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12 mos ago
Current “Boy, three bedrooms, two baths, and one homicide. This place is gonna sell like hotcakes.”
1 yr ago
“Every time I think I can move forward, there’s this force bringing me back into darkness.”
1 yr ago
@Midnight Stars. People have a life outside of the site and will unfortunately disappear when emergencies strike. Not everyone has the time to be online every day/all the time.
1 yr ago
"Books! And cleverness! There are more important things — friendship and bravery."
1 yr ago
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."


WolfLover here, I am 27 year of female writer. Has been writing for over 5 years, so has lots of experience in the roleplaying/writing field :) I live in the Uk.
My interest check and My Character Storage for anyone interested :)
I am currently unemployed. (Lots of personal reasons, some of you may know, some don't). Last year had been bad for me, and my mental health. Still trying to recover and try to battle my problems. Muse has been slow, but slowly trying to get back into writing. If anyone's interested in rping, send me a message and we can work something out together :) Happy writing dear people.

The Witches and Warlocks of Tanner (Active) GM'S: @Hedgehawk@HaleyTheRandom@SouffleGirl123

Rhodes (Active) With @Jones Sparrow
The Mystery (Active) with @Fetzen

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Since getting her mark, Savannah's life remained somewhat the same. Apart from the surprise that she had a soulmate out there somewhere, she couldn't help but feel curious. Who was this person? What where they like? Not sure where to really begin, but she started to search. Or at least was attempting to. It's not like she could just go up to every single person that she ever crossed paths with, asking if they were soulmate. Knowing how insane that would sound. Or it'd possibly scare people off. Savannah was more careful than that. A trait she had after her mother. Instead, she tried to research more about her mark. to see if she could find someone whom had the matching one. Her elder brother offering some advice, of where she might find more answers. Trying out the websites, that her brother had suggested. But not finding anyone to match her search...at least, not in New York.

Prompting for another longer search; Savannah tried to search through the database, for every possibly country and or state. When she turned 18 years old; her father had been prompted at his job. Getting relocated to Miami, where the new firm was being established with Mr Montgomery as the new head-figure of the company in question. Packing up their things; the family moved across the states. Well most of them at least. Savannah's elder brother remained in New York; whilst the girls took the leap and moved with their parents, after Mr and Mrs Montgomery found a nice family home for them. Ontop of that, her school had recommended her for an art program, which happened to be in Miami too. Savannah knew that she should have been excited for the move; but she was a little nervous. How would she fit in the new place? Would it make her search harder or easier? She had no idea. Only time would tell.

The first day in Miami, was mainly spent recovering from the flight and slowly unpacking. Enjoying the calming view from her window; anytime she looked out of it.
The next day, Savannah thought she would explore what she now called her new home. It was the week-end, so things were a bit more calmer in the city. No one rushing to work. Heading to one of the cafes, that had been recommended to a few friends of hers that went visiting to Miami, few years prior; Savannah thought to test it out. Having taken her laptop with her, to carry on with her search. Savannah was just running the database for Miami, hoping to find some clues about her soulmate on the Miami records. As she waited for the record date to load, her trail of thoughts were interrupted by the waitress asking what she would like to order. "I'll try the cinnamon pancakes, and a cup of tea please. Savannah ordered. A friendly smile on her face.
Places of Interest:

The Gardens:

The Ballroom:

Royal Bedchambers:

The Bathhouse:

Riven Empire Market/City:

Village of Wolfden:

Side Characters:

Isobel Swiftholme, Court Mage

Fredrick Bennett, Guard

Princess Octavia Amaranthea Riven

Lady Eleanore Covington

Lady Freya Farrington

23 Years Old | Female | Human *Nobility* | Lady-in-Waiting to Princess Octavia
Eye Color: Hazel | Hair Color: Auburn Red | Body Build + Skin tone: Hourglass figure, slim. Lightly tanned | Height: 5'6

Freya is a gentle soul. Very kind hearted and soft spoken. At times said to be stubborn if she believes something to 'right' and 'wrong.' She's an intelligent young woman, that has many interests and hobbies. To strangers, she can be seen as being a closed book and a bit of an introvert. It takes a while for her to get out of her shell and develop a trusting bond with people.

Bio: WIP

Welcome to the Riven Empire.
A small yet beautiful Kingdom, surrounded by oceans and rivers. Not many outsiders know the Empire Exists; those that do either seek the Riven Empire as an ally...yet there are some whom seek to take over. But it is well protected, that enemies do not how to breach the protective walls that keeps the Empire safe.
This story follows the lives of the Royal Family and those close to them, within the walls of the Riven Empire. Especially The Crown Prince, and the up's and down's of being the Empire's Heir and the challenges that he has to face along the way.

The servants tried to plea with their King to rest, and take it easy. In their eyes, it was unwise for him to be about his feet. Not with him in such an unstable condition. He needed to rest, to regain his strength and control. But it was no use. Their King was ever so stubborn. And strangely even more so, over a young woman he barely seemed to know. No one had seen such reactions from him, ever before. They couldn't help but speculate what was going on with their ruler, how the young Princess was so special to make their King react in this way. It probably wasn't wise for the King to get in the way of the medics work either; as they needed space to move about and take care of the injured Princess. Alexander wasn't making it easy. Not for anyone, in these circumstances.

No one had noticed the guilty culprit just yet. But it was only a matter of time; before she would be found out. For certain shadows would expose her as the traitor that she was. For now, the guests were too scared of the chaos to notice her cowering away. And the servants more concerned about their ruler, their King's well being than whom was hiding amongst them.

"Sire, you must calm. You cannot help her, in this state." Multiple servants tried to plead with the King. Attempting to calm him down, so the Medics could do their job. Alexander being frantic, wouldn't be of help and use to anybody. Especially the Princess. "Your majesty, please...you must let the medics do their job." One of the guards pleaded with the King. Attempting to calm him down. But it was no use. Never have they dealt with a King so stubborn. If he did not calm himself down; he could injure himself in his panic. A risk, the servants and guards did not wish to take.

Feeling a little bit dazed, Rosalind did not see the strange light emanating from her fingertips. But the Young Princess did hold a potent power inside of her. In time, she would come to learn what she was truly capable off. As things slightly calmed down, she heard a familiar voice among the chaos. "Your majesty." Rosalind used his title, rather than his name. Either way relieved to see him. With some aid, she sat up properly in the cot. Looking a bit confused. Why did he feel the need to apologise? He didn't do anything wrong. "It is not your fault." Assuring him, that he was in the clear. Rosalind smiled weakly, despite the fact that her head was pounding still. Feeling a little dazed from everything. "It is a relief, to see you on your feet, my Lord." Glad to see that he was alright. Appearing to be in a slightly better state than he had been inside of the castle. But this wasn't over, not yet. They had yet to figure out, what was going on.

Almost sensing the former servants sharp eyes skills, Rosalind's shadow moved in a different way; to avoid being seen by the servant. Disappearing in the quietening chaos of the shadows around everyone. Her shadow finding a different way to the guilty former servant, without being seen. A few other Shadows seemed to catch onto the former servants guilt; as if they all could sense emotions. Swopping behind her. A bigger shadow pushed the guilty servant into view of everyone. Exposing the traitor to the leader of the realm and everyone else that was present outside.

Catching onto the slight chaos, Rosalind looked towards where the shadow had pushed the former servant into view. "Who is that?" She questioned. She hadn't seen that particular servant in the castle upon her arrival earlier that evening. Nor did she look like a guest.

Rosalind's shadow seemed to wrap around the former servants feet, stopping the traitor from escaping. Whilst the other shadows too highlighting her as the traitor and guilty perpetrator behind this chaos.

"It seems like the shadows had found the guilty culprit. My Lord." One of the guards spoke. Not looking happy at seeing the former servant back; for she should have been long gone from within the castle's walls. Knowing too, that their King wouldn't have lost control by himself.

The last thing Rosalind had remembered, before falling unconscious was Alexander pleading with her to leave the drawing room. But she couldn't leave him in such a state. Before she could have even thought of leaving him be, or left the drawing room; it was already too late. As she laid on the ground; darkness seemed to have swallowed her. Her body almost totally limp as one of the guards had carried her outside. Her head hanging, as the guard carried her. Unable to keep her head against his chest in a comfortable way. Whilst the Princess was breathing, there was a small injury to the back of her head from where the shadows had knocked her away from Alexander and against the coldness of the floor. Despite being brought to safety, no one was safe just yet. It seemed like the chaos followed them outside. Her arm hanging over the side of the cot, that she was placed upon once outside. Her chest slowly rising and falling, with slow breaths.

In the chaos, Rosalind's shadow still seemed to be alive. Her shadow not only searching for the King's...but also for the one responsible off this chaos.

"But your highness, you must rest. The medics are checking that she is unharmed." One of the servants tried to plead with the King. Concerned that the King himself was hurt and unstable, after what had happened inside of the castle walls. Surprised just as everyone else, that the King seemed to be so highly concerned for the Princess. They had never known him to care for anyone, to such a degree. Hence their shock.

Meanwhile, the castles' medics were standing over the Princess. Checking the wound on the back of her head. There had appeared to be small bleeding, from the wound. So they had cleaned the wound, making sure it wouldn't get infected. Before wrapping a bandage around. The Princess was truly in a vulnerable state herself. Probably much to the evil servant's happiness; that Rosalind was a victim of the chaos she had brought upon everyone, by harming Alexander. Rosalind's shadow still moving by it's own will almost, almost like her shadow had sensed the dangerous former servant lurking amongst the crowd; her shadow slowly began to circle around the servant in question. Almost like Rosalind's shadow was trying to draw attention to the woman that was responsible for all of this. Pointing out the 'enemy' that was hiding within plain sight.

Unware of how much time had passed, Rosalind was slowly coming around after what felt like hours. Waking up with a groan. Her head spinning from the throbbing pain. Almost falling out of the cot in panic, when she found herself outside. But a servant managed to steady the cot, preventing the Princess from falling right out. "Is Alexander alright? He...he was hurt." More worried about the King and his state, than herself. For she hated to see someone in such a state, like she had found Alexander. Fearing, that someone was out to get him, and wanted to hurt him. Rubbing her temple, that seemed to be throbbing in pain. A strange warm light seemed to penetrate from the tip of her fingers. It was a soft light, in it's warmth. But bright enough to resemble star light. The light seemed to wash over the nearest shadows; calming them and the chaos around.
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