Avatar of Wildman13
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    1. Wildman13 8 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Problems with the internet once more.


Life is peaceful needs a little chaos in it.

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Sound like an interesting NRP to me.
I'm going to post my modern nation sheet soon.

EDIT: Question! Do the modern and fantasy nations both understand each other in terms of language at the current state?

Nice, glad to have you also we have an discord if you want rapid or fast responses. As for your question its a big no. Even a creote is far from development due to the limited interaction. Though for the fantasy nations they have their own languages but, they have an dominant language.
The Official page is up. Please post your nations in the OC before the character in order for me to fix the map.



They came with iron sticks and beast of steal shaking the world as they slither. They bought about ideals that threaten the stature of the world. Their swords flew and their boats giants their cities conquering the land. They looked like the humans but, they are different. Faster, stronger and vastly intelligent they shape the land in ways that we have never thought of was possible and when we checked curious as we can be they offered us food and equipment the likes of no other.

Yet we of course returned in kind bring them our foods in exchange and with that a relationship was to be born. Still peace was impossible as they bared their fangs and their true colors shown the flames of war had started and many had paid the ultimate price. One by one our cities crumbled and our people captured by the vile invaders are armies were nothing more than an irritating hindrance to the uncompromising war machines of the enemy. So we called forth for help and turn to our kins. Grudges were left aside as once rivals stand side by side in an attempt to stem the tide of this new enemy leading to the creation of the Grand coalition of Titania for the world inches to destruction and our people close to extinction. Now we stand and ready stand ready for we are the shield that stands to hold the line from complete and utter destruction from the threat that is known by all as the world eaters.

We will not allow these creature wipe us out from our lands. Our priest, and shamans are with us and with them our gods soon they would see the might of what they enraged. Soon, they will meet our wrath


Our world was gone and so was our hope. In an attempt to please whoever was out there we banded together for the last time. Building a testament for our mistakes the vault of man a series of underground tunnels designed to keep what culture we have left and craving up a mural of how we destroyed our home world. The tale of how our ancestors drove the world to a force stop and effectively sending us the next generation to suffer yet it was not to be the end as something opened a way out… a second chance.

Still before we embarked the United Nations of Earth intervene organizing what was supposed to be a chaotic march to the unknown to the biggest colonial effort known to man. Reviving ships of old and artifacts back to function as we prepare for what was to come and the day revealed itself one by one we passed by and for the first time the rays of the sun had finally blessed our skins a moment of rebirth for mankind.

Still as we arrived our leader was no more and suddenly the expedition had fallen into anarchy as people had rush to find land for their own but, as time passed by we would soon see that we were not the first ones. Creatures that once existed in books and tales of old was right in our eyes. Creature of unparalleled beauty or ugliness yep they were not as kind nor as war like as the books would tell. Still as years pass by our cities rose feeling them with wonder and awe but, jealously was common as suddenly without warning our cities fall and our populations suffered as the natives have shown us that they would not share. Yet as they would see that we were in fact few in numbers but, our might was far weak. For we will not allow our race to die off we will fight and we will keep claim to survive.

What is this roleplay all about?

About the GM

Just to start off, I'm not the best I know that and I have accepted it. I have not seen an NRP I could get behind, so I decided to make my own. I don't have the very best grammar as some of you or maybe most of you have already noticed from the very top.

So asking you all to have the very best grammar is a hypocritical thing for me to ask of you, as I continue to make the same grammar mistakes over and over again. I honestly just want a post that we can all read, understand, and enjoy. I just want us to have fun as we continue with the story.

For those that are gonna go out for some time, I wish that you all would tell us before you leave. I understand if you have something to do. focus on your family, school, and friends first before this RP I can understand as long as you tell us first.

The RP is set to mid-high casual, as I believe this is where my ability as an RPier I am currently at the moment, I also ask for your forgiveness for anything bad I may do in the future. I truly hope that you enjoy the RP.

This is the map


  • I love surprises so make friends and make your plans.
  • Be cool and nice.
  • If your gone for one and a half week then your nation dies (You can reason with me here so don't worry) .
  • Post something readable and fun to read.
  • No fights please.
  • And above all have fun.
  • Have fun making your nations.
@Duthguy@Wildman13@demonspade64@ReusableSword@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@Guy0fV4lor

Alright so from everyone still present tell me your evolution stage and whether or not you are both ready for evolution and will evolve by my next post. I have been gone a while so I need a refresher on who's where

Still in but, I don't think I'm ready for an evolution with only 70 experience. Also in my own shrine.
@Wildman13 Hopefully the nation isn't OP, or the opposite end of the spectrum by this world's designs.

Meant to be a "dark elf ruled, dark elf majority nation with two other races in it that normally aren't working together". Something that became a technological and magical melting pot of generally outcast races or groups from other potentially more common races. They don't have magitech, mind, just simple applications like magic applied to cannons to fire them better. Or runes inscribed on the musket balls to add effects. XD

Don't worry its fine to be honest.
@Wildman13 Considering that i have reached 6-7 MS Word doc pages of information for this nation, i think i shall now go about to greatly simplify things for the sake of consistency. XD

Unless its ok i mean.

Its fine I would like to read about it and its not the only nation that reach that has gotten to 8 pages worth of words. XD
<Snipped quote by Wildman13>

Hmmm, got it. Although all the modern carriers (built in the 1960s to present) are all "supercarriers". The term isn't an official term per say but a term that the media uses to describe modern carriers which are A LOT bigger than older generations like the ones from WWII. Like the Gerald Ford Class are all Super Carriers, the previous generation of Nimitz Carriers are also called supercarriers same with the previous three. In fact, the first supercarrier was built in 1955 with the Forrestal class... So, if you want I can just avoid bringing a carrier since I don't think a WWII era ship would make much sense.

Ohh ok my bad thanks for correcting me.
(never mind....er, sorry for this stupid question.... (>_<) )

Huh, that's not an stupid question... its actually valid due to the fact that there hasn't been an dark elf faction in the game so if you want to you can of course.
Name: The USN


How you survived: The USN are the remnants of the United States Navy, particularly of a Carrier Strike Group, which had survived the great war as they were deployed at sea and escaped the horrors of nuclear weapons that were used on major population centers and strategic bases. The first few years after World War 3, the USN took time to reunite with friendly ships and find any survivors in the ruins of the states. However, they would still find themselves at combat at times due to the fact that remnants of enemy ships and submarines. However, as the years went by... people seemed to realize that rebuilding society was more important than continuing a pointless war.

Flag Ship:
Enterprise - The Enterprise is the 3rd in line of the former US' new line of super carriers. Meant to be largely automated, it needed less personnel to operate the ship and is powered by 2 A1B Nuclear Reactors to make the ship a floating power generator.

1. Self-Defense System - An array of weapons that are used to protect the ship from missiles, ships, and aircraft.
2. Hanger - Permanent housing and service area for the fleet's aircraft
3. Energy Generation - 2 Nuclear Generators provide the ship with more than needed. Originally intended to be used to allow further upgrades to the ship before WW3. Now it is used to help provide power and energy to the rest of the fleet and cities that they visit to provide care.
4. Engineering Bay - Due to the extended need to operate and need to be self sufficient, the engineering bay has been expanded to allow the ship to allow the ship to make extra parts, machinery, and etc.
5. Advanced Radar Array - The Enterprise needs to be able to see what's coming in order to appropriately deal with the situation. The ship has the best radar system available to man before the wars.

Two Ships:
Mercy - A former oil container that was converted into a hospital ship by the US. It features beds for patients, and a whole array of medical equipment, supplies, and a laboratory. It also houses a hydroponics lab for the fleet's need for vitamins. This ship houses most of the fleet's non combatants.

Laramie - A former fleet oiler, the Laramie provides the fleet with it's oil needs to operate machinery like aircraft. Due to the fleet's need for self-sustainability, part of the ship has been converted into a drillship to find and drill for oil. This ship serves as a resource surveyor.

One Escorts:
USS Louis H. Wilson Jr. "Wilson" - A Arleigh Burke-class destroyer Flight III

Technology: The Fleet carries some of the best technologies to keep the fleet safe and help others. However, it's ability to conduct offensive operations are largely limited to aircraft and the Wilson since the two auxiliary ships are non-combatant ships. Thus, the technology of the fleet can best be described as great to defend and sustain itself when in a group, but it particularly excels in the field of medicine and biological research.

Military might: The Fleet has serious abilities to defend itself, but conducting offensive operations away from the fleet is something that the fleet has not done and hopefully will never have to do. However, most of the armaments of the fleet are self-defense systems with the exception of aircraft, marines, and the Wilson's missiles and guns.


USN has largely been a neutral entity in the old world, simply focusing on its mission of helping the unfortunate and securing the future of the fleet and humanity. Although some pirates and other desperate nations have attempted to capture the fleet, the fleet has been more than successful at fending for itself due to the capabilities of the Enterprise and the Wilson. Still, there are many people around the old world who have their lives saved thanks to the humanitarian missions conducted by the USN. These good relations have been beneficial for the fleet as it enabled the fleet to receive charitable donations and attract skilled and educated experts in areas that it had been lacking in. The fleet is proud to host one of the most diverse and advanced medical staff in the world as well as other experts whose contributions have helped the fleet keep up its mission.


Name: Lothar Wolff

Rank/title: Admiral

Appearance: James is a man in his forties who is rather tanned due to the years out in sea.

Weapon: None on him usually as he is on ship. But the few times he goes on land, he opens up the ship's small armory and assigns weapons and armor accordingly.

Armor: None

Capabilities: James is an accomplished sailor and officer who is trusted to make solid decisions even under pressure.

Background: Admiral Wolff was born on the ship to two navy personnel on board the ship. Thus, he grew up knowing nothing other than the fleet for the most part and started to learn while young what the duties of each sailor was. Thus, as he grew, it wasn't surprising to see him climb the ranks as he clearly understood the demands of each task and how to properly deal with them. Ultimately, when the former admiral came to resign at the age of 70. It was little surprise that he had designated Wolff as his replacement. The process of picking the next Admiral was straight forward. The last Admiral would designate who to take over, and the designated person would be subject to the approval of the fleet's council.

The Council consists of the:

Admiral who is in charge of the protection and execution of the fleet's missions.

Captain of the Mercy, who is the officer in charge of the ship and the senior doctor.

Captain of the Laramie, the commanding officer of the Laramie and the chief scientist/engineer.

Captain of the Zumwalt, the CO who serves as the head of the fleet's amphibious and land missions.

Historically, the Admiral picks a designated replacement and resigns when he turns 70. However, in the event that there is no designated replacement, then the council takes the initiative to pick. Regardless, in the end, the council then serves as advisors to the new Admiral who is the head executive.

Deus Ex Machina points/ DEM points:

Death points/DE points:


Name: James Abrams

Rank/title: Captain of the Expeditionary Forces

Appearance: James is a man in his 30s who is in very good shape. He and his men give sense to the term "leather neck".


Enhanced Combat Helmet

Capabilities: Cpt. Abrams has a good record of making sure that things on the ground go smoothly. He has been a part of numerous peacekeeping and defensive missions ever since joined the marine unit at age 18.

Background: Cpt. Abrams joined the fleet as a young child as the fleet adopted him in a humanitarian mission. He lived in a small fishing community that was heavily destroyed and flooded by huge waves. Thankfully, the fleet was nearby and saw the wreckage. He then grew up, watching the marines just take on the ocean with no fear in their landing vehicles. It didn't take much for him to want to become one as well. Thus, at 18, he volunteered and went through basic training. He served well for over a decade and eventually became captain due to his seniority and experience.

Deus Ex Machina points/ DEM points: 0

Death points/DE points: 0

Its fine with me though a super carrier would be a bit excessive, since the flagship was essentially an super carrier too. You can however get a way with an carrier if that's fine with you. Also its well made and I like it so its a great addition to the roleplay.
@Wildman13 Er, on a side note: Yea or Nay on a dark elves??

Fine by me to be honest.
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