Avatar of Xaltwind


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7 days ago
Regular weekends are too short. We needa get four day weekends instead.
13 days ago
If you're a mother, or if you've got one you love; Happy Mother's Day
15 days ago
It's not even the first month of summer yet and it's already too hot...
21 days ago
First mosquito bite of the year... Gaaah!
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1 mo ago
Micro-one-day-vacation? Yes!
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  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

"Hmm, must be rough, huh? Havin' to deal with 'two tomes of the mont'? I feel for ya, Al- Yup." Brandy sage, while folding her arms under her chest and offering a sagacious nod to accompany her comment. Too bad it wasn't nearly as wise, or intelligent, an observation as the satyress seemed to think it was...

"... Uh... Iunno if ya know this. but I think you're def's 'spose to actually cook meat before ya start eatin' it." She added, in response to Alice's newfound butchness of just tearing raw meat, and fur, straight from the bone of an animal carcass. The scene made Brandy actually blink a few times, like she'd just seen a prim and proper librarian jump onto ther reception desk, torn off her top and screamed something like: I MAKE BABIES! or some other nonsense. Needless to say, she was a bit surprised to see her previousloy collected and calm companion turn into a crude carnivorous and directionally-challegend chump.

Still at the notion that Alice had lost her sense of direction, and was now relying on Brandy for geting them both back to Litroot, the satyr seemed to beam with a newfuund sense of pride. Thumping her - very considerable - chest with one hand, the little goat-girl let out a nasally snort before pointing in the opposite direction of where her werewolf-pal had walked towards.

"It's 'totes this way, ya goof!" She said, not seeming too phased by Alice's gruffer and more aggressive attitude... At least not yet. "Try not to scarf that whole bun-bun down before we get back to town though, yeah? Thinkin' you'd enjoy it more if'n we got someone to grill up for ya first, maa-haa-haa~!" She added, and laughed.

The two then set off, into the darkening night, back towards the village to report on their success.

5 Minutes Later.

"Yer money or yer lives!"

Well, that was totally expected.

While on the path back towards Litroot, the girls had at some point been waylaid by ruffians. The bandits had hidden in the forest and undergrowht, and then made themselves known by having their leader, a particularly unwashed human with a scruffy beard and unkempt hair, step out infront of the two ladies' path, flanked by two cronies. Behind the girls, two other thugs had emerged after they'd been stopped, properly catching the women in a puncer-move.

By the looks of it, these weren't any sort of particularly prominent bandits though. None of them wore armor and their weapons, mostly consisting of cudgels, clubs and knives, were hardly what you'd consider impressive gear. Most likely, these were just some roughnecks from the local region who'd just started out their careers as notorious highwaymen. That, or they were really terrible at robbery. Aside from the human leader though, there were two other human men, an orc and a hobgoblin.*

"What do you want fellas? We're tryin' to get back to the village and you're kinda in the way, sooo..."
"Didn't ye hear me, girlie? I says; Money or yer life!"
"Yeah, see, I'm not really gettin' what that's 'spose to mean..."
"Wha--?! Ya daft or somethin'!? Touched in the head? It means ya either fork o'er yer coins, or we kill ya, ya dumb bimbo!"
"Oi, sir! Don't be hasty now! Lookit them, part from them claws on the silver-haired ones, these be some fine lookin' pieces of tail they be! Maybe we dun hafta kill'em if'n we findin' some other use for'em, aye?" One of the other humans said.
"Hmm, now that ya mention it... Heh... Hehehe... Aye, they ain't half-bad to look at, now are they? Mmmm, yeeeaaah... I'm sure we could come to an arrangement, little ladies... Heeehh....." The leader of the bunch said, with a crooked toothy smirk and a very uncomfortable amount of heavy breathing. "Tells ya what, strip on down and let's have a lil' fun together, and we'll be on our way, aye... We'll be takin' yer coins 'swell, o'course, but ya dun needa worry 'bout yer lives... Hehe... As long as ye do as we says... Mhmhmhm.."

Brandy looked, unexpected, physically disgusted by these men and made a sudden, gag-like noise as if she were about to throw up.

"Gah... Ew, like, no. Just no. I wouldn't let some gross, pervy, low-life losers like you scumbags lay a finger on this bod' of mine! ... Or Al, for that matter!"
"Oi, c'mon now, lass. Dun be like 'at! I betcha ya'd be enjoyin' yerself right quick once we gots started. Ehehe~ I could even help'cha unlaoad some o' that milk ya gots stored in them their jugs o' yers!" The bandit who oriiginally suggested the new course of action said, wiggling his eyebrows and make creepy, suggestive movements with his hands and fingers. His comrades all cheered and roared with enthusiasm in response.
"I wanna pet this one's tails and ears... She's just my type, uhuhuhu~ Make ya my lil' puppy, uhuhuh~!" Said the orc, now making an unpleasant bee-line towards Alice while reaching his hand and arm out towards her, making patting-motions as he drew closer.

"Don't worry, Al! I'll protect ya!" Brandy bostfully claimed, with no real way of actually backing up said promise, as she had neither armor, shield or even a weapon to speak of on her person at this time.

This was a really unfortunate situation...
"Hmm~? But we aren't virgins, right?" Brandy asked, all smiles and sunshine when Alice retorted about her remark being, grammatically and socially, incorrect. When the werewolf got flustered and nervous about the whole tussle-in the-hay though, a mischievous smirk spread across the little satyr's face. "Oh-ho~? Are you suuuuure? Ever tried it~? Shouldn't knock it 'til you try somethin', Al..." Brandy teased, a grin on her lips and a held infront of it to slightly cover it up. Then she burst out into her usual, jovial laughgter. "Relax! Relax! Jeez, you're too cute! Could 'totes have foo- Eh?"

Brandy's laughing was intterupted by Alice's sudden comment. At first, the girl looked a bit perplexed and stunned, as if she'd just been told to leave a store for no particular reason... But then, once she saw the werewolf-lass have a change of hair color, and sudden growth of her claws, the satyr's epxression changed.

... Into that of sparkling eyes, rosy cheeks and the biggest, dumbest smile you'd ever seen.

"What the whaaaaat!? Al! You can dye your hair and grow your nails out just like that!? That's awesome! I wanna be able to do that too, then I wouldn't hafta worry about breaking my nails!"

Brandy was, unsurprisingly, not in the least bit concerned that her partner was going through an obvious metamorphic event, nor seemed the least bit concerned that she was now assuming a more threatenihg appearance. Indeed, the little satyress' inability to sense danger or read the situation was astounding, to the point of mind-boggling.

"Still!" She said, putting her hoof down, turning to her friend and wagging a finger. "That was kinda rude, y'know. Tellin' me to run off and leave ya here to sleep in the woods. I'd never do somethin' like that. C'mon! Let's head back to town and celebrate. Oh, and brag to karin and that lil' girl. Bet they'll praise us!" She said, obviously having missed the entire point of why Alice had wanted her to go ahead and leave her behind. And now she had grabbed onto the werewolf's sleeve and was gently but playfully tugging at it in order to make her come along.
"So, you brought a stranger to this place on the premise of a prophect that you don't know if it'll actually come true or not... And you're offering to allow me not to help, with the caviat that you'd dump me in some stranger town or place, in a strange world where I know nothing if I don't feel like helping." Mammonie replied to Gram's remark about her not needing to help. But with no knowledge of what had happend tp her or where she was, no connections or familiar faces to rely on, and most importantly - NO MONEY! - There wasn't room for not wanting to help. Thus, the avarice demon gave a raised eyebrow and a slightly sardonic smile. [color?gold]"From where I stand, it doesn't really seem like there's any other choice. Oh, thank you. Such a gentleman." She replied, and then thanked Vani kindly and sincerely when he helped her into the carriage.

It was warm. Much more so than the frigid, biting and unpleasant outside. Not that the chill was actually bothering all that much despite the fact that she was wearing what essentially equated to heavily sexualized and stylized noble's wear... Or fetish-attire, whichever you prefered really. She leant back on the seat in the wagon, mulling things over in her head for a bit - but still smiling in a friendly and calm matter, with eyes half-closed and at ease.

So... If you got looks like Mammonie guys treat you this well? Huh. Couldn't get them to hold a door open for me back in my world, unless I paid'em... Just goes to show what and where a pretty face can get you... No, wait! That's not important right now. I'm sitting a Cruela DeVille-style wagon, pulled by bone-horses, with a monochrome-checkers-patterned dragon-lady and a hottie elf, and I'm supposed to be a legendary hero who saves their world... Why aren't I more freaked out? Why don't I feel any sense of panic or fear? Sure, my game-avatar Mammonie is used to taking on quests to do... Well, similar-in-nature stuff, but she's a game-character... Was... Was my psyche affected when I got stuck into her body? How'd that even happen? Aaaaargh! So many quesitons and they're all pointless and unanswerable! For now, let's just see where these two take me... I should also try to figure out how to... Access... My... Stuff... Wait. Do I even have any stuff? Did I get to bring my inventory and storage vault-stash? Woulda kinda suck if all I've got are the clothes on my back.

Mammonie would proceed to remain quiet for a bit, lost in her own thoughts and inner-dialogue. She'd pat herself along the sides, on her clothes, took off one heeled boot and shook it, then dove one hand inbetween her mega-mangos and dug around for a bit...

Nothing, huh? I can't really see anything like a HUD either... So, maybe I just got stuck inside a game-avatar's bod' and then transported to some... Alternate reality...? Weird that I'd have to go through MOFU as a sort of gateway or whatever to get here though. Wait. Maybe some things that I brought with me were actually on the ground or in some storage chest in that room I woke up in? Gah! I should've checked around for loot before going along with these people. She rubbed her forehead and let out a small sigh.

"Just out of curiosity, since I wasn't all that awake when we met... There wasn't anything else besides me in that room back in that place, was there? Like say, some of my personal belongings or other items stored along with me?" She asked, while the surprisingly smooth carriage-ride continued.
"But leaving this... thing... here could be dangerous. Especially if it runs into someone else who isn't prepared to find it." Druid Girl protested, though not convincingly, when Steppe Archer voiced her opinion of them retreating from this new, strange creature. "Let me try something." She added, before closing her eyes and focusing.

... And a few seconds passed, then she opened her eyes with a very... Complicated... expression on her face.

"I... I can't talk with it... No, it's more like it can't communicate at all. It's like trying to talk with a-- Ah..." Druid Girl's explanation was interrupted, as th big red lizard of the group both informed the girls of what this creature was, what it was weak to, and performing an unceremenoeous punt to it, which sent splatterings of goo flying. Druid Girl stood in blatant stupification at the sight. There was no evidence that this creature was hostile or even knew they were present, nor did it have any means to visually or audibly convey intent... And this lizardman had just gone ahead and kicked it... And now he was staring at the... Ceiling?

Unfortunately for Big Red, he had vastly overstimated the slimes. There was nothing on the ceiling or walls... And having taken his eye off the one he had just kicked, he'd also learn that even if these creatures were weak to blunt damage, they weren't so fragile to be destroyed by a single blow. He'd also learn taht, when provoked, this kid of monster was quite mobile.

With a sound similar to that of a waterballoon hitting a brick wall, the green goop-pile launched itself forward, and latched onto Big Red's shin - on the same leg that had been used to kick it. While initially feeling like nothing more than cool, gooey gel that was moving around on its own, the lizard would soon begin to feel an unpleasant, and increasingly intensifying, burning sensatio. Any pice of his pants that had been caught in the slimes body would also quickly begin to tatter and fray, before seeming to dissolve and vanish into the goop.

Attempts at punching the creature would result in little more than sending a few more splatterings of jelly around. Tryiing to stomp or shake it off resulted in nothing more than the creature shifting its position, sucking on harder to the leg and being very stubbronly adamant about not letting go. Trying to peel it off or grab it would just result in fingers passing through the gelatine-like body as if it were wet, soppy pudding and would do nothing more than burn fingers or gloves.

"Wha-- Big Red! Are you alright!?" The druid exclaimed as she watched the being of snot-like substance latch on and cling to her ally's leg. "S-should I cast my frost-spell at it? I uh... I can't promise it won't hit you as well though..." She asked, offered and then reconsidered, before turning to their Archer-friend. "M-maybe you can scare it off with the torch? Just be careful not to burn the bigt guy... Or set him on fire..." She was a bit... Panicky... In her speech. Though for good reasons; as an unknown, unfamiliar and alien threat was now trying to make noms outta her companion's limb.
"Hm-hm~ I think you and me will get along swimmingly." The golden girl said in response to Gram's promise of wealth beyond measure, and additional bonuses to boot. Not taht she actually cared about those bonuses, but this unemptied treasury had piqued her interest. Of course, she was completely disregarding the possibility that whatever the inhabitants of this reality called 'treasure' might not be the same as what she herself envisioned it to be...

Regardless, once they entered the stanky chamber of demposing bodies, Mammonie's eyes narrowed, and she grabbed the cinnamon-smelling cloak of Vani and brought it closer to her face in an attempt to make a makeshift gas-mask or something.

"That's some stench... Did somebody di-- Ohhh..." Her words trailed off as the elven Paladin brought light into the dark and the mangled, rotting corpses of many... People? could be seen, strewn about in an unceremonious way. The sight only intensified the smell, and really drove home the point that she was inside another's body, in a different world, because there was no way a video-game had the ability to disperse scent. When the monochrome woman offered her tiny handkerchief, Mammonie accepted, but just stuffed it up against her face while pressing the cloak onto it for extra padding.

Gram's next words, about stopping a god from starting a war, got the golden woman to let out a slight sneeze-like laugh. To think how many wars and conflicts had been started back in her own world, even though back there there was supposedly only one God, but different versions of him. How was it that this world then had multiple gods, but one was so much greater that it required all the others to stop them? And that would lead to the question of, if it took all other Gods to stop this one God, how the heck was a single living being - this being Mammonie - stand any sort of chance!? But, asking more questions right now wasn't a good idea.

She really, really, really just wanted to get out of this grotesque, smelly and unpleasant ... Tomb? Catacomb? Refrigerator? Whatever this place was, it was cold and dak and smelly, and Mammonie had no love for it. Getting outside was priority number one right now! She followed Gram's lead, and watched with a bit of mixed feelings as the draconic woman smushed a head without a single thought as they walked.

"I take it these weren't friends of yours then?" The gilded girl asked, assuming the answer in advance, but asking anyway. Honestly, she was surprised at how ... Indifferent... she was towards seeing piles of dead, rotting corpses. Then again, perhaps being inside Mammonie's body had some sort of adverse effect on her mind? After all, going by the Avarice Demon's life-tale, she'd killed hundreds, if not thousands of creatures up to this point... A scary thought indeed. Was she in a container so jaded and accustomed to death that the sight and smell no longer merited any sort of concern?

"So, you want me to fight an evil God to prevent a war. Which required all of your other gods in order to stop it the last time this happened?" Mammonie reconfirmed. "I hope you realize just how ridiculous that sounds, right? Granted, I don't know the extent of power your gods have, but... You do realize I'm just one single, beautiful woman, yes? Additionally, if you were under some idea that I had god-slaying powers, I'm sorry to say that those aren't part of my racial skills." Mammonie asked, questioned and explained. It felt like a good idea to bring this up before any sort of actual deal was made.
"Double-Dooches!? ... Sounds naughty, maa-haa-haa~" Brandy would exclaim, and then snicker, as Dooch's daughter ran off to ger her old man.

When the big guy reappeared, the satyr let out a breath of relief. Yeah, she definetely prefered Dooch looking like an old, grizzled, hard-laboring farmer-man, rather than a busty, teenage southern-themed bumpkin babe. She stayed quiet for most of the exchange between Alice and the orc, still bobbing up and down, swaying to and fro on her hooves with her hands behind her back. Then Alice's stomach growled.

"That there was a powerful growl o' hunger if I ever did hear it." Dooch said, an amused and toothy grin on his previously serious and business-only-like face. Brandy burst out laughing and almost fell onto her back, rolling around on the ground and chirping for air. She didn't. But it was close. "But yeah, ya gals can go 'head and keep that their pesky varmint for yerselves, lemme jus'" Crackk, Pop! "-aaaand there we go." The orc just grabbed the hare, twisted the head off like it was nothing more than the lid of some pickle-jar, and handed back the now decapitated body to Alice, without batting an eye. He then proceeded o reach into his burlap-y-looking pants and pulled out a small pouch.

"Job's done 'n all's well, here's the pay, lil' ladies. If'n I ever be needin' more o' them critters gone, I'll be sure to call on ya guild-folk 'gain. Ya'll take care now on yer way back home, y'hear?" Dooch said, with a hint of friendliness for the first time. He then proceeded to close the door in their faces, not inviting them in for dinner despite having heard the plaintive wail of a werewolf maiden's rumbling tum-tum. Luckily, Branndy had swiped the pouch of coinage, so all was good!

They now had a headless carcass, and a sack of coins. The only thing left to do was head back to litroot and report their success. Brandy positively beamed with pride and confidence, burning as brightly as the sun which had - for the most part - fully set by now. Hands on her sides and chest puffed out, she had a positively horizon-spanning smile on her face, that almost seemed to reach from one ear to the other.

"Al! We did it! We did it, Al! We're full-fledged, undeniable, unquestionable, irresistible, impossible adventurers!" Brandy exclaimed, jovially, as she struck a dramatic pose on Dooch's porch. "We've taken on and beaten a tough quest full of danger and mystery! Ain't nobody gonna be able to doubt our legit, deflowered adventuring skills anymore! Hm-hmm!" ... Brandy's choice of adjectives aside, it seemed she was very excited about having finished this particular quest. Likely because this was the first bit of actual 'combat' she'd ever been in, aside from possible squabbles and spats with her adoptive siblings and neighbours back home.

"I'm so glad you teamed up with me, girlfriend! You're like, 'totes adorbs, super-smart and a champ at fightin' too! I'm almost a bit jealous of how great you are! But don'cha fret, 'cuz this bombshell's gonna catch up to ya one day, alright?" Brandy stated, brazenly and without any sort of credible merits or talents with which to back up such claims, but she was in a good mood regardless. though, she calmed down as the two were leaving the farm and looked over to her side as the girls were walking. "By the by, Al. Yer tum was growlin' something firece back thar." She was obviously trying to imitate Dooch's manner of speak. Especially noticeable since she had a mischievous grin on her face. "Ya wanna wrangle up sum grub'n then have atussle in the hay~?" She asked, gingerly wiggling her eyevrows while still grinning.
"He... Scratched... My... Face!?! YOU LIL' BASTAAAAAAARD! I'LL KILL YOU!!

Brandy, furious once more, snatched the recovered horned rabbit from Alice, and began throttling it - despite the fact the said rabbit's head wasa already a smushed bag of meat, blood, bone and brain. The satyress didn't seem to register that though, and was quite fervently trying to choke the bunny to death, despite it being - y'know? - dead. After a bit of pointlessness, Brandy calmed down, and handed the dead critter back to Alice, while wiping her now sweaty brow with the side of her arm.

"Haah... Haah... Phew. That'll teach'im! Nobody messes with a woman's face. Especially one as pretty as me! Right, Al? Riiiight? Riiiiiiiiiiight!?" Brandy insisted, geting closer to Alice with each repetition, the light of the world seeming to be sucked away as she got closer, and closer, and closer and was now merely half an inch away from Alice's own face... Was Brandy's eyes glowing? No, no, that was just an optical illusion, yeah! That's it, nothing to worry about!

After the uncomfortable invasion of personal space, Brandy would slip past and behind Alice, and quickly grab her the werewolf girl's tail. She'd hold in both her hands, running one along its length while inspecting it from various angles - intently.

"Hmm, yeah. I can tell. The hairs are all neatly pointing in the same direction and there ain't no tufts or knots or clots at all. Still, gotta be a lot of hard work takin' care of this bushy thing." She said, stroking the tail firmly but gently. "Nothin' like my own lil' buddy, maa-haa-haa~!" Brandy laughed, letting go of Alice's tail, sticking her own butt out and wagging her considerably smalelr and shorter goat-like tail at the werewolf.

After the shennanigans were over and done with though, the pair would return to the residential-looking farmhouse, the one Dooch had been standing just outside of ontop of that little mound earlier in the day. Approaching the rustic building, the little satyr bounced ahead and would gingerly knock on the door, a big old smile on her face, standing in place, bobbing up and down, chest bouncing along with her movements. A voice was heard from inside... But... It was very femenine. The door opened, and... Well... Either Dooch had a very sudden anatomical change, or this was someone else...

A young orc female stood in the doorway. Hair tired into twin pigtails, dark brown in color. She wore a white and red polka-dotted top which was very revealing, along with a pair of blue, low-cut jeans short-shorts... Otherwise, she didn't seem to be wearing anything, no shoes, no socks, no bra... The girl looked at the two other girls perplexed, tilting her head at them.

"Who be you gals? Ya 'ere to ask Pa' for work?" She aid, in a very thick and southern accent.
"Dooch!? That you?! Damn, ya turned in a total smokeshow!"
"Uh, wha'? Wha'cha talkin'bout, girlie? I mean, I'm Dooch'n all, but wha's all this'bout a smokin' show-nonsense? It dun make a lick-o'-sense."
"... Did... Did you hit your head? Ya seem to be talkin' a lot different now."
"Huh!? This 'ere be the first time we be meetin', ya silly goat-girl!"

... It didn't seem this was going anywhere anytime soon, unless Alice interefered and managed to puzzle together what was actually going on here... But, given that this was a young orc-girl, roughtly the same age as Brandy or perhaps even a bit younger, and her name was apparently Dooch, it wasn't too hard to figure out the answer... Unless you were Brandy, of course.
"Ah, thaanks agaiin." The young woman said as the elven paladin helped her up. After receiving the mirror, she quickly took to have a look at her own reflection. She stared quite intently into it, adjusting its angle and inspecting her overall face, eyes, ears, nose, hair, chin, throat and even lips, teeth and tongue. She then returned the mirror to the dragon-woman before she had started walking and let out a small sight.

So... That's definetely Mammonie's face I've got. No mistaking it, 'cuz nobody's this pretty and has this kind of complicated hairstyle. Plus the eyes that look like sparkling gold coins, my suddenly enhanced bust, skin-tone and clothes... Yeah, no denying I'm inside Mammonie.

Her personal musings were interrupted by Gram, who seemed to have somehow been able to read her mind. A bit mildly concerning for the girl who was now in the body of her digital video-game avatar. Still, what she said did make a lot of sense. If she was not only in a different body, but also in a different world altogether, then asking mundane questions would just lead to more mundane questions, in a neverending loop or series of said questions. However...

"Ufufu~ Saving the world? You'd ask that of someone you don't know, just met and who you know isn't from your world?" The golden woman giggled softly as she asked her question. To be fair, it was a rather outlandish request to request right after meeting for the first time. "Of course I don't mind, since you asked, buuuut..." New Mammonie smiled, but it wasn't a good smile. It was more the kind of smile a loan-shark had after someone had just signed one of their shady contracts. "... Something like that'd cost you quite a bit."

The woman shameleslly made her true colors known, and they were just as golden as the rest of her. But to be perfectly honest, she was in a new body, in a new world and now was being told she was needed to save said world... That was a bit much to take in for someone who hand't been present for more than 15 minutes in the current reality. Besides, there wasa a more pressing concern at hand.

"Putting compensation aside for now, I don't know how much help I'd actually be if I'm honest. It's not like I've had much experi- wow, I can walk really fast even though I'm wearing heels, huh? -ence in that field. Also, what's threatening this world? Some powerful person? A natural disaster? A nefarious organization? Pollution? An approaching meteor? You said something about a war, Wally, so I'm assuming it has something to do with that then?" Mammonie asked, while following Gram's lead, walking effortlessy and without any sign of discomfort, despite being in - as she'd mentioned - high-heeled boots. She could also tell that her body was moving very much exactly as she wanted it to, as if it were the most natural thing in the universe. A strange thought, considering this wasn't really her actual body.

For now though, she'd be happy to just get out of this glookmy, dusty... Tomb? Former subway-station? Catacombs? Whatever this dank, dark and freezing place was, Mammonie would be happy to escape it. She'd never been a fan of these types of places. They all looked the same!
So, not gonna answer all my questions, huh? Calling me a legendary hero... Calling him a paladin? Pinching myself didn't wake me up, so this isn't a dream. Or if it is, it's a far too lucid one. So, the remaining options are that I was kidnapped, in my home, while at on my comp and brought to... Wherever this is. Or, I've gone insane and ended up in my own little fantasy-world of mental delusions. The third option would b e that I somehow got translocated througb space-time and sucked into some bizarre, alternate dimension but... That... That's a bit too much, isn't it?

The golden girl listened to the monochromatic woman talk, and didn't move while she was being circled. In fact,a fter having asserted the size and shape of her body, the young lady hadn't done much other than look at her two visitor with half-closed eyes and an unplussed face. She had an expression of calm and absoltue neutrality, neither angry, upset, frightened, amused or confused. Of course, taht was just her face and body, her mind was racing with too many thoughts for it to keep up with itself. Still, when wprds were spoken of going somewhere that didn't feel like the industrial freezer ofa fast-food joint, the woman's head turned slightly backwards, towards Gram.

"Oh, believe me. I'm very confused and very distraught right now, but I don't think kicking and screaming or crying would do much good. Ah, thank you, Wally." The youthful golden one said, offering a small smile in gratitude to the elf who had given her his cookie-smelling cloak. "Going somewhere warmer does sound like a nice idea though... But before that, would you happen to have a mirror on you? I'd like to take a look at my own face." She said, and asked, at the same time.

Really. I really need to see my face. 'Cuz these golden arms sure as heck ain't mine, but they remind me very much of someone I do know. Same with the newly inflated chest and these swingin' hips... But, I can't be sure until I've actually seen my face. Hopefully it's just a trick of the lighting down here... or lack of it, to be exact.
10 Minutes prior to being isekai'd.

"Uuuuuuugh... Today suuuuuuuucked. Jeremy messed up the entire archive with that 'new and better system' of his, and we had to spend the entire afternoon fixing his mess." A woman's voice complained as it travelled from the kitchen of her apartment to the living room.

It belonged to a rather tall young lady, of scrawny - almost waifish - frame, black matted hair tied into a braided ponytail and a who wore a pair of glasses. She was not blessed in the looks-department, with neither child-rearing hips nor ample bust to speak of. Her figure was actually more symmetrically straight than it was curvy in any one area.

"Oh well, at least we didn't lose anything, so we should be able to get back to actual work again on Monday.." She sighed, sitting down infront of a small table where a computer was resting. She placed down a mug of some steaming beverage on the table, stretched her arms into the air, let out an elongated "Hnnnnnnnnnnn!'-sound and then flipped the switch on the electronic device, booting up.

"Alright! Let's forget about all that for now! I need to log on Mammy and see if I won that auction house-deal. I could really use a bunch of Pearlstone Prisms..." She lazily spoke to herself, as if it wasn't a rather peculiar thing to be talking to oneself when there was nobody else around.

Regardless, the computer infront of her had now started up, displaying a cutesy desktop-backdrop with a bunch of kittens piled upon each other in a small heap. The sight made the woman smirk and let out a small laugh. She then operated her mouse and double-clicked an icon that look like a squashed together bunch of letters, etched into a wooden diamond-shape. After a quick loadbar filled up, the log in screen for 'Mega-Online Fantasy Universe' appeared on screen, with the bombastic orchestral music blaring to life in her speakers.

"Alright." The young woman stated, deftly using her keyboard to enter username and password before, ceremoniously, tapping the 'Enter'-key as if she was finishing up a world-changing treatise or something and sending it off to the World Committee...

After scrolling through the list of her alts, twinks, mules and mains, she fianlly selected the one she wanted and entered the game proper. Sadly, the little mail-icon next to her mini-map was not blinking, meaning she had not received anything.

"Darn... I guess that's what happens when you don't stay up all night and monitor those long 12 hour biddings..." She let out a displeased puff of air. "Ah welll, might as well do my dailies before I get started on din- Eh...?"

Suddenly, her monitor wasn't displaying the onlijne game, but rather, looked like a water that someone had thrown a stone into, rippling waves travelling from the center towards the edges.

"... What? Is this... Some kind of viru- Huh?" A tendril then shot out of her screen. A tendril that looked as if it was made out billions upon billons of swirling, rotating bar-codes... The appendage didn't feel warm or cold, sticky or soft, aggressive or gentle... It was like being grabbed by air itself, and then forced to follow its direction... Which in this case was into the monitor... The girl was too confused and astounded to even let out a scream or other sound, soon finding herself pulled into a black abyss with nothing in it...

In another world, in another form...

Looking around, there was only darkness. Black, thick, inky and unpercievable darkness. Even if one put their hand infront of their face, you couldn't see it. There were specks of light or hints of illumination anywhere, nothing to offer the slightest bit of vision - and so, nothing could be seen. Not the surroundings, not oneself, nothing.

"... Did I die?" A voice asked itself aloud.

A cold seat could be felt underneath. Whatever the voice's owner was sitting on, it wasn't very pleasant. haard and cold things were sure to give you a urinal infection, so staying put was out of the question. Carefully feeling their way to one of the edges, the being within the dark carefully made slow movements, like a blind person trying to feel their way around an unfamiliar and unknown locale.

One the edge of the stone 'bed' they were on had been found, they made sure to lower one leg first and make sure there was actually somewhere to stand, before sliding off the cold slab they had risen from. Standing wasn't much different from sitting though, it was still too dark to see anything... But, there was something else now, something other than darkness...

"Voices?" The voice questioned to itself.

Yes, voices. Words spoken by others, coming from beyond the dark. What they spoke of didn't matter, or even make any sort of sense. They were infamiliar, belonging to individuals the one in the dark had never met or even heard before. But they were getting closer nontheless.

With the first crack in the dark, it was like a chick inside a egg seeing the light of day for the very first time. The overwhelming blaack abyss retreated at the luminosity now seeping in, and the voice's master could finally see something. And the first thing it wanted to see, was itself.

With vision restored, the voice's owner raised their arm infront of themselves, and was rendered speechles. Where once a scrawny, dainty arm garbed in a dark blue shirt and pale of complexion had been, there was now a slender - but with fine musle-tone - appendage made out of, seemingly, solid gold.

The owner of the voice and golden arm had no time to further inspect themselves though. For the crack that had let light into the dark now grew, and then caused what had apparently been either a door or wall to crumble. In the new opening, two figures stood. One was a man, the other a woman. Their faces were unknown. Their voice were unknown. And they were either the most die-hard cosplayers ever to exist, or something was very wrong here. The woman approached and spoke, posing a question about confusion.

"... You could say that..." The golden-armed individual replied, only now realizing that their voice was not their own. She paused for a bit, closed her eyes, taking a breath and trying to feel if something was off or wrong... But, there was no discomfort, no aches or pain, not even an itch. "I feel... Fine. Thanks for asking." The golden one replied slowly. "Now.... Where am I, how did I get here, who're you and what's going on, if you don't mind me asking?" The gold figure asked, but not in an aggressive or panicked way, nor a demanding or entitled fashion. It was a genuine and earnest series of querries, asked politely and calmly, the same way one would normally ask for directions to a place they didn't know how to get to.

As the they waited for a reply, the golden one looked around their surroundings a bit more, slowly scanning from left to right, pausing to look at the strangers infront of them for a bit, before proceeding to scan the rest of the area... They then looked down at their own body, and noticed two important things. They were no longer wearing the same clothes they'd had on before coming here, and their ... Proportions... seemed to have been warped and expanded upon.

"Well now... These certainly grew..." The golden one said, mostly to herself, looking down at her now considerably inflated chest, lifting her arms and gently putting her hands onto her own busom. Yup. Those were definetely breasts. Big, stonking, larger-than-before, humongous honkers. Firm but soft and squishy. Nothing like the washboard she was used to. After a bit more of self-groping, she proceeded to run her hands down along her own waist and hips, confirming that these too had changed rather drastically.

After having do so, the golden woman pinched herself, first on her arm, then on her tummy, and finally on her cheek.

"Nope. Not waking up. So, not a dream then." She stated casually to nobody in particular.
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