Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Welcome to the island! This island is home to a strange race of a dog or rabbit-like people who call themselves mimigas... the ones on the island are different from the ones on the surface... the ones on the surface, where the humans are from, are hulking, frenzied monstrisities who are waging war against the humans... the ones on the island, however, are short, and seem relatively peaceful. The last of the scout bots has been lost forever, with the other remaining scout confirmed to have been broken, due to water damage. The mimigas on the island aren't the only of their species, as, for some reason, whoever's behind all of this saw it fit to have one of his minions, whom goes by the name of 'Misery', an imp with blue hair and a green top and pants, change some of the human populace into more mimigas, which are quickly taken to the island by their her, or a minion who is stranger still, and doesn't seem to even be organic in nature, an animated bar of soap with white wings who refers to himself as 'Balrog'. The few humans that are transformed that escape this are usually killed by their own former allies from fear that they'd become more of those monsters that they're waging war against. Those on the island may suffer a similar fate, but seem to escape capture more often than they do on the surface, oddly enough. This island may look peaceful, but, everything on it wants your head on a silver platter... even the smallest, and cutest creatures on the island will attack you on sight. It is said that whatever is powering and controlling the mimiga on the surface lies on this island, and whoever, or whatever it is must be taken down, as soon as possible. That being said, none of the mimigas seem to be quick to cooperate with humans, hiding whatever secrets this island might hold from outsiders who might need it. One can only hope that someone, somewhere, can end this madness. ###Rules: 1. No godmodding, powergaming, etc etc. You all should know this, right? 1. Be polite in the OOC. Your character can be as rude as they want in the RP. 3. Only trusted individuals can control main characters (Misery, Balrog, The Doctor, King) 4. Please delete the () sections in your app. 6. Put the missing number in the Other section of your app. 6. Put the two numbers that were repeated in the Other section of your app next to the missing number. 7. Start out in the starting areas. Anywhere else will get you a strike, 3 strikes and your character will be removed from the RP, and you can make a new one. 3 more strikes, and you're banned. Continued in the next post.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

-Samuel- I woke up for the first time in days. I felt like absolute shit. I sit up, looking around... I had the worst migraine. I was in some kind of cold, dirt cell with nothing but my glasses, my jacket, and my headband on. I stood up, holding my head in pain. I saw some white rabbit-like creature, one of those things my general ordered me to kill, so I spring to action, running towards the thing... that was about as tall as me. Maybe they were human-sized, enraged or not. I tackle the rabbit, and I was about to start pounding him to death, but when I raised my arms, I saw that my hands were oddly sized, and also covered in white fur. I look at them, seeing my paws, and I look at whatever was on the ground. "Who are you? Where am I?!" I say, standing up, and offering a hand to help the other guy up. I look around, sticking my head out of the cell. It smelt like wet grass and rabbit droppings. I look outside the thick metal bars, and I see another cage, packed with the creatures. There wasn't any room in that cell anymore, people were literally stacked on top of each other, as if they were sloppily thrown in. Some were crying, others screaming, and still others knocked out. "What kind of sick jail is this? Where are we, North Korea?" I ask, looking at the other cell. Some were very young; others very elderly, and every age group in between. I sit down... why wasn't this cell filled? Maybe this cell was built after that one got too crowded, and we're the first people in it. I grab my head again, groaning in pain. "I have too bad of a headache to even think right now..." I grumble, closing my eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I was looking around for my pencil and notepad, I absolutely needed to write down all of what I've just experienced, when, out of nowhere, my new cellmate wakes up, and blindsides me with a tackle, and, once I was on the cold dirt-covered stone ground, he... tries to help me up after taking a look at himself? This man was a bit odd. "What was that all about!?" I ask him, getting up on my own rather than taking his hand. He then complains about his headache, and, after dusting myself off, I add "Yeah, and I just got tackled to the ground. You're in the military, right? Well, act like it," I sounded a little harsh, but the guy just tackled me for no reason other than... well, actually I didn't know what his reasoning was, but I didn't attack him... and if he was just going to attack all mimigas, then he really needs to look in a mirror once in a while. Some time passes, and I end up nodding off for a while, until I come up with some sort of plan to get out of this place. "Alright, so, you don't like it in here, right? Well, neither do I. I think I can get us out of here, if you'd just cooperate with me..." I then look around and notice none of those weird orange guard-people... things, and I add "We'll tell the guards that we'll be good mimigas, that we won't start a fight with anyone. I'll, um, answer your questions later, once this plan is done," I then wait for a guard, and say "Hey, guard! Over here!" The guard approaches me, and I give it my best impersonation of 'the puppy-dog eyes', and say "Could you please let me and my friend out of this jail? We learned out lesson... we'll be good mimigas now, we won't start a fight with anyone," for a moment, I thought this wouldn't work, but he seemed to be considering something... as far as I can tell with the dead-looking eyes the guard-things tended to have. It took a full minute of thinking for him to come up with a response, and, honestly, it wasn't the one I was expecting. "Well... what about your friend? Are you sure he's going to be nice? Are you sure he's not going to start a fight with anyone?" He asks. I was about to answer, and then he said "No... him. I need HIM to tell me that he's not going to start any fights if I let you two out of here," I then look towards the other mimiga, who still looked completely confused, apparently, he thought this was North Korea, or some other third-world country... and... well, it might be, actually. Heck, if there was an actual population of humans, this place would be classified as third-world, given their general treatment of their local population, obvious poverty, as none of them seemed to know what 'money' was until I told them... well, none of them that didn't used to be human, like me. Maybe what's-his-face was on to something here... maybe that could be something I could add to my report, that is, if I ever find my pencil and notepad again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Erion got out off from his helicopter and looked around, he frowned at his location. He was no where near the planned landing site. He was no where near where they were suppose to start their mission, and his whole team was no where near him. He was left alone here, without anyone, alone to fight and possibly do the mission he was suppose to do. He needed to find any information about this island and possibly radio back in... He was about to go to the helicopter to radio in, but then he though about it. If the doctor would hear him, then that would be bad. He dosen't know what the doctor was able to do. He shook his head as he then moved back, seeing some strange creatures jumping around, with rather sharp legs, jumping from the side of the building where the wind was blowing. Suddenly one of them almost hit him, only to have Erion shoot it down with his gun at full speed, some strange triangle things flying towards him afterwards. He grabbed them before looking down. He shook his head a bit. He would just have to collect those he guessed. He then moved downwards, climbing down, shooting the things that would attack him from the side. Just then he heard the wind moving differently. As he turns around, he saw what seemed to be a giant cloud cat, that was holding something. He stares before seeing multiple big white balls moving towards him. "Oh crap of crap oh crap!" Erion yells before jumping downwards, moving full speed and landing down further, before arriving at what seemed to be a large platform. He ran forwards, looking back, not seeing the beast fallow him. He then saw a door, and slowly opened it, looking inside. It looked like a big room with a large open egg in it and a computer. He moved forwards and looked at the computer. "Incubation successful... what the heck does that mean..." he says confused. He looked around the place, unsure. This was a bad place to be that was for sure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I look at the guard, nodding. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine," I say. He looks at us, walks away for a minute, and comes back with two sprinklers and the keys. He opens the gate. "Both of you are assigned 12 hours Plantation Duty. After that, you have a 30 minute break, and then you come back here and sleep, to do the same thing tomorrow. You'll be doing this until The Doctor sees fit that ALL plantation workers have done their duty, to which you will serve as soldiers in the army. Is that clear?" he asks, and I nod. He tosses me the sprinkler, and I walk outside of the gate. "The General told me to attack all mimiga on sight, enraged or not. So I woke up, seeing you, and I attacked on instinct, and I woke up with fire in my mouth and many swords in my head, metaphorically, and I felt like I could hardly move because I was so tired, and then I fainted again. I don't know where I am, or who anyone is," I explain to the other guy, fixing my glasses as I awkwardly walk out of the jail rooms and go down to a grass field. I looked and about 100 feet away there was a door in a hill that said 'BROKEN SPRINKLER REPAIR AND TOOLS.' I look around, and I push my sprinkler into some mud. There were small molehills around it with seeds scattered everywhere, and I turn the sprinkler on. It gushed out gallons of water before suddenly stopping. I look at it, and I take it out of the ground, and to the room. In the corner of my eye I could see someone fishing. I get into the building and find the most important looking guy, who had some type of hammer and many tools. I hand him the sprinkler, and he asks "What's wrong with it?" and I respond with "It spat out too much water and now it's not working. Can you fix it?" and he nods. He opens it up with the back of the hammer, and begins hitting the insides a bit, and tightens some things before handing the repaired sprinkler back. "Refill it at the lake," he says, and I walk down, hopping on the small bits of land that were scattered around the lake, and I refill the sprinkler. I see one of those orange things approach, walk up to the fishing mimiga, and take his pole, then proceed to snap it and throw the pieces into the lake. "Break time's over. Get back to work," he says, and the other mimiga runs away. I flip the sprinkler on, and point it at the guard, seeing if it would shoot out gallons of water in a high-pressure spray, but it worked like normal and only got his stomach and face wet. He looks at me and I say "Oh sh--" before getting tackled into the water, and hit. I attempt to execute a move I learned in the military, but it didn't work because my hands were too large, and he seemed resistant to pain. I emerge from the water, taking deep breaths and spitting water out before bolting for the exit door, where I nearly got tackled by two more of the guards, but I managed to exit. I saw a mimiga with a strangely long face peeking out of a box in the corner of the room I was in. "Eep!" he says, ducking down. I pay no attention to him, and I run out of the room, greeted by strong winds and harshly cold weather. I look at the room, and hear a door being bashed down, so I take a jump of faith, and the wind immediately slams me into the rock wall, and I roll down the side of the island, before I cracked my glasses, and got knocked out. I woke up sometime later, in a kind of cave, with blood coming from my nose and multiple scrapes and wounds on my arms and legs and body. I stand up slowly, hearing a loud ringing in my ears as my vision gets blurry, and I felt nauseous, bad enough that I had to sit down in some kind of office chair by a large monitor. I readjust my glasses, and look at the sprinkler I had. Where did I put it? In my jacket? I think, wiping the blood from my nose. I looked up, after my vision went back to normal, and I see a soldier. I fall back in the chair, and say "Don't attack! I used to be one of you!" as I try to crawl away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The guard explains exactly what we were supposed to do, and I fake salute him, saying "Sir, yes sir!" As he opens the gate, which would be his first mistake, of course. I hide whatever laughing I was going to do and head out to this plantation with my, er, friend, who saw it fit to place one of those sprinklers under the ground, only for the thing to break, soon after. He then runs off somewhere, and I follow closely behind. Apparently, this was where they repaired the sprinklers, and... there were only mimigas here. Interesting... I wait for the sprinkler to get all nice and fixed, and just as he was leaving, I notice the guy with the interesting, possibly powerful hammer turn his back to the weapon. Sure, it was only for a second, but that was all I needed. I swiped the hammer and ran out the door. Unfortunately, I was caught, and the trio of mimiga started chasing me. I smacked each one with the hammer, and that seemed to be enough to knock them unconscious. Hm... kinda weak for a thing humans are warring with, aren't they? I think, also noting that I am now one of them, unfortunately. I then get to yet another job at the plantation, this one, well, actually planting these odd, red seeds. Luckily for me, I knew absolutely nothing about how to keep plants healthy, and I payed little to no attention until he said "It's only an hour until your break... uh... you're the sprinkler repairman, right?" I nod at this, meaning that my time to wait was cut in exactly a twelfth, and went to work, or, rather, went to making it look like I was working, though, I was probably killing these plants by planting them all wrong. I wonder... why are these plants so important...? Hm... I think as I notice red blooms on some of the older plants. I didn't stay long enough to get any pertinent information, and as soon as I heard "BREAK TIME!" I ran off to the plot of dirt that was the farthest away from the guards, and start burrowing. If I was right, I have become some sort of mix between a dog and a bunny... and there was one thing BOTH of those creatures were good at, digging. The ease at which I dug through the ground made me almost think I was using some sort of drill, though, I knew that wasn't true. After about thirty minutes, I heard something from up above, and took a deep breath as dirt started to get piled onto me, as if they were filling the hole. I continued to dig, and thankfully, before I ran out of air, I somehow dug through the bottom of something, and fell right through to the ground below. I take a deep breath, and look around... nope, still too close to the Plantation for my liking. I then move a few feet to the right, and start digging again, this time, I could actually breathe due to this hole not getting filled up like my previous one... however, it was taking quite a while to do this... how thick WAS this place!?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Erion was suddenly surprised by one of those mimigas thing going and entering the place he was in, having supposely been taken in my the wind. He had his gun pointed at it at first until he heard what he said. He breath deeply. "Ugh... The generald said to kill all the mimiga's, even the once humans." he says before looking at the mimigas and shaking his head. "But I never was one to actually fallow his orders to the letter..." he says before walking towards the thing and seeing his bloody nose a bit. "I am looking for the doctor's hideout. I need to gather important information about this place, how it works and such." he says calmly before breath deeply. "Though seeing how my whole entire squad just left me for dead... it might be best for me to attempt to survive here for now." he says calmly. "So tell me... who are you anyway? Names Erion... use to me a mechanic for the army... until I was obliged to get some special training." he then says rather calmly, still on his guards though in case that guy would suddenly transform. He had his gun ready for this, and he still had his wrench if something else would happen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Whomp-whomp-whomp. Narration. I wasn't exactly the guy who'd be writing stories and such. In this helicopter, all I could hear was the sounds of propellers slashing above to keep me flying. It was kinda boring just patrolling, though I was always kept on the edge of my seat as at every corner of large trees or giant stone arches, there could be the threat of monsters and drones just waiting to latch onto your ship, ripping out the engines or tail clean off before leaving you to drop for what feels like forever. I know because I was in that situation a few times. Civilian duty isn't as dangerous as military duty though. But, in the end, this is for the name of Davis. Surely the Doctor son of a bitch wouldn't just get away with destroying half the world and committing countless acts of war crimes. Including destroying the orphanage where I grew up at. I won't say with the orphans were in it or not though - it's clearly too painful to remember. As a pilot, I was ordered around to drop off troops and perform recon missions. So far, I've taken down two bogeys and escaped a lot more of those bastards. Sometimes, I'd also be called to perform air sweeps and aerial support against Mimigas. While it was true some of them were formerly humans, you couldn't take any chances if they were also in a helicopter and trying to shoot you down. Honestly, I preferred not to think about it and just continue my assignments. Weeks passed, and all were were to do was to await for further deployment of troops and supplies to the island to launch an offensive. Meanwhile, down there in the real world, we'd continue hearing stories of both victory and losses, as well as tales of survival and even a few SOS signals. I wanted to just hijack my helicopter and help out below, but... my duty was to stay here and to avenge Davis. Whomp-whomp-whomp. Despite my boredom, I kept a constant eye out against the backdrop of the lush, yet deceiving and covering environment. Who knows if I'll be shot down, or even worse killed while in my seat. I took a few turns to dodge some rather tall and thick trees, as well as hover by rough and jagged cliffs to see if anyone was either trapped on them, or I needed to shoot something. Again, I was quite paranoid on my patrol run. Already two of my colleagues were either shot down or mauled not far from the base. So much for a sense of security. My helicopter was rather stable, making loud noises as I leaned in tandem with my helicopter as it moved forwards. I could do a few tricks for the fun of it, but it would gather unwanted attention from both sides of this war. Nobody's interested in doing a barrel roll - you may as well do a combat roll in a gunfight, and everyone knows how dangerous and useless that is. We were somewhere in a region where clouds mysteriously drifted AROUND the island rather than through it, though occasionally some clouds would form here to provide rain and stop droughts. Overall, flight conditions were almost perfect for most of the year. Some days however are just downpours which stop any flight, let alone current offenses. The rations we would get were probably beyond garbage. MREs were notoriously high in calories and almost tasteless, and if they did have a taste, it would be something on the lines of processed sand. Some of them did taste nice, though overall they were indigestible. I still had the taste of morning rations in my mouth, occasionally spitting out of my window to get 'baked beans' out of my mouth. I wiped saliva from my mouth, holding steady my joystick so I wouldn't exactly fall out my window. I was more used to the feeling of plastic rather than rubber in my hands, but I guess the extra grip of the joystick worked in terms of 'not slipping and hitting my head on the window.' Eventually, I stopped spitting out my window, instead thinking of getting back to base and cleaning my mouth out. By the time I was nearing the Outer Wall however, I was unsure of what I was seeing - first off, the helicopter below was quickly flying away without even taking a glance at me or surroundings for any dangers. That's how people die. I didn't think much longer, intent on lowering my altitude instead to see what was going on. Through the see-through corners of my cockpit, it was clear that there was not just a soldier heading into that tunnel, but also a damned Mimiga. I was prepared to fire my weapons into the broken ceiling of the tunnel, though of course I realised there was still a soldier inside. All I could do instead was fly around the tunnel, circling around it and trying to see what was going on. I tuned into my radio and adjusted my headset, speaking rather loudly to get over the noise of the helicopter. "Flight Command, there seems to be some activity around Site-3 just outside Long Dam. Requesting to engage, over." "Flight command, response? Over." No response. Supposedly, this was probably one of those secret black ops missions. I heard tales of people not getting responses from their bases upon witnessing odd activity, but I never really believed it. Getting annoyed and feeling cramps in my legs, I lowered my helicopter somewhere closer to the Outer Wall than the actual tunnel. I got out of my helicopter, probably breaking every rule of piloting as I pulled out my pistol. There were times in which bringing your own guns (or just buying them) were better than standard-issue firearms the military gave you. I carefully walked over to the tunnel, realising it was more of a corridor overgrown on the outside as I kept my aim steady. I wasn't really sure what I was doing, but at least my legs stopped hurting and I wasn't bored anymore.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I look at the man, who had out of nowhere for no reason, introduced a chunk of his life to someone he had originally been ordered to kill. "Wow, that trust change was very quick... my name's Samuel. I've been in the military for about two years, here's a badge I earned," I say, showing him my left shoulder. There was a pin that said to everyone that I was sort of new in the military, but I had some experience. I suddenly heard the loud 'whoosh' of helicopter blades. I look at the entrance of the cave, and I hide behind some cover, seeing the pilot looking directly toward me. After the sound of the helicopter slowly died down, I peeked out from behind the cover. "There may be a team in that chopper. We'd better advance," I say, walking to the door and opening it, and I look at the cave we went in. Run down, smelt horrible, and there were corpses everywhere of dragon-like things, and I see one stand up, vomiting blood. I wince at the sight, and I take a rock, and throw it at the living corpse of a dragon. I hear a shriek, and look up, seeing two sand-colored ones that didn't seem to be dead, but that meant they could fly, were agile, and could breathe fire, probably. One of them flies down, and opens its mouth to torch me to death, so I threw my sprinkler into it's throat and it began choking on it, trying to spit it up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I continued digging for what seemed like an hour or so until I come up to... oh no... I can't dig through stone! I panicked, thinking that my plan was a failure for a little while, that is, until I remembered that hammer I, er, took. I grab my hammer, and swing downwards, hitting the stone that blocked my path. It shook for a moment before finally falling, with me on top of it. I fall into some sort of metal corridor, and somehow manage to hit something squishy with the stone I was falling down on. Looking down, I see the corpse of what appeared to be a dragon, or dragonlike in origin. I then hear some sort of fight going on, and finally pay attention to what's going on in front of me. Two gigantic, beige-colored dragons were flying around me, and my group, which included that military man who tackled me earlier, as well as some random stranger with a military uniform on. Just my luck... I finally escape from that place, and end up right in the middle of a dragon fight. I think as I wait for an opportunity to help out... after all, there wasn't anything to hide behind, and hiding behind something wouldn't do me any good against a flying creature anyways. One of them gets close enough for me to try to bash its head in, but my hammer didn't seem to be anywhere near strong enough to do that... instead, my attack almost seemed to bounce off of the thing's face, and it managed to run into me fast enough to send me into a wall. "Ugh... well, that didn't work..." I comment as I barely manage to pull myself off the ground. "Hey, military, you got any guns on ya? Anything would be more useful than a hammer in this situation," I ask both of the others who appeared to be helping me in this fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Erion saw that the mimigas just ran off after hearing of the copter outside. He knew full well that other soldiers might shoot them. He knew they were innocent probably until they take those red flowers. The real target here was the doctor, not the mimigas or the humans that were changed into mimigas. It was not trust, but more like needing to get information. He then fallowed Samuel until he saw the 2 belge dragons going to try to scorch Samuel with their flames. "Dragons.... you got to be freaken kidding me!" he says before seeing another mimigas fall from the sky and squishing what seemed to be some sort of zombie dragon. When he saw the guy use his hammer to try to beat the beast and fail before getting hit hard, he got his gun out. He heard what the guy said and nodded, before then shooting at the dragon that was not chooking on a sprinkle, knowing it might take some time for the other to be able to attack and it would be best to take care of the first dragon that could burn them at the moment. This had to be a joke though. He just entered this place and what does he land on? 2 freaken fire breathing dragon. Now this is a time he wished to have brought better weapons like a rifle or something instead of his energy gun. Sure, it was a weapon that was designed for their team and had a lot of energy in reserve to shoot multiple times, but it didn't do as much damage as a normal bullet... not yet at least. He suddenly see the dragon that he was attacking try to shoot fire at him, before he slides on the ground and continue shooting. "We might need to move if they don't get hurt enough." he says
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 2 mos ago

If you're familiar with the guards of Metal Gear Solid, that noise entered my head upon briefly catching a Mimiga in my sight. That definitely wasn't a shadow, since it also ducked as quickly as I saw it. "Jesus!" I said under my breath, flicking the safety off of gun and running over long grass and jagged rocks, pointing my pistol downwards. By the time I had my back to the side of the tunnel, I was already panting somewhat - just a typical civilian with a lack of endurance training. Waiting a few seconds to relax, I leaned to my right and peered into the darkness. To my surprise, the place was quite bright, from both old lights flickering like computers from the 80s to a broken skylight on the roof. There was also some sort of... vat. It looked like a giant, decorated chicken egg. I didn't want to find out what was inside, and chances were the Mimigas and soldier wasn't. Oh shit... that isn't special ops, that's a spy! Things went from bad to worse once I pieced together important things in my head. I probably wasn't concentrating - the door on the opposite side of the room had shut without my knowledge. That, and it cut off the smell of rotting meat and got flies to stop buzzing. I didn't know how to do this: I either go to my helicopter to get backup and risk them leaving, or going in myself to get them ASAP. I rubbed my forehead while thinking, lifting my somewhat scratched helmet off to properly wipe away sweat. But, since I was wasting my time trying to decide, I went with entering the tunnel and getting the enemy myself, wearing my helmet again. After entering the large broken gap of the tunnel and carefully stepping over giant cables though, I stumbled back upon hearing roars and just managed to stand by holding onto a giant computer. That was a pretty big roar... and two. "Argh, they're already screwing themselves over anyway." I muttered to myself, wondering why I'm gonna risk my life to chase some spies. I didn't know what happened, but I think I had a minor case of paranoia. Something told me they would live through that. Those people had guts to go into a tunnel like that, and I suppose they could probably live through that. So, walking slowly towards the door, I gripped the rusted handle and turned it, creaking noises prevalent throughout the whole door. Well, fuck me. I had just opened a door to a dragon-fighting tournament. I honestly had no idea what to do. Well, run - one of the dragons had stopped fighting after coughing out water, facing the noise of the door and giving me a death glare. Immediately, I slammed the door, probably breaking the hinges and hurting my ears as if someone's just scratched glass. Sure enough, I was engaged in running and leaping over rocks and grass to my helicopter, while the damn thing was on my tail after ramming the door and jumping on top of computers. I shot a few times at the thing, but all I really did hit was the tunnel in my struggle. I could hear metal clattering from this distance, after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I see that soldier from the helicopter open the door and immediately ran away, shooting and missing all of his shots. I rub my forehead and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes again, the creature was staring at me now, after abandoning that other soldier. I look at the beige dragon that was now glaring at me, and it lunged forward, pushing me into the ground with a strong tackle. I stick my fist into its eye, and it screeches. I roll to the side and get up, kicking it in the side of the neck, and I look at the guy who I found earlier at the plantation. "Get up and use that hammer!" I say, taking a particularly large rock and trying to throw it at the injured eye. I missed, hitting it in the nose, and I begin running again, and it chases. I hear something crack from above, and a stalagmite hits it in the wing, and pins it to the ground. It screeches, trying to get up, and I stare at it. Should I give it mercy? It was a wild beast, but it was attempting to kill me. I leave it scratching at the broken wing, and go to help fight the other dragon, kicking it in the back leg and punching it in the side of the throat. Unfortunately, the dragon's scales were stronger than my paws or feet. I see it cough up the sprinkler, and I take it, spraying it in the face, but it didn't seem to do much.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The former military mimiga wasted no time yelling at me to get up and use my weapon. Sure, I was a little dazed, and I was pretty badly hurt, as well, but I guess I had to. "Uh... sure..." I say with very little confidence as I watch the other dragon chase him, as well as some other new guy down the corridor. The other new guy shot his gun like a blind man, which caused a stalactite to fall onto the chasing dragon, pinning it down. Thankfully, I still managed to pay attention to the other dragon, as it started to attack me again, swooping down at me as if it was a bird of prey... and I was the prey. I use the opportunity to jump up as high as I could, and land on the thing's head. I then started smashing away at the thing's head with my hammer, all the while trying to hold on as it tried and quickly succeeded at throwing me off. Thankfully, I landed on my feet, and the corridor wasn't tall enough for me to take any injuries from the fall. The thing then flies over to its sibling, and stops... attacking? It starts trying to help its sibling out instead of attacking us. "Uh... should we just take this as a win, and run?" I suggest to the group as the two keep trying to unpin the pinned dragon. I, honestly felt as though I was about to pass out, but the others might have a better idea... hopefully one that won't involve me trying to kill the thing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Erion nods at this. "Good idea, we best get moving, though one second." he says before moving forwards, gun towards the other dragon's head, the one that was helping the other. He then gives a death stare at the dragon, one that would send a shiver in the spine before backing away, gun still pointed at the thing before turning to the group, and nodding. Maybe if they understand that they are lucky to be kept alive they might not attack them again next time. He knew his gun might not be that strong but he felt like he would get something better later on. He moved back. "Let's go before that dragon decides to leave his friend behind and make us lunch." he says. Just then the dragon, who was too scared to even go towards Erion, decided to run off before his head would be shot off. It then passes the door, only wanting to get out of there, heading out to fly away, only to see another army man in it's way. It opens its mouth, going to attack. Erion was too occupied running. His gun probably could not blow that things head off anyway. And whoever was coming might not be so well mannered with the mimigas, especially people that were changed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 2 mos ago

As I panted and forced giant grass away from me, I had realised the dragon stopped following me out this distance. Perhaps I scared it off with my gun, or it just decided to maul the others. Good riddance. I took a few shallow breaths to regain my energy, stumbling across the grass and shoving my pistol into my holster. I ripped some grass trapped in there out, sitting on the side of my helicopter and forgetting about the supposed spies. However, just as I thought it was safe again, I heard the familiar sound of crushed grass and a distinctive call. "Oh, for fuck's sake! How did this even happen?!" Sure enough, that dragon I thought I had lost earlier was moving like lightning through the grass. Wasting no time, I hopped off the rails of my helicopter and tried to climb over the guns of my helicopter, only to slip and be forced to go around it. The noise and eventual appearance of the vicious dragon got closer, and I just panicked by the time I had entered the cockpit. I was fumbling for the controls and somehow even forgot how to turn on my own helicopter. As it would take a while to even turn on the helicopter, I climbed out of my seat to confront the beast. Just why did I have to follow those people. Sure enough, the dragon had leapt out of the grass and forced me against the wall of my helicopter. That was painful as hell, but the real danger came from the thing trying to eat my face off. Thinking quickly, I ducked as the stupid thing tried to chew on my helicopter, squeezing underneath the helicopter and pulling out my gun. Just as I did that however, the dragon regained its composition and dragged me from under the helicopter, with me firing a few rounds into it's head. Problem was, that just dented its sand-coloured scales, bullets laying on the crushed grass while the dragon roared at me. "Fucking hell!" I fired a few more times, but before I knew it, I was out of ammunition. I nearly gave up, though another drag out of the helicopter scared the shit out of me, and forced me to club the dragon by it's mouth with my gun. Unconventional, but I was desperate to stay alive against the thing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I follow Erion, but I turn back and see it attacking the other man. I say "You guys go on, I'll see if I can help this man, he seems to be having trouble with that dragon," and I run back through the door and see the other man from the army get pinned to his helicopter, and I take a particularly sharp-looking rock, and I run over and attempt to hit one of it's weaker spots with the sharp rock. I tried with it's eyes, and got some of it's attention, and I hit it again in the eye with the rock. I get swatted away, and I throw the rock as hard as I could, chipping the dragon's tooth, and making it leave the man to kill me instead. I bolt off, being a bit faster than I was before from the new rabbit-like state, and it ran through the door again. I had to run in circles and then run back through the door before it eventually caught up to me, and I was pushed into the ground. I try hitting it with the rock, but it bites my hand. "AAAAAGH!" I scream as it mauls my hand and eventually spits it out. It was bleeding profusely, and I tried to slip away from it's grasp, but it pressed me into the ground, readying a fireball.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I continue running away from the fight, though, I notice someone run off in the opposite direction, apparently to help that army guy... er... the one that tried to shoot while running away from the dragons, earlier. I almost go back to help, but then I remember my injuries from the last fight, and decide to just keep running, in some sort of hope that I might be able to get out of this mess with my life. I turn around again when I hear someone shouting, but, recall my injuries yet again, and just turn back. They'll be fine... that guy had an actual gun, and heck, he must have gotten here on a helicopter, so, they might have one of those, too... I don't need to worry, they'll be fine. I keep telling myself as I stay behind the other guy. I then finally manage to ask "Hey... I never got your name, did I?" I then wondered if he was going to shoot... but, then again, if he was, he probably would have by now, considering the fact that he had every opportunity while we were fighting those dragons, and then eventually running from the same dragons. As we continued running, fatigue started setting in, and I had to slow my pace down to a walk, unfortunately. Thankfully, it seemed as though we were just about halfway to the other side of this place, and the dragons were pretty far from us at this point. I notice a few dragon corpses, and their smell alone was enough to get me to shiver, but, the fact that I could have sworn one of them was moving, twitching its tail, at least, made that fear a little worse. A little bit of looking revealed a strange, small creature who seemed to be hiding behind a nearby old, decrepit sign. Said creature was of an aqua color, and I could swear it was trying to get closer to us. What in the world is this thing? I ask myself as it inches ever closer to the mystery man and I, as if neither of us noticed it. The thing continued to inch closer, and I tried to get the mystery man's attention as it crept ever closer to the two of us. The thing jumped at me, but due to the fact that I wasn't caught off guard, I managed to strike the thing, stopping its attack, and sending it back a few inches. The thing was weakened, but not down yet, and it seemed to be going for another attack, with me at the ready again. It jumped at me for a second time, and just like the first, I smacked it with my hammer before it could get to me. That seemed to be enough to get it to collapse, thankfully, and it seemed to drop a strange, heart-shaped object as it did so. Curious, I walked over to the object, and tried picking it up. The heart-shaped object seemed to dissolve into some sort of red mist that seemed to partially mend my broken ribs. Feeling much better, I start heading to... well, wherever this corridor led, which was guaranteed to be safer than this mess. I saw another one of those dragon corpses twitch again, and decide to pick up the pace, though, I end up passing by the mystery man... which I didn't want to do. I then slowed down until he caught up again, and I kept looking back and forth just to make sure that none of those corpses would come to life... but, they can't, right? They're dead... last I checked, dead things tended to stay that way... right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Erion continued to run, he saw that one of the mimigas was going back, probably to help whoever cried out back there, though he knew he didn't have time to check with the guy. He had to move quickly before that dragon wanted to go back and try to make lunch out of them. Before long that other mimigas passed him, also asking about his name. He breath deeply as he keeps up the pace. "Names Erion. I to have a infiltration squad here but..." he says, shaking his head. "God dang helicopter crashed and there were no signs of them when I came to." he says before noticing the creature from the corner of his eyes. Before he had time to even shoot, that mimigas rushed and smacked the creature hard with his hammer. Erion smiled a bit. At least he could defend himself. The smell of the place though was starting to make him feel nausious. This wasent really good. He looked at the dragons a bit more, seeing some of them twitched. He stares at them for a bit. "You never told me your name either.... and we might want to move... I have a bad feeling about those things." he then says, his gun pointed at the dragon things, ready to shoot if one of them were to get up to attack.
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