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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 14 days ago

Nidhogg, Utakan City, Former Construction

Status: Playing with a nimble little Squirrel

"Calling me arrogant when you deemed to name yourself legendary, I sense hypocrisy, and tell, what makes you so 'Legendary', hmm." Nidhogg mocked as he effortlessly blocked Lancer's kick with his arm, doing nothing to stop him as he propelled himself towards where his weapon was, in the midst of an undulating tangle of roots. "You lived, you died, people sang your praises, and yet what has that gotten you, aside an afterlife of subservience to foolish Magus when they call upon you for petty squabbles over a foolish cup."

Nidhogg took notice of another presence through the sensory roots he had spread throughout, deeming it un important as a soear formed in his hand, this one much denser then the others, made from many more roots than the others. It pulsed in his hand, and was covered with all kinds of jagged bits to rip flesh and bone. "Also, you seem quite certain for some reason that my bestial nature puts me below you, a trait present in most humans which I find hilarious. The arrogance you hold as a species is matched, and sometimes, even surpasses that of the gods."

Nidhogg wasn't really much for talking in a battle, but he decided to humor the foolish meatbag, mimicing the tone he had taken through out the fight with all of his blather, even twirling his spear around in a similar fashion. But that stopped the moment that Lancer got close to his weapon, as he then blurred into action, sending the spear rocketing through the air with all of his strength, as well as using Prana Burst. It would come screaming at lancer, followed by several lighter spears that were launched by the tendrils surrounding him.

Now, being of the Lancer class, Nidhogg knew that the man would probably be only grazed by the first projectile(a graze that would likely tear off a good chunk of his armor and leave a deep gash where it hit, but still a graze) and dodge or defect the others, but the Beast had an excellent surprise in store for the nimble monkey that would keep him beautifully in place.

The tendrils around the Naginata would be unable to keep Lancer from reaching his weapon, though they would still launch a furious assault to prevent him, though the attack pattern would be the same as before, exactly what he would expect from a 'filthy beast' as he so wonderfully put it. The moment he would grasp the weapon, he would find himself in a good deal of pain as root strands, so thin that only the eyes of the Archer class would notice them in time, that ran the course of weapon instantly dug into his hand, or hands if he used both, entertwining to become thicker as they burrowed into his arm, attachung themselves to his bones, muscles, even his nerves.

Even if he used that freezing ability to kill the roots and stop their advance, it wouldn't help him deal with those inside him. The roots of Yggdrasil grew fast and dug in deep, and the only way to safely remove them, even when dead, was for Nidhogg to take them out. This would hinder his foe's fighting ability a good deal, as the stiffnes of the roots would make it difficult to bend his wrists, elbows, even his shoulders if they got that far.

As that happened, the rest of the tendrils would quickly converge on Lancer. They would wrap around him like constrictors and were strong enough to hold him in place for Nidhogg's spears to reach him.

After the Spear attack, Nidhogg would charge, again coming in with another all-out haymaker punch to utterly crush his foe into the dirt. If Lancer evade that, he would find himself beset on all sides by tendrils, both the slow, stronger ones from underground and the viciously fast, but not as damaging tendrils from Nidhogg's own armor. Nidhogg had indeed decided to stop playing around with his food, if only a little. Lancer was no different from the infinite number of disgraced human souls he had devoured, just another arrogant warrior who believed himself to be one of the greatest even in death, except people actually fed this one's ego. Human nature rarely changes, no matter how many years goes by. Makes for a rather boring menu after awhile, to be honest.

@Hebigami Shiho

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Constantine
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Constantine Clockwork Heart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

JSDF compound


Louise roughly pulled her witch style hat out from her bag before tossing the bag to the side. She took a moment to straighten her hat, nodding to herself once satisfied. She then pulled a pair of goggles over her eyes before following Archer, jumping off of the ledge in pursuit of her Servant. Though it took her a moment to catch up she eventually managed to match her speed with that of her Servants so that at the apex of his jumps the two of them would be level with each other.

“Neat huh? It a combination of two distinct invoked phenomena, ‘repelled by the earth’ and ‘foot not making contact with the ground’. The combined effect is that I can levitate in place for prolonged periods of time. Not indefinitely of course, I’m not ignoring gravity completely, just negating it to a point. That’s why you need to add some form of propulsion to the mix, especially if you want to actually get anywhere,” Louise explained in a cheerful, casual manner. Archer was an intelligent man in life so she assumed he was still possessed of that same curiosity that must have fuelled him in life. Plus she preferred conversation to silence. She was not the stoic type. “It’s easier for females to pull off, so as you can imagine it’s a pretty popular form of transportation.”

It didn’t take them long before they left the main city boundaries and entered the outmost districts. Once free from the city it wouldn’t take them long to reach the nearest military base. “So what’s the plan Archer? Want me to find a safe place to hang back out of sight? I suppose it’s pretty easy for you to get in and out unseen but I’m pretty conspicuous.”

Main Office
Ukatan University


“I assumed that you might,” Charlotte said from behind Jacob. It was not that she had responded overly quickly to his summons but rather that she had been close by to begin with. Behind him in fact. Stalking people came easily to her class after all, to the point that she almost didn’t realize that she was doing it. Of course she had been in her ethereal form so the majority of people would not have seen her to begin with. Her Master had seemed distracted, or focused, she couldn’t yet tell. Either way. “Do you like?”

Charlotte had been clothes shopping. It had been with other people’s money but that was beside the point. The style itself was very similar to that which she had donned the night before, a brown scarf wrapped around her neck, tossed over her shoulder, a brown coat over a pale yellow jumper with a blue skirt. On her feet a pair of soft brown boots that extended above the ankle. The only true difference was these clothes were real, so unlike those that she had ethereally manifested previously they had labels, and receipts. Both of which would be useful for maintaining any future ruse. She bought other clothes as well but they were already secreted away for another, more public, occasion. The true difference was with her hair, which was now vibrant and full of life when compared to how it been when she had first manifested. The post execution look was not becoming.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ukatan City, Japan

Construction Site Ruins, Thursday

The battle went on as vicious as ever. Neither one of the Servants had gone and harmed each other; Lancer had been dodging whatever the beast had thrown at him and the demonic creature had blocked his strong blows. Akane continue to watch, her eyes wide as she observed Lancer's fluid movements. How could he be so fast? It was almost as if he were inhuman. She wished she could move as nimbly as he could. If she could... she would be at Lancer's side, providing support to her Servant. Maybe she could learn a little bit more of magic? Well... not really moving that quickly, but perhaps she could learn how to heal or how to help Guan in battle, especially when and if he lost his naginata again.

Something told her that she should probably look behind her. When she did, she noticed that a figure was upon her, about to bust in her skull. Crying out in shock, she threw herself back in such a violent manner that she almost fell off of the roof. The attack whizzed by her head-- if she had been a little bit closer, she would have been killed. Akane didn't even look directly at her attacker; if she did, she would probably have less time to react. She rolled off of the tin roof, falling off of it and landing on her feet. Without a second thought, she tossed one of the jewels upwards, hearing it clatter onto the roof and exploding only moments after. While the jewel bomb didn't cause much if any damage at all, thick smoke blanketed the rooftop, hoping providing her with enough distraction and cover to escape.

" Lancer! " she shrieked as she raced away from her attacker, panic beginning to flutter in her chest. She wasn't used to this! What exactly was she supposed to do against such a fast and powerful foe? She should have studied more,  not have wasted time playing video games! Stupid Akane! Stupid!  So stupid!

[@Hebigami Shiho
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Archer, JSDF Compound

What Louise told Archer as she flew along beside him wasn't entirely gibberish, thanks to the Grail, but he would admit that he was a tad lost. He'd certainly like to understand magic more, but for the moment they didn't really have the time to teach him everything he would like to know. He had his Item Construction and such, and that would have to be good enough. "I see," he replied with a smirk. Why was he not surprised to hear that from his Master?

Soon they arrived, moving past the city limits to the outskirts of town, where a chain link fence separated the military base from the rest of the area. He landed light in his feet, looking towards the cluster of buildings beyond as his Master came down beside him. She had managed to keep up, so that was another thing he could be grateful for. Not that Archer didn't mind carrying her, but knowing that she could get around on her own power would be nice.

He nodded in agreement when addressed. "I'll go in and check things out, so it'd be best for you to stay back here and not draw attention to yourself. Call me if you need any assistance." He didn't think she would, since a Master would have to be pretty dumb to get in a fight right outside a military base where anyone could see, but one never knew. He'd known some stupid people in his time.

"Well, I'm off then." With a grin and a wave he headed towards the fence before shifting into his Spirit Form and vanishing from sight. That would be followed by hopping the fence and moving towards the armory. Time to see what he could find.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Constantine
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Constantine Clockwork Heart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

JSDF compound


“Yes Sir!” Louise said with a light hearted tone as she snapped him a mock salute before hoping off from her broom and onto the ground. “Bring me back something nice, you hear!?” Louise called as she watched Archer do his thing, shifting into his ethereal state so that he would go undetected by the bases personnel and security systems. Unless of course the military had installed some kind of state of the art top secret spiritual detection mechanism. Which they didn’t. Probably. Either way it was too late to worry now. Which left Louise on her own on the other side of a chain linked fence waiting for Archer to return.

Louise considered finding somewhere to hide in case their approach had generated some kind of response, automated or otherwise. Strictly speaking of course there was no law that said that she could not loiter on this side of the fence, provided that she showed no inclination to trespass. But then again civilian laws and military doctrine were not always the most compatible of bedfellows, especially when secrets were concerned. However if she was already being observed then running off to hide would look even more suspicious. So for now she decided to take stock of the situation.

Louise turned away from the base and looked around. “Bleh.” Sparse was by far the word of choice, with little to see save the occasional dead tree and rock protruding above the long grass. Of course she had seen the lay of the land on the way in and from the air no less but looking around at ground level had its advantages as well. Most importantly it let her form a rough idea of how far away she could be observed from, especially by someone who might have happened to follow her and Archer. And in turn the distance at which she in turn could see anyone approach. Though even that was of only moderate importance.

Louise by her own admission was not well prepared offensively for the battles that were to come, her only attack craft was all but completely incapable of inflicting serious injury to even the softest of targets. At best she could deliberately burst someone’s eardrums. A distraction at best. But when it came to her defensive capacity it was another story entirely. In this case she was thinking of her ability to avoid battle altogether. Should the need arise she could use her Prana to enable the ‘Jet Method’ which with enough warning would allow her to outrun even the fastest of Servants. And with enough altitude she could be beyond the reach of most entirely, especially out of the city with nothing that they could scale for height. So for now she was safe enough, or at least she assumed so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sublimation
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ukatan City Construction Site

Hao's soaring fist struck past Akane's head, wind pressure from the blow agitating her hair. An unusual slip for Hao who had been an executor for over a decade, and had routinely struggled against dead apostles who were vastly superior to humans, capable of dodging bullet fire and crushing steel like paper. To make mistakes was human, and Hao simply accepted this as a minor inconvenience. The weight and slightly constrictive nature of the durable armor might have dulled Hao's perception, or perhaps fate was with this foolish girl. Hao observed as she instinctively jumped down, and in almost concurrent time, Hao crouched and put power behind his legs to perform a rapid dash to grasp Akane to land a sure death blow. Unfortunately, she had launched a jewel towards Hao, and Hao was forced to assume a defensive posture, crossing his arms over his head and slouching his posture to protect his abdominal vitals. This was probably unnecessary as this armor would easily repel force from most spells of modern magi, but a jewel that had stored several years worth of energy would still cause impact to damage Hao from within the armor.

Hao's precaution was proven unrewarded when the jewel created a weak explosion that Hao withstood by digging his feet into the tin roof. In the exact moment that Hao regained his balance, he immediately propelled his body off the tin roof, using his defensively slouched position to center his balance and push power into his legs. The girl obviously possessed a minimum, if any, combat experience. What could she expect a smokescreen to do in this situation? She had already revealed that she simply jumped down and would run forward, so a smokescreen would fail to conceal her telegraphed movements. Hao's supernaturally refined senses and movements also tracked down Akane through her agitated and heavy footsteps, and most of all, her panicked call to her Lancer class servant.

Hao would have to decide whether to continue pursue his target or withdraw. He would be no match for this skilled Lancer, and this girl would likely succumb to other masters in due time. The only reason Hao attempted to assassinate this girl was to eliminate her Lancer class servant, and indeed this could be accomplished but at an incredibly heavy price that Hao was not prepared to pay yet. Such costs were best left for the beast like servant. Hao promptly decided that he would withdraw and observe the battle, but not before leaving one parting gift. Reaching into a crevice in his armor at his left arm's joint which had no armor for less restrictive movement, Hao pulled put three black keys that had been wedged between the armor and his flesh. The three keys were placed between Hao's right hands fingers, and three rapier like blades around a meter long emerged from their tips. With fluid movements, Hao stepped forward and centered his weight on his forward right foot, using it as a pivot to swivel his body. Hao used his gained momentum to throw the three keys at extraordinary speeds and force easily capable of smashing through concrete. The movement was performed within .8 seconds, almost three times the regular amount required without armor for regular executors, but still satisfactory to Hao. His vision was still impeded, so he utilized his senses to form a mental image of Akane running, and had aimed at her spinal chord, skull and heart.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Archer, JSDF Base

Archer heard his Master's call for a souvenir, but he ignored that. In Spirit Form he couldn't interact with solid objects, so there'd be no chance of bringing anything back for Louise if he didn't want to be discovered. That'd just be how this sort of thing went though, and she would have to deal with it. But he had a feeling that that wouldn't be much of a problem for her so long as he came back with some good things.

The expanse between the fence and the base was crossed in moments, the invisible Archer taking advantage of his superior Servant speed to cross the distance in a flash. He looked about then at the soldiers going about their business, confirming that they couldn't see him before he moved on. Just to be sure, since there was no point in running in and then getting shot a lot. But they didn't, as one might have expected.

He moved on then, wandering between buildings until he located the armory. Entrance was easy, simply a matter of walking through the wall, and he was inside. Sharp eyesight slid across racks and boxes of weapons and bombs. Assault rifles, machine guns, pistols, and more, all waiting for him. But only a few caught his interest, those special ones made by his company, those American guns whose workings he could see in the back of his mind and like the back of his hand. Those made by his company that he now took advantage of and wrote to memory. With these at his call he'd have a real arsenal to use against them.

When he was finished, he was quick to return to his master, who looked incredibly bored. That boredom would vanish as he returned to Material Form, grinning. "Mission accomplished Master," he told her. He showed off then, a hand extended, and white light flared, shiny dots coagulating in mere milliseconds before vanishing, leaving him with a solid object. In one hand he had a Colt Anaconda, and in the other he had an M4 Carbine. "I think we're all set on the guns front."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Constantine
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Constantine Clockwork Heart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

JSDF compound


Louise planted her hands on her hips and grinned broadly as Archer showed off the fruits of his labour in the form of two different weapons, both of which sat naturally in his hands as if they had been hand-crafted specifically for him. Which in a way she supposed that they were. Again she had theories as to how his ability was actually realized in reality but restrained herself. Instead she gingerly reached out toward the gun in his right hand and touched it carefully. She felt nothing particularly powerful or mysterious about the weapon, however she was content to acknowledge that such things fell well outside of her field of expertise. If Archer was happy then she was happy. She looked back up into Archer's eyes and smiled roguishly.

“Exceptional work, Archer. They quite literally never saw you coming,” Louise said in an amused tone, nodding with obvious satisfaction. It was nice when things went exactly as she planned. She turned away from Archer and looked out over the sparse emptiness that lay between them and home, humming in thought for a moment. “I think that it’s time that we did a little…research, into our opponents. We need information, habits, tactics, favoured weaponry. Hell, their true names and noble phantasm if we can get a hold of them. The more we know the better our chances become. So lets go see what we can find out.”

As Louise spoke she ran her hand along the engravings of the broom causing them to illuminate weakly for just a brief moment before she tossed the broom up into the air. She watched as it fell, fast at first, then increasingly slowly until it seemed to stop falling altogether. She mounted the broomstick and pulled the goggles down over her eyes. “Race you!” she called out in the way that all cheaters did, after she was already moving.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gamerdude369


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jacob was busy entering Assassin's identity when she appeared. He was glad she was actually around, had she not been he would look very foolish. She asked a question, but he didn't quite catch her meaning until he turned around and looked at her. Her appearance had changed, more presentable, as rude as that sounds. Her hair was cleaned up and she had real cloths, which raised a whole lot of questions, but he thought them unimportant. "Very nice. It’s a good look for you. If I may ask, did you choose that based on modern fashion or do you yourself like it?"

Turning back to the computer, Jacob made sure that everything was in order. It came down to a few major details, mostly how she was affiliated with the college. "Is a simple visitor badge ok? I can make you a student or assistant with a little more work. Janitor or grounds keeper would be pushing it. Teacher is out of the question." He would have to call in a few favors to get her that high. He could extend the visitor's badge on a weekly basis, something the college did for people who wanted to visit before they attend. The access would be limited to the front door and the library unless she wanted something higher. She could also sit in on his lectures.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@PaulHaynekShe walked through the city, navigating her way down streets and alleys. The female could feel the confrontation going on and decided it'd be against her better judgement to go and see them, so the servant walked. Beserker moved through the city, getting not too many weird looks thanks to japan's society of 'mind your own business'. Gozen walked around the corner and camme face to face with her master.

"Sir Eddie, i am happy to have found you." she said with a bow. "I apologize, the towns are much larger than what i experienced in my time." she said to him. "It isn't safe for me to leave your local area." the female commented to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

~Ukatan Shopping District, Ukatan City~

It did not take long for Cage to find his Servant though instead of the kimono, she wore a suit befitting for a businesswoman or at least some sort of bodyguard or bouncer. Cage raised a finger at Tomoe. "I remember telling you to wait before buying a suit." He then sighed. "Well, at least we thought alike. Nice suit."

"Well then, let's talk about this 'Grail War' shall we." Cage said. "But not here. Come on, I know a nice restaurant near here where we can grab a snack. It'll be like a date." The actor then lead Tomoe towards the aforementioned cafe.

~Nagwaria, Ukatan City~

The unwitting Master and the Servant Berserker had sat themselves by the window in a small family restaurant. "You order anything you want, alright. I got you." Cage told his Servant.

"So uhh... First things first, what's a 'Grail War'?" Cage asked his first question.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Constantine
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Constantine Clockwork Heart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Main Office
Ukatan University


“I think so, the material is very….comfortable,” she replied gingerly, still a little uncertain as to the merits of modern clothing. There was no doubt that the quality of available materials was simply beyond compare to what she had known in life. Though with that said the styles of the modern day were a little on the revealing side when compared to the styles of her day, revealing more of her legs than she was entirely comfortable with. With that said however they were comfortable and extremely practical. While Jacob explained the situation Charlotte looked at herself, or rather her clothes as if seeing them for the first time. She danced about a little on the spot to see how the cloth moved.

Charlotte openly scoffed at the notion that she was ill suited to be a teacher, muttering something in French under her breath about the high standards of her childhood education. And the notion of being a janitor was just laughable. Charlotte had never fixed anything in her life, nor had she attempted too. She had paid people to perform tasks like that. So as her Master said, visitor it was to be. “Lucille Chevalier,” she read aloud before sliding the card into a coat pocket. She walked over to the table that her Master was working at and sat on the edge so that she could see the doorway into the room. “Has anyone caught your eye, Master?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gamerdude369


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Calm down, " he said with a big smile. It was rather cute the way she got offended by his remarks. "I'm sure you know more about French and certain eras of History than I do. I'd even wager you are good at Mathematics and Physics, but there is a deep difference between an ID card and an accredited degree. Visitor it is."

On account of his lateness it was a short day. Thinking through it Jacob couldn't think of anything that stood out to him, besides Charles. The staff and students were all acting normal, no one felt different or had a strange air about them. There wasn't much to go on, being the first day and all. Some students were out as well as some of the staff, considering this there was no way to be sure as to the status of the campus. "Nothing stood out... but." This was life or death, but yet he was hesitating telling the only person he should trust about a potential enemy. If he lied maybe he would find out later that Charles was not a threat. But if he lied how could he expect Assassin to trust him.

Caving in he typed the name into the computer, pulling up what information about Charles Dorvain he could. "I suppose I should tell you about this." Opening his picture he leaned back in his chair, giving his Servant a moment to read his file over. "This is my student, or he was, depends who you ask. He is the only Magus in the area that I know of. Recently we have become distant, but he never did like me much." Jacob thought he knew all of the kid's abilities, but if things were as bad as he feared, he might have been played this whole time. There was no denying that Charles had potential, and the brains to back it up, but his mentor had more experience, and in the world of Magecraft, that was the most valuable resource.

"I'm not afraid of him. If I was worried about the other Magi I would be a sorry excuse for a man. But I can't kill him until I know one way or another. A matter of reputation and honor, two thing that take years to build but moments to break. I've invited myself to his estate this weekend to "fix" our broken relationship. Lucille Chevalier is more than welcome to accompany me." There were at least six other Masters, if this war was like the others. Six lives were nothing, Jacob had killed more than that in his time abroad. Charles was different though, he wasn't like the other Magi. Maybe he would even be an ally. Too many variables he told himself, to many problems. "Was there anything you found interesting? Besides the shopping."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago


"You make it sound like they saw me at all," Archer countered as he let the guns vanish, preferring to conserve the prana when there was no need for weapons at this point. Generating ammunition was more work that actually keeping the guns manifested, but in this fight every bit would help. They didn't have the kind of high powered Phantasms that the other Knight classes or Servants would be throwing around, as had already been noted, so they could not afford to be wasteful.

Her next suggestion was more than agreeable to him, with the situation at hand. It was early in the War, and they needed information before they could go forward. Certainly, Archer in his old life would not have gone into a business deal without some idea of the person he was trying to sell to. And in business, he would also do in war. He'd talked with enough military men to know the value of intelligence in a battle, and this he would mirror here.

"As you request, Master," he replied with a nod. That was followed with a chuckle as Louise raced off on her broom back towards the city. He took off with the sound of disturbed air, quickly catching up and keeping pace as they made their way along through the air. It was a good thing Servants could be so fast, and he wasn't even close to being the fastest amongst them. He'd have to avoid any sort of foot races, but this he could manage for now, as he scanned the horizon, his sharp eyesight searching for anything resembling activity related to the Grail War.

It was moving along that something caught his eye, and he pulled to a stop. "Master," he called as he alighted atop one of the many skyscrapers that made up the skyline, his vision acutely picking up an ongoing fight between at least two Servants, one with a sword and the other fighting with only his bare hands, besides roots. "If you close your eyes, you can see with my vision," he explained further as he kept his gaze fixed, offering her his sight so she could see the clash herself. "It appears to be Berserker and Saber. Though he could be Lancer I suppose." It was hard to tell with a blade like that, at least from his particular vantage point
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tomoe went and wrote up her order on a peice of paper before handing it to the waitress. "You're a foreigner, while japan has accomodated your kind, we still know how to treat our own." she said with a smirk, the waitress looking at it and nodding. The waitress nodded, understanding Tomoe's order.

"Right, So, keep it quiet because it's not something most of the mortal world is familiar with. Seven sets of participants are involved in the grail war. All of these participants are vying for the prize of the holy grail, to claim it as victor is to get a wish for the master and the servant." she explained to him. "The servants are all from history, summoned to fight one another. And the war takes place every sixty years if i remember correctly." the woman said, explaining to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

~Nagwaria, Ukatan City~

Cage already knew there were other people involved but he did not know that the winner of the War would be granted a wish. The actor has a wish in mind but he was not sure if it was worth the trouble or if he should wish for something so selfish and worthless compared to the world. He also wondered if there was a catch. "One wish huh? You got a wish in mind, Tommy?" Cage absentmindedly asked.

"Anyway, how does one 'compete' for this Grail thingy?" Cage had a bad feeling about that. Since it has 'War' in its name, there was good chance it was going to involve violence and death.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Constantine
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Constantine Clockwork Heart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Main Office
Ukatan University


Charlotte picked up on her Masters hesitation but said nothing about it, instead waiting for him to decide whether or not to tell her his suspicions in regard to his fellow magi. Her patience was eventually rewarded. The image that appeared on screen was not immediately familiar to her and his image elicited no instinctual response from her. Simply put it was impossible for Charlotte to get a feel for someone through a digital image. She would have to seek him out in person. She leaned in closer to the image and hummed in a thoughtful manner before moving away from the screen and again sitting on the edge of the table.

“There are ways to,” Charlotte started to say but trailed off into silence. In her opinion it would be far easier to kill Charles’s simply on the off chance that he ‘might’ be a Master. In fact it would be prudent to eliminate any mage. Charlotte smiled to herself. When did she start thinking like that? Had she thought like this when she was alive? Not that it mattered in any case.

“A social gathering? How quaint. I have just the outfit,” she said, her eyes momentarily turning toward the shopping bags. She looked toward her Master and then out of the window, watching the clouds float across the rapidly darkening sky. “I have seen several Servants, however I was unable to positively identify them. And at least one other Master. I assume Master’s know how to fly, yes? Because this one was flying. A sorcière,” she said, slipping accidently into her native tongue. “Like a méchante sorcière no? She was very far away and quite high up, I had no way of easily reaching her. She had a Servant. Male, an older gentleman, I do not know his face. They did not perceive me. They were heading out of the city, to where I do not know,”

Ukatan City


Louise stopped in mid-air next to her Servant, looking in the same direction as him but seeing very little, just indistinct blurs of motion that admittedly could have been anything to her eyes. She squinted a little but that didn’t help. It was then that Archer told her to close her eyes. She had heard about this particular trick but had never personally experienced anything that even resembled it. It was far removed from the magecraft that she dabbled with. She was at once excited and just a little nervous. She swallowed hard as she gingerly closed her eyes. And proceeded to hit her head on the floor of the rooftop with a strangely satisfying noise. In hindsight Louise should have dismounted the broom before closing her eyes. The sudden and alien sense of dislocation that accompanied the act of viewing the world from another’s perspective had caused her to lose her balance.

“The world is so squiggly,” she said in an obviously concussed tone, the world in front of her eyes spinning. The feeling passed and she jumped to her feet, completely reenergised and determined, as if nothing had happened. Her hat sat partially crushed and lopsided on her head. “That was awesome! Haha!” she said enthusiastically, grinning broadly at Archer. Now, with feet firmly planted on the ground she closed her eyes again. There was no feeling of dislocation this time, though it still felt a little strange.

And she saw a great deal. Archer’s vision was something else entirely, the amount of detail that he could see even at such a distance beggared belief. Now that she was seeing the world through his eyes she had a greater appreciation for her Servants more passive abilities. She could find ways to make use of this. However for now she concentrated on what she was seeing, the image shifting as Archer surveyed the battle. And it was chaotic to say the least. “Weapons alone do not a class make,” she said in response to her Servants observation. It was then that something familiar caught her attention. “Wait! Focus on the girl, the pretty one, yes her. I know her, she attends the same University as me. Akane-chan. She’s in one of her classes. I had no idea...”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She nodded, listening to him. "I have one, however, the way to win the war involves violence and death. Each time a servant is killed, they're removed from the war. Once one is left, we have the chance to grab the grail. It's a proxy war, where the servants fight, but this isn't to say masters can't fight one another. Even in my current state, i would be likely to kill you without effort." she explained to him, then took his hand. On the back of it was the command seal symbol. "This is a command seal, you get three of them. you only ever get three of them unless more are gifted to you, but don't worry about that." she explained and set her sword down on the table. It wasn't very ornate, it had a black finish with a red cloth wrapped around the handle. She kept her hand on the sword firmly.

"You're going to need to use them on me in the future, becayse it's impossible for me to ignore them. When i draw my sword, i become rather... mad... so unless it become absolutely needed, don't use them." Tomoe said, having a very serious face on herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Archer, Utakan City

Archer sighed as he prepare to share his senses with his Master, only to watch as she face planed straight onto the roof with her eyes closed. Hopefully this would not become a habit. At the very least, he was glad that she had not somehow managed to knock herself unconscious, which would have been very unfortunate. For her anyway. Less so for him, since he had Independent Action and wasn't as reliant upon his master for Prana, which meant more that could be used for other things. Not necessarily healing, but who knew what else she would use it for.

"That would be you, not me," he commented with a light grin as she recovered, Louise speaking in a tone that belied her injury. He waited patiently until she had recovered, almost rolling his eyes at her enthusiasm, while she grinned at him in turn. He then turned his gaze back to the fight that he was witnessing, and let her see, now that she didn't have to worry about a major headache to ruin things for her.

He kept his gaze fixed so she could continue to see the fight, since looking at her meant that she would be looking at herself. Which would be awkward, understandable. "You realize that three of the Classes, including mine, are based around the weapons they use right," he countered when she pointed out the danger of making assumptions based on the weapons they were seeing in the fight. At her command though he focused on the girl, picking out long black hair in a ponytail, tall, the usual. He was surprised to hear that Louise knew who the person she was looking at though. "That's interesting," Archer noted. "She looks like she's in a bit of trouble." They'd have to discuss what to do about this later though, if Akane survived.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

~Nagwaria, Ukatan City~

Tomoe explained that Cage had something called 'command seals' which manifested on the back of his hand. "Hoe-lee..." Cage took a good look of the strange circular emblem attached to his hand. Tomoe then added that he would need to use it someday since the Servant tends to lose control every time she fights. "Really? You seem pretty composed to me."

"You say there are other participants, do you have any idea who they are?" Cage asked. "Also, you said all the Servants came from history. Who are you then?"
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