Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Joker892
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Joker892 It's just business.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Victor Crow

Race/Faction: Human. The Vanguard.

Age: 22


Beneath Victors armor stands a rather pale skinned man that reaches about 6'1 and weaighs close to 220lbs. His face is somewhat scruffy and mostly covered with dirt as a thin un-kept beard lays there. A scar runs down over his right cheek and his eyes are a dull grey while his short messy hair is a dark brown. It's rare to see Victor without his armor on, but when he's not wearing it he mostly just stays with a thin white shirt, leather pants and leather boots.

"Class": Knight.

Motivation: To serve the throne with honor and send the kings enemies to their cold graves.

History: Victor doesn't know much of his village since he was only a toddler when it was attacked by bloodthirsty raiders. He would have died within that village had it not been for a group of the kings knights that were chasing the raiders down on his orders. After the raiders were defeated Victor and other newly made orphans were taken in by the knights and brought back to the capital. It was honestly a stroke of luck for Victor and his fellow orphans to be saved. Victor and the others were soon taken in and at the right ages of 10 began their training. Their training to become proper members of the kings Vanguard.

It was a brutal and deadly start to Victors childhood, but to this day he is honestly thankful for it all. All of the abuse and injuries has made him into a real warrior of the throne. He will forever be indebted to the throne for giving him a chance to prove his worth. As Victor reached the age of 17 he was put into command of a small group that happened to be his fellow orphans of his home village. It was only a group of 6 good men and women, but Victor was proud and thankful to be their leader. A week after his new position they were sent out to hunt down a band of deserters that killed a noble family and fled. It took a two weeks to catch up with the deserters, but they managed to ambush the weary party and were quick to kill them off. As the last of the deserters were killed Victor came across a few scrolls that held clear and hard evidence that the noble was given the right to enslave and kill as he wished by the king. With no hesitation Victor burned the evidence with the headless bodies of the deserters and returned back to the king with the traitors heads.

Today Victor continues to lead his small party and is as loyal to the throne as ever. He is simply another dog of the king and he is honestly happy with that. He will serve his throne along side his fellow dogs and protect his home.

Strengths: Excellent swordsman, leader, strategist, loyal and fearless.

Weakness: Short tempered, stubborn, reckless and not very sociable.

What is the most important thing to know about your character?

Victor may gladly kill and die for the throne, but he will also go out of his way to aid the kingdoms people if they are in danger. He was trained to be not only a guard dog of the throne, but to also protect its people.

What is your character's greatest flaw?

Victor is quick to give up his life to ensure victory.

Why should your character be in a position to influence an entire country?

He is a skilled warrior ready to lead an army and destroy his enemies.

Hope this is good enough.

@OneStoryToMany @Aerandir

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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:) Glad ya made it!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Joker892
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Joker892 It's just business.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nymeria
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sly13
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Hey new to the site. Looked really cool hoping to join soon.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by knightTeutonic
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by knightTeutonic
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I'm pretty new to this so excuse me if the cs is bad, also I'm not the fastest writer. but this rp looks really good and I'm happy to join
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

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I will get to you guys in about 11 hours. Thanks for the interest !
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 29 min ago

Quitting the RP. I tried, but it involves a lot of time and effort i cannot afford.
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago


I appreciate the notification instead of leaving us to figure it out. This is a high intensity rp. Thank you!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nymeria
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Go ahead and move your cs into the Char tab and welcome!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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