Avatar of XoXKieroBombXoX


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5 mos ago
Current Trying to get back in the swing of things
2 yrs ago
Finals suck. End of story.
2 yrs ago
Curious... He turned himself to a pickle you say? Pretty funny
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2 yrs ago
I crave cheesecake
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2 yrs ago
Solitufde in E minor
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I just want to see you shine
'cause I know you are a star, girl.

Most Recent Posts

Yeah, you can. Just intervene.
"Okay. So today, I'm supposed to be introducing the class to Quill, but given the size of... you two... I would say that you two are already familiar today. After that, it says that we are to practice magical accuracy, long or short range, so..." He would clap his hands "To the gym kids. It's training time."

Quill would be slightly nervous. It would be the first time he would practice combat, or precision with Rosa's magic "Y-yes sir!" He would stand at attention and wait at the door for Pyre and Angel.

"Why so nervous son?" Pyre would say to Quill

"I've uh.. never used my magic that way."

A man with long red hair would walk into the classroom. He would look around slightly. "I swear, this school gets smaller and smaller every year..." He would sigh, than take a seat at the desk.

The entering of the man would startle Quill, and his attention would immediately shift to him. "Sir?"

"Hm? Yes?" Pyre would look up at the two. "Welcome to your first hour. I technically was supposed to teach homeroom, but unfortunately my wife has been having serious medical issues." He would clear his throat. "Right now Ms. Keigwan is not present, so I will be subbing for her. I am the Culture teacher, Mr. Brando."

Quill would turn his head curiously at the man. Pyre would grin lightly and skim through the sub notes.
Permission to sub in the Power and control class as Pyre until @Mistress Dizzy returns?
He would take his seat and smile at her. He would continue to steal more and more glances, to the point were they would eventually become interested stares.
"I do say so!" He would grin with red cheeks "Because it's the truth."
Rosa would roll his eyes "I'm taking a nap. Wake me up when something fun and not weird comes around."
"I'm not cute..." He would say with a red face. "If anything, you're the cute one."
He would look down at his hand, then quickly let go. "I'm sorry!" He would say with a red face. "I did that without thinking."
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