Avatar of Xandrya


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7 days ago
Current I don't care if you're left, right, white, black, brown, or all around. You politicize something not political, I'm done.
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8 days ago
Never drinking like that again...
8 days ago
Omw to karaoke and my Uber is hitting 80 on the turnpike. I like her. I guess us women can read each other's minds after all.
1 mo ago
The ENT doc to me: "it's not looking so good in there". I know, doc. Please fix my nose, and maybe tell the VA to approve my claim.
1 like
1 mo ago
Survived the Spartan Race! ✌🏻


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Sure thing. Was PMing back and forth for another RP but I'll have it done tomorrow as it's time for girl's night out!

BTW, are you gonna create an NPC to act as my character's partner or how are we doing this?

Yeah, you've had the same avatar for as long as I can remember. Prior to this, I didn't know Jason was in such role to be honest.

I picked that one Daenerys gif since it reflects my mood of going through a bittersweet separation.

Ditto with the alternative role of tech.
Alright, done. I spent like 20 minutes trying to remember a song and in the end I didn't end up using it...
Updating mine, it'll be done in a minute.

Been there. Nice place, but it really is in the middle of nowhere.

That MWR has one hell of a view though.
Can I save my spot for Scout? I'll have my CS when I get home.

Also, given that it's been 10 years, our characters must be like at least 30 or so, right?
Exactly. Details could be worked out eventually, but I'm thinking that eventually they'll start to suspect her and towards the end of the evening, she'll get picked up and questioned. Could a good or bad ending depending how skillful she is.
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