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'cause I know you are a star, girl.

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The Prisoner

Level 1-

|||||||||| (2/10)
Word Count: 1191
+2 EXP
Frozen Highlands - Ruins Dungeon

Malaise Counter:
////////// (0/10)

Yet another day The Prisoner had perished, forcing himself to find another corpse to serve as his vessel. Lucky for him, there seemed to be decent amounts of beheaded corpses down in the dark, damp corridors of the dungeon he resided in. Crawling into the hollowed body of the corpse, the vines of the malaise crawling into every corner of the body allowing him to take control of it. Clenching his fists tight, he forced his ethereal head to appear over the beheaded area.

He had no choice but to make it to the end of it as he had always done, in an attempt to slay the king and change the cycle yet again. However, The Prisoner had not noticed one crucial detail with this dungeon that was abnormal. This was not his dungeon and he did not know that.

As he sprinted through the corridors of the large underground ruins, he did however, manage to find multiple common undead enemies such as zombies, archers, and bone golems of sorts, which he removed of by thwacking them in the head with his metal frying pan. There was plenty of enemies to kill and if there was good loot to find amongst the darkness, it took no particular interest to The Prisoner, as he was happy with the weapons he had currently.

It was within a few hours of traversing the dungeon that The Prisoner had come across a larger golem enemy, clearly guarding what was assumed to be a next area of the dankness. A trapdoor. As he rapidly approached the beast. it quickly roared to life, a rush of wind blocking both exits and entrances alike. That trapdoor was what he needed to shoot for. Keeping his frying pan and shield handy, The Prisoner dropped a Wolf Trap in his rush, rolling underneath the Concierge with grace as he quickly picked himself back up. He quickly landed multiple blows with his frying pan to the golem as it enraged and released a red forcefield around. Knowing that this could damage him should he get to close, The Prisoner dodged backwards as he waited for the effect to wear off.

As soon as the field went down, The Concierge prepared to strike The Prisoner with a direct jab. Before the blow could land, The Prisoner swung his shield into the attack, parrying the attacker backwards, stumbling directly into the Wolf Trap, which clamped into the leg of the Concierge, forcing him to be stuck in place. Pan in hand, he repeatedly struck down the Concierge with slams until it was able to free itself, prompting The Prisoner to yet again perform a roll behind him, chucking a grenade into his behind. To The Prisoner's surprise, this was enough to beat the familiar foe, reducing him to nothing but rocky rubble, and then slowly fading to ash. As if commanded, the doors which had slammed shut, now came open.

There was no loot to be collected from this familiar boss, yet The Prisoner saw no fault to this. His trusty Vorpan had served him well before, so why should he abandon it now? Now headed to the trapdoor parallel to his view, he approached it, climbed up the ladder, and was greeted by a collapsed room which had leaked light through the room. Amazed to see that he had seemingly found a way out, The Prisoner suddenly began searching for the first-most exit he could find. There was a small crack in the wall to his left, which he managed to adjust some rubble to enable easier access through. When he was no longer able to move the large rocks, he forced his body through the tight wall, the bones of the original corpse surely dislocating as he pressed through.

Once he made it through to the other side of the wall, he was blinded by the sight of white snow. Snow... The Prisoner had never seen snow before. He watched as flakes gently floated by his face, curious as to which part of the dungeon he could possibly be in now, only to realize something. The sky was empty, and there was land as far as the eye could see.

He was not in a dungeon. This was the outside world. Not a hellscape of piled up bodies and flying soot and ash, but rather fresh air, snow, and blankets of white. He didn't know what to do with the new land he had found... There was so much new terrain to discover, and most importantly, the freedom to be his own person...


The days had begun to pass by and The Prisoner was lucky it was as cold as it was, otherwise he might as well be dead yet again, but it seemed the cold had temporarily held off the spread of the Malaise within his body. The lifeless man had made camp within the ruins he had found outside the dungeon, complete with a simple pile of snow for bedding and a fire, which had begun to thaw the cold limbs of The Prisoner. Sure, cold and warm meant nothing to him, but it was a nice thought regardless, which is why he got pissed when some passerby began desecrating the wild life nearby. One of them was clad in silver and gold. If it weren't for his size, the man would have made a great vessel.

They seemed to use some sort of dark magic, though The Prisoner had no clue of the validity of this thought, to keep the animal carcasses alive long enough to produce food. Even the Prisoner was familiar with the ashen death of every creature and human alike in this world. He decided he could watch them closely for the time being (or as long as he could keep interest).

It was after a bit longer that even more travelers had made their way to the entrance of the ruins. Specifically a young man, a young lady, and a child, who followed behind the group. I'm lucky. They haven't seen me yet... He thought to himself. He reached for a weapon, now that the thought of strangers crossing his tuff came across his mind. He equipped his green Balanced Blade, holding it at the ready as he eavesdropped on their conversation.

What the power had been described as was golden, so perhaps his theory on dark magic was overruled... Yet, he knew that something was fishy about this whole ordeal. Scratching at his chin, he watched as just as quickly as the new crew had arrived, they began parting. Yep. Something was definitely off. The new group seemed uncertain about these... magic users, and now that they gave The Prisoner that vibe, he felt the need to follow suit.

As they began to pace away, The Prisoner quickly and scrappily packed up his belongings before snuffing out his embers and making way to the woods adjacent to the crew. He'd be keeping his distance as he watched the travelers quietly from the shadows of the pines. He kept and snuck along each and every tree, trying his best to avoid being seen.

Level 2-

|||||||||||||||||||| (36/20)
(holding at 20)
Word Count: 883
+4 EXP
Sandswept Sky - Gunner Train

Raiden was lucky to have arrived at the body of the train in time, should he have been a second later, the headbutt which ultimately ripped off the back end of the train sure would have brought his life to an ultimate conclusion. Luckily then he still held on to his sanity, but upon unlocking his ability to feel pain, he became controlled by his insatiable bloodlust. His persona, Jack the Ripper, had been allowed to fuel Raiden.

Raiden nearly tumbled over at the force of the headbutt, however he managed to keep his footing due to his naturally heavier metal body, but it still managed to knock a few more screws loose in the cyborg's brain. As he rattled, he looked back at the large sand-trekking serpent with spite. "You lousy piece of shit..." He growled under his breath, his anger towards the creature boiling now that his bloodlust lead his blade.

As the rest of his team had gathered their composure, Raiden kept to his mysterious persona, when he offered assistance to the now knocked over Big Band on the lower platform, as neither of the parties the conductor had requested had made it before Raiden. "Up you go, big guy. Got more danger to deal with and we don't need to lose any firepower." He'd help to hoist the man back on his feet, when suddenly a new change of events had caught Raiden's eye as he stood on the lower platform.

The Red Eye had rapidly been gaining on the train and there was little for Raiden to do besides prepare mentally for the worst. "Shit, shit, shit, SHIT!" He shouted as it continued to close the gap between the two. It was then that Raiden was able to witness something that he never would have seen on any regular day. The ultimate sacrifice: a final smash.

Raiden had no idea such a final power existed in the world. Something that was so strong, yet so mystical. A power that was able to save the crew from total annihilation from the sand worm, as they closer and closer approached the hole ahead. But it came with the man fading to light, possibly forever.

For Raiden, there was no time to share sentiments with the woman he had left behind, though there was some sorrow for her loss. It did seem that he was gone with his noble act.

As they crossed over the seemingly bottomless pit, Raiden felt his heart jump as the cannon fired again into the creature, the sound of the cannon roaring as the shell the train crew had worked so hard to load finally met contact with Red Eye. Raiden grinned devilishly as it broke into the creature, when suddenly something changed. The tracks below the train had suddenly fallen into the endless void below, before being pushed high up into the sky with the rest of the crew, his blade flying out of his hand to god knows where. He'd have to look for that later.

As the crew reached the apex of their short flight, Raiden was surprised to find that none of the crew had became splattered across the hot desert sands, due to the efforts of the rabbit lady that had previously met Raiden. His weight however made it slightly difficult to descend as slowly as some of the others, making him fall at a slightly elevated pace compared to his companions. He shouted as he fell slightly faster towards the desert floor.

He managed to land more elegantly then his descent had initially been, dropping to the floor in a super-hero landing as he grumbled. "Why the fuck does this bastard have to make things more difficult..." It took a moment for the rest of the crew to arrive along side Raiden as the sand around him began to fade back to the scorching desert flooring. Raiden's visor came back to life as he scoped the tangled mass the serpent had become amongst the girders and other metal scraps. The crew were in the end game.

As some members of the gang began diving straight towards what was obviously the final spot they should be aiming for, Raiden, being a short range fighter, decided it be best he provide cover for those attacking yet again. As a few of the members began diving and weaving towards the final pressure point on Red Eye, Raiden searched the nearby terrain for his missing sword, with no avail. Time for plan B. Drawing the red sword equipped to his hip, he began dashing across the sand, falling behind Tora and Poppi as they closed in more and more. Whatever attack they and the others were executing, Raiden was more than glad to split a few insects in the process.

He began to quickly begin making work of each Akrid in a nearby radius of him as he hacked and slashed with his Ripper Mode, as the blood splattered his blade and metal, he became more and more ravenous for their deaths, chopping away more and more. "Get in there guys! It's now or never!" He gave the crew a demented grin as he sliced at more of the oncoming threats. "Show this fucker what you guys are made of! I'll cut down his support."

+ Level Up!

Level 2-

|||||||||||||||||||| (34/20)
(holding at 20)
Word Count: 333
+2 EXP
Sandswept Sky - Gunner Train

Hearing the waves of the crew cheer for Raiden gave him the motivation he needed to press forward with the attack. The only issue was that there was very little for Raiden to do, except for maybe attempt to help the gunners and other members of the crew deal with the Akrid that was now chasing them from the tail of the train. He had no idea where they were heading, though he was happy at least the conductor and other members were going to be familiar with the upcoming scenery. He never really ventured out of Tostarena Town and didn't know what to expect. Introductions were desperately in order after this whole ordeal was dealt with.

After seeing some of the other gunners attempted to blind the large monster as they loaded a final round, Raiden remembered something. He had a wide variety of flashbangs on his person. He waved off those cheering politely. "We can celebrate later, for now let's just get this fucker 6 feet below!" He told the makeshift crew as he fled to the back of the train, unclipping two flashbangs from his waist that he hurled directly at the eyes of the Red Eye chasing the train. There's no way it could do too much, but if it distracts it for a few seconds, that was more time for the crew to gather their bearings and load the shell.

Equipping his final two flashbang grenades, he performed the same maneuver as he lobbed the explosives through the air. After they landed, he quickly headed back to the main body of the ship. Once he arrived he heard a noise which resembled a codec call from one of the Maverick systems. Examining his closed advisor, he noticed a blaring notification:

Pain Inhibitors can now be disabled manually.

With this he sighed. "Well, things are about to get interesting." His eyes shimmered red as he prepared for the next wave of fighting.

"Time for Jack, to let 'er rip!!!"
Still heavily WIP

Balzani Wind-and-Song
- Outside the Academy

As the evening slowly began to turn and the festivities beginning, a caravan of Mothfolk lead by two Orc guides arrived to the front of the academy where students were being left by families, clans, and whomever they hailed from alike. Balzani was no different in this front. As he sat in the protected carriage, next to his mother, father, granny, and two eldest siblings, there was a sorrowful tension in the air. This was to be the last time in a while the moth was going to see his family. They exchanged many stories and great conversations on the long trip to the academy, but now the time has come.

It was time for Balzani to leave his tribe.

He'd go around the small area, bidding farewells to his family and pressing his forehead against theirs before they'd share their final sentiments with one another. Being the head voice of their family, Granny Grensia stood up and rubbed the head of her grandson. "We are all so proud, Balzani. Make our family proud." Many of the others voiced their praise for the young alchemist and his acceptance into the school. After a few moments of tear shed, and another round of moth-y hugs, Balzani stepped out of the carriage, walking towards the towering Lepikari who carried his supplies at the front. "Thank you sir." Balzani spoke with a bow of his head. The courier nodded back to the boy before heading back to his post.

As the short Moth began skittering towards the large building, he heard a shout. Looking back, he saw his older brother, Balaris waving his hands to get his attention. Turning to face him, the brother held his hand out to the younger moth. "Here. Take this with you." Opening his hand to his sibling, Balaris dropped something softly into his younger brother's hand. The object fell into the younger's hand with a soft plink as metal chains collided with metal. Upon Balzani's inspection, the chain was his older brother's necklace he had earned from the brotherhood of mages in his town: an artifact held dearly by the rankings of the mages. The trinket was simple, adorned in elven silver and jeweled in a soft red. Looking up confused as to why he was being given this. "Keep it safe so that you can give it back to me when you become a Magus." His brother ruffled the fur near his antennae before turning.

Unable to speak for a moment, Balzani stood quietly, mildly flabbergasted. He'd wave for his brother's attention once more as he neared the carriage, a small tear in his eye as his brother boarded the carriage. "I'll take good care of it Oba! I promise I'll return it!" His brother, rather than turning to face his younger brother, simply bit his tongue as he himself held back a sorrowful exchange and gave his little brother a simple thumbs up before entering the vehicle once again. Just as soon as he entered, they rode his, Balzani's eyes glistening with sadness before they faded off into the distance.


Able to muster strength to push through his sadness, the small moth man was able to go through the opening ceremony and dinner of the academy's welcome. Surprisingly, the food contained a wide variety of culture and many of the students took to the alcohol provided. Balzani grimaced at the idea of drinking anything besides water and juices, so naturally he avoided drinking anything with alcohol, not to mention how sick drinking it makes him. While not particularly noticing it at first, many students may have avoided the Lepikari, not for his appearance, but rather for his bad table manners and... interesting way of ingesting food. It is always highly advised to avoid watching a moth man eat meat.

What was also as surprising as the great food Balzani munched on was the surprising line up of teachers, who of each race specialized in a different form of magic or other practicality. While the young moth knew his main focus was alchemy, he couldn't help but know on instinct he was going to be visiting the experienced combat teachers to learn how to defend himself. Sure, he was interested in magical brewery the most, but what's a support member of a team supposed to do if he can't even support himself. Definitely something for the young man to look into later.

Another interesting member who caught Balzani's eye was the large crystal who was named Athena. He'd be surprised if she hadn't noticed his curious eyes prying her for extended times while eating. This entire school was a bit of culture shock to Balzani, but he was sure he'd get used to it eventually even if he was used to sleeping in leaves and hay for a living.

In his thought, Balzani walked through the courtyard where many other students fumbled across the grass and stoned paths in a drunken mind, trying to find their way into the living quarters. Balzani had found the situation rather amusing, but stifled laughter behind his buggy mouth to be polite to those who found themselves in a state of "post-party-itus" AKA being drunk. Smiling to himself, the boy opened his acceptance letter which had been conveniently been turned into a map-compass combo where the arrow pointed to the location of his room where he would later meet his new roommate.

As he followed the arrow to his room, he admired the new, and admittedly more advanced, scenery of the academy. He never really got to witness the full structure on his small tour, and most certainly not the student restricted areas. Gawking at nearly every new thing, Balzani had almost completely forgotten about his very quickly realized homesickness. It took all of his power not to curiously inspect everything with his antennae by instinct, but he managed to hold himself back. That wouldn't be very appropriate.

Once Balzani had found the room after a few minutes of walking, searching and figuring out why the spinning needle kept moving as he walked past his actual room, he finally stood in front of his place of dormancy for the year to come. As he prepared to find a way to open the door, he was shocked to discover the room opened merely by his presence. Amazed, Balzani began inspecting the door heavily, trying to find any signs of magical or technological tampering. His little brain couldn't comprehend it in time before he heard a nearby voice.“Welcome Balzani Wind-and-Song.”

Balzani jumped. “This will be your dorm room for the foreseeable future. There is a bathroom in the door to your right that you and your roommate may share if you do not wish to use the public baths. While sleeping in the dorm room is not strictly required, sleeping in any non sanctioned area of the school is forbidden and may result in disciplinary action.”

After clearing his startle, Balzani immediately walked towards the small crystalline figure in his room. His antennae began gently brushing against the crystal, before he quickly pulled them back embarrassed. "I... I'm sorry. Instinctual." He stated simply, hoping his outburst hadn't disturbed the guide any. Balzani knows how weird his habit of fulfilling his curiosity with antennae frisking can be, even other Lepikari still do it. He'd bow his head gently before she spoke to him. "There is no fret. Some students may find it odd, but I understand your kind well enough to know this is not your fault."

Balzani politely raised his little head. "Thank you miss." The boy was lucky he was fluent in Moth, Common, and Elf, otherwise this would've been an awkward for him. It was weird to use his taught language for the first time in so long. Normally, Moth Folk speak in a tongue similar to Elvish but with more clicking, so speaking in human language was uncomfortable, though possible. Perks of being born to a diplomatic heritage.

While the boy was well kept and didn't particularly smell bad at all, Balzani decided maybe he could take a bath. Nothing better than fresh fur smell. He figured the design would be similar enough to elvish baths that he could draw the water himself. Walking into the bathroom, he was amazed by the sheer size of the room. The tub was huge!!!! At least to his standards Walking to turn the tub on, it wasn't long before Balzani sank into the tub, poured a modest amount of soap into the water to create a nice smelling solution, and dipped his body into the suds.


As he returned to the room, now dried off and exceptionally poofy, Balzani found himself needing to prepare, specifically set up his side of the room. The first thing he did was clear the desk of any current decorations, objects, or elsewise and immediately began neatly arranging his alchemical set-up on top, turning bottles so that their labels face forward, and retying any magical materials in pieces of twine. As his desk was completed, he now found himself with a small bag full of decorations.

He had no intention to go crazy, but rather just wanted to place a few of his homely objects on the walls just to make his homesickness feel just a pinch weaker. The first thing Balzani placed on the wall with a carefully placed alchemical equivalent to glue was a very large bundle of leaves which strung from about 5 feet off the ground to near the bottom. There was quite a lot of room until the ceiling, but that didn't particularly bother the boy. He admired his work before continuing.

Next, he gently removed the blanket from the bed and folded it into a neat square before tucking it away underneath the bedding. He had brought his own blanket from home, but left the large pile of hay back at home in placement of his room's bed. Balzani never thought he'd miss sleeping on a pile of hay compared to sleeping on a human bed, but it's what he was used to. Replacing the blanket with a large green leaf, the boy attempted to center it as to make his bed still look neat, while still retaining the earthy-naturey feel of his cottaged home. Nodding he found his work nearly done besides one artifact he found himself acquiring before his family left for their return home.

With Balaris' necklace in hand, Balzani gently pulled his head through the small stoned jewelry to wear it as he admired the pretty red stone in the middle. He had to take good care of it! A promise is a promise.

After deciding he was done decorating his room with his small scroll of leaves and "blanket", Balzani took one of his large books from his bag and sat down at the desk. The book's title read "Incantations and Potion Buffs". Delving into the read, Balzani sat quietly, yet eagerly waiting for his new roommate to arrive.

Level 1-

|||||||||| (34/10)
(holding at 10)
Word Count: 1057
+6 EXP
Sandswept Sky - Gunner Train

Raiden would have been lying to himself if he said this battle were a piece of cake, in fact, it felt like it went longer than any of his victories against other foes. As he hacked and slashed at the explosive pods, swiftly disposing of them, he just as quickly went on the defensive, not to mention the overall looming threat of the large Akrid constantly chasing them. Raiden was getting tired, yet he couldn't help but feel like this fight was to be much longer than expected. He was in for the long haul, and he wasn't going to give up on his newly acquired crew members.

The Queenly looking summoner had buffed him and many other members with some sort of ability that made him faster. He gave a quick thumbs up rather than shouting and continued to slay many of the enemies with his newly acquired haste. The boy he had warned to be careful earlier was making quick work of the explosive enemies and had also found a way to weaponize them against the large enemy they were facing. The kid wasn't only strong, but he was also a damn quick thinker! This team was proving incredibly capable and Raiden may need to properly congratulate them after all of the nonsense with the large enemy had ended, if he had gained their trust any that is.

As the cyborg desperately returned to the main body of the ship, near where many of his acquaintances were preparing an attack against the sand serpent. There wasn't much Raiden could now do as the only threat present was the one threatening to attack them. As the team hammered into the giant red spot on the Akrid, Raiden stood prepared to attack, defend, or run recon as they finally blasted the wound open. Blood was of no issue to the cyborg, his life had enough of it to be unfazed by it, but he understood why that wasn't the case for all the other members. Firing another large attack at the Akrid, a shell was dispensed and hit the side of the monster where the weak spot had been popped, revealing a grievous wound that surely did not leave the large creature happy. Raiden grinned slightly under the shade of his sombrero. "We'll make quick work of this guy at this rate!"

The creature let out a deafening roar, before it began to thrash around and suddenly ran through the sand directly towards the train, causing it to first rumble, then just as quickly begin to tilt towards the other side of the track. At this rate, the train could flop over causing this assault to be a bust. There was very little Raiden could do. "I'm gonna have to agree with our 'Instrumental' friend here, we ditch this ship, we become snake food! We need ideas on how to take this fucker down and fast!" The crew on the cannon hadn't prepared a shell yet and if they were to fire at the large mass of serpent siding the train right now, they'd definitely be blasted off the rails.

It'd take a moment for one member of the firing crew to help load the canon, but it was still a relief, as they needed a counter-attack as soon as this goliath backed off. Many of Raiden's acquaintances were chipping at the nasty wound left at the side of the attacking giant. Between the queen, the psychic, and the impish woman Raiden had provided bodyguard assistance to, the creature could back off the ship at any time. Raiden had a genius idea, but whether or not it would injure the threat enough or not was beyond Raiden entirely.

After each of his teammates had turns walloping the Akrid, Raiden had decided he was next to join in the efforts of attacking the large wound. Once again switching between his blades, Raiden now wielded his HF Blade, and surged electricity from his feet, rushing off the main body towards the edge where the creature was crashing up against the side. Performing a simple attack, Raiden jabbed the full length of the sword into the wound of the Red Eye and twisted the blade gruesomely into it's skin. That wasn't the end of it. With decent stamina still surging within his body, he used the penetrated blade as a tesla as he began giving electrotherapy in dangerously high amounts to the Akrid. He kept shocking the beast, even when he felt his electric powers draining until the very last second when they gave out.

Ripping his blade out with twice the swiftness of how it entered, Raiden ended his portion of the attack and moved back. "How's that feel you bastard!?" Raiden was proud of his attack as he had made work of the creature with his shocking abilities and now hoped that the teams combination of attacks had been enough to convince the creature to back away from the ship. Raiden would have been lying to himself if he didn't wish that their current attacks were enough to kill the creature. However, he did feel that the fight was going well better than expected.

However, there was certainly still danger looming on the ship as it continued to tip to the side. There were many injured members on board and there were less enemies present, so now was as good of a time to assist them then any. He had noticed that the dark haired woman and man next to her were not active in the battle anymore as the silver-haired man had sustained some nasty wounds from the mixture of shuddering train movements and flying beasts. Surely they wouldn't refuse the man's help...

Rushing over, Raiden quickly dug his feet into the train, preparing to hold the weight of two people in each hand in an attempt to prevent them from falling off the quickly moving locomotive. He offered them each one of his hands, or both to the woman depending on the injuries of her partner and how serious they were. "I gotcha guys! Just take my hands! Takes more than this to rock me off some rickety vehicle!" He braced to hold their weights each, should the train continue to turn itself over, as his heels dug and scraped against the surface of the train.

Still alive y'all.

Testing Room

Direct mentions: World - @Mintz, Terra - @Dead Cruiser

It was easy for Asta to say that he was genuinely confused by a majority of the words the woman whose name was Terra had revealed to him. Universe? Worlds? So this whole... thing he was thrown into is on a bigger scale than just his world? "Woah... That must've taken some serious magic!" He said amazed at the size of this whole ordeal. She had also mentioned she was from space, which Asta found hard to believe at first, but remembered that people come in a wide variety of magic from his world, so that must apply to some degree wherever he is now...

"Earth? Like rocks?... Is that what you call your world?" Yep, Asta was genuinely dumbfounded at this point. He shook his head, ignoring his misunderstanding of the place he had been put in. "Well, where I come from is The World of Magic. You guys are all new faces, so I'm sure I'm from an unfamiliar world to you too."

He scratched his head as he looked at the tall woman. "Everything from where I come is imbued with magic or mana, even the people!" He patted the book satchel which hung on his side. "Everyone has their own unique mana, magic, and grimoires, which is that black book everyone saw next to me." As if on command, the flap on his satchel lifted on it's own open to present his grimoire to Terra, floating softly by his side.

"Unless you're me. No magic whatsoever. Been that way since I was alive." He sorta shrugged, un-phased by the announcing of this information. "As far as I can tell, I'm the only person like this." He'd plunge his hand into his grimoire, which looked as though it absorbed his hand, to which he slowly revealed a large black sword, which would be seemingly impossible for any ordinary human to carry, yet he lifted it with a single hand and slung it over his shoulder.

"People usually say I have anti-magic, because I naturally counteract magic with these cool swords I have." He sort of brandished it in front of him, showing it's rusted and aged appearances. Being as careful as he could with all of the metal and machinery around him, he swung the sword away from Terra as he sighed. "Though I have no clue if there are any actual wizards I can use it against... Well, wherever we are. Except for that old guy back in that metal-ly room, he was definitely a wizard." He emphasized the Wizard's point hat by making a triangle gesture above his head.

"You seem like a trust-worthy enough person. Yeah! I'm definitely looking forward to being a good ally and friend to you!" He gave her a wide, toothy grin which was as friendly as it was truthful. He was still examining the area around him, wondering truly what type of wizard could have caused all of these random people to be in the same area, however, he figured in the current moment, that was the least of his issues. He watched as Terra placed her hand against the hand-screened symbol and waited for something scary to happen.

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