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(the day after the escape)
His mind was still reeling from the information he had received from Elize earlier that day. He was relieved, but he also couldn’t quite decide what it meant for him. He wanted to help his friend, but he had no idea where Fenros was or how he had escaped, for that matter. He had spent some time cleaning himself off from his training and was just finishing putting his shirt back on. He looked around the guard barracks, seeing nothing but the usual crowd of vanguards milling about. He knew he should go talk to Ayla.

He walked outside and turned down the path towards the castle. He had brought his sword with him, sheathed and hanging from his belt. He didn’t intend to need it but it was always better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Besides, the sight of him walking around the castle with his sword by his side was nothing new. He had accompanied Fenros there many times, sometimes to help guard him or others and other times for meetings.

He walked through the halls of the castle towards Ayla’s room. He hadn’t seen her since the day of Fenros’s arrest. At least this time he was bringing her good news. He tried his best to appear casual as he passed by servants and ladies in waiting. He paused at the end of the hall and glanced around before making his way to her door. He lifted his fist in a quiet knock on her door.

Ayla was a wreck. Her appearance and her room were a disaster. She had been crying and in a rage since she casually heard the news of her brother’s execution. After verifying the information with the king’s closest guardsman she blacked out. When she woke up she was in her room and one of El’s other girls was with her. When Ayla woke up she screamed at the girl until she left her room and didn’t return.

Ayla had heard both the good and the bad about her brother since the arrest. Some thought it was a good thing and instantly believed him guilty of treason. Others looked to gain something from his death. All she could think about was that her brother was gone and she didn’t get to say goodbye.

Ayla vaguely heard a knock at her door. She sat up slowly and didn’t bother to check her appearance at all. She opened the door to find Ryker there. Her hair was a mess, her eyes were swollen from crying and her dress was wrinkled like she had been in it for a month. “Come in Ryker.” She closed the door behind him and what he would have seen was that all of her furniture was turned over and her clothes were all over the room and her belongings were all over the place, some broken some just a mess.

“You are too late. I know he is dead.” She was out of tears and she was certain that her body couldn’t make anymore.

Ryker was taken aback by her appearance, but he kept a stoic expression. He didn’t want her to feel any worse than she clearly already did. As he entered her room, he couldn’t help but look around at the mess she had created. He grimaced slightly, feeling somehow partially responsible for all of this. He looked at her with pity, but did his best to sound comforting.

”Ayla, I’m sorry. You must be taking this very hard.” He glanced around once again, making sure the door was closed all the way. ”But Fenros isn’t dead.”

He paused a moment to let the news sink in. ”I don’t know the details but I have it on good authority that he escaped. I imagine the King is spreading the rumor that he is dead to cover it up.”

Ayla looked at him like he was a ghost. “What? The guard’s told me he was executed. They said that they did it. I know you don’t want to believe it but….you must.”

Ryker stared at her. Poor thing. She was so distraught she couldn’t believe him. But he also realized how he sounded. He wasn’t used to giving good news. He stepped closer to her and placed his hands lightly on her arms. ”Listen to me, Ayla. It’s true. He’s alive.”

He looked into her eyes intently, trying to convey that he was telling the truth. ”I know you’ve worked with the king for years and you want to believe him but...he’s lying. I can’t say why, but he had reason to hate Fenros. He wanted to be rid of him. So he had him arrested under false pretenses and told everyone he was executed.” He sincerely hoped that his news was true. He had no reason to distrust Elize or her news. He knew she was close to the Princess who he had recently learned was the object of Fenros’s affection. But more than anything at this moment, he wanted to make Ayla’s pain go away.

Ayla blinked hard and looked deeper into his eyes. Ryker said that Fenros was alive. “How do you know that he is alive?” She asked because she was worried that he was misinformed and she couldn’t go through this again if she believed him only to find it was wrong information. “Who told you that he is ok? Where is he?” Her voice was cracking and she was afraid to believe him.

”I don’t know,” he replied, shaking his head lightly. ”I know it’s not much, but I’m inclined to believe it. I...shouldn’t tell you who told me. It’s risky that I’m even telling you this. But I think they’re trustworthy.” He managed a smile at her and squeezed her arms lightly.

“I trust you. I don’t believe you would lie to me Ryker.” She wasn’t sure where it came from but her relief made her cry happy tears. “Just when I thought I couldn’t cry anymore.” She chuckled and grabbed a handkerchief and saw her reflection in the mirror and jumped. “Oh no! You shouldn’t see me like this. I’m atrocious!”

She cleaned her face up and started brushing her hair. Ayla was distinctly aware of Ryker’s appearance. As usual he was gorgeous and had a casual air of cluelessness about it. “I’m so sorry I look like this but I truly believed that...basically that everything I knew was wrong. I guess I didn’t realize the impact that my brother has on my life. Can I see him soon? Please Ryker.”

Ryker smiled at her as she tried to clean herself up. ”Don’t worry about it, you look fine,” he said, trying to be reassuring. ”I wish I could take you to him, but I don’t know where he is. I only know he’s alive. I don’t know what to do now but I want to find him. I have no clue where he went, though…”

Ayla drew a blank. “He would have had to have help to get out of the cells.” She brushed her hair absentmindedly as she tried to figure out how he got out. “If one of the vanguard helped him then-...no. He and Ritza are pretty close, maybe she- no I saw her today and she was the same as usual. I don’t know who could have helped him Ryker. I’m just glad that they did.” She sat down and pulled him onto the couch with her. Feeling good for the first time in the last 18 hours she leaned her head on his shoulder.

Ryker was about to pick up a chair that was knocked over when Ayla drew him onto the couch with her. He let himself fall back into it with her and did his best to relax. He was so used to life as a vanguard that he found himself still feeling slightly uncomfortable in close proximity to women. That is to say, he didn’t dislike it, he just didn’t know how to react half the time.

He sat in silence for a while, staring off into the distance. He honestly had not thought through what to do next. There had to be something. Maybe he should talk to Ritza? If she would even talk to him. He knew the two of them were close so she might have some information he didn’t have. But, then again, he also knew she would have been rather sore with him since professing his love for Eleanor. He furrowed his eyebrows thinking. Ritza was his only viable option right now. That or Elize. But she seemed so flighty when he talked to her. She must have known this was dangerous information and he would hate to put her or anyone else in more danger. He had taken on the role of traitor/spy himself, knowing full well the potential consequences for his actions. He would do anything he could to avoid having those consequences spill over to others.

He finally turned his head and looked at Ayla resting on his shoulder. At least she seemed more peaceful now. ”I don’t know what to do from here,” he started, his voice lower and calmer now that she had relaxed some. ”I think I will talk to Ritza. Chances are, she doesn’t know anything. But she might know something I don’t. And it doesn’t hurt to try.”

“Ryker? Promise me that you will not go looking far away without me? I want to see him. I want to go with you if you find any clues that lead you far off.” She looked up at him with her head still on his shoulder. She started to yawn a little bit. “I just couldn’t bear to lose you.” Ayla snuggled into his side feeling safe for the first time since she found out about her brother’s supposed demise. She pulled his arm around her and closed her eyes.

”I’ll try,” he sighed. ”But I don’t know...it will be dangerous going after him. I know he’s your brother, but if you leave here with me, they could brand you as a traitor as well.” He didn’t want to get her hopes up too much. He had absolutely no idea where Fenros could be, let alone who helped him escape. Anyone willing to go against the crown’s wishes was most likely dangerous in one way or another.

“El hasn’t been needing me much. I’m certain I could get away. If my brother is a traitor then I am to in their eyes. I don’t believe he would do anything to make himself a traitor to the crown. If you leave without me I won’t feel safe here. People are already looking at me oddly because I won’t let them talk bad about Fenros around me. They are starting to think I’m a traitor too. I defended him to the king and he threw a goblet at me. It’s only a matter of time Ryker. Promise me ok?”

Ryker nodded his head. ”Alright. I’ll do what I can. You should probably avoid the king for a while, though.” He let out a loud sigh. It felt like he was releasing all the stress and backed up anger he had been holding in since Fenros’s arrest.

Ayla smiled and wrapped her arm around his chest and pulled herself to him. She reached up and kissed him softly on the lips. Then she blushed and leaned back into his side. “I know Fenros would care if I died but...would you Ryker?” Ayla had come to the conclusion that rules of etiquette were not for every situation so she was going to be blunt in case she never got to see him again. For all she knew the crazy king might order her own death that very day. Guilty by association seemed right up his alley.

Ryker felt his face grow warm as she kissed him. It was the second time she had kissed him but this one didn’t seem to just be for luck. ”Of course I would care,” he replied. ”If it were up to me, none of this would be happening. I know I’m only another pawn to the King but I’m going to try and do everything I can to make sure no one else is wrongfully killed.” He spoke with determination in his voice. His own life wasn’t as important to him as the lives of the many innocents that were suffering under King Willum.

Seeing his blush at her kiss she smiled and asked him, “Is there anything that I can do to help you? I haven’t seen Eleanor since yesterday but I could try and see if she knows anything that might help.”

Ayla wanted to make sure she wasn’t making him uncomfortable. “I hope I’m not being too forward. It’s just that I’ve watched you and Fenros grow up. He thinks so much of you and….so do I” Ayla blushed. “I care a lot about you.” She sat up and put her brush down on the tabe nearest her. Ayla hope that one day he might return the feelings that she’d had for him for the last several years.

”No, I wouldn’t ask you to do anything,” he replied with a slight smile. ”Asking around could get you in trouble. I’ll figure things out on my own. Don’t worry about it.” He hoped she didn’t take it the wrong way. He only wanted her to stay safe and he knew she was already on thin ice. If anything bad were to happen, he wasn’t sure how well she would take it.

”I...I appreciate it,” he stuttered. He wasn’t quite accustomed to touchy-feely conversations. ”I spend most of my days fighting with men, so you’ll forgive me if I’m a little rusty.”

Ayla blushed, “I just wanted to tell you in case one of us ...didn’t make it. There is something in my soul that tells me that things are changing and there are going to be a lot of losses.” She couldn’t help but look up at her room.

“I have a mind to go back home to my parent’s estate but I’m afraid to miss out on the news that I could hear at the castle. So I have decided to stay. I’ll help you in any way possible. I need to see my brother and know that he is safe. I’ll not run from my fears no matter how dangerous it becomes.”

Ryker nodded and got to his feet. ”If things get too rough, you can always go back to your parents. I will make sure to get any information I find to you about Fenros. I appreciate your help but I should get going. I need to find Ritza to see what she knows. And I shouldn’t stay here too long. It might look suspicious.”

Ayla stood and nodded. “I’m scared if I went home something would befall my parents and that I can not live with. I’ll not trust anyone other than you. Please remember, if you go, I go too. I can’t be here alone. Be safe.” She hugged him and watched him open the door and slip out.

Go ahead and move your cs into the Char tab and welcome!


I appreciate the notification instead of leaving us to figure it out. This is a high intensity rp. Thank you!

Good to hear. I really look forward to more writing time with you.

A little while later Anna returned to the tavern and started cleaning up the second she walked in. She didn't see Alex right away. She was lost in her own thinking.

Alex watched her clean up, not saying anything. There was obviously something very important on her mind, and Alexander didn't wish to disturb her. After a few minutes he finally decided to say something. "So..... what's the plan?" He did not want to push her into making any choices she would later regret.

Anna didn't even look up she just kept wiping the table. What was she supposed to say to him? After a moment she stopped and stood still while not looking at him, "I know we were together last night but you also know how I feel about Verrick. I'm not sure if you and I- can ever be more than friends. Let's get away from here. I need time to think and going to sea sounds so peaceful and wonderful right now." She looked up at him and the pleading look in her eyes would have made lesser men cry. "Please."

Alexander stood up and walked over to where she was. He stopped her cleaning and looked down at her. "Go get whatever you want to bring, I will get some people to come clean the tavern while we are gone. You can stay at my estate until you feel comfortable enough to come home. I will have the ship ready to go sailing anytime you like." Alexander's heart was breaking to see Anna so conflicted.

Anna wrapped her arms around him in a hug, "Thank you Alex." Her lips brushed his cheek and she stepped past him and went upstairs to get her things. Anna basically packed almost everything she owned into a couple of bags. As she was packing she opened the drawer that held the few baby things she had kept. They were the only reminders she had of that time. Her hand shook as she touched them and she quickly shoved the small blanket and toy into her bag. Maybe eventually she wouldn't need them anymore. A few minutes later she came downstairs and took all of the money out of the cash drawer and she tossed all of her throwing knives in her bag.

"I'm ready, if you are." She said looking around at the tavern where she had spent most of her life. She felt sorrow and grief. She had a lot of loss happen in this place. She gave Alex a soft smile.

When Anna came down stairs Alexander had been writing something on a napkin in the tavern. Alex smiled back at her then went back to writing. When he finished he loomed back up at her and nodded. "I have two questions. One, where is the nearest messenger station, and two, where would you like to stay? I have a castle in the woods or a manor in the center of town. Up to you." Alexander held the writing utensil at the ready.

"If you have anything going out I'd really like to be on the ship and learn how to sail. Treat me like part of the crew. Besides, Verrick said to get out of town. I'm not sure it's wise to stay anywhere around here right now."

Alexander finished up the note and signed the bottom of it. "Come with me and then we will leave. After walking out the door he turned into the stables and began to saddle up his horse. "Get your horse ready for a ride, and let me carry your bags. I think I may be able to get us there faster than by land, if my memory serves me correct." Alexander patted his horse when he finished getting it ready, "I may have a friend in town with a boat."

Anna went back out and she jammed the door shut to the tavern behind them. She had a distinct feeling that her life was about to take a major change. Climbing up on her horse she looked out over the city as they rode away.

As they rode out of the city Alexander stayed on the path for about an hour then suddenly stopped. He looked around for a bit seemingly looking for something. Out of nowhere Alexander shouted "Aha!!"and took a right off the trail. He waved for Anna to follow then started off into the woods. After about three minutes they came out of the woods following a trail that seemed to run parallel with the road. After riding on this new trail for about 30 min the path opened up to reveal a small harbor. It was only a few docks, with one actual building nearby. The cove itself was more of a hidden inlet, with only a small opening for ships to come and go. Alexander turned back to face Anna with a big grin on his face. "May I present the wonders of smuggling."

Anna had been following and wondered why they were going into the woods. Upon seeing the dock she grinned excited to see the ship in the dock. "Smuggling? Seriously? Why M'lord I never expected you to be an element of the criminal kind." She teased him a little. "What have you been smuggling?" She smirked.

Anna slid off her horse and looked up at Alexander. "What about my horse?"

Alexander slid off his horse and stood next to her looking out at the ships. "I am a lawful citizen and have never smuggled anything in my life, at least not while I was captain. That smaller ship out there belongs to one of my oldest friends and one of the most successful smugglers in the business. You don't need to be worried about your horse, these men have snuck everything past the king's navy, including live animals. I think you will like him." As Alex said that he began to walk down the trail towards the beach leading his horse by his reins.

Anna petted her horse and murmured something to the animal before taking her things down to the dock. "I can at least swim so if the ship sinks I might survive." She halfheartedly chuckled. She couldnt help but feel heavy hearted. The last twenty four hours had been an emotional roller coaster and she felt relieved to get away from where the stress was centered, her Tavern. She walked across the wooden board that served as a walkway onto the ship.

Some of the men on board of the ship looked at her with their jaws dropped and others looked a little hungrier than she liked. "Alexander? Should I be afraid of these men?"

Alexander looked back at her and saw she was worried. "I know the name of every man on this ship, and you all know who I am. You will treat my companion here with the utmost respect. Now where is Gibbs?" As he said that name a smile came to his face and he looked around. Out of the crowd came an older man with graying hair. He had a belly that spoke of his love for his drink, and an ever constant smile on his face.

"Now what have I done to deserve the honor of having such an esteemed individual on my poor little sailboat?"

Alexander grinned at him, "Last time I saw this tub was back at the race one moon ago, where have you been drifting to since then?"

Gibbs gripped Alexander's shoulders and his smile grew even wider, "Last I remember my little tub beat your Folly fair and square. It is good to see you boy."

"Me and Anna here need passage to my docks, and we're wondering if you would be enough of a gentleman to take me home. You wouldn't leave me stranded, away from home would you?"

Gibbs looked behind Alexander and studied Anna real quick. After a few seconds the smile was wider than ever and he stepped past Alexander and held out his hand to shake her's. "It is nice to meet you Miss Anna, I hope Alexander hasn't caused you too much trouble."

Anna's mind thought You have no idea mister but she smiled at the friendly man and shook his hand. "It is truly my pleasure. I'm looking forward to being at sea." She kept getting the feeling that she was being scrutinized by a pair of eyes. It gave her a distinct feeling to be extra careful when she was in close quarters.

"Aye, I think you will. Now that that is taken care of let's get your horses up here." As he turned away he began yelling at his crew to do something about ramps and pens.

Alexander turned towards Anna and smiled. "I'll show you where you will be sleeping. On this ship there isn't much room, so there are only two rooms isolated from the rest of the beds. The captain gets one and the other is a small room just off the side of it. That second room will be for you. Follow me and I will take you to it." As he walked to the rear of the ship he opened a small door near the right of the captains door. Having to duck low to not hit his head he entered the room and made way for her to enter.

Anna had been following him still nervous about being in such close quarters with so many men. She had almost corrected Alex's introduction. She knew that the word companion typically signalled relations between them and she wasn't sure about anything in her life right now. She was glad she didn't. She was certain she wanted them to think she was with Alex so they would think twice before messing with her. She walked into a tiny room that was about a third the size of her room at home.She put her bags on the floor in the corner and turned around.
"Where are you sleeping?" She wasn't sure if he could sense her nervousness or not. She didn't want him to think she was incapable but she was just not used to being trapped on a vessel with men who might not be pure of heart.

"Anywhere there is room for me, that is typically the case when someone is an unexpected passenger." Alexander could see she wasn't feeling comfortable with this and thought he might know what the problem is. "You don't have to worry about the men on board. Most of them are retired sailors from the royal navy. They may look at you weird, but that might be because there are almost never women on ships such as this." Alexander could tell his assurances might not be enough. "If you want me to I can sleep on the floor in here, so no one can get close during the night." His eyes became sad when he looked at her. He didn't want her to be nervous, he wanted her to enjoy her time on the ship.

Anna nodded. She barely knew this man. It was hard to believe it had only been two days since she met him and she had already slept with him. In her sober mind she wondered what had come over her but she knew and she wasn't going to make excuses for herself but she was going to make sure she acted like a lady and not slip again. She could only blame Verrick for so much but her having sex with Alexander had not been his fault that was all on her.

"I would appreciate that. I'm sure the men on board are fine. I'm just not used to such tight quarters." She smiled and tried to remember that she was the one who asked to go on the ship. She looked around at the room and felt a little claustrophobic. "Shall we go up?"

"Sure" Right as Alexander said that the ship gave a massive lurch and Alexander's hands shot out to support himself and Anna. After waiting a few seconds not moving Alexander let go and checked on Anna. "Are you okay? I believe that was the men bringing up the anchor and pushing off." As he opened the door for Anna the ship began to rock slightly and the ship began turning towards the exit of the cove.

Anna had found herself leaning against Alex quite suddenly as she went to leave the room. After righting herself she nodded. "Yes, just wasn't prepared for the ship's movement to be so rough. I figured it would be smoother."

Anna smiled awkwardly and she hurried up the stairs worried that she might be tossed off of them if it lurched again. She went to the railing almost as soon as she got topside. Her hair whipped in the wind and the breeze on her face made her feel better than she had in a long while. Looking around the ship she noticed that most of the men were busy and barely paid her any mind at all. She was much more relaxed about the ship once she felt the sun on her face.

Anna turned and watched the captain give orders and steer the ship. This was what she needed, she was sure of it.

As Alexander stepped out onto the deck he felt at home, the sea was where he truly belonged. Alex watched Anna rush to the railing and smiled, people typically weren't used to the cramped quarters of a ship. Alexander walked up next to Anna and while taking hold of a line in the rigging leaned out over the edge of the ship smiling at her. "So do you enjoy it better out here or in there?"

Anna smiled, "Out here for certain. I just want to be free and smell the fresh breeze." Her joy was pure and she thought how small her problems seemed from the bow of the ship. She reached up and hugged Alex and kissed his cheek. "Thank you! This is what I need." She kept her hand on the rail but didn't move the other one from his waist right away.

Alexander put his arm around her and looked out to sea, "It really is so much better on the water. You can just forget about all your problems and focus on the task at hand. Whether it is sailing the ship or just enjoying the view. You can really just be yourself, and not have to worry about anyone caring." As Alexander said those last words he got a bit closer to Anna.

Anna was almost giddy and she couldn't ever remember smiling so much. The wind had shifted. She was certain that she would have to re-braid her hair as it had mostly come down and was flying around her face making it difficult to see at the moment.

"Where are we going exactly?" She said laughing as she pulled her own hair out of her mouth.

"We will be heading south for a bit, then cut east and from there it is a straight shot to Thrakia. From there we can rest for a few days while my ship prepares, then go where ever you want to. Is there anywhere in specific you wish to go or see?"

Anna shook her head. "I've never left the surrounding area of the city and my parents first house. Just take me wherever your next trip goes." Anna paid no mind to how close he was holding her or to how the men were looking at them. She was currently no longer concerned with anything but the view in front of her.

"Is that a shark?" She asked curiously if not a little excited at the sight of the fin in the water. Her grip around him tightened slightly.

"It looks like it, wanna get a better look? They are quite amazing beasts, though dangerous." As Alexander said that he pulled out his knife and waited for her answer.

"How would we get a better look? We can't really get closer without getting in the water and I don't think that would be smart." Anna looked at the creature wondering what it looked like.

"The interesting thing is that sharks are drawn to blood. That is one the most dangerous things in a ship wreck, if quite a few people bleed these creatures start coming to it." As Alexander said that last line he drew a thin line on his palm with his knife. Not enough to do any real damage, but enough to draw blood. He held his hand out over the edge of the boat and squeezed, causing a bit of blood to drop into the water.

When the blood hit the water the shark could be seen turning around and swimming towards the spot. Once it reached the spot the shark searched for prey, at one point coming close enough to the surface to see it's entire body. It was about 16 feet long and terrifying.

Anna backed up a step. Her heart was thumping so hard in her chest she could hear it in her ears. "It's definitely ...frightening. I'll be certain not to fall overboard." She was suddenly aware that there was so much more in this world than she had a clue about and it was humbling. She suddenly realized that she had a death grip on Alex's waist and she eased back her grip but she didn't let him loose. She looked at his hand and pulled a cloth out of her pocket and wrapped it for him. "You didn't need to cut yourself for me to see that."

Anna shivered as the wind picked up. The sky was getting darker and she realized that a storm was coming in. "Should we be out here during a storm?"

Alexander looked up at Gibbs and pointed towards the clouds. Gibbs noticed that and nodded then waved him away. "Why don't we go back to the room and get some rest. This crew has been through many a storm. Or if you don't want to go back in there you can tie yourself to the mast." Alexander looked at her with a grin knowing what her answer would be.

"I think I'll opt for the tiny room. Is there food on this ship?" She asked as her stomach grumbled at her. She felt the wind shift and the ship lurched and she lost her balance and fell against the railing fairly hard. She felt the hard wood slam into her back sending a searing pain across her spine and she grabbed onto it remembering the shark below. "I think we should go now."

Alexander helped Anna get to her feet and nodded, "Aye, we should get going. Watch your step." Alexander followed right behind Anna making sure she didn't slip and fall. As they got to the door he looked back up at Gibbs and saw him tying himself to the helm. It was one of the most terrifying moments in a captains life, knowing if your ship sank in a storm that you were going down with it. Alexander tried to push his worry for his friend aside and focus on getting Anna indoors.

Anna clutched onto the railing on the way down and she held her hand up to the wall to steady her as she walked into their room. When she got inside she almost collapsed onto the bed. Her back was aching something awful. She was a little concerned about the ship sinking and sharks. "We aren't going to die out here are we?" She felt her back stiffening up so badly that she started to raise her shirt to get a look at it. It was turning black and blue and she had some splinters in her back where the scraped skin had pulled away from the railing. "How bad is it?" she asked Alex.

"We probably won't die, these men may be idiots at everything else, but they are good sailors." Alexander looked at the bruise and winced, "It looks painful, let me get a few of the larger splinters out now, and we will have to wait to get the rest." After Alex pulled out some of the larger splinter he handed her a rope that had been piled on the floor and handed it to Anna. "Here, tie yourself to something in here that wont move. The ship at times will go almost straight up into the air and we don't want you ending up on a wall."

"It's gonna do what?" She said expecting him to say 'bite on this' for the pain. The ship was going to be tossed around? This she hadn't prepared herself for. "What in this room will not move? I don't really see that happening." Anna just lay her head on the pillow a moment as he pulled the largest of the splinters out of her back. As she lay there the ship lurched back and forth with the storm. "You'd better get up on this bed or you might get hit when it slides." She murmured. It wasn't too bad, she thought. It was kind of soothing, liked being rocked in a cradle that was being shaken by a madman. She patted the bed beside her for Alex to join her.

Alex moved to lay on the bed with her, making a point to keep 3 points of contact to the ship at all times. "It has been a while since I have been in a storm while not the captain. Normally I don't have to worry about slipping off the ship, just steering the ship." Alexander laid back on the bed and looked over at Anna. "Just don't fall off the bed and you should be okay."

Anna put her head down against his arm and tried not falling off of the bed as it was shifted back and forth. If she had had a weaker stomach she might have been sick. "Please tell me your ship is easier in storms. I'd hate to think it was this bad on all ships." Anna watched as he bags fell over and her knives and some of her other things came out and onto the floor. When she saw the baby things fall out of the bag she leaped off of the bed and rescued them.

When Anna asked him about his ship he grinned, "Well it will break the waves sooner, that is all I can promise." When her stuff fell out onto the floor Alex hopped down to go help. While she got a blanket and something else he couldn't see he got the knives that were now scattered across the floor. It seemed like a dangerous game, with them sliding across the floor, having to decide to grab a sliding knife or dodge one of the others coming at his feet. He decided this game was not one of his favorites after the fifth time his hand got nicked.

Anna tried to hide the baby blanket and toy before Alex asked her about them. She shoved them back into the bag but after repeated attempts to get everything back in and back onto the bed she was getting frustrated. "There has to be a better way than this." She said annoyed.

Alexander was trying to think of something when he froze, the boat hasn't rocked back yet. "Quick get on the bed, feet toward the stern. Now!!!" As he said that Alexander grabbed the edge of the bed and held on. The boat slowly seemed to be rising upwards and slowing down.

"What's going on?" Anna did as he demanded and held on tightly. Why wasn't the boat sliding back the other way yet? Panic set in the instant she realized what was happening. "Are we tipping over?"

"No, it's a rogue wave. We were lucky enough to hit it with the bow first, we would tip over if it was any other way." As the boat kept tilting upwards Alexander could hear the muted sounds of the oarsmen yelling out a count. Their only chance was if they could crest the wave before the wave came back down. The ship kept rising more and more until it was nearly at a 70 degree angle. The ship seemed to freeze in one place then the bow dipped rapidly downward and the ship rushed down the back of the wave. They had made it.

Anna felt her stomach threaten to empty itself. She decided she wasn't too sure about ships if the trips were normally like this. Another thought hit her, the captain was outside! "Alexander? What happened to the captain? He has to have fallen overboard! We are going to die. That shark is going to eat us." She seemed a little panicked and accepting at the same time.

Alexander reached over and took Anna's hand, "In the case of a storm the captain has his crew tie his hands to the helm. It is to prevent him from falling off. Gibbs is perfectly fine up there. A little wet admittedly, but just fine."

Anna was relieved to hear that they had not lost Gibbs. It was clear on her face that the thought of being tied to the helm in a storm was terrifying to her. She wiggled his arms around her, hoping that she wouldn' be so scared. For the moment she wasn't going to think about anything other than the ship and what they were going through. Her mind wouldn't even register anything else until she saw the baby blanket sliding across the floor. Verrick.

Alexander held her close to him and was slightly sad. It was disappointing that this had to be Anna's first time sailing with him. Trapped in a little cabin while the sea around them was trying to rip the ship apart. Hopefully when they were on his ship there would be no major storms. Alexander was letting his mind wander when he caught sight of a small blanket. "What is that?"

Anna closed her eyes when he asked her about the blanket. "It's a baby blanket." She didn't say anything waiting to see if he asked her anything else.

Alexander smiled a little when she gave her response. "It is adorable." He decided he might as well try to distract her mind from their current situation. "Tell me about your childhood."

Anna started laughing. That was not what she expected to hear next. "Seriously? That prompts you to ask me that?" Her fit of giggles slowed down a minute or two later.

"What, I saw your baby blanket and my mind went to you as a child. I only ever grew up as a noble's son, tell me what a normal life is like."

Anna smirked. "I'm not sure I could tell you that. My parents were well off enough to own a tavern. I started serving ale when I was about ten or eleven. My mom taught me how to read, write and do arithmetic. I played with kids and I met Verrick at a young age. After both of my parents were gone I inherited the tavern. There really isn't much to tell. How was yours? Were you spoiled silly?"

"For the first five years my life was one of the typical noble's son. Doted on by my mother I got nearly everything I asked for. My father didn't like it, but he loved my mother too much to say no to her. Unfortunately she died when I was five. A plague had been going through the city and she caught it. After that it was parenting the Markos way: you were to be a leader and a soldier."

"Every morning it was wake up at dawn for a run. After the run it was a quick breakfast then military studies. After that it was training with the sword, a different style every month. Then lunch in the barracks with the men. After that he would tell me about the politics of the kingdom and make me come up with solutions to the kingdom's problems. After that it was governing the small village he had told me to manage. Once the official business was over it was dinner with whatever guests he happened to be entertaining that night. Finally before going to sleep it was another run."

"It was that almost everyday for ten years. It wasn't fun, but it prepared me for my responsibilities as a baron."

Anna grew quiet. "After my mom died I demanded that I be taught how to fight and Verrick and I both learned knives. He split his focus though and became better on the bow and arrows. I mastered knives and I'm small but I can take anyone within so many pounds of me on and put up a good fight. I also learned how to gamble and after Dad died I learned how to drink."

She quieted as she thought of Chester. "Chester was like my second father. Even before my parents were gone. He helped teach me everything just as they did and he looked out for me, right til the end."

"Chester seemed like a good man, it is sad he had to die that way. I am sure though that he was proud of you. How could he not Be?" Alexander sat on the bed. "You should rest until the storm is over."

Anna nodded and lay her head down and closed her eyes. Saying a quick prayer that she wouldn't die on the ship while sleeping she hugged the small blanket to her and fell asleep.
A tired groan escaped Jason as he laid back in his studies chair. He lazily looked through a few documents and reports that had come up in the morning and frowned. The punishment from yesterday was still fresh in his mind and he could not get rid of his guilt. Causing a man that pain was something he never wanted to do again. His wife was able to help ease his nerves, but she couldnt help him sleep.

Brienna had gotten up early and was in the cells changing the bandages and cleaning the wounds on the girl's father. He was still not fully conscious but he was moaning in pain. She was fully focussed on his treatment. She hadn't paid any mind to anyone else, namely William. While she was focussed on the patient he snuck down into the cells and was only a few feet from her.

Lucas watched as William entered the dungeon and frowned. He came around the corner he had been hiding behind and walked towards the door with his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. As he reached the door he snapped his fingers and the two men he had assigned to watch him appeared from the other hall. The men quickly made their way to Lucas and bowed slightly. "Apologies sir, we failed to divert him away from Lady Brienna," one guard apologized. Lucas shook his head and looked to the men.

"Calm yourself, I figured this William would be a slippery snake to deal with," he said and carefully opened the door so he wouldnt make any noise. "Im going down there, keep watch out here," he said before entering the dungeons and keeping to the shadows.

William had snuck up on Brienna and grabbed her around the waist and had pinned her up against the wall. One of his hands covered her mouth as he was trying to kiss and touch her. Brienna was fighting him. He had large bloody scratches on his neck and cheeks and she was kicking him with all she had. She wasn't going to let him get away with this she was able to get a good kick in to his groin area and he slipped a little letting her touch the ground and get her footing. That allowed her to push him away from her and she decked him hard. She came back shaking her hand in pain but she was certain it was worth it.

Brienna was breathing hard as her guards came in. She pointed to William who was moaning on the floor holding his junk. "Where were you guys?"

Lucas had heard something happen and rushed down to the cells as he shouted for his men to hurry down, but as he came to the scene he was shocked to see William on the ground groaning and holding his groin. "Slimey bastard," he hissed as he yanked William to his feet and slammed him against the cell. Soon his men arrived and restrained William while Lucas turned to Brienna with shameful eyes. "Forgive me, we should have reacted faster," he apologized. "Throw that bastard in the cells!" he barked to his men who happily tossed him into a vacant cell and locked the door.

"Are you harmed in any way?" he asked with concern.

Brienna shook her head. Her pride was hurt that he had caught her off guard and that he had touched her more privately than she would have ever allowed anyone but Jason. But physically she was fine.

"I need to get some air." Brienna hurried up the stairs and out to the stables. She got onto the back of her stallion. She rode him bareback in her skirts which is no easy feat. "Heeyah!" She called out as she kicked him. Tthe steed nearly flew as he exited the stables.

Jason tried to rub his exhaustion from his eyes as he walked to his studies window. The urge to fall over and pass out grew every second, but he forced himself to stay on his feet. He let his eyes run along the estate, but paused as he saw Brienna rush to the stables. He raised an eyebrow in confusion, but soon felt worried as he saw that she was in a hurry. It was as if she was trying to get away from something. Jasons heart dropped as a thought came to his mind. "William!" he spat before rushing to his door, but stopped as one of the guards had entered.

"My lord!" he said with surprise as the two nearly ran into each other. "My lord there has been an attack on your wife, we have arrested the man, but Lady Brienna has left-" before he could finish his report Jason had pushed pass him and bolted down the hallway. His rage towards William was rising with every second, but the worry for his wife was much greater. He burst from the mansion and grabbed a horse from the stables. With no hesitation he spurred his horse forward and began to travel down the path Brienna had taken. As he continued he started to become frustrated as he couldnt spot her. "Brienna! Brienna!!" he shouted as he continued to search for her.

Brienna had waded out into the chilly water. She had to get the feel of his hands off of her body. The tears that rolled down her face were mostly from anger at herself. She could hear Jason yelling. She didn't answer back. She wanted just another minute before she had to tell him what had happened. She was shivering and she walked all the way in and up to her neck. Her dress was left on the ground near the edge of the lake. She was cold but knew she had to do it. If this was all she needed to do to keep that animal from invading her mind she would do it.

"Damn it! Damn it, damn it damn it!" he growled as he continued his search for his wife. The idea of that bastard touching her sent rage into Jasons soul, but his rage only fueled his worry. "Please, please where are you?" he muttered as he spurred his horse along even faster. After a minute or two went by he rode over a hill that overlooked a pond. Instantly he saw his goal and leaped from his horse. "Brienna!" he shouted as he sprinted to the water. He entered the water up to his waist and looked to Brienna with scared and worried eyes. "Brienna," was all he could say as he found himself without any words.

Brienna could hear the panic in his voice and she moved towards him with her head down a little. She was ashamed. She felt that she could have been more aware and avoided it altogether. She walked into his arms and put her head on his chest as she wrapped her arms around him. Her tears slid down his shirt. She smirked slightly, "You should have taken your clothes off if you were coming in. You are going to freeze." She looked up at her husband and let him see the bruising that was already setting in on her jaw, neck and arms where William had been fighting with her.

Jason was at a lost for words. As he saw his wifes injuries all he could feel were his tears building up within his eyes. He gritted his teeth and hugged her closely as he felt himself shiver from shame, rage and the cold water. "Dont worry about me damn it!" was all he was able to choke out as he held her tighter and let his tears fall into the water. "Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me," he muttered several times in her ear with a shaking voice.

"Forgive you for what? I was the one too preoccupied to notice that he had slipped into the room behind me." Brienna was starting to freeze in the colder air. "We should get out. I need to dress and you need to get home and change. We can talk more about it there." Brienna moved out of his arms and headed to the shoreline. As her body left the water more bruisis appeared on her shoulders and upper back. She stooped over and picked up her dress and pulled it over her head and smoothed it down. She then turned around and started wringing her hair out. Her horse was looking at her with a mouth full of grass and she slapped it on the hind end and sent it home.

Walking over to Jason's steed she climbed up and let him up in front of her and placed her arms around his waist. She closed her eyes and buried her face into his back.

Jason glanced back to Brienna for a moment and gritted his teeth in anger. Without any words he spurred his horse forward and began to ride back to the estate.

(night of escape)
How could that woman expect Ritza to babysit children? She could barely stand to be around the drooling monsters. Her mind continued to run as she stormed out from the dungeons from where she had met with the mysterious female. All she had to do was cooperate, and Fenros would be returned safely. But, why her? There had to be another angle that the woman had wanted...How did she know about her feelings towards the General? Or lack thereof, in all actuality. The two had years of intimate moments, but Ritza knew she wasn’t the one that Fenros really wanted. If anything, she was a distraction and a substitute for the princess. The very thought made her growl in frustration.

”Not doing this. At all. Fenros can get his own ass out of trouble. Not putting up with little maggots for the idiot.” And yet, she knew deep down that she would do anything to get him safely back to the princess. Elle was like family- the only family Ritza had left. She knew the princess felt strongly for General, so if there was anything she could do to reunite the couple, she was all in.

As she continued to contemplate different ideas on how to rescue Fenros, her feet carried her to the outer walls of the castle. She clenched her hands into fists and continued to look around at her surroundings. Ritza was getting severely frustrated and badly wanted to injure something- or someone.

Mattias was discussing trade routes with a tradesman when he caught sight of Ritza. “”Excuse me Johann, I have other business to attend to.”

Mattias walked so that his path would cross hers. Keeping his eyes on her he noticed that she was in full armor and carried a full set of weaponry. He couldn’t think why she would be doing that without a confrontation on her mind. He couldn’t help but notice that she had grown into quite a beautiful and strong woman. He chuckled to himself slightly thinking about the last time he had seen her angry with someone. She certainly had a temper.

“Ritza.” He called her.

She was growing more frustrated as her mind ran. Ritza could see no other choice- she had to follow the strange woman’s direction if she wanted the General back alive. The very thought irritated her. Nobody told her what to do. But, as she didn’t know where Fenros was and he was branded a traitor by the king, she had no other option.

With a shake of her head, she noticed a large figure entering her peripheral vision. He seemed to be walking towards her, yet she didn’t want to glance at him. She didn’t have the patience, nor the time, to deal with anybody else for the time being. Yet, he continued towards her before addressing her directly. Ritza quickly recognized his voice and she sighed inwardly. Last person she wanted to see at the moment was a noble. She rolled her eyes and continued walking. ”Not now, Matt, unless you wish to be on the wrong side of my sword.”

Mattias was unswayed by her threat of fighting. It actually concerned him slightly that she was that upset.

“I see you are set to war. What is going on? I’ve heard rumors of Fenros being arrested. Is this true?” His deep voice resonated between them.

Her stance was both defensive and telling. Her posture was straight as if she were tense and her jaw was set in defiance. Something was troubling her and he was pretty certain it was Fenros.

“I also heard that there was secrecy as to what the treason charge entailed.” He watched her carefully and saw the involuntary clenching of her jaw when he had mentioned the treason’s secrecy.

“Have you been to see Fenros? What has he said?”

She was getting more angry by the second. As he caught up to her, Ritza never slowed her pace. She needed to keep her attention on the people around them, especially if he was only going to speak about the arrest. The kingdom had ears in every nook and cranny; she was not about to get arrested for speaking out against the king.

And the man just kept asking questions. Her face quickly set into a scowl and her hand moved to the hilt of her sword. She spoke to him as she looked around, her voice lowered and steady. ”Hes no traitor. Nobody outside the castle knows what's going on. And no, he was gone when I got to the cell.”

Ritza decided to keep her conversation with the strange woman a secret. She scoffed and shook her head. ”I have no idea where he's gone, or how he left.”

“Ritza, I want to help. Where are you going?” He sensed that she wasn’t going to tell him much more but he had to be able to help Fenros. They had fought side by side for many years and now would be the time that his influence could help sway the king.

He reached out and took hold of her arm firmly but gently. In an authoritative but low voice he said, “I want to assemble some people so we can get things....accomplished. I would like to join you on your quest to find Fenros. He is a good friend, like your father was. I’m not going to allow him to suffer the same fate your father did.”

He looked at the young woman in front of him and saw the anger in her. She’d had it ever since her father died. He had always been suspicious of Liam’s death. He was positive that the king had something to do with it. Mattias looked at Ritza with a softness for just a moment. His other hand was on the hilt of his own sword. If she wanted to fight, he would fight her, and he would win.

She wasn’t going to tell him anything. The less people that knew about the situation, the better the possible outcome. Ritza would do her favor to the woman, get Fenros, and get back to the princess. Maybe even behead a king in the process…

The thought was definitely in the front of her mind- until he grabbed her. She quickly stopped in her tracks and eyed the hand around her arm. Her eyes darkened as she slowly looked up
into Matt’s face. Ritza was about to make a remark until he mentioned her father. With a growl, she quickly pulled back, releasing his grip on her. Her face became hard as she kept her eyes locked on his, her own flashing with pain and rage. ”Do not talk about my father. This has nothing to do with my father’s death. Nobody is ever allowed to talk about him. Or what happened.”

Her eyes caught sight of his hand going to his sword. She snarled her lip and turned back around to walk off. ”You must have a death wish, Matt. I don’t need anyone’s help. I never did.”

Calmly but with an edge to his voice he admonished her attitude.

“You are a stubborn girl! Be mindful you don’t get yourself killed. You say you don’t need help but what if Fenros needs more than just your help. You are not thinking straight Ritza. I’ll try to speak to the king.”

Mattias sighed deeply and decided to follow her for a while and see where she went.

He continued to build and poke at her rage. Clenching her hands into fists, she kept her pace steady as she walked. She knew from experience that Matt wouldn’t back down so easily. The man was mistaken if he thought she was still the girl from her childhood. Everything had been easy back then; so simple. Maybe she could have even imagined a normal life with someone like him. However, fate had different plans for Ritza. She had to toughen up. She had to be strong. She needed justice.

It took a lot for her to keep the hatred from her voice as she responded to him. ”I don’t need you to speak to the king. He obviously is not of sound mind at the moment, what with him accusing his best soldier as a traitor. There’s nothing you can do to help me, Matt. So stop.”

Mattias watched her with a combination of frustration and heartache. He knew she was just a ball of rage but he remembered her before she shut down her feelings. He knew the girl who danced and sang when she thought no one was looking. The happy girl, the girl he had fallen for all those years ago.

“I don’t like the king anymore than you do but right now he is the one holding all of the cards and we need answers. Fenros’ sister works in the castle. I’ll see if she has heard anything.” He glanced at her and wished he had told her a long time ago how he felt. Maybe it would have made a difference.

Normally he didn’t open up much to those he wasn’t close to but he wanted to tell her. However he was almost positive that it wasn’t a good idea just yet. He felt a change of subject might be in order.

“Ritza, did your father ever tell you anything about anything he and I were working on before he died?” Couldn’t hurt to see if she knew anything, right? Part of him laughed, it could hurt. It could hurt a lot when she skewered him.

What was with this guy? He was the only one who treated her as if she was still the girl before her father was murdered. That girl was long gone, never to return. Ritza of the past died when her father did. Yet, she couldn’t deny that there were certain moments that made her want to go back. When Fenros spoke of the princess, when Elle glanced at Fenros when she thought nobody was watching…

She quickly shook her head at the thought. That life wasn’t for her. All that mattered was getting the truth from the king about her father’s passing. His life would be her consolation prize. Glancing at Matt from the corner of her eye, Ritza bit the inside of her cheek when he spoke of Fenros’s sister. The girl was loyal to the crown and the king, and Ritza was definitely not a fan. But, would Ayla side with her brother? She wasn’t too sure the girl would.

Stepping aside to let a few servants passed, she barely caught Matt’s last question directed at her. She rose a brow at the man and looked over at him. He was working on something with her father? ”I thought I said to not talk about my father, Matt.” Though, her curiosity was now piqued. Folding her arms across her chest, she narrowed her eyes and tilted her head towards him. ”Why would my father work with you on anything?”

Realizing he had her attention he gave her a soft smile and said, “I asked your father for your hand in marriage six years ago. We were planning on talking to you about it when he got back from that battle.” He waited for her to strike him at this news. He couldn’t help but think if he had asked her before her father left things would have been different.

Well. That was definitely not what she expected. Ritza couldn’t do anything but to stare at him. If he spoke to her father about this, and they were going to have a conversation together, then that meant her father had accepted. Her stomach sank at the thought. All her father had ever wanted for his little girl was to be happy. And, apparently he saw Matt as being a part of that…

She finally broke eye contact and blinked. No. There was no way her father could do that to her. Her and Matt weren’t even a couple! Sure, there might have been some innocent flirting, but nothing had ever developed past that. Clearing her throat, she looked away from him. Maybe he was lying. But then, why would he lie about something like that? Matt had always been honest with her. But again- this was six years ago, and now she was in a desperate search for Fenros. Had Matt heard about their relationship? Was this a man reacting in jealousy? Ritza wouldn’t be a pawn in some man’s game.

Shaking her head, she looked back at him. ”Why the hell would you bring that up? Why? Where does that get you right now? Sure, you may have asked for my hand, and my father might have allowed it. But the girl you asked to marry isn’t here anymore. She’s dead. Which makes your offer invalid.”

He nodded his head. “I’m not asking you for anything, telling you gets me nothing but rejection.
I am aware that things are different now. I just wanted you to know that there is still someone who cares very deeply about what happens to you.”
Mattias awkwardly answered. He leaned forward and softly kissed her forehead and turned away towards the castle.

Ritza couldn’t do anything but stand stock still. What had just happened? Slowly bringing her hand up to her forehead, she lightly dragged her fingertips across the spot his lips had touched. She cleared her throat as she gave a slight turn of her head to watch as he walked away from her. Maybe there once was a time where she would be giddy and gushing over how handsome the man was. Now, she couldn’t afford that luxury. Any simple act of softness from her would ruin her spot with the men.

Letting out a quick breath, she rubbed the back of her fist against her forehead. She tried to erase the past few moments from her memory to no avail. Ritza couldn’t allow this revelation to be at the front of her mind. She had a job to do. Quickly shaking her head, she turned and hurried back to her quarters to await word from the strange woman.

Anna inspected Alex for wounds and remembered the ferocity with which Verrick had attacked him and she became thoughtful. Maybe he really wasn't the same man she remembered. Her heart sank and she nodded slowly her voice almost cold.

"You should probably go. I need to take care of ....this." She looked around the room, at all of the death and her eyes watered. They threatened to spill over.

"We won't mention that you were here or that these men were anything other than just men that started a fight."

He eyed Alexander one last time. " You better, because the Inquisitors even hint either of you have dealings with me...They will torture you." He picked up his things and said to Anna as he walked out. "I'm sorry this happened to you Anna..." Before disappearing into the night, as the sound of men in chainmail running started to faintly be heard.

Anna turned and hugged Alex before the inquisitors got there. She said, "I'm sorry for what happened between the two of you. He is different than he used to be and that makes me sad and frustrated. Whatever I do when they get here just go with it ok?"

Alexander grinned up at her and nodded. "Whatever you say, I am really too tired right now." Alexander leaned back into his chair and muttered, "I am going to make that man's life a living hell." As Alexander slowly closed his eyes and remembered one thing. His hand reached into a pocket in his pants and pulled his family ring out. Putting it on his fingers he held it up to the light, letting the blood red jewel reflect the candlelight. "This should help deal with the city guard."

"Thank you for stopping him from doing what he probably wanted to do with that knife. I am pretty sure he was going to slit my throat and say it was an accident. You don't mind if I stay the rest of the night, do you?"

Alexander looked up at her face and got serious for a second. "If you ever need a safe place to rest and take shelter you are welcome to use my home. If you look in the left pocket of my saddlebag you will find a key in there. It will let my guards know to let you in. You are welcome to use any of my feif's resources anytime. I don't know how I can ever thank you enough."

Anna smiled and looked at him and decided that he wasn't messed up enough. She reached over and took a knife to his shirt and then she reached over across her own shirt and pulled it forwards and ripped it so it was exposing most of her breasts. Then she stuck the knife into her thigh and pulled it back cutting her leg so that it bled all over her pants. Her eyes teared up as she realized how much that one hurt.

"Well now we should look bad enough I think." She could hear them coming down the street and she leaned down and kissed him soundly and sat on his lap and put her arm around his shoulder and looked at her leg. "Remember, follow my lead."

Alexander thought for a moment that he finally knew what true happiness. Maybe this wasn't such a bad day after all. That was before the guards came rushing in ruining his moment. Maybe he should get in more tavern fights.

A few moments later, the town guard came rushing in the front door. Suddenly surprised at seeing all these dead men with only a man and a woman in the center of the room, both looked beaten and injured "What happened here?"

Anna had let the tears fall after she cut her leg and so now there were streaks run across her face. She played it up.

"These men came in and started trouble. We were upstairs ....when we heard a crash and came down the stairs to find the bar under attack with my bartender being killed." At the thought of Chester real tears formed.

"Luckily he took a couple of them down and then my... uh...the earl here was able to take most of them down. I'm pretty good with knives but I still got cut up a little." As she held her shirt closed she said, "One of the men grabbed me and tried to...." At this point she turned away and feigned crying into Alexander's shoulder.

Alexander put his arms around her and held her close. "I am very sorry this has been very traumatic for her. Do you mind if I answer the rest of the questions? I just don't think she would be able to do it right now. Let me continue..... oh yes. So the man comes up to her from behind and attempts to uummm you know, but she managed to get a nice kick in which led the way for a blow from my sword. After that a few more of the vicious brutes tried to come at the lady, but I managed to fend them off. After seeing my brilliant swordplay the remaining bandits ran off into the night back to whichever foul hovel they came from. After that you men arrived to protect us from any further incursion by those fiends. Any other questions?" Alexander was doing his best to copy the style of speech often used by the nobles who thought they themselves as little kings.

(day of escape)
Anna had gotten some kind of closure at least. It oddly felt like she was lighter even though she was not happy about the ending of their conversation. She wiped her eyes and went back to the bar to talk to Alex.

"Hey, sorry that took so long. Can I get you another glass or do you want to do a shot with me?" She said handing him a shot as she slung hers down.

Alexander looked back at her and downed the shot right as he got a good hold of it. He set it back down and went straight back to the ale he had in another cup next to him. After finishing off the tankard he looked up at her with a grim face. Gone was his smile from earlier, there was no cheer in his eyes. "Just give me anything you have that has alcohol in it."

Anna had been hoping the earl would make her laugh some more. "What happened? Why are you not happy? We can't both be unhappy who will cheer us up?" She poured herself another shot.

Alexander shook his head when she asked him the questions. "Turns out a man I knew and respected was arrested yesterday. He was one of the few good ones up in that cesspit of a castle. This is why I stay away as much as possible. It corrupts everyone who goes there, but the few unlucky ones who don't get corrupted die. Too many good people die for saying something the king just doesn't agree with."

"I'd love to k-..." she stopped and looked around. She grabbed a bottle of whisky and two glasses. "We shouldn't speak about this stuff in public. Come on I'll show you to your room."

Anna smiled at Chester and said "Thank you." She led Alex up the stairs and pointed to his room. She sat down near the small table and poured them shots. Handing him one she told him how her mother died and what over. "I was told the guard died sometime later but it was her attack on the king and I get it, but it was too extreme a punishment. I'd love to kill him and all of the ones that think like him."

Alexander shook his head in disgust when she told him what had happened to her mother. "I would like to shake the hand of whatever man killed that guard. Maybe in the beginning the kings lineage were good kings, but no longer. They are all twisted and depraved, only looking out for themselves. I swear someday those people will get their due, and when it comes I plan on being as far away from them as possible."

Anna shook her shot glass in her hand absentmindedly as she spoke. "I have heard rumors of a rebellion and I would love to be a part of that." She was serious. "I get information in here all the time so for me it would be easy to help." She stretched and realized how tight her muscles were from all of the stress she had been through today.

"What I wouldn't give for a good back rub."

Alexander smirked at her as she said those last few words. By talking it out for the first time in awhile Alexander had been able to actually deal with his emotions instead of just penting them up. "It would almost seem as if your asking me, an earl, to give you a back rub." As he said this he stood up and stretched his back. "Well now I am offering a back rub. What kind of host would I be if I didn't do that." As he said host he swung an arm around the room in the most lordly way he could.

Anna laughed at him and repositioned herself on her stomach on the bed. "This is going to be something I can tell my grandchildren about." She frowned and murmured. "Assuming I have any." She stretched out and kicked her boots off onto the floor and waited for him.

Alexander frowned as she murmured about never having grandchildren. As Alexander leaned over and began to massage her back he decided to speak about things that might calm her.

"Did you know that far away from here, there is a country that sticks needles in people as a massage? I tried it once, but it was more stressful than relaxing. I learned that day that I don't like watching needles going into my skin."

"You mean like a sewing needle? That's crazy. Who would do that?" She began to relax as his hands massaged the tension out of her back. She kind of liked the pain that it inflicted as it released the pressure on her muscles and she sighed happily. "By the way that feels so good. And why would you let someone stick needles in you?"

"I was intrigued by it, it was something different and I wanted to try it. I think I was 19 at the time it happened. And down south there are massive animals. As large as a building with massive tusks, and they are extremely gentle until threatened then they become unstoppable. They actually train them for war and fight with them. It is terrifying to watch."

As he said this he continued with his massage now reaching her lower back.

Anna groaned as he found a hard knot and focussed on it. She realized he couldn't get to it quite as well because of her pants so she wiggled them down a little so he could reach the spot. She was drunk enough she didn't think about it being something she might not do normally. She trusted Alex. "Try that spot again? I think you can reach it now."

Alexander saw her move her pants down and raised an eyebrow at that, but followed her instructions nonetheless. As he massaged her lower and lower he then began to reminisce about the days he sailed without a worry in the world. Maybe it was the alcohol, but he was saying it aloud. From the time he survived waves 30 feet tall, to his first drink with barbarians far to the north. He told her of the friends he had made while in the south learning to ride elephants and his enemies in the west who raid and pillage for a living. He didn't know why, but he was sure this information was safe with her.

Anna sighed happily and raised up and turned over onto her side. She was enjoying listening to his stories of his travels. She patted the bed next to her and moved over so he could lay next to her. When he lay down she laid her head on his shoulder and asked him questions until she fell asleep in his arms. It was the first time in a long time that she slept well.

Alexander didn't notice she was asleep till some time after. He didn't want to disturb her by moving so he just lay there, boots on and everything until he fell asleep. His last thought before falling asleep was that this just might be better than sailing.

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