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2 yrs ago
Current Sometimes you spend so long looking for peace in someone else, you loose sight of that peace you can give yourself. Don't forget that guys.
3 yrs ago
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today? Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." -Master Oogway
5 yrs ago
So many writing ideas, so little time to write. Being an adult sucks...
6 yrs ago
It's the most fattening time of the year!
7 yrs ago
There is a madness to my method. Or is there a method to my madness?
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<Snipped quote by Zarkun>

Isn't that what Jasmine is for, now with her magic?

Well, she IS a giant walking water cannon. But I don't think she wants to move in with Damian or Penny at any point XD
Because he's an exceed to a Fire Phoenix Slayer XD


Damian's going to need a bigger squirt bottle.
<Snipped quote by Zarkun>

Just so we're on the same page, are you requesting that Pokeballs be reusable if they fail to catch? I'm not against that thought if that's what y'all wanna do.

That's exactly what I'm asking. All in favor?
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May 7th, 2020, Norilsk, Russia

If the young trainer was honest, he was actually impressed that any of these Earth people were able to keep up with him, Slayer, and Lucky at the front of the running pack, particularly since it would seem that not many of them had a more...physically inclined goal before the completion of the interview. When they reached the end of their run, with no sign of the Ice type they'd come to find in sight, the Sergeant said they would be going home. However when they turned, a Vulpix, from the Alolan Islands if Jason's memory served, greeted them. Before anyone else could move, a girl he'd noticed that Champion watching rushed forwards and flung her pokeball, which popped open almost as fast as it had sucked in the Pokemon.

"Tch, what a joke. Without any kind of Pokemon to help weaken these others, half this group, at least, is still going to be without a partner by the end of this thing. Quel gรขchis." Lucky tapped his shoulder and he turned to his Lucario, who pointed at the girl who was, herself, from Alola. From day one, the Lucario hadn't trusted or liked her, and the swordsman trusted his partner's opinion. Not to mention that Jason didn't immediately trust her himself, given how openly she distrusted any one who looked like an official from either world. Femme trop suspsiente...

After the Vulpix returned to what could only be assumed to be it's mother, the group returned to the headquarters. While others mingled, he returned all his Pokemon but Slayer, instead drawing his sword and reversing his grip on it so that while the pair sparred, the square edge would be what the Gallade clashed against. The two squared off and, after a moment of no movement on either of their parts, dashed toward each other, exchanging blows at a rapid pace. They didn't care who watched or if anyone did, so long as they didn't try to interfere.

๐‘ญ๐’๐’“๐’†๐’”๐’• '๐‘ฑ๐’†๐’…๐’Š' ๐‘ฏ๐’–๐’๐’•

May 7th, 2020, Norilsk, Russia

The moment the Ice type had revealed itself, Forest moved forwards towards it, a Pokeball in his hand. However, the goth girl with way too much personality for one beat him to it. Of course he wouldn't get to it first, that kind of thing wasn't in his future. Unless it's a mushroom that I then proceed to fail to catch. Which...is honestly also my luck. The Vulpix broke out shortly after going into the ball though, and the girl, after an impassioned speech, threw a second ball.

He honestly had to laugh at the way the little fox avoided it and shook his head. Well, the ex-Guardsman wasn't the only one with shitty luck. Soon enough, what could be assumed to be the Vulpix's mother called for it and the Sergeant, after stopping the idiot who'd been complaining before, took them back to the HQ. As soon as he was in the door, he bolted to his room and changed into a pair of sweat pants and a long sleeved shirt before grabbing his .45 and the cleaning kit. Typically he wouldn't have brought it with him on a trip like this, but given that wild Pokemon weren't the only things living out here and in the other wildernesses they'd be going to, he wasn't taking any chances. Course, the Sergeant had been clear he wasn't to have it on him except on down time, but he wasn't sure he needed it then.

A few minutes after he started cleaning it, one of the trainers, the one with the sword, and his Gallade started..."Are they sparring? Holy shit, that's intense!"
@Balthazar007 I'd also like to point out that using the games's "used pokeball" economy might not work well if they're out in the field after boot camp. Especially since we see them reuse a Pokeball that didn't catch a Pokemon the first try in the show.
@Zarkun Did you forget about me haha

Negatory. I'm almost positive you'll beat me too XD


When it comes to Balthy, luck seems to be on my side more than his lol

All good.
I feel like I'm gonna be the last person with a Pokemon...
Forest threw his because he saw it first. After that, he didn't care. He's not a fan of most newer generation Pokemon.
@Zarkun I think Balth was saying that Professor Rowan would give Forest Pokeballs if he ran out, but if you're thinking that Forest's character wouldn't want to use anymore, then never mind haha

There's also that he doesn't know that Rowan has more pokeballs.
Well, it's up in the air. Just said he didn't want to.
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