she remembered she had forgotten to do two crucial things in preparation for today: give Mitsushina Suko his invitation and furthermore forgetting to tell him about the party in the first place. Before Hikari could even open her mouth, a deluge of students came pouring into the restaurant, all seeking refuge from the everpresent rain, a warm meal among friends, and staff ready to serve them.

After personally seating Sadako and Masae in places that she felt would be most comfortable for them, Hikari spent the rest of the time profusely apologizing to the Mitsushina's and attempting to help them in any way she could, even if she had to resort to being a shameful, inelegant, blubbering mess to force her way into doing so.

Break Week

After doing her best to make up for her gross negligience in party planning to the Mitsuhina's, Hikari spent the first two days hanging out with anyone she could, with one day specifically reserved to only being with (and at some points dragging along) Sadako with her on a day around the village. She had made some effort to invite Kyosuke and some other people she knew inside the orphanage while she was there, but Hikari figured that Sadako was a touch uncomfortable with larger crowds and so had done her best to ensure that the day was only for the two of them for the most part. However, that didn't stop a few others from spontaneously joining them whenever the social butterfly passed by her other friends. It also didn't stop them from consistently running into merchants, couriers, guards, and just people in general that she knew from her many ventures exploring the village, often when she was out working with her parents. Fortunately, and rather persistantly, she managed to politely wave off all the tagalongs that stuck with them with everybody else relegated to short conversations before the two girls were left alone once more.

When Hikari received the letter from her new sensei, she was ecstatic and spent whatever time she was able in between all her plans asking everyone she knew whether they were on the same team or not and being delighted to meet them, no matter who they may have been. Once she managed to brute force her way into finding her other two teammates, she persistently buzzed the both of them to go out and do a number of things together in order to bond, chief among them being a sparring session between themselves and then later on her parents. There was only so much time she could find to spend with her new team before she was forced to attend to all the prior engagements she had made, however. Still, she had found her team, and so she was one more step in becoming a true ninja.

Interactions | @MesuOkami@FourthKing@Vexxed Vex

Amegakure Temple
Team 7 Meeting Day

If Hikari was buzzing with excitement when she received her letter, her body was beating like a hummingbird when she found herself standing at the steps to the Amegakure Temple. Despite being so eager to meet her new teammates, she had wanted to keep everything about her sensei as a fresh and new experience for herself, especially since she had exactly zero knowledge of who her sensei was aside from what little she knew about the Sasaki Clan.

The jumbled feeling of finally getting to meet her team Sensei for the first time continued to expound and grow stronger as she stood waiting in the halls as instructed by one of the attendants. Her stomach continually twisted and knotted itself inside her, her body restlessly moving in an impromptu dance to the sway of the incense smoke that permeated the temple and flowed along with the chimes and gongs that sounded throughout. All around her were monks moving to and fro all with seemingly clear determination and purpose. Hikari herself hoped she did not stand out too much having chosen to wear a gleaming black rain cloak with a grey underside in a similar scheme to the monk that had visited her home, though underneath she wore a cropped maroon tank and loose sandal brown knee pants (a fashion she picked up from Sadako) as she was unsure whether her sensei would have her own tests today. Still, it was the first time in a long while since she had felt so uncomfortable and so alone among a crowd.

Relief flooded her system as soon as she had met up with Masae and Suko and the trio of them were led to their new sensei by one of the female monks.

The first impression Hikari received when she saw Amaya was how she looked to be in complete zen. The walls were adorned with numerous talismans and literature, the room itself permeated with a longstanding past of religion and history as the mist that roiled from the figure sitting in the very center of it all only added to the mystique. Then with utmost grace and care, the figure rose and turned to reveal a woman who seemed to sculpted with poise and molded by power. She stared at each of the genin in turn, and all Hikari could do in response was to stare in awe. So intense was her gaze that it was actually a great shock when her Sensei's porcelain face was broken by a warm smile, so much so that a laugh escaped Hikari's lips before she managed to stifle the rest.

She managed to reign in her emotions enough to quietly listen to her Sensei and her teammates speak until she was picked to do. Without pause she turned her body slightly to bow to both Amaya-sensei and her teammates, her lips already in a natural smile as she straightened out and spoke. "My name is Hoshino Hikari, and it is an absolute pleasure of mine to greet you all as my official teammates. I wish to get along with all of you as a team and as friends, and that I can be a source of happiness and help for you all. Considering I already know Suko and Macchi already, I hope we'll be able to work well together Amaya-zensei!"

Interactions | @Shandria
Training Room

Amelie gave an empty smile as she gave a small bow then widened her feet ever so slighty, just enough to move her from a casual to a relaxed, but ready, stance. "Major Amelie Yun, AMSIF, non-Alchemic specialist. Pleasure to meet you."

There was a lot that can be read from a person just by observing them. Some easier than others, but Amelie thought the girl striding toward her, all gleaming saber and heavy breaths, was fairly straightforward. Probably the quiet type, someone who takes in all the little things that make them tick and bottles them all up until either she gets a chance to release them or it blows up in someone's face, and while she wasn't certainly lacking in skill with the blade or the ridiculous power it seemed every person in her line inherited, it seemed as if the young Armstrong didn't know restraint, or perhaps just didn't care in the moment.

In any case, that just meant Amelie would have to be a little more considerate during their spar. The acrobat herself had worked up her usual sweat and though she had pushed herself a little harder than usual to quell the unusual but infrequent pains in her left shoulder, she herself was still energetic and showed no fatigue aside from deeper breaths than usual. Besides, this was just a friendly spar, a way for Olivia to show Amelie what type of person she was outside of the dossiers and textbooks the investigator had familiarized herself with over the past week, a chance to make a first connection with her future co-worker.

As soon as Olivia readied herself in the ring, Amelie gave her a slightly wider smile though there was still no emotion in her eyes, just the gaze of someone focused on a task. "Thank you for indulging me," she said, barely allowing the words to drop before bursting like a coiled spring toward her opponent, leaping forward in one movement.

The reach the saber had over Amelie's short practice blade gave her opponent the natural advantage, one that could be balanced but not negated if Amelie got inside of the saber's range. Her left hand was extended slightly forward, blade at the ready looking to parry aside the saber if Olivia would swing at her from the side, though Amelie doubted she'd be able to safely deflect all the power and recoil the Armstrong girl was capable of summoning. Instead, she focused all her energy into the flat palm of her right hand as she came closer, tightning her core, turning her body to the side, keeping her fingers tensed.

As soon as her left foot connected to the ground however, she blasted her momentum downwards into her stomach and then past down into her legs as she pivoted on the heel of her foot, dropping herself down low and aiming at her opponent's feet with a sweeping kick from her right leg.

Bumpin' and Weebin'
Wasn't sure what to really put in an opening post, but hopefully it was fine

Interactions | @Shandria
AMSIF Barracks
Early Morning

Like every morning, Amelie woke with little fanfare, her eyes opening to a dark room and a day where the sun had not yet risen. The cold atmosphere made her left shoulder ache, parts of it still numb where the metal of her automail met with skin. After nearly a decade of living with it however, she had grown used to the inconvenience and slid out from her assigned cot. Her hair trailed behind her, a long blonde mess that stuck out in every which way as she slipped into her training outfit of a white tank top tucked into form fitting pants. Afterwards she spent the rest of her time doing the rest of her morning rituals with no real urgency or rush. After all, she had already been accepted into AMSIF and they had yet to assign her to anything as of this moment. All things would happen in due time.

Training Room

The quiet thumping of metal and flesh contacting wood served to drown out Amelie's thoughts as she practiced on the wing chun dummy. She had already built up a sweat from her earlier run and routine. Right now in the training room, she was as alone in her mind as the room was, memories and scattered tangents roiling through her mind. As of late and for no particular reason, she kept on remembering the accident which led to her lost arm and as usual when those unpleasant memories rose again, she tried to drown them in a sea of trivia and facts on topics that ranged from history and alchemy down to what flowers were currently in season currently and in the next.

A sudden jolt of pain arced through her automail into the all the nerves delicately attached at her shoulder, shooting through her spine and then catapaulting its way all the way up to her brain. The brief discomfort made her hesitate for only a moment as she completed out the last set of her current form. Once they were done, she drew back from the dummy slightly, her eyes dully locked onto her arm as she experimentally flexed her steel muscles and fibers.

She then quickly resumed her forms.

Blue Iris Café

Outside a slightly out of the way café at a table at the outside patio covered in shade by the surrounding buildings that seemed to loom over, Amelie was sitting on the slightly uncomfortable and chic metallic chair, a book in one hand and a stress ball in the other. At the foot of the table, a messenger bag relaxed on one of the legs while the top held two cups of coffee steaming next a small collection of origami animals. The cup closest to her had been browned thoroughly while it's opposite companion that waited at an empty seat across from the woman with the monstrous sweet tooth was pure black.

The empty seat would not have to wait long for a recepient however, as a woman with long auburn hair and soft caramel eyes playfully placed her chin on top of Amelie's head. The acrobat's view of her book obscured by a trio of fresh flowers, their fragrance intermingling deeply with the new woman's own. Amelie retaliated with a light smack of the leather cover of which she was rewarded with light laughter and a gentle hug. Roselyn glided over to her seat afterwards and the pair began to talk the afternoon away.

AMSIF Barracks

Three fresh flowers beamed brightly from a vase situated at the corner of Amelie's desk. They had joined a number of others that were still alive, but obviously not flourishing as they could have been. Their bright aura contrasted nicely with the dry eyes that plagued her face as a loud "hnnng" sounded throughout the barracks accompanied by the cracking and popping from stretching cramped muscles and joints that came from doing endless amounts of paperwork for the last few hours. Despite already being accepted, there were still a number of forms that she still had to soldier through, though most of it was mainly doing the introduction research and reading through all dry manuals that AMSIF assigned to all new members.

Still, she did her best to write the most diligent notes she could so that if she ever had to reference any of it, sleep wouldn't threaten her if she did so. There were also a number of personal papers that were neatly tucked away into their own separate corners with the thickest stacks being the various research notes that her sister was willing to share with her and wanted to pass on to their mother who was technically Amelie's colleague - the thought still weirded her out.

She had her fill of writing and technical texts however and decided that the rest of her night would be better spent finishing the book Roselyn had recommended.

Training Room
Some days later

The only sound in the training room was the quiet thumping of metal and flesh on wood. After a few short days, Amelie had already set her regular rhythm around the building, though the thoughts of the accident kept on resurfacing more and more and her steel limb continued to complain and ache.

The slow humdrum was broken however when a blonde girl stormed, annoyance surrounding her body as she held her blade and wailed on another wooden dummy. Intrigued and curious, Amelie stopped her own exercises and observed the girl as she went through her saber forms.

The way the girl moved, her stances, her mannerisms, the unnerving strength behind each blow, it reminded Amelie of a certain living Wall of Briggs. Coupled with the distinctive sword, her looks, and the fact that Amelie had seen her in passing several times before, the investigator had a solid guess that the girl standing before her was probably Olivia Armstrong. It was said that she too had recently joined AMSIF, and Amelie supposed that those rumors weren't wrong anymore.

Curiousity continued to drive Amelie forward as she searched for a short, thin training sword, which didn't take her long. Testing the balance of the blade, the acrobat made her way towards one of the training rings and stood dead center as she called out to the girl with solid, but not unnecessarily loud, "Hey." Amelie waited until she had caught the Armstrong's attention, training blade casually relaxed and held in comfortable grip in her left hand before continuing with a simple "Olivia right? I'm Amelie. Wanna spar?"


Interactions | @Odin@Vexxed Vex

Amegakure no Sato Academy

Hearing Sadako worrying about money, Hikari rolled her eyes and gave a smile in return, pressing herself closer towards the taller girl affectionately. Kyousuke received a much less courteous response as befitting of his own cold dismissal of her invitation, especially when he broke free from her grip. Annoyance found its way onto her face in the form of a pout, a fat raspberry being blown at the curt orphan's back as he dashed away. Still, she couldn't help but notice the look he had given to Sadako and the way he had pointed out that it was graduation day, despite them obviously having just finished their graduation.

Before she could ponder about that too deeply however, and just as the last "-bbbbt" sounded out from her lips, a boy with blonde hair and the most well-fitting blue dress Hikari had seen walked over and greeted the two girls. "Macchi!" She returned brightly, her newly freed arm already snaking its way through the crook of the feminine boy's elbow. The acrobat began leading the new trio on a slow walk towards the gate as she continued to talk, consciously keeping the three of them away from the largest crowds and allowing themselves to be caught in the natural traffic as all the new genin sought all their own various friends or family.

"Yes we'll still be celebrating at the Matsushina's restaurant: Saito no Kareraisu. The broth for all their nabe are just heavenly and all their ingredients are always super fresh! And Sadako, don't even worry about paying. I made sure to save up enough to cover for anyone today," taking a moment to thrust out a hip and pat a pouch on her thigh conspiratorily.

"But man, that Kyosuke can be a real butt sometimes can't he," she said with an apologetic grin towards Sadako, even if neither of them had anything to apologize for. "I know he can't be exactly blamed for how he is, but it wouldn't kill him to at least know how to say sorry or something. At least, I think it wouldn't kill him." Hikari let the statement hang in the air as she pondered on whether she had heard Kyosuke ever actually apologizing about anything to anyone.

"Then again, it looked like he had somewhere important to be. You know Sadako, if you already had plans too it's completely ok; you're always free to join us after. And if anything we've got the whole week to hang out! It'd be the perfect time to have a date! Or, aaah~, ne ne," she said excitedly, her elbows pulling Sadako and Masae closer towards her, her arms shaking up and down in increasing intensity, "what if all three of us were teamed up? How cool would that be?!"

"Sadako and I would go in and be the heavy hitters and take out all the baddies. We could stomp anyone in no time flat, especially with your gudōton. The way you use them is so cool! And then if anything happens to us Macchi would swoop in and save us by locking down the bad guys and heal us all up with his medical ninjutsu. We'd be unstoppable! What sensei would be able to handle a dream team like us do you both think?"
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