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12 mos ago
Current “Boy, three bedrooms, two baths, and one homicide. This place is gonna sell like hotcakes.”
12 mos ago
“Every time I think I can move forward, there’s this force bringing me back into darkness.”
12 mos ago
@Midnight Stars. People have a life outside of the site and will unfortunately disappear when emergencies strike. Not everyone has the time to be online every day/all the time.
1 yr ago
"Books! And cleverness! There are more important things — friendship and bravery."
1 yr ago
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."


WolfLover here, I am 27 year of female writer. Has been writing for over 5 years, so has lots of experience in the roleplaying/writing field :) I live in the Uk.
My interest check and My Character Storage for anyone interested :)
I am currently unemployed. (Lots of personal reasons, some of you may know, some don't). Last year had been bad for me, and my mental health. Still trying to recover and try to battle my problems. Muse has been slow, but slowly trying to get back into writing. If anyone's interested in rping, send me a message and we can work something out together :) Happy writing dear people.

The Witches and Warlocks of Tanner (Active) GM'S: @Hedgehawk@HaleyTheRandom@SouffleGirl123

Rhodes (Active) With @Jones Sparrow
The Mystery (Active) with @Fetzen

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Rosalind frowned when Alexander began to give her somewhat of a lecture on what it was like to be King, and what one had to do to be a good ruler. Sighing as he had finished. Clearly, he had even misunderstood her and his servants if he thought he was being questioned. "Please, do not give me a lecture on what it is to be a King. It's patronising to myself. You seem to forget...I know what it is like. I am a Princess, my father is a King! I know more than you think!" Rosalind reminded him. "Yes, a ruler has to be respected. But respect goes both ways. A ruler has to respect his servants and people. Especially if they offer concerns about the Kingdom. It is rude to accuse them of being challenging...or not listening, when it is not the case. And as for fear...fear will ultimately drive everyone away. I have seen it happen before. It's unwise to cause everyone to fear a ruler. Fear will over-come anything else. And if there is a problem in the realm, your people will not come to you because they will fear you too much to say anything, that might be off help. They'll be too scared of voicing their concerns to their own leader, because of the fear embedded. She knew this too well. Her people back home, were scared of her own father as he was strict and often accused people of questioning him, with a simple concern they had voiced. Whilst they turned to her mother instead, as she was the one they could talk to. But it was his choice, if he eventually wanted to chase everyone away with fear, because he was set on being harsh for a servant merely voicing a concern.

The Princess couldn't help but think about home, knowing that her parents would be worried about her once they'd learn what had happened here. It would have been safer, if she hadn't been here in the first place. But she couldn't change that. What had happened, happened.

The Guards had nodded at Alexander's request. "Of course your majesty, we'll dispatch guards to the gates at once." The two leaders of the guards told the King. Giving orders to their fellow guards, to go stand guard by the gates to the castle. The guards set off in various directions to the gates that surrounded the castle.

It was a matter of time, before the Princess would realise what she was to Alexander. Whether it was good news...or bad news. That was just to be known. Whilst there was a connection and an attraction of sorts, there was no doubt they would butt heads with different views on things. But then again, so did her parents. But they somehow made their marriage work. Rosalind didn't think that she would be the chosen one, but fate had decided so. But his guests were curious whom would be his chosen Queen and Bride. Right now wasn't the time for any such big revelation. Not when things at the castle had to be cleaned up, after the chaos that ruined the ball. It would take a while before things would go back to normal, after this evening. At least, fully until the traitor would be punished for her crimes. Till then, everyone was still tense and worried about the entire situation.
I suggested an idea of how they meet before. Which you seemed to reject.

One of the servants swallowed uncomfortably, when he heard the King raise his voice at him for questioning the traitors punishment. "Of course not Sire...I just meant..." He stumbled over his words. Not sure how to explain himself without making the King angry. He was just concerned that exile might not be the right punishment considering the lengths the traitor already went to, when it came to causing chaos in the realm and within castle walls.

Rosalind could see the servant struggling, and she of all people figured that he didn't mean it to come across that way. So she decided to step in. "I believe, your servants and guards are just simply concerned about the safety of the realm and you my Lord." Rosalind told Alexander "He didn't mean it, as him questioning your decision. But more so worried that the traitor would find a way back from exile, to cause more trouble." Hopefully her words would keep Alexander at a somewhat calmer state, as she could hear his voice picking up, in anger. Like he would scold anyone whom dared ask a question about his decision. But Rosalind wasn't sure how powerful exile really was. At least in his Kingdom. It was then that Rosalind learned more about 'exile' in this realm, as Alexander talked about how the former servants fate would be sealed, with the shadows. Hoping that they would indeed prevent the traitor from coming back and causing more havoc, than they already had to endure.

The servant was surprised that the Princess tried to defend him, as she seemingly understood where he was coming from. But his King had scared him into silence, that he just nodded in understanding. Not daring say another word; in case it would be taken in the wrong way as Alexander always seemed to take his words of concern as being rude and questioning.

The Princess sighed softly, listening to him as he took the blame for what had happened. "But you didn't know, what she was capable of doing and planning." Rosalind certainly didn't blame him for what had happened. It was the former servants choices, that had led them all to this. Before she could try and reassure him that she didn't blame him, he spoke about her being hurt. It surprised her...and confused her a little bit, that he seemed so concerned about her well being. Almost upset that something would have happened to her, if things didn't calm down. The Princess was a little speechless. Not sure what to say to that comment, from the King. Why was he concerned about her to such a degree? They were still strangers after all. Did he care for her, more than she realised? It was almost like he had read her mind, and seemed to know what words still troubled the Princess. Hearing his assurance that the traitors threats meant nothing. "Thank you, for the words of comfort." It did make her feel a little bit better. That the traitor was getting what she truly deserved. Especially after what she had done.

It came as a no surprise, when she heard Alexander's speech about future servants going through a probation period. He was taking precautions. Not that she could blame him, after the chaos that they all witnessed. It was probably for the best. Any other sensible ruler and King would have done the same. Hopefully the others, new or old servants would prove to be more trustworthy than the traitor that was locked away in the cells, right now.

There once was a fox, who collected souvenirs from near and far. The fox kept their collection stored in a pocket dimension that looked like a mimic chest. However, one of those souvenirs was more than what it seemed. It was in fact, a mimic souvenir. This small mimic souvenir resembled a singing mermaid that would lick skulls clean with their six forked tongues that molt preposterously acidic jewels. With these jewels, the mimic souvenir was rumoured to be the most powerful souvenir of all.

Until one day, the fox had an unexpected visit from his mother. She said, "wassup son, y’all look bummed out” whilst placing a freshly baked pigeon pie on the kitchen table.

The fox sighed. "My mimic chest is missing." He confined in his mother, someone had eloped with it, leaving behind only a single strand of blue hair.

His mother looked perturbed at the news, and she reached into her pocket for something. "Son, it's time you knew that a sorcerer Wyvern has been around, and left behind them a map.”

"A sorcerer...and... a map?" The fox was both shocked and curious. What was the map for? And what did Wyvern want with...
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