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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkStarLove90


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Karah wasn't sure about this, there was something about Diamond that gave her skin goosebumps, and not the good kind. She looked at Miles, and then back at Diamond. "Okay, my name is Karah. This is...my boyfriend Miles." She hoped that Miles wouldn't mind her doing that, but she was doing what all females do, staking her claim. She knew that this Diamond Jensen had to have a boyfriend already but women like her? Well they didn't care about stuff like that. Diamond smile at each of them in turn, a creepy yet perfect smile. "I will leave you to love birds alone now, just wanted to clear the air. I was having a rough morning, had a bad night and I let it transfer over. Shouldn't have done that, but we all have those days right? Well see you around..." Diamond stood up and winked at Karah, she then licked her lips while looking at the both of them. She picked up a strand of Karah's hair, "By the way, this color...it suits you." Karah was dumbstruck, what the hell just happened here?? Why the hell was that bitch being nice to her? She shook her head and looked at Miles, "Pinch me, please make sure we are not dreaming right now!" Karah looked over to where Diamond had been but she was gone, like she had never been there at all, even the table she had been sitting at had someone else already sitting there. Confused Karah looked back at Miles, "I hope you didn't mind me saying that, it was a natural move, even though I have never had a boyfriend before it still slipped out. Overprotectiveness or something..." She bit her lip, at right that moment their food came. Karah was too nervous still, but she picked up her fork anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkStarLove90


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**double posssssst**
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nyther
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Nyther Savage Narcissist

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Miles watched as Karah and the girl talked. It was all a bit odd to Miles, but he couldn't really hit a girl. So he let Karah and the girl figure things out. He turned as Karah called him her boyfriend. It made him feel good. He knew it was because the girl posed a threat to her. He would never leave someone like Karah for some high school cheerleader type. It was nice to feel wanted though. As quickly as the girl had sat down, she had left. Miles looked around but he didn't see her anywhere. It was like she had just vanished. Karah asked Miles to pinch her and Miles felt exactly the same. It seemed like an odd dream to him.

Karah then turned to him and apologized for calling him her boyfriend. "Don't worry about it." Miles smiled as he squeezed Karah close to him. He paused for a second. "Wait, you've never had a boyfriend. I find that a little hard to believe. You don't have to lie to make me feel better." He smiled at her. He had a hard time believing that she never had a boyfriend. He tought it was cute how she bit her lip when trying to explain herself. Just then their food arrived. Miles attempted to put the odd exchange that just happened out of his mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkStarLove90


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Karah smiled at Miles and laughed, "No really its true, I have never had a boyfriend, and honestly..." She stopped, she felt so silly saying this but there really was no point in hiding it. "Your my first kiss also..." Karah immediately picked up a French fry and put it in her mouth, chewing noiselessly she looked at Miles, waiting for his reaction. She felt really weird, for having spilled so much of her bare soul to Miles in just the span of a few hours, but she honestly felt like she had known him for years. She picked up another fry and dipped it in some ketchup this time, after she swallowed it she took a sip of her pop. "You know its crazy now that I think about it, but I never did pursue relationships, not after seeing what dynamite, in the bad way that is, that they could end up being...I just kind of lost all hope that I would ever have that fairy tale romance, with the fairy tale marriage and kids thing." She hoped Miles wouldn't think that she wanted kids, not that she didn't either, just not today or anything....tomorrow maybe...but not today. She brushed her hand off on a napkin and grabbed all of her hair and in one fluid movement had it up and in a ponytail in a second. She smiled at Miles, "What about you? Any ex girlfriends?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nyther
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Nyther Savage Narcissist

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As Karah mentioned that he was her first kiss, he smiled nervously. "I hope it lived up to your expectations. I know I quite enjoyed it." Miles said, kissing Karah's cheek. She started to eat. She talked about how she had seen how bad relationships could be. As she talked about having a fairy tale relationship. She seemed a little worried that she was going to scare him off. He took a bite of his pasta and nodded his head. "I know what you're talking about. Married with a wife, picket fence and 2.5 kids. It's the dream, but it never seems to happen."

She then asked him about ex-girlfriends. He sighed heavily. "There was this one girl. We dated for like two years. High school sweethearts and all. I thought she was the one. Long story short, she cheated on me. That's my story." Miles said taking another bite of pasta. He tried to hide the pain he felt thinking about it. It was over two years ago, but the pain felt fresh. I haven't dated anyone since then. Until you apparently. Now that we're boyfriend and girlfriend." He smiled slightly as he took another bite of food. "You've already said it. There's no taking it back now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkStarLove90


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Karah nodded, "I would love that...I might even live in the country for that dream." She winked at Miles and elbowed him a little, she took a bite of her hamburger and laid it down, thinking about what Miles had just told her, cheated on him? How could anyone do that to him?? The pain on his face was enough to make her want to make him feel better, she laid her head on his shoulder as she swallowed her food and said, "You know? People obviously do not know what they have till its gone. I can assure you that I would never do that to you, I may have just started getting to know you, but I really like you already and you know things about me that no one else in this world other than the people that it deals with know about. I don't just talk about my past with anyone, something about you made me feel like it would be completely and utterly alright to talk to you about it." She sat up and looked at him, "You know what? When we get done here, lets go back to my dorm and watch a movie there. Let's just spend tonight together, talk, learn about eachother and make this boyfriend girlfriend thing really official. Don't worry I wont take it back, I meant it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nyther
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Nyther Savage Narcissist

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Things were begging to move quickly, but not too quickly for Miles' taste. When she mentioned moving a the country for the dream of finding the one for her, Miles started to grin like an idiot again. It had only been a day, but their connection was incredible. He finished off his pasta as she elbowed him playfully. He put his fork in the bowl and pushed it towards the end of the table. She continued on that she would never cheat on him and proceeded to pay her head on his shoulder. He kissed her forehead and whispered a soft "Thank you" as he ran his fingers through his hair.

She sat up and looked at him. He got lost in her eyes as she talked. She told him they should watch a movie when they get back to her dorm. He got nervously happy as she talked about them spending the night together and make things official. He looked down, a little bit unsure of things. She put her hand under his chin and lifted his face to hers. She told him she won't take anything back. He saw nothing in her eyes that would make him doubt her seriousness. He smiled slightly. "That sounds fantastic." He said as she went back to he meal.

She finished up and he paid the tab. She objected a little bit, but Miles insisted. He paid and they walked back to her dorm. They began talking about different things they liked. Karah talked about music and tattoos, while Miles talked about different books he liked and animal care. "I find animals better than most people. They're honest. They don't pretend anything. That's why I've always liked working with animals as opposed to people." Soon they arrived at her dorm. Karah unlocked her door and invited Miles in. He sat down on the couch as she went to pick out a movie for them to watch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkStarLove90


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Karah enjoyed talking to Miles so much that she knew that she could lost in everything he said, she hoped that she wasn't saying things that would scare him off, but the way he was looking at her made her push those thoughts aside, "I hope you know that if we are together forever, we will only have your family. I will not permit mine to be a part of me anymore, I don't want them knowing who I am now and trying to ruin it for me." She said this with her back to Miles, she was looking through the small stack of DVD's that she had on the small table next to her bed. "I don't know what movie to put in, here which one do you want?" She handed him the four movies that she had picked out of the stack of about six or seven dvds. There was Repo! The Genetic Opera, This Is The End, In Time, and Pompeii. "Sorry those are the ones I really like and I haven't seen Pompeii yet, but I know all about the city." She laughed and sat down on the couch next to him while he looked at the backs of the dvds. She yawned and got up, "I am going to put on more comfortable clothes, hold on." She grabbed her pjs, a pair of shorts and a tight little tank top. When she went in the bathroom she looked in the mirror, taking her hair down she shook it out. She looked at the pjs and slowly began to undress, she wondered what Miles was thinking out there right now and it made her start to giggle. She normally took her bra off when putting her pjs on, and she almost did, but she didn't want to make him uncomfortable so she left it on. She came back out of the bathroom shutting the light off and closing the door at the same time. "There I feel better now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nyther
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Nyther Savage Narcissist

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As Karah talked about them being together and not wanting her family to be part of their life, Miles smiled softly. "I think we have plenty of time to figure this out." He said as he plopped down on her bed. She handed him a handful of DVD's and went to the bathroom to change. Miles was a huge comedy fan and picked out "This is the end" to watch. He sat on the bed waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. He felt excitedly nervous. He was still unsure how the night would go. His confidence spoke up a little. You're spending the night at a girl's dorm. Don't fuck this up.

Karah emerged from the bathroom in a tank top and shorts. Miles tried to put his eyes back in his head as she laid down besides him. Her tight tank top showed off all her curves and Miles had to close his mouth with his hand a few times. She snuggled up beside him and asked him what he had chosen to watch. "I love a good comedy. How about this one?" He handed her This Is The End and she took it and got up from them bed. She went and put in the the DVD player. Miles tried to be a gentlemen, but watched as she bent over and put the DVD in. She pushed play and crawled back into bed. She cuddled up next to him as the movie played. He smiled as the movie started and she snuggled up next to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkStarLove90


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Karah smiled as she watched the look on Miles' face, she knew that this would have him drooling. She was a woman after all, they knew these kinds of things by nature. She snuggled up to him but forgot that she still had to put the dvd in, when he showed her what movie she was delighted, "I love that movie, James Franco is my favorite actor he is hilarious in this movie." She got up and put the movie in, trying not to sashay her hips at him too terribly much. She smiled to herself, its not like she wore these pjs on purpose this is what she had already laid out, after she ran into Miles anyway. She went back to the bed and cuddled up next to him again. She laid her head on his shoulder and breathed in the smell of him, he sure did smell good. She pressed the menu button on the remote to bring up the main screen instead of watching all the previews, pressing play she got up one more time and grabbed a thing of popcorn putting it in the little microwave she had, then she went to her front door, making sure it was locked. That was always a thing for her, the doors had to be locked no matter what. She retrieved the popcorn and then went and laid back down by Miles just as the movie got started, "I promise no more getting up." She smiled at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nyther
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Nyther Savage Narcissist

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Karah got up two more times. Once to check the door and another to get some popcorn. She got back into bed with him and told him she wouldn't be getting up again. She took a handful of popcorn and offered him some. He took a handful and ate it He curled his arm around Karah and pulled her a little closer as she laid his head on his chest. He ran his fingers though her hair. It felt soft and silky to him. He smiled contently. He hadn't felt this happy in awhile. Everything was turning up Miles. He couldn't have asked for a better evening.

At this point his confidence was running the show. Miles sat up and said to Karah: "Since I'm going to be staying here the night. I tend to sleep shirtless." While Miles was not buff by any means, he was fairly toned. He had a swimmer's body. It wasn't muscular, but he had a flat stomach and a hint of pecs. Karah sat up and he took his shirt up and laid back down. The movie was still only just beginning. He grabbed another handful of popcorn as he laid down and ate it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkStarLove90


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Karah smiled at him as she sat up and watched him take his shirt off, time stood still for a second as she took in the sight of him, and right then she about threw away all thoughts of waiting with him, she about jumped on him. She shook her head and giggled, she was acting like she was experienced with this kind of stuff. She had never had any type of relation with a man, I mean hell he was her first kiss! Here she was snuggling him, and already thinking about taking off all their clothes. It was natural wasn't it? Natural to feel this way? Her feelings had been turned off for so long that she didn't know what was natural to her anymore, but now that Miles had awakened something she didn't know she had she was ready for everything. "Miles, you have given me something I didn't know I was capable of, and I feel silly saying this...but you have given me a reason to love someone. And I know that sounds crazy, because well we are just getting to know each other, but something about you makes me feel like I have known you all my life. Like you have always been here..." She kept her gaze down, because she thought if she looked up into Miles' eyes that she would probably cry, she hadn't felt so wanted, and so happy in her entire life. Miles was giving her a reason to keep going with her life, and to keep up on the plans that she had so desperately made for herself. "I am going to school to become a teacher, and I didn't think that I had it in me, but something about you is giving me the confidence and courage I need to do it." She pulled her head back and looked at him, "Thank you." She then kissed him, her eyes fluttering closed, she smiled through the kiss.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nyther
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Nyther Savage Narcissist

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Miles' heart swelled as Karah talked about how happy he made her. He smiled in agreement. There was quite a strong connection that formed between then very quickly. She looked down a little and told him about her dreams of becoming a teacher and how he gave her the strength to do so. "I think you'll make a great teacher." Miles said running his finger through her hair. "You're going to have a lot of school boys crushing on you, but I think you'll do great." He laughed slightly. Karah looked back up and Miles and kissed him.

As they parted Karah laid her head back down on Miles' chest. He smiled and sighed slightly. He really had never felt like this before. He was a little worried it was too good to last, but he put that thought far from his mind. He wouldn't worry about things that he had no control over. He shimmed to grab his phone out of his pocket without disturbing Karah too much. He punched in the alarm for his classes in the morning and gently tossed his phone on the ground. He had sleep-turned off his alarm before. So he had to put it somewhere out of his reach. Plus, he figured he wasn't going to want to pull himself out of Karah's bed in the morning. He ran his finger through her hair again and continued to watch the movie. Grinning like an idiot the whole time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkStarLove90


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Karah ended up drifting off at some point during the movie, snuggled into Miles' arm she was warm and comfortable. She didn't snore, thankfully, well that she knew of and she knew for a fact that she didn't drool. So he was safe with her sleeping on him, she grumbled a bit in her sleep. Nightmares plagued her from her home, and from the times that she spent living on the streets, her hand that rested on Miles abdomen every now and then would grip him tightly with fear then release again very slowly.

Morning light poured in through the window, there were no birds chirping and students had yet to fill the courtyard. Miles' phone alarm went off, and Karah sat up quickly about ready to jump out of bed and run for the hills. She then realized it was an alarm, and she nudged Miles "Your alarm scared the bejeezus outta me." She yawned and stretched, her back arching and her arms reaching for the sky. She knew that when Miles left, she would probably crawl back into bed just to smell him and fall back asleep. All of the sudden a knock sounded at her door, "Campus security, are you in there Ms....Daniels?" Karah looked at Miles in alarm, why would campus security be at her door. It wasn't against the rules to have company, even if it was the male kind of company. 'Yes I am, just a moment."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nyther
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Nyther Savage Narcissist

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Miles feel asleep a little while after Karah. He slept soundly, enjoying feeling Karah's warm body against him. Suddenly she prodded him awake. Apparently his alarm had scared her. He smiled as he yawned awake. He was glad it hadn't been just a wonderful dream. He stood up, picked up his phone and turned the alarm off. Karah was still laying in bed and Miles walked over to her side of the bed and bent over and kissed her gently. He picked up his shirt and put it on. Before he could tell her goodbye, there was a knock at the door. It was campus security. Co-mingling wasn't against campus rules, so Miles looked at Karah confused.

She got up and quickly put on a shirt and pants and went to the door. She cracked it open and two security guards were standing at the door. "Ms. Daniels?" They asked. Karah nodded her head. "Is there anyone else in here with you?" Miles slowly walked forward. He waved at the security guards and told them his name and dorm number. They nodded at him. "The reason we're here is just alerting that there has been an, incident on campus. Classes have been cancelled for the day. We're just going around getting statements from everyone."

Miles and Karah looked at each other. The second security guard pulled out a note pad and started talking. "Were you both together yesterday." Miles spoke. "I was in class until about one. Then I came over here and we went to that Italian place and ate. Then we came back here." The security guard nodded as he wrote down what Miles said. "Thank you sir." The guard said. Then he turned to Karah. "Anything unusual that either one of you can remember that happened last night?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkStarLove90


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Karah was shaking, fear of whatever this 'incident' was took over her brain. She hated anything bad, anything that threatened someone's life scared her badly and now something had happened on the campus. "No I don't remember hearing anything last night or seeing anything, we were in here all night. We fell asleep probably around 11:00pm. We were watching a movie together." She pulled at her shorts, trying to make them a little longer, her legs were freezing and she rubbed her arms with her hands. Goosebumps were popped up all over her body, "What do you mean by 'incident'?" Karah didn't think that she wanted to know but they had some sort of right to at least know what they meant right? She looked at Miles and she knew that he could see the fear in her eyes, she was supposed to work today for a couple of hours but she wasn't leaving this dorm room till she knew what the hell had happened and whether it was safe to leave. The security guards glanced at eachother, obviously trying to decide how much to tell this young couple. "A student was found dead by the water fountain this morning. Looks like she was attacked by an animal of some sort. Not sure what we have around these parts that could do the damage, but its the only possibility right now. Stay indoors as much as possible during the night time hours, we don't need anyone else getting maimed or hurt by whatever this is." They tipped their hats to them and went to the door next to hers, Karah shut the door slowly and looked at Miles. "What the hell....? This is scary...what the hell kind of animals do they have around here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nyther
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Nyther Savage Narcissist

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Karah shut the door and turned to Miles. She asked what type of animal could have done that. Miles thought about it. He shrugged slightly. "I don't know what animal would come into a populated area and kill someone. If it happened outside of campus, maybe, but I have no idea what animal would come on campus and do that." For a second Miles had a look of fear on his face. "It would have to be rabid or incredibly sick." He saw the scared look on Karah's face. He walked over to her and held her. "As long as we stay indoors and don't wander from campus, we should be fine. Even rabid animals won't attack a group of people." Miles pulled back from Karah and smiled reassuringly. "I guess this means we'll have to stay together a lot more."

Miles looked at Karah and softly brushed her hair out of her face. "I'm just going to go to my dorm and pack up some clothes and come back here." Karah shook her head. "It's alright." Miles said softly kissing her cheek. "It's daytime and I bet this place is crawling with cops and campus security. I'll be fine." He headed to the door opened it and walked out. He stuck his head back inside quickly and winked at Karah. "See you in a little bit beautiful."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkStarLove90


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Karah was trembling, as a child she had had fierce nightmares about creatures of the night that would attack humans and prey on them, sucking the blood from them until they were dead. It might have been too many horror movies, or all those snacks she ate right before bedtime but it had sure led to one wild imagination still. She walked over to her window and looked out at the world, lucky for her she didn't look down on the campus she looked out on the town that they lived in. People were milling around on the streets, children were laughing and dogs were barking from their yards. You would think that no one had died, but to them, no one had yet. They probably saw the ambulance and the cops, sure, but your first thought would be hmmm kids must have got in a fight? Or one of the football players had a heat stroke. Not that someone had been brutally murdered. Well could you call it murder? Or would it be a terrible accident? This made Karah want to move off campus more than she had already wanted too, she paced the room. The walls felt like they were closing in around her, the fear that she felt was unreal. Sure people died in KC, they died all the time, murder was fun to the people in that city, but not once had it ever happened this close to her.

She laid down on the bed, her legs hanging off of it, her feet barely skimming the floor. She hadn't bothered to lock the door behind Miles, because no one would come in here before he got back, no on even knew she was in this room yet. Her thoughts went back to Diamond, one second she is threatening her and the next moment she is being nice. Karah was still confused by that whole scene with Diamond at the restaurant last night, why had Diamond decided to say she was sorry? And what did she mean by she ran the campus? Karah drifted off, thinking of Diamond with her long blonde hair, and fangs....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nyther
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Nyther Savage Narcissist

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Miles jogged across campus towards his dorm. He didn't want to mention it, but he was a little on edge. In his mind he was saying it was just some rabid animal, but something in his gut said otherwise. Miles reached his dorm room and unlocked it. As he opened it, Jimmy was standing right in the middle of the room. Just, staring at him. It had looked like Jimmy had been standing there for quite some time. As if waiting for Miles. "Hey uh, Jimmy." Miles said a little taken aback. 'Did you hear about what happened on campus?" Jimmy just stared at Miles and looked like he started smirking. "Oh, yes I did Miles. Quite a horrible thing to have happened. Don't you agree?" Jimmy said to Miles, still standing in place.

Miles walked over to his side of the room and started throwing things in a small duffel bag. As he packed, he felt Jimmy step towards him. "Where are you going Miles?" Miles finished putting a few clothes and toiletries into the bag and zipped it up. He turned to see Jimmy only a few steps away from him. Still with the same expression from earlier. "I, uh." Miles started. He was going to tell him where he was going, but something told him not to. "I'm going to campus security. They said anyone that wanted to could stay in their building." Miles started walking past Jimmy. When Jimmy grabbed Miles' arm and looked him in the eyes. "Is that really where you're going? Wouldn't you feel safer here?" Miles' jerked his arm from Jimmy's grasp. "Yea, that's where I'm going, but thank you for the offer." Miles strode for the door and left, slamming it behind him. He could hear Jimmy yell after him. "Please be safe Miles."

Miles was a little more than freaked out and ran back to Karah's room. What stuck in Miles' head was not the way Jimmy acted, but that he called him by his name. Jimmy never called Miles by his name. Miles senses were on high alert as he ran across campus. His eyes darting everything. He didn't know what he was looking for really, but he knew he was looking out for something. He quickly reached Karah's room. He knocked on the door as he opened it. "Lucy, I'm home!" He called out, trying to make himself feel less freaked out. He then laughed slightly, as Karah wouldn't probably get that reference. Since all the TV shows he watched back home were old, mid 1900's shows that no one watched anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkStarLove90


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Karah sat up straight when Miles came back in and jumped off the bed. "I am so glad that you are back, I was freaking out the whole time, and then I fell asleep and had this horrible short dream about Diamond being some kind of monster. Like a vampire, but she can be in the daylight so not like a vampire. Oh I am freaking out now!" Karah was trembling so hard that she started to lose her balance, she sat down heavily on the bed. " I have an overactive imagination...." She put her head in her hands, and grabbed her hair. She looked over at Miles, "You look like you have seen a ghost, is it still just the news we heard or did something happen??"
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