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I'll try to get a post out tomorrow. For now, I sleep.
Citadel Dundee, Year of our Empress 50, First Era of the Worm

The Grand Hospital

Elspeth closed her eyes, in her nook above the main floor of the hospital. It was busy, unusually busy, this year. A disease had wracked the entire mountain, and she had pulled many long nights keeping the sick alive. The Empress had shown little care, not even bothering to leave her study. This meant that the lives of the various castes of the dwarves was in the hands of the few who knew the medical arts. The psykers had their own magic to prevent themselves from getting sick, but they were hesitant to use it on the rest of the dwarves.

For what reason Elspeth did not know. Nevertheless, they had sent a detachment of a few psykers, in their ever-ornate masks, to assist in the healing. Their time was limited, and they demanded many breaks. This was in sharp contrast to Elspeth and the rest of the medically-inclined craft smiths. She let out a long, weary sigh. Coughing filled the room. It was only by a stroke of luck the medical staff seemed to not catch the disease.

There was a sound of flapping arm-wings. Someone was coming up to the nook. Elspeth didn’t bother to open her eyes. That was, until the voice rang out. It was the elder of the craft smiths, one of the ones who had studied under the Emanciator. His name Alaisdair, he was one of short temper and shorter still kindness. “Get back down there, you shouldn’t be lazing like an oaf!” he cried.

“I’m waiting for the psykers. We’ve got a group of sick mothers and--” she was cut off abruptly.
“They’ve been reassigned. One of the other psykers fell sick. I told them to focus their efforts on him.” came the response, terse and short.
“What? That’s not fair! They-they--” cut off once again, this time she was looking right at him, shocked.
“Don’t ask why. Now get to work. The sick won’t heal themselves. There’s a fresh batch of herbs from the herbalists at their bedside.” a hint of irritation was creeping into his voice. Elspeth decided it was best not to continue her line of questioning.

She made pulled herself out of the nook, flapping down to the bedside of the mothers. She could see the psykers some distance away, focusing on an older-looking dwarf. His mask was still on, but horns still creeped through. She closed her eyes again, briefly, and turned her head back to her patients. True to his word, he had the herbalists leave more herbs on the stone outcrop at the fungi-weaved cloth bedside. Mushing some of the herbs into a paste in a pestle, she began her work, smearing the medicine on the sores of the patients.

She continued her work with dogged vigilance, long through the night, or what passed as night in the subterranean layers of Citadel Dundee. The psykers stayed at the bedside of the sick member of their ranks.

One by one, the mothers dropped like flies. The disease took too much energy from them, and they could not support themselves. She continued working on the living mothers, as her workload steadily decreased. Eventually Alaisdair walked by, and he stopped. He looked briefly at her, and then grabbed her shoulder, roughly telling her, “Stop. They’re too far gone.”

She froze in place. A helpless fury overtook her. She flashed out a webbed fist, catching Alaisdair in the snout. He collapsed. She screamed at him -- perhaps she pronounced actual words, perhaps not, but they were lost on her. She punched him again. She did not notice at what point the psykers came to her side, and she barely noticed being pulled off of Alaisdair.

He laid there awhile, while the psykers held Elspeth. Eventually, however, he climbed to his feet. One of the psykers asked, “This is your hospital. Shall we mark her?”

A long pause. Alaisdair’s features softened for a moment, but only a moment. Returning to his traditional angry demeanour, he simply responded, “No. We need as many trained in the medical arts as possible. Elspeth, go to another section, maybe the warrior’s beds. You’re done here.”

He wiped some blood from his nostril, and waved them off. They let go of Elspeth, and she just stood there. Alaisdair watched her as the psykers walked back to the bedside of their fallen compatriot.

“Well, why are you just standing there? Get going.” he muttered, still wiping blood off of his snout.

Another long pause.

“With the psykers, we could’ve saved those mothers. That psyker isn’t even close to death. Why?” she choked out.

“You don’t understand, do you?” Alaisdair said, anger creeping into his voice.

“You’re right. I don’t understand. And I probably never will. You sent them to their death. I won’t ever understand how you could do that.” she sputtered the words out, shoving by him as she continued on her way to the warrior’s section. He didn’t look at her as she went.

Alaisdair let out a long, self-loathing sigh. His face hardened again, and he continued his patrols through the hospital.

This is kinda short and I wrote it at 11 PM on melatonin, so forgive me if it's bad.
I'll try to work on my collab and get a new post out soonish. I've been really tired recently.
It was the middle of the night, the air was pleasantly cool. Leri, the moon that controlled Gais' tides, shown brightly in the cloudless sky. Around it, a mural of various stars and planets. They weaved a deep story of constellations and shapes. To think that Staiuskind had gone up there. The two Staius in the yellow car were young, recent creations. They had yet to fully develop a neural network of electrons. Nevertheless, they were old enough to be trusted on their own.

Dust plumed in their wake, they were offroading. The radio was on. "Gooooood evening Narrev! This is your disk jockey, one-eyed Rrruuumbbleeeerrrr! Say say say, what's a little Perintan night without a little Rock n' Roll? We gotta rock tonight, till' broad daylight! Gonna rock around the clock tonight! Take it away, Kiul Brothers!"

The voice of the disc jockey was replaced with a rock song. The two Staius smiled, their favorite. They eventually came to a stop at a bluff, getting out from the vehicle. They sat on the hood, taking in the night. The moon illuminated them both, and the field of stars was dazzling. They were miles away from civilization -- their car had ensured that. A small town was illuminated on the horizon, some streetlights polluting the sky with light.

They had a drag race in the morning, they knew that. But the night was young and the weather was perfect. "Can't believe they're launching the Reaul 7 tomorrow. Think we'll be able to watch it on the telly?" one of them spoke, eliciting a reply from the second. "Hell if I know. I hope we win the race, your hotrod's pretty fast. Just don't tell em' it's your mama's car."

A sigh. A giggle. They looked up at the stars. Some day, Staiuskind would control it all, surely.


"The eyes of the world now look into space. To the moon, and the planets beyond. We have vowed we shall not see it with a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace." The voice paused for applause. "We choose to go to the moon not because it is easy, but because it is hard."

"Why do we wish to go there? Because it is there. Space is there. And we're going to climb to it. The moon and the planets are there. New hopes for knowledge and peace are there. And therefore, as we set sail, we ask the First Star's blessing, as we embark on the most dangerous and most hazardous journey upon which our kind has ever embarked." More applause.

The television cut out. It switched to the mission control. There, a hundred Staius were packed into a room, watching their terminals and screens. The launch of Reaul 7 was in order, and the eyes of the world were upon them. If this mission was successful, Leri would be landed upon, and the Staius who landed would then return. It would be a great achievement for Staiuskind.

"Go no go for launch countdown. Cut the chatter in this room." the announcer said, at the behest of the director of the Narrev National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The various peoples at the consoles gave the go for launch, each one in order, and the launch countdown began.

The nation was glued to their television sets. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. Initiate engines. 3. 2. 1. Launch.

The rocket lifted up into the air, and soon to the atmosphere. It shed its main rockets, and moved to secondary orbital thrusters. That too was then shed, and the ship with three astronauts aboard was sent into space.

Then, later, 210 hours into the mission, mission control was again called to action. They were entering lunar orbit. They were go for power descent. The ship began the descent, with two astronauts aboard the lander. Millions of people were watching as the lander hit the surface. The astronaut, their shell covered in reflective gold foil -- a lesson hard-learned in solar radiation from previous accidents -- stepped down onto the surface. Cheers filled mission control.

"For here we have been, and for here we will wish to return."

The two astronnauts planted a flag of the Federated States of Narrev, and placed a plaque by its side. The plaque read:

This was all broadcasted worldwide, every channel covering it. Not out of force, but out of each channel's own decision. From Cantor to Narrev, all corners of the globe were watching the two Staius. Then, came the broadcast of the astronauts on their plaque.

"This is our commemoration that will be here until someone like us, until some of you, who are out there, who are the promise of the future, come back to read it again."

Thus finished the first broadcast from Gais' moon. It was a historic moment for every Staius, and a historic moment for their entire species. They had completed their first evolutionary steps into the universe.
As an apology for a post where the description and pacing were awful, I'll work on the required sheets today.

Here is the first, elaborating hain body language a bit more. This will be in the hain body language hider on Toun's character thread.

This is about the limit I will probably provide as canon for anyone trying to write hain fanfics for some goodness-forsaken reason.

Christ, the hain wiki page is going to be heeeiiiiiiuuuuuuuge.

"toun x hain species"

brb writing this
January 1st, 1900

With the new appointment of the diplomats, a luxury yacht, emblazoned with the markings of the Kaiserreich, was sailing into the Port of London. It was arriving with the diplomat, reappointed to his post for the tenth time in a row. A decade of diplomatic convention had made the Alai invaluable, for his contacts and knowledge of the country were unmatched.

He had taken a brief foray back to Antenland to be reappointed by the Council of Lords, but now he was back in London. Or, at the very least, he was on a ship nearly back to London. The ship steamed in, docking at one of the larger docks. The ship was by no means small -- it was a projection of Antenland's glory, and very well had to be large.

With a flurry of movement, the gangway dropped down, and a crane on the edge of the yacht began to pick something up to place on the dock. A flurry of concierges came off the ship, each carrying luggage of the diplomatic envoy. The crane picked something up on the deck, and began to move to lower it onto the dock.

When it could finally be seen, it was a brand new Paerzwagen automobile. It was on a pallet, with a cloth wrap protecting the seats and dash from the weather. It was open-topped, with a back piece that could be extended forwards by hand to cover the driver in bad weather, acting as an impromptu top. It was unblemished by scratches or dents, clearly taken well care of.

Then, as it was being lowered onto the dock, the diplomat himself stepped down off the gangway, dressed in fine clothing. He had a pair of bifocals resting on his head. It was a familiar, and perhaps even welcome for some, sight. He was known simply as Amhold.

A horse-drawn carriage sat not too far from where the diplomat had landed. A clerk, giving the strange automobile a suspicious look, greeted the diplomat with a smile and invited him towards the carriage.
'The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs is waiting on your arrival, Sir, at Worthington House. He will be extremely pleased to see you and has prepared a dinner of the highest standard for your honourable self,' the clerk - one Samuel Thomas, whom Amhold had met on many occasions - said.

"Thank you, Samuel," responded Amhold, continuing, "I shan't keep him waiting. I assume my luggage will be in good hands, as always?" The diplomat moved to the carriage, speaking to Samuel again. "I simply will have to show you how my new Paerzwagen works. Much faster than a carriage, it's a marvelous creation. Perhaps that can be arranged after the meeting at Worthington House?" Samuel looked book at the 'Paerzwagen' and nodded slightly.
'I am certain that, if his Lordship the Secretary permits, it should be possible to arrange.' The clerk smiled as he closed the carriage door behind the diplomat and quickly circled round to enter from the other side. As soon as he was in, the carriage set off through London's streets towards Worthington House. It was by no means far away - purposefully so - but it was not good manners to make a foreign diplomat walk. Even if it was, unfortunately, a xeno. Samuel knew very well that Amhold was not ignorant of the Sacred Kingdom's generally dim view of all non-human xenos, but the man - if one could venture so far as to call the Alai that - generally appeared to put up a blissfully unaware front. He was a gifted diplomat, there was no denying.
'I pray that your journey here was easy, Mr. Sazenov?' Samuel questioned.
"As easy as crossing the channel can be. I never was one for sailing, much unlike the rest of my country. I'm glad to be back on dry land. I pray that all remained well in my few weeks out of country to be reappointed?" Samuel nodded at his question.
'Yes, all has been very well. The general public have been alive with excitement ever since Christmas day - the new century promises to be very exciting indeed. His Sacred Majesty has promised that this will be "Our Glorious Century". These are certainly interesting times, do you not think?'
"Indeed. The new century brings with it many promises and jubilations. The world is at peace -- though I have heard of trouble brewing in Cantor -- and every day it seems someone has a new invention or contraption. It is my hope that we may all continue to work together in harmony to produce a better, and more beautiful world," responded Amhold. Samuel smiled respectfully and nodded.
'Yes, one can only hope that that will be the case.' And with those words, the carriage at last came to a halt. Samuel excused himself, opening the carriage door and moving quickly around once more to open the door for Amhold, 'please Mr. Sazenov, right this way.'
Before them, the great white marble bricks of Worthington House, and its famed staircase, was visible. The porters at the great oak doors stood stiffly and opened the door as Samuel ascended the stairs with the honoured guest of state.
'I will hand you over to Mr. Stevens,' Samuel said to Amhold as the butler greeted them, 'he will lead you to your quarters and ensure that a bath and all your needs are catered for. Once you feel ready to see his Lordship, notify Mr. Stevens and I will be right with you.' Samuel smiled and bowed ever so slightly, before Mr. Stevens gestured respectfully for Amhold to follow him, and he took him to the large quarters Amhold was used to dwelling in while he stayed in London. After such a journey, it was was only good manners to ensure that their state gift had every opportunity to make himself comfortable and clean himself. But Amhold was used to Ulgyrikinan etiquette and protocols by now.

He made his way to his quarters, bidding the butler a hearty farewell so that he could take a quick bath. But only quick, however, for he did not want to keep the Lordship waiting. He took his bath and redressed himself, placing his signature bifocals back on his face. He did some minor grooming and fretting of his clothes, before stepping back out in the hallway to go to the dinner, smiling at the butler as he exited the room.
'Oh, Mr. Sazenov,' the butler said, 'just a moment if you will. Your bow-tie is just slightly...' he reached out and righted the diplomat's bow-tie ever so slightly before smiling, 'that's it.' Amhold responded with a, "Thank you. I do want to look my best for the meeting."
Soon enough, Samuel met with Amhold once more and both of them walked to Lord Robert Cecil's office. It was not, of of course, his permanent office, but it was the one the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs generally hosted foreign dignitaries in. The exception being for human dignitaries, who were hosted deeper in the city at Lodingly Place, rather close to Buckingham Palace.

Once they arrived at the door, the porter bowed deeply and opened it slightly. He waited for a signal from the porter on the other side before opening it completely, and Samuel bowed and gestured for Amhold to enter. Being a mere clerk, he would wait outside until the meeting was over. He did, however, hear the porter on the other side announce Amhold's arrival, before announcing Lord Cecil.
'The Most Honourable Lord Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquis of Salisbury. His Sacred Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.'

The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: Lord Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquis of Salisbury

The balding, bearded man, who had been seated behind his desk, arose at the diplomat's entrance and circled round to greet him with a firm handshake and a curt smile, though his eyes remained stern and censurious.
'It is good to see you again, Mr. Sazenov. I am most pleased that the Kaiserreich saw fit to reappoint you to your position. Please, be seated.'

Amhold nodded kindly and took his seat, before responding. "As am I. I do quite enjoy London and the surrounding countryside," he paused, before continuing, "it is to my understanding that in my few weeks out of country, some business has piled up that we must attend to?" Lord Robert nodded as he returned to his seat.
'That,' he said as he sat down, 'would appear to be the case. News has come to us of some rather...distasteful happenings in Cantor.'
Amhold nodded, "As I'm sure you've heard, the South Cantor Company has discovered some rather.. Distressing shipments. Hidden in cotton, they located repeater rifles. My first order of business would be a request for an investigation and sanctions against the relevant colonial authority that allowed such shipments to leave their ports. After all, we did track the shipments to originate in your Cantor holdings."
'I assure you that it is not the Sacred Kingdom's policy to ship weapons to any non-state parties. If it so happened that unsavoury individuals took it upon themselves to do such things, then we will ensure they are punished. But I assure you of the integrity of all our colonial governors - these shipments, if they did indeed leave our ports as you say, most likely escaped detection. As you know, with domains so large, it is impossible to crack down on every potential smuggler - but we pride ourselves on having done a good job of it thus far, and will endevour to ensure that such activities are quashed completely in future.'
"Thank you, your Lordship. I will not request an independent investigation from the Kaiserreich -- especially as agreeing to such would be tantamount to giving up sovereignity -- but I do request that we see results soon from your own investigations. The South Cantor Company is getting quite rowdy in their, I would say, rightful indignation. An indignation fully shared by me. I presume that you are expecting progress in your own investigations?" Amhold responded.
'His Sacred Majesty has, as of yet, not ordained any investigation into the matter. He has taken it upon himself to read fully into the various reports of the incident before committing the time and resources necessary to carry out a full inveinvestigation. It would be truly unfortunate were we to commit to such only to find that it is nothing but petty smugglers. I am certain you remember all too well the similar 1894 incident which, after much investigating, transpired to be nothing but the work of over-enthusiastic zealots seeking to help their human brethren. As soon as his Sacred Majesty decides on the matter, I will instruct my clerk to immediately notify you via telegram. But just to reassure you, I will advise the Lord Grand Admiral to commit another squadron to patrolling the seas around the Horn of Cantor so as to ensure that no Ulgyrikinan vessels steer off course for any reason in future. With that said, I must express my great disappointment that the conditions leading to such activities have not been looked into by the Kaiserreich. We have expressed our hopes in the past that the treatment of humans under your rule should be softened - if this is done, none would feel so strongly as to attempt to smuggle weapons. These activities are a symptom of a wider issue, Mr Sazenov. They are not the cause.' Having said all he wished to say, Lord Roberts looked to the diplomat.
Amhold sighed and took off his bifocals, taking a hanky to clean them with. He spoke as he cleaned them, "I am fully aware of the 1894 incident. I also remember that said investigation was pushed into action by my urging. I will not push you very hard to investigate in remembrance of that fact, but if the Company continues to locate more weapons shipments I am afraid I will have simply no choice. I do, however, greatly appreciate your promise to advise the Lord Grand Admiral. I can only hope that he acts on such advisories. As for the cause, I am fully aware. I would very much prefer to nip it at the bud, but as of now Kaiser Wilim has not authorized such actions. I am forced to work with what is available to me, as I assume you understand, your Lordship. As you full well know, I have been a major component for the demanding of fairer treatment for the Kaiserreich's subjects. It is out of my control, no matter my desire to fix it. I will continue to press the Kaiser to consider your line of thought, but I am afraid I cannot promise progress any time soon. He can be quite the stubborn man when he deems it necessary." Lord Roberts nodded in understanding.
'Of course, of course. I wish to express, on behalf of His Sacred Majesty, the Sacred Kingdom's appreciation for your continuing efforts in this regard. Cooperation with our neighbours has always been our foremost desire, and it is individuals like you who make that possible. Your efforts in opening up trade between our nations, for instance, has gone a long way towards normalising relations between us - despite past hostilities and crushing wars. With more people like you, this wil be - as His Sacred Majesty declared - a "Glorious Century" for all. Why, Samuel tells me that you have once more taken a stride forward in this regard, bringing with you a so-called "Paerzwagen automobile" from the Kaiserreich.'
"Indeed," responded Amhold, "it is my hope that we may enter an agreement that allows for the sale of these new automobiles in your country. It is, however, to my understanding that your roads may prove a little.. Bumpy. If it is required, I can arrange for the shipment of blueprints and perhaps even some road crews to assist in the creation of roads designed to support these new automobiles. We have quite the experienced road crew staff as of current due to the fact we have had to retrofit our own roads. I feel that with our cooperation, your country may soon be able to travel the island in a matter of days rather than weeks -- at least when your people are not taking the train. I believe this is a worthy goal to commit ourselves to." Lord Robert nodded slightly.
'It will have to be something I propose to His Sacred Majesty. He is a very active proponent of improving our train network, you see, so I am not altogether certain he would consider these automobiles for some time. If we begin to see rising income from our colonies in the coming years, I will be certain to push very strongly for these automobiles. If you are unable to use your automobile due to our bumpy roads, however, would it be at all possible for some of my engineers to have a look over the machine? I am certain they will find it fascinating.'
Amhold put his bifocals back on. "I am afraid the automobile design is a patented and protected design. I have no qualms with your engineers examining my vehicle -- as long as it is returned to me in the condition it was handed over, they are not cheap after all -- but the Antenland General Motors Corporation, the Council of Lords, and the patent office would take offense. I may very well be removed from my post if I allowed your country to breach the patent."
'In that case, I find myself very strongly averse to having my engineers anywhere near the vehicle. Your presence here is far more important to us than any machine. I very much hope that the automobile is kept very well protected - its loss may well cause an international incident, if what you say is anything to go by. If you do not have the sufficient number of men, I will have a squad stationed to guard it at all times.'
"Thank you for your kind offer, my Lordship. You prove ever hospitable. I am confident in my concierge's ability, but if you wish to be safe I will not oppose extra guards. I do wish to avoid any incidents. I will ensure that the Kaiserreich is informed of your dedication to ensuring the safety of our patents. It will look most favorable in my telegram home," said Amhold, smiling kindly to the Lord. Nodding, Lord Roberts shuffled through a few pieces of paper on the table before speaking once more.
'Is there anything else you would like to broach with me, while we are here, Mr. Sazenov?'
"Other than the recently discovered weapons shipments, all is well, actually. I am glad that there seems to be so few bumps in our respective country's relationships," he reached into his pockets, shuffling around a bit before taking out a tin of mints, "but before I go, I would like to present you with a small gift. I purchased these mints before I left Antenland. They are my favorite brand. Made with only the finest of ingredients, many of which are imported from exotic locations, I hear. It is my hope that you will find them enjoyable." Smiling slightly, the Marquis accepted the tin and inspected it for a few moments before opening it and extending the tin to the diplomat.
'Please, you would honour me by having one with me.'
"The honor is mine. Thank you," Amhold responded as he gingerly took a single mint, saying, "To the continued prosperity of our two nations." Lord Robert took one also and closed the tin before popping the sweet into his mouth. Amhold followed suite, popping his mint into his mouth as well.
'And now, just before we head to dinner. I was wondering whether you had the opportunity, during your stay at home, to speak with the Kaiser regarding the Firish issue. You did not bring it up during our discussion, so I anticipate you could not...'
Indeed, before his departure, Lord Robert had pressed Amhold to speak with the Kaiser on the issue of Occupied Southern Firland. The territory had been seized by the Kaiserreich in the brief war of 1871 and had since lain under occupation - a thorn in the Sacred Kingdom's side and a mark of shame. It was the late King's - and the present King's - desire that it should be in some way returned to the Sacred Kingdom. Lord Robert though that, perhaps, Amhold could be the key to its return.
"I am afraid that I have made no progress on that front. As it turns out, my return home coincided with the Kaiser's end-of-year vacation. By the time I returned home, he was out at sea already, and I could not contact him. He remained out at sea for the entirety of my reappointment. The Council of Lords and the Ministers proved most ignorant of my pleas to listen. It is something the Kaiser himself will have to decide on. I will continue to press his aide de camps to grant me an audience with him at some point, however." Amhold said. With a small smile, Lord Robert nodded and rose to his feet.
'That is very well. I did not expect progress so soon in any case. I am certain you will inform me of any progress once it is made. For now, let us put these weighty matters aside and go have dinner. I have ordered the very finest dishes in your honour - duck and deer, and a late Christmas turkey, for I know how much you wished to try that.' And with that, the Marquis and his guest headed out of the room and to the dining room.

Everyone who posted is now accepted. With that, I will be opening the IC.
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