Avatar of wanderingwolf


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Like Sci-fi? Like the Wild West? Firefly: Second Verse's lookin' for a Pilot, Companion, First Mate, and Mechanic: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
The crew is booking up for this class three Firefly. Get in while the git’n’s good!
3 yrs ago
Our Firefly game is finally up! Come gander over yonder: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
Just put out an interest checker for a new Firefly game here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Drop by if you're curious!
3 yrs ago
Enjoying reading what you all have written before I dive in!
1 like


Linux makes me happy, Blender helps me art, and Solus solved a lot of my problems.

I'm here because I like to RP in depth with high quality writing. Now, don't mistake me for high quality; I'm just hoping it rubs off.

Sharing cohost/GM duties with Sail3695 of "Firefly - Second 'Verse." Advanced game here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/186036-fir…

Pretty much all my posts are collaborations posted by others on our game!

I put some art works in progress here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/185966-art…

Most Recent Posts

@Aalakrys I’m so glad to hear you’ll be coming aboard! Take all the time you need for your CS. Except we leave as soon as Badger delivers the goods ;).

@Gunther Thanks for offering up that Discord as an option.

And I’m glad you’re enjoying reading; I know we’re having a lot of fun writing it. I’m particularly a fan of Sail’s Badger impersonation.
If you’re good and ready? Shoot us a PM!
@BenG85 So are we missing two or three in the CS thread? Also, when did you want to pick up RP? After the crash landing?
Hey all! I figured I'd provide some information that I would have found helpful out of the gate when I started RPing with a group like this.

As you all can probably tell, we have a habit of writing joint posts together, and in order to include everyone on the fun I thought I'd address it explicitly. Joint posts (JP's) are a great way to keep the chemistry rolling from one interaction to the next in order to frame a scene together between two or more writers (yes, we could all do one together!). This typically happens in a shared Google Doc where we can set the stage, add our character's actions, then leave a <Tag> for another writer to jump in for their character. Upon consensus, we can end the scene and one of the writers is cleared to post. It's that easy! Feel free to invite any of your fellow writers or GM's to JP with you.

Another tidbit I'd like to pass on is the wisdom of letting your GM's know any personal character plots you'd like to see brought to fruition. We want to get to know your characters as much as you do, and thus we definitely want to provide room for your characters to grow. Fill Sail or me in on what sort of arc you're thinking, or we'll just blindly lead you through our own personal plots and vendettas! That's a promise.

Sail and I are often chatting on Google Chat (formerly Hangouts), but we'd be willing to change the medium if others wanted to chat in another location. Let us know!

And that's all the wisdom I've been blessed with. Happy Fourth of July!
The impact from his fall not only knocked the wind out of him, but the force snapped his shoulder back into its socket. The pain was almost unbearable, but not nearly as painful as the death that was clawing its way toward him if he didn't get up right now. The thought crossed his mind that this would be the end of him, here in this alley. The last thing he would feel was teeth in his abdomen. No, he didn't fight his way through a church full of his closest friends to end up dying here, like this.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me.

Isaac drew himself up to his full height, the bloodied chain hanging from his white-knuckled hand. It was now or never. Do or die. And Keller planned on living. He cracked his neck, and rotated his newly restored limb. Raising the chain above his head, he readied himself to bludgeon the first zombie on the head before kicking the next one aside.


For Captain Cal Strand, looks like nothin’ ever goes smooth. Now he’s hightailin’ it to the black with a hold full ‘o’ legit cargo...but that don’t stop them hairs on the back of his neck standin’ up. Of course, he wasn’t countin’ on a crime boss puttin’ him right square ‘tween the Alliance an’ the Browncoat underground, a cranky teenager gettin’ stitches in her butt, or a pilot what gangs up on ‘im with a pithy AI. The China Doll could be that gift horse whose mouth he shoulda checked, dohn mah?


The year’s 2522. War ended a decade ago. Been 3 years since the Miranda Broadwave riled some folk up, but the Alliance put the boot down on that right quick. It ain’t easy for “naughty men to slip about” these days, but there’s still work as can be had, long’s the price is right an’ you ain’t the curious type.

Our Style

“Firefly – Second ‘Verse” is an episodic PBP game. Character and plot development will be encouraged and written over the course of each episode. Certain adventures will involve “capers,” live action scenes played out in chat by member players. These scenes could vary from crimes to action to something as simple as everyone talking over the galley table.

Lookin' for...

The Captain says the pilot seat is open, and he'd prefer to leave the flyin' to someone what know's more about landing than the deckhand. Passengers, too, but don’t let none of this fence you in. There’s lots of different folk out there. After all...it’s a mighty big ‘verse.

We’re ‘bout to touch down on Osiris, a core planet known for the illusion of safety authority provides and the seedy underbelly that thrives in its blindspots. If you wanna fly with us, send us a wave!

@wanderingwolf - he’s along for the ride...
@sail3695 - he runs the show...

I'm going to move this thread to the Advanced interest checker because it ended up skuing that way.

"Jesus Christ," Isaac stared at three blood-stained zombies shambling toward him. Normally, he'd be cylcing through the Lord's prayer, confident that it was enough to keep him protected from the slings and arrows of evil, but here, evil's six dull eyes looked on him as if he were filet mignon. The only thing keeping him from becoming evil's meal right now was his wits. His muscles flexed beneath his black buttoned collar, sweat breaking out across his back.

Glancing around, he saw a ladder attached to a fire escape on the adjacent building. If he ran, he'd make it in time to start his slow ascent with only one good arm. That was the only way. Isaac draped the chain over his shoulder and sprinted for the metal ladder. As he started his climb, he realized that he would need to leap between each rung because his left arm was in excrutiating pain when he tried to raise it. Keller fought the urge to glance over his shoulder at the three ravenous mouths snapping in his direction.
In Hello 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
@HiddenBlue Welcome!
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