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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Deila was trying her best to study the small creature and at the same time keep her mind off the fact that she was in a city underground. She thought maybe a dried strip of meat would coax this creature into a talking mood. She thought she could definitely benefit from learning how this creature survived for so long. It was so fearless when in battle and it changed shape like grandma. Maybe they were related?

The sound of Sana punching the wall snapped her to attention and the sounds she made gave her pause. Then the others chimed in and started to raise their voices. Something was wrong here. She knew in a place like this stealth was key to avoid largers predators yet they seemed to welcome all creatures that could hear them to their position. Even Ellyn became loud and not in the normally soothing way. Ellyn was crying, was she in pain? "The herbs were old but they felt like they worked when I chewed them." Deila thought to herself.

Then the little one Deila thought to had healed cried out. Was this place warping her abilities? Was she now causing them to suffer so? No one seemed to be directing these sounds at her. She felt bad for not knowing the cause to these sounds and why Ellyn was cryig. Maybe the carnage was over too soon and they were mad at fighting such weak abominations. This group was powerful and definitely knew what it took to destroy those things. The females were looking at the guys, was this a mating dispute? "Maybe I should push Ellyn into the guy Sana was siting on? No." Deila thought that would only cause a fight. "What if that's what they needed? No, now is not the place. Later." Deila thought, she would do it later if that's what they needed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fatal Error 1337
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Fatal Error 1337 The Wrathful

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Bjoric was surprised the little man was still in control but that could have simply been due to the lich being in a weakened state due to sacrificing itself. But his reaction was the polar opposite of the group, Bjoric watched as they started to tear their little coalition apart after Ellis confessed to the lich having fled into him.

Sana seemed to have calmed down, begrudgingly accepting Ceris. Hugh was almost frothing with rage at the mention of his past. Ellyn seemed to break down when Sana threatened him and Hughs yelled. Varis decided he needed to add his own voice to the yelling. Bjoric was baffled that nobody was able to see beyond what was happening right in front of them, they needed to worry about what the mages guild was going to do with this. He needed them to focus.

"Enough!" He bellowed, slamming his hammer into the wall with a deafening ring. Once the echoing faded he glared at them all, he looked to Hugh first. "You ye damned fool." He said pointing. "Yer a damned Paladin! Start acting like one!" He pointed to Sana. "And if ye can't do that just listen to yer girl here, she's got more sense then ye likely ever will."

He turned to the halfling, trying to keep his voice level. He failed. "Ellis, ye are the biggest fool of them all. Ye have the soul of an immensely powerful being inside ye and ye think yer the one that's going to be in control? It could snuff out and use yer body as a puppet as easily as ye squash a bug!"

He spun on Varis next, he'd lost control over his temper and he wasn't going to stop. "Yes we've only been in around each other a couple days but that's long enough for me to realize that I don't like ye!" His eyes fell on the goblin next. "And if ye don't keep yer damned mouth shut I'm going to replace yer teeth with my hammer!" Vivian next. "And ye! Stop casting that damned darkness on us! No mater how helpful ye think yer being, ye ain't!"

"And ye, ye damned elf." He faced Ellyn, he saw her face, still streaked with tears. He sighed, his anger under control once more. Taking a deep breath he spoke again without anger. "None of this matters now, we need to think about what we're doing now. The mages guild wanted this chalice, we don't know why but we need to know before we hand it over."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sana turned and eyed Bjoric for a moment before taking a deep breath and rising from her place. “If you touch that little Goblin my arrow will find a home in yer chest before your hammer has a chance to fall. No offense,” she stated in and oddly calm manner before taking a deep breath. “And Veris, shut it before I ask Drizzak to give you a big fiery smooch,” she said with a smirk on her lips.

“Other than that, Bjoric is right. We all need to calm the fuck down, including me. Get the hell out of this place, it’s making things worse and find out why the hell the damned mage Guild wants the chalice,” she said quickly walking away from the group looking for a way out. “Ellis, put Ceris to good use, get us out of here,” she said quickly before seeking Delia out and holding her hand out to her. “Come on, it’s okay,” she said as she smiled and waited for Delia to join her.

Things were getting out of control down there and oddly now that everyone was snapping Sana was extremely calm. She had always been that way. Smaller situations she was livid, as they grew more outrageous she grew calmer, slipping between heated and cool; until cool finally took over. It was taking over. Yes the group had only been together a short time but that didn’t matter. As much as Ellyn cried out that things wouldn’t be the same, deep down Sana felt the same. She just wanted to get them all out of there safe and sound now. To do that, they had to stop bickering.

“Now, move it, we are leaving,” she snapped. She wasn’t leaving it up for debate. They needed to leave before matters got worse, at least out under the sky if things got too hot under the collar people could walk away. Here that wasn’t an option.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ellyn couldn’t hear what anyone was saying as she was too focused on Ellis until Bjoric came up and said them words. She didn’t understand, why did everyone appear to hate her?? what did she do to him?? looking upon him she hit his cheek with her harp and ran straight upstairs, she didn’t care anymore… she didn’t want others to look down upon her anymore as she was quite frank sick of it. The harp left a huge red mark on Bjoric’s cheek and all that was heard while she ran upstairs was ‘YOU JERK!!!!’

As she ran upstairs she thought of everyone else, seemed they didn’t care about her thoughts either. She just wanted to help and protect everyone, but of course nobody seemed to have allowed that. She doesn’t understand anymore. Tripping up the last step but not caring she just sat there.

‘Forgive me… Sana… Artos… everyone...’ She softly covered her face once more and cried her eyes out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Ellis turned around and felt a little comfort in them calming their tits. Then dwarf called him a fool for listening or believing in Ceris. He snorted. "If she wants to take control of a pint sized midget she can go right ahead. If you haven't noticed we halflings are not exactly intimidating. She would be the worse lich in all the seven kingdoms." He responded to that. He then pointed at the twin water falls once more. "Who do you think told me in the first place?..." He said. He then looked to Hugh. "Sorry for my choice of words.... Also, yeah Ceris did corrupt me. The same way Sana corrupted you.... Women do that. The only one immune to their succubus stair is the guy screaming at the top of his longs." He then mumbled under his breathe to Vivian. "Of all the men lass you had to want the guy that has never been given the bees and birds talk..."

He then gave a thumbs up to Ellyn. "You were the only who actually took my side as I predicted." He tilted his head at Bjoric. "You,... Acted differently. I expect you were going to kill me above all else... I was wrong I apologize. I think Ceris is more the fool.... Of all the people she could possess in the party and she chose me.... If only she knew I was a greedy son of a... Anyhow" he stopped and moved away and began to move towards the waterfalls.

He suddenly felt a urge... A very bodily urge. "Of all the damned times..." He held onto his groin region and moved to find a spot where no one would see. Then it hit him. There was one new member in the party that will always see him pee. This made him frown with a sigh. He then closed his eyes and let it loose hoping she wouldnt see. "It doesnt work that way you know.." He sighed and shrugged. "Nope you will not ruin this moment for me...." He heard a giggle within his head. "I take it back you are the weirdest lich i ever known."... Im the only lich you meet. Also didnt choose this life. If I never meet the devour I would still be a apprentice to a mage. "Wait..... You were a mage in training?" He said out loud. Yup,... I had a rival who was at ten years the idiot summoned Eliphad in his basement to surpass me and prove his worth... It didnt go as he planned. Ellis grimaced picturing it. "You know the others might not care for your opinion ,but why do you think the mages guild want your chalice?..."

Ask the dwarf what would be the best way to blackmail a lich.... Ellis nodded tying up his pants and moving out of his spot he hid in. "Hey Bjoric,... What would be the best way to blackmail a lich?..." He asked. Then once more like a brick it hit him. "Holy shit.... To destroy a lich you destroy its phylactery. Poccess the phylactery, and you got yourself a lich slave...." He answered his own question. Bingo my friend.


Vivian shrugged at the dwarf. "Fine i wont use it.... Although it would be useful to do something naughty without anyone seeing." She said. She then looked to Sana. "Speaking of which... Sana,...Ellyn. We have to talk.. In private.. Girl stuff." She said. She then watched the little man run off to do his business. Then she began thinking. None of them have used a bathroom sense they left nor ate. That thought made her stomach growl. "Great... Thanks Ellis." Then the little man came back and asked Bjoric something and Ellis spelled it out plain as day. She blinked and looked to the rest. "We were played... I bet they were not even going to pay us. They just said 1000 gold coins to entice us to do it."


Garekk sighed..."i hate mages...." He said with a grumble. "You know what... Lets hit my place on the way back so I can... Better equip a certain elf." He said gesturing to Ellyn. "Ellyn,... You would be deadly with a great axe jus saying.. You swing like a lumberjack." He added. He then looked at the notches on her instrument. Even cracks formed. "There is also your harp... Look at it. It needs reinforcements if your going to smash heads with it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Warrior in the Shadows
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Warrior in the Shadows The Unknown One

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hugh simply stood letting the dwarf rant on over his anger, taking a rather unexpected side. Hugh shrugged and waved it all off. There was nothing more to be said. Everything had been vented. When Ellis spoke to him, hinting at Sana being akin to a succubus. Hugh growled, "Don't ever say shit like that around me." He waved him off and walked away tucking his thumbs into his belt. He didn't really have pockets, so there was only that for him to hold onto.

He gave a sigh, as Vivian took off with the Sana and Ellyn under the premise of 'girl talk'. He felt a like kicking rocks and getting out of their to find his horse Rodger. But he preferred to wait for Sana. With that, he headed over to Artos, and spoke up. "You've mentioned it several times, and I'm sorry I had never asked, but, who were the paladins from my old order that you met? Who were the survivors?" He found that they had the time for this little banter and it had been itching at his skull for a long time.

He wondered, who in heaven's name could have survived? How did they survive? Did they live it out the same way he had, throwing down arms as paladins and heading off to live a simple life as farmers or something? Perhaps settled down to find healing? Or did they seek out revenge against those who brought it all down around them? Hopefully, whoever they were, they were sane and mentally there. Maybe they were older than Hugh.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sana perked a brow as she watched Ellyn blow up and gasped slightly as she struck Bjoric with her harp. "That was a first," she said with a slight chuckle. Ellyn striking out was all the proof she needed that thing had gone too far. Looking around she sighed deeply and started to move towards the exit. Then she heard Ellis. Oddly no anger rose in her, no want to snap or lash out. Sana simply turned and looked at him disheartened.

"Not corruption. A good man is only made stronger by his woman. A good woman would leave her man before she would corrupt him," she said in a peaceful voice. Sana would rather be alone than to corrupt Hugh, or any of them. Friendship, love, and trust were not things built on corruption. They weren't about making someone who they weren't. It was about bringing out what was good and pure in another. It was truly that simple to Sana. It was one reason Sana had been alone for so long. So many had the idea convoluted that these things were meant to make them feel better about themselves. When in truth it was there to help the ones you cared for feel better about themselves. It was the purest form of selflessness.

Sana looked over at Vivian and shrugged lightly. "The money is no longer a factor to me, I wonder now if it truly ever was," she said, pondering to herself why she had agreed to team up in the first place. There were other jobs, finding the goat would have paid enough for a meal.

Sana looked over to Hugh, seeing him speaking to Atros and decided to leave well enough alone. Turning she said not a word and wandered towards the water fall, letting it drench her if it was necessary to push to the exit and make her way to the surface. As far as she was concerned it was time to make sure Rodger was okay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Warrior in the Shadows
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Warrior in the Shadows The Unknown One

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hugh pulled away for a second, "I'm very sorry about this Artos, I, uh." His eyes wandered to Sana as he gave a sheepish smile. "I have somethings to deal with quickly. I am so sorry, I do not mean to stand you up like this." He shook his hand hurriedly, not sure what courtesy to render when quickly leaving a conversation like this. "It's important." He seemed to have a nervous smile as he awkwardly turned away from Artos and started walking towards Sana.

There had been a lot said, and not enough positive things. Hugh just wanted to get out of this lower level city and find his horse. Rodger no doubt was getting impatient waiting for his rider. He skip stepped over the wet and slimy rocks that was the floor under his feet. He might have looked a little comical with the skipping. He didn't seem intent to care how he looked, he seemed too gloomy eyed determined to go to a certain woman he favored.

For Hugh, love felt like healing. Like he could feel again. Sometimes, all you needed was to feel something good. That was love. At this point Hugh wasn't too determined to pursue any evils. He was almost ready to give up this quest. After all, they had completed it, found a lich and a chalice and lost them both to a burglar. There was not going to be any pay and that was obvious. They had just fought their way through a bunch of skeletons and now they could pick up and heal from the fighting.

Hugh finally arrived to Sana's location, soaking up the splashes of water that came from the cascading falls. "I'm sure both of us are not in a particularly good mood for any of this drama that's been going down." Hugh said, giving an exhausted sigh. "And yeah, if I didn't make that clear, I'm an ex-paladin because I didn't want to be the world police anymore. I wanted to live a normal life after losing everything." He said, feeling a little happy to have let it out. He just wanted to make it clear that the only crime he committed was trying to live a normal life.

After all that fighting, he realized he didn't need to save the world. It might be his turn to take a break from keeping the world safe from evil, after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Standing under the waterfall Sana let the cool water rinse away the toils of their tribulations, a much needed change from the heat of battle and fiery comments they had all been dealing with. Taking a moment to taste the water and letting herself rehydrate after far too long without. Stepping slightly behind it she let out a drawn out sigh of relief as she pushed her hair back off her face with her hands; trailing them back to her neck. The water clinging to her skin, skin no longer covered in the dried blood of healed wounds.

Looking over to Hugh as he approached she couldn't help but chuckle to herself. The sight of him skipping like a child was rather amusing but she wouldn't fault him for it. Everyone needed something light hearted right then, it seemed that he had found it for himself. As he came up beside her she could only continue to smile as he spoke and shake her head slightly at his explanation.

Instead of responding to his words she simply reached up and placed her hand lightly against his cheek, her thumb gently caressing as she did. An understanding look fell over her features as she simply gazed up at him in silence. Slowly she rose on her toes, her body delicately pressed against his as her lips found his. The water still clinging to her lips as she kissed him. This kiss was not warm or impassioned but cool and effervescent, light and tingling. Not a single drawn out kiss was it either, but a diaphanous set of kisses; each airy one separated by warm breath from parted lips.

Pulling back she gazed up at him, a bright smile coming to her lips as she laughed lightly, shaking her head at him. "You have nothing to explain, to me or anyone." Her words were kind and her voice reassuring when she spoke. Turning she looked up towards the way out and started the climb, her hand slowly trailing from him as she went. After a few steps she looked back towards him, the smile still playing on her features. "It's not like you're married," she said on jest, not realising the possible repercussions of such a naive statement.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ellis slowly followed behind watching Hugh bound and skip towards Sana. They were sooo happy, so cheerful. This group has had its ups and downs, he had his doubts it would work at all in the beginning much like Varis. He stood and watched them talk and he was close enough to hear Hugh talk. He has lost enough in this world. His whole world crashing around him and now he was happy again. He wanted a normal life. What awaited at the city of Zaphere was just another battle. One that may claim them all, if Ceris the lich was afraid of this devour, then they had a reason to be scared. Ellyn herself was beginning to know what love is and Vivian is currently chasing a new spark. They didn't need this battle, this next fight against a foe that took the headmaster of Hugh's order to kill and even he died from his wounds. Hugh was a ex paladin, he would never be as strong as that. Not even his rage earlier on would save them this time. These were skeletons, the undead where not smart or intelligent. Demons where however, they were cunning and would do anything to strike a victory. Sana was Hugh's Achilles heel, a heel that demon would use to his advantage. However, that was not the only thing he felt right now. He felt envious of their touch, their emotions. Until three days ago, Ellis the cheerful halfling these lot came to know, was alone. He survived by stealing when he can, from whoever he can. He never experienced love, and a visit to the cities brothels didn't count. It wasn't the same. He then heard her voice. Deep in his head.
"Is this why you saved me?.... because you want this?" She asked. Ellis scoffed and shook his head. "It is isn't it? You know, even if I wanted to, I couldn't give you what you seek. I have no body no more. My original body has long blown away in the wind. All I am is a spirit,... I can not give you the love you seek." Ellis sighed. He knew what she said was true. However, no matter how true her words were he still desired her touch. Her warmth.
"What do you mean 'even if you wanted to'?" He asked her. This question was spoken as a thought to her. Not hearable to the others. "Well I was a human you are a halfling,.. I can't see how that could work." She continued. Ellis smirked and patted his belly.
"You know I may be small in stature but I am a decent size elsewhere." He responded and he heard nothing in return. He took that silence with satisfactory and moved past the two waterfalls and up the stairs climbing after the two lover birds.

Then a foreign voice not of Ceris spoke. It was a warm calming voice soothing. Godlike almost. "I can help you in that regards.. all you have to do is ask." He looked around to make sure if the others heard it. Seeing them act normally as usually he knew it was in his head. "Who are you?" He asked.
"A friend... I have been watch both of your journeys. Ceris and your own." The voice called back. Ellis felt reassurance, and peace from the voice. "Your offering your help to me?...."
"Yes, I felt it was time to talk with you, I did not want to risk you going to the city of Zaphere unprepared." The voice called out.
"Are you Pelonor?" He asked and he heard a light laugh.
"Pelonor? oh no... he is less forgiving then I am as you can tell from how the ex-paladin acted. He may have left his order but it is still with him and forever will be in his heart."
"Then who?..."
"You will see in do time, I will visit you when everyone has fallen victim to their fatige."
Ellis nodded and was a bit nervous for awhile.
"Who was that?" Ceric asked him. Ellis could not answer her and she knew he didn't have one. They would just have to wait and see.

Once they had reached the outside they would find that their fight had claimed what day they had. No moon was out this night covering the desert in darkness. Not even the smoke from Zaphere could be seen. It was night time, they would likely want to sleep here. There was food and supplies inside they could fill their stomachs with. Once they had their full sleep would follow. That was when he would make his move. A goodbye so to speak. Not a permanent one though, he hoped. He was hungry at all, well he was, but he would get by on what he had in his belongings. Once he was able he stepped outside and then moved to the back of the wagon. He climbed up it and to the back grabbing his sack. From there he grabbed his flask and some jerky. It wasn't much but it would sustain him for the time. He took his sack with him hopping off the wagon and finding himself a spot and sat down placing his sack down. He took a bite from his jerky and chewed it slowly. He watched as his friends left the fallen city of Fahran. The devour's first victim. Ceris's nightmare began here in this ruined city. Zaphere would be the end of it. He would make sure Eliphas left this plane, and for good this time. To make sure of that he destroyed everything that birthed him into this plane. Including the tomes on how to summon him. He was no ordinary demon. There had to be texts on it. Giving every detail on how it can be done. The summon circle, the amount of sacrifices. Everything. He would burn it all, and kill those who brought him into this world again. The innocence he had at Zaphere and to this city was gone. Ceris and the events within changed the halfling.


The drow elf noticed something different in the halfling. Each step he took was not the same life he had in the city. This whole affair had changed them all in some ways ,but it effected him the most. Why? she has faced her share of horrors in the underdark and not once did it do this to her? Was this even too much for Ellis? She sighed and noticed that so far her words had gone unnoticed and with Ellyn running back the way they came to cry she sighed. The dwarf should have been a little nicer. "Darned Elf?.... Darned Elf.. you just had to say it didn't you? You know she is sensitive to these things." She said and she followed after her. Vivian climbed up the steps and saw her there crying and she waited for Artos to join her at Ellyn. She knew he would come and his words might be listened to with more effect then hers. Vivian crouched and tore a piece of cloak off and then began to clean her face. "Hush,... Ellyn. He is a dwarf... they have too much pride in them. Do not take what he said to you with a grain of salt. He was angry, just like we all were. He did calm down when you looked to you though...." She said pausing. She waited for Artos to break in when ever he had the chance.


The orc also followed up the steps. He sighed at the poor fragile thing. This was the woman who saved him in the sand. I suppose even she could take so much grief and hatred before she broke. He stood there turning his head to look towards the group proceeding to leave the city. He then looked back to Ellyn. "Hey get up,... " He stopped himself and looked to her harp and picked it up dusting it off and looking at it's cracks and nicks. The was one new crack too and it was where it connected with the dwarf's head. "Look at this poor thing... you know what Ellyn? I never got to fully repay you for saving my life in the sands." He said. He then crouched and looked her in the eyes. ".... how about I a make you a better one? A much more durable one? You know what... I don't want your approval. I am making you one. Nope, you can't say no. A orc always repays his debts." He said. He then smiled and rose up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ellyn heard footsteps and uncovered her face, they were going to see her anyway there was really no point in her hiding it. She soon saw the drow figure peep out and sit next to her, eventually cleaning her face with a torn up piece of cloak ‘why…?’ Ellyn asked herself ‘why would she clean me up after what I done…?’ Eventually she listened to her words that Bjoric was just a dwarf with a lot of pride and she nodded ‘I know...’ she sniffled softly as she smiled ‘I don’t know what came over me… I was screaming and shouting for no reason then… boom… I snapped… I swore too and that was horrible, didn’t feel right at all’ when she spoke them words it appeared that she was a whole lot calmer then she was earlier ‘h-he did…?’ she asked just as she heard another shuffling-like noise trudging among the staircase.

Not long after Vivian came upstairs she was then visited by the man she saved in the sands, the honourable orc as she would like to think of him. She smiled at him softly and even looked at him, sadness in her eyes. Even though he was way taller then her she eventually done what he told her to do and got up, albeit slowly. Tilting her head upon him gawking at her trusty harp she was shocked he can observe her harp that well. Her harp was indeed a beautiful but deadly object, its dragon-like design was clearly well done and it appeared to be rare for it’s type of design itself, upon hearing what he said she was shocked, not being able to comprehend the reason why he wanted to make her a new one. But smiled her usual cheery smile because he didn’t need to yet he wanted to, she wished there was more orcs like this in the world.

Yet there was one thing missing now, she wanted Artos here. She didn’t know why… she just did…
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

The smokescreen seemed to have worked for the Inquisitor as no one had followed him into one of the alleyways. Traces of the powder stained his robes and armor due to being at the epicenter of the smoke bomb's detonation. Though normally he would find his attire being ruined as irritable sort of thing but now it had its benefits. For one thing, the soot had darkened the bright red and gold colors of his outfit making conveniently unrecognizable until closely inspected. The magic dampening effects of the powder also would have made tracking extremely difficult for the time being. Not that it mattered so much as he was capable of establishing the same hindrance but for the most part, this would make him less obvious.

Now that his efforts were being purposely interrupted, Sergei needed to rethink his approach with the investigation. With the warehouse evidence literally burnt up, he was sure the secured stock the guards he had transporting was next. Obviously this painted a bad picture, especially for the unaware guards. The Inquisitor hurried through the back alleys, hoping it was not too late; but he was sure he already was.


Navigating the less populated pathways and corridors proved more of a challenge than Sergei had expected. Much of the areas were not very well developed with construction plywood and stone littered on the ground left unattended, years even. If I was a master carpenter, I would be furious with such lack of progress or maintenance thought Sergei as he made his way through the rubble. If he had any more power, he would have re-order the continued development of the entire neighborhood. Well technically he did but it was through intimidation which didn't really look good on an executive request form.

After he making his way out and stepping into the shortcut road, the Inquisitor came upon a grisly scene before him. In front of him were four guards lying on the ground and terribly burned. The wares they had been transporting on his orders had been destroyed with the smoldering remains scattered everywhere on the ground. He had hoped the local monastery would have been able help determine a lead in his investigation before the eventual purification of the idols but that too had gone up in flames. Sergei looked over the bodies one by one, curing and wishing they could have taken a more open route that would have made such an attack seem less likely due to so many potential witnesses in the way. Then again with all things considered, the guards may have forced to head this way due to high civilian traffic or probably road blocks given the amount of organization involved he has been seeing thus far.

Three of the men were dead, burned by demonic fire beyond all recognition but one fellow was still holding on but soon that would change very soon. The man's injuries were dire with evident signs of harsh burns everywhere but not in the exact intensity as with the others as if the intent was to keep him barely alive. Sergei's natural frown contorted into anger; this was a message directed towards him. Sergei growled as he slammed his meaty fist into the ground, knowing he was responsible for this. Had he been the escort, the attackers would have stood little chance but his decision to split the tasks up into someone's else's hands as he perused his personal agenda had costed the live of three soldiers with a forth soon to mark the tally. The guilt nagged at him but even he knew what was done was done and he'll have to simply own up to that.

The man was noticeably breathing heavily and probably not even conscious; he probably did't even realize an Inquisitor was right beside him. Sergei pressed his left palm into the soldier's chest, channeling his healing magic through the man's burned and warped body. Given the damage that was done to him, the patrol guard was beyond saving through healing artes. It was possibly to resurrect him but the magic required to not only heal him but to sew his soul back into his body was at an immense cost, one that would require the trading of positions. The man clearly deserved it but the Inquisitor could not comply with such an act. It was not out of greed for retaining his own life but it was the necessity to avenge these fallen men of duty and personally burn the ones responsible for their deaths at the stake, preferably in public to make their demises and example.

"Do not mistake this act of mine to save you." Sergei said to the man whom was regaining some consciousness, "You are beyond my power as you have faced the full blunt of evil's edge. You have not long to live...I am going to hunt the ones who did this to you and make them accept the full payment of their actions. Tell me what you saw."

The guard stared back with despair in his face and his mouth shuddering as he took in the Inquisitor's words. Tears poured from the man's scarred face knowing his fate had been decided without his consent but eventually he spoke, "M-m'Lord...It w-w-was a hound, ah, Hellhound...The b-beast murdered ever-r-ryone...Burned everything...A...Avenge..."

Sergei was a tad surprised the guard was able to muster all the physical strength he had to grasp the Inquisitor's shoulder. With the man's last breath, he slowly became limb and motionless, his face frozen in place and his skin finally cold. The Inquisitor looked down briefly, murmuring a prayer for the guard and his comrade's safe passing. After a sigh he took to his feet and observed the carnage one more time before raising his warhammer to the evening sky. Channeling his magic though weapon, he casted a small ball of fire into the evening sky that eventually detonated into a mild pop. It was a makeshift signal to the other patrolmen to converge on his position. He preferred to have the men properly dealt with with by their own; he had done enough as is.

Once again he had come across yet another setback, this time at the cost of lives other than his own. This further proved how serious and viscous this organization were willing to take things, especially with the summoning of a Hellhound...Perhaps more. But now the Inquisitor was steamed and filled with guilt fueled rage now converting into a boiling surge of righteous wrath. To many times has this group interfered with his own designs and now he was taking this personal. Whether it had been intentional or not, Sergei was handed the ammunition he needed to wage an all out war. A purge was coming and he was sure to be the one leading the mobs into eventual hunt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Enter the Das

“Yeah I Know Das, fought with him a long time ago. The elf is crazy, but a hero. Launched himself from a catapult dead center into a mass of the enemy. Pretty much won the battle with that explosive stunt of his, and I mean explosive. The elf light up on impact, like some kind of demon. He calls it being a Kafshe, I call it being insane. So yeah, I know Das, no shame that one, no shame at all.” - Unknown Dwarf

The moonlight peaked through the loosely stitched canvas propped as a tent against the shifting sands of the unforgiving desert. Clothes of fur and a long hunters knife sat next to a discarded rucksack as an athletic grey skinned elf lay on his back. The journey had been a long one, but had it been for naught? I suppose that would depend on why he started to journey in the first place, and if he counted it as a new journey after his last, or if it was all just one big journey. That’s the funny thing about journeys, Das the elf thought to himself, where do they really begin and end, and do they really ever. I suppose the journey is what you make of it then, if nothing else.

After a few more moments of philosophical pondering the elf poked his black haired head out of the tent, the warm desert wind catching it’s long locks as he squinted his bestial amber eyes, hiding it from the sand blown by the wind. In front of his tent was a massive rock face, and carved into it was an intricate entrance to some unknown city. Of course Das knew taking a tent outside was better than stepping foot in there and trying to rest. A mistake he was not unfamiliar with in his youth.

He took a step out and winced as the still hot sand burned his bare feet. The wind however felt great on his naked muscular body as he put his hands on his hips and took a great inhale, ready to start the day, despite it being completely night out. His never ending vulpine grin was plastered across his surprisingly shaved cheeks as he closed his eyes to enjoy the moment and opening them only when he felt the presence of others.

Without a shift in his smile, despite his uncovered appearance, his amber eyes quickly fell upon a wet variety pack of adventurers exiting the structure. He laughed to himself and his eyes seemed to glow with amusement, clearly he had made the right choice camping outside.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Warrior in the Shadows
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Warrior in the Shadows The Unknown One

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hugh pressed his face into her hand, leaving a gentle kiss one it. He felt all the stress and the hurt leaving his burdened mind. It felt good to love. It felt good to heal. Her kisses felt good and her body pressed against his felt better. With it, he was feeling his past melt away. He felt like all the bad that had happened meant nothing anymore. He felt like after it all he could live again. This was what healing was. Not vengeance.

Hugh felt his hands along her warm smooth skin, soaking it all in. It seemed like there was never a moment when her touch and feeling her there with him could make him feel uneasy.

She left the embrace of his arms and headed up the exit to find the outside, looking back briefly to say some words to him. "It's not like you're married," She seemed to say in jest. His smile persisted as he thought about that, the issue pressing on his mind that he had been married once. He thought of what she would think of him to know he had a family before all this.

Maybe she would like him better, knowing he had not given into carousing with many women to heal the hurt. Hugh was someone who settled for only one woman and Sana was now that woman he would devote his affections to. He followed her, looking as happily as ever, up through their exit, to find the moonlit night covering the sands and the ruins.

It was magnificent, and it was made happier by the sight of his long awaiting horse. Rodger seemed to blow his nostrils at the ground, looking for a form of vegetation to chew on. No doubt the sand irritated his nose whenever he snorted. Hugh smiled at the sight of the peaceful animal, his old friend who had been with him for so long. "Damn good to see you, boy." He muttered, breathing in the cool desert night air.

It was peaceful again, letting him feel relieved that he might not have to fight again. He was tired and ready to relax. This was a time for rejuvenation from the fighting, and Hugh would feel horribly sore in the morning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sana smiled towards Hugh as they made their way from the tomb of an existence below, breathing in the night air and letting it fill her lungs. It was wonderful to be out from such place of death and decay. The cool night air against her skin was rejuvenating. Watching Hugh find Rodger, she relaxed a bit, glad the steed was okay and had fared far better than the rest of them over the course of the day.

Taking a few steps Sana got that feeling in the pit of her stomach and suddenly she was drawing an arrow from her quiver; nocking it into place as she eyed the new face. It was dark out and shadows were playing with her at first. Then she realized the man was naked. "Who the hello are...." she began, words trailing off quickly as she stepped closer; her arrow pointed towards his heart. Taking a deep breath she kicked the sand towards him as her bow lowered.

"For the love of God, put some fucking clothes on Das!" she snapped; arrow dropping back into its quiver as quickly as it had been drawn, bow following suit. Shaking her head she wandered over to Rodger and pulled out her water skin to let the horse get some much needed refreshment. "Don't kill the pointy eared bastard," she yelled to the rest of the group without looking back to Das until he was clothed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Tagged; Everyone in the party,

Artos had taken a backseat to the discussion, well rather, the argument that was happening when the revelation of the Lich was residing within Ellis was revealed. Artos leaned back against the wall and just listened. His current state was not that of someone that could properly listen and talk, as his wound was still present and lightly bleeding he was dozing off halfway. He did note a few things in his half-awaken state, that Hugh's judgments get clouded if it pertains towards Sena and his arguments fell under fallacy... most of the time. Other than that Artos just thought and listened, not opening his mouth as his opinion wasn't fully formed. His eyes darkened with the casual mentioning of 'The Devour', something Artos would ask Ellis later.

He knew that Ellyn would take the side of life, and he knew that Hugh and Sana would be angry. What he didn't know was how Varis reacted, how everyone knew each other for days, nor how Bjoric reacted, they both reacted out of his expectations. While dabbling in his own thoughts, The Paladin, Hugh, approached him with a question, about his order and who survived. Looking at him through hazed eyes "A few survived, many of them scarred by the purge." he started, and stopped "Well, let us talk about this later on. We have more pressing issues to attend, right?" he continued, as Hugh excused himself after glancing at Sana, "Go ahead." he replied with a sigh, and his hand was shook suddenly, Hugh practically skipped off to Sana.

Ellyn had burst out and hit the cleric- the dwarf, Bjoric with her harp and ran upstairs in a fit of... something. Artos, in his fatigue, decided to follow and slowly walked up the stairs, to find her there talking with Vivian and Garekk, being comforted. Collecting his thoughts, he walked up to her, "You did what you believed to be right, and one cannot blame you for that." he said steadily, "I respect you for that." he continued, placing his right hand on her head and ruffling her hair. He then sat down next to her, waiting for her to slowly calm down. He also noted his dirty garments and noted he had to take a small dip in the waterfall soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Following Sana, Deila made it back outside to the open sky. Deila threw up her hands and breathed deeply. The night air was a welcome sensation. Emerging out of the ground made her feel safer. She Took off her head dress and held it to the high into the night air giving thanks to the wind and the sky. The shaman took off her boots and most of her garb minus the ones that covered her modesty. She took out a small pouch of leather from her waist and poured some water into it. She said a few words of blessing and used the non water proof pouch as a sponge and cleaned her limbs and face. The night air felt good against the moist skin. The sky was dark but that was ok she was alive and very grateful for that fact.

Deila left off her boots and other non essentials allowing them to air out while her skin dried in the night air. She then turned her attention to the sky once more and called out for her friend Bulbo. She knew that the desert was a bad place for him but he could fly and he was very ingenious. Deila called out for Bulbo again with the promise of food and water. She knew he would be thirsty after a their time apart.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Halfling, due to the darkness of the nightm didn't even notice the dark elf male in the distance. He went about his business and odd enough began fantizing a life with Ceris. Unintentionally he began talking aloud. Of course only his friends would know that he was likely talking to the lich. "What did your original body look like?" He asked her and her response to it was a simple. Suddenly Ceris was able to manifest what she could from her energy a ghost form. It sat right beside him. Her back against the wall. He looked over and examined the spirit. White robes with a odd looking crest on it. He swore he saw it before on his travels. It represented some deity he figured. She had long hair as well. The spirit form didn't really show color so he couldn't assume much. She was pretty though. His eyes followed hers towards the stars . How lovely were they. At least he got to share that with her. He then shook his head and sighed once more. Iam hopeless... I can't believe I have the hots for a 160 year old lich. I must be really messed up in the head. If only mother could see me now..... he the paused and his frown returned. On another note, lets not bring her into this conversation. I was left out on the streets to starve by that cruel woman. Father was too drunk to give a shit. The story of Ellis, the unwanted, well there goes my mood again. Good thing I got a cure. He thought as he popped open his flask and took a taste of the fine liquid within. It was a wine and a very expensive wine. He didn't pay for it of course, a senator did. Not that the senator knew he donated his fine wine to a thieving halfling, but oh well. "Why a mage?" He asked.
"Because, he was at the time, or at least I thought he was." She responded.
"You mean him?...." He took the silence afterwards as a yes and he sighed. "I suppose his first tresspass on you was taking the form of a handsome young lad and seduced you." He was beginning to hate this Eliphas more and more with each passing moment. OH how he would love to jab this silver dagger through the demon's spine. "If it was not for him.. what would you have become?" He asked next. He did not even want to say his name. From now on he would refer it as to him. Each time he would say his name it angered him.
"I think I might have followed my mother's footsteps and become a priestess cant remember the deity but he is often drawn as a horned pegasus"
"Corellan Lorethian..." He said. Now he knew where he saw that emblem from. I suppose she was merely a test for the demon. Would it be possible for a demon to corrupt a priestess. I guess we knew the answer to that one. So you can project your self from my body?.... Yeah I know stupid question. Would have been nice if you did it earlier.
"I spent most of my energy on just getting into your body and I felt my energy drained when I cried out....I am not even sure how long I can keep this up."
Ellis shook his head and looked to her. "Why don't you rest up then and dismiss the projection. I am going to need your magic later on."
Her projection quickly faded and he rose a brow and then looked to the cart to see Sana and Hugh. Oh right you cancelled because of them. He looked back up at the stars and felt his back against the formations walls. Its cold hard surface felt so good on the back of his neck. He then decided to pull his boots of and shoved his hairy feet into the warm sand and felt even more relief. This was followed by another sip of the wine and another bite of his jerky.


Vivian saw how Ellyn looked about. She was better now and that made her happy. She was now looking for something though. Most likely Artos. Ellyn was so innocent and likely never experienced the feelings she felt towards Artos before. For one everytime someone showed it to her she looked at you with a quizicall look. Ellyn was a foolish girl, but she was their fool. Well,... her fool anyways. She took a look to Garekk who offered to fix up her harp as a way of paying up for his debt to her. It was Artos who healed him, but it was Ellyn who pulled his arm to do so. This group however, felt like it would fall apart soon though. We would likely all go our seperate ways after this. Hugh will take Sana out to god knows where. Ellis will likely go utilize his new lich partner to steal. Artos will likely travel with Ellyn where ever she went. Garekk would like keep on pushing his body to the limits and get himself killed one of these days. Varis will fade into the shadows like he does best. Then there was herself. What would Vivian do? What could Vivian do? She had the desire to see all of the surface realm. She wanted to see it all and experience everything. She wanted to do that with Varis ,but that was not likely going to happen. Maybe if she accidently straddled him like Sana did she would get a reaction... yeah like a 'can you get off of me?' reaction. This man was so dense. Perhaps if another man came into the group she could perhaps ask a favor to make Varis jealous. Then again, she didn't even know if that was possible. She sighed,.... "Why did all the mature men get taken....." she mummbled to herself.


Garekk was very skilled in his work and he noticed things like wear and tear. He then looked down at Ellyn's dress once more and pulled forth his dagger. "With your permission Ellyn I would like to save you from further embarrassment by removing the one thing that makes you clumsy half the time?...." He asked. He paused waiting and then looked to see if Artos was close by... Maybe it would be best if he did it then rather him. Garekk had only meet Ellyn a little while ago. Well a Day ago actually. He concluded he would travel to the ends of the world with her. Not out of love or anything ,but out of service to his debt. He owed her his life. He would repay it in death and blood if needed. He wanted to protect her from the evils of this world.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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Horrid aesthetic.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The goblin, now thoroughly worn out from the constant combat and yelling, sighed as he walked beneath the waterfall and felt his flames doused by the cascading moisture. His body shifted back as he walked out, garbed in only his pants, little pale body smoking and shrinking to its former self. So many fights. So many words. Recent times had sent his brain on a trip even more than his feet had been. He stared down at his hands, his claws. Not the gargantuan paws of a true dragon. He had no scales and no tail. He was an imitation. A fraud. So small and pale and weak in comparison to a real dragon. The dwarf threatened to knock his teeth into the back of his throat, but he did not react. What had he done except help? What could he do?

With a look down at his body, and a look over at his belongings, he saw his costume once more. Red was his dragon-skin. But no gold to go along with the red. That thought stuck with him for a while. No gold. No hoard. His claws twitched at him, itching suddenly as thoughts of gold, riches and wealth flashed before his eyes.

His mouth curled into a smile. He WAS a dragon. He was just missing a few things here and there. Things that would show everyone that he was a true red menace to be wary of. No cute thing to be ogled. No small thing to be kicked about. He ran his fingers along the exile-brand at the back of his neck as he stepped back through the waterfall, gathering his things once more. He would turn back. He would turn back and clean out the fallen city. Make it new. Make it wonderful. Then he would gather the weak and the fearful. He would gather them all to live beneath his fury and his rage. Drizzak began to chuckle as he turned once again, shouting out to the others.

"This where Drizzak leave you! This where Drizzak stay! This Drizzak city now!"

He tried to turn away, but stopped in his tracks and frowned. He couldn't help it. He had to say. "Give Drizzak time. Drizzak fix things. Find fixers. You welcome back. When city is good."

He regretted not speaking with the newer additions to the party, but that didn't matter at this point. He had found what he needed, the first step to becoming a true dragon.

He had found a lair.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ellyn finally heard him come upstairs… Artos, the man she can’t seem to stop thinking of, the man that made her feel so warm inside. This was the guy that made her feel warm inside. This was the guy that she could possibly be falling for within every minute and every second. Upon looking at him she blushed the moment he said he had her respect, the warm feeling started within her and the moment he placed his hand on her head… it built at a pretty fast rate.

As he sat next to her she hugged into him while looking at Vivan and Garrek, her face looking crimson as a jewel she grabbed his hand softly and kissed it, finally asking ‘Artos… why do I feel warm when you are with me… why do I keep thinking about you?? what is this feeling?? it makes me feel excited and happy...’ As Ellyn asked this in her soft tone it was clear that she was more then calm, she was hiding excitement and didn’t know what to think of, she didn’t know why she even asked that question, especially with 2 of her dear friends in front of them ‘oh no… I am so embarrassed now...’ she thought in her mind ‘Actually, forget that question… please?’

the moment she finished that question she saw what Garrek did and she was shocked out of her mind, why would he do that?? he didn’t need to do that, all she did was help him and she wasn’t as important then Vivian herself, she was the one who organised this quest and kept everyone together, she was the one who should get all the attention.
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