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@Zoldyck Wonderfully horrible~ You?

I'm doing alright thanks. Been rewatching HxH, so that's nice I guess :P

Good mooorning~

Greetings and good afternoon to you too :D

How are you (and anyone else who's online) doing on this lovely day? :D
@Zoldyck Hm~ What time zone are you in?

It says so on my CS :P
But it's GMT+1, so it's 14:50 atm (Or 2:50PM as weird people write it down)

Konichiwa! ^-^

Good morning people~ ^^

Good afternoon :D
Good afternoon everyone!
How are y'all doing on this fine day?
Goodnight everyone! I hope to see you all tomorrow again. :)
Intro post done. :D
Ylva Edlehjerte

Today was a nice day. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and it seemed like almost everyone was in a good mood. It had only been a few minutes ever since the ceremony had ended and people were slowly making their way to their assigned dorms. Ylva was one of them.

Ylva had been very anxious of going to Montagne. On the one hand she was really looking forward to this new experience and she really wanted to learn new things and people. On the other hand she was very nervous as to what obstacles this new and strange world would throw at her. Ylva was sure that she would be able to handle the school’s curriculum as she never had any trouble with learning new things. It was the social life that she feared. Would she be able to mix in with the others? Or would she become an outcast? This is what she feared most and if she had any hand in it, she’d make sure that wouldn't happen!

While everyone was dispersing from the courtyard Ylva took another look at her dorm assignment. Her name was written under ‘The Dungeon’. How charming. She also saw that she would have a roommate called Shino Koizumi. Ylva hoped that they’d get along, as else they would be stuck with each other for at least a year. Hmm, maybe she should make her way over to her dorm as fast as possible and ready the dorm for them.

Then, out of nowhere, there was a loud roar coming from what appeared to be an older looking tower. Ylva only paid two seconds worth of attention to it as she figured that with the diverse cast of races it was bound to be filled with some of the more uncivilised ones for sure. But then there was the sound of a second, louder roar coming from that same tower. And this roar froze Ylva in her tracks. She recognized that sound from back home. That was not any ordinary roar. It was the roar of a mighty creature of legend. A dragon.

Ylva had always been obsessed with dragons. Ever since she heard the tale of how the mighty Beowulf fought a dragon she had been enticed by them. And while she had seen a few already, she was always just as amazed at the sight of them as she was the first time she laid her eyes on one.

So when she heard its roar Ylva didn't even need to think about trying to find it as she was already trying to run to a better vantage point. She nimbly avoided several other students who looked at her bewildered before moving on with their own things. Soon she found a nice spot on top of a tree branch near to what seemed to be another dorm building. As she balanced herself on top of it she could look into the window and saw a dorm with two bunk beds in them. But that wasn't important to her. No, the real action was at the tower. And it seemed like she wasn't the only one interested. Several more people had converged to the tower.

Seeing the crowd form, Ylva decided that this was a good spot to observe whatever was going on up there. While she might not be able to hear whatever was being said, she did manage to catch a sight of what she was looking for... The dragon. And it was beautiful.

Yes, today was a nice day indeed.
<Snipped quote by Zoldyck>

Well, I thought I didn't have to specify my question. Where do you live in the netherlands

Aah. Sorry, I'm really exhausted as of late. I live in the southeast of the province of Utrecht. :)

How about you?
Why is there fucking snow in march.

@Zoldyck where do you live? :3

Well, considering I am Dutch... :P I'll give you three guesses :P

Are you still accepting characters for this?

As far as I know there is no limit as of yet for new players. :)
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