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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masterphantasm


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Bryce continued to bring up the rear watching as the students ahead of him gave their name to the registrar and turned as they began their short trek to their living quarters. While he had a few moments to himself he snapped and a well-worn notebook appeared in his hand and a pen he cracked it open and began to scribble quickly in it.

Glyphs- it seems to be a type of magic in which one draws multiple interlocking symbols into the air. It seems that these symbols are drawn from residual energy given off at the time of the drawing. It appears that one must be of considerable magical talent and ability in order to do this.

As Bryce removed a small necklace from around his neck with a small bag in the center he dropped the notebook and it was quickly taken into the bag. Bryce let out a short sigh “thanks mom for the bag of holding I appreciate it” he said as he looked up in time to see the young dragon lady barreling towards him stopping just short of him. “It’s alright” he said reassuring her “I take it you don’t sleep well judging from the amount of energy you have now” Bryce said with a light chuckle. She accompanied Bryce down the hall and they approached the registrar Bryce was surprised to see another dragon born and was stunned as to how pretty she was he actually blushed a little “good evening my name is Bryce Bel…My name is Bryce and I’d like to get my schedule and room assignment please” he politely asked as he dropped his head in an attempt to hide his flush filled face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

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Despite how tired he was, Zmerr could not fall asleep. Every time he closed his eyes, images of the green flames dancing in the night air would flit across his eyelids. He's quickly open them to make sure it was only his imagination and that the room was not on fire. Something like that is something not easily forgotten.

He wondered how the fire was put out. He'd never seen Cadmus perform any sort of magic. He rarely saw the dragon. He always had something else to do to make sure things ran smoothly.

After about an hour of lying in bed without a wink of sleep, Zmerr took a seat at his desk. The dark wood of the table was hidden by papers of various sizes each featuring a drawing or a series of written plans. Zmerr was trying to come up with an invention that would allow him to use magic. Or at least something CLOSE to magic. Ever since he had seen it for the first time, he had wished he was capable of using it. It was an art. Just like any art, it took a combination years of practice, precision beyond natural abilities, and raw talent. All of which Zmerr lacked.

He picked up a large piece of paper with a contraption that the user would wear on his hand. Sort of like a glove, except it had wires that ran from the fingertips to a tank the user wore on his back. In the tank was some sort of fuel to power the "glove." Unfortunately, Zmerr just couldn't get the element compound just right. Every time he tested the machine, it would backfire and fry itself. He had to start from scratch each time.

Zmerr chuckled to himself as he remembered the time that Sylph had come to pay a friendly visit between classes. He was testing the third version of the machine. He could have sworn he had the compound perfect. He realized that he was off when the thing exploded and covered his face in a thick layer of black soot. That was one of the few times he could remember hearing Sylph laugh. He hadn't thought it funny at the time, but now he could understand why she laughed. He decided the failure was worth it.

Another time, he was trying the fifth model near his stable. When it backfired, it made a loud crack like a gun. He'd terrified Soralon, the pony, and she ran. She'd somehow managed to jump the fence. It took Zmerr nearly all day to get her back. It took a week or so before she'd let him near her.

Zmerr stood up and hung the poster on the drawing board. He began to wonder if it was even possible to create synthetic magic. Everything made sense and lined up perfectly, and yet, every time, the machine would backfire.

He kept pondering this until he realized it was morning already. His stomach growled. He was STARVING. He took one last look at the poster before grabbing his wallet and heading out the door. He made his way to the main cafeteria. Even though he wasn't a student, he still liked to eat with them. He liked to pretend he was a student.

He ordered his usual breakfast. The woman who served the food had to leave the kitchen to give him his food because he was too short to reach the counter. She gave it to him with a warm smile and a good morning greeting. Zmerr returned the courtesy with a slight bow of the head.

He went to his usual spot and climbed up into his usual seat. As he could pick up his fork, he began devouring the food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Pyria checked her notes and handed him his room and schedule. "Here you are. You've got the same room as the dracon over there, in the dorm. And no, we don't divide dorms here according to gender, but to levels of aptitude. Welcome to the Crescent Academy." It was the same kind of speech as before.

Asthia walked over to Bryce. "So, you're new here too? What made you interested in this school? Have you ever seen a dracon before?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Mystique ate very little and noticed even less. But Gandalf noticed much and smelt more. A subtle illusion spell would suffice to cover them until the sun was above the horizon. He sent his shadow self out to see what could be seen. It was old spell that he rarely used but was simple enough for someone who had a touch of the Forbidden Arts. He had a simple belief that to fight evil one must know evil so it stood the same for those who used magic for evil instead of for the good. Magic is just a tool to be used. How it is used is what makes it evil or good. Even the raising of the dead. One could learn much from those who have died but to make an army of the undead is not exactly the right way to use the Resurrection Spell.

At the moment, Gandalf was itching to smoke his pipe but that would be a dead give away that someone was nearby. The Shadowling was slipping around in the shadows, absorbing the events that had happened. However if there was too many paths crossed, the information will not be accurate. Gandalf's only concern was Mystique. She was a human with great potential from an old friend..... no not her but more likely that one daughter of hers, Zane. He did not know Zane's last name or if she ever married or much else about her even. But he could sense a bit of Lady Rosewoode in Mystique.

The shadowling was back and slipped inside of Gandalf who digested the info in a literal sense in a way. He could gather that was a 'hushed fire' which was contained and put out by magical means. He could not tell who alerted the Archmage Cadmus. But it was two, maybe 3 higher magic welders that put out the fire. Yes it was time to actually meet the Archmage or perhaps he should slip away back to where he came from? He did what he came to do after all and why should he care about what happens here? He was on another mission and that needed to be taken care of.

Gandalf was itching for a pipeful so he left Mystique after placing a mental spell on her. One which will not allow her to fully recall everything and if should there be some need, she could call out his name. He would leave a calling card behind. A young owl would suffice to watch over her and be a calling card. He disappeared into the portal with Nightmare and left Mystique and her steed, Shadow behind.

Mystique slept peacefully in the grass with a soft blanket covering her thin body and Shadow tied to the nearby tree.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masterphantasm


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Bryce managed to work up enough courage to make eye contact with pyria "thank you" he said as he headed off before he got far Asthia had approached him and shot off a quick succession of questions. Bryce couldn't help but laugh at first. "forgive me for laughing its just the questions came rather fast. But to answer your question yes i am quite new here im probably as new as they come i can understand magic better than most but when it comes to casting it takes me a longer time to learn in my few years of life i successfully learned and almost mastered one spell' Bryce said, his face taking on a slightly serious expression but quickly returning to a smile. "The whole interest thing it was more of my parents idea than my own they thought that i could take my skill further here. They actually graduated here a long time ago they were some of the best in their class but i wanna carve out a name for myself hopefully me being here can not only help me train my magic but give me some direction as to what i wanna do if ever i graduate. and only once in my lifetime have i ever seen a dracon not counting know and that was in passing...unless im thinking of half dragon or maybe dragonborn my apologies if i got you mixed up with another race its just i've never had the pleasure of meeting anyone that was of any relation to a dragon let alone part dragon. are you in fact a Dracon?" Bryce questioned
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Nyame followed along for the little adventure, but it seemed the great Cadmus had the situation in hand. He directed the students to something called a "registrar," and as it appeared the Small One wasn't a student after all, the two parted ways. Nyame followed the dragon's instructions, down a few halls, following quietly behind some other students.

He came to a smaller version of Cadmus, standing behind a desk. He spoke to the half-dragon, "I am Nyame Star Caller. I seek the registrar."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 24 days ago

Nyame followed along for the little adventure, but it seemed the great Cadmus had the situation in hand. He directed the students to something called a "registrar," and as it appeared the Small One wasn't a student after all, the two parted ways. Nyame followed the dragon's instructions, down a few halls, following quietly behind some other students.

He came to a smaller version of Cadmus, standing behind a desk. He spoke to the half-dragon, "I am Nyame Star Caller. I seek the registrar."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Pyria looked up, then back down to the list. "I'm the registrar. Let's see... Nyame. I see your name. One moment." She got out a piece of parchment. "Here's your room, your classes,and your schedule. Welcome to the academy." She gave him a sarcastic look which most didn't think was possible for a dragon's snout. "And before you ask, yes, the archmagister is my father, yes, my mother is a human, no, there's nothing dark about my past, and yes, I am bored with this job."

Asthia responded to Bryce. "Yes, I'm indeed a dracon, as were my parents, grandparents, and so on. It's a new experience, being here with so many other mages. And from so many cultures, too. I've never been so far away from my species before. And yes, half-dragons and dragonborn are much like dracons in many ways. Anyway, I come from a noble family which, well, ended up on the wrong side of a political dispute and lost most of our lands and fortune. When I began to show I had sorcerous powers, my family sent me here for training. So, what sort of spells are you good at, if I may ask? I'm skilled with conjuration, enchanting, and evocation. I'm not so skilled at dealing with this cold floor, but I'll get used to it." She made sure to keep her tail lifted off of the floor as well, as dracons normally did, but especially in this case.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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"I had not thought to ask such things," Nyame muttered through his snout. He took the piece of paper gingerly and looked down at it for a moment, working hard to read the symbols that were so new to him. "These," he pointed at the paper, "Are numbers that represent time, yes?" He moved his finger to the first class's time, "Which star sign rules the sky at this number?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Pyria rolled her eyes. She wasn't quite sure was he was talking about when it came to the "star sign", It was probably a reference to his own country's magical or astrological traditions. She made something up.

"Yes, the number represent time. I'll explain them if I have to. As for the star sign, that would be the Constellation of the Scales of Equity. Every so often, one of three constellations appears in the sky over that point. The best is the sign of equity, or the fair treatment of others. The second is the sign of revenge, representing retribution and a primitive balancing of the scales. The third is the sign of necessity, which simply means doing what has to be done, irrespective of equity or vengeance." She could hardly keep a straight face, resisting the urge to break out laughing. She succumbed to the urge. "Or maybe I just made that up and have no idea what a star sign is. Sorry. The sun is up at that time, if that's what you need to know. There are clocks throughout the school which will let you know the time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masterphantasm


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Bryce listened intently as Asthia spoke he responded to her question of his kind of magic with a light chuckle. Bryce moved to Asthias Left side before speaking "its more fun to show..." just as Bryce was about to finish another Bryce appeared on the right Side of Ashtia "You than just tell you" the two began to speak in unison "if you haven't yet figured it out im a gifted in illusion its common though most wizards can do this but i have actually come quite close to mastery level with this." The say as they both touch an arm feeling almost identical. "down side is this is the only spell i am capable of. casting at the moment that's why my parents sent me here" He said as his eyes had flashed a quick light blue and the other Bryce vanished.

Bryce looked around and realized that they were still in a hallway before making the suggestion "Maybe we should head to our room apparently we have the same dorm assignment" he laughed so wait the slightest bit of cold gets to you cause the floor" Bryce reached down to touch it "is cool but i wouldnt say cold"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"Well, it's a lot colder than I'm used to" Asthia replied, heading for the room. A bit later, they stepped into the dorm, find that it was mostly empty. Apparently, there weren't many students on the lower levels of magical skill attending the academy at this time. "I come from a desert, where everything one steps on is nice and warm. It doesn't help that females of my species have such soft feet, too. Anyway, that was a pretty good spell to trick the eye, but it didn't fool my sense of smell." She tapped her snout. "I can't smell as well as a dog or cat, but if someone has no scent, I'll realize something's wrong. I admit that I would have been fooled from a distance."

The female dracon set her bags down on a bed she had found to be unoccupied. "As for me, well, as I said, I can cast evocation magic..." she snapped her clawed fingers and a tiny tongue of flame rose from her right palm. "... conjuration magic..." she snapped her other hand and a small blue sprite emerged. It started to fly away, but Asthia let it go back to its own dimension in a couple of seconds. "... and enchantment." She wove both arms over her bed, making the sheets glow bright green for a moment before they resumed their normal, burgundy color. "You know, enchantments don't only affect non-living things. They can affect people, plants, and animals as well."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

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Zmerr ate his breakfast quietly and alone. He took his time. He knew he had a lot of work to do today, but he just wasn't in the mood for it. He paid little attention to his food and kept an interested eye on the students. There really was an interesting mix of members. People from all different parts and different environments. He saw reptilian people huddled in groups with thick clothing all the way to wolf people tearing out their winter fur. The diversity was intriguing and somewhat what peaked his interest. The researcher inside of him started to kick in.

He wanted to know why the board has started selecting such different people. They used to be specific to only a certain few people groups. Things were starting to come together. The green fire, the higher and more diverse enrollment, the scarcity of board members. Cadmus was hiding something from the students. Something big. Zmerr could understand why. There were probably ten, thousand or more students alone. Including staff, well over twelve thousand people on campus at any given moment. If news of something serious got out, it could be disastrous.

But at the same time, it would be necessary to have twelve thousand magic-using bodies to protect the Academy. But how effective could an army of mostly freshman be? Was Cadmus hoping the danger would not show up with in the next few years? Or maybe he expected that he could take care of it on his own and was just preparing. Zmerr, trusted that Cadmus knew what he was doing and that things work out with the smallest amount of casualties possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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"The sun shall guide me, then," Nyame replied politely, letting her ignorant drivel slide. If she was the Archmagister's daughter he thought it best not to offend her by pointing out the flaws in her made up astronomy. He had already come to understand that the stars held little importance to many in these lands. It made it hard for his people to communicate times and dates with outsiders. But he would learn to read a clock and adapt rather than try to educate all of the foolish furless.

He followed the numbered doorways down the hall until he found one that matched his room assignment number. The room disturbed him a little, there were far fewer windows than he was used to, and they were all covered with glass.
"Bright nights," he said to the two already in the room, "I am Nyame Star Caller. I believe we will sleep together."

He was not aware of the double entendre.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Mystique woke up from a foggy dream to realize that she was at Crescent Academy. She hurriedly straighten up her dress and hair then galloped to the building ahead of her. She was holding onto her satchel tightly and her back pack was on her back as she rode with her cloak flying out behind her. Once she was at the grand building, Mystique dismounted and headed inside to find anyone around to guide her to where she was suppose to go to. She found an office and knocked on the door. (( Registrar's Office))

She stepped back a step or two until she was told to enter. She only hoped that Shadow would stay where he was until she found a stable to put him in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

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Zmerr made his way to the stable after eating breakfast. Once there, he opened up a stall that he'd reserved specifically for the storage of food and supplies. He took a pitchfork and began distributing close to even amounts of hay to each of the horses. Some of the stalls had more than one horse in it. Due to the fire, some horses' stalls had been burned out.

After feeding and watering the horses, he stood in front of the gaping hole where the fire had been last night. He assessed the damage. He looked at how much of the existing wood was safe to keep and how much he'd need to remove. He pulled a pad of paper out of his pocket and began jotting short, vague notes in messy script. he drew a few outlines of the space from different angles.

When he was done assessing, he decided that one wall was completely unstable, and about 12 feet of the one perpendicular to it. The roof would likely need to be completely replaced. a combination of fire, smoke and age rendered it unsafe. There were smoke stains on a majority of the other walls. It honestly was looking like it was just time for a new stable. Perhaps a bigger one to hold the horses and other mounts of the new students as well as those who will come in the future.

Zmerr already had ideas for the new stable, but he figured he should pass it through the higher-ups first. He was sure they wouldn't be too keen of a new, unplanned building popped up on their property.

Upon deciding this, Zmerr sat down and began to write a formal letter to the board.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masterphantasm


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After arriving to the room The conversation continued between the two. Again Bryce listened to Ashtia that's what i meant by almost mastered for illusions its quite difficult to mimic Smell because its both always changing and sometimes so fleeting. However my father has mastered it and with him he can create an illusion that can almost be considered a clone for the amount of detail that he puts into it. but with him that’s just a tip of the iceberg.
Bryce watched in amazement at the show Ashtia put on like a small child his eyes were filled with wonder and his want to know more had begun to emerge. Bryce again quickly pulled out his book and writing utensil from the small bag around his neck and began to write.

Conjuration- It appears Conjurations bring manifestations of objects, creatures, or some form of energy to you from another plane at least that’s what it seems.

Enchantments – enchantments seem to give a temporary magical effect to a desired object or possibly item currently not much else is known (will require a more In depth study)

Evocation - this is by far one of the most tempting to learn it seems these Spells can manipulate energy or create something from nothing. this is only an at first glance analysis

Bryce quickly finished writing in his book he then closed it and placed it back in his bag. He looked around the room for an empty bunk and found one adjacent to Ashtia he walked over and removed a few other things from his bag one item in particular was a small book a journal of sorts. He sat this atop his end table and looked to Ashtia with a playful devious smile “Wanna explore the grounds a bit more” he chuckled.

(the book Bryce sat down about the size of a regular journal)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Asthia looked at Nyame, a bit embarrassed. She knew he could mean it more than one way, but she assumed it was the less-than-literal meaning. She hadn't seen his species before, but she was familiar with similar ones, such as hyena-men called gnolls, or jackal-men known as anubids. While she had imagined that there'd be some romance at the school, she didn't plan on jumping into anything quite so quickly.

"Well, I'm Asthia. I-I'm flattered that you are interested in me, but I'm not in the mood for that right now. Maybe if we get to know each other better." She turned back to Bryce.

"I'd like to explore the grounds" She rose to her feet, wincing a bit as her soft white soles came into contact with the cold stone. She'd get used to it in time. The draconess thought to herself: "Heh, I just got here and two males are already interested in me."

Meanwhile, Pyria got up again and saw Mystique. "Hello. I'm Pyria the registrar. Tell me your name and I'll give you your rooms and schedules, and where your dorm room is." She was lucky that few students came to her at night, but this was an unusually busy time. "Welcome to the Crescent Academy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Mystique smiled but was very nervous because this person was like no other that she ever knew! She was very curious about what kind of a creature she was.

"Thank you. My name is Mystique Merrieweather. I am a human who would like to be a wizard." she began as she tried not to stare.
"Excuse me for asking but what kind of a creature are you? I know the wee people like Leprechauns and Fairies and TheBanshee and the Dhearg........"

((Sorry that it is so short but it is time to go to work!))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Pyria sighed. "I'm a half-dragon, certainly not one of the wee people or the fairies or leprechauns. She stood up for a moment to show her claws and fangs. "One of my parents was a dragon, and the other wasn't. I'm the Archmagister's daughter. My mother is a human. Now, if there are no other personal questions, let me check the records." Looking down, she thumbed through the list until Mystique's name came up. "Here you are. Mystique Merriewather. Here's your dorm room, your classes, and your schedule. If you need anything else, I'll be here to help for another hour, then my shift is up." She wasn't sure how many more insufferable would-be wizards she'd have to suffer.
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