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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Agent Dioxide had been hiding around the corner of the hallway. There were not as many doors as the traditional sense had, rooms larger to act as stabilizers in the already large building. Even if the rooms were pathetic and pitiful, serving as the reminder of the bane of their unceasing, choking existence in the work, many people stayed in, grateful that they even have a high-pay in the first place. The hallways were always so quiet. So when Agent Caits opened hers, he felt calm in his soul: she was in.

He met her gaze as he turned the corner, as if it had been his intention. He had been writing on another piece of paper then – another message to pass secretly. A coup was forming.

He walked up to her door, handing her a cloth.

‘You dropped this.’

It wasn’t hers. He held a soft gaze and gestured the most subtle eyebrow raise, hoping she’d catch on. He handed it to her in both hands, tucking the message in between.

‘Oh, and don’t forget – you’re on guard duty starting tomorrow. I’ll handle Subject 30 while you’re gone.’

The message wrote:

‘You’re on guard-duty tomorrow for the information vault. I believe what we need to find is in there. You’ll help me sneak in – I’ll handle the rest.

Our only problem is getting the passcode, and that means getting through to Dr. Baoning.

Reply to me through email – cryptically, of course.’

‘I’ll see you later.’

Gershwin would not wake until the late afternoon. A woozy headache overcame her at first as soon as she opened her eyes. She felt nothing from her arm, having expected a bruise, and she could breathe deeply through her nose. But her temples ached with a trembling ache that threatened to knock her out to sleep again.

But she found that she couldn’t fall back asleep – she was able to operate, think, and move as she were normally, but her pain persisted and seemed to double. It was her pain that pushed her through to her consciousness, pushing every limit she did not know she had, and pressured her to act. Her thoughts came back to her quickly.


She rushed to the side of the room where she knew Cody’s room was adjacent, hit as the wall as hard as she could, hoping to catch her attention.

‘Cody! Cody! Are you there!?’

No matter how loud she was, how many times she called out to him, there was no reply. There was something wrong. Even if their relationship was so brief and was akin to that of strangers, they were in here for the same thing. It was only natural that they would stick up for each other. Had this been any other person, she might not have cared as much – but a fellow prisoner, a nice one at that, and she was suddenly his best friend. She had to find him.

‘Let me out! You bastards, what have you done to him!?’

Her knuckles started to hurt as she poured out her hatred and anger at the door. Her strength and will put to the test against the metallic door – a metaphorical and literal representation of their current situation, fighting as hard as they can, putting up a fight, against an unbreakable wall.

As she pounded and pounded, hoping that someone’s attention would be drawn long enough for her to punch their stupid face in, her knuckles scathed, hurt, and bled, but through the pain she felt herself getting stronger – as if she was making progress in actually making a dent on the door.

Agent Dioxide moved up the floors to where Gershwin was. By now she would be awake, possibly furious at the recent events. There was no fixing whatever they had been building up. He did not want to appear as an entirely bad guy, but that was completely tarnished. He held his head down the whole way to the door.

But when he heard the screaming, the type that sounded like it was from an unstoppable anger, and the banging on the door, he ran to Gershwin’s cell. There was about to be trouble and he had to act fast.

He reached the door, his heart pacing fast, cold sweats poured as he observed the small fist-sized dents on the door. More were being made as sound matched the impact – collision so strong it must have been crushing her bones, but she relented none the less. He had to think and act fast. He mustn’t let her out or have her escape, but he had to talk to her, to calm her down.

‘Gershwin, stop this now!’

‘Where is Cody!?’

Her voice changed, as if she was changing. This must be the same effect that happened during her first capture. This was her abilities activating. Agent Dioxide pushed his words out as he struggled to breathe – heart pacing and hurting, fighting every anxious thought clouding his judgment.


‘Cody is alright. Yes, he did get hurt, but he is alright now. He’s been given the best treatment and he will be fine!’

‘No! No! Let me out!’

‘I can’t! Look at yourself! Look at what you can do! I can’t let you out!’

That was when Gershwin paused to look at herself. Whatever rationality she had, she froze in shock with what she saw: the metal door caving out so much as to reveal the outside hallway, practically all surfaces of her room covered with splashes of blood and bone.

She looked down at her hands: what was left were two stubs, profuse bleeding that blood all around her – but what was in its place the absolute weirdest.

What was in place of her missing hands were red glowing ghostly representations of her hands – they looked strong, adept, and they pulsated with her heartbeat. Every movement she made hurt but her hands worked. It was… impossible…

It was then and there that she calmed and reasoned with herself.

‘Please, you have to relax. I can’t let you out… I’m sorry.’

It was all he could to tell her the truth, the reality of her stay being that she was a literal monster. He heard crying on the other side as the commotion had ceased.

‘What’s… happening to me…’

Then a thud was heard. She’d stayed still long enough that her anger had subsided. She must have fought the pain, and when she calmed down, she saw no reason to inflict any more pain. She passed out to the floor.

Agent Dioxide looked through the broken gap and saw the aftermath of the room. Self-inflicted carnage showering the cell, coating it a bright sheen of red, and there in the middle was Gershwin May, with her red pulsing hands. Had it not been for the door, Agent Dioxide would have passed out too. Just in time for him to reach to his phone, the sanitation team came, and brought Subject 29 to the SRD building for immediate investigation.

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Date and Time: 10/03/2016, 1340

Analysis Report – Subject 29(7)

This was the sort of opportunity we were waiting for. The surveillance footage was part documentary, part horror movie. It was fascinating and we had to act fast. Kudos to Agent Dioxide to getting through to Subject 29.

The glowing that emanated whenever her abilities were activated appeared whenever a part of the Subject’s body was injured. The relation is that the injury caused her pain, and through the pain a ghostly build-up of whatever material replaces the damage. Her empowerment is incredibly powerful, and enhanced through her ability to push through her pain, and to act as if there was no damage at all.

She was returned to her room, under the same guard-duty as Subject 30 now. Both Subjects are now limited to movement within the SRD building only.

We have made progress today. But further more can be made. We will need more of her.
File #47
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Agent Caits gazed back at Agent Dioxide, taking the cloth from his hand, and given a thankful smile. She shoved the cloth in a pocket, not wishing to seem overly interested in it, after a quick look at the message. She leaned against the door frame, as if at ease, just talking with another agent.

'thank you. Try and keep Subject 30 calm, and bring him back around, okay? get him to talk. He might be willing, since you weren't apart of it'

She wondered if Agent Dioxide would figure out the hidden message in her words. Talk with Cody, he might have heard pass codes, at the very least it was worth a shot. She didn't think that Cody particularly wanted to speak with her right them. She watched Agent Dioxide leave, gave a sigh, and leaving her door open to let in some light, she sat at her computer, leaning back she closed her eyes in thought.

She would check on Cody in a little bit, right now, she merely wanted to think.

Cody could hear Gerswhin's screams. Screams for him. He couldn't do anything about it, and he gripped the bars furiously, knuckles white. It was crushing to know he couldn't do anything, couldn't put her at ease, to calm her. He leaned against the bars, listening to her screams, listening to the fainter attempts of Agent Dioxide to calm her.

He didn't notice the light glowing over his skin, his eyes luminescent. He didn't notice that he looked downright spooky, like a creature from hell. Or perhaps heaven. He didn't notice that the bars warped slightly, melding just slightly to his hands.

All he could hear was Gerswhin. Everything else ceased to exist. It was his fault she was so distressed. His fault she was in pain. His fault that they would now know more about her. He bowed his head, tears beginning to fall, bright sparkling tears. He didn't care that he could hear that someone was there, watching him. He didn't care.

It was about then that Cody decided they could do whatever they wanted to him, but that he was going to get out.

When Gerswhin's cries died out, and things seemed to go quite, Cody eventually laid down on the bed, feeling sick. He curled into a ball, appearing pale and weak. He shook, just slightly. Slowly, the light faded, and as he closed his eyes, they returned to their normal blind state. He began to appear quite lifeless.

And his finger prints were imprinted on the bars of his cell door, where he had gripped them hard.

From: Agent Caits
To: Agent Dioxide

Subejct 30 is now unresponsive to attendants, guards and myself. He refuses to speak, and appears quite sick. I will be approaching Dr Baonning about this, but do not wish to leave him alone. I feel that the isolation (Excepting the guards) is not good for the subject, and is in fact impacting the subject negatively.

Please, I know you have some things going on with Subject 29, but as Subject 30 knows you, and appeared to be at ease with you, I'd like you to check on him while I approach Dr Baoning.

Agent caits figured that that was a good enough cryptic message. it got the point across that she was going to be speaking to Boaning. She looked to Cody once more, having been there for quite some time, watching him. He hadn't responded to her.

'Cody, I have to go for a bit. Agent Dioxide should be here. Perhaps I'll bring you some music'

She gave a soft sigh, and went to find Baoning.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
Avatar of Dioxide

Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Agent Dioxide looked at his phone while the nurses were tending to him. Though he got out of Gershwin’s psychotic episode unscathed, he was mentally and psychologically wounded. The nurses attended to monitor his heart-rate while he, under strict ruling, was to lay and recuperate. He had to fulfill part of his plan as well, but on his part was for a lesser cause – Agent Caits was doing the hard portion of the infiltration.

From: Agent Dioxide
To: Agent Caits
If his abilities are as good as we assume it to be, then he will have heard what happened with Subject 29. I’m sure news will go round and you will hear about it as well. We may have completely ruined our relationships with both Subjects, but we will continue to try and work on it.
File #49

This served as nothing more than a notification of what just went down, and how life for Gershwin and Cody was not going to get any better. They had to get them out as soon as possible.

In the Science, Research, and Development Building – Main Laboratory

There was not a single shadow in the Main Laboratory, what with the numerous powerful lamps providing ample lighting to the already meticulous and gaudy floor. Its intent was to keep the scientists awake as they slaved through hours upon hours cracking the mysteries of Anomalies with hard science, logic, and taxing ingenuity. Much like the other divisions, everyone minded their own business and any sort of noise at all sets them off to attention. They were fighting strict deadlines, and some were known to have not left the premises for months in order to catch up – smart vampires of the night.

So when Agent Caits walked in, all eyes were on her for just a second before returning back to the screens. Dr. Baoning maintained his as she approached. He was in his office, a spacious room with one large window, allowing him to survey the open, wide tables where scientists operated. He let his door open normally to listen in on any potential news, or mistake. He closed his door when Agent Caits entered – allowing no sensitive information to leak out.

‘Agent Caits. You weren’t summoned. What brings you here?’

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Agent Caits walked with purpose, crossing the room to Dr Baoning, glancing about the room, she couldn't help but feel slight envy. She was in a broom closet, and Dr Baoning had this office. She remained standing when Agent Baoning shut the door. She was tired of only being expected when she was summoned, and questioned when she wasn't.

'it's about Subject 30. I believe isolating him is detrimental to his well being, and is certainly causing distress to Subject 29 as well. If we want more out of them, they need to know each other is alright. I also want access to some information. Subject 7, I recall, had some abilities with light as well, and perhaps we can figure out some answers to subject 30, and what we can expect. I also want some information on how to avoid any failures. I want to know everything, to bring about the subjects greatest potential'

She spoke smoothly, easily, and stood, watching Dr Baoning, and waiting for his response. She expected to see suspicion, and if she did, she had a way out of that. if she could convince Big Boss, she could convince the Dr.

'We can find so much from them, but we can't just maintain their physical health, after all. Perhaps if we help their mental and emotional help, they might be more willing, after all.'

Date and time: 10/03/2016, 1300

Analyse report-subject 30

Surveillance on Subject 30 shows that the subject is refusing all efforts at communicating with him, and refused to eat. If this continues, force feeding the subject with artificial nutrients may be the only option at keeping the subject alive. Yet even in this state, we still learn more about the subject. Watching the subject, we could see that his hand prints were left on the bars, as if something hot had melted them.

Reviewing the surveillance from the subjects motivation, we can see using thermotechnology that the subjects offensive light abilities burn white hot, and that the team was lucky to escape with relatively minor injuries. Precaution must be taken to avoid the subject seriously burning others.

Angering Subject 30 could potential be a disaster.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 2 mos ago

From where the large window was in his office, there was still a large portion towards the back where it was not likely to look through angularly. The only person that could be seen from the outside was Agent Caits.

‘And if Subject 30 breaks into a room where he’s not supposed to be in? And if Subject 29 has another episode? I just finished writing up reports for both of them confirming that they should not be let out. We’re already learning so much from then behind the safety of bars.

…But I will put forward the suggestion to Big Boss.

As for your request of the files of Subject 7, have fun looking for it in the heaping mess of files over at that desk there.’

The desk Dr. Baoning pointed to was littered with post-it notes, files that were so bulky, its sheets almost tearing the folders in half. The sheer volume of paper on the table threatened to bring the table down, caving in.

‘We here at SRD have the smartest people on the planet. Do not think that we will not consider every single possibility, including linking help between Subjects.

So please, try and give us another idea we haven’t thought of yet.’

He smiled a perverted grin as she sized up – more appropriately, he ogled and appreciated the relatively fine figure of a woman like her – not fully respecting the idea of the two being equals, especially on pay-grade.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Agent Caits wondered if the higher you went in this project, the stupider you appeared to get. She blinked slowly twice, as if waiting for the Dr to change what he had said.

'are you serious? Subject 30 can break his bars easily. Keeping him away is just more incentive to do so. And it's more likely subject 29 will have an episode if they are kept apart, as seen. Put it forward, and put it forward hard.'

Her tone suggested that if Dr Baoning didn't, he would probably face her wraith. She didn't particularly care if Big Boss knew that. She shifted, looking over at the pile of files.

'and you are a person in charge here. You can't organize worth crap. You know what I want, Dr Baoning'

She looked back to Dr Baoning, catching his preferred grin and oggling. And she kind off snapped. It too two strides to get to Dr Baoning, and her fist shot back, and then forward, smashing him in the nose with all the force she could muster. Which was a fair bit.

'unless you want another one of those, you won't even look at me with any such look again. And you will tell me what I want to know, or I swear to god I will take what you call a manhood, and shove it down your throat'

Perhaps it wasn't the best way of doing this, but she wasn't going to put up with this sexual fiend.

'I want into the vault, Baoning. I want in, so I can know how to prevent these subjects from disappearing without a trace, so I don't have to have new subjects to hunt and capture that will just replace subject 30 and 29. This stopping and starting all the time is not giving us progress. I want to know what I can do to give us more progress. I want into the vault, Baoning'

She didn't care that he was probably in pain from his nose. It would serve as a reminder not to oggle her, and as an incentive to avoid more pain.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
Avatar of Dioxide

Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It was common for any members present at hand to leave the main laboratory whenever something big was going down, be it discussing sensitive issues even they were not allowed to hear, handling transfers and deliveries only adept specialists can handle, and the rare but grave visit from Big Boss himself. When the few scientists heard the scuffle going on in Dr. Baoning’s office, they had the common courtesy of leaving, and turning a blind eye to what had happened. For all intents and purposes, Agent Caits was not going to get in trouble – there was no trouble, which was unfortunate for the doctor with a broken, bleeding nose. He held it hard, trying to staunch the bleeding but to no avail. He couldn’t ask for help, because they were the only two there, and unfortunately for him, no cameras were installed for ultimate secrecy.

‘Christ, you bitch. I always knew you were never in on this full-heartedly. You sympathize with these things, you traitor. Like I’m going to just hand you the codes.’
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

It was quite satisfying to see the blood, the crookedness of Dr Baoning's nose that indicated it was broken. Satisfying to see him realise no help was coming for him. Satisfying to know that she could do what she wanted to Baoning. She gave an almost feral grin.

'Oh, I believe you will. You see, you're team doesn't give a team about you, and you are all alone with me. I'll put faith in myself, in being able to kick your butt. They aren't things. You may be confused with the mirror, because you aren't human.'

She stepped closer, despite the fact that the close contact made her skin crawl. She wasn't scared. She just wanted answers.

'Oh, I'm sure you've had defensive lessons, but it's my job, every single day, to make sure the subjects are contained. I've battled against some weird stuff. I think I can handle one pathetic, weak, doctor who probably only lifts a pen daily. So, tell me, Dr. Would you rather a beating, or would you rather give me the codes? One way or the others, I'll get them'

Agent Caits stayed where she was, watching Dr Baoning. Waiting for his response.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
Avatar of Dioxide

Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 2 mos ago

She wasn’t wrong. Dr. Baoning was not going to get any help now. He wasn’t, however, a die-hard for the organization as much as he appeared. He was selfish, he admitted, and wants the glory that anomaly research will garner him. That was not going to happen because he was sworn to secrecy in an organization that technically does not exist. He wanted to be the man who changed the world, and be known for it.

‘If I’m going to help you on your… little escapade, and if it works, you destroy all records of my involvement in here. All Analysis Reports are anonymous but there are some that have my name. I have a clean record and I would like to keep it that way when whatever it is you do happens. Unless you want me to tell on Big Boss as soon as you turn around the door and leave, you are going to help me.’
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
Avatar of MarshiestMallow

MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Dealing with this...worm was repugnant to Agent Caits, but right then she couldn't choose to tell him to get lost. She gave a soft sigh, and made an attempt at thinking about it.

'don't worry, Baoning. Your name will be kept out of it'

Promising it was sickening, but then, there was always a loop hole. Agent Dioxide bad promised nothing, after all. If and when they got the subjects out safety, well...that was nothing here nor there right now.

'give me the codes'

When all was said and done, Agent Caits left the bleeding Baoning behind, and only when she was out of sight, she shook her hand. Punching someone in the face hurt like hell. She let out a slow breath, before sending an email.

To: Agent Dioxide
From: Agent Caits

Hello, Dioxide

I've spoken with Baoning. He's going to put in a word for subject 30, being moved backed to his original cell: he seemed quite agreeable, after a little persuasion

Once completed, Agent Caits went to the cafeteria, retrieving some ice, she then retreated to her office, wrapping the ice up and putting it on her hand, thinking on what to do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
Avatar of Dioxide

Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Agent Dioxide was back in his office after being treated in the infirmary. The psychological trauma still lingered, however, with no possible treatment. Agent Dioxide feared he would never forget Gershwin bashing her own hands into a bloody mess, unrelenting and angry in her endeavour to break out. Every bone-crunching and blood-splashing sound still echoed and kept its stay in his mind. From the infirmary to his office, he struggled to think other than what happened just now. Worst of all, the cause of it all was them. Though she would heal and grow back her hands, there was no forgetting the rage-induced damage that she did onto herself. He placed his head into his hands, and watched as the time fly. It took a flashing light on his phone to break through his gaze at the empty wall.

They had to plan, so he stood up with resolve, knowing that whatever they were about to do would be able to redeem themselves, and to be able to be forgiven for what they did.

He knocked and entered, leaning by the door when he closed it. He noted Agent Caits’ injured hand, and spoke:

‘So here’s the plan:

I have to ‘requisition’ one of the EMP grenades from SRD – chalk it up to more research that Dr Baoning ‘wants’ us to do on the Subjects.

You’ll be standing by the vault door that leads to the staircase down to the vault itself. You will be switching guard duty by midnight tonight. You’ll let me in when the cameras are down and the coast is clear. I’ll enter and find everything we need.

It is now 2 pm. We have 10 hours to act normal before our time to move. Any questions?’

In Big Boss’ Office

Time: 1405

Dr Baoning exaggerated his pain as he reached for the door knob. It was still and quiet on the other side – Big Boss never seemed to talk because his own thought process confirmed everything. Clicking on the keyboard even seemed unnatural from him, with the domain of his attention and intellect so broad that it did not seem to warrant the need to be mechanical. All he had to do was think. Dr Baoning, a genius himself, was dwarfed by Big Boss.

He knocked and entered, and found Big Boss already staring at him, his eyes so sharp and pissed off it looked like his vision pierced through Dr Baoning’s body to the wall behind him. His face screamed irritation and pain, as if Dr Baoning’s very existence annoyed him.

‘Sir, I have been observing the behavioural patterns and what with the recent incident we had with Subject 29, I believe that in order to maximize on what we could research, that we should bring them closer together, but to their original rooms. Knowing the two are safe would bring existentialist comfort, and perhaps we could regain their trust.’

Big Boss responded as if he had not just heard what was said.

‘What happened to your nose?’

‘I… tripped… while carrying some files, sir.’

‘Come closer.’

Without question, he followed his orders. If it would get him to then go over the more pressing matter of the two Subjects, to avoid another broken something from Agent Caits, he obliged.

He walked up, his pelvis barely touching the edge of the huge table custom-made for Big Boss’ size. Even in his seated position, he was still taller than Dr Baoning. For a moment, they looked at each other – Big Boss’ observation unforgivingly inquisitive, while Dr Baoning struggled to look him straight in the eye, wondering if it was ruder to look back, or to look away. Finally, the silence was broken:



‘Bring Subject 30 back to his cell. Remove the hand-print scanner on his side, and maintain security, but bring them back together.’

‘… Okay, sir. Thank you, sir.’

Dr. Baoning turned to leave, finally breathing again, not realizing he had been holding it for the entire duration. He could feel their plan coming together well, but he dared not show anything until he left the freaking building to celebrate his upcoming fame.

‘Dr Baoning.’

Dr Baoning stopped, damn near shitting his pants was how scared he was. He turned and walked back to the edge of the table.

‘Yes, si- HUUUHHH

He stopped mid-way, the air squeezed out of him. Big Boss’ large hand was wrapped around his neck, its arrival was freakishly quick. His fingers dug deep into the doctor’s neck, as Dr Baoning clung on for dear life.

‘You’re dismissed.’

And Big Boss squeezed.

From: Dr Jiang-Ping
To: Agent Caits; Agent Dioxide

Please escort Subject 30 back to newly-fitted Cell 30. Security will continue for both Subjects. Continue itinerary as usual.
File #52

Agent Dioxide and Agent Caits both looked at their phones to read the email.

‘Who the fuck is Dr Jiang-Ping?’

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
Avatar of MarshiestMallow

MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Agent Caits Rose when Agent Dioxide entered, setting the ice aside, she gave a sigh. The office was barely big enough for her, adding another person was almost living in sin. She shifted some files, creating more room, and stayed there, leaning back. She listened as Agent Dioxide spoke, giving a nod every so often.

'no questions. I'll do what I have to, but I don't think Baoning will hold under interrogation. He's not a good actor. He's a creep, a slimeball and is only interesting in saving his own hide'

As the email came through, she frowned reading it. As Agent dioxide asked the question, Agent Caits gave another sigh.

'seems like Huang-ping is baonings replacement. I imagine we won't see Baoning again. It's getting worse'

She rubbed at her temples, weary.

'well. We can see if we can still go ahead with it all. Hopefully they don't know we have accesses. I'll go escort Cody back. Perhaps you can tell Gerswhin he's returning'

Agent Caits left her office, twisting to move passed Agent Dioxide.

Cody heard Agent Caits footsteps long before she reached his cell. He was still in the curled up position on the bed, and he made no move to get up. Right then, he would happily smite Agent Caits, if he had the power.

'Cody. You're people taken back to your old cell. Come on. I don't want to handcuff you. Get up, please'

Cody gave a sigh, and sat up. Agent Caits appeared sincere, but Cody wasn't sure of anything anymore. He suspected they wanted something from him, if they were taking him back.


'Because I went to bat for you, and asked to have you moved back. It does no good if you and Gershwin are distressed about being apart'

Cody sighed again, but rose. He wouldn't complain. Even if it was some sort of trap, it meant he wasn't alone. The walk to his old cell was silent. He made no effort at conversation, and neither did Agent Caits.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
Avatar of Dioxide

Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Just at the last moment, before Agent Caits fully left out of the room, Agent Dioxide caught her by the arm, whispering into her ear. It was an intimate distance, but it provided the secrecy that they needed, and a cover for the cameras. Office relationships were prohibited, but that was worth being told off over for treason and trespassing.

‘If Dr Baoning broke that easily and revealed our plan, they’d be busting this door down as soon as we got the email. No, I believe he trusted us until the very end that we would do our part. Bastard or not, we still promised to do good by him and we ought to.

So now, we have to find him, if he is even around anymore, and see to him when we do.’

He didn’t believe in himself so much for the last time. Considering the immediacy on how he was replaced with this Dr Jiang-Ping, chances are that he really was terminated from his job.

‘2:30. Let’s make it work. See you later.’

Gershwin finally came to after what felt like a long sleep. Guilty, as she was late for her daily routine, she tried to get up but she felt weak and could barely lift herself up past the headboard. She looked down and found her fingers poking out of the remains of casts that obviously did not fit, as her digits seemed to have burst through the mould intended for just her wrists – the rest of the cast broken off onto the bed and floor. Strange, she thought it, and realized something must have happened.

Though her room was clean and nothing rang abnormal about it, she swore that she felt like she’d relived another time when this room was bloody and destroyed. It felt so recent, like it was a dream and she was not there to stop it. Stop the thing that did all this, and all that harm to itself.

She heard scuffling and footsteps on the other side of the cell, where Cody used to stay. She reasoned it to be him only out of hope, so she hazarded a call through her raspy voice.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
Avatar of MarshiestMallow

MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Cody went over every inch of his cell, searching for any hidden cameras or Mocs-easier then one would think, given his sightless state. His fingers could feel even the slightest speck of dirt, and once he was satisfied, he approached where there had been the scanner. He found it interesting-how would agent Caits or any others get out? Surely they had to have some way.

He would find it. And this time, he wouldn't reveal it until he knew he could escape. He didn't stay there studying the spot long, instead he went to sit on the bed, when he heard Gerswhin's call.

Relief that she seemed alright was warred by the fact her voice wasn't strong. What had happened to her? He could still smell the blood.

'Gerswhin! Oh, I'm glad to hear you! Are you okay?'

He spoke in an almost desperate tone, moving closer to the wall that was on her side of the cell so she could hear him better, wanting to be able to see for himself that she was okay. Well, see how he saw at least.

'I could hear your cries. What happened?'

Although Cody knew, he wanted to confirm a suspicion, and he waited for her response.

Agent Caits thought on Agent Dioxides words, wondering, fleetingly, if they were making a mistake. She didn't think they were, and figured they could always back out if things got sticky, but Agent Dioxide was right. If Baoning had given anything away, surely they'd be taken else where.

Why had she been able to lie to big boss, and Baoning haven't? Why had she survived and he hadn't? These thoughts, and similar swirled around her head, as she tried to figure it out.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gershwin knew Cody was speaking in terms of his reality he experienced - meaning apparently that she indeed did cry out despite her not remembering.

'What do you mean ... cry? What happened to me?'

She got up from her bed, hindered previously only by her fatigue, not by pain - her body did not tell her anything that might shed light to why she could have been in trouble, so as to cause Cody concern for her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

So Cody's suspicions were right. Gershwin didn't remember when she went into one of her episodes. No wonder she didn't know just what she could do. Cody hesitated, trying to figure out what to say to her. How could he explain, when all he had was what he had heard? He chose his words careful, when he spoke.

'You...I guess you heard me scream out, when they...When they tortured me. You lost control, Gerswhin. Apparently...apparently you pounded on your cell door, doing severe damage to your hands...I don't know, Gerswhin, it's only what I've heard, but...did you have bandages or something on your hands?'

He wasn't sure if this would upset Gershwin or not, or what he could actually do, to convince her, but she had a right to know what happened to her, didn't she? He waited for her to respond again, falling into silence, letting his thoughts wash over him. He angled slightly, so his back was to the camera's, laying a hand on the wall, he found a weak spot, a small, almost minuscule hole in the wall, and he let a trickle of light flood through it, wondering if it reached Gershwin's side.

It was just something to do, as he thought, as he waited for Gershwin to respond.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gershwin’s head ached, as if each word Cody said was supposed to help her recall, but none of the memories were there. She tried to remember everything beyond the point of what was true and real: Cody did suffer… but what happened after that?

‘Yeah… There are bandages on my hands…’

She said them with resignation, defeated to her own fault. She saw a tiny but bright light stream out through a hole in her way and felt even worse. For someone with such beautiful gifts to be stuck here was a deprivation of what humans could be capable of, and a shame for the human race. For someone with, apparently, such volatile tendencies, would be a scary thing…

‘I’m going to help you get out of here. But when the time comes, I’m staying.’

She had been standing in the middle of her room, fit and normal, but hidden inside was an uncontrollable beast that should never be released. She fell on her knees and cried.

Now that Dr Baoning was out of the picture, the whole situation is complicated to different definitions of difficult. Agent Dioxide initially planned to persuade the doctor for an EMP pulse grenade which, had Baoning been the one to ask for, should not have been difficult and would have taken an hour at most to get. The status of Agent would have let him have the grenade… in three months before he could see it – and even then that needed the approval of the new Dr Jiang-Ping, and just doing that raised suspicion, requiring paperwork and justification. Now the only way he could reasonably see such a weapon in such a short time, was to steal one, unaccounted for, which was likely, since counting stock for Weapons Training did not happen until the end of the month, or, he could ask someone…? Agent Dioxide laughed at himself, allowing him the tension relief with such a crude, sad, joke that no one was anyone’s friend. Agent Caits was the most he’d talked to in the years he was here.

So he assessed his outcomes, and headed for Weapons and Defenses division, North of the UNARM compound.

It wasn’t the tallest building, but it was the longest and widest, and its Northern face was the face of the crater wall itself, the thickest part of the entire formation. Thus, while it made WD look odd, but making it one of the most defended buildings in the world. It had to accommodate for large (tested) vehicles and high-area-impact weapons as well as shooting ranges. It regularly saw movement between WD and SRD with new experimental designs and personnel training. WD spawned the group known as motivators.

He entered the building and headed for the Shooting Ranges, noting the familiar gadgetry laying around, and some of the new technologies being used – they may be doing the work of evil, but their way of work was some of the most advanced in the world, which come to think of it, made the whole thing even more evil.

The Shooting Ranges had a large office, with a small queue, as people had to approach the desk and request for the weapon(s) to test out. In this case, Agent Dioxide, after having queued behind several new motivators with their heavy machine guns, asked for five EMP pulse grenade, stating it for training purposes. With the people still lining up behind Agent Dioxide, the order went through.

Because this was EMP, he had to go further back into the crater wall where there was no technology to be affected by it. Thankfully, the premises were empty, and he let loose. While there were no technology in the place of cameras, there were devices of large complexity, size, and distance, for which the grenades to test on, courtesy of WD. It was simple: there were lights and monitors around the machines to show that they were functioning. When hit with EMP, they go off.

He pressed on a button on his first grenade, and threw as far as he could. Contrary to movies, the grenade did not emit any sound whatsoever, but when the grenade had finally settled on its landing, none of the machines worked. Good.

He started experimenting with throwing more than one grenade at a time, hurling the second and third grenade further back at the wall. He snuck one in his pocket, and threw the last one.

Now, the only problem was to sneak the weapon out. It was powerful, but considerably small so in his pocket there was no bulge. However, the doorway to and from the Shooting Ranges had a metal detector to make sure none of the weapons leave. Thankfully, Agent Dioxide thought of a plan beforehand – fortunately, the motivators were incredibly testy.

He was near the queue to the office, when he whispered to himself, just loud enough for the brawny, thick-head-looking motivators:

‘Fuckin’ motivators.’

‘Hey, you, the fuck did you say?’

Good, he got their attention.

‘No, nothing, I said nothing.’

‘We heard what you said, asshole. You wanna fight, mate?’

He snorted at the hard-to-hear British accent, which offended the group even more. Some even boasted their rented weapons as if they were actually going to use it on him.

They instead proceeded to shoving and punching, and before long they were outside the Shooting Ranges, metal detectors blaring like mad. Several staff came and broke up the fight. The blaring was blamed on the motivators and their weapons, but not Agent Dioxide.

He secured their grenade.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

'I can't tell you everything. I didn't hear it all'

Cody wished he could give Gerswhin answers, wished he could help her. He sighed softly, listening as Gerswhin cried, feeling the ache of it in his own chest, wanting to be able to reach out and offer her comfort.

'The thing is, Gerswhin. If you just got me out, and I let you. Well, j wouldn't be the person I am. It will all be okay'

Sometimes to more you said something, the more you could believe it. And sometimes you didn't need to say it to believe it. Sometimes, life gave you a bad hand, but there was always a way.

Without realizing it, Cody began to sing once more, his voice raw and full. The lights responded to him again, which Cody didn't notice.

'A Little bit lost and
A little bit lonely
A little bit cold here
A little bit of fear
But I Hold on
Then I Feel strong
Then I Know that I can

Getting used to it
Lit the fuse to it
Like to know who I am

Been talking to myself forever, yeah
And how I wish I knew me better, yeah
Still sitting on a shelf and never
Never seen the sun shine brighter
And it feels like me
On a good day

And it feels like me on a good day

I'm a little bit hemmed in
A little bit isolated
A little bit hopeful
A little bit calm
But I Hold on
Then I Feel strong
Then I Know that I can
Getting used to it
Lit the fuse to it
Like to know who I am'

The words seemed to vibrate, echoing through the small cell, and Cody's voice trailed away. Cody leaned against the wall, as if he could just morph through it, to Gerswhin, to provide her comfort.

There were many things agent Caits could have done. Checked up on this new doctor. Do some paper work. Check some files. Check on any number of things. Instead she sat in her office, leaning back against the wall in her chair and closed her eyes.

She may have been asleep, but she wasn't.

She rarely slept anymore, troubled by nightmares-memories, dreams it didn't matter. Agent Caits wanted to forget many things, but she couldn't. She didn't think anyone could, with all she had seen and done.

Agent Caits was thinking. It was what she did, always trying to plan for any contingencies to a plan, or action. It didn't always work, but it made her feel better. Even slightly.

There were many things that could go wrong, but they had made it this far. Sometimes faith could give you everything you needed. The main problem was the big boss.

Perhaps they could figure out a way of taking him down.

Continuing through the rest of the day, Agent Caits escorted Cody to his recreation, expecting him to play some more music, but when he didn't she frowned. Instead he merely sat there, doing virtually nothing. She didn't know what to do, but with the extra security on him he couldn't be left alone.

Eventually she took him to have dinner, but even then he appeared quite still, as if he were saving up all his energy. Finally, admiting defeat for today, she took him back to his cell.

And then she began preparing for what they were going to do tonight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Agent Dioxide retreated back to his office, keeping the pulse grenade in one of the drawers. While there were many events that occurred not even three days of their arrival, the Subjects still have to go on with their itinerary. It was the only way to seem like they were doing their jobs for now, caring for 29 and 30, but it was awkward and difficult being with them, knowing full well the damage done to the innocent young adults.

Agent Dioxide walked to Gershwin’s room and opened the door, only to see her frail and crying down on the floor. She did look up and though did not want to do anything besides cry, she knew she had to go along, lest another incident to occur – one that she won’t remember, but will regret still. He looked like a father-figure looming over her with the environment light shading his prominent form. Though she should hate him, she didn’t, she couldn’t.

Gershwin took to running on one of the treadmills, only moving so much for the time-being, despite the hint of indefatigability when she ran. They moved on to dinner, then back to her cell. Strangely enough, Cody was nowhere to be seen, despite similar schedules. Odd, she wondered why, but thought not to ask.

When they eventually returned, she spoke to him through the wall.

‘So… what’d you have for dinner?’

Agent Dioxide counted 100 on his final rep, and set the barbell down. He looked at the clock just behind him.

11:15 pm.

It was nearly time. He expected Agent Caits to be swapping positions now by the door to the Information Vault. He took a shower, changed to his clothes, and walked back to his office.

Speak of the Devil, there Agent Caits was, passing by him in the hallway. He gestured a friendly nod:

‘Good evening,’ his face light and professional, but the subtleties implied: ‘Let’s do this.’
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Cody didn't answer for a while, probably long enough that it would seem to Gerswhin that he wasn't there. Or wasn't awake. How could he explain? It seemed to complicated, but the realisation he had come to would eat him up inside. He sifted, and gave a heavy sigh, before trying to think of how to say what he needed to.

'I didn't really eat'

It seemed lame to start with that. And perhaps he should continue from there, anyway. He hugged himself, thinking on the night he'd been captured, hearing the shouts, the screams, the cut of whine of his puppy. His stomach twisted, as if it wanted to rebel, but being pretty much empty, there was nothing to bring up.

Which was probably worse, in a way.

'I didn't really feel well. I still don't. We aren't going to get out of here, without blood shed, are we?'

His voice was soft, but it still seemed easy to hear. He closed his eyes, but that seemed to make everything worse. the thought of truly harming someone was repugnant to him, and he shuddered lightly, remembering the feel of his own blood on his skin, the rough feel of the motivators hits.

He wasn't happy. Pretending that he was, trying to be happy, was getting him no where. He was miserable. He was hurting, constantly. He wanted to be home, with his own enthronement around him. Here, everything seemed hard. Home, he had everything soft, easier on his skin. The constant uncomfortable sensations were drowning him with weariness.

'I don't think I can kill someone'

Yet how could he explain that...there was a part of him that could kill, if he wanted to. He didn't know. He didn't know if he could live with that part. He dropped his head into his hands.

'But I know if I stay here, and give them what they want, I won't ever get out, I won't ever be able to return to my life, small as it was.. I want them to pay, for what they have done, not just to us, but to the others before us.'

Agent Caits nodded in returned to Agent dioxide, as if she was doing just what she should be. Heading down to guard duty, and merely being polite to someone she passed.

'Evening. Do us a favor, and check in on Subject 30 in a little bit. His behaviour seems subdued and withdrawn. I'm afraid he might try something'

Again, it seemed apart of the act. To discuss the subjects with ease, and request what should be done.

'I'll catch you late'

Agent caits wanted to get into position, so she could appear at ease and not concerned with anything. So far, she had managed to fool the Big boss, but if Baoning had given anything away, this whole situation could be a trap. it was something se was willing to risk.

Taking over rthe guard position, she let herself relax, listening to what was around her for the sounds of footsteps.
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