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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dawn and Elizabeth Daniels - Crocus

Elizabeth pulled Dawn through the city gates determined to see everything she possibly could in the shortest amount time. The sights of the city were disorientating but amazing. The twins were both small town kids. They'd grown up isolated till they were ten years old and after that in a small town whose population didn't top a few thousand. Compared to what they were used to Crocus was a huge change. There were lights and sounds everywhere that drew the eye demanding attention. Crocus was often called the Flower Blooming Capitol and as his sister pulled him through the streets Dawn could see why. Flowers covered the city. In lavish displays outside storefronts, some in simple planters and even greater than that were the parks spread throughout the city. It was truly beautiful.

Elizabeth dragged her brother through the streets. She loved big cities. They passed through a number of them to reach Crocus and each one was so busy and full of life. Elizabeth could feel the excitement in the air and the life all around her. A huge smile spread across her face and Elizabeth twirled in the sunlight causing her hand to slip from her brother's grasp. Completely oblivious to the fact that he'd vanished into the crowd Elizabeth continued to explore the city. She ran her hands over the fruits being sold at stalls along the streets, feeling the rough edges under her fingers. She was gay in her enjoyment of her surrounds, she was in a new city, filled with new people and infinite possibilities.

That was until she realized her brother wasn't with her. As twins they shared a special relationship, like two halves of the same person and despite appearances Dawn was always the brighter half. The moment Elizabeth realized that she'd lost him everything turned dark. Elizabeth felt cold and alone, the sun didn't seem to be providing any heat, the noise of the crowd faded to a dull sound in the back of her mind. It was as if all the light and energy had been sucked from the square. Elizabeth's breath started to come irregularly, her heart pounded. She could still see everything around her, people moving about excited for the games but it had lost all sense of atmosphere for her, all sense of realism or context. It was like watching a massive group of corpses wander without purpose.

Elizabeth stumbled back, crashing into the stall of a man selling binoculars to watch the Games from the stands more closely. She knocked it over in her daze and her merchandise went tumbling to the ground. "Damn girl, don't you watch where you're going?" The man shouted at her. Elizabeth just stood stock still watching him. It was like their was no color to his skin and no light in his eyes. His voice was muted like he was talking through a mile of water. "Well don't just stand there, help me clean this up!" he shouted at her.

Elizabeth took another step back, terrified, her back touched and a wall and she sank to the ground. She couldn't think clearly, everything around her was dark and slimy. She couldn't tell the good from the bad or the dark from the light. She couldn't see her brother anywhere.

All around Elizabeth little tendrils of ice started to creep over the ground. Over the wall that she leaned against and on the cobble of the street where she sat. As she sat in shock the ice began to thicken in sheets of frozen water covering the ground. Several people that hurried past slipped on the now frozen street but Elizabeth just kept starring straight ahead, seeing nothing, or maybe seeing everything.

From the moment he lost his grip on his sister's hand Dawn had been frantically scanning the ground for her. Searching stalls in the vicinity that might draw special attention from the wayward girl. This wasn't the first time this had happened. Elizabeth had a long history of disappearing on Dawn and ending up places she shouldn't. Still he always found her so long as he didn't stop looking.

A few minutes later Dawn became aware of a small commotion somewhere down the street. A congestion in the path because of ice on the road. Knowing that was where Elizabeth had gone Dawn pushed through the crowd. Sure enough not far from the disturbance he found his sister. She was slumped against a building and her magic was covering the street, spreading out from all around her. She looked lost, dazed and tired. Dawn walked towards her over the ice, being very careful not to lose his footing.

He crouched down next to his sister, touched her shoulder and took her arm in one of his hands. "Hey sweetie." he said to her while at the same time tracing the sign for his words over her forearm.

When Elizabeth saw her brother a relieved smile formed on her face. He was shining with light and as he approached her that light spread to everything else in her view. Till the world looked whole again. When he greeted her Elizabeth reached out and hand and traced a message on his forehead.

So much light and dark and cold and heat. People everywhere but so much space and so little air. Things on the ground and someone yelling.

Dawn sighed. She talked like that often. He was never sure if what she said described a real event she had actually seen, some image formed in her mind or her mood at the time she was speaking. Whatever the truth was he always tried to deal with her gently. "I know Beth. This city's so big its easy to get lost in all the fuss but I'm here now. Just don't get lost like that again alright." he said simultaneously tracing his message on her skin.

Elizabeth nodded and Dawn smiled. "Alright, let's see if we can't find a room for the night. Looks like its gonna be awhile before we find someplace to settle." Elizabeth nodded again and Dawn helped her to her feet. Most of the Wizard Guilds that were in any position to know anything about Elizabeth's disorder or how to train them both to use their magic wisely were in this city right now. Dawn wanted to do some research but if he was lucky he'd get the chance to hear the merits of some of the guilds from the mouths of their members.

"Sorry everyone." Dawn shouted to the crowd that had formed. No one wanting to risk crossing the ice for fear of the people behind them accidentally pushing them causing a fall. "My sister's not feelin' well so she's runnin' a bit wild. There shouldn't be anymore problems though." Dawn held out his hand and a small flame alighted in his palm. He reached down with it and touched the ice. The moment to the two came in contact there was a spluttering hiss and heat raced over the surface of the frozen water melting it and leaving the pavement damp but no less worse for wear.

Dawn could hear grumbles from people in the crowd. They may be here to watch wizards in contests of skill but some still didn't want those with magic mingling with regular people. Still it wasn't an attitude Dawn was unused to seeing and he'd long ago learned to just shrug it off. "Come on Beth." Dawn said leading his sister by the hand. "Let's go see what this city has to offer."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Cody and Jasmine

@Prince of Seraphs@Raijinslayer
After talking it over Cody and Jasmine decided it was best to go look for Jasmine's family without Penny for now. However they hit a rather big roadbump as they went out into the city; Jasmine got distracted by a stall selling magical items and Cody has pays little to no attention to his surroundings, and coupled with his terrible directions he soon found himself on all by his lonesome in the middle of the city. He had no idea where he was, or where Jasmine was.
".....Sh*t." Cody mumbled under his breath as he now shoved his hands into his pockets. As he turned the corner he bumped into a girl with ong silvery hair, both letting out a loud 'oof' as they landed on their butts.
"I'm so sorry!" Cody exclaimed as he quickly got back up to his feet, but to his confusion the girl was gone. He looked around in a confused daze before shrugging his shoulders.
Maybe he had finally gone insane?
Continuing walking now he now came upon a commotion. Ice seemed to be on the road....this has to be the work of a wizard. Cody looked towards Dawn as he apologised for his sister. So whoever this guy was, his sister was to blame for this incident?
Assuming the sister was the pale looking girl next to him Cody wandered over, not giving a rat's ass about the ice, before stopping just short of them. His hood was covering his face as he eyed them up.
".....You're wizards aren't you?" Cody asked as he looked from one sibling to the other. Without awaiting an answer he continued, now realising something important he had forgotten to do.
"[color=ed1c24]Cody Bloodstein./color]" Cody said with a bow.

Jasmine meanwhile looked up from the stall as panic filled her heart. Where did Cody go? Running off in the direction she had last seen Cody go, she ran for probably a good 10 minutes without any luck. Deciding to take a break she slumped onto a nearby street seat...thing (I have no idea what they're called XD Those benches which you just find in the middle of the street.)
"Where did Cody go?" Jasmine mumbled under her breath. This was fantastic, lost in a city which was foreign to her and her memories were still quite jumbled.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Natsume Honnaji
Jarvis watched Robin, guild marker in hand, he placed the mark where the boy wanted it, and in the colour, stepping back, not phased at all by the scars. He put the marker away, trying to make a mental note of just how many members had joined the last few days. Perhaps they needed to have a dinner, a party where they could officially welcome the new members.

"If you'd like to go to the arena to see the games, I can take you there"

@Joshua Tamashii
Jamie smiled, weary, "I always have more Candy, Eylse, but I was thinking Ice cream. We can find Amelia as well" She said, wanting to really try and form a close bond with Amelia, as well as Sam. With everything going on, it was beginning to get hard to juggle everything.


"Well, the song is the only way of getting you out, without any dangerous effects to Karn, so I can keep this up all day, and then nudge you off" Then, technically Karn could still come second, if she managed to prevent anyone else from pushing him off the plateform. "How long can you fight its pull?"

Penny wasn't phased by the knife. Her flames would off course slow its path, and she imagined sterilise if if there was any poison on the blade. As the blade landed harmless against her, she shifted, and smiled slyly, "You can form a bond all you want, my abilities do not work on me. I am immune to them, and if you seek to cause me pain, physical pain means little to me, really"

No, her pain was emotional.

@Silver Fox
"And usually these types of battles aren't charged by grudges between guilds" Michael replied softly, "Sometimes I wonder if the guilds were ready for the games. Funny, isn't it. People always wonder if the world is ready for magic, but perhaps they should be wondering if those that can use magic are ready for its responsibilities"


Time Lord

I CANNOT be bothered writing their posts again, I'll do it in the morning. goodnight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsume Honnaji
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Natsume Honnaji Angel among Demons

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


After Jarvis had stamped the guild mark onto his shoulder blade Robin put his shirt back down and tucked it back in. He turned back around to face Jarvis and stretched his arms out behind his head before speaking in a somewhat tired tone and sitting down in the first chair he saw. "That sounds like a rather entertaining time, however I have been traveling for quite a long time now and I would much like to rest."

Robin rubbed his eyes wearily and grabbed his robe pulling it up and slipping it on as best he could from his seated position. He left the hood down and yawned once more looking over at Jarvis. "In which case if it's alright with you I think I'd prefer to take a bit of a long nap.." As he continued to speak his words began to trail off.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Ariel - Phoenix Wing Stands

The magic in the area invisibly swirled around her. However none of it could get passed the emotion she had taken on. It was a thick melancholy. Not enough to be despair, but more like having been defeated in an effort. Ariel of course knew better. She'd managed to get through to Karn and start turning things around.

Finding a seat she plopped down in it and sighed. The game Edo-Karn was in was still going. Ariel only had a mild interest in the event itself. More she wanted to check on Karn at the end. A lot of other things seemed less important than his wellbeing at this point. Hard to ignore after such an intimate mental and emotional bond. She had no idea how to explain such a thing.

Her presence apparently drew some attention though. Since getting dragged here she had really only encountered a handful of her guildmates. Partly to avoid explaining why she was there and partly to avoid Marlene. For whatever the reason Trinity and Fleo were on their way to her. With very little passion she greeted them as they arrived. "Hello. You're peobably surprised to see me here."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Caasicam
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Caasicam made mostly of bees

Member Seen 9 mos ago


Kaia Iona

"Uh, yeah, no shit Sherlock. That's why I asked you."

Kaia, with a smooth motion that brought her hand on her hip and sightless eyes rolling around in their sockets, gave a small snort of annoyance mixed with a fair amount of personal amusement (at Jason's expense, naturally). Someone must've woken up on the complete wrong side of the bed, what with that inspired inflection of his. That, or he was just chronically dull. The symptoms were surprisingly common among the managers Angel and her had worked under in previous towns.

Oh yeah.

With her free hand, Kaia extracted the partly-crumpled note from her shirt with a flourish.

"Think you could read this for me, then?" She asked, before adding helpfully, "The side with the words written on it."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dawn and Elizabeth Daniels - Crocus


As Dawn was escorting his sister from the site of the commotion she'd caused someone stepped in their way. He looked harmless enough with short cropped red hair and green eyes. He was kind of pale and not exactly intimidating but when he asked about their identities as magic users Dawn was instantly on guard. There was only three reasons he would ask such a question, each spoke to his possible identity. He could be an emissary of the Grand Magic Council in which case the twins were about to get a fine for disturbing the peace or something equally ridiculous. Equally possible was that he was a fellow mage or an arcane enthusiast turned up for the Grand Magic Games. The most likely option was that he was another wizard which presented its own set of problems depending on what he wanted and if he was affiliated with a guild or dark guild.

Unsure of how to proceed and lacking any information on who this Cody Bloodstein was Dawn decided that proceeding cautiously was his best option. Confirm nothing, deny everything. Being in unfamiliar territory made Dawn nervous especially with how easy it would be for Elizabeth to vanish into the city again.

"Who's askin'?" Dawn said an unreadable expression on his face. More than likely this man was just a passerby but Dawn had heard stories of dark guilds kidnapping wizards and in a city this big it would be easy for such a crime to go unnoticed. Where his sister was involved Dawn always played it safe.

Elizabeth watched the strange man with her head cocked to the side as though trying to determine what species he was. After a few moments she stepped in front of her brother so she was squarely facing the wizard. "Elizabeth?" Dawn said reaching up and tracing the sign for her name on the back of his sister's neck. He only ever used her full name when he was trying to protect her from something.

Unperturbed by her brother Elizabeth reached up and poked the wizard in the center of his forehead. Her skin was far hotter than the weather around them said it should be but when she made contact with him a sudden transfer of heat occurred between them leaving the area around where she'd touched him a few degrees colder than was natural. A soft giggle escaped her lips as she took a step back from the wizard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago


The bright rays of the sun awoke Nidhogg's sleeping form, a few bines popping into place as he stretched the stiffness from his prone body. It appeared that his long nap had taken quite a bit longer than he had intended, but perhaps that was for the best. The less time there was in the day, the less time there was to be bored out of his mind, after all, though conversely, that meant less time to potentially do interesting things. What an interesting frame of thought to explore, but right now, he was more interested in exploring the city a bit more, perhaps finding a meal or two to silence the grumbling of his stomach. Getting up, he did a few more stretches, looking over the rooftops before he decided to take a big leap in a random direction, soaring over the streets until he landed with a light roll onto another rooftop. He'd do this several more times, a smile on his face as he felt his body begin to warm-up thanks to the exercise, only for him to misjudge the distance of one jump by a hair, causing him to over-shoot it.

As Jasmine moped in the streets, she'd only get a faint warning in the form of a yell, before a figure would come crashing in from the sky, smacking into the street sign with a hard clang, twitching slightly as he slowly fell backwards onto the ground. A very nasty indentation was present in his chest, and the blossoming of red gave credence to the likelihood of injury, but the man seem rather unaware of this problem, as he rose up like nothing had happened. It was only when he tried to move that he realized something was the matter, as his chest seemed a bit inflexible at the moment. Looking down at his chest, he offered only a slight click of his lips, before turning to the young girl.

"Would you happen to have any money for a local butchery? I have need of their services, but am lacking in funds to procure their wares, and stealing from them would bring much unwanted attention that would be much to bothersome at the moment to deal with. If you don't, then I'll have to just go and find someone else, or just a corner to die in, as the wound is rather serious." Now this was a lie, as the wound was rather minor, all things considered, but he saw no reason not to play on the hope that this girl was a good samaritan to get himself a free meal that won't get him thrown in jail.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 27 min ago

Joshua Tamashii

@Amaya Yashia @Jangel13

"You're such a pessimist. Relax, breathe. If you go in expecting something bad, it's likely to happen because of something you do." Joshua said calmly, a smile on his face as he lead to way to the Arena. While he doubted there would be a fight, he was still prepared for on incase someone from Dragon Fang did attack them. It might not necessarily be Master Jack. It could be another member entirely. One never really knew.

Amelia Averyonna and Elyse Yashia

@Caits @Amaya Yashia @Burthstone

Amelia gave Luna a small smile.
"I know I lost my cool a bit during our fight and I apologize for that. But there's nothing for you to apologize for, nor it there reason to call a truce. There was nothing bad against it. I was just a little over eager to prove myself to Mama." She said. "Besides, these Games are all combat games. There are bound to be a few injuries. Besides, I got off easy compared to other people."

"ICE CREAM! MOMMY, WE GET ICE CREAM?!" Elyse shouted happily, jumping up and down at the thought. Jamie had definitely made her happy.

"Slippery one aren't you." Pyrrha muttered under her breathe when Zephyr slipped away. When the sonic wave, though punches or bullets were probably more accurate, came her way, she ducked and weaved around them, though the noise they made will hurt her ears and gave her a headache. Once she had a moment to stop moving, she knelt to the ground and placed her hand on it. A small trail of fire moved from her and to Zephyr before circling around him. Once the circle was complete, she had it blow up. The platform they were on wasn't that thick and she had the flames blow it away so that patch Zephyr was on would begin falling to the earth to disqualify him.

Aria watched the black flames calmly and used them as cover to summon a mirror and slip into the Mirror Dimension. The realm was a literal reflection of Earthland, mimicking everything in it. However, here, Aria was impervious to any danger that threatened her there. So she calmly moved through Jack's flames and moved behind him before making herself another knife and making another mirror, charging out while slashing at Jack's neck.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 3 days ago


Cody cocked his head to the side at such an unexpected question. Didn't he just introduce himself? No that wasn't what he meant. Judging by his sudden change in body posture, Cody was now assuming that he was onguard for some reason. Cody honestly couldn't think of why, he was hardly a threat to anyone. In combat, an exceed posed a bigger threat to ones health.
Deciding to change tactics Cody now sighed inwardly as he ran his fingers through his hair. During this entire thought process however he hadn't noticed Elizabeth approach him and when he opened his eyes he was shocked to find her staring straight at him.
Understandably Cody was instantly flustered by the girl staring at him. He was unused to this sort of situation.
"Is there something-" Cody's eyes widened in disbelief as she suddenly flicked his forehead. His forehead now instantly felt a lot colder, however that strangely enough helped him to recover his composure.
".....Can I inquire as to why you did that?" Cody asked as he now leaned against a wall with his hands firmly in his cloak pockets.
"To answer your previous question. I was merely curious as to why your sister here has little control over her magic." Cody said as he lazily glanced towards Dawn. After all the excitement of the last few days had past it would seem his personality had returned somewhat to normal.


Jasmine let out a short squeal of terror as Nidhogg suddenly fell out of the sky and onto a nearby street sign. She was completely shocked by the event, and the fact that he had simply arose like it was nothing.
It wasn't till he started talking that she snapped out of her shocked state.
"I-I suppose I could help. My mother said to always help those in need." Jasmine said with a smile as she offered a hand up to Nidhogg. She had some money on her person after all, so what could be the worse which could happen from helping this stranger?
Who knows, maybe she would find Cody will helping this man out. Or maybe the man would help her find Cody?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Grant Vale -- Magic Games Event
Grant chuckled slightly. The knife had left a small speck of his own blood on Penny’s chest. Not enough for him to do anything to her directly, unfortunately, but enough for him to try something. ”Oh, trust me… I… I can do far worse than pain.” His eyes drooped further, and he finally let them close entirely. He took a deep breath, before he would seem to pass out where he stood. After a moment, however, a knife made of his own blood would form in his right hand, and in an odd manner Grant would swing this new knife at Penny, charging towards her as he did. His eyes would be completely shut still, his breathing perfectly steady, and his movements sloppy to the extreme. However, her song no longer seemed to have any effect on him.

@Caits@Silver Fox

Serma ‘Luna’ Cathris -- GMG hallway
Luna would make a small nod, and would clasp her hands behind her back as the young wizardess in front of her spoke. She couldn’t stop them from shaking. ”O-okay. Thanks for being so kind,” the Iron Enigma member said softly, wringing her hands behind her back. ”I-I guess, uhm, that’s all… So, see you in the games I guess? Or you’ll see me, more accurately, I g-guess… G-good luck,” her voice had become softer than normal, and she’d turn around, taking a deep breath. Maybe it wsa the fact that Amelia could… Summon her mother? That just struck Luna as… Wrong. Thinking about it, that was definitely why Luna was disturbed by the girl. Why should she get her mother back, but no one else does? Luna shook her head as she thought about this and walked away from the two back towards her guild seating.

@Joshua Tamashii
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 16 min ago

Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Hotel

Jack didn't move as the knife whistled towards him until the last second, when his fist impacted it's edge and shattered it. He followed it up with another flame covered fist impacting the young girl's stomach and slamming her back into the wall. "I am not in a mood to be trifled with, so you will get one more warning; leave or I will make sure there aren't even ashes left to protect a member of my guild."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dawn and Elizabeth Daniels - Crocus


Dawn placed his hands on Elizabeth's shoulders and guided the wayward girl beside him, keeping his grip firm to ensure that she didn't go wandering off. He honestly didn't have an answer for the stranger, Cody. Elizabeth's behavior often mystified even her own brother. Somewhere in her mind there was a reason for everything she did but Dawn wasn't capable of fathoming it most of the time. Just like her speech Elizabeth's actions were often random and unusual. Rather than admit that his own sister's actions were a mystery to him however Dawn instead targeted the other part of Cody's question. "You can 'inquire' but don't expect an answer. She's mute." It was not a new experience for Dawn to have to explain his sister's state. Everyone in Clover Town knew about her disabilities but every now and then the twins had run into a tourist or traveler whom had to be made aware. Most were very understanding, a couple were simply cruel but such was life.

"As for her magic well... she's always been a bit unrestrained. Back home she nearly froze a man's arm solid when he made a pass at her." Dawn decided that it was time to get the topic of conversation off his sister. "You gave us your name but I don't believe you mentioned what your interest was in my sister's magic." Dawn's tone was not inherently hostile but there was a mild undertone of accusation to it. As if the question suggested that Cody's motives were less than honest.

Just then Elizabeth pulled herself out of Dawn's grasp determined to see more of the city. Dawn grabbed her by the wrist. "Elizabeth wait!" She turned around a look of disappointment on her face. With her free hand she removed his hand from her wrist and used it to trace a message over his skin, two words.

"Cotton Candy?" she had a hopeful smile on her face to accompany the request.

Dawn rolled his eyes, sometimes it seemed like she hadn't changed from when they were ten years old. "Soon alright?" he responded, tracing the message on her hand out of habit. She looked disappointed but stopped trying to escape into the crowd.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 3 days ago


@Prince of Seraphs
Cody didn't seem perturbed by the fact that she was mute. In reality he just wasn't sure how to react to that, so he simply answered in the only way he knew.
"...I see." Cody mumbled as he sighed. He turned his full attention to Dawn now however. What was this guy suggesting here?
"My interest isn't her magic. Just in why she can't seem to control it. Yet you brought her here, to a city full of people. Magic has a bad enough name as it is." Cody replied in a cold, harsh tone. He sighed after saying this as he rubbed his temples. A thought occurred to him as soon as he said that.
He felt a little bad now, but then again it wasn't the first time he had said the wrong thing in a conversation.
"......You have no idea what's wrong. Most of the wizards in the country are here, therefore you think you can find an answer?" Cody asked while staring at the ground. It would seem they had a similar reason for coming here as he did. Answers which they could only find by a large gathering of wizards.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Online

Mark soon found his target seeing matter Jamie talking to Amelia about something called ice cream. It didn't matter as he soon flew over and landed on her shoulder nipping at the note tired to his leg to let her know to take it off him to read...

@Joshua Tamashii
I'm not a pessimist I'm being paranoid because I've had two attempts on my life in less then a week the worse thing about it is that if I fight back I look more like the bad guy they are seeing me as. I hate not being able to do anything" Angelo said with sigh rubbing his forehead as he lead the way Angelo really couldn't believe that he was smiling about this. The first time he has seen Josh smile in a long time and it's when they are going to the Lions den, so ironic.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago


"Quite a good mother you've got there then, might end up biting you in the ass one day, but hey, you were a good person right to the end and that's what matters, right?" Now be a dear and lead me to the butcher's shop, yes, cause I'm new to town and don't really have any idea where it is. A tourist, you see, here for the games, though I find them rather droll recently." As Nidhogg spoke, he was trying to test how far he could flex his muscles. However, one stretch seemed to cause something to snap, as a crack resonated through the street. A piece of his rib was now sticking out of his chest, the red of his blood leaking out at a quite rapid rate now and further ruining his shirt, a fact that left Nidhogg rather put out.

"And please do hurry with it, as it seems that things have gotten a bit worse, yeah. Sorry to rush, but this isn't exactly pleasant, in fact, it's quite annoying. Now I can't even move my arms without risking even more tearing. Ugh, what a day this is turning out to be, really?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Joshua Tamashii
Zephyr Hardt

Zephyr would clap and smile, not to be rude but to show that he was impressed by her and even looked surprised when she was doing something with her fire. It began to lead towards him yet moved in a different direction and circled him, this begane to confuse him until it blew up and begane pushing him away from the island. "Nope! Not happening. God takeover, Loki!" Zephyr shouted with the golden aura appearing before showing him in his god form. Just like in his fight with Harry he would send darkness over the entire platform before sinking into the ground and appearing below Pyrrha. "Sorrrrry." He said as he aimed his palm at her and sent an energy orb of dark magic at her from below.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Natsume Honnaji
"Well, that's fine, we just have to organise a room" He said, "The hotel's probably close to capacity now, but we should be able to figure something out in any case" He said, going over to the concierge, beginning t organise a room for Robin.

It didn't take long for a room to be found, and Jarvis took the key, holding it out for Robin to take. "There's a curfew in place for all guilds, you need to be back before midnight for it, try not to get into any fights, and any damage tot he rooms needs to be reported" He said

Master Jamie
@Jangel13@Joshua Tamashii
Jamie smiled, glad to please Elyse, and to have the girls attention directed at something else, other then Jamie's state of mind. "Then how about we find Amelia?" She said, rising, "I need to stop and check on Jackie too" She looked up as the bird landed on her shoulder, recognising it, and taking the note, reading it
(What does it say?)

Penny could figure out what the attack would mean. No doubt there was some blood on her somehwere, and chances were, Grant would be able to find it with his magic. She merely smiled. It wouldn't be the first time she had dealt with Blood magic, after all.

Magic always had a weakness, and as long as she didn't allow Grant to touch her, Penny imagined she would be alright. She imagined, at least.

Penny was tired of this dancing around. She planted her feet, "Wing Slash of the Phoenix!" She shouted, and a wing formation slashed in front of her, towards Grant, an inferno that would, hopefully, stop the mage.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Fleo Plector – Crocus Streets


Though deep in her own suspicions and observations, Trinity received only an inquisitive if blank look from her dusty companion after she received a nudge and heard her comment. Wondering if she hadn't been paying attention, and not eager to create an awkward moment with a bout of thickheadedness, Fleo followed the minstrel's gaze and managed to spot Ariel along with her, though her mind did not race to the intriguing conclusion that Trinity's had. “Oh. Yeah, I guess so.” She puffed up her upper lip in meditation, before releasing it in one long, slow breath. Fortunately, the other Phoenix Winger reached for a solution before Fleo could tentatively offer any thoughts of her own. ”Yeah, that sounds right.” A smile flitted across her face at the memory of the job with Annalise, the girl trapped in a living dream. Wherever she was, Fleo hoped, she was alright. The thought of living each moment without the definite reassurance that she might just cease to exist the next would have destroyed Fleo. Realizing thanks to Trinity that she'd lost herself in thought again -what was it with this morning? Especially if her friend might be in danger- she gave a cheery wave to the reporter before jogging after Trinity.

Almost immediately, she created a Sirocco to smoothly surf along the street, making her journey swift, comfortable, and easy. In Crocus, traveling never waxed boring, so despite the not-insignificant distance between the Phoenix Wing hotel and the Doma Flau, the journey seemed remarkably swift. Before long, Fleo rode into the arena on her Sirocco, the slightly-winded minstrel not far behind. Without much ceremony she scooted up to Ariel after spotting her distinctively colorful hair in the crowd, only to be greeted without enthusiasm. ”Uh, yeah. Isn't magic bad for you?” Fleo crossed her arms, the dust cushion still swirling around her feet. When standing on it, she appeared taller than normal—as would be readily apparent to Ariel.

Nero the Genie – Crocus Streets

@liferusher@crimson raven

After a surprised moment, Nero threw his trademark grin Ayame's way. ”If that is your wish, it will be done! You'll be the finest assistant a magician could ever ask for...and aren't you perfect for the role? You're as cute as a button.” He snapped his fingers, creating a red ribbon around his little friend's neck and bow in her hair. With such a look, paired with quiet joy from a pleasant meal, the girl seemed the very image of sweetness and innocence. Nero looked away from her as he stood up, leaving her to play with her bow is she liked, and watched Eve fork the last bite of her pancake into her mouth before heaving herself into her feet. He held out a hand, she took it, and without further ado they walked out of the parlor with Ayame on their heels. No doubt the two seemed a very odd pair: he with that odd smile and nigh-weaselly look, she jiggling outrageously with every other step, and she more than twice as heavy as he. Yet only the most callous and judgmental of hearts might postulate that their relationship did not in fact embody heartfelt affection.

In the direction of the Doma Flau, the trio tread. At a leisurely pace they traversed the city, so by the time they arrived in the arena, the first event of Day Four's games had not only begun, but seemingly climaxed. Nero led the way, as one might expect from the self-proclaimed 'Emperor' of Miracle Eye, to a new and interesting set of seats: some close to Iron Enigma.

As he seated himself, Nero discovered a strange fellow standing on the edge of the walkway, watching the games. After a few moments of curious observations, Nero gave a reassuring grin to his friends before vaulting over the seatbacks and into the main walkway. After sauntering up to the railing, Nero leaned forward theatrically, his chin rested in a gloved palm. Through his characteristic squint his black eyes swept over the face of the stranger, rendering him stranger no longer. ”Good morning! Say, friend, I hope I'm not intruding. Far be it from me to stick my nose in other people's business, but you just seemed so...down. I hate to see someone else in a rut; it's my responsibility as a wizard to be considerate of others.” Of course, the amount of wizards who actually displayed such a trait could be counted on one hand, and there would be fingers left over. ”Is there any way I can help you, buddy?” Adjusting his glasses, Nero beamed at Ferrin: charity itself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsume Honnaji
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Natsume Honnaji Angel among Demons

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Robin looked up at Jarvis as he brought a key to him. He stood from the chair and bowed to Jarvis before standing straight and grabbing the key from him. "You have my thanks good sir, I was just going to sleep in the chair but a room sounds much nicer. You needn't worry yourself about any damage to my room or a myself getting into any fights. As I'm sure you'll find I prefer to avoid conflict unless necessary."

Robin bowed to Jarvis one last time before turning on his heel then stopping abruptly and looking back at him. "Umm..could you maybe point me in the right direction? I get lost quite often you see." He smiled at him a bit embarresed.
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