Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The doe gracefully leaped over the fallen tree to get to the green pasture where it started grazing. The young and strong vampire watched from the tree, fangs protruding out. When the timing was perfect, he leaped down, falling on the deer. Snapping its neck, he dug his fangs in and drank. He didn't spend much time at home, not since Rosalie left. It still hurt him, even after two weeks, it still hurt him. She was truly his everything, but she just couldn't accept that one thing Emmett could- Bella joining the family, and especially Bella turning and having Edward's baby. He knew Bella being able to have a child was what drove Rosalie away, because there was nothing she wanted more then to have a family, and being a vampire she couldn't. That was what really drove her away.

When he finished the deer off, he made his way home to get his jeep. He still couldn't stay home, he couldn't face his family. It took all he had now to just ignore them and not get the third degree about how he was feeling. Getting in the jeep, he started it up and headed to town. He just needed to get away, anywhere would do.


It was a beautiful autumn morning. Riley, like every morning, went on her morning job. She survived her first two months in Forks, Washington. It wasn't really all that bad, the weather was almost always perfect, except for when she craved a little sun, and the people were nice. Despite all the murders that happened awhile back ago, she could really see herself settling down here. She stopped to catch her breath for a minute and take a sip of water. After that sip, she took off again, steadying herself so she wouldn't wear out too quickly.

She came to a sudden stop when standing in front of a beautiful meadow, yellow and white flowers were everyone. It was almost too beautiful to describe. Above, the sun was starting to peek through. "Wow..." She breathed out, walking to the middle. It was, beautiful, and the sun hit right in the middle. To her right, her heard the crackling of leaves being stepped on, and put her guard up. "Hello?" She called out, feeling silly that she was overreacting. Maybe it was just some animal or something. Or not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Killing the engine, Shayna reached over and grabbed her bag. “Oh bugger” She muttered to herself, the strap having caught itself underneath the passenger seat. Yanking it free, she sighed and pushed a hand through her hair. She didn’t have work at the new dance school for a few hours, but needing to do a shop for her small flat, she had to venture out for a coffee. Getting out of the car, she looked up to see the sky was overcast but that no rain was to fall. Locking the car, Shayna looked about. Although she had been in America for three years now, she still had some getting used too. Driving on the other side of the road, the money, how coffee was bigger than tea. Her American mother slotted straight back into the lifestyle here, despite having been in England for 22 years. She had been in Forks for a month now, and had made friends with the other teachers and apprentices. Shayna, or Shayn as she always went by, pushed the straps of her bag up her arm and crossed the road.

Walking into the coffee shop, she ordered a medium skinny latte, and once her order had been made and one sweetener added, the blonde slipped out of the cramped shop. Looking around, Shayn decided to have a walk about town, to try and better acquaint herself with her new home. Her phone beeped in her bag and Shayn paused, rummaging around in her bag for the phone. Pulling it out, she headed back to her car to take a drive to the supermarket. Getting into her car, Shayn put the coffee into the cup holding and sent her reply quickly, before starting up the engine. She headed out of the town square, fiddling with her phone to link it up to the radio. She wasn't really paying attention where she was going and failed to see that she had drifted onto the wrong side of the road. That was until a horn sounded and she looked up. She yelled out and swerved hard, and the car went off road and she slammed on the breaks. The car came to an abrupt holt, and although she was unharmed, her front tyre hit something and rapidly deflated.

. . .

He still could not accept what had happened, he had gone to kill the freak but he could not. So Jacob just would not go anywhere near Forks again, he couldn’t be anywhere near them! Bella was dead now, and he had to accept it. He didn’t spend much time with the Pack, he had walked out and refused still to take the role of Alpha, and although Seth and Leah were never that far away, he preferred his own company. Jacob had only just returned, having spent most of his time roaming from state to state, and only now returned for the coming wedding of Sam and Emily. He didn’t want to go, he didn’t want to be anywhere near anything from his old life, but his father had begged him, and seeing as Sam had ultimately forgiven Jacob and had been so nice about it all, he couldn’t very well refuse.

And so Jacob now walked through the forest, his bag slung over his shoulder as he made his way home. He had no intentions of being there long, or of getting their too early, so he travelled by foot instead of wolf. These forests, they held many a sour memory for him. Bella flashed in his mind and he growled at himself, wanting her to be out of his life for good. He walked up the hill, heading to the meadow that he had helped Bella find all those years ago when Edward had left her. But he didn’t realise someone else was there until he walked through the brush, and heard a voice call out hello. “Oh… sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you, I…” But his words stopped as he looked up and lay eyes on the brunette. His whole world seemed to stop and his heart skipped. Suddenly and unavoidably, Jacob found himself pulled to this female. All sour memories and everything else that had plagued him vanished. There was just this outstandingly beautiful brunette. “Hello” He said, offering her his first smile in months.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Emmett continued driving, his last memory with Rosalie stabbing him like a thousand needles. It just kept replaying itself in his head. Over and over and over againt...

"Emmett, I can't do this anymore! No one listens to how I'm feeling, it's all about Bella... Bella this, Bella that, oh look, we've got to care for Bella. Even Edward cares for her more then me." The pretty blond shouted. They were just outside the house, in the forest. "Rosie, please. She's his soulmate, we have all been waiting awhile for him to find someone he truly cares for." Emmett said, trying to calm his girlfriend down. "Yeah? Well guess what? I'm done with it all! I'm leaving." She growled. They were on patrol for any threat. "What.. no, you can't mean that Rosalie." Emmett said, heartbroken. "Yes. I do, I love Carlisle and everybody, but I can't do it anymore. Are you coming with me?" She asked, looking Emmett in the face. He was shocked. How could she ask him to leave his family? "I can't.. I have to stay and help with Bella, protect her fa-" Rosalie stopped him. "I'm sure you do. Just stop Emmett. My things are already packed and loaded. Tell everyone what I said... good-bye." And then she was gone...

Emmett was dragged out of his thoughts when he saw a stopped car. Pulling up behind it, he stopped and put on his flashers., getting out. He smelled... human, and she smelled good. His tolerance was built up, so he had no desire to feed on her, and he had that deer earlier.

Knocking on his window, he waited for her to roll it down. "Hello, can I help with anything?" He asked, smiling halfheartedly. She was a beautiful woman, odd he'd ever think that again


Riley jumped when she heard a voice, she turned to face who was talking to her and felt her breath leave her body. Standing in front of her was a man, and he made her heart skip a beat. Well toned, tan, and a beautiful work of art. Why did she have to look like crap? She had on some black jogging shorts that were a little short, but made her legs look good, a tight white tank tip that showed a little of her midriff, and a black jacket that matched the shorts. Her hair was loosely pulled up, strands hanging around her face, and she had her blue earplugs in. Of course she'd have to meet a cute stranger looking all sweaty and tacky.

"Uhm. Hi." She said, not sure what exactly to say. "You're okay, I just get scared easily. I'm sort of a scaredy cat. I don't even like cats." She said, throwing her hands up then back down with a small laugh. She felt her cheeks turn pink. Why was she acting so girly around him? "I'm Riley... Riley George." She said, wanting to quickly change the subject.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

“Bloody hell… Really!” Shayn sighed as she rested her head back and closed her eyes for a moment. A knock on the window caused her to start, and she turned quickly to look at the man. The shock of the accident changed to the shock of this man, and Shayn got from her car in a trance like state. He was quite simply the most beautiful human being she had ever seen in her life. He was tall and he was very muscular, he looked as if he could crush her car with his bare hands! But he was stunning, and Shayn suddenly realised she was staring at him with her mouth slightly open. She laughed at the situation a little and tucked hair behind her ears, looking down to the front of the car and the tyre. “Er… Yeah, yes please” Shayn said, and she suddenly realised just how much her English accent stood out.

Shayn leaned in the car and clicked the boot button, where the spare tyre and the jack were kept. “Any good at replacing tyres?” She asked him. Shayn wasn’t that good with mechanics, or DIY or anything that was deemed a man’s subject. Dance, Gymnastics, running, shopping and all that sort of thing she was good at, but not this sort of thing. She reached in and again killed the engine, and looked to where her coffee had spilled down the side of the seat. She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. She got out and stood back up and looked to the tall and incredibly gorgeous male. “Is there a mechanics here in Forks?” She asked him.

. . .

The pull was like nothing else, the sensation and heat that coursed through him. This had to be imprinting, he had never experienced anything like it and now he would not be able to explain. All he knew, was that this girl was the most important thing in his world, and the very thought of being away from her caused him pain. He stepped forwards and placed his bag down on the floor and looked at her. His lips were parted and his demeanour suddenly soft and welcoming. “Hi” He repeated and he smiled at her, his handsome face suddenly lightening up as he extending his hand. “Jacob Black” He informed her. How would she feel toward him? Emily said that when Sam imprinted, she knew she was attracted to him and deeply affectionate, but because of Leah she did not act at first. Would Riley feel something straight away?

This was not like him, but then imprinting was not just any experience or feeling. “Uh, your new here aren’t you? I haven’t seen you around before. I’m from La Push” He informed her, unable to take his eyes off of her. Was she from La Push too? Or was she from Forks? If the latter, his promise to keep out of there would be broken. He smiled and offered a light laugh, hoping to make her feel a little more comfortable in his company.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

[I just saw this!! Sorry!!]

Emmett smiled when she got out of the car. She was beautiful. When he asked if he knew cars, he nodded. "Of course, what guy doesn't?" He joked. When she opened the trunk, he easily took our the tire without effort and leaned it against the car where the flat was. He found a jack which he used to jack up the car. He noticed her English accent and looked her way while jacking the car up. "British? Did you move from London? I been there a couple of times. Beautiful place." He commented. When he had the car jacked up, he took some other tools to take the tire off, changing it easily. When the new tire was on, he lowered the car and put the flat tire and all her tools back in the trunk, without breaking a sweat.

"Not any good mechanics. I'll probably be the best you'll get." Emmett said, flashing her a dazzling smile. "I'm Emmett. Emmett Cullen." He said, offering her his hand. Humans did this friendly gesture often, a handshake. "Is there anything else I can help you with?" He asked. He felt himself drawn to her, which was odd, he hadn't felt this way at all, or this happy, since Rosalie left him. This whole time he hadn't even thought of her.


Riley smiled when she took his hand, but was taken by shock when an unfamiliar feeling coursed through her. It was warm, and she felt like she had butterflies. She had never felt this way before, ever, and she had boyfriends and relations with guys, but this feeling it was.. unfamiliar. She was relieved when he decided to changed the subject. "Um, no. I'm actually from Florida. I live in Forks thought with my aunt." She said, smiling shyly. "I'm not sure where La Push is, I hadn't really ventured out from Forks, except for my run. Which I'm doing now." She said, looking at him.

His smile was enough to bring her to her knees, but his laugh did it. "Uhm.. this... this place is beautiful." She stammered. Why was she acting so weird around him?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

She smiled as he said what guy didn’t know about cars. This was true, even if they didn’t they would act like they did. It was almost expected of a man, to be a dab hand at mechanics and all things hands on. She watched him as he set about and as he spoke of her accent, she smiled. “No I am from the south of London, on the coast. Been here a few years, only been in Forks for a month. It is certainly taking some getting used too” She said as she moved out the way and stood round the front of the car. He moved quickly and had the spare on quicker than she could have ever done, and she smiled. “Thanks” she said as he clicked shut the boot, the whole process having taken him only a few moments.

“Oh really, you’re a mechanic?” She asked astonished, luck certainly being on her side today. It explained why he was so swift and knew exactly what to do. As he extended his hand, Shayn smiled and placed her small hand in his. “Shayn Thomson” She replied, but her attention was taken by just how cold his hand was. The day was quite mild, so how was his hand was so cold? It was like ice! “Oh, well” Shayn said as she took back her hand and looked up to him and could not help return that warm and lively smile. “Any chance you’ll be able to fit the proper tyre?” She asked him. She would need to buy a replacement, as the spare would only work for a period. “And know where I’ll be able to buy one” she added with a light laugh.

. . .

“Florida? I spent a week there last month” Informed Jacob, the heat and sun had been a welcomed distraction from the misery here. When she mentioned now living in Forks, his rule never to step foot there again would be broken. Of course there would be a problem with the Cullen’s, but now really they did not exist to him. Bella was a faded memory; he couldn’t fully remember what she looked like. This brunette before him was every image in his mind. He had a need to know her, to learn everything about her and more. All he could do was hope that she wouldn’t reject him. He had never heard of an imprintee rejecting someone, but the pain he felt when he thought of not being with her was an indication.

She mentioned the beauty of the land around them, and all he could think was that it was nothing to her own radiance. He looked around and shrugged lightly. “It has its moments” he added with a light laugh again, picking up his bag again. “You should be careful running in these parts” He said, his tone changing to a serious one. “There are some horrible animals about” he said, implying the leaches that were the Cullen’s and whatever other Vampires they had waltzing about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Ah, Forks, I imagine, is nothing compared to London, but it has its moments." He said with shrug. "I love your accent though, its beautiful." He said. Just like you, he thought to himself. When he thanked him, he smiled. "Don't worry about it, no problem at all. I've had to help people in much worse situations, changing a tire is nothing, really." Emmett said casually. When she asked if he was a mechanic, Emmett shook his head laughing. "No, I just know my way around a car." He said. He watched as she spoke, all of her body movements, her facial expressions, he just observed everything about this beautiful woman.

"I love your name, its unique. You don't meet a lot of Shayn's here. You don't meet a lot of Emmett's too." He said with a thoughtful expression on his face. "There is actually a auto store in town, they sell tires and pretty much anything anything else you need for your vehicle. If they don't have it, you can order it online." Emmett said. "I can show you? You can just follow me to town and there. Maybe I can take you out to eat afterwards?" Emmett said. He despised human food, but to hide what he really was he would force it down.


"Its beautiful. I miss it, but.. some things happened with my family, so I moved down here to live with my aunt." She smiled and nodded. "I guess every place does, doesn't it?" SHe asked, shrugging. She nodded when he gave her the warning. "My aunt told me.. and about all those murders and bear sightings from a couple years ago. I should say the same to you, Jacob Black." She said, smiling his way. "Well... just to be sure, you know I don't get tore apart, maybe you should walk me home? Or maybe to grab some coffee?" She asked him, smiling.

She was hoping he'd say yes. "I just want to change first, though. I'm all sweaty and.. well like I've been running all day, which I have." She said, laughing. She took a sip of water, pouring a little bit on her face to cool down. She replaced the lid and put up her headphones in her bag.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

“No nothing at all” Shayn said as she chucked her bag back into the car. “Thank-you” She added with a coy smile, as he complimented her accent. It did gain a lot of attention, but from this guy it was genuinely complimentary and brought a light blush to her cheeks. When he spoke of the garage not far from here she nodded. “That would be great. I know in England, mechanics always rip off women. Could definitely use an experienced opinion” she said to him. When he offered taking her out for something to eat, she paused. Was he asking her out on a date? Again she blushed a little and nodded, smiling up to him. “That’d be nice” she said. She watched him as he got back into his car, and Shayn got back into her car. As he over took her, she quickly started up the engine and followed after him.

Emmett drove a large and sporty looking jeep, a beast of a machine that was a lot more powerful than her little black Subaru. She followed him through the town heading to the mechanics and repeatedly checking her appearance. She looked acceptable enough, although her long blonde hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun, and she was dressed casually. A pair of skinny jeans, fur lined boots and just a cardigan, a large section of her toned stomach on show. She suddenly wished she was dressed a little more respectably, but still, if he was attracted to her when minimal effort had been made, then she would not complain!

She pulled into the car park and stopped the car besides Emmett, and got out, taking her bag and half full coffee cup with her. She smiled at him as she followed him inside. “Thanks for this” she said once again.

. . .

The bear sightings, how many times had he been mistaken for a bear now? The large black wolf he turned into when he phased, too many times he had been mistaken for a bear. But the attacks had not been by him or his kind, it was the blood suckers that had came. But now it was just the Cullen’s again, there had been no murders or deaths. Although he hadn’t been here, he had kept an ear out to ensure that the monster that Bella had created and not destroyed anything. “The woods here in Forks aren’t good for lonely walks, unless you know the paths” Jacob said. “La Push has some good walk ways and places for a run” he told her. As she asked him to walk her back, there was no way he suggested. He nodded. “Just lead the way” he said.

“If you ever fancy a really intense run, the cliffs are good. I’ll show you if you’d like” He offered her. To be honest if she wanted to just sit in an empty room and not talk, he would do it. “Here, let me” He said, taking her backpack and slinging it over his shoulder with his own holdall. He began the walk back down through the forest with her. When she spoke of changing, Jacob smiled. “You look fine to me” he said to her. There was no awkwardness, and he guessed it was because she was his one that he felt so comfortable and at ease with her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Emmett felt happy she accepeted his offer. It only took less than fifteen minutes to get to the auto shop. He parked his jeep on the side and directed Shayn to park hers in front. When they were both parked, he asked her to pop open the trunk so he could take out the flat tire. After checking for the size and brand she needed, she carried in the garage. "Mark?" Emmett called out, peeking from a office was was a older man, but still in shape. His hair was sandy blonde, with a mustache to match and bushy eyebrows. "Ah, Mr. Cullen, what can I do for you?" The man named Mark asked. He obviously worked here by his blue overalls and dirty name tag. "We just need to buy a new tire for her." Emmett said, handing off the flattened tire to Mark. "Ah, Emmett, your strength never ceases to amaze me." He said, obviously having difficulty with the tire as he took it from him and sat it down. Emmett told him the description of the tire they needed. "Ah, I got one of those." He said, going into a different room.

A few minutes later, Mark came out with the new tire, rolling it with him. "Is this is?" He asked Emmett. Nodding, Mark rang her up. "Let me." Emmett offered, handing the money over to Mark. When they were done checking out, Emmett replaced the spare with her new tire. "There. Good as new." He said, putting all of her tools back in the car. "Now, the dinner? It's just around the corner. One thing I do like about Forks is everything is bunched together. You save a lot of gas." He joked with an amusing laugh.


"Well, I'm lucky I ran into you." She said as they headed back to her house. Her aunt was at work, so there was no one home. "You could've very well just saved my life." Riley said, grinning up at him. Walking beside him down the path she took just felt to, right. Talking to him just felt so right. When he mentioned showing her a better place to run, her face lit up. "Intense is always better. I'd love to see." She said, grinning up at him. She was taken by surprise when he took her bag from her and carried it. "Why, how did I get so lucky to have run into a bodyguard AND a gentleman? It must truly be my lucky day." She said, playfully nudging him.

She felt a blush creep up on her cheeks when he mentioned she looked fine. "Thank you, but I'll feel better if I just splashed some water on my face, let my hair down, and changed into something... warmer." She said, laughing. She wasn't use to the cool weather, it was pretty much always warm in Florida so over half of her wardrobe consisted of shorts, tanks, dresses. and sandals. When she moved down here, using some of her birthday money from over the years, she had to buy clothes more suitable for fall and winter weather.

When they got to her house, she opened the door and invited Jacob in. She then went upstairs, washed her face, let her hair down so it fell in waves over her shoulders, brushed her teeth, and changed into a pair of light colored jeans that hugged at her hips, black boots with studded heels, and a white long sleeve shirt that was cut off in the front and longer in the back, baring some of her tummy. She didn't wear make-up except for special occasions, so she put on some lip gloss and headed downstairs. Record time- only ten minutes she spent.

"I feel much better." She said, grabbing her black jacket. "I'll drive, my cars outside." She said, getting the keys to her Ford truck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Shayn did nothing, but simply watched as Emmett carried the tyre in one hand through and got her car sorted straight away. Although Forks was quiet, there was only one other car in having a dent repaired. She felt almost awkward, the way he helped her out, she had never experienced it before. But he took the tyre and once again put the car on the jack and swapped it over, all with Shayn stood back and watching. She drained the rest of the coffee and put the cup in the bin and in what seemed like no time at all her car had a replaced tyre and was ready to go. The blonde walked through to the tills and dug around for her purse, but Emmett already placed money in his hand. Shayn’s mouth dropped and she looked to him as they walked back out. “Are you some kind of Saint?” She asked in awe. Not only had he rescued her on the side of the road, but now he paid for the tyre. No stranger ever did anything as generous as this! It was unheard of! She felt like looking round for cameras.

He mentioned dinner, and Shayn nodded, still slightly shocked. “All right, but I am paying for this” She said to him. She got back into her car and started the engine, watching as the gorgeous guy get back into his car, and she followed him. She had only gone out to fetch a coffee and some shopping before work, and now she had a burst tyre replaced and paid for by a gorgeous stranger. She shook her head, this day was certainly insane.

Parking outside the restaurant, she got out again and locked the car up. She turned and looked to Emmett, and she smiled, bowing her head for a moment. He was very good looking and she was inexplicably attracted to him, there was no denying it. He was a lot taller than her, and whilst she was in good shape, he beat her hands down.

. . .

Jacob followed her back down the slope. “Think of me as your personal super hero” Jacob said playfully, the descend happening quickly and them already on flat ground. “It is pretty hard core” Jacob informed, thinking of the steep runs and sharp bends. He had run it often, as both man and wolf. “Although it will hurt at the end of it” he added with a smile, the run definitely caused muscles to burn. Although as a wolf, the run was easy, everything was easy in wolf form. They continued to walk and he was surprised at just how close to the forest she lived and he followed her inside, taking a seat in the lounge.

Jacob did not feel nervous, but he was concerned. The overwhelming feelings he now had were hard to contain, and he now understood the others who had imprinted. Even her being upstairs he had a small nudge of separation anxiety. He got up and looked to the one picture of Riley as a child, and he smiled. Dimpled cheeks and a naughty grin, she had been a cute kid. She came back down having changed, and Jacob smiled to her “Cute kid” He commented, pointing at the picture. She had changed clothes, and was no longer the fresh faced runner before. However, there would not be a light in which she would not be the most perfect thing to him. He nodded, following her back out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Emmett chuckled at her comment. "I'm just a nice guy, is all." He said. Besides it wasn't like he didn't have the money to spend, if anything he had too much of it. He laughed when she insisted on buying dinner. "Alright, alright. You win. I'll let you buy me dinner." He said. "I'll meet you over there." He said, getting into his jeep.

They were parked at the restaurant in seconds. "Nothing fancy, just a burger joint, but they have some mean hamburgers here." Emmett said, opening the door for Shayn. "After you." He said. Once they were inside, they were led to a back booth and handed menus. Emmett just got a glass of water to drink. "I think I'll have the steak... rare." He said. At least it wouldn't be fully cooked human food. The waiter wrote down Emmett's order, then turned to Shayn, waiting for her order.

This was a first for him, eating in a human restaurant with a beautiful human girl. It felt different, weird, but different. He usually never went anywhere with Rosalie- except for school, home, and hunting in the forest. Here he was, though, ordering a rare steak, drinking a glass of ice water, trying to act as human as he could for a girl he met on the side of the road.


Riley's face turned bright red. "And you were not suppose to see that." She said, taking the picture from him and hiding it under the pillow. "Lets go." She said, wanting to get out of there quickly before he found any more embarrassing pictures of her. She started up her truck, it roared to life.She put it in reverse and backed out of the driveway, switching to drive and headed to town. She knew where the coffee shop was, she had spent a lot of time there in the past couple months. It was peaceful and just a nice getaway, a good place to read a good book and just think.

She paralleled parked her car and cut it off. She got out, making sure to keep the doors locked, and walked inside the coffee shop. She ordered a skinny latte with a slice of blueberry pie, feeling a little hungry after her morning run.
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Following him into the restaurant, they were lead to the booth and handed menus. Shayn did not miss how the waitress stared at Emmett, and it was hard not too, he was unbelievably beautiful. Shayn found herself staring and would have to force herself to stop. She looked down to the menu after ordering a diet coke, and she sighed. Emmett ordered a rare steak, and Shayn pondered over the menu, unsure of what to order. She wasn’t sure what she was hungry for! “Uhm, I guess cheeseburger with a bit of bacon please” She ordered, handing back the menu. “You better be right about these burgers” She said playfully, the waitress brought over their drinks and she took a sip of her diet coke, placing it back down on the table.

“So, when you’re not playing the hero and rescuing girls, what else do you do?” She asked Emmett, looking back up to him. Now that she sat so close, she noticed that his eyes were a peculiar amber colour, and had curious purple shadows beneath them. That did not in any way alter his beauty, it made him more interesting. There were dimples in his cheeks when he smiled, and his smile was so playful and inviting. Shayn realised she was staring again, and looked back to her coke.

. . .

“No point hiding it, I have seen it now” Jacob said to her and he smirked, following her out of the house and into the truck. He was used to trucks, having restored the one he sold to Charlie Swan. He sat in the passenger seat after tossing his bag into the back, and he listened to the engine, hearing a slight jolt in the engine as she drove. He made a mental note of that, being quite the talent with engines, he would have a look later.

The ride into town did not take long, and as she parked up. Jacob got out of the car and walked round. “Your engine needs a look at” he said to her, placing his hand on the hood of the car. “I can have a look later for you if you like?” He offered, walking into the coffee shop. He got himself a bottle of water only and sat down opposite her, and took a hearty swallow before screwing the lid back on. “So, how long have you been in Forks?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Emmett chuckled and nodded. "Trust me, I'm a very good judge of food.. and people." He said, sipping on the water. It tasted disgusting, but he was able to hid his disgust well. When Shayn asked what else he did, he shrugged. "Not a lot, really. I love hunting, and chess. I run, a lot, and like to climb trees." He said, it wasn't all a lie. He just hunted with his sharp teeth and ate his prey, he did like chess, he played all the time with Jasper, though he always lost thanks to Alice, and he did run, just not at human speed, and he climbed trees a lot, just faster then any human. So he wasn't lying.

There were a couple times Emmett caught the pretty blonde looking at him. The blonde hair- it reminded him so much of Rosalie, but it didn't pain him. Actually, a lot of things about Shayn reminded him of his ex-girlfriend, but then again they were so different. "What are some of your hobbies?" He asked her, resting his arms on the table and leaning forward slightly.

The waitress brought out the food. She place the steak in front of Emmett and the cheeseburger in front of Shayn. "Enjoy.." She said, directing it more towards Emmett then the blonde. Emmett watched as she walked off, then turned back to Shayn. "She seemed nice." He said with a chuckle. He cut his steak into small piece and started eating, forcing each bite down.


Riley nodded over at Jacob. "Sure, but be careful with her, she means so much to me." She said, clearly joking. "I keep meaning to have it looked at, my check engine light has been on forever, but it keeps slipping my mind whenever I get the time. I was lucky to make it here all the way from Florida. Talk about a long drive." She said, taking a bite of her pie. "Do you want some? It's really good." She said, taking another bite before washing it down with coffee. She had only had their coffee and bagels here, and every once in awhile a doughnut, but this pie was just amazing.

She looked up at him when he asked how long she had been here, she shrugged. "About two months, almost three now, I think. "My dad left when I was about 6 months old, it was just my mom, my brother, and me. My brother went to the navy about five years ago, died in combat, my mom just went downhill from there. Started drinking again. Before us, she had a bad drinking problem, but she got pregnant with Isaac, and she changed her ways, then I came. I guess it was too much for my dad to handle... two kids and all. So he left. My mom went in rehab three months ago, so I thought it was best if I just came to stay with Aunt Shirley for awhile." Riley said, looking down at her food. "Sorry, I'm a blabber, I talk more then I should." She mumbled. She just shared her life story with a stranger, she didn't even know him, but a part of her felt very comfortable with him, like she had known him forever.
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