Avatar of XoXKieroBombXoX


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Current Trying to get back in the swing of things
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Finals suck. End of story.
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Curious... He turned himself to a pickle you say? Pretty funny
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I crave cheesecake
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Solitufde in E minor
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I just want to see you shine
'cause I know you are a star, girl.

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How does my sheet look?

Damn, I was excited to see Ash accepted
Yeah, but Asta's kinda... He's kinda a beefcake. I also tried my best to make it as clear as possible that his anti-magic does not mean complete nullification. It didn't in the manga, so it won't here. More as a repellant if anything
And here it is!

Gonna read through the IC once my day gets a little less hectic.
@Mintz Slapping my interest down here before I get to binge reading IC. How familiar are you with the Shonen series Black Clover? I'd like to throw Asta into the mix, but I know that meta abilities are somewhat frowned upon, but seeing characters like Bruno and Danny Phantom work gave me some hope. I can give a brief, spoiler-free summary of Asta's abilities if needed for him!

Edit: Gonna write up a CS quickly because I've been on a writing kick recently. Can make changes if needed.

Level 1-

|||||||||| (22/10)
(holding at 10)
Word Count: 1041
+6 EXP
Sandswept Sky - Gunner Train

There was a bustle of commotion as all of the passengers on the train pushed and moved around to fill spots on the weaponized vehicle. It was never in a prominent swordsman's nature to get easily overwhelmed by crowdedness and areas full of what seemed to be mercenaries, skilled fighters, creatures, and machines alike. There were many faces he recognized amongst the crew and some Raiden had not seen initially. There was to be many greetings with his new "associates" arranged after they had taken care of the large sand serpent. Originally, he had not noticed the mounted turrets and canisters of explosives that were abundant on the fleet when the crew first arrived in Tostarena town, but the crazed commune of the adventurers made the weaponry much more observable.

After the cars began moving, a few of the crews members had acknowledged the late existence of the cyborg. No formalities had been established, as Raiden inserted himself into the fight without a shred of thought. His joining of the fight was pure instinct. He carefully observed the notable individuals who spoke to him, most notably a white haired man clad in purple and the previously mentioned cyborg who shared an uncanny (at first glance) appearance to the once alive Desperado member: Sundowner. Raiden made his rounds about the train looking for work after this encounter.

Before he could partake in any work, an interesting scene caught his eye. When the large, bee-like queen roped in the smaller crew member from his floating expedition, all Raiden could do was stare in shock. He sure had seen his share of interesting characters and heard many odd tales of others, but surely this was a sight to the man. When they arrived on the platform, what had caught Raiden's eye was the fact that this was no short man, but was rather in fact a child. Many concerns were had, yet all he could say to the young psychic was "This is a dangerous situation you've caught yourself in. Be careful." Before returning to his self-delegated duties.

A small group of five fighters would man the smaller guns located on the locomotive, which left Raiden somewhat relieved. Snake had been the one to introduce him to the way of the blade and he became so skilled in the art that most of his early training with firearms had now become rarely utilized by the mercenary, whether that translated to giant mounted train-guns or not. One of the small, fluffy creatures had mentioned that he and others could bring up shells and explosives to charge and fire at the creature, and the golden and black imp had proclaimed she could take this task, however she shouted for assistance amongst the group as swarms of flying creatures began targetting her. Raiden took up the task, seeing as though he was marooned in terms of tasks. "I'll handle this."

His sword was quickly pulled off his back and balanced between his hands. As the arthropods continued dive bombing the princess and her temporary cyborg escort, he retaliated by slashing back at the flying monsters, trying his best to hit them out of the sky. As he focused his blade, he performed multiple lethal strikes to the insectoids, splattering the alien blood on his face and cybernetic armor. Raiden moved to follow the lady he promised to escort down to the ammo room, consistently slashing away at the airborne pests, batting them away, maiming them, or killing them entirely until they had arrived at the depot.

She made short work of collecting the shells and bombs into... well, wherever she put them. Raiden didn't really understand how she did it, and proceeded to rub the grime off of his blade onto his metallic plating, making the sharp edge shine once again. He nodded back to the working imp who no longer seemed concerned about protection, nor was the cyborg himself. If there were to continue being flying nuisances, they now would be centered on other fighters rather than the two in the ammo storage. Seeing as though it be best if Raiden helped load stuff too, he'd grab two of the heavier shells for each arm. What weighed near a ton for others was mere weigh-lifting practice for the cyborg as he hauled the shells, ready to follow the imp once more, but as he prepared himself, she had already brought dog-like creatures to her aid and raced off. He shook his head in confusion "I'm never gonna understand this magic shit..."

Now following at a slightly slower pace, Raiden made head to the location Midna had dropped the artillery off at. She had managed to transport an impressive sum of six shells for the aid of the company, while Raiden only managed two. If he were to be a part of their crew, he'd have to make use of his specialized skills. He still could be useful, even if many of his abilities and original skillset had been stripped away from him. As he wiped the blood off his cheek, he was able to acquire a new purpose, should his previous companion not need his assistance anymore. Keeping his blade at the ready, he stood at the side of the train, fending off any close-range attacking Akrids, their bloodlust keeping them at charge with the train.

Many of the members aboard the train may need his assistance within the fight, so he kept himself relatively open until new discoveries and attacks were made. There wasn't a whole lot Raiden could do besides fend off the creatures who constantly attacked the vehicle and assist those who were unable to participate in combat, either because they were helping with cannons or standing idle for the time being. He was particularly worried about some of the members not being suited for battle, but then again, they all had collectively brought the large serpent down the mountain. Maybe Raiden could be surprised by his own expectations.

He was especially worried about the kid who had recently arrived and small fluffball and robotic girl who piloted the cannons on the ship. Raiden didn't ever think he'd see something closely resembling an animal controlling a gun big enough to punch a whole through a dam.

Level 1-

|||||||||| (16/10)
(holding at 10)
Word Count: 2218
+3 EXP!!!
Sandswept Sky

Now in alert from Raiden's battle cry, the large mechanical beast began swerving in circles in an attempt to throw the cyborg off of his head. Stumbling atop the large orbed creature, Raiden quickly attempted to regain his footing as he swiftly found himself slipping off the metallic head of the large creature. Before he completely fell off, he grabbed onto one of the legs of the front segment. It knew his location now and had to devise a plan to knock Raiden off before he could climb back to the top. It's eye made contact with the nearby fortress and quickly began diving towards it.

As it got closer, it extended it's legs out towards the cragged surface of the old fortress and began running Raiden along the side of the building creating sparks and ungodly sounds from the man's cybernetic body. He grunted in pain as he held on to the creature, persistent to being on the top in order to damage it more. As it ran along the course of the building, it's red eye scanned the desert sands, looking to see if Raiden had yet fallen off, but never found such results. Even throughout the pain, Raiden held on to the machine tightly as it continued to trash him. As they reached the end of the fortress, the creature let up, now out of track to damage the cyborg against. With this moment he had gained, Raiden threw himself back on the top of the goliath as he suddenly began rapidly piercing the top of the creatures head.

With a frenzied cry, the eye of the first segment began to slowly fade to grey, signaling the near defeat of the front most portion. Unknowing of this information, Raiden continued his stabbing after hearing the pained cry of the creature. As if it were falling off, the cyborg quickly removed his blade from the mechanical head of the monster and successfully pulled off a backwards roll onto the next portion of the creature. From his perspective, the segment he had destroyed plummeted slowly to the Earth. It seemed as though this monster was a linking hybrid of slightly smaller, self acting machines rather than a single acting force, as defeating the head only prompted another to take the helm. If that were the case, he needed to defeat each and every one of the orbs.

Two defeated, seven to go.

Clenching his blade after making this realization, Raiden now knew his task. The large mechanical menace continued to snake through the sky as it continued to throw the cyborg off, but now that Raiden was able to predict it's movements he could easily hold onto the top of the creature without being whipped across the desert. It now was performing multiple series of barrel rolls, now desperate to get Raiden off of it. Raiden grinned slightly, now seizing this moment to do more collateral damage. In a desperate attempt to get the cyborg off its back, it resorted to rapidly scraping the top of it's head against the rocks once again. Noticing this pattern, Raiden quickly moved out of the way, and now clung to its side. This way, it would only be hurting itself now. The top of it came out scratched and battered in it's desperate attempt to remove Raiden, and after that, he struck again.

Performing a clean slice through the middle of the mechanism, Raiden was able to divide yet another segment of the creature into two. "Bullseye!" He shouted. With a cry, the destroyed part of the creature sparkled before detaching from the rest of the colony. Same verse same as the first, the segment connected after it lit up with life as it roared into control. The severed portion began throttling to the ground and landed with a clang. Now lost 3 parts of nine, the creature linked into a ring formation, attempting a new strategy. The large being began to slowly spin, picking up speed with each second, understanding Raiden being atop it posed a huge threat to it's survival.

Now spinning faster, Raiden began to slip from the top of the robot. Before he could fall off, he'd wedge his sword in between two of the spinning orbs of the machine, and produce a shock of electricity as he lost his grip from the top. A bloodcurdling whine came from between the orbs as they unlatched from the main body, now falling in six detached orbs. Not exactly the best situation for Raiden, as it gave the machine more attacking freedom, but regardless, stopped the continuous spinning and grinding against rock. He held onto the top of the orb he almost fell from earlier as it collapsed to the ground. As it reached the sand, it rocked Raiden with a big thud as it essentially punched him in his robotic gut. "Arghh!!!" He exclaimed at the force.

Not getting a moment to recover, the other segments began targeting him with their lasers and energy bubble attacks. While they were slow, it'd be difficult for Raiden to dodge and attack the remaining segment after being busted up by the fall. Regardless, he sucked up his pain as he rolled and trudged off the top of the front orb and nearly grazed the edge of the plethora of attacks. Approaching an orb, he performed a swift chop of the creature, wasting no time in attempting to finish it. Now that he had four down, he now had defeated practically half of the monster. It cried again, but did not ascend, rather it became more frantic with it's attacks, spitting out it's powers as frequently as it possibly could. This gave him a chance to target another segment of the creature.

Sprinting using his electrical conduction, he'd speed up his pace and run to the next orb. It wasn't quite as fast as the Ninja Run he had gained from his augment... but it sufficed for reaching another orb quickly. His blade quickly balanced to cut through the fifth attacking orb before it could muster up a final attack. He was gaining a hand over the creature. He smiled as he spoke to the broken fragment, "You haven't even told me your name. I'll call you MG-C, because you look like a caterpillar." He knew the robot did not understand, but thought the remark was charming none-the-less.

With five segments decimated and four remaining, the machine took to the sky again and were able to ascend without Raiden climbing atop. While there was still half of the problem to take care of, Raiden knew the patterns MG-C exhibited from his observations of it attacking. It rose an instantly began snaking dropping orbs and firing laser simultaneously now. The attacks were quicker paced, but were less in quantity. Raiden could finish this, all he had to do was get the robot down again. He didn't think his tricks from last time would work a second time, the robot had become wiser than that, so how...

Well, it had been a while since he had resorted to his marksmanship, but in this case, Raiden's pistol may have been the only answer. Dropping the blade into it's sheath, Raiden equipped his SOCOM into his hand and began simply firing shots. Having to roll out of the way from oncoming balls of energy, his accuracy shook as he aimed once again for the eye of MG-C. The shots landed, but did not have as much impact as the blade-throw Raiden executed earlier, but he knew throwing his blade would only result in vaporized metal this time. The creature became angered in Raiden's attempts to bring it down again, now preparing to make a dive to the man.

While it was never initially in his plan, this came as a moment of opportunity for Raiden. As the mechanical being charged it's body towards the cyborg, he drew his blade to balance it back into his hand. He had pissed it off enough to prompt an unorthodox attack. As the two came nearly face to face, Raiden performed a series of cuts onto the face of MG-C, turning many of the leading portion into scraps of what it used to be. Surprised he still had the skills he showcased after the events of World Marshal, he wondered if he had sat dormant for no purpose for those many weeks.

Raiden was pulled back into reality as the machine angrily collided directly into Raiden. He had destroyed six of the nine segments. He stood up to quickly get back into action, performing a clean vertical strike back through the middle of yet another segment. Able to bounce back, he successfully destroyed an eighth part in the same attack. He was getting better, faster. After becoming more accustomed to his blade after so long once again, he watched as the last and final piece of MG-C rose back to the sky. It seemed as though losing all other of it's segments was unprecedented. It began rapidly moving across the sky as it fired at Raiden rapidly. Smiling, he threw another EMP and his blade at the same time. It didn't have any time to choose, but nor could it attack both at once.

This was it. Raiden had beat the beast.

MG-C would fire a laser at the EMP, afraid more of it than the blade, which quickly got caught in the socket of the eye once again. There was nothing it could do. The metal beast fell to the earth for a final time, as Raiden slowly walked up to it to remove the blade from it. He sighed as he spoke to the creature, despite it not able to understand him, "You put up a good fight. Hopefully somewhere in that metallic skull you understand that I won because justice prevails." He'd quickly execute another cut through the middle of the final segment of the machine. He had won and managed to protect future travelers. Nodding, he'd begin walking back towards the buggy he had left idle.

Climbing atop the vehicle, he looked back at the metallic carnage that had sprawled across the sands of the ruined fortress. He'd quickly fire up the buggy as he gave a final remark."I'm sure somebody will clean this up later." His visor stayed closed as he began traversing the terrain once again, leaving the wreckage he and MG-C had created.

During the middle of Raiden's journey back to the little town he had resided in temporarily, something was seen in his line of sight. From the hills of the mountain, a large... creature had slowly began tumbling and falling down the length of the mountain. He wasn't certain, but he thought he saw sparkling and attempts of shoving the beast out of the way of the town. There was more trouble. Despite his injuries and the conflict he had faced fighting MG-C, he needed to make himself useful in the next fight that had presented himself. He sped the buggy up to the max speed he could maintain, as he sped towards the next scene. "Shit." He exclaimed.

He had an idea of who he would meet at the town now, as connecting the dots between the falling creature and the individuals who hiked up the mountain was not that hard. Surely it had to be them, otherwise such a big threat wouldn't be at the base of the mountain.


It took a few minutes for Raiden to arrive at the buggy rental station, where he quickly hopped off the vehicle after shoddily parking it. There was no time for detours or errors. He needed to locate the group who were attacking the snake-like creature. He made it to the center of town using his lightning sprint in an attempt to find where they were going... After scouting for a few moments, he saw many prominent figures he had seen previously scrambling back towards the train that had delivered them hear in the first place? Were they planning on fleeing? Or rather, had the beast truly been defeated? No... There was haste in their step, worry in their demeanor. They fled to the train as a means of attack or defense, and Raiden had decided then and there he would include himself in their ordeal whether they wanted him to or not.

His pace was just as hurried as theirs was now, attempting to catch up before any of the group left him behind from their ordeal. He was a few minutes behind their preparation as they began piling on the train. As if he were a part of the group, he followed, hopping on the train as well, ignoring the fact he was not with them prior. There was very little time for introductions as an imminent threat made itself present. He would not allow for many questions. "I'm here to help with the battle, anything you guys need, I will try to provide." He put his hand up in an introductory way. "I'm sorry for not meeting with you guys earlier." There was sincerity in his voice as he met the group. Was he prepared for this conflict he had thrown himself into? Probably not, but he was going to try his damn best to battle with this interesting cast of fighters.


JOIN THE DISCORD: discord.gg/Am4pWzmcHT

Location: The Cult Mansion

"Just making sure you kiddos know, this is a you mission, not a me mission, meaning me's is staying out of it." Gojo grinned widely and shrugged. "Not that I have any worries, but the council isn't taking this very lightly." His attention turned to the young sorcerers in the back who sat persistently while listening to Gojo's instructions. Among the group were the seven sorcerers taken under Jujutsu Tokyo High's wing over the summer, the boy who could craft nearly anything out of paper, the flame wielding youngest member of a long line of sorcerers, the cunning Minato who can create shields in thin air, the long-ranged ice sharpshooter, an older reporter who made use of a possessed brief case, the bird-curse raised Saito, and finally, Agito, one of the illusion twins.

They sat in the back of a long limousine, a normal ride for the students as school buses were not seen as appropriate for their field of study. They were to exorcise and control curses who plagued the world, being created from strong negative emotions, unseen to the untrained human eye, however, the very unfortunate are born to see and end these "demons". Gojo sighed as he relaxed deeper into the seat, somewhat kicking his leg up. "You guys caused quite the fuss to save this kid, so he better be all he's lived up to be, young-Agito."

His stare drifted directly over to the black haired boy. His gaze was steely and serious as the kids had seen him in the weeks previous. He then gave a smile before giving a thumbs up before stating "I don't even want to imagine what the council'd do to you if this was a fluke!" His demeanor was much more Jovial than it should've been with this statement, but in trust of his students, he'd lighten his attitude. Crossing his arms, he'd look back to the road. Next to him was a timid looking man who piloted the car, watching as the GPS lead to a forest where paths were near minimal.

Far in the distance, a worn down mansion could be seen, inside would contain threats that the group had prepared weeks for in preparation, whether that be curses or curse users who held themselves up in the building, preparing for the foreseen invasion. The cult family that lived inside had kept their son hidden from the outside world for years now, afraid of the rumored curse uniting the twins Agito and Akito would have. The car swerved past trees and climbed up the steep gravel pathway leading to the large house. About a mile or so, the car would gently pull to a halt as Gojo cheerfully exclaimed "Toot toot! We're here."

Gojo stepped out of the car before any of the students could, and would have Ijichi open the trunk before knocking on the car door to allow the kids to step outside. He'd stand in front of the opened boot of the vehicle before all of the students were in front of him, giving him a chance to speak for a moment before any chaos ensued inside the building for the next few hours. Gojo clapped his hands together before bowing in a presentational manner, showcasing the gear he had previously confiscated for the trip the students had been on. There were many mysterious objects present: a metal ball bat, an archery bow, and many other weapons and accessories. Gojo smiled before speaking again. "Try not to take too long getting kitted up! I'm excited to explain what the sitch' is."

Fuyuhito walked out of the car silently as he listened carefully to Gojo's instructions. He acted as though no emotions were present in him, while in truth, these kinds of raid missions always made him feel guilty deep inside. What if this person they were saving had no desire to be helped? What if the rumors told to him before the mission were true? He held his thoughts behind his head as he grabbed his skillfully crafted bow, and wore it around his body. After everyone had gotten ready, Gojo could be found sitting on a nearby stump, waiting for the students to join him, grin sprawled across his face. He'd gesture for all to sit down to listen. Fuyuhito reluctantly sat down as the last person. He always was fond of his previous sensei, but always found his demeanor rather... silly, for his occupation.

He'd sit down next to Koshikari, but said nothing as he did so. Gojo cheerfully clasped his hands together before laying down the mission synopsis for the crew once more. "Okay! So, today's big mission is to infiltrate the big scary house up the hill to save Agito's twin brother Akito. I won't be assigning mission leaders this time around because of how little information we have on this place! Yippee!" This somewhat made Fuyuhito cringe, despite constantly being the adult of the group, Gojo Sensei always had a childish demeanor at the worst of times.

After adjusting his tone, Gojo looked back at the students before speaking a final time. "Agito knows more than I do, so it'll be up to him to inform you guys on the way up on any major questions concerning this mission." Gojo then stood up randomly to cross his arms into an x-shape before speaking."But no one is in charge! It's up to you guys to figure out how to complete this mission together! No more questions for me! Get your butts up the hill!" He'd give a thumbs up before the students were dismissed to make the mile trek up the hill.

Out of the corner of their eyes, the students would be able to see Ijichi preparing the curse barrier technique to shield the mission from the outside eye. He'd nervously smile at the curious stare Fuyuhito gave him as he followed his classmates carefully behind. His attention returned shortly after as he silently kept his distance, waiting for conversation to begin amuck the group.

I think I speak for Lugu when I say to take care of yourself before the RP. If you need to take a break or anything of the like, I would let him know until you feel ready to be posting again.

Level 1-

|||||||||| (13/10)
(holding at 10)
Word Count: 1309
+3 EXP!!!
Sandswept Sky

The sands of the expanding desert blew into Raiden's face as the Buggy drove speedily across the acre. If it had not been for Raiden's visor that currently was directing the cyborg, there was an entire dunes worth of sand blowing directly into his eye. It had been a decent couple minutes since Raiden had set course, but still it lingered in his mind when he would arrive. Miraculously, he somehow managed to keep his hat and poncho on in the billowing winds of dust.

He'd slow the buggy down to a halt a few miles away from the initial destination, preparing to enter any fight that may approach. First he'd check his HF Blade and Murasama, ensuring there were no major faults with either weapon. He particularly disliked the use of the red Murasama, as he used it to assassinate the late president-elect Steven Armstrong, yet he kept it on a whim since then. He'd sheath the blade once more as he reluctantly pulled the large red bottled liquid he had obtained from the vending machine previously.

The liquid inside was viscous in nature and did not look entirely safe to consume, however, Raiden was previously given the information by the rabbit lady he had met previously that it would bear healing properties. Popping the cork off of the top Raiden examined the liquid closely through the glass, still unsure about drinking it. Sighing he tipped the edge of the bottle to his mouth. Grimacing at the taste he continued drinking until he knocked the entire bottle down his system, finishing it off with a sound of disgust. "Agh! What the hell?!"

While the taste and texture of the liquid was abysmal, the results were almost instantaneous. Raiden felt his body return to a state he had not felt in a long while. The once slow and weakened body he had previous was now limber and swift, as though there were no ailments in his cybernetics anymore. He rolled his head along his shoulders and clenched and unclenched his fist, enjoying the now loose body he possessed. There had to be nanomachines in the liquid. Something. "Well, guess I can't complain too much since it proved effective..." He spat as he began mounting the buggy again. "But damn, was it nasty."

After traversing for a while, Raiden had finally approached upon the the old fortress mentioned in the flyer, except something was extremely off about the area... On the commission, it had stated they needed someone to take down a large monster, but... There was no monster in eyesight yet. Now concerned, Raiden would hop off the buggy to investigate, keeping his hand on the red Murasama, if anything were to approach, visor snapping open to adjust his vision. There was nothing above the hills present behind the fortress or anything near the far off dunes. Nothing.

Stepping ever closer and closer to the fortress, Raiden's concern grew. There was no apparent sign of any huge creature looming the area. Had someone lied to make the weary cyborg drive to the middle of nowhere, simply to be annoying? No. If that were the case, there would still be tourists and travelers bustling about the area, living life. He slowly drew his blade, now suspecting a surprise attack at any moment from a large fantasy creature or gigantic robot. Anything that matched the description of "Giant Monster".

It was when Raiden got near the steps of the fortress that something had been triggered. The ground would begin to fiercely rumble and the reverberating sound of sand shifting and earthquaking filling Raiden's ears. The large monster was certainly nearby and whatever Raiden did had disturbed it.

Over the top of the fortress, a large link of robotic spheres would peer over the top of the ramparts of the abandoned fortress, looming around in a circular motion. Raiden looked at the robot in awe of it's size and potential power. One of the robot's mechanical eyes would snap in the cyborg's direction as it whirred loudly and began preparing some kind of attack. It would swerve in overhead and begin dropping balls of energy on to the ground directly at Raiden. Rolling out of the way, he'd balance his blade in his right hand, now ready to properly begin the battle.

The robot would begin floating in his direction, the red eye on the front lighting up as it continued to prepare the same energy ball attack again. With very little way to attack the machine, Raiden would unclip an EMP grenade from his waist as he hurdled it up towards the colossal creature. Noticing the cyborg had thrown something at it, the mechanical giant would direct it's attack at the grenade instead, shooting it with a ring of energy spheres. One of them would manage to strike the explosive, ultimately negating the electronic canceling effect of the EMP. Raiden would have to rethink his tactics. Before he was given another moment to think of what to do next, the giant would begin whirring a laser at it's eye. Within seconds, a beam of light would pierce the sand as Raiden quickly dodged to the side. He'd grunt as he landed on his side, rolling back on to his feet. "Thing's smarter than most MGs." He'd run across the sand in an attempt to distract it.

As it's attacks ensued, Raiden would continue making it spin in a circle, it's caterpillar shape twisting and contorting to aim at him. On a whim, Raiden threw another grenade into the air as he caught the mechanical monstrosities attention. It would blast it again, but by the moment it looked back down at Raiden, he had prepared another attack. Quickly sheathing the HF Murasama in favor for his signature blade, Raiden would switch weapons and hurl the HF blade directly at the eye of the robot. As the eye turned to face Raiden once again, it would be met by the edge of the sword that had been thrown, lodging itself in the mechanical eye. As if reacting to some form of pain, the creature would split into nine segmented orbs, quickly dropping on to the surface of the sand. As they laid dormant on the sand, each one of them aimed their red eyes at Raiden, either blasting beams or balls of energy.

Able to quickly dodge a majority of the attacks, one of the balls of energy came into direct contact with Raiden, causing a strong jolt of pain and small period of sluggishness. After subsiding the pain, Raiden located the orb he had initially thrown his blade at, and sprinted to retrieve it. Seeing as it was the only one of the monsters segments that was near completely incapacitated, he would prep his sword and try to stab through the metallic body of the one portion. At first it yielded zero results, but as he wound his swing back up and let electricity course through his arm and blade, the strike deemed effective and provided a nasty cut into the metallic creature. It roared, either in some form of pain or in acknowledgement one of it's segments had been rendered useless.

The mechanical parts of the creature would begin to rumble as they began to ascend into the sky once more, but before Raiden would let them float away, he jabbed his blade directly into the side of the nearest segment, holding on so that he could deal damage while on top of the creature rather than waiting. As it reached a certain height, it began scouting for Raiden, who it could no longer see. He hurled himself on top of the beast as he began dashing to the front most segment. He'd grip his blade tightly as he exclaimed loudly: "Look who's got the upper hand now!"
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