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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CondorTheMole
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@OtterTerror@Iatos@CLIW[@Anyone who needs help to do anything]

"Thank you for the offer. I'm afraid I have to pass for now. I'll eat later, after I actually do something,” “In that case I will take that mouse,” Sharpthorn meowed as he revealed himself to Berrydream who had somehow missed the bulky maine coon standing right beside the deputy. “I’m afraid you have to work on your scenting Berrydream, next time it may be a bear” Sharpthorn joked. “Well then I shall take Eelpaw on a final assessment just before the promotion ceremony, as for the patrol just call me when you are ready to depart,” he informed his leader.

The group was then joined by Oakstar’s mate and medicine cat, Frostwhisker. It had always amazed the tom how her eyes were different colors and he could have stayed there trying to figure them out but in order to comply with the directions Oakstar had given him and to leave the couple some privacy the large cat greeted the medicine cat, got one of the mice Berrydream had caught and made his way towards another tree were he could observe the nursery and eat the fresh-kill.

Although not as high as the great oak that housed their leader, the tree where Sharpthorn had decided to eat let him see most of the camp and let his nose sink in on every single scent on it. But he didn’t concentrate on the scents, he just observed the two kits he had helped bring to this world still fast asleep, and with a half-smile (the most someone will ever get from him) he finished up and closed his eyes. He was resting but always alert if Oakstar called him or if any other cat in the clan needed his aid.

@Pink Madness@ViolentViolet

Eelpaw munched down one of the owlets Sharpthorn had brought in and then made his way towards the apprentice den. Inside only Smokepaw and Witheredpaw remained, he went to his usual spot near the two and quickly fell asleep.

"Hey! Get your lazy rears up already!" he heard a voice that appeared to be Featherwhisker’s. Eelpaw simply shifted position and opened an eye as he heard the grunts of his two awaking den buddies. He knew very little about Smokepaw as the black cat was kind of shy as for Witheredpaw he knew well, the she-cat was pretty and fun to talk to.

Neither of them had a mentor but Witheredpaw was just an apprentice because of age, he was sure they would promote her very soon as for Smokepaw surely a mentor would be assigned to him shortly but since for the time being they were on their own Eelpaw drowsily addressed them.

“Come on guys wake up already, all you have to do is go eat. You know I wish I had no mentor, Sharpthorn is crazy, always being so demanding and mysterious. I know he looks all dangerous and old because of his size but he is only a couple of moons older than most of us apprentices!” Eelpaw exclaimed at the other two as he shifted position once again and went to sleep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Bouldercat finished her meal and cleaned her mouth with a few sharp licks and a stroke over it with her paw.

"I want to see if our clan apprentices Harepaw, Pearpaw and Granitepaw have been doing something already this morning. I'd like to send them out with their mentors to hunt this morning." Boulderstar got up from her seated position and watched as the cats of her clan began to wake up and come and go. "Then I would like to send out Vinetail and Aspenclaw to check the river side of our territory. I believe the old warrior would like some duties and I don't think there'll be up much. And young, energetic Vinetail will be a good add. Sometimes putting the young together with the old teaches them some lessons."

She licked over her paw once and flicked with her tail. "You and I will check the western borders together. Though, first I wanna have a quick check on the medicine cat and her apprentice as well as the queens and their kitten." Feeling further explanation is needed, she added. "I like to have an all around look at times. Make sure they're fine and give them the opportunity to speak out issues and wishes to me. After all the clan is still fresh and I wanna make sure everyone feels included and comfortable in this new situation. Losing members would not do us well at this time." She looked around the camp and smiled satisfied as she saw the cats doing their thing, either getting ready for the day, eating a meal or chatting with others.

Her eyes then fell on a young cat, who was walking straight to the entrance to exit the camp. "Harepaw", Boulderclan called out gently, yet with a slight force in her tone to leave no arguing whatsoever. "Would you come over here please for a second? This is if you don't have something way more important to do right now." She kept her voice nice and polite. The apprentice had been giving his mentor a paw full of trouble. He seemed to feel underrated and maybe even unappreciated. Boulderstar made a note in her mind to keep an eye on his training and behaviour.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

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@ViolentViolet @OtterTerror

Shadowkit was happy and even purred a little when Petalwhisker put her tail around him. He knew this meant that she would protect him as best as she could, and he knew he would return the favour. Not long after that another cat entered the den. With his eyes closed, he couldn't recognise who it was.

As she started talking, he carefully peeked through his closed eyes, and recognised the she-cat as the warrior Featherwhisker. As his mother began to ask her to keep her voice down, Shadowkit slowly stood up, saying with a fully awake voice: "It's all right, mom. I'm already awake." He then turned his head to the warrior as he wanted to hear the answer to his mother's question as well. He knew the basics already: train, hunt, do chores for the clan, stuff like that. However, he didn't know the details, yet he was eager to find out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

There is just no getting through to that cat, thought Screefoot as she watched Harepaw start toward the entrance. She'd just woken up, and she already felt drained from her interaction with him; trying to reason with the apprentice was just about useless on top of exhausting. So why am I trying? she caught herself thinking and immediately reprimanded herself for it–– Harepaw was a valuable member of the Clan, valuable as a potential warrior and a Clanmate. He was worth her efforts, she reminded herself, watching the still-lashing tail. He'd make a fantastic warrior, she was certain, if only he'd listen. Unfortunately, the more she thought about it, the more she started to fear that she wasn't being an adequate mentor. What was she doing wrong? What was she to fix if Harepaw was going to adapt to Clan life?

Just as she was turning away with an exasperated sigh, Screefoot heard Boulderstar herself calling the young cat. She pricked her ears and looked in their direction. If the leader had something important––and hopefully life-changing––to say to Harepaw, then she didn't want to get in the way. She did, however, want to listen. After all, it was her business if it was her apprentice, right? If her own words weren't to be respected then perhaps Boulderstar's were.


Burrpelt, although hungry and tired, did not really want to rest and eat. He was itching to be out of the camp again and to be useful, but alas, he could not ignore his own leader. So, just as the medicine cat joined them, he politely checked out by saying, "Good morning, Frostwhisker," nodding at Oakstar, and then turning to trot to the fresh-kill pile. Not without a small purr in Berrydream's direction––but he was too shy to talk to her. Ridiculous, really, as he was the deputy.

Alright, maybe he did want to eat after all. Burrpelt had instantly begun to salivate as he neared the pile of delectable fresh meat, most of it caught this morning and simply begging with its aroma to be eaten. ...It couldn't hurt to fill his belly before a patrol. He picked a modest-looking mouse from the pile, retreated a few paces and lay down. It felt good as he'd been on his paws for a long time. Glancing around to make sure no one noticed how glad he was to relax, Burrpelt finally started on his breakfast.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrettyWalrus
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@OtterTerror Hawkclaw looked at his apprentice and took a quick whiff and nodded. "That's pretty good. Now for the second part of hunting. Choosing your prey. Look around at the tracks and the smells. Pick an animal and then tell me what you are thinking." He sniffed at the air, confused by a strange scent but it didn't seem too dangerous or too close so he ignored it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OtterTerror
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Phaesaris@NightmareInd Petalwhisker fixed her gaze on the next warrior who entered the den. It was Sunflame. She was about to hush him as well until she heard Shadowkit's voice as he got up from his fake sleep. She gave a small sigh and nodded. "Good morning Sunflame." she said instead of hushing the tom. With the small crowd that was gathering in the nursery, Petalwhisker seemed a tad uncomfortable. There was more visitors than usual today.

Oakstar nodded to Sharpthorn as ventured off for now. His gave briefly flickered over to his deputy as he left to relax as well. Oakstar had picked up on his issues with addressing she-cats. It would be a problem if he were to ever be leader. He was level-headed and reasonable as he didn't jump into fights without thinking first but if he couldn't address half of his clan surely there would be more difficulty than need be. Oakstar heaved a sigh and pushed it to the back of his mind for now. He still had his nine lives. Perhaps when he reached the last two he would attempt to solve that issue somehow.

@KahleenCuthald @CLIW Harepaw halted mid stride as he heard the voice of his leader. He gave a soft scowl and lashed his tail once before slowly turning to approach his leader. Pausing for only a quick moment, he casted a cold look at his mentor as if to say Don't enjoy this too much. With that done, he finished the small walk over to Boulderstar and sat down. He kept his head held high and his ears slightly back.

"What is it?" he said in a bitter tone. It was clear he didn't completely respect his leader, or anyone for that matter. But it was still a tad more than what he had shown for his mentor which was shown by the fact that he did listen even despite his bad attitude.

@PrettyWalrus Sootpaw gave a small nod. "Alright!" she meowed cheerfully. She sniffed the air just for a moment once again just to make sure. "The finches. There's a small flock of them which means one of them could be on the ground, especially since they like dirt baths quite a bit... Guess we have to be super quite to sneak up on them though." she said, lowering the sound of her voice as she realized how quick birds are to fly off when they hear a small noise.

Pearpaw emerged from the apprentice's den stretching out her legs. She eyed the camp curiously to see what was going on. It seemed Harepaw was being a pain in the tail as usual. She didn't understand why he had chosen to be a clan cat if he had no intentions of trying to accommodate to this new life. Oh well, it wasn't her business to pry though she did pity Screefoot. The warrior seemed that she would have made a fair and good mentor if only she had gotten a less irritable apprentice.

The she cat yawned and laid down in the sun. She wasn't sure what she'd be doing as far as training today but she looked forward to whatever was to come. Her stub of a tail wiggled eagerly. She didn't even bother with getting some food first. Besides, she wasn't all that hungry anyways. Not yet at least.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Harepaw slowly approached Boulderstar. She was aware of his mentor overhearing their conversation, just as she was aware of the look the apprentice shoot his mentor. Once he reached her, she meowed to him. "Good morning, Harepaw." She felt the darting eyes of his mentor on her. Obviously SCreefoot was curious what the leader had to say.

"I noticed you are a little unmotivated today." Everyday would be right, but Boulderstar didn't say that. "I was thinking you might feel a little underrated. I have an important duty for you to take." Boulderstar lifted her head up to show her higher rank a little. "Me and my deputy are going to check the western borders and I want you to accompany us." She left the offer hanging for a second, before she added the last sentence. "Only if you feel prepared, though. You're not afraid, are you?"

Boulderstar felt like the apprentice needed a lesson to be taught, but scolting wouldn't work on this cat. She knew Harepaw had potential and she was not gonna let it go to waste. Her deputy has been politely silent all this time. But Boulderstar wouldn't mind his words in this conversation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelKitten
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Nightmist’s gaze was on the other OakClan cats and she barely noticed Ripplepaw pad up behind her on silent paws. The apprentice had a tendency to glide unnoticed among other cats, and her stealth gave her an advantage in catching prey in the forest—Nightmist approved.

“Good morning, Ripplepaw,” she mewed, turning around to face the silver she-cat. She shrugged, a keen look on her face. “Well, you’re here now. We should get started. The freshkill pile seems well stocked this morning, so I was thinking we would do some battle training,” she said, her tail pointing at their store of prey. She stood and made her way out of the camp, preferring to walk in shadow where her dark pelt blended in more with her surroundings. She was pleased with the choice of apprentice because, in many ways, she found that she and Ripplepaw were similar, and would be able to use the same strategies in hunting and combat. “Tell me, Ripplepaw, have you had much experience in combat?” Their destination was a rocky clearing with some trees near the camp, a place that mentors were finding useful for practicing battle moves.


Amberleaf nodded as Boulderstar mentioned checking up on the rest of the Clan. It was a good idea, one of many that made Amberleaf respect the calico she-cat’s leadership. He watched as she called over Harepaw, with Screefoot not far behind. He gave the mentor a reassuring look to let her know her presence was welcome.

Amberleaf sat up straight and fixed Harepaw with a mild gaze as Boulderstar proceeded to talk to him. He would follow Boulderstar’s lead in this, and he didn’t think yelling at the apprentice would solve anything, either. Boulderstar seemed to agree, since she invited Harepaw to join them on their patrol. The deputy nodded to himself. Harepaw didn’t seem to be adjusting well to Clan life yet, but he had some admirable qualities that would make him a great warrior, if only his attitude could be changed.

“We would appreciate the extra eyes and ears,” Amberleaf only mewed, betraying none of his thoughts to the apprentice. He would not rise to Harepaw’s irritable disrespect either. There was not much more to say at this point, he thought.

Seeing Pearpaw lying by the apprentice den, he gestured for her to come over with a wave of his tail. "Pearpaw! Join us. We'll be patrolling the western border today," he called. Then, pitching his voice low so only Boulderstar would hear, he added, "I think Screefoot should join us too, if you weren't thinking of that already. It would be good for her to see how we handle Harepaw."

@KahleenCuthald @CLIW @OtterTerror
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pink Madness
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Pink Madness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Witheredpaw rolled over to her back, paws up to the dens roof spinning around like a playful weasel. Yawning she listened the Eelpaw, glancing him when he stopped talking "You sure, you want to speak your mentor that way? If he never hear what did you say about him...he will totally kick your butt..." she meowed tiredly scrolling back on her belly and stretched her limbs, so that the bones crackled.

Copperpaw still sleeped his nest when the bright light touched his face, opening his eyes tiredly gazing the light "...light...sun..LIIGHT" His eyes exploded open in shock when he relazed that was almost midday "Oh! nonono...not again...I slept again for too long..." he meowed jumping up to his messy nest "...great...Roseclaw will kill me.." he sighed as he padded out to the clan clearning, looking if he could see his mentor somewhere *Maybe she is in the Nursery* he thought walked to see the nursery *..no..not there... maybe in elders den* he thought turning toward the elders den to look *...not there either...hmm! maybe she go to collect some herbs...* he thougth sitting down to think, when he noticed a the familiar colored fur at the fresh kill pile. Jumping to his paws again he run toward the medician cat "Roseclaw...I am sorry..I sleeped too loo.." he meowed but he did not manage to tell the end when his paw hit the country of vine and he crashed to the ground "..ouch...This is not my day..." he muttered spitting of sand out of his mouth. @Phaesaris

Snowthorn sat outside the Warriors den little dissapointed to herself. She had wanted to go patrol together with Amberleaf but of course she was too shy to open her mouth when he gathered the patrol. Dissapointed to herself she quietly just looked at the fresh kill pile, feeling that she hasen't not right to go eat there, especially when she has not yet done anything for her clan.

Aspenclaw jumped to his already old paws when heared the leader to call his name about the patrol. Making a quick noo to the leader he maked his way toward the Vinetail. Stopped near to the brown younger warrior "So..shall we go to the patrol?" he meowed in his usual grumpy way.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrettyWalrus
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"Do you need a demonstration, or do you think that you've got this?" Hawkpaw asked. He walked around "Hunting is important and you won't always catch what you're after so it's better to be safe than sorry. Take your time, and remember, you're still learning." He swished his tail. "We can always try again later."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OtterTerror
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@KahleenCuthald@AngelKitten Harepaw gave a small snort at his leader's first words. Unmotivated wasn't quite the term to fit him and feeling under-appreciated was only the tip of the iceberg. In a way, he was testing the strength of his clan and whether or not he would truly find his home here. Still, there were very aggravating parts that only fueled his poor attitude. Why waste his time training when he could hunt and support himself just fine?

His ears went back slightly further as she asked if he was afraid. Afraid? Him? Never. "I didn't disagree to going now did I?" he said, his lip slightly curled. He was no coward, that much was certain in the way he seemed unafraid to pick a fight with any cat. His glaring, green gaze shifted over to the deputy. He said nothing in response and merely turned waiting for the others to leave the camp.

His glare then transferred over to the younger she-cat that was Amberleaf's apprentice. Harepaw rolled his eyes. Such a terrible choice of taking the tail-less cat along. She would only slow them down after all.

Pearpaw perked her ears up at the sound of her mentor's voice. She quickly got up to her paws and began to bound over to the small group. "Ok." she meowed in a polite tone. She eyed her den mate as she came up besides her mentor and leader. Harepaw wasn't exactly a very easy cat to get along with and Pearpaw often tried to keep her distance from him. She still had a lot to learn, both in hunting and fighting, which required patience. Something Harepaw clearly lacked. Whenever the two clashed, it was always very one-sided. Pearpaw was a relatively gentle cat and backed down whenever Harepaw crossed her path. She sighed, seeing as how he would be on this patrol as well but otherwise didn't say a thing as she waited for orders.

@PrettyWalrusSootpaw glanced over at her mentor with excited eyes. "I'll try on my own." she said quickly once given the option. The rest of what he said went in one ear and out the other as the small she cat crouched down and began to make her way towards the birds. She kept low to the ground and moved forward at a quick pace until the birds came into view.

Just as she had predicted, a couple of them fluttered around the ground pecking at small bugs. Her tail swayed slowly from side to side as she inched closer. Sootpaw was almost ready to launch her attack but sadly, she had forgotten one key component in hunting and that was watching where you placed your paws. She crunched some dry leaves when she took another small step forward and sent the birds flying. Sootpaw let out a hiss of frustration and sprung forward with the help of her powerful back legs. She attempted to hook a claw or two onto one of the birds before they got away but failed, falling to the ground empty handed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrettyWalrus
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@OtterTerror Hawkclaw laughed quietly to himself and padded over to Sootpaw
"Nice try, you were doing good until you stepped on that leaf. Don't fret about it though, with every mistake, you learn something new. What did you learn today?" The large cat smiled at his apprentice "While we're out here we should probably check for any food nearer to the boarders for a very special reason. We cannot cross the boarders without a very special reason. And Bolderclan can't come into ours for the same reason. We don't want them hunting our prey." He started to walk off into the brush "Does this make sense to you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Queen had been sitting on her patch of grass, grooming her tail when the kit had approached her, hesitant and shy though she was clearly nervous with all the larger cats around them. Taking her tail from her tongue she laid it on the grass beside her, indicating for the kit to sit next to her, where she could keep her warm and safe with her tail.

Riversong had always liked kits, even before she had become a loner cat after being abandoned by her house folk, and wanted some of her own though she was just in the final stages of that goal now. The young one beside her was an orphan, fed by Ravenfeather, though the silver and black she-cat would have readily taken in her and her brother if she had had the milk for them. For now she acted as a comforting and guiding force for them, soft and gentle when they needed it.

"Good morning Willowkit." The Queen said to the small she-cat, leaning over to lick the top of the kits head since there was a peice of fur sticking up wildly. "I slept fine. What about you?"

The she-cat purred as her mate leaned against her, licking her head as he spoke. He'd never liked when she was out alone, especially at night, but some flowers she needed only bloomed after moonrise. "Yes; I found a new patch of Goldenrod not too far away, I was making sure it wouldn't be eaten by mice." The Medicine Cat explained to her mate, flicking his side with her tail as if to scold him for worrying so much about her. She was a grow cat, aware of how to protect herself if she must. Healing was simply preferred, and something she was good at.

Glancing at the tom that walked away from them she watched him quietly, aware of his problems with females though she knew he would have to get over it in time. "Perhaps I should give him Goatweed to ease his nervousness." She thought, wondering aloud to her mate though she realized quickly that this wasn't the time or place to discuss possible treatments and aids for the tom. "If we bring along one of the younger apprentices I can shown them the basics of what I look for, since usually an apprentice goes with me." She suggested, looking for one of the few that either lacked a mentor thus far, or were too new to be scent marking the borders.

It really had been a while since the warrior had ever interacted with kits and Queens, since she wasn't an apprentice anymore and had no desire to have her own litter or two. So when Petalwhisker motioned for her to keep quiet she realized how loud she'd been and lowered her ears embarrassed to have been too disruptive. She had been getting ready to leave them be when the Queen had asked her about apprenticeship and everything that came with it. She'd never been an apprentice here, but had helped out quite often until they had competent ones so she knew their duties well. Sitting down between nests the silver tabby looked at the two in front of her and nearly laughed. The Queen was worried about her son. "Don't worry about it. Frostwhisker asked me to make sure you had everything you needed; I think knowledge is one of those things." Featherwhisker, apart from Firelight, had always been the most likely to jest with serious cats in their family, though her parents were known to crack the odd joke or two.

"Chores, mostly. Check the elders for ticks, help out around camp. Whatever their mentor tells them to do that's reasonable. If they feel unfairly treated they can go to Oakstar, Frostwhisker or Sharpthorn about it and they'll get everything sorted out." The silver warrior paused, thinking of what else she had done when the clan barely started, and the things she still sometimes helped out with. "Their mentors teach them how to hunt and fight properly, so they can provide for and defend those who can't help themselves. Like the kits and elders. Sometimes Frostwhisker will take one of the younger ones will her to collect herbs, since having a very basic knowledge of what not to eat is usually a good idea." Featherwhisker looked up at the top of the nursery, trying to think of anything she missed before looking at the two in front of her again.

The tom sat close to the camp entrance, perched on top of a large rock with a good view of most of the camp. He could see Riversong with Willowkit, others eating and some leaving in twos or threes to go hunting. They would need to organize a patrol before long if they were going to drive away the loners and rogues that still wandered into their territory unannounced. He had to admit though, the rogues that dared to cross the scent line weren't afraid of anything since his own scent was often added to the mix. Most likely those still out there thought him weak for joining the clan of mountain cats and to be true it had been a rather weak and pathetic move. But he had gotten many of his companions inside too. They were well fed, sheltered and didn't worry about having to sleep at night. Weakness, but smart.

He was a proud warrior, one of the best to have joined either of the clans, but Boulderstar had not been blind to how he was. He was ruthless, dauntless and, to his credit, the biggest asshole here. But he was capable, and worth the effort, since he pulled his own weight plus several others. The patrol gathered and left as he watched, taking both the leader and the deputy out with it and his tisked quietly in his head. Who was going to enforce the rules and protect the others now that most of their skilled warriors were gone? Brimpelt murred in amusement, jumping down from his rock and walking over to Snowthorn.

He had noticed the way she looked at Amberleaf, his longing gaze and the way she stumbled around him. It was obvious to him how shy she was, though he had no problem walking over to the she-cat and standing just in front of her. His piercing green eyes found her gaze, and he smirked lightly. "The fresh-kill pile is looking bare this morning. Let's go catch something for the kits and us." He suggested, his tabby coat dark in comparison to her light one. Like night and day they were, his shyness and his confidence; her innocence and his darkness.

The apprentice had been fast asleep when he heard the alarmingly loud voice of Featherwhisker, the demanding and yet somehow understanding warrior. She was young, but older than him by enough to have her own apprentice - though she didn't currently have one assigned to her. He started, bolting upright fast enough to hit is head off of the wood that sheltered the Apprentice Den. The tom knew that the others there would notice, Witheredpaw and Eelpaw were wide awake and talking already. He had always slept in the lowest part of the den, since he only ever stayed to sleep before going and finding a patrol to tag along with the learn. More often than not he would go out with Featherwhisker and Firelight, since the two cats didn't have apprentices to manage. Maybe soon he'd have one assigned to him.

The tom shied away from the others glances in embarrassment, hunched beneath the root he'd hit his head off of and avoiding looking at them. He didn't say anything either, merely waiting for one of them to move so he could leave, or for them to leave so he could go find someone to go out with. He was careful to hide his big paws in the moss that he slept in, a pile of it hiding his front paws fairly well behind it while his tail covered the others. Eelpaw was lucky to have a mentor, even one as rough as Sharpthorn. The Tom was just trying to push Eelpaw to be his best after all, since he saw potential in him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Although Screefoot was impressed by the leader's and the deputy's ways of talking to the volatile apprentice, she felt her heart sink as Harepaw seemed just as surly as before; at least he had agreed to join the morning patrol. The disrespect he showed so shamelessly toward the Clan leader and her right-paw cat embarrassed her, and she could feel a rush of warmth go to her ears. She replied to Amberleaf's glance of reassurance with a sorrowful look–– as if apologizing on behalf of her unruly apprentice. She gave the same brief look to Boulderstar before slinking to join them, with the feeling that she was going to be reprimanded at some point for not training Harepaw well enough.

The warrior stepped up close to Harepaw with her tail flicking in both anxiety and frustration. The position she took was mostly to create a barrier between him and Pearpaw. (Vaguely she wished she'd gotten a first apprentice as willing to learn as she.) "Perhaps we can catch some prey on the way back to camp," she suggested.


As Burrpelt ate, he had a bad feeling that his pathetic behavior had been noticed. He tried to brush it off. Gulping down the rest of his mouse, he silently choked. "Blegh," he muttered, and stood up. He couldn't be more ready to leave on patrol. Embarrassed, he headed eagerly toward the entrance with his tail straight in the air in a show of confidence to make up for his previous social blunder.

He sat beside the entrance of camp and tucked his tail neatly around his paws, looking around at the camp which was becoming steadily more active as the morning progressed. It gave him a hopeful feeling, but also made him think of his sister. Screefoot and the rest of Boulderclan were living in treacherous mountain territory. One wrong step on an unstable slope, one hunting trip in quickly-changing weather, one fall down the rocky terrain would be enough to kill her. And he wouldn't even know.

Screefoot could be dead right now. She'd never even find out that he had become the deputy.

Calm. Burrpelt closed his eyes to placate himself. His sister was competent. She could take care of herself excellently, and now with a whole clan to take care of her, he was sure she was doing fine. He flicked his speckly tail. On to more important things... like learning to talk to she-cats before the whole Clan noticed he was useless at it. He scanned the camp for a female feline (alliteration, yay) and nervously decided that it could wait until after the patrol.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CondorTheMole
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CondorTheMole Online 18/7

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“Kick my butt? That crazy cat would murder me!” Eelpaw cried laughing as he noticed Smokepaw was up when he hit his head. “Sharpthorn said I will become a warrior soon so you’ll be able to have my part of the den all to yourself,” Eelpaw informed as he tried to open a conversation. He wasn’t expecting an immediate answer from the usually quiet apprentice so he simply continued talking.

“Well it was nice to rest a while but I can’t quite sleep so since you two have nothing to do how about we all go to hunt? I could even teach you some of Sharpthorn’s moves! Not as efficiently obviously but without the scolding and impatience it could work. Come on you two, breakfast is overrated!” he meowed cheerfully wanting to get to know his clanmates.

“Come on Smoke, we never hang out! Besides we get to spend some time with this beautiful creature here,” he winked at Wither. Hunting without Sharpthorn’s guide would certainly help him show off the product of his hard training and even transmit that knowledge to them.

Sharpthorn had noticed Burrpelt’s desire to leave immediately He must be really concerned about the border if he is in such a hurry, he reflected while coming down the tree. Sharpthorn quickly made his way towards the Deputy not wanting to leave him waiting. “Time to go?” he asked.

Stormkit woke up cold and couldn't help but notice Shadowkit's comfortable position with the Queen, envious of some heat the kit simply drowsily walked towards the two and went to sleep again once huddling against the tail and the older kit. Venuskit joined his brother shortly after as she didn't want to be the only one not on the comfortable tail.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by OtterTerror
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@PrettyWalrus Sootpaw looked rather annoyed with herself and the mistake she had made. She let out a small huff and sat down to look up at Hawkclaw. "I need to be more careful about where my paws go." she meowed in a slightly annoyed manner that was not directed at her mentor but herself. However, she quickly bounced back as he mentioned hunting near the border. Sootpaw quickly got back up on all four paws and nodded.

"Yeah! It's Oakclan prey! They have their own territory to hunt in just like us. It's suppose to keep us from fighting over prey like during the time before the clans." Sootpaw said matter-of-factly with her chest puffed out in a proud manner. She trailed behind her mentor with a curious look in her eye. "Think we'll see any Boulderclan cats?" she asked. She was a tad curious as to how her old friend Ravennose was fairing. She had a lot to thank him for during the time before the clans and even though they were in different clans, she still held a good amount of respect for the warrior. If not for him choosing Boulderclan, he would have likely became her mentor instead of Hawkclaw.

@ViolentViolet Oakstar heaved a sigh looking over at her as flicked his side. He was a stubborn tom but it was usually just because he was trying to look out for those he cared about. Especially his family. He shook his head at the mention of goatweed. He stretched and got up to his paws. "Hmm... Sootpaw's out with her mentor so that leaves Eelpaw, Smokepaw, and Witheredpaw. I think we should probably give Eelpaw a break considering his training with Sharpthorn recently ended." he informed his mate. Sharpthorn was a strong and trustworthy cat so he had no doubt that he had trained Eelpaw very well. However, even Oakstar found his methods a bit... extreme. He never argued with the tom about them though for it was just his method of teaching and if it worked, there was no reason to try and change it. Eelpaw would be a fine warrior indeed.

"Take your pick." Oakstar said with a small chuckle before he began to head towards the camp entrance. "It seems the others are ready to go soon so we better go join them." It appeared Sharpthorn and Burrpelt had already gathered together. It would be a good time to head out seeing as both cats had gotten a short rest.


Petalwhisker turned her gaze to look over at Featherwhisker. She listened as she explained the tasks of apprentices before giving a small nod. Even if she didn't like what she heard, there was nothing she could do. The queen laid her head on her paws, seeming a little more at ease. The only probably was she fretted over who would be teaching her kit. She didn't know if she had any preferences as to who it would be. Either way it would be up to Oakstar in the end.

"Thank you Featherwhisker." she meowed. Perhaps she wouldn't be a bad mentor... She thought to herself and kept it that way. Featherwhisker appeared to be a reasonable cat and was experienced in the areas a mentor should be.

@CLIW Harepaw looked over at Screefoot and let out a small snort, noticing the warrior's anxiety and frustration in the way her tail moved. Some warrior you are. He thought harshly but for once kept his opinion to himself. Meanwhile, Pearpaw looked over at Screefoot with a kinder gaze and even gave her a small but reassuring tap on the shoulder with her muzzle. Unlike most cats, Pearpaw didn't have the ability to do such a gesture with her tail.

"Yeah maybe. If she doesn't scare off all the prey along the way." Harepaw grumbled in response to his mentor, his eyes shifting on to Pearpaw with an accusing gaze. The she cat was clumsy after all and he was well aware of it. Pearpaw lowered her head. "Sorry." she mumbled shifting her paws.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelKitten
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Amberleaf greeted his apprentice with a nod as she approached. He noted silently how Screefoot placed herself between the two apprentices, as if shielding Pearpaw from the prickly Harepaw, but made no mention of it. He knew that Pearpaw, like many other cats, had difficulty standing up for herself when it came to the irascible tom, but if they were going to coexist in the Clan then they all had to learn to patrol together. If not to like each other, then at least tolerate one another. Some movement across the camp caught his eye and he turned his head to see Snowthorn and Brimpelt having a conversation. He could have sworn that Snowthorn had been staring him earlier—nothing in particular suggested it, just the near-constant feeling of being watched in camp. Maybe he ought to send them out hunting, get the fresh-kill pile stocked today.

“Brimpelt, Snowthorn,” he mewed, calling them over with a flick of his ears. “I’d like you to go out on a hunting patrol. Feel free to take other cats, any warrior that has no other duties currently.” Now that that was taken care of, he turned back to the group of cats near him as Screefoot suggested that they hunt on the way back.

“Good idea.” The deputy nodded to acknowledge her proposal. “I was considering the same thing.” His narrowed eyes slid over Harepaw without comment and settled on Pearpaw. “Don’t apologize,” he said firmly with some warmth in his eyes. “You’ll learn. Every cat started somewhere, including you, Harepaw,” he added, flicking the apprentice tom’s ears with his tail. He waited for Boulderstar to give them the signal to head out.

@CLIW@OtterTerror@ViolentViolet@KahleenCuthald@Pink Madness

Willowkit suffered Riversong’s grooming patiently—after all, she had just rolled out of her nest and her fur was a mess, and it was nice to feel cared for this way. “I slept well too,” she mewed. “The den is nice and warm with you and Ravenfeather in it.” It definitely made a change from how she was used to sleeping and living before she and Sagekit joined BoulderClan.

Nettlefang emerged from the warriors’ den, shaking out his pelt and stretching in the morning sunlight. He was ready to go out on patrol, but first he wanted to greet his mate and see how she was faring. He tended to worry about her, and now that she was carrying kits he was ever the hovering father-to-be as he often inquired about Riversong’s health. He saw the silver she-cat across the clearing and approached, smiling warmly as he noticed Willowkit sitting next to her.

“Good morning, Riversong,” he mewed affectionately, touching his nose to hers. “How are you feeling today? How are the kits?” he asked, some anxiety creeping into his tone as usual even though he could see that she was perfectly healthy.

Willowkit’s eyes widened as she saw the big warrior come over, somewhat cowed by his presence, but her awe quickly turned to disgust and she stuck her tongue out at Nettlefang’s loving gesture, as if she had just bitten into rotten crowfood. “Blech,” she commented. She wanted to be a warrior, but she couldn’t ever imagine having time for mushy romance, or wanting kits.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrettyWalrus
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"Well we might, we are going near the border." he stopped and sniffed the air before continuing on. "But then again, we might not. There's a lot of area for them to be walking around in and the border isn't most of it." He slowed down to follow a trail for a short time but lost it quickly.
Smiling back at Sootpaw he mewed "Why? Aching to get in a fight already? I'm sure that there will be plenty of time for that in the future. I know I've been missing a good scrap. I used to get in them all the time before the clans started..." he began to ramble off about a time he got in a fight with this 'giant badger' and 'totally beat it up in a fight on the thunderpath, dodging between the monsters' when he looked up to see that they were getting close to the boarder. "Well youngling, we are just about there. Nervous?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Phaesaris
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Roseclaw watched her apprentice fall flat on his face, her tail twitching in annoyance. He may become a great medicine cat, but right now the idiot was a mousebrained apprentice treading on Roseclaw's nerves.

"What in the name of all things good and holy in the forest do you think you're doing?" she hissed, resisting the urge to smack him on the head. "You show up late, only to fall in like a braindead badger!" Her threateningly raised a paw before Copperpaw could speak, amber eyes glittering with clear irritation. "Not one word. We've got a busy day ahead. Get up, get moving, and try not to trip over every little grain of sand." Roseclaw finished the rest of her meal in a single bite before rising up and stalking towards the camp exit.

Ripplepaw trailed behind her mentor, observing closely as Nightmist blended into the shadows of the forest. It was fascinating watching the older she-cat move so swiftly. While Rippelepaw was quiet, she did not yet hold the agility her mentor so very well mastered.

"I have not, Nightmist," she admitted softly. During her time before the clans, she always has chosen to flee or avoid battles when necessary. Her body, small and lithe, was meant more for stalking than fighting. But now that she was part of a clan, it was time for her to learn.

"I was going to ask if you lovely she-cats needed anything, but..." Sunflame cast Featherwhisker a small wink, "It seems this beautiful and brave warrior has got you covered." Giving the them a farewell wave of his tail, the red and ginger tom ducked out. It was always a delight talking to such pretty she-cats in the morning, even if it was brief.

He spotted Burrpelt and Sharpthorn, making his way towards them. The latter of the two was always oh-so serious enough to intimidate Sunflame. Then again, most things intimated him, so that wasn't saying much. But he was no doubt a fine warrior. Burrpelt, though. While Sunflame respected his skills a deputy, his actions towards she-cats would use more than a little improvement. A small smug smile tugged on the edges of the young tom's mouth. Perhaps he could help with that.

"Going on patrol?" he called, waving his tail in greeting.

Vinetail looked up as Aspenclaw approached him. He had always held a great respect for the older warrior, and a patrol would be useful in releasing all his pent up energy. With a nod, Vinetail finished his mouse and stood. "Ready."

Ravenfeather opened one eye, a tired mew escaping her mouth. She could feel the warm presence of her kits at her sighed, the single Sagekit curled up bes—
The black queen's amber eyes snapped open in alarm. Just Sagekit?! But where was Willowkit and Owlkit?! Ravenfeather rose to her paws, her tail unfurling from around Sagekit.

She poked her head out of the den, relaxing slightly as she saw Willowkit with a few warriors. At least she wasn't alone. But that still left Owlkit. Wherever he had disappeared to, Ravenfeather was sure he was up to no good. The she-cat slipped out of her den and towards the group, casting Willowkit a stern but gentle look as she approached.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Boulderstar nodded in agreement when her deputy Amberleaf suggested Brimpelt and Snowthorn could go on patrol. The clan leader made a quick go-through in her mind. Brimpelt and Snowthorn on patrol. Aspenclaw and Vinetail on patrol. Amberleaf, Screefoot and the apprentices Harepaw and Pearpaw on patrol on the western border with a hunting trip on their way back.

With a look around the camp she made sure the kits were fine. She saw the queen Ravenfeather nervously stepping out of her den. Note to self: Check on Ravenfeather.

Further on Boulderstar checked if they had enough warriors to defend the clan if something would happen during the patroling of the others. Ravennose, Brookshadow, Nettlefang, Leafflower and Timberfoot were still there.

Next thing on her mental checklist was the medicine cats. She saw Copperpaw approaching his mentor Roseclaw and as it seems she was scolting him. But they both seemed fine.

The senior warrior Aspenclaw and his patrol buddy for today Vinetail were just about to head out. Boulderstar nodded to herself.

"Amberleaf, you can head out with the other three. And Harepaw", she gave the young cat a stern look. "When you get back you better have proven that you are as big as your mouth." She then gave a quick word to Pearpaw. "Don't let him use you to sharpen his claws. Stand up for yourself, little she-cat. You're gonna be a warrior after all. And no cat has the right to put you down like that." Boulderstar let out a sigh. She wanted to join them on their patrol, but it seemed she was needed here at the moment. Ravenfeather's worried look would not let her go. She needed to make sure the kits were all fine. All of them.

"Screefoot", she addressed the mentor. It was clear the female cat felt ashamed for her apprentice. "Don't let loose." That was all advice she would give right now. With a respectful nod towards her alike thinking deputy she made her way over to the queen.

"Ravenfeather#", she meowed friendly. "Good morning. Are all the kits okay and are you fine, too?" Boulderstar fell into a side-by-side walk with the queen. She didn't wanna stop her from going wherever she was going, so instead of forcing the queen to stop she just went to fall into her pace. "Have they been giving you a hard time?" She was thankful for every cats work in the clan. And Ravenfeather seemed to really enjoy hers.
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